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rxjavafx's Introduction

RxJavaFX: JavaFX bindings for RxJava


Read the free eBook Learning RxJava with JavaFX to get started.

RxJavaFX is a lightweight library to convert JavaFX events into RxJava Observables/Flowables and vice versa. It also has a Scheduler to safely move emissions to the JavaFX Event Dispatch Thread.

NOTE: To use with Kotlin, check out RxKotlinFX to leverage this library with extension functions and additional operators.

Master Build Status


Learning RxJava with JavaFX - Free eBook that covers RxJava from a JavaFX perspective.

Learning RxJava - Packt book covering RxJava 2.0 in depth, with a few RxJavaFX examples.

1.x Binaries

Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at

Example for Maven:



dependencies {
	compile 'io.reactivex:rxjavafx:1.x.y'

2.x Binaries

RxJavaFX 2.x versions uses a different group ID io.reactivex.rxjava2 to prevent clashing with 1.x dependencies. Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at

Example for Maven:



dependencies {
	compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjavafx:2.x.y'


RxJavaFX has a comprehensive set of features to interop RxJava with JavaFX:

  • Factories to turn Node, ObservableValue, ObservableList, and other component events into an RxJava Observable
  • Factories to turn an RxJava Observable or Flowable into a JavaFX Binding.
  • A scheduler for the JavaFX dispatch thread

Node Events

You can get event emissions by calling JavaFxObservable.eventsOf() and pass the JavaFX Node and the EventType you are interested in. This will return an RxJava Observable.

Button incrementBttn = new Button("Increment");

Observable<ActionEvent> bttnEvents =
        JavaFxObservable.eventsOf(incrementBttn, ActionEvent.ACTION);

Action Events

Action events are common and do not only apply to Node types. They also emit from MenuItem and ContextMenu instances, as well as a few other types.

Therefore, a few overloaded factories are provided to emit ActionEvent items from these controls

Button ActionEvents
Button incrementBttn = new Button("Increment");

Observable<ActionEvent> bttnEvents =
MenuItem ActionEvents
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem("Select me");

Observable<ActionEvent> menuItemEvents = 

Other Event Factories

There are also factories provided to convert events from a Dialog, Window or Scene into an Observable. If you would like to see factories for other components and event types, please let us know or put in a PR.

Dialogs and Alerts

Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION);
alert.setHeaderText("Please confirm your action");
alert.setContentText("Are you ok with this?");

    .filter(response -> response.equals(ButtonType.OK))
Emitting Scene Events
Observable<MouseEvent> sceneMouseMovements =
     JavaFxObservable.eventsOf(scene, MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED);

sceneMouseMovements.subscribe(v -> System.out.println(v.getSceneX() + "," + v.getSceneY()));
Emitting Window Hiding Events
 Observable<WindowEvent> windowHidingEvents =

windowHidingEvents.subscribe(v -> System.out.println("Hiding!"));


Not to be confused with the RxJava Observable, the JavaFX ObservableValue can be converted into an RxJava Observable that emits the initial value and all value changes.

TextField textInput = new TextField();

Observable<String> textInputs =

Note that many Nodes in JavaFX will have an initial value, which sometimes can be null, and you might consider using RxJava's skip() operator to ignore this initial value.

ObservableValue Changes

For every change to an ObservableValue, you can emit the old value and new value as a pair. The two values will be wrapped up in a Change class and you can access them via getOldVal() and getNewVal(). Just call the JavaFxObservable.changesOf() factory.

SpinnerValueFactory<Integer> svf = new SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory(0, 100);
Spinner spinner = new Spinner<>();

Label spinnerChangesLabel = new Label();
Subscription subscription = JavaFxObservable.changesOf(spinner.valueProperty())
        .map(change -> "OLD: " + change.getOldVal() + " NEW: " + change.getNewVal())

ObservableList, ObservableMap, and ObservableSet

There are several factories to emit many useful ObservableList, ObservableMap, and ObservableSet events as Observables. These all can be found as static factory methods in the JavaFxObservable static class.

