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staff-list's Introduction

Staff List

Contributors: abcFolio, redet-G
Tags: staff directory, faculty directory, team, employee directory, church directory
Donate link:
Requires at least: 4.9
Tested up to: 6.1
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.6.7
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Staff, faculty, team, church or employee directories. Filters, menus and single pages.


Staff List - WordPress plugin to create and display staff directory, faculty directory, employee directory, company directory, church directory or other types of team members listings. Responsive layout.

== Live Previews - Free Version ==

Staff members. Single page, pretty permalinks. Categories menu. A-Z menu.

Group by categories. Group by A-Z. Group by text field.

== Gutenberg ==

Staff List plugin is compatible with Gutenberg.

== Quick Start ==

[youtube rel=0]

Quick start documentation.

You can easily create a wide range of directories and listings:

  • Faculty and Staff Directory
  • Medical Staff Directory
  • Church Directory
  • Directory of Doctors and Medical Staff
  • Employee Directory
  • Realtor's Directory
  • Team Members List
  • Medical Personnel Directory
  • Team Members Directory

Staff List is well suited to create both small and large staff directories. Live Previews

== Features ==

Staff List is a highly configurable staff directory plugin to fit unique requirements of your organization.

  • Responsive layout.
  • Single page option.
  • Create data entry form in your own language.
  • Custom templates. You can add any field in any order.
  • Custom styles to create the uniform look and feel that match your theme.
  • Easy to add to any page or post - just insert a shortcode.
  • Works with Gutenberg.

Full list of features.

== Quick Start ==

Documentation - Quick Start.

== User Guide ==

Full documentation:

== Free Version ==

Staff List - List of Features

== Pro Version ==

All features of the free version plus:

  • Additional distinct layouts: Grid A, Grid B and Grid C. Live Previews..
  • Multi Filter search. Live Preview.
  • Ajax pagination and filtering.
  • Up to 50 data entry fields.
  • Premium one-on-one email support.

One-time payment, free updates for the life of the plugin.

Staff List Pro - List of Features

== Plugin Extensions ==

  • Staff List Search. Advanced search options. Documentation.
  • Staff List Table. Displays staff member records in a tabular format. Documentation.
  • CSV Import-Export. Simple way to import data from any spreadsheet. Documentation.
  • Staff List Birthdays & Anniversaries. Custom plugin extension to create and show recurring events or new hires. Documentation.
  • Staff List vCard. Create and download vCards. Free plugin extension.

== Installation ==

  1. Install as regular WordPress plugin.
  2. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and activate it.
  3. After activating the plugin, you will see a new menu on the dashboard called Staff List.
  4. Go to Admin > Quick Start and to create your first staff template and staff records.

== Frequently Asked Questions == A comprehensive list of FAQs can be found here.

== Changelog ==

= 1.6.7 20221018

  • New: Added filters to generate page tiltle, canonical and other tags for single pages from staff member data.
  • New: Page title can currently can be customized with some SEO plugins or when no such plugin is active. Support for other SEO plugins will be added in the future releases.
  • Update: Tested with WP 6 and above.

= 1.6.6 20220412

  • Update: Admin section, added link to docs changelog.
  • Update: Added help link to docs page: Single Page Options.

= 1.6.5 20220322

  • Update: Links to new doc pages (admin section).

= 1.6.4 20220222

  • Update: Redesigned data entry fields, field type SLDTE (date).
  • Update: Container ids for staff and single page changed.
  • Fix: Added missing parameter slTplateID to show vCard hyperlinks on staff pages.

= 1.6.3 20220207

  • New: Added option to create link to a single page from MP field type.
  • Update: Updated pot file.
  • Update: abcfl-input to 227.
  • Update: abcfl-admin.css to 146
  • Fix: MTF menu now has missing container ID.

= 1.6.2 20220120

  • Update: Options related to links to single page. Better support for custom settings.

= 1.6.1 20220103

  • Update: Deprecated LIB option (for image ALT).
  • Update: Deleted all code from deprecated folder.
  • Update: Single page layout, redesigned template inputs: custom CSS.
  • Fix: Single page now works with isotope templates.

= 1.6.0 20211226

  • Update: Added a few links to staff template > documentation.
  • Fix: Mismatch of parameters for List layout - groups.

