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bs-webapi-incubator's People


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bs-webapi-incubator's Issues

offsetParent should return an option?

offsetParent can return null (a common situation is recursively walking up the DOM until offsetParent returns null - i.e. the body element has been reached).

However, the binding of offsetParent does not return an option - so this case is not detectable and can cause an exception.

The following fixed it for me:

[@bs.get] [@bs.return nullable] external offsetParent : HtmlElementRe.t => option(Dom.element) = "";


Activate namespaces

Wouldn't it make senes to activate namespaces in this project? I see that the Bs_webapi module was deprecated in favour of Webapi but I still think it makes sense to activate namespaces here.

We're using this for some shimmed APIs in React Native but we needed to vendor this package to activate namespaces because both projects have a file called

Should we drop the test script and just check in the test artifacts?

cc @chenglou

Other than potentially forgetting to check in the rendered artifacts and not having it be caught by CI, do we really lose anything by not having a test script and the explicit "expected" snapshots, compared to just using checked in artifacts as snapshots and the review process to verify them? It might even be a win, since there would be more eyes on it.

URLSearchParams.get returns incorrect type

Currently the type of get in is:
[@bs.send.pipe : t] external get: string => option(string) = "";

As you can see in the documentation here

The type I think should be:
[@bs.send.pipe : t] external get: string => Js.Nullable.t(string) = "";

Quite happy to make a PR if I am correct about this :)


I need to use websocket for the project I am working on, and it is missing from here.

Here is what I am using so far:

module MessageEvent = {
  type t;
  external data : t => ArrayBuffer.t = "" [@@bs.get];

module WebSocket = {
  type t;
  external create_ws : string => t = "WebSocket" [];
  external setBinaryType : t => string => unit = "binaryType" [@@bs.set];
  external onMsg : t => (MessageEvent.t => unit) => unit = "onmessage" [@@bs.set];
  external onOpen : t => (unit => unit) => unit = "onopen" [@@bs.set];
  external send : Uint8Array.t => unit = "" [@@bs.send.pipe : t];
  external onError : t => (unit => unit) => unit = "onerror" [@@bs.set];
  external onClose : t => (unit => unit) => unit = "onclose" [@@bs.set];
  let make url => {
    let ws = create_ws url;
    setBinaryType ws "arraybuffer";
  let onMsg ws cb => onMsg ws (fun ev => ev |> Uint8Array.fromBuffer |> cb);

This is only designed for a binary use case / mine, its also incredibly incomplete.

I will overtime improve it as necessary for my use case, but otherwise, I am asking what the plan is for this api. I can definitely help write the types for it.

Although I know it isn't in the browser, making a Sink / Stream api from this would make it more pleasant to use. Perhaps taking something from most.js (which I know someone in the discord is making type definitions for).

Awkward syntax when working with Promises

Currently, to fetch and log out an API response requires something like the following:

let p = ReasonJs.fetch "";
ReasonJs.Promise.thenDo (ReasonJs.Promise.thenDo p ReasonJs.Response.text) Js.log;

This is rather unwieldy, but can be made somewhat cleaner by aliasing some of the functions:

let fetch = ReasonJs.fetch;
let then_ = ReasonJs.Promise.thenDo;
let p = ReasonJs.fetch "";
then_ (then_ p ReasonJs.Response.text) Js.log;

By flipping the arguments, I am able to get an even nicer syntax:

let fetch = ReasonJs.fetch;
let then_ a b => ReasonJs.Promise.thenDo b a;
let p = fetch "";
p |> then_ ReasonJs.Response.text |> then_ Js.log;

Perhaps the API can be reshaped to make usage more idiomatic.

cancelAnimationFrame is not supported

Per MDN, requestAnimationFrame should return a long, which can then be passed to its sister function cancelAnimationFrame to abandon the animation request before it is rendered. However, the Webapi module currently only exports requestAnimationFrame : ((float) => unit) => unit.

Opening Webapi.Dom shadows `None`

Reason beginner here, so apologies in advance if this is not a bug.

If I open Webapi.Dom, it shadows the None constructor, and I cannot have optional variables in the same file.

It currently shadows None with Webapi.Dom.eventPhase.

Fetch only supports GET requests

I'm trying to do POST requests with the fetch API, but I think currently it's not supported (according to the signature, it only takes a string, nothing more).

external fetch : string => CoreRe.promise response = "" [@@bs.val];

Are there plans to do a fetchPost version?

2d canvas API?