Factory Method Parameter Type Return Type Description
emitOnChanged() ObservableList<T> Observable<ObservableList<T>> Emits the entire ObservableList every time it changes
additionsOf() ObservableList<T> Observable<T> Emits additions to an ObservableList
removalsOf() ObservableList<T> Observable<T> Emits removals from an ObservableList
updatesOf() ObservableList<T> Observable<ListChange<T>> Emits every item that was the result of a change to an ObservableList, with an ADDED, REMOVED, or UPDATED flag
distinctChangesOf() ObservableList<T> Observable<ListChange<R>> Emits only distinct addtions and removals to an ObservableList
distinctMappingsOf() ObservableList<T>, Func1<T,R> Observable<ListChange<R>> Emits only distinct additions and removals to an ObservableList and emits the mapping
distinctChangesOf() ObservableList<T>, Func1<T,R> Observable<ListChange<R>> Emits only distinct additions and removals to an ObservableList based on a mapping
emitOnChanged() ObservableMap<K,T> Observable<ObservableMap<K,T>> Emits the entire ObservableMap every time it changes
additionsOf() ObservableMap<K,T> Observable<Map.Entry<K,T>> Emits every Map.Entry<K,T> added to an ObservableMap
removalsOf() ObservableMap<K,T> Observable<Map.Entry<K,T>> Emits every Map.Entry<K,T> removed from an ObservableMap
changesOf() ObservableMap<K,T> Observable<MapChange<K,T>> Emits every key/value pair with an ADDED or REMOVED flag.
emitOnChanged() ObservableSet<T> Observable<ObservableSet<T>> Emits the entire ObservableSet every time it changes
additionsOf() ObservableSet<T> Observable<T> Emits every addition to an ObservableSet
removalsOf() ObservableSet<T> Observable<T> Emits every removal to an ObservableSet
changesOf() ObservableSet<T> Observable<SetChange<T> Emits every item ADDED or REMOVED item from an ObservableSet with the corresponding flag


You can convert an RxJava Observable into a JavaFX Binding by calling the JavaFxObserver.toBinding() factory. Calling the dispose() method on the Binding will handle the unsubscription from the Observable. You can then take this Binding to bind other control properties to it.

Button incrementBttn = new Button("Increment");
Label incrementLabel =  new Label("");

Observable<ActionEvent> bttnEvents =
        JavaFxObservable.eventsOf(incrementBttn, ActionEvent.ACTION);
Observable<String> accumulations = -> 1)
        .scan(0,(x, y) -> x + y)
Binding<String> binding = JavaFxObserver.toBinding(accumulations);


//do stuff, then dispose Binding

It is usually good practice to specify an onError to the Binding, just like a normal Observer so you can handle any errors that are communicated up the chain.

incrementLabel.textProperty().bind(binding, e -> e.printStackTrace());

Lazy Binding

The toBinding() factory above will eagerly subscribe the Observable to the Binding implementation. But if you want to delay the subscription to the Observable until the Binding is actually used (specifically when its getValue() is called), use toLazyBinding() instead.

Binding<String> lazyBinding = JavaFxObserver.toLazyBinding(myObservable);

This can be handy for data controls like TableView, which will only request values for records that are visible. Using the toLazyBinding() to feed column values will cause subscriptions to only happen with visible records.


You also have the option to use a CompositeBinding to group multiple Bindings together, and dispose() them all at once. It is the JavaFX equivalent to CompositeSubscription.

Binding<Long> binding1 = ...

Binding<Long> binding2 = ... 

//do stuff on UI, and dispose() both bindings

JavaFX Scheduler

When you update any JavaFX control, it must be done on the JavaFX Event Dispatch Thread. Fortunately, the JavaFxScheduler makes it trivial to take work off the JavaFX thread and put it back when the results are ready. Below we can use the observeOn() to pass text value emissions to a computation thread where the text will be flipped. Then we can pass JavaFxScheduler.platform() to another observeOn() afterwards to put it back on the JavaFX thread. From there it will update the flippedTextLabel.