= 1.5.9 20211217

  • New: Isotope filters, corresponding templates and page layouts.
  • Update: abcfl-html to 172.
  • Fix: Address field type, added missing read only section (item input);

= 1.5.8 20211119

  • Update: Modified auto populate section of SortText fieldto better handle the existing data.
  • Update: Added multipart address to SortText auto populate.
  • Update: abcfl-input to 226.

= 1.5.7 20211016

  • New: Social icon: Web.
  • New: Added custom Alt option to custom social icons.

= 1.5.6 20210926

  • New: Hyperink field types have new global options: new tab and download.
  • Update: abcfl-input.php to version 225.
  • Delete: Removed newTab not used anymore.
  • Delete: Removed all references to discontinued fields: QRHLIMGSTA, SH

= 1.5.5 20210913

  • Fix: Field name label for QRIMGCAP64DYN abcfsl_mbox_item_QRIMGCAP64DYN
  • Fix: Struct data. Added missing parameter masterF to abcfsl_struct_data_field_value_MP.

= 1.5.4 20210816

  • New: Added field types: QRIMGCAP64STA QRIMGCAP64DYN to display QR Code Image Base64.
  • Update: Dicontinued field types: QRHL64STA QRHL64DYN (QR Code hyperlinks). Not compatible with all browsers.
  • Update: Changed field styles options to compact display for image + caption.
  • Fix: Modified field mapping for image + caption.

= 1.5.3 20210724

  • Update: MP field order. Added option: Not Selected (dropdowns).
  • Update: MP field. Modified item input section (better logic).
  • Fix: Renamed misspelled orderP5 (abcfsl_cnt_MP_field)

= 1.5.2 20210701

  • New: Added Publons icon.
  • Update: Redesigned Template-Images tab to make it more compact.
  • Update: Redesigned Staff Page Containers tab to make it more compact.
  • Update: Custom style option added to Page Layout > Custom CSS - Text Container
  • Fix: Prefix removed if custom class: Page Layout > Custom CSS - Text Container

= 1.5.1 20210613

  • New: Added option Image Attribute to staff member images.
  • Update: Redesigned single page hyperlinks section to better handle different page types.
  • Update: Library abcf-html to version 171

= 1.5.0 20210530

  • New: Added Github icon.
  • Update: Added script to better handle vtabs sesion storage.
  • Update: Changed Instagram icon to the new version.

= 1.4.9 20210517

  • Fix: Grouping and filters now can use keep-dups parameter (for categories).

= 1.4.8 20210420

  • Fix: Missing parameter hideDelete when checking for vCard plugin.
  • Fix: Removed not used call to vCard class.

= 1.4.7 20210419

  • New: Field types QRHL64STA QRHL64DYN for QR Code hyperlinks
  • Update: abcfl-html to 170

= 1.4.6 20210328

  • Fix: Master shorcode option parameter should now work with all layouts.

= 1.4.5 20210314

  • New: Added shortcode options: hiddenFields, hiddenRecords.
  • New: Added shortcode options: keep-dups. To show duplicate records when grouping by categories
  • Update: Staff tabs. Renamed Social Icons to Icons.
  • Update: Updated vtabs script: renamed file, removed console trace.

= 1.4.4 20210130

  • New: Added field VCARDHL - vCard Hyperlink.
  • Update: Removed VCARDHL staff member options.

= 1.4.3 20210124

  • Update: Added session storage to go to the last active tab after page update (cat, az, multifilter and groups).

= 1.4.2 20210115

  • New: Added field ADDR.
  • Fix: Input Fields tabs, updated container ids to work with new script.

= 1.4.1 20200104

  • Update: Added 5th part to name multipart field.
  • Update: Added functions related to future implementation of vCard plugin.
  • Fix: Exclude subcategories now works on a single page. Added missing call to _util_fix_cat_excluded_slugs.
  • Fix: Fields navigation, updated container ids to work with new script.

= 1.4.0 20201205

  • Fix: Replaced misspelled tab ID for session storage Staff Page Containers.

= 1.3.9 20201126

  • Fix: Updated rendering of field tabs to work with session storage.

= 1.3.8 20201126

  • Fix: Version 1.3.7 needs more testing and some fixes. Reverted to 1.3.6 code.

= 1.3.7 20201126

  • Update: Added session storage to go to the last active tab after page update (staff and staff template tabs).
  • Update: STFFCAT. Subcategories won't be displayed on front end if parent category is an excluded slug.
  • Update: Fields: SC, SLDTE, STARR, ICONLNK, IMGHLNK. Replaced custom style inputs with compact version.