I'm writing a simple 2d canvas game, and have been building up a bunch of bindings for the CanvasRenderingContext2D API. Would it be helpful to add them in a pull request here? If so, a couple of questions:

  • There's an existing ReasonJs.CanvasElement.getContext function that takes a string, and returns a context. However the existing context API here is for WebGL, not the 2d API. So I'd propose changing this to getWebGLContext, and creating a new get2dContext function. It looks like [] will work to pass the appropriate string parameter in to js's getContext

  • ints or floats for canvas methods? I've been using floats myself but I'm wondering if there's a case for integer arguments


Shouldn't History.state be parameterized?

type signatures for pixel count accessors

in the event of the user increasing / decreasing the level of zoom in their browser, Dom.Window.scrollY, Dom.Element.offsetTop, etc. will return return floats rather than integers. Current type signatures make it difficult to account for this in a sane manner.

Chrome 67.0.3396.99 / Firefox 60.0.1 - OS X 10.13.3

Missing *_to_opt annotations

Hi, similarly to #49, several FFI functions returning a 'a option miss a [@@bs.return (undifined|null)_to_opt], which breaks any match afterwards (getting undefined through Some).

I found this when trying to use:

[@bs.send.pipe : t] external item : int => option(Dom.node) = "";

But it seems that a bunch of other functions are suffering from the same issue, like

[@bs.get] external lastChild : T.t => option(Dom.node) = "";
[@bs.send.pipe : t] external nextNode : option(Dom.node) = "";
[@bs.send.pipe : t] external previousNode : option(Dom.node) = "";

Bug with Url bindings

When doing:

let url = Webapi.Url.make("");

The generated javascript is:


This causes an error as the property is not a function.

Should change [@bs.send.pipe : t] to [@bs.get]

Missing "navigator"


external navigator: navigator = "" [@@bs.val]
external userAgent: string = "" [@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "navigator"]

Canvas set size

How to set width and height to canvas ?
I must write declaration like follow code ?

[@bs.set] external setWidth : (Dom.element, int) => unit = "width";
[@bs.set] external setHeight : (Dom.element, int) => unit = "height";

and then

  setWidth(canvas, ElementRe.clientWidth(DocumentRe.documentElement(document)));
  setHeight(canvas, ElementRe.clientHeight(DocumentRe.documentElement(document)));

or has any solution ?

Can't dispatch custom events.

This doesn't typecheck:

      "detail": {
        "test": "test",



  This has type:
    Webapi.Dom.CustomEvent.t (defined as Dom.event_like(Dom._customEvent))
  But somewhere wanted:
    Dom.event (defined as Dom.event_like(Dom._baseClass))
  The incompatible parts:

If I switch from CustomEvent to Event it works and dispatches but the details are not included in the result.

Event types are confusing for newcomers

I'm trying out Reason and BuckleScript and trying to convert a simple canvas demo as a learning vehicle. There are a couple of other bs canvas demos that have been published, and it involves little interaction with the DOM. So far so good.

But getting the mouse coordinates and satisfying the type system was surprisingly confusing with these bindings. This is what I tried:

let display = Document.getElementById "display" document;

let canvas = switch display {
  | Some display => display
  | None => raise (Failure "Could not find #display DOM Node")

let ctx = ReasonJs.CanvasElement.getContext canvas "2d";

let onMouseMove e => {
  state.mouse.x = MouseEvent.clientX e;
  state.mouse.y =  MouseEvent.clientY e;

Element.addEventListener "mousemove" onMouseMove canvas;

but this results in a type error:

Error: This expression has type ReasonJs.Dom.MouseEvent.t => unit
       but an expression was expected of type Dom.event => unit
         ReasonJs.Dom.MouseEvent.t =
           Dom.event_like (Dom._uiEvent (Dom._mouseEvent Dom._baseClass))
       is not compatible with type Dom.event = Dom.event_like Dom._baseClass 
       Type Dom._uiEvent (Dom._mouseEvent Dom._baseClass)
       is not compatible with type Dom._baseClass

@glennsl helped on Discord and suggested adding a type conversion function:

external eventToMouseEvent : Dom.event => MouseEvent.t = "%identity";

which works great! But:

  1. Is there a better way of doing this?
  2. This is very confusing for newcomers like myself. Any documentation or improvement in the underlying type signatures would go a long way here. I suspect that others will also hit this straight away as well.

Mysterious error with `-make-world`

:;  node_modules/.bin/bsb -make-world
    Regenerating build spec : File not found
    Fatal error: exception Sys_error("tests/fetch: No such file or directory")
    Error happened when running command .../reason-js/node_modules/bs-platform/bin/bsb.exe with args [ '-make-world' ]

It seems like it's looking for the directory structure in src/ to be mirrored in tests/.

:;  cp -a src/fetch/ tests/fetch/
:;  node_modules/.bin/bsb -make-world
    Regenerating build spec : File not found
    Fatal error: exception Sys_error("tests/gl: No such file or directory")
    Error happened when running command /Users/solidsnack/Downloads/reason-js/node_modules/bs-platform/bin/bsb.exe with args [ '-make-world' ]

How does the .re code get translated to .ml?