TextField textInput = new TextField();
Label fippedTextLabel = new Label();

Observable<String> textInputs =

sub2 = textInputs.observeOn(Schedulers.computation())
        .map(s -> new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString())

JavaFX Interval

There is a JavaFX equivalent to Observable.interval() that will emit on the JavaFX thread instead. Calling JavaFxObservable.interval() will push consecutive Long values at the specified Duration.

Observable<Long> everySecond = JavaFxObservable.interval(Duration.millis(1000));

Differences from ReactFX

ReactFX is a popular API to implement reactive patterns with JavaFX using the EventStream. However, RxJava uses an Observable and the two are not (directly) compatible with each other.

Although ReactFX has some asynchronous operators like threadBridge, ReactFX emphasizes synchronous behavior. This means it encourages keeping events on the JavaFX thread. RxJavaFX, which fully embraces RxJava and asynchronous design, can switch between threads and schedulers with ease. As long as subscriptions affecting the UI are observed on the JavaFX thread, you can leverage the powerful operators and libraries of RxJava safely.

If you are heavily dependent on RxJava, asynchronous processing, or do not want your entire reactive codebase to be UI-focused, you will probably want to use RxJavaFX.

Notes for Kotlin

If you are building your JavaFX application with Kotlin, check out RxKotlinFX to leverage this library through Kotlin extension functions.

Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

rxjavafx's People


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rxjavafx's Issues

RxJavaFx 2 roadmap

Is there any plan to migrate Observables to Flowables in version 2 of RxJavaFx, as well as move the maven artifact to the groupId io.reactivex.rxjava2 according to version 2 of RxJava to allow coexistence of versions 1 and 2?

emitOnChanged() emits values on JavaFx thread

When using JavaFxObservable.emitOnChanged outside of the running application (specifically - to unit-test my view models with JUnit) I've experienced the unexpected "Toolkit not initilized exception" on the first emission.
The following sample code throws the exception:

    private ListProperty<String> listProperty = new SimpleListProperty<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList());

    public void test() {
                .subscribe(list -> {
                    Observable.fromIterable(list).subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));


The walkaround for the issue is to subscribe on a specific non-JavaFx scheduler (see the commented line).

doOnXXXCount() Operators

I added some doOnXXXCount() operators to RxKotlinFX. Specifically these are the doOnNextCount(), doOnErrorCount(), and doOnCompletedCount() operators, which are analogous to doOnNext(), doOnCompleted(), etc already found in RxJava. The only difference is these emit the cumulative emission counts for each of those events. This is helpful to post updates on a UI showing how many items have been "processed" by an Observable.

Here is the example written in Kotlin:

val source = Observable.range(1,1000)
val processedCountLabel = Label() { it * 10 }
     .doOnNextFx { processedCountLabel.text = "Processed $it items" }
     .subsribe { doSomethingWith(it) }

I added these to RxKotlinFX because extension functions make this more elegant and less cumbersome to use. However, I could port this to RxJava RxJavaFX and allow the Operator to be passed to the lift() method.

Does anybody feel this would be helpful to add/not add?

Create Event Factory for ActionEvents

I think I'll add another factory method to JavaFxObservable that works with Menu and MenuItem action events. Since MenuItem does not extend Node, I cannot use the existing factories.

Build Failing

This is not yet building ... someone who works with JavaFX needs to figure this out.

I can make it build with Java 8, but there must be a way to get the correct JavaFX dependencies or build config for Java 7?

Also, when building with Java 8 some unit tests fail.

Deprecating CompositeObservable in favor of Subjects

The CompositeObservable was somewhat of a moving target after I first had the idea. It was a tool to safely decouple RxJava streams in a JavaFX application without exposing a Subject, which can encourage antipatterns especially with Rx newbies.