= 1.3.6 20201104

  • New: Added fields: static label above. LTABOVE, PTABOVE.
  • Update: Fields: CE, STFFCAT, SLFONE, FONE, CBO, SC, CBOM, CHECKG. Replaced custom style inputs with compact version.
  • Update: Modified staff template, field labels sections.

= 1.3.5 20201015

  • New: Icon: calculator, twitch.
  • Update: Added shortcode parameter debug-spg for testing single page parameters.
  • Update: Fields: TH, EM, STXT, PT, H, MP, STXEM, HL, POSTTITLE, SORTTXT. Replaced custom style inputs with compact version.
  • Update: Modified abcfsl_spg_a_tag_staff_member_id (staff id by permalink)

= 1.3.4 20201004 =

  • Update: Added field type class to SPTL container.
  • Update: Single Page Options. Replaced style inputs with compact version.
  • Update: Field T. Replaced style inputs with compact version.

= 1.3.3 20200919 =

  • Update: Links to single page. Major redesign.
  • Update: Added option to create links to static single pages.
  • Update: Text link to single page. Text is now required. Hide if sPgLnkTxt is empty.
  • Update: Single page links. Added separate functions to better handle text and image links.
  • Update: Added utility section for displaing class and styles.
  • Fix: Staff member image tab. Renamed texbox label function
  • Fix: Updated library abcfl-html.php to 169.
  • Fix: Error when Grouping Template > Options > Items were empty and shortcode added to a page.

= 1.3.2 20200830 =

  • Update: Added menus AZ and Categories.

= 1.3.1 20200731 =

  • Added: New function util_cls_name_bldr as a replacement for util_cls_bldr.
  • Update: Drop shadow classes added. Will be applied to image container instead of images.
  • Update: Library mbox-save updated to 115.

= 1.3.0 20200719 =

  • Update: Staff members, admin table. Modified category filter.
  • Update: redesigned abcfsl_img_alt to better handle LIB option.
  • Update: Replaced abcfsl_mbox_item_date_format_for_ouput with abcfsl_cnt_date_formated
  • Update: Modified abcfsl_mbox_tplate_img > abcfsl_mbox_tplate_img_img_hover
  • Update: Updated abcfl-mbox-save.php to 114
  • Update: Added abcfsl_aurl_local
  • Update: Addded abcfsl_mbox_tplate_img_img_cntr_par. Multiple parameters replaced with array.

= 1.2.9 20200629 =

  • Fix: replaced deprecated abcfsl_autil_add_new_field_to_field_order with abcfsl_autil_f_field_to_field_order

= 1.2.8 20200526 =

  • New: Function to get all IDs not sorted.
  • New: Custom class option for individual staff members.
  • Update: Redesigned section related to field display order.
  • Update: Page layouts. Added parameter fieldOrder to avoid multiple function calls.
  • Update: Added shortcode option staff-name-sp. Can be used for dynamic or hybrid single pages.
  • Update: Field type name is used for vTab label when field label is blank. abcfsl_mbox_tplate_fields_lbl
  • Update: Library abcfl-html to 168.
  • Update: Library abcfl-mbox-save to 114
  • Deleted: abcfl_html_frm_txt_input
  • Deleted: Not used: dupsltplate, dupslmember. Duplicate Page plugin can be used instead.
  • Fix: Groups, implode function updated to PHP 7.4 syntax.

= 1.2.7 20200423 =

  • Update: Modified functions to find database type and version to better handle MariaDB.
  • Update: Double check if sortType has a valid value.
  • Update: Modified main DB function (get all IDs) to accomodate multiple ORDER BY options.
  • Update: Modified main DB function (get all IDs) to better handle default and custom sort options.
  • Update: Sord order is updated only when Sort Text option is selected.
  • Update: Post Title field is sorted directly instead using sort order.
  • Update: Custom sort can have "post-title" or "sort-text" as parameters.
  • Update: Added Sort Text column to Staff members admin table.
  • Delete: admin-demos.php. Replaced with quick start functions.
  • Fix: DB function update sort order by post title (MariaDB below 10.2). Replaced hardcoded parentID.

