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f1-2021-udp's Introduction

F1 2021 UDP Telemetry Client

This is a TypeScript UDP client and telemetry parser for Codemasters F1 2021 game that enables the consumption of such information.

Known Vulnerabilities Package quality Language grade: JavaScript

The F1 series of games support the outputting of key game data via a UDP data stream. This data can be interpreted by external apps or connected peripherals for a range of different uses, including providing additional telemetry information, customised HUD displays, motion platform hardware support or providing force feedback data for custom steering wheels.


you can forward the udp data to your laptop, phone or any other other device for development or other consumption

npx f1-2021-udp --forward



you can log the parsed data to the console using any of the packet id's

npx f1-2021-udp --log 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


npm install f1-2021-udp


import { F1TelemetryClient } from "f1-2021-udp";
*   'port' is optional, defaults to 20777

*   'bigintEnabled' is optional, defaults to true
     setting it to false makes the parser skip bigint values

*   'binaryButtonFlags' is optional, defaults to false
     setting it to true makes the parser return an object 
     with a binary flag for every button

*   'forwardAddresses' is optional, defaults to undefined
    it's an array of Address objects to forward unparsed telemetry to.
    each address object is comprised of a port and an optional ip address

*   'skipParsing' is optional, defaults to false
    setting it to true will make the client not parse and emit content.
    You can consume telemetry data using forwardAddresses instead.              

const client: F1TelemetryClient = new F1TelemetryClient();

// motion 0
client.on('motion',function(data) {

// session 1
client.on('session',function(data) {

// lap data 2
client.on('lapData',function(data) {

// event 3
client.on('event',function(data) {

// participants 4
client.on('participants',function(data) {

// car setup 5
client.on('carSetups',function(data) {

// car telemetry 6
client.on('carTelemetry',function(data) {

// car status 7
client.on('carStatus',function(data) {

// final classification 8
client.on('finalClassification',function(data) {

// lobby info 9
client.on('lobbyInfo',function(data) {

// car damage 10
client.on('carDamage',function(data) {

// session history 11
client.on('sessionHistory',function(data) {

// to start listening:

// and when you want to stop:

Event names autocomplete in TypeScript, You can still use constants.

import { F1TelemetryClient, constants } from "f1-2021-udp";

const { PACKETS } = constants;
const client = new F1TelemetryClient();

client.on(PACKETS.motion,function(data) {

use binaryButtonFlags

const client = new F1TelemetryClient({binaryButtonFlags: true});


*   'binaryButtonFlags' is optional, defaults to false
     setting it to true makes the parser return an object 
     with a binary flag for every button


Events Package Output with binaryButtonFlags enabled

        "m_header": {
            "m_packetFormat": 2021,
            "m_gameMajorVersion": 1,
            "m_gameMinorVersion": 10,
            "m_packetVersion": 1,
            "m_packetId": 3,
            "m_sessionUID": 1110141079483444784,
            "m_sessionTime": 4221.21923828125,
            "m_frameIdentifier": 281654,
            "m_playerCarIndex": 0,
            "m_secondaryPlayerCarIndex": 255
        "m_eventStringCode": "BUTN",
        "Buttons": {
            "bit1": 0,
            "bit2": 0,
            "bit3": 0,
            "bit4": 0,
            "bit5": 0,
            "bit6": 0,
            "bit7": 0,
            "bit8": 0,
            "Right_Stick_Right": 0,
            "Right_Stick_Up": 0,
            "Right_Stick_Down": 0,
            "Special": 0,
            "bit13": 0,
            "bit14": 0,
            "bit15": 0,
            "bit16": 0,
            "Options_or_Menu": 0,
            "L1_or_LB": 0,
            "R1_or_RB": 0,
            "L2_or_LT": 0,
            "R2_or_RT": 1,
            "Left_Stick_Click": 0,
            "Right_Stick_Click": 0,
            "Right_Stick_Left": 0,
            "Cross_or_A": 0,
            "Triangle_or_Y": 0,
            "Circle_or_B": 0,
            "Square_or_X": 1,
            "D_Pad_Left": 0,
            "D_Pad_Right": 1,
            "D_Pad_Up": 0,
            "D_Pad_Down": 0

Event Package Output without binaryButtonFlags parameter

        "m_header": {
            "m_packetFormat": 2021,
            "m_gameMajorVersion": 1,
            "m_gameMinorVersion": 10,
            "m_packetVersion": 1,
            "m_packetId": 3,
            "m_sessionUID": 1110141079483444784,
            "m_sessionTime": 4221.21923828125,
            "m_frameIdentifier": 281654,
            "m_playerCarIndex": 0,
            "m_secondaryPlayerCarIndex": 255
        "m_eventStringCode": "BUTN",
        "Buttons": {
            "m_buttonStatus": 524288

event types

export interface PacketEventData {
  m_header: PacketHeader;
  m_eventStringCode: string;
  FastestLap?: FastestLap;
  Retirement?: Retirement;
  TeamMateInPits?: TeamMateInPits;
  RaceWinner?: RaceWinner;
  Penalty?: Penalty;
  SpeedTrap?: SpeedTrap;
  StartLIghts?: StartLIghts;
  StartLightsOut?: StartLightsOutParser;
  DriveThroughPenaltyServed?: DriveThroughPenaltyServed;
  StopGoPenaltyServed?: StopGoPenaltyServed;
  Flashback?: Flashback;
  Buttons?: Buttons;


The following links contain information that summarises the UDP data structures so that developers of supporting hardware or software are able to configure these to work correctly with the F1 game.

F1 2021 UDP Spec


This project is originally a fork of f1-telemetry-client.
Licensed under the MIT License.

Data Output from F1 2021



The F1 series of games support the output of certain game data across UDP connections. This data can be used supply race information to external applications, or to drive certain hardware (e.g. motion platforms, force feedback steering wheels and LED devices).

The following information summarise these data structures so that developers of supporting hardware or software can configure these to work correctly with the F1 game.

Note: To ensure that you are using the latest specification for this game, please check our official forum page here.

If you cannot find the information that you require then please contact the team via the official Codemasters forum thread listed above, or raise a bug report through the F1 2021 forum, and a member of the team will respond to your query as soon as possible.  

Packet Information

Packet Types

Each packet can now carry different types of data rather than having one packet which contains everything. A header has been added to each packet as well so that versioning can be tracked and it will be easier for applications to check they are interpreting the incoming data in the correct way. Please note that all values are encoded using Little Endian format. All data is packed.