Although I haven't changed my sentiments on Subjects, I may have softened my stance a little when it comes to decoupling. The CompositeObservable ultimately came to resemble a Subject without exposing the Observer methods. Not to mention, it is somewhat inconvenient having to call its toObservable() method to get the Observable.

Therefore, I am considering deprecating the CompositeObservable and telling people to use PublishSubject, ReplaySubject, etc instead. If anybody has thoughts on this topic, please feel free to share.

Handling SimpleListProperty

I am noticing a lot of ObservableList-related factories, particularly emitOnChanged(), are not triggered on a SimpleListProperty when the backing list is changed.

Maybe SimpleListProperty needs its own factories.

doOnXXXFX() Transformers

Instead of having the doOnXXXFX() action operators only available on RxKotlinFX as extension functions, I will make them available in RxJavaFX as Transformers as cumbersome as they are. These will be in the 1.0 release.

RxJavaFX 2.0 - API Organization

In RxJavaFX 2.0, I have set up JavaFxSubscriber to have toBinding() factories overloaded for both Observable and Flowable. Should I separate these two overloads into two separate static utility classes: JavaFxObserver and JavaFxSubscriber? Just to follow RxJava 2.0 terminology?

JavaFxObservable should provide a method to observe Node "event filters"

Similar to JavaFxObservable#eventsOf(Node, EventType<T>), JavaFxObservable should have a method to observe Event objects during the capturing phase of event delivery. Internally, such method would use Node#addEventFilter(EventType, EventHandler) instead of Node#addEventHandler(EventType, EventHandler).

WindowEvent Observable Factory

I think this was mentioned before in an old PR, but I'm rethinking it might be beneficial to add another factory to handle WindowEvent emissions.

Here is what it might look like when called.

Observable<WindowEvent> winEvents = 
    JavaFXObservable.fromWindowEvents(myWindow, WindowEvent.WINDOW_HIDING);

I mocked this up in Kotlin real quick. Will implement this in Java later.

fun <T : Window> T.windowEvents(windowEvent: EventType<WindowEvent>): Observable<WindowEvent> {
    val window = this
    return Observable.create(Observable.OnSubscribe<WindowEvent> { subscriber ->
        val handler = EventHandler<WindowEvent> { subscriber.onNext(it) }

        window.addEventHandler(windowEvent, handler)

        subscriber.add(JavaFxSubscriptions.unsubscribeInEventDispatchThread { window.removeEventHandler(windowEvent, handler) })


JavaFxObservable.valuesOf(fxObservable, nullSentinel) does not emmit first nullSentinel

In my opinion the first/initial emission of nullSentinel is missing:

ObjectProperty<String> stringProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
JavaFxObservable.valuesOf(stringProperty, "N/A").subscribe(System.out::println);  


I would add "else" block just after "if" at ObservableValueSource:50

if (fxObservable.getValue() != null) {
} else {

addto() is not camelcase

I made a typo. The Binding's addto() method should be addTo(). I will deprecate and correct it later.

JavaFxObservable.valuesOf() and Bindings.bindBidirectional() strange behaviour.

EDIT Rx works fine. Described issue is caused by weak refernces.
I wanted to bind two properties and listen for changes on both, using RxJavaFx.
What I expected was - bind two properties, write to only one of them and listen for changes on both. It turned out it worked as I expected only using pure fx. Using RxJavaFx (please uncomment lines) causes firing change event only on directly updated property (even fx listener stopped to work).
Another strange thing is that at first everything seems to work perfectly ("wow" line).