= 1.2.6 20200327

  • New: Added shortcode option - Excluded categories (category-exclude).
  • Update: Phone social icon URL is converted to "tel:URL".
  • Update: Custom icons Phone and Email are converted to mailto: or tel:.
  • Update: Custom icons Phone and Email has to be named: Email, Phone, Telefon, Tэлефон, Mobile, Mобильный.
  • Update: Remove trailing comma: abcfsl_cnt_cbom_field_html
  • Update: Removed shortcode parameter: date-plus (will be provided by Staff List Birthdays).
  • Update: Redesigned database functions to improve performance.
  • Update: Removed showField parameter from abcfsl_mbox_tplate_field_lock
  • Update: Removed lineLocked. Renamed lineLocked to fieldLocked.
  • Update: Added top margin option to staff container to be used when menu is added to a page (lstCntrTM).
  • Update: removed second parameter $lstLayoutH from abcfsl_mbox_tplate_fields_render_cnt.
  • Update: Removed shortcode parameter: date-plus (can be used with plugin extension Staff List Birthdays).
  • Update: Added system versions to admin help.
  • Fix: DB function update sort order by post title (MariaDB below 10.2). Replaced hardcoded parentID.
  • Fix: Social icon 3 renderd as 1.

= 1.2.5 2020030318 =

  • New: Custom names of the month. Option to add abbreviated names.
  • Update: Added option to open Social Links in a new tab.
  • Update: Number of custom social increased to six.
  • Update: Post types - single file is used for pro and free.
  • Update: Replaced autil_class_and_style with new functions to better handle custom CSS.
  • Update: R eplace spg_a_tag_get_target with util_get_url_and_target
  • Fix: Admin table, columns sorting: Sort Order and Modified.
  • Delete: Removed Google+ from social links.
  • Delete: Removed $vAid and $vAidCls
  • Delete: menu-status.php, mbox-tplate-social.php

= 1.2.4 20200223 =

  • New: Added option to display date as day + month only.
  • New: Added option to show month names instead of numbers.
  • New: Added english month names as built-in option.
  • New: Added option create custom month names (any language).
  • Update: Added shortcode parameter: date-plus (can be used with plugin extension Staff List Birthdays).
  • Update: Moved why single page is blank to backend.

= 1.2.3 20200201 =

  • New: Added permalink page name: team
  • Update: Structured data: added new fields.
  • Update: Structured data items container: @graph.
  • Update: Structured data container: @context.
  • Update: Field display options, moved Hide/Delete to the top.
  • Update: Simplified label options for field type Staff categories.
  • Update: Social links inputs changed tp 3 columns.
  • Update: abcfl-html to 167

= 1.2.2 20200129 =

  • Update: Minor cosmetic chages to template settings screen for Post Title.
  • Update: Modified Staff Order settings to better handle Post Title as a default sort option.
  • Update: Post Title is now a default sort order for all new records.
  • Fix: Misspeled function name FONE.
  • Fix: Reversed FONE data inputs.

= 1.2.1 20200123 =

  • New: Added field type: Post Title.
  • New: Added option to sort records by Post Title.
  • Update: Modified data queries to handle the new field and sort order.

= 1.2.0 20200116 =

  • New: Added field types: Categories, Icon Font with Link, Icon Font Star Rating.
  • Delete: Removed deprecated field type SH.

= 1.1.1 20191221 =

  • New: Added field types Image and Image Hyperlink.
  • New: Added field type Date.
  • Update: Library abcfl-html udated to 165.
  • Update: Admin, Help section - updated hyperlinks
  • Fix: Added missing shortcode default arg: multi-template

= 1.1.0 20191130 =

  • New: Added field types Phone and Phone + Static Label.
  • Update: Added support for ROW_NUMBER for DB default sort function. Better handling of older versions of MySQL and Maria DB.
  • Update: Replaced WP filter the_content with custom function to avoid potential conflicts with page builders or other plugins.
  • Fix: Added shortcode parameter: multi. Fix for single page with multiple shortcodes.

= 1.0.2 20191114 =

  • New: Template option to set default values for staff images (SP).
  • Update: Staff member data entry screen: single page image selector is hidden when SP value is used.

= 1.0.1 20191103 =

  • New: Added grouping option.
  • New: Added categories option.
  • Update: Field types now match the Pro version.
  • Update: Modified DB function to get the right record in case of duplicate pretty permalinks.
  • Update: Moved some of the files to better handle free and pro versions.

= 0.9.1 20190409 =

  • Fix: Added missing function to handle Drop-Down + Static Label.

= 0.9.0 20190408 =

  • New: Added field types: Drop-down, Static Label + Drop-down.
  • New: Added POT file.
  • Update: Modified text strings to match pot file.
  • Update: Optimized function to update sort order.