The following data types are used in the structures:

Type Description
uint8 Unsigned 8-bit integer
int8 Signed 8-bit integer
uint16 Unsigned 16-bit integer
int16 Signed 16-bit integer
uint32 Unsigned 32-bit integer
float Floating point (32-bit)
uint64 Unsigned 64-bit integer

Packet Header

Each packet has the following header:

struct PacketHeader
    uint16    m_packetFormat;            // 2021
    uint8     m_gameMajorVersion;        // Game major version - "X.00"
    uint8     m_gameMinorVersion;        // Game minor version - "1.XX"
    uint8     m_packetVersion;           // Version of this packet type,
                                         // all start from 1
    uint8     m_packetId;                // Identifier for the packet type,
                                         // see below
    uint64    m_sessionUID;              // Unique identifier for the session
    float     m_sessionTime;             // Session timestamp
    uint32    m_frameIdentifier;         // Identifier for the frame the data
                                         // was retrieved on
    uint8     m_playerCarIndex;          // Index of player's car in the array
    uint8     m_secondaryPlayerCarIndex; // Index of secondary player's car in
                                         // the array (split-screen)
                                         // 255 if no second player

Packet IDs

The packets IDs are as follows:

Packet Name Value Description
Motion 0 Contains all motion data for player’s car – only sent while player is in control
Session 1 Data about the session – track, time left
Lap Data 2 Data about all the lap times of cars in the session
Event 3 Various notable events that happen during a session
Participants 4 List of participants in the session, mostly relevant for multiplayer
Car Setups 5 Packet detailing car setups for cars in the race
Car Telemetry 6 Telemetry data for all cars
Car Status 7 Status data for all cars
Final Classification 8 Final classification confirmation at the end of a race
Lobby Info 9 Information about players in a multiplayer lobby
Car Damage 10 Damage status for all cars
Session History 11 Lap and tyre data for session

Motion Packet

The motion packet gives physics data for all the cars being driven. There is additional data for the car being driven with the goal of being able to drive a motion platform setup. N.B. For the normalised vectors below, to convert to float values divide by 32767.0f – 16-bit signed values are used to pack the data and on the assumption that direction values are always between -1.0f and 1.0f.

Frequency: Rate as specified in menus Size: 1464 bytes Version: 1

struct CarMotionData
    float         m_worldPositionX;           // World space X position
    float         m_worldPositionY;           // World space Y position
    float         m_worldPositionZ;           // World space Z position
    float         m_worldVelocityX;           // Velocity in world space X
    float         m_worldVelocityY;           // Velocity in world space Y
    float         m_worldVelocityZ;           // Velocity in world space Z
    int16         m_worldForwardDirX;         // World space forward X direction (normalised)
    int16         m_worldForwardDirY;         // World space forward Y direction (normalised)
    int16         m_worldForwardDirZ;         // World space forward Z direction (normalised)
    int16         m_worldRightDirX;           // World space right X direction (normalised)
    int16         m_worldRightDirY;           // World space right Y direction (normalised)
    int16         m_worldRightDirZ;           // World space right Z direction (normalised)
    float         m_gForceLateral;            // Lateral G-Force component
    float         m_gForceLongitudinal;       // Longitudinal G-Force component
    float         m_gForceVertical;           // Vertical G-Force component
    float         m_yaw;                      // Yaw angle in radians
    float         m_pitch;                    // Pitch angle in radians
    float         m_roll;                     // Roll angle in radians
struct PacketMotionData
    PacketHeader    m_header;               	// Header

    CarMotionData   m_carMotionData:[22];    	// Data for all cars on track
                                                // Extra player car ONLY data
    float         m_suspensionPosition[4];       // Note: All wheel arrays have the following order:
    float         m_suspensionVelocity[4];       // RL, RR, FL, FR
    float         m_suspensionAcceleration[4];	// RL, RR, FL, FR
    float         m_wheelSpeed[4];           	// Speed of each wheel
    float         m_wheelSlip[4];                // Slip ratio for each wheel
    float         m_localVelocityX;         	// Velocity in local space
    float         m_localVelocityY;         	// Velocity in local space
    float         m_localVelocityZ;         	// Velocity in local space
    float         m_angularVelocityX;	     	// Angular velocity x-component
    float         m_angularVelocityY;            // Angular velocity y-component
    float         m_angularVelocityZ;            // Angular velocity z-component
    float         m_angularAccelerationX;        // Angular velocity x-component
    float         m_angularAccelerationY;	     // Angular velocity y-component
    float         m_angularAccelerationZ;        // Angular velocity z-component
    float         m_frontWheelsAngle;            // Current front wheels angle in radians

Session Packet

The session packet includes details about the current session in progress.

Frequency: 2 per second Size: 625 bytes Version: 1

struct MarshalZone
    float  m_zoneStart;   // Fraction (0..1) of way through the lap the marshal zone starts
    int8   m_zoneFlag;    // -1 = invalid/unknown, 0 = none, 1 = green, 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 = red

struct WeatherForecastSample
    uint8     m_sessionType;              // 0 = unknown, 1 = P1, 2 = P2, 3 = P3, 4 = Short P, 5 = Q1
                                          // 6 = Q2, 7 = Q3, 8 = Short Q, 9 = OSQ, 10 = R, 11 = R2
                                          // 12 = Time Trial
    uint8     m_timeOffset;               // Time in minutes the forecast is for
    uint8     m_weather;                  // Weather - 0 = clear, 1 = light cloud, 2 = overcast
                                          // 3 = light rain, 4 = heavy rain, 5 = storm
    int8      m_trackTemperature;         // Track temp. in degrees Celsius
    int8      m_trackTemperatureChange;   // Track temp. change – 0 = up, 1 = down, 2 = no change
    int8      m_airTemperature;           // Air temp. in degrees celsius
    int8      m_airTemperatureChange;     // Air temp. change – 0 = up, 1 = down, 2 = no change
    uint8     m_rainPercentage;           // Rain percentage (0-100)