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class BidingsTestApp extends Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        Button button1 = new Button("one");
        Button button2 = new Button("two");
        HBox hBox = new HBox(button1, button2);
        stage.setScene(new Scene(hBox));;
        ObjectProperty<String> property1 = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        ObjectProperty<String> property2 = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
        Bindings.bindBidirectional(property1, property2);
        property1.addListener((ChangeListener<String>) (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> System.out.println("fx property1 changed to value=" + newValue));
        property2.addListener((ChangeListener<String>) (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> System.out.println("fx property2 changed to value=" + newValue));
//        JavaFxObservable.valuesOf(property1).subscribe(text -> System.out.println("rx property1 changed to value=" + text));
//        JavaFxObservable.valuesOf(property2).subscribe(text -> System.out.println("rx property2 changed to value=" + text));
        button1.setOnMouseClicked(event -> property2.setValue("one"));
        button2.setOnMouseClicked(event -> property2.setValue("two"));

Removing Source from CompositeObservable

I am beginning to think that backing the CompositeObservable with a Subject may not be a bad idea. A feature that is missing is the ability to "unsubscribe" the CompositeObservable from a source without an emission to trigger the takeWhile(). If the add() method returns a Subscription, the client can easily remove streams going into the CompositeObservable. I am also thinking of making it share() by default.

None of this should change the signatures of the CompositeObservable.

Issues with JavaFxScheduler

I have noticed the JavaFxScheduler does not always get along when the Platform thread is setting up the scheduling. In some cases I have seen it hang up and values never get emitted when subscribed on the JavaFxScheduler.

My initial tests indicate this can be fixed by checking if the Platform thread is already calling the scheduler setup, and if so just execute the task right then and there (bold below).

        public Subscription schedule(final Action0 action) {
            final BooleanSubscription s = BooleanSubscription.create();

            if (Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) {
                if (!(innerSubscription.isUnsubscribed() && s.isUnsubscribed())) {
                Platform.runLater(() -> {
                    if (innerSubscription.isUnsubscribed() || s.isUnsubscribed()) {
            // wrap for returning so it also removes it from the 'innerSubscription'
            return Subscriptions.create(new Action0() {

                public void call() {


Lazy BindingSubscriber

There should be an option to make the RxJavaFX Binding implementation lazy. That way it delays subscribing to the Observable until the Binding is first called for the value.

Maybe there needs to be two implementations: EagerBindingSubscriber and LazyBindingSubscriber. The first one is what exists currently as BindingSubscriber.

More enhancements for CompositeObservable

I won't make these changes right now. Just documenting them.

* Add vararg add() and remove() methods
* Add clear() method to remove all Observables
* Back with ObservableSet instead of ObservableList to prevent duplicates
* Add getBackingList() to return unmodifiable ObservableList<Observable<T>> for currently tracked Observables.

Planning for RxJava 2.0

I read the documentation on the release candidate of RxJava 2.0, and it is pretty clear disruptive (but good) changes are on the horizon that directly affect RxJavaFX.'s-different-in-2.0

I haven't dived deep into this yet or even messed with the released candidate, but it does seem a major refactoring is necessary since RxJava was basically rewritten from scratch with the coming 2.0 release.

I'll investigate this further, but it seems RxJavaFX would want to use the Flowable rather than the Observable. I am not a backpressure expert, but my understanding is backpressure cannot be helped with UI events since a person cannot be directed to slow down emissions. Therefore, a Flowable makes sense, and I can't think of any factories in RxJavaFX that shouldn't use it.

I think the best approach is to release RxJavaFX 1.0 and 2.0 as separate maintained versions, aligned with the respective RxJava counterparts. The same will likely happen with RxKotlinFX.

Again, I didn't dig deep in RxJava 2.0 but I think I have a high level of understanding. If anybody has any concerns, ideas, feedback, or just anything they would want to see in RxJavaFX 1.0 and 2.0, please let us know here on this issue.

Help with Deployment of 2.11

I'm having some build issues probably related to deployment tasks. I have a strong guess the Nebula plugin is no longer supported by Netflix, which breaks with newer versions of Gradle.

@akarnokd et al, can you help me get my build files set up correctly?

RxJavaFx Project Name

Is the name of this project correct? Anything better?

What should the artifact and module names be?

ObservableMap and ObservableSet support

I am going to add Observable source factories to emit events from ObservableMap and ObservableSet. I wonder if it is time to start thinking about a 1.0 release. I can't really think of anything else that needs to be added.