= 0.8.0 20190217 =

  • Fix: ALT tag can be empty.
  • Update: Updated library files.

= 0.7.0 20180721 =

  • Fix: Single page. Now image is displayed even when the middle section has no content.
  • Update: Changed tplate_spg_optns file name to match Pro version.
  • Update: Added version number to single page container.
  • Update: Added a few direct links to documentation.

= 0.6.1 20180421 = Fix: HTML tags not converted to entities - text editor field.

= 0.6.0 20180328 =

  • New: Added field type: Horizontal Line.
  • Update: HTML editor, added visual edit option.
  • Fix: New staff record warnings fixed.

= 0.5.1 20171215 =

  • Update: Added templates filter to Staff Members admin screen.
  • Update: Modified some of the template screens.

= 0.5.0 20170907 =

  • Update: Added new allowed HTML tags (library file).
  • Update: Added support for custom permalinks plugin (abcfslcp_is_single_pretty).
  • Update: Added support for custom permalinks page title.
  • Update: Redesigned Image ID handling.
  • Update: Moved Sort Text fiels to Staff Page screen.
  • Update: PHP 7.1 compatibility.

= 0.4.8 20170629 =

  • Update: Updated template interface to match Pro version.
  • Update: Updated library files to the newest versions.
  • Fix: Staff order screen formatting.

= 0.4.7 20170404 =

  • Fix: Updated field order section to handle single page fields.

= 0.4.6 20170329 =

  • Fix: Removed SC and HL fields from the dropdown.

= 0.4.5 20170327 =

  • Fix: Added missing function abcfsl_db_spg_title_by_pretty

= 0.4.3 20170326 =

  • New: Shortcode parameter to show a single staff member, list or a single page.
  • Update: Changed hidden ImageID to read only.
  • Update: Check for status "published" for all front end requests.
  • Fix: Sort staff table. Changed some options to fix rendering issues in Chrome.

= 0.4.2 20170303 =

  • New: Default template option.
  • New: Quick Start option.
  • Fix: Fixed field names for static label custom style.
  • Update: Renamed utility-all.php to abcfl-util.php
  • Update: Remove custom CSS option: abcfsl_script_enq_css_list
  • Update: _singleLayout removed from demo
  • Update: abcfl_input_sec_icon_hdr_hlp added URL parameter
  • Update: Deleted abcfsl_mbox_tplate_css_style_and_class
  • Update: Removed utility.php from library. All functions are already present in abcfl-util
  • Update: Replaced abcfsl_mbox_tplate_field_class_and_style with abcfsl_autil_class_and_style

= 0.4.1 20170126 =

  • New: Single Page Text Link. Easier way to create text hyperlinks to a single page.
  • Update: Moved content of template options to simplify edits.
  • Update: Added template options tab: Single Page.

= 0.3.2 20170117 =

  • New: Direct links to Documentation sections.
  • New: txt-aurl
  • Update: Changed admin font stack to system fonts (as per WP 4.6).
  • Update: Added 'p' tag to paragraph allowed tags.
  • Update: Hide template sections if layout not yet selected.
  • Fix: Multipart field description.
  • Fix: Pretty permalinks.
  • Fix: Added missing labels.

= 0.3.1 20161229 =

  • Fix: Order by Sort Text.

= 0.3.0 20161228 =

  • Major update.
  • New: Couple of a new fields.
  • New: HTML text editor.
  • New: Single page option.
  • New: Single page pretty permalinks.
  • Update: Demo records.

= 0.2.1 20160822 =

  • Fix: Added missing file v-tabs.php

= 0.2.0 20160814 =

  • New: Added field type Paragraph Text.
  • Update: Unlimited number of templates.
  • Update: Field number increased from 5 to 10.

= 0.1.1 20160519 =

  • Fix: Plugin reloaded to fix error: No valid plugins were found.

= 0.1.0 20160518 =

  • Update: Changed min permissions to Editor role.

= 0.0.9 20160422 =

  • New: Added field options: font size and top margin.
  • Update: Modified templates interface for better user experience.

= 0.0.8 20160329 =

  • Update: Changed Text Domain to: staff-list.

= 0.0.7 20160229 =

  • Update: Removed unused files.

= 0.0.5 20160229 =

  • Fix: Typo fixed.

= 0.0.3 20160229 =

  • Upload to repository.

= 0.0.2 20160225 =

  • Initial version.

staff-list's People


redet-g avatar



staff-list's Issues

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