struct PacketSessionData
    PacketHeader    m_header;               	// Header

    uint8           m_weather;              	// Weather - 0 = clear, 1 = light cloud, 2 = overcast
                                            	// 3 = light rain, 4 = heavy rain, 5 = storm
    int8	        m_trackTemperature;    	// Track temp. in degrees celsius
    int8	        m_airTemperature;      	// Air temp. in degrees celsius
    uint8           m_totalLaps;           	// Total number of laps in this race
    uint16          m_trackLength;           	// Track length in metres
    uint8           m_sessionType;         	// 0 = unknown, 1 = P1, 2 = P2, 3 = P3, 4 = Short P
                                            	// 5 = Q1, 6 = Q2, 7 = Q3, 8 = Short Q, 9 = OSQ
                                            	// 10 = R, 11 = R2, 12 = R3, 13 = Time Trial
    int8            m_trackId;         		// -1 for unknown, 0-21 for tracks, see appendix
    uint8           m_formula;                  	// Formula, 0 = F1 Modern, 1 = F1 Classic, 2 = F2,
                                                 // 3 = F1 Generic
    uint16          m_sessionTimeLeft;    	// Time left in session in seconds
    uint16          m_sessionDuration;     	// Session duration in seconds
    uint8           m_pitSpeedLimit;      	// Pit speed limit in kilometres per hour
    uint8           m_gamePaused;                // Whether the game is paused
    uint8           m_isSpectating;        	// Whether the player is spectating
    uint8           m_spectatorCarIndex;  	// Index of the car being spectated
    uint8           m_sliProNativeSupport;	// SLI Pro support, 0 = inactive, 1 = active
    uint8           m_numMarshalZones;         	// Number of marshal zones to follow
    MarshalZone     m_marshalZones[21];         	// List of marshal zones – max 21
    uint8           m_safetyCarStatus;           // 0 = no safety car, 1 = full
                                                 // 2 = virtual, 3 = formation lap
    uint8           m_networkGame;               // 0 = offline, 1 = online
    uint8           m_numWeatherForecastSamples; // Number of weather samples to follow
    WeatherForecastSample m_weatherForecastSamples[56];   // Array of weather forecast samples
    uint8           m_forecastAccuracy;          // 0 = Perfect, 1 = Approximate
    uint8           m_aiDifficulty;              // AI Difficulty rating – 0-110
    uint32          m_seasonLinkIdentifier;      // Identifier for season - persists across saves
    uint32          m_weekendLinkIdentifier;     // Identifier for weekend - persists across saves
    uint32          m_sessionLinkIdentifier;     // Identifier for session - persists across saves
    uint8           m_pitStopWindowIdealLap;     // Ideal lap to pit on for current strategy (player)
    uint8           m_pitStopWindowLatestLap;    // Latest lap to pit on for current strategy (player)
    uint8           m_pitStopRejoinPosition;     // Predicted position to rejoin at (player)
    uint8           m_steeringAssist;            // 0 = off, 1 = on
    uint8           m_brakingAssist;             // 0 = off, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high
    uint8           m_gearboxAssist;             // 1 = manual, 2 = manual & suggested gear, 3 = auto
    uint8           m_pitAssist;                 // 0 = off, 1 = on
    uint8           m_pitReleaseAssist;          // 0 = off, 1 = on
    uint8           m_ERSAssist;                 // 0 = off, 1 = on
    uint8           m_DRSAssist;                 // 0 = off, 1 = on
    uint8           m_dynamicRacingLine;         // 0 = off, 1 = corners only, 2 = full
    uint8           m_dynamicRacingLineType;     // 0 = 2D, 1 = 3D

Lap Data Packet

The lap data packet gives details of all the cars in the session.

Frequency: Rate as specified in menus Size: 970 bytes Version: 1

struct LapData
    uint32   m_lastLapTimeInMS;	       	 // Last lap time in milliseconds
    uint32   m_currentLapTimeInMS; 	 // Current time around the lap in milliseconds
    uint16   m_sector1TimeInMS;           // Sector 1 time in milliseconds
    uint16   m_sector2TimeInMS;           // Sector 2 time in milliseconds
    float    m_lapDistance;		 // Distance vehicle is around current lap in metres – could
					 // be negative if line hasn’t been crossed yet
    float    m_totalDistance;		 // Total distance travelled in session in metres – could
					 // be negative if line hasn’t been crossed yet
    float    m_safetyCarDelta;            // Delta in seconds for safety car
    uint8    m_carPosition;   	         // Car race position
    uint8    m_currentLapNum;		 // Current lap number
    uint8    m_pitStatus;            	 // 0 = none, 1 = pitting, 2 = in pit area
    uint8    m_numPitStops;            	 // Number of pit stops taken in this race
    uint8    m_sector;               	 // 0 = sector1, 1 = sector2, 2 = sector3
    uint8    m_currentLapInvalid;    	 // Current lap invalid - 0 = valid, 1 = invalid
    uint8    m_penalties;            	 // Accumulated time penalties in seconds to be added
    uint8    m_warnings;                  // Accumulated number of warnings issued
    uint8    m_numUnservedDriveThroughPens;  // Num drive through pens left to serve
    uint8    m_numUnservedStopGoPens;        // Num stop go pens left to serve
    uint8    m_gridPosition;         	 // Grid position the vehicle started the race in
    uint8    m_driverStatus;         	 // Status of driver - 0 = in garage, 1 = flying lap
                                          // 2 = in lap, 3 = out lap, 4 = on track
    uint8    m_resultStatus;              // Result status - 0 = invalid, 1 = inactive, 2 = active
                                          // 3 = finished, 4 = didnotfinish, 5 = disqualified
                                          // 6 = not classified, 7 = retired
    uint8    m_pitLaneTimerActive;     	 // Pit lane timing, 0 = inactive, 1 = active
    uint16   m_pitLaneTimeInLaneInMS;   	 // If active, the current time spent in the pit lane in ms
    uint16   m_pitStopTimerInMS;        	 // Time of the actual pit stop in ms
    uint8    m_pitStopShouldServePen;   	 // Whether the car should serve a penalty at this stop

struct PacketLapData
    PacketHeader    m_header;              // Header

    LapData         m_lapData[22];         // Lap data for all cars on track

Event Packet

This packet gives details of events that happen during the course of a session.

