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sextant's Introduction


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A ReactiveUI view model based navigation library

Sextant was born from a fork of Xamvvm which is nice and simple MVVM Framework with a good navigation system. The problem is, I just wanted a simple navigation system to use with ReactiveUI without all the things that come along an MVVM framework. Plus, I wanted to make it more "Reactive Friendly".

Then a wild Rodney Littles appears, and with him an implementation of this AMAZING POST by Kent

Sextant is in a very initial stage and in constant change, so please be pantience with use... because we will break things.

This library is nothing more than me "standing on the shoulders of giants": Kent for been the original and true creator of this, I pretty much just copied and pasted it :) Geoffrey Huntley maintainer on ReactiveUI.

NuGet Installation

Install the nuget package on your Forms project and ViewModels project.


Pre release packages are available at


Platform Sextant Package NuGet
UWP Sextant CoreBadge
Xamarin.Forms Sextant.XamForms XamBadge
Xamarin.Forms Sextant.Plugins.Popup PopupBadge
Xamarin.iOS Sextant CoreBadge
Avalonia Sextant.Avalonia CoreBadge

Target Platform Versions

Verify you have the minimum version for your target platform (i.e. Android, iOS, Tizen).

Register Components


Version 2.0 added new extensions methods for the IMutableDepedencyResolver that allow you to register an IViewFor to a View Model.

    .RegisterNavigationView(() => new NavigationView(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler, RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler, ViewLocator.Current))
    .RegisterViewForNavigation(() => new PassPage(), () => new PassViewModel())
    .RegisterViewForNavigation(() => new ReceivedPage(), () => new ReceivedViewModel());

Set the initial page:


MainPage = Locator.Current.GetNavigationView("NavigationView");

Use the Navigation Service

After that all you have to do is call one of the methods inside your ViewModels:

/// <summary>
/// Pops the <see cref="IPageViewModel"/> off the stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="animate">if set to <c>true</c> [animate].</param>
/// <returns></returns>
IObservable<Unit> PopModal(bool animate = true);

/// <summary>
/// Pops the <see cref="IPageViewModel"/> off the stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="animate">if set to <c>true</c> [animate].</param>
/// <returns></returns>
IObservable<Unit> PopPage(bool animate = true);

/// <summary>
/// Pushes the <see cref="IPageViewModel"/> onto the stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modal">The modal.</param>
/// <param name="contract">The contract.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
IObservable<Unit> PushModal(IPageViewModel modal, string contract = null);

/// <summary>
/// Pushes the <see cref="IPageViewModel"/> onto the stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="page">The page.</param>
/// <param name="contract">The contract.</param>
/// <param name="resetStack">if set to <c>true</c> [reset stack].</param>
/// <param name="animate">if set to <c>true</c> [animate].</param>
/// <returns></returns>
IObservable<Unit> PushPage(IPageViewModel page, string contract = null, bool resetStack = false, bool animate = true);


public class ViewModel
    private readonly IViewStackServicen _viewStackService; // or IParameterViewStackServicen

    public ViewModel(IViewStackServicen viewStackService)
        _viewStackService = viewStackService;

        OpenModal = ReactiveCommand
            // FirstModalViewModel must implement IViewModel or INavigable
            .CreateFromObservable(() => viewStackService.PushModal<FirstModalViewModel>(),
                outputScheduler: RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

    public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> OpenModal { get; }

Pass Parameters

Version 2.0 added support for passing parameters when navigating.


public class ViewModel
    private readonly IParameterViewStackServicen _viewStackService;

    public ViewModel(IParameterViewStackServicen viewStackService)
        _viewStackService = viewStackService;

        Navigate = ReactiveCommand
            // NavigableViewModel must implement INavigable
            .CreateFromObservable(() => viewStackService.PushModal<NavigableViewModel>(new NavigationParameter { { "parameter", parameter } }),
                outputScheduler: RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

    public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> Navigate { get; }

The INavigable interface exposes view model lifecycle methods that can be subscribed to. These methods unbox your parameter object. Implementing the interface allows you to assign values to the View Model during Navigation.