I was inspired by Kotlin and the TornadoFX project, and believe this library should be represented as extension functions for Kotlin. This is why I started the RxKotlinFX library to represent the RxJavaFX static factories as extension functions.

But using Kotlin's extension features, it can go further than RxJavaFX is able to. It will augment existing JavaFX component functionality with helpful extension functions where it makes sense (for example, emitting TableView selected column and row indexes as Observables through extension functions).

If you are interested, please check out this project and provide input over the next week. After that I will look to get a first release on Maven Central.

Additional Transformer factories

What do you think about adding FxCompletableTransformer, FxMaybeTransformer and FxSingleTransformer to complement the existing FxObservableTransformer and FxFlowableTransformer?

Getting index in ListChange

javafx.collections.ListChangeListener among other methods also contains getFrom and getTo methods, indicating array indexes of added/modified deleted entries sub lists. Would it be possible to extend io.reactivex.rxjavafx.sources.ListChange to provide an array index of the changed item? Thank you!

Invalidation factory for javafx.beans.Observable

Add a factory for invalidations of any FX observable.
I think propagating the FX observable instead of some constant is of better value.

public static Observable<javafx.beans.Observable> invalidationsOf(final javafx.beans.Observable fxObservable) {
    return ObservableSource.fromInvalidations(fxObservable);
public class ObservableSource {
	private ObservableSource() {}

	public static Observable<javafx.beans.Observable> fromInvalidations(javafx.beans.Observable fxObservable) {
		return Observable.create((ObservableEmitter<javafx.beans.Observable> emitter) -> {
			final InvalidationListener listener = emitter::onNext;
			emitter.setDisposable(JavaFxSubscriptions.unsubscribeInEventDispatchThread(() -> fxObservable.removeListener(listener)));

Not on FX application thread

Hey, I got java.lang.IllegalStateException when using Schedulers.newThread() or Schedulers.computation(), and when using JavaFxScheduler.platform() got no exception but the process is not asynchronously executed, I have to wait for the process to finish so i can access the UI. Any information, please?

JavaFxObservable.fromDialogSource() should emit a `Maybe`

Rather than this implementation:

    public static <T> Observable<T> fromDialogSource(final Dialog<T> dialog) {
        return Observable.fromCallable(dialog::showAndWait)

It should instead be returning a Maybe:

    public static <T> Maybe<T> fromDialogSource(final Dialog<T> dialog) {
        return Single.fromCallable(dialog::showAndWait)

CompositeObservable to merge Observable Events

I am encountering a need heavily where I want to merge() multiple Observable event sources, but I don't have the sources available upon initialization. I need to add them later at separate places in the application.

With David Karnok's help, I came up with a utility. Here is the Kotlin implementation.

class ObservableBus<T>(cacheCount: Int = 0) {
    private val subject: SerializedSubject<Observable<T>, Observable<T>> = PublishSubject<Observable<T>>().toSerialized()
    private val live: MutableSet<Observable<T>> = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet<Observable<T>>()
    private val observable = subject.flatMap { obs: Observable<T> -> obs.takeWhile { live.contains(obs) } }
            .observeOnFx().let { if (cacheCount > 0) it.cacheWithInitialCapacity(cacheCount) else it }
    fun toObservable(): Observable<T> = observable
    operator fun plusAssign(observable: Observable<T>) = add(observable)
    operator fun minusAssign(observable: Observable<T>) = remove(observable)
    fun add(observable: Observable<T>) {
    fun remove(observable: Observable<T>) {

This is also helpful for creating event-driven models. So if you have a MenuItem, Button, and key combo that all trigger a refresh request, you can merge all three Observables later.

object MyEventModel { 
    val refreshRequests = ObservableBus<ActionEvent>
val button = Button("Refresh")
MyEventModel.refresh += button.actionEvents()

val menuItem = MenuItem("Refresh")
MyEventModel.refresh += button.actionEvents()

//and later again
val ctrlRPress =,)
     .filter { it.isControlDown && it.keyCode = KeyCode.R }
     .map { ActionEvent() }

MyEventModel.refresh += ctrlRPress


MyEventModel.refresh.subscribe { performRefresh }

Of course, you can push anything and not just ActionEvent items. Does anybody else see value in this? I'll write this in Java if there is interest.