Frequency: When the event occurs Size: 36 bytes Version: 1

// The event details packet is different for each type of event.
// Make sure only the correct type is interpreted.
union EventDataDetails
        uint8	vehicleIdx; // Vehicle index of car achieving fastest lap
        float	lapTime;    // Lap time is in seconds
    } FastestLap;

        uint8   vehicleIdx; // Vehicle index of car retiring
    } Retirement;

        uint8   vehicleIdx; // Vehicle index of team mate
    } TeamMateInPits;

        uint8   vehicleIdx; // Vehicle index of the race winner
    } RaceWinner;

    	uint8 penaltyType;		// Penalty type – see Appendices
        uint8 infringementType;		// Infringement type – see Appendices
        uint8 vehicleIdx;         	// Vehicle index of the car the penalty is applied to
        uint8 otherVehicleIdx;    	// Vehicle index of the other car involved
        uint8 time;               	// Time gained, or time spent doing action in seconds
        uint8 lapNum;             	// Lap the penalty occurred on
        uint8 placesGained;       	// Number of places gained by this
    } Penalty;

        uint8 vehicleIdx;		// Vehicle index of the vehicle triggering speed trap
        float speed;      		// Top speed achieved in kilometres per hour
        uint8 overallFastestInSession;   // Overall fastest speed in session = 1, otherwise 0
        uint8 driverFastestInSession;    // Fastest speed for driver in session = 1, otherwise 0
    } SpeedTrap;

        uint8 numLights;		// Number of lights showing
    } StartLIghts;

        uint8 vehicleIdx;                 // Vehicle index of the vehicle serving drive through
    } DriveThroughPenaltyServed;

        uint8 vehicleIdx;                 // Vehicle index of the vehicle serving stop go
    } StopGoPenaltyServed;

        uint32 flashbackFrameIdentifier;  // Frame identifier flashed back to
        float flashbackSessionTime;       // Session time flashed back to
    } Flashback;

        uint32         m_buttonStatus;    // Bit flags specifying which buttons are being pressed
                                          // currently - see appendices
    } Buttons;

struct PacketEventData
    PacketHeader    	m_header;               	// Header
    uint8           	m_eventStringCode[4];   	// Event string code, see below
    EventDataDetails	m_eventDetails;         	// Event details - should be interpreted differently
                                                 // for each type

Event String Codes

Event Code Description
Session Started “SSTA” Sent when the session starts
Session Ended “SEND” Sent when the session ends
Fastest Lap “FTLP” When a driver achieves the fastest lap
Retirement “RTMT” When a driver retires
DRS enabled “DRSE” Race control have enabled DRS
DRS disabled “DRSD” Race control have disabled DRS
Team mate in pits “TMPT” Your team mate has entered the pits
Chequered flag “CHQF” The chequered flag has been waved
Race Winner “RCWN” The race winner is announced
Penalty Issued “PENA” A penalty has been issued – details in event
Speed Trap Triggered “SPTP” Speed trap has been triggered by fastest speed
Start lights “STLG” Start lights – number shown
Lights out “LGOT” Lights out
Drive through served “DTSV” Drive through penalty served
Stop go served “SGSV” Stop go penalty served
Flashback “FLBK” Flashback activated
Button status “BUTN” Button status changed

Participants Packet

This is a list of participants in the race. If the vehicle is controlled by AI, then the name will be the driver name. If this is a multiplayer game, the names will be the Steam Id on PC, or the LAN name if appropriate.

N.B. on Xbox One, the names will always be the driver name, on PS4 the name will be the LAN name if playing a LAN game, otherwise it will be the driver name.

The array should be indexed by vehicle index.

Frequency: Every 5 seconds Size: 1257 bytes Version: 1

struct ParticipantData
    uint8      m_aiControlled;           // Whether the vehicle is AI (1) or Human (0) controlled
    uint8      m_driverId;		// Driver id - see appendix, 255 if network human
    uint8      m_networkId;		// Network id – unique identifier for network players
    uint8      m_teamId;                 // Team id - see appendix
    uint8      m_myTeam;                 // My team flag – 1 = My Team, 0 = otherwise
    uint8      m_raceNumber;             // Race number of the car
    uint8      m_nationality;            // Nationality of the driver
    char       m_name[48];               // Name of participant in UTF-8 format – null terminated
					// Will be truncated with … (U+2026) if too long
    uint8      m_yourTelemetry;          // The player's UDP setting, 0 = restricted, 1 = public

struct PacketParticipantsData
    PacketHeader    m_header;            // Header

    uint8           m_numActiveCars;	// Number of active cars in the data – should match number of
                                         // cars on HUD
    ParticipantData m_participants[22];

Car Setups Packet

This packet details the car setups for each vehicle in the session. Note that in multiplayer games, other player cars will appear as blank, you will only be able to see your car setup and AI cars.

Frequency: 2 per second Size: 1102 bytes Version: 1

struct CarSetupData
    uint8     m_frontWing;                // Front wing aero
    uint8     m_rearWing;                 // Rear wing aero
    uint8     m_onThrottle;               // Differential adjustment on throttle (percentage)
    uint8     m_offThrottle;              // Differential adjustment off throttle (percentage)
    float     m_frontCamber;              // Front camber angle (suspension geometry)
    float     m_rearCamber;               // Rear camber angle (suspension geometry)
    float     m_frontToe;                 // Front toe angle (suspension geometry)
    float     m_rearToe;                  // Rear toe angle (suspension geometry)
    uint8     m_frontSuspension;          // Front suspension
    uint8     m_rearSuspension;           // Rear suspension
    uint8     m_frontAntiRollBar;         // Front anti-roll bar
    uint8     m_rearAntiRollBar;          // Front anti-roll bar
    uint8     m_frontSuspensionHeight;    // Front ride height
    uint8     m_rearSuspensionHeight;     // Rear ride height
    uint8     m_brakePressure;            // Brake pressure (percentage)
    uint8     m_brakeBias;                // Brake bias (percentage)
    float     m_rearLeftTyrePressure;     // Rear left tyre pressure (PSI)
    float     m_rearRightTyrePressure;    // Rear right tyre pressure (PSI)
    float     m_frontLeftTyrePressure;    // Front left tyre pressure (PSI)
    float     m_frontRightTyrePressure;   // Front right tyre pressure (PSI)
    uint8     m_ballast;                  // Ballast
    float     m_fuelLoad;                 // Fuel load

struct PacketCarSetupData
    PacketHeader    m_header;            // Header

    CarSetupData    m_carSetups[22];

Car Telemetry Packet

This packet details telemetry for all the cars in the race. It details various values that would be recorded on the car such as speed, throttle application, DRS etc. Note that the rev light configurations are presented separately as well and will mimic real life driver preferences.