public class NavigableViewModel : INavigable
        public string? _parameter;

        public IObservable<Unit> WhenNavigatedFrom(INavigationParameter parameter)
            return Observable.Return(Unit.Default)

        public IObservable<Unit> WhenNavigatedTo(INavigationParameter parameter)
            parameter.TryGetValue("parameter", out _parameter);
            return Observable.Return(Unit.Default);

        public IObservable<Unit> WhenNavigatingTo(INavigationParameter parameter)
            return Observable.Return(Unit.Default);



Sextant is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, making it freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use. We ❤ the people who are involved in this project, and we’d love to have you on board, especially if you are just getting started or have never contributed to open-source before.

So here's to you, lovely person who wants to join us — this is how you can support us:

sextant's People


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sextant's Issues

"Absolute Layout Issue"

Hi, I spotted an issue when I try to implement "AbsoluteLayout" In any page...

My code looks kind of like this:


        <!--  Status  -->
            BackgroundColor="{StaticResource GENERICButtonColor}"
            Font="35, Bold"
            WidthRequest="200" />


I was trying to add an "Overlay" page to work as a "MasterDetail" or something...

First solution I tried: "Add and do some mods:
1.- At my first stacklayout I added this
"StackLayout AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0, 0, 1, 1"
[... this stacklayout content]

2.- Then I created a "ContentView" right after the end of the previous stacklayotu:
     <!-- Overlay -->
<ContentView x:Name="overlay"
             AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0, 0, 1, 1"
             Padding="10, 0">
  <StackLayout Orientation="Vertical" 
               Margin="0,20,0,0" >

    <Label BackgroundColor="Black" FontSize="18" TextColor="White" HorizontalOptions="Fill" Text="Im an Overlay" />

I tried to compile and run severaltimes the code and it broke everytime... So I decided to remove piece by piece of the code... until I reached the point where I had to remove the "" then everything went ok... but then the content on my page disappeared and I was able only to summon the "content view" trhoughout (whenever I keep the ContentView, If I delete the content view code everything goes ok)

So It seems that "AbsoluteLayout" gives problems whenever I try to work along with it...

Still maybe I'm doing something wrong with my code... I'll leave the full code here:



        <!--  Status  -->
            BackgroundColor="{StaticResource GENERICButtonColor}"
            Font="35, Bold"
            WidthRequest="200" />

    <!--  OVERLAY  -->
        <StackLayout Margin="0,0,50,0" BackgroundColor="Wheat">
                Text="CAPITAL CITIES"
                TextColor="White" />
            <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="Center">
                <Button x:Name="Close_btn" FontSize="Large" />

feature: Add support for Xamarin.iOS

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I can only use Sextant for Xamarin.Forms

Describe the solution you'd like

I want to use Sextant for Xamarin.iOS

Describe alternatives you've considered


Describe suggestions on how to achieve the feature

Implement iView using a UINavigationController for iOS

feature: Add an ILogger to log information

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is.

Currently to use Sextant you have to take a dependency on Genesis.Logging. We need a way to log Sextant internal information, without depending on a third party framework.

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

I would like Sextant to provide and ILogger and a default implementation. Then any consumer can implement Sextant's ILogger and log Sextant output to a third party framework of their choosing.

Routing API revamp RFC

I just started experimenting with routing (UWP app), so while I have fresh eyes, some thoughts:

Rename RoutingState to Router

"Routing state" implies a container of state data rather than a class responsible for navigation actions. "Router" seems a better name for a class that actually handles routing. This is further reinforced by the fact that even on the IScreen interface, the RoutingState property name is "Router". IMO, Router is both more apt and concise.