Repository has no LICENSE. We should add one. MIT? BSD? LGPL? WTF?

records for DOM events

I'm curious about the choice of functions to get event properties instead of passing recordings to event handlers. I come from a JS background and find calling functions to access fields on events quite awkward.

Improve types of cloneNode and cloneNodeDeep

Currently cloneNode has the type signature:
'a Dom.node_like -> Dom._baseClass Dom.node_like

But with this signature, if I clone an element, it becomes a node, so I can't appendChild etc.

As I understand it we could either use a different return type for each module cloneNode appears in, or make use of the generic inheritance thing and change it to:
'a Dom.node_like -> 'a Dom.node_like

"Cannot find module 'bs-platform/lib/js/curry.js' from 'bs-webapi/src/dom/nodes/ElementRe.js'" error when used with brunch


I've stumbled upon this error when trying to integrate bucklescript into our JS for a project. We don't currently have the possibility to change the build system so I'm stuck with brunch.

Building with bsb isn't really an issue, but on page load when trying to use bs-webapi I get the following error:

Cannot find module 'bs-platform/lib/js/curry.js' from 'bs-webapi/src/dom/nodes/ElementRe.js'

This, to me, seemed strictly like a brunch issue until I tried using another library to see if it actually was a general issue. bs-fetch is usable even though it also depends on bs-platform. I'm not sure if this is just because of dead code elimination and it ends up not using any modules from bs-platform, though.

bs-platform is at v2.2.3
bs-webapi is at v0.8.3

Should setters be converted into pipe form?

Pipe form would enable usage like:

let el = document
  |> Document.createElement "div"
  |> Element.setInnerText "</>"
  |> Element.setClassName "reason_tools_button"
  |> setOnClick swap
  |> Body.appendChild;

And it would be more consistent with "regular" functions. But without BS support, it would be a bit of work. See also rescript-lang/rescript-compiler#1188

Add functional tests

Might have to write bindings for a test framework first. Or use/extend bs-mocha.

Rename htmlElementRe

Given that the spec calls this DocumentElement and that HTMLElement is something else, this is very confusing. Don't you think renaming the module DocumentElement would help make it easier?

How do we make element creation and lookup both type safe and convenient.

As it is now you create an element by doing document |> Document.createElement "img" which gives you an element that you'll then have to cast down to an htmlImageElement to be able to use it with functions specific to that type of element. Even though you know damn well that you've just created an htmlImageElement the type system does not. So how do we force-feed it?

  1. Add element-specific create methods, e.g. HtmlImageElement.create. Can we then hard-code this to document.createElement or are elements bound to a specific document instance?

  2. Could we use GADTs somehow? e.g.

type elementType =
| ...
| HtmlImageElement : <put magic here> -> htmlImageElement

let imageElement = document |> Document.createElement HtmlImageElement

The issue is similar with getElementsByTagName and perhaps other functions.

Upstream canvas bindings

I've seen quite a few user land canvas bindings now, and upon perusing webapi's, I feel they're ready to be upstreamed? Tell me if I'm mistaken. Otherwise, great stuff once again, @glennsl @bloodyowl =D

Also, anyone dogfooding

Suggestion: TypeScript typings to Reason bindings transformer

Instead of doubling the effort in re-creating the DOM bindings it might be simpler to transform the AST of TypeScript definitions into Reason bindings. The added benefit would be that such a transformer would be universal - given the huge number of good quality typings available for TypeScript, Reason could quickly become a hugely popular alternative to it, especially given the BuckleScript 1.0 release and the fantastic benefits it offers over TS.


Missing "window.screen"


external availHeight: int = "" [@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "window", "screen"]
external availWidth: int = "" [@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "window", "screen"]

discussions about namespace

I noticed that all files in such package ends with Re,
maybe we can add a style field in bsconfig, like

  { namespace : "re",   format: "suffix"}

So that the build system will generate a map file for only exported units

module CssDeclaration = CssDeclarationRe

So that ender users could call Re.CssDeclaration with auto-completion.

Two issues:

  1. which style would be better suffix vs prefix
    (seems convention is prefix based: ocaml/ocaml#1010)
  2. Should we reuse package name
  3. We can hide the complexity by generating prefix even for in-source packages, but as you said, companies like unique file name (this is the same with Bloomberg), we can delay this a little bit

What should the naming convention for abbreviations be?

Due to OCaml's rules for which identifiers can be lower case and upper case, the current convention is PascalCase/camelCase, e.g. "Html", "Json", "dom" etc.

Should it be "DOM"/"dom", "JSON"/"json" instead? How would that work with module fiilenames? Should it be e.g. "", it would then have to be used internally as "JsonRe" and be exported as "module JSON = JsonRe".

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