Frequency: Rate as specified in menus Size: 1347 bytes Version: 1

struct CarTelemetryData
    uint16    m_speed;                    // Speed of car in kilometres per hour
    float     m_throttle;                 // Amount of throttle applied (0.0 to 1.0)
    float     m_steer;                    // Steering (-1.0 (full lock left) to 1.0 (full lock right))
    float     m_brake;                    // Amount of brake applied (0.0 to 1.0)
    uint8     m_clutch;                   // Amount of clutch applied (0 to 100)
    int8      m_gear;                     // Gear selected (1-8, N=0, R=-1)
    uint16    m_engineRPM;                // Engine RPM
    uint8     m_drs;                      // 0 = off, 1 = on
    uint8     m_revLightsPercent;         // Rev lights indicator (percentage)
    uint16    m_revLightsBitValue;        // Rev lights (bit 0 = leftmost LED, bit 14 = rightmost LED)
    uint16    m_brakesTemperature[4];     // Brakes temperature (celsius)
    uint8     m_tyresSurfaceTemperature[4]; // Tyres surface temperature (celsius)
    uint8     m_tyresInnerTemperature[4]; // Tyres inner temperature (celsius)
    uint16    m_engineTemperature;        // Engine temperature (celsius)
    float     m_tyresPressure[4];         // Tyres pressure (PSI)
    uint8     m_surfaceType[4];           // Driving surface, see appendices

struct PacketCarTelemetryData
    PacketHeader    	m_header;	      // Header

    CarTelemetryData    m_carTelemetryData[22];

    uint8               m_mfdPanelIndex;       // Index of MFD panel open - 255 = MFD closed
                                               // Single player, race – 0 = Car setup, 1 = Pits
                                               // 2 = Damage, 3 =  Engine, 4 = Temperatures
                                               // May vary depending on game mode
    uint8               m_mfdPanelIndexSecondaryPlayer;   // See above
    int8                m_suggestedGear;       // Suggested gear for the player (1-8)
                                               // 0 if no gear suggested

Car Status Packet

This packet details car statuses for all the cars in the race.

Frequency: Rate as specified in menus Size: 1058 bytes Version: 1

struct CarStatusData
    uint8       m_tractionControl;          // Traction control - 0 = off, 1 = medium, 2 = full
    uint8       m_antiLockBrakes;           // 0 (off) - 1 (on)
    uint8       m_fuelMix;                  // Fuel mix - 0 = lean, 1 = standard, 2 = rich, 3 = max
    uint8       m_frontBrakeBias;           // Front brake bias (percentage)
    uint8       m_pitLimiterStatus;         // Pit limiter status - 0 = off, 1 = on
    float       m_fuelInTank;               // Current fuel mass
    float       m_fuelCapacity;             // Fuel capacity
    float       m_fuelRemainingLaps;        // Fuel remaining in terms of laps (value on MFD)
    uint16      m_maxRPM;                   // Cars max RPM, point of rev limiter
    uint16      m_idleRPM;                  // Cars idle RPM
    uint8       m_maxGears;                 // Maximum number of gears
    uint8       m_drsAllowed;               // 0 = not allowed, 1 = allowed
    uint16      m_drsActivationDistance;    // 0 = DRS not available, non-zero - DRS will be available
                                            // in [X] metres
    uint8       m_actualTyreCompound;	   // F1 Modern - 16 = C5, 17 = C4, 18 = C3, 19 = C2, 20 = C1
   					   // 7 = inter, 8 = wet
   					   // F1 Classic - 9 = dry, 10 = wet
   					   // F2 – 11 = super soft, 12 = soft, 13 = medium, 14 = hard
   					   // 15 = wet
    uint8       m_visualTyreCompound;       // F1 visual (can be different from actual compound)
                                            // 16 = soft, 17 = medium, 18 = hard, 7 = inter, 8 = wet
                                            // F1 Classic – same as above
                                            // F2 ‘19, 15 = wet, 19 – super soft, 20 = soft
                                            // 21 = medium , 22 = hard
    uint8       m_tyresAgeLaps;             // Age in laps of the current set of tyres
    int8        m_vehicleFiaFlags;	   // -1 = invalid/unknown, 0 = none, 1 = green
                                            // 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 = red
    float       m_ersStoreEnergy;           // ERS energy store in Joules
    uint8       m_ersDeployMode;            // ERS deployment mode, 0 = none, 1 = medium
   					   // 2 = hotlap, 3 = overtake
    float       m_ersHarvestedThisLapMGUK;  // ERS energy harvested this lap by MGU-K
    float       m_ersHarvestedThisLapMGUH;  // ERS energy harvested this lap by MGU-H
    float       m_ersDeployedThisLap;       // ERS energy deployed this lap
    uint8       m_networkPaused;            // Whether the car is paused in a network game

struct PacketCarStatusData
    PacketHeader    	m_header;	   // Header

    CarStatusData	m_carStatusData[22];

Final Classification Packet

This packet details the final classification at the end of the race, and the data will match with the post race results screen. This is especially useful for multiplayer games where it is not always possible to send lap times on the final frame because of network delay.

Frequency: Once at the end of a race Size: 839 bytes Version: 1

struct FinalClassificationData
    uint8     m_position;              // Finishing position
    uint8     m_numLaps;               // Number of laps completed
    uint8     m_gridPosition;          // Grid position of the car
    uint8     m_points;                // Number of points scored
    uint8     m_numPitStops;           // Number of pit stops made
    uint8     m_resultStatus;          // Result status - 0 = invalid, 1 = inactive, 2 = active
                                       // 3 = finished, 4 = didnotfinish, 5 = disqualified
                                       // 6 = not classified, 7 = retired
    uint32    m_bestLapTimeInMS;       // Best lap time of the session in milliseconds
    double    m_totalRaceTime;         // Total race time in seconds without penalties
    uint8     m_penaltiesTime;         // Total penalties accumulated in seconds
    uint8     m_numPenalties;          // Number of penalties applied to this driver
    uint8     m_numTyreStints;         // Number of tyres stints up to maximum
    uint8     m_tyreStintsActual[8];   // Actual tyres used by this driver
    uint8     m_tyreStintsVisual[8];   // Visual tyres used by this driver
struct PacketFinalClassificationData
    PacketHeader    m_header;                      // Header

    uint8                      m_numCars;          // Number of cars in the final classification
    FinalClassificationData    m_classificationData[22];

Lobby Info Packet

This packet details the players currently in a multiplayer lobby. It details each player’s selected car, any AI involved in the game and also the ready status of each of the participants.

Frequency: Two every second when in the lobby Size: 1191 bytes Version: 1

struct LobbyInfoData
    uint8     m_aiControlled;            // Whether the vehicle is AI (1) or Human (0) controlled
    uint8     m_teamId;                  // Team id - see appendix (255 if no team currently selected)
    uint8     m_nationality;             // Nationality of the driver
    char      m_name[48];		// Name of participant in UTF-8 format – null terminated
                                         // Will be truncated with ... (U+2026) if too long
    uint8     m_carNumber;               // Car number of the player
    uint8     m_readyStatus;             // 0 = not ready, 1 = ready, 2 = spectating

struct PacketLobbyInfoData
    PacketHeader    m_header;                       // Header

    // Packet specific data
    uint8               m_numPlayers;               // Number of players in the lobby data
    LobbyInfoData       m_lobbyPlayers[22];

Car Damage Packet

This packet details car damage parameters for all the cars in the race.

Frequency: 2 per second Size: 882 bytes Version: 1

struct CarDamageData
    float     m_tyresWear[4];                     // Tyre wear (percentage)
    uint8     m_tyresDamage[4];                   // Tyre damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_brakesDamage[4];                  // Brakes damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_frontLeftWingDamage;              // Front left wing damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_frontRightWingDamage;             // Front right wing damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_rearWingDamage;                   // Rear wing damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_floorDamage;                      // Floor damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_diffuserDamage;                   // Diffuser damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_sidepodDamage;                    // Sidepod damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_drsFault;                         // Indicator for DRS fault, 0 = OK, 1 = fault
    uint8     m_gearBoxDamage;                    // Gear box damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_engineDamage;                     // Engine damage (percentage)
    uint8     m_engineMGUHWear;                   // Engine wear MGU-H (percentage)
    uint8     m_engineESWear;                     // Engine wear ES (percentage)
    uint8     m_engineCEWear;                     // Engine wear CE (percentage)
    uint8     m_engineICEWear;                    // Engine wear ICE (percentage)
    uint8     m_engineMGUKWear;                   // Engine wear MGU-K (percentage)
    uint8     m_engineTCWear;                     // Engine wear TC (percentage)

struct PacketCarDamageData
    PacketHeader    m_header;               // Header

    CarDamageData   m_carDamageData[22];

Session History Packet

This packet contains lap times and tyre usage for the session. This packet works slightly differently to other packets. To reduce CPU and bandwidth, each packet relates to a specific vehicle and is sent every 1/20 s, and the vehicle being sent is cycled through. Therefore in a 20 car race you should receive an update for each vehicle at least once per second.

Note that at the end of the race, after the final classification packet has been sent, a final bulk update of all the session histories for the vehicles in that session will be sent.

Frequency: 20 per second but cycling through cars Size: 1155 bytes Version: 1

struct LapHistoryData
    uint32    m_lapTimeInMS;           // Lap time in milliseconds
    uint16    m_sector1TimeInMS;       // Sector 1 time in milliseconds
    uint16    m_sector2TimeInMS;       // Sector 2 time in milliseconds
    uint16    m_sector3TimeInMS;       // Sector 3 time in milliseconds
    uint8     m_lapValidBitFlags;      // 0x01 bit set-lap valid,      0x02 bit set-sector 1 valid
                                       // 0x04 bit set-sector 2 valid, 0x08 bit set-sector 3 valid

struct TyreStintHistoryData
    uint8     m_endLap;                // Lap the tyre usage ends on (255 of current tyre)
    uint8     m_tyreActualCompound;    // Actual tyres used by this driver
    uint8     m_tyreVisualCompound;    // Visual tyres used by this driver

struct PacketSessionHistoryData
    PacketHeader  m_header;                   // Header

    uint8         m_carIdx;                   // Index of the car this lap data relates to
    uint8         m_numLaps;                  // Num laps in the data (including current partial lap)
    uint8         m_numTyreStints;            // Number of tyre stints in the data

    uint8         m_bestLapTimeLapNum;        // Lap the best lap time was achieved on
    uint8         m_bestSector1LapNum;        // Lap the best Sector 1 time was achieved on
    uint8         m_bestSector2LapNum;        // Lap the best Sector 2 time was achieved on
    uint8         m_bestSector3LapNum;        // Lap the best Sector 3 time was achieved on

    LapHistoryData          m_lapHistoryData[100];	// 100 laps of data max
    TyreStintHistoryData    m_tyreStintsHistoryData[8];

Restricted data (Your Telemetry setting)

There is some data in the UDP that you may not want other players seeing if you are in a multiplayer game. This is controlled by the “Your Telemetry” setting in the Telemetry options. The options are:

  • Restricted (Default) – other players viewing the UDP data will not see values for your car
  • Public – all other players can see all the data for your car

Note: You can always see the data for the car you are driving regardless of the setting.

The following data items are set to zero if the player driving the car in question has their “Your Telemetry” set to “Restricted”:

Car status packet

  • m_fuelInTank
  • m_fuelCapacity
  • m_fuelMix
  • m_fuelRemainingLaps
  • m_frontBrakeBias
  • m_ersDeployMode
  • m_ersStoreEnergy
  • m_ersDeployedThisLap
  • m_ersHarvestedThisLapMGUK
  • m_ersHarvestedThisLapMGUH

Car damage packet

  • m_frontLeftWingDamage
  • m_frontRightWingDamage
  • m_rearWingDamage
  • m_floorDamage
  • m_diffuserDamage
  • m_sidepodDamage
  • m_engineDamage
  • m_gearBoxDamage
  • m_tyresWear (All four wheels)
  • m_tyresDamage (All four wheels)
  • m_brakesDamage (All four wheels)
  • m_drsFault
  • m_engineMGUHWear
  • m_engineESWear
  • m_engineCEWear
  • m_engineICEWear
  • m_engineMGUKWear
  • m_engineTCWear


How do I enable the UDP Telemetry Output?

In F1 2021, UDP telemetry output is controlled via the in-game menus. To enable this, enter the options menu from the main menu (triangle / Y), then enter the settings menu - the UDP option will be at the bottom of the list. From there you will be able to enable / disable the UDP output, configure the IP address and port for the receiving application, toggle broadcast mode and set the send rate. Broadcast mode transmits the data across the network subnet to allow multiple devices on the same subnet to be able to receive this information. When using broadcast mode it is not necessary to set a target IP address, just a target port for applications to listen on.

Advanced PC Users: You can additionally edit the game’s configuration XML file to configure UDP output. The file is located here (after an initial boot of the game):

...\Documents\My Games\<game_folder>\hardwaresettings\hardware_settings_config.xml

You should see the tag:

  <udp enabled="false" broadcast=”false” ip="" port="20777" sendRate=”20” format=”2021” yourTelemetry=”restricted” />

Here you can set the values manually. Note that any changes made within the game when it is running will overwrite any changes made manually. Note the enabled flag is now a state.

What has changed since last year?

F1 2021 sees the following changes to the UDP specification:

  • Car Damage packet including new engine wear parameters, brakes damage and more detailed body damage included. Some data sizes changed.

  • Damage and wear parameters moved from car status packet to car damage for consistency and to more efficiently use space

  • Block rev lights have been added for showing more accurate rev light LED arrays

  • Session packet has been updated with more detailed weather forecast together with accuracy setting

  • Nationality IDs have been updated

  • Session types have been updated

  • Adding new track Ids

  • Added car number in the lobby info packet

  • Network identifier added to participants – previously the network Id was offset by 100, but this could be confused with valid Driver Ids as they go over 100 now

  • Updated Result Status values

  • Added AI difficulty to the session packet

  • Added My Team flag to participants and now set invalid driver, team, nationality & network ids to 255

  • Added number of pit stops to the lap data

  • New “Start lights” and “Lights out” events

  • Added identifiers into the session packet so data sets can be linked

  • Pit stop window data for the player has been added to the session packet

  • Pit stop timings for all vehicles are now available in the lap data

  • New session history packet gives details of lap times and tyre usage across the session

  • Removed best lap/sector times/lap numbers from Lap Data packet as all this information is now available in the Session History packet

  • Assists for local player are now in the session packet

  • Added num penalties unserved into lap data and events for when drive through and stop-go penalties are served

  • Added num warnings a driver has been issued in the lap data

  • Added network paused flag to the car status (for every car)

  • Flashback event added to help figure out discontinuities in the data

  • Added dynamic racing line assists

  • Lap times are now all in milliseconds (lap data and final classification packets affected)

  • Lap valid flags added to the session history

  • Added new event for button status so it can be detected throughout the game, not just driving

  • Removed the button status from the car telemetry packet as the event packet is now available

What is the order of the wheel arrays?

All wheel arrays are in the following order:

  • 0 – Rear Left (RL)
  • 1 – Rear Right (RR)
  • 2 – Front Left (FL)
  • 3 – Front Right (FR)

Do the vehicle indices change?

During a session, each car is assigned a vehicle index. This will not change throughout the session and all the arrays that are sent use this vehicle index to dereference the correct piece of data.

What encoding format is used?

All values are encoded using Little Endian format.

Are the data structures packed?

Yes, all data is packed, there is no padding used.

Will there always be 20 cars in the data structures?

No, for F1 2020, there is a new feature called “My Team” which allows an extra team to be present on the grid. This means that all previous places where 20 cars were used, 22 is now the maximum. If “My Team” is not active however, most games modes will act as before and have a maximum of 20. Note that if your UDP format is 2019, 2018 or legacy and you are in “My Team” career mode, no UDP output will be produced because of this limitation.

There is still the data item called m_numActiveCars in the participants packet which tells you how many cars are active in the race. However, you should check the individual result status of each car in the lap data to see if that car is actively providing data. If it is not “Invalid” or “Inactive” then the corresponding vehicle index has valid data.

How often are updated packets sent?

For the packets which get updated at “Rate as specified in the menus” you can be guaranteed that on the frame that these get sent they will all get sent together and will never be separated across frames. This of course relies on the reliability of your network as to whether they are received correctly as everything is sent via UDP. Other packets that get sent at specific rates can arrive on any frame. If you are connected to the game when it starts transmitting the first frame will contain the following information to help initialise data structures on the receiving application:

Packets sent on Frame 1: (All packets sent on this frame have “Session timestamp” 0.000)

  • Session
  • Participants
  • Car Setups
  • Lap Data
  • Motion Data
  • Car Telemetry
  • Car Status
  • Car Damage

As an example, assuming that you are running at 60Hz with 60Hz update rate selected in the menus then you would expect to see the following packets and timestamps:

Packets sent on Frame 2: (All packets sent on this frame have “Session timestamp” 0.016)

  • Lap Data
  • Motion Data
  • Car Telemetry
  • Car Status

Packets sent on Frame 31: (All packets sent on this frame have “Session timestamp” 0.5)

  • Session (since 2 updates per second)
  • Car Setups (since 2 updates per second)
  • Lap Data
  • Motion Data
  • Car Telemetry
  • Car Status
  • Car Damage (since 2 updates per second)

Will my old app still work with F1 2021?

F1 2021 uses a new format for the UDP data. However, earlier formats of the data are still supported so that most older apps implemented using the previous data formats should work with little or no change from the developer. To use the old formats, please enter the UDP options menu and set “UDP Format” to either “F1 2020”, “F1 2019”, “F1 2018” or “Legacy” (for F1 2017 and earlier). Specifications for the olders formats can be seen here:

How do I enable D-BOX output?

D-BOX output is currently supported on the PC platform. In F1 2021, the D-BOX activation can be controlled via the menus. Navigate to Game Options->Settings->UDP Telemetry Settings->D-BOX to activate this on your system.

Advanced PC Users: It is possible to control D-BOX by editing the games’ configuration XML file. The file is located here (after an initial boot of the game):

...\Documents\My Games\<game_folder>\hardwaresettings\hardware_settings_config.xml

You should see the tag:

    <dbox enabled="false" />

Set the “enabled” value to “true” to allow the game to output to your D-BOX motion platform. Note that any changes made within the game when it is running will overwrite any changes made manually.

How can I disable in-game support for LED device?

The F1 game has native support for some of the basic features supported by some external LED devices, such as the Leo Bodnar SLI Pro and the Fanatec steering wheels. To avoid conflicts between Codemasters’ implementation and any third-party device managers on the PC platform it may be necessary to disable the native support. This is done using the following led_display flags in the hardware_settings_config.xml. The file is located here (after an initial boot of the game):

...\Documents\My Games\<game_folder>\hardwaresettings\hardware_settings_config.xml

The flags to enabled/disable LED output are:

<led_display fanatecNativeSupport="true" sliProNativeSupport="true" />

The sliProNativeSupport flag controls the output to SLI Pro devices. The fanatecNativeSupport flag controls the output to Fanatec (and some related) steering wheel LEDs. Set the values for any of these to “false” to disable them and avoid conflicts with your own device manager.