Formalize navigation stack into a class

Today, we have a handful of commands hanging off RoutingState along with a ObservableCollection called "NavigationStack" (note that here it's not even a stack in the data structures sense of the term). It would be better to introduce a new class, NavigationStack with the following signature:

public class NavigationStack
  ReactiveCommand<Unit> Advance { get; }
  ReactiveCommand<Unit> Backtrack { get; }
  IRoutableViewModel Current { get; }

This would leave no ambiguity about what the commands do. If there is value in it, the class can implement ObservableCollection to enable subscribing to notifications. Router would then have a read-only property named NavigationStack.

Replace the Navigate command with method + property

Is there value in Navigate being a command? Writing router.Navigate.Execute(vm) feels clunky. Would be better to have Navigate be a method, and have a companion Navigating observable property on Router. Another benefit is that the method can have an (optional) bool reset attribute, thus letting us drop the NavigateAndReset command on Router.

Option to wrap a modal inside a NavigationPage

When I do PushModal from my viewmodel, the modal shows just fine. But as a good citizen I added a "Close" Toolbar button in the top right corner so that the user can opt out of the modal. The button is never shown because the modal doesn't have a NavigationPage.

I've used similiar frameworks before and I think MvvmCross has an option to "WrapInNavigationPage" when pushing modals.

An alternate solution would perhaps be to do this by using interactions, but that might trick the IViewStackService

There should be an option to wrap it in a NavigationPage.

Additional context

Screenshot nr 2 is the modal page without the NavigationBar.

Screenshot 2019-07-12 at 11 32 07
Screenshot 2019-07-12 at 11 32 26

[BUG] PopToRoot doesn't clear the PageStack

Describe the bug

PopToRoot doesn't clear the navigation stack. It only clears the View.

Expected behavior

When PopToRoot is called the ViewStackService.PageStack should clear

Updated to System.Reactive 4.0.0

Updating Sextant dependencies to the following versions. This gets us to System.Reactive 4.x which has performance improvements.

  • Xamarin.Forms
  • ReactiveUI 8.5.1
  • Genesis.Logging 3.0.0

[BUG] Type resolver error when running Sextant 1.6 with Xamarin.Forms

Describe the bug

After creating a new project with Xamarin.Forms and Sextant 1.6 I get this error
Could not resolve type with token 01000005 from typeref (expected class 'Sextant.SextantHelper' in assembly 'Sextant, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null')

If I downgrade to 1.5.5 everything works.

Steps To Reproduce

@RLittlesII already created a sample that shows the issue:

Expected behavior

No errors :)



  • OS:
  • Version
  • Device:

Additional context

feature: Create Sextant.XamForms Package

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Currently there is a need to depend on Xamarin.Forms in order to use Sextant.

Describe the solution you'd like

I think moving forward we will need to move the Xamarin.Forms implementation into a Sextant.XamForms library. This will allow us to target other platforms easier with the root namespace Sextant, similar to what we do with ReactiveUI.Events packages.

Fix the architecture of the project

It's a mess right now. Plain and simple.
Break into folders, separate classes into responsibilities and think into how I wanna to approach it in the future.
Maybe extract the Xamarin.Forms to another project so other platforms could be used instead?

[BUG] Cake build is not building on a local Mac environment anymore

Describe the bug

When running ./ on a local Mac I get the error

/[redacted]/ReactiveUI/sextant/tools/ReactiveUI.Cake.Recipe.1.0.88/parameters.cake(147,45): error CS1061: 'ITFBuildProvider' does not contain a definition for 'IsRunningOnAzurePipelinesHosted' and no accessible extension method 'IsRunningOnAzurePipelinesHosted' accepting a first argument of type 'ITFBuildProvider' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
/[redacted]/sextant/tools/ReactiveUI.Cake.Recipe.1.0.88/parameters.cake(147,100): error CS1061: 'ITFBuildProvider' does not contain a definition for 'IsRunningOnAzurePipelines' and no accessible extension method 'IsRunningOnAzurePipelines' accepting a first argument of type 'ITFBuildProvider' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Steps To Reproduce

  1. git clone Sextant
  2. navigate to the recent cloned project
  3. run ./

Expected behavior

A successful build.