JavaFX 11 Planning

I've not kept up with Java 9/10 releases and chose to align RxJavaFX with TorndoFX's approach of waiting for Java 11.

@protogenes has already started filing issues and PR's, and I know other libraries have already transitioned as well.

I'm going to try my best to get RxJavaFX moved to Java 11 in the next few weeks.

CompositeBinding Implementation

I'm thinking of creating a CompositeBinding in the same spirit as CompositeSubscription. This way multiple bindings created off Observable items can quickly be disposed as a group.

Create Binding Subscriber

I may explore creating a Binding factory that returns a Subscriber that implements Binding. This way an Observable<T> can quickly be subscribed to a JavaFX Binding.

Planning for RxJavaFX/RxKotlinFX Guide

I'd like to think this library is maturing and almost ready for a 1.0 release. After I complete a project with O'Reilly this fall, I'm going to put together a GitBook guide covering RxJavaFX/RxKotlinFX in detail. This will very much be in the spirit of the TornadoFX Guide which I'm also going to finish before October.

I may use this book to teach RxJava but from a UI perspective with JavaFX. It will also cover design patterns and tricks you can do with certain operators. I'll include Java and Kotlin versions of code examples.

Here is the working outline:

I. RxJava Basics
II. UI Events
III. Reactive Binding
IV. Data Controls and Collection Events
V. Concurrency
VI. Model Patterns with CompositeObservable
VII. Kotlin and TornadoFX

JavaFxObservable.fromObservableList() initial emission

The JavaFxObservable.fromObservableList() factory should probably emit the ObservableList on subscription as the initial emission. I'm finding myself putting a startsWith() after it to accomplish this all the time.

RxJavaFx Bootstrap

RxJavaFx has been extracted from RxJava prior to 1.0 as per ReactiveX/RxJava#589

I have done this with a simply copy/paste/commit for now. Commit history remains in the 0.20.x branch of RxJava:

If anyone wishes to replace the code in this project with files that retain commit history, go ahead and make the changes.

Over the coming weeks the build and release process will be updated.

This project does not need to release immediately as 1.0. It can continue with 0.x releases until it makes sense to hit 1.0. Its lifecycle is now decoupled from RxJava.

JavaFxObservable.actionEventsOf().subscribeOn(Schedulers.newThread()) misses some emissions

I was learning about concurrency from your book (btw it's great) and ran into this.
When creating an Observable using JavaFxObservable factory methods and following it with subscribeOn(Scheduler) the Scheduler should be suppressed by default JavaFxScheduler.platform().
It is exectly what happens when using JavaFxObservable.actionEventsOf() but there is strange behaviour using it with JavaFxObservable.additionsOf().
It works fine (both subscribers receive their emisions) when new list element is added from inside button click handler but adding element straight from the main method causes lack of emissions to Observer[2].

import io.reactivex.Observable;
import io.reactivex.rxjavafx.observables.JavaFxObservable;
import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class SubscribeOnTestApp extends Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        Button button = new Button("Click me!");
        stage.setScene(new Scene(button));;
        ObservableList<String> strings = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
        .subscribe(actionEvent -> {
            System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] button actionEvent");
        Observable<String> observable = JavaFxObservable.additionsOf(strings);
        .subscribe(next -> System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] Observer[1] next=" + next));
        .subscribe(next -> System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] Observer[2] next=" + next));

JavaFxScheduler.getInstance() naming


RxJava gave functional names to Schedulers accessor :, Schedulers.computation(), Schedulers.newThread(), ...

RxJavaFX has a technical name for the JavaFX Scheduler accessor : JavaFxScheduler.getInstance().
Even if you can understand it at the first sight, it can be more revelant to use a fonctional name instead, like : JavaFxScheduler.ui()

RxAndroid use the same logic, and hidding the singleton instance though RxAndroid.mainThread() :

TLDR : Is renaming JavaFxScheduler.getInstance() to JavaFxScheduler.ui() can be an option ?


Java 11 Automatic-Module-Name

RxJava added Automatic-Module-Name: io.reactivex.rxjava2 to the manifest, in order to have a small step into the Java 11 full module transition. This was in the following clause of the build.graddle file:

jar {
    manifest {
        name = "rxjava"
        instruction "Bundle-Vendor", "RxJava Contributors"
        instruction "Bundle-DocURL", ""
        instruction "Import-Package", "!org.junit,!junit.framework,!org.mockito.*,!org.testng.*,*"
        instruction "Eclipse-ExtensibleAPI", "true"
        instruction "Automatic-Module-Name", "io.reactivex.rxjava2"

Can this be made also for RxJavaFX?

BindingObserver and BindingSubscriber mustn't use com.sun* classes

The usage of internal com.sun classes breaks on newer Java versions.

import com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper;
import com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper;

Reactive Dialogs and Alerts

I discovered a factory to implement reactive dialogs and alerts is quite simple.


public static <T> Observable<T> fromDialogSource(final Dialog<T> dialog) {
    return Observable.fromCallable(dialog::showAndWait)


    .filter(response -> response.equals(ButtonType.OK))

I think I'm going to do a release with this and the fix for #36. Did I oversimplify this factory? Is there anything else that needs to be added?

JavaFxScheduler broken on (at least) 8u112

Currently the JavaFxScheduler depends on the keyframe finish callback of JavaFX animations.
But animations with a duration of zero will never start, thus the callback (of the keyframe) will not be called.
See (JDK 8u112):

boolean impl_startable(boolean forceSync) {
    return (fromDuration(getCycleDuration()) > 0L)
        || (!forceSync && clipEnvelope.wasSynched());

One possible solution is to use the finish callback of the timeline instead: timer.setOnFinished(executeOnce);

JavaFxObservable.actionEventsOf is only listening on the first click of the button

Hi. I'm trying to create an Observable out of a button click but apparently it's running only on the first click. The other clicks does nothing. Any ideas why this would happen?

    Button loadUsersButton = new Button("Load users");
    BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
    HBox githubInfo = new HBox();
    List<VBox> listOfUserInfo = Arrays.asList(new VBox(), new VBox(), new VBox());
    final Subject<ActionEvent> loadButtonSubject = PublishSubject.create();


            .map(ae -> githubExternalService.getUsers())
            .flatMapIterable(x -> x)
            .map(text -> {
                VBox vBox = new VBox();
                return vBox;
            vbox -> githubInfo.getChildren().add(vbox),
    return root;

Exploration of ObservableCollections

I found a need to emit changes of an ObservableList as an Observable, such as dealing with multiple row selections in a TableView. It would be nice to emit those selection events even though they come in an ObservableList.
#6 brought up a similar idea a while back, but I think it might be helpful to emit changes from an ObservableList with each of those changes categorized. I'll document as I explore in the coming weeks.

Question: Possibility to redirect change lister notifications to happen on another thread?


i have a quit complex application which has a ObservableList inside the data model.
Many ui controls and other parts of the business logic are bound to the list to update when changes are made.
Until now all changes of the list are triggered inside the JavaFX application thread. Which was good because otherwise i get an exception that it is the wrong thread when a bound control of the ui wants to reflect the changes.

Is it possible to use RXJavaFX to wrap the list and create another binding which notifies all these observer on the JavaFx Thread. It is important not to change the code parts where the original ObserableList is modified.

I thought about something like that:

  1. Create an rx obserable from the change events of the original list.
  2. Use oberserveOn to notify observers on the specific thread.
  3. Create an javafx oberserable list from this rx obersable which will be used to bind the ui controls.

I have problems with point 3. how is it possible to create an javafx obersablelist from this obserable?

Thanks and best regards

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