Please note there is an additional flag to manually control the LED brightness on the SLI Pro:

<led_display sliProForceBrightness="127" />

This option (using value in the range 0-255) will be ignored when setting the sliProNativeSupport flag to “false”.

Also note it is now possible to edit these values on the fly via the Game Options->Settings->UDP Telemetry Settings menu.

Can I configure the UDP output using an XML File?

PC users can edit the game’s configuration XML file to configure UDP output. The file is located here (after an initial boot of the game):

...\Documents\My Games\<game_folder>\hardwaresettings\hardware_settings_config.xml

You should see the tag:

     <udp enabled="false" broadcast=”false” ip="" port="20777" sendRate=”20” format=”2021” yourTelemetry="restricted" />

Here you can set the values manually. Note that any changes made within the game when it is running will overwrite any changes made manually.  


Here are the values used for the team ID, driver ID and track ID parameters.

Team IDs

ID Team ID Team ID Team
0 Mercedes 76 MP Motorsport ‘20
1 Ferrari 77 Prema ‘20
2 Red Bull Racing 78 Trident ‘20
3 Williams 79 BWT ‘20
4 Aston Martin 80 Hitech ‘20
5 Alpine 85 Mercedes 2020
6 Alpha Tauri 86 Ferrari 2020
7 Haas 87 Red Bull 2020
8 McLaren 88 Williams 2020
9 Alfa Romeo 89 Racing Point 2020
42 Art GP ’19 90 Renault 2020
43 Campos ’19 91 Alpha Tauri 2020
44 Carlin ’19 92 Haas 2020
45 Sauber Junior Charouz ’19 93 McLaren 2020
46 Dams ’19 94 Alfa Romeo 2020
47 Uni-Virtuosi ‘19
48 MP Motorsport ‘19
49 Prema ’19
50 Trident ’19
51 Arden ’19
70 Art GP ‘20
71 Campos ‘20
72 Carlin ‘20
73 Charouz ‘20
74 Dams ‘20
75 Uni-Virtuosi ‘20

Driver IDs

ID Driver ID Driver ID Driver
0 Carlos Sainz 39 Santiago Moreno 76 Alain Prost
1 Daniil Kvyat 40 Benjamin Coppens 77 Ayrton Senna
2 Daniel Ricciardo 41 Noah Visser 78 Nobuharu Matsushita
3 Fernando Alonso 42 Gert Waldmuller 79 Nikita Mazepin
4 Felipe Massa 43 Julian Quesada 80 Guanya Zhou
6 Kimi Räikkönen 44 Daniel Jones 81 Mick Schumacher
7 Lewis Hamilton 45 Artem Markelov 82 Callum Ilott
9 Max Verstappen 46 Tadasuke Makino 83 Juan Manuel Correa
10 Nico Hulkenburg 47 Sean Gelael 84 Jordan King
11 Kevin Magnussen 48 Nyck De Vries 85 Mahaveer Raghunathan
12 Romain Grosjean 49 Jack Aitken 86 Tatiana Calderon
13 Sebastian Vettel 50 George Russell 87 Anthoine Hubert
14 Sergio Perez 51 Maximilian Günther 88 Guiliano Alesi
15 Valtteri Bottas 52 Nirei Fukuzumi 89 Ralph Boschung
17 Esteban Ocon 53 Luca Ghiotto 90 Michael Schumacher
19 Lance Stroll 54 Lando Norris 91 Dan Ticktum
20 Arron Barnes 55 Sérgio Sette Câmara 92 Marcus Armstrong
21 Martin Giles 56 Louis Delétraz 93 Christian Lundgaard
22 Alex Murray 57 Antonio Fuoco 94 Yuki Tsunoda
23 Lucas Roth 58 Charles Leclerc 95 Jehan Daruvala
24 Igor Correia 59 Pierre Gasly 96 Gulherme Samaia
25 Sophie Levasseur 62 Alexander Albon 97 Pedro Piquet
26 Jonas Schiffer 63 Nicholas Latifi 98 Felipe Drugovich
27 Alain Forest 64 Dorian Boccolacci 99 Robert Schwartzman
28 Jay Letourneau 65 Niko Kari 100 Roy Nissany
29 Esto Saari 66 Roberto Merhi 101 Marino Sato
30 Yasar Atiyeh 67 Arjun Maini 102 Aidan Jackson
31 Callisto Calabresi 68 Alessio Lorandi 103 Casper Akkerman
32 Naota Izum 69 Ruben Meijer 109 Jenson Button
33 Howard Clarke 70 Rashid Nair 110 David Coulthard
34 Wilheim Kaufmann 71 Jack Tremblay 111 Nico Rosberg
35 Marie Laursen 72 Devon Butler
36 Flavio Nieves 73 Lukas Weber
37 Peter Belousov 74 Antonio Giovinazzi
38 Klimek Michalski 75 Robert Kubica

Track IDs

ID Track
0 Melbourne
1 Paul Ricard
2 Shanghai
3 Sakhir (Bahrain)
4 Catalunya
5 Monaco
6 Montreal
7 Silverstone
8 Hockenheim
9 Hungaroring
10 Spa
11 Monza
12 Singapore
13 Suzuka
14 Abu Dhabi
15 Texas
16 Brazil
17 Austria
18 Sochi
19 Mexico
20 Baku (Azerbaijan)
21 Sakhir Short
22 Silverstone Short
23 Texas Short
24 Suzuka Short
25 Hanoi
26 Zandvoort
27 Imola
28 Portimão
29 Jeddah

Nationality IDs

ID Nationality ID Nationality ID Nationality
1 American 31 Greek 61 Paraguayan
2 Argentinean 32 Guatemalan 62 Peruvian
3 Australian 33 Honduran 63 Polish
4 Austrian 34 Hong Konger 64 Portuguese
5 Azerbaijani 35 Hungarian 65 Qatari
6 Bahraini 36 Icelander 66 Romanian
7 Belgian 37 Indian 67 Russian
8 Bolivian 38 Indonesian 68 Salvadoran
9 Brazilian 39 Irish 69 Saudi
10 British 40 Israeli 70 Scottish
11 Bulgarian 41 Italian 71 Serbian
12 Cameroonian 42 Jamaican 72 Singaporean
13 Canadian 43 Japanese 73 Slovakian