  • OS:
  • Version
  • Device:

Additional context

feature: Add a RgPopup plugin for Sextant.XamForms

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Sextant is a navigation library built for Xamarin.Forms. A few Xamarin.Forms projects I have used have had RgPopup implemented for use. Currently there is a separate navigation structure for the pop up pages.

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like to create a Sextant.RgPopup package that explicitly brings into Sextant and handles some of the boilerplate code to get it up and running.

Describe alternatives you've considered

The alternative I have is re implement this same package under my own name and use it. I have already done this for a few projects and would like a centralized standard place to keep this up to date.

Describe suggestions on how to achieve the feature

Wrap the provided IPopupNavigation in all the Sextant goodness.

Additional context
Other MVVM Frameworks that support XF have a plugin for this package for XF.

Prism RgPopup Plugin

[BUG] In Xamarin Forms the iOS dll is loaded instead of the .netstandard (version 1.6.1)

Describe the bug

package 1.5.5 works as expected in iOS

package 1.6.1 with Linker behavior (Link Framework SDK's only)
Fails to build
MTOUCH : error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference 'Sextant.NavigationView Sextant.SextantHelper::Initialize(System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler,System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler,ReactiveUI.IViewLocator)', referenced from the method 'System.Void XXX.App::.ctor()' in 'Sextant, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

package 1.6.1 with Linker behavior (Don't Link)
Crashes on Startup with System.TypeLoadException has been thrown Sextant.SextantHelper

The iOS dll is getting loaded instead of the .netstandard also if configured:

    <Reference Include="Sextant">


  • OS: iOS
  • Version: 12.2
  • Device: Any device, or simulator

performance: Remove activator

Consider removing the activator here

() => Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TView), mScheduler, bgScheduler, vLocator),

One way to remove it would be to do something like

 public static void RegisterNavigation<TView, TViewModel>(IScheduler mainThreadScheduler = null, IScheduler backgroundScheduler = null, IViewLocator viewLocator = null)
            where TView : new, IPageView, IViewFor
            where TViewModel : class, IPageViewModel
            var bgScheduler = mainThreadScheduler ?? RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler;
            var mScheduler = backgroundScheduler ?? RxApp.MainThreadScheduler;
            var vLocator = viewLocator ?? Locator.Current.GetService<IViewLocator>();
                () => new TView { Scheduler = mScheduler, BackgroundScheduler = bgScheduler, ViewLocator = vLocator },

Add project package information

Add nuspec attributes to csproj for nuget metadata

  • Authors
  • Package License Url
  • Package Project Url
  • Repository Url
  • Package Icon Url
  • Package Tags

feature: Add NavigateForResult

I want to have a reusable viewmodel that can emit results back to the calling viewmodel.

If we can get something like a NavigateForResult with a generic type then that would be neat. Interactions are great but I believe they are best for very simple dialogs and simple results. What about a complex object? What if it's prompted as a popup, but as a full page? Yes we can subscribe to events from the ViewModel before passing it through to Navigate.Execute() but that just returns a IRoutableViewModel object and will make the pipeline less neat :D

ChooseContacts = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(() =>
    HostScreen.Router.NavigateForResult.Execute(new ContactsResultViewModel())
        .Select(contacts => /* transform result */));

We can do it by making a generic IRoutableViewModel<TResult> so the routing commands can listen to it's result.

feature: add support for UWP navigation

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
There is no support for UWP native currently.

Describe the solution you'd like
Please add support for the UWP navigation stack.

feature: Navigate to a page then remove previous one from stack

Feature Request
I would like to achieve the following behavior:
Once I navigate to a page, I would like to remove the previous page from the stack. Something like


What is the current behavior?

I tried mimicking this behavior by manually removing the previous entry from the Router's NavigationStack but that resulted in an animated back navigation then forward navigation to my target vm.

New logo Sextant

Hello, I designed a logo for Sextant. I combined a navigasyon and sextant icon. I designed a logo in 2 different styles. If you like any of these, I will send you a pr.


e.g. In the readme file it will look like this;


feature: investigate uno support

Investigate if uno requires anything beyond the basic UWP and adding support for it. This will have a dependency on UWP support.

Push Page weird behavior

Hi, I already ran the original code and I happen to have a very weird issue.

Whenever I reach the "Second Modal" and press the "Push Page" button nothing happnes. However, when I do "pop modals" I happen to come across with the pages that I actually "Pushed" on the Second Modal... which can be described like this:

At frist:
Home Page -> First Modal -> Second modal (PUSH)

After push:
Home Page -> Pushed Page from second modal -> First Modal -> Second Modal

After poping pushed page:
Home Page -> First Modal -> Second Modal

I dont know if I made my self clear, any ways, I'm tyring to figure out what is going on but I happen to hae the exact same issue when working along with my own solution...

Thank you!

ViewModel constructor is been called twice

When you have a NavigationViewModel + ViewModel and call a PushModal, Sextant is instantiating the VM twice.
That's because the way the NavigationView(Model) and regular View(Model)s are registered in the factory.

viewmodel based navigation as first class citzen for all platforms

Our routing is something that should be overhauled in the future. It is far too prescriptive and platform-specific. ReactiveUI should really provide a general routing mechanism that cares not about how you manifest it in the view. All that logic should be written ​_once_​ (instead of per platform like we have now) and shared with simple shims to integrate at the UI level.

This is a great opportunity to look around and see how others are doing it. @rid00z has mentioned over beers he has suggestions from implementing this type of logic as part of his framework FreshMvvm.

Additionally MvvmCross has the notion of handling this behavior via Presenters

@jcmm33's team has done a significant amount of work on-top of ReactiveUI and have implemented their own presenter solution. Maybe this is a chance to use this implementation as the golden standard and off-load the burden from his team of having to maintain their own.

Suggested leads for this topic are @jcmm33, @rid00z, @codemillmatt and of course @kentcb / @flagbug

Sextant >= 1.7.4 throws Exception on PushModal

Updating above Sextant 1.7.3 throws an exception if page is pushed modal on android and ios (Tested by debugging on Simulator/Emulator)

The Exception is: "Page must not already have a parent..."

See small testproject updated with myget sextant:

Steps To Reproduce
Start the App, press "First Modal Button"

Expected behavior
Modal Page Pushed (like with Sextant 1.7.3
... but App Crashes


  • OS:
  • Version
  • Device:

Additional context

proposal: Add support for platform animation

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Currently all we have is the ability to tell Sextant to animate or not.

Describe the solution you'd like

I have seen a few custom animation libraries for Xamarin.Forms. What I would like is from Sextant is the ability to abstract platform level animations and allow better support for animations. Change the API from taking a bool to maybe an enumeration where the consumer can dictate which platform animation to use. What would be great is the ability to provide your own animations that have platform specific implementations.

Describe suggestions on how to achieve the feature

The following are extensions that should get us where we want to be in some fashion.


GitHub Projects

Improve CI pipeline

  • Publish alpha versions of the package based on develop
  • Publish beta versions of the package based on develop
  • Publish final versions of the package based on tags and close the release/milestone

feature: Add support to Shell

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Currently Sextant don't support Xamarin.Forms.Shell and neither does shell support any MVVM Framework.

Describe the solution you'd like

Once a solution is born from this issue: xamarin/Xamarin.Forms#5166
I suggest to discuss this with the Xamarin team to see how we can make our life easier.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Describe suggestions on how to achieve the feature

Additional context

AFAIK they are still working on a specification and that should be share soon, so let's be ready to participate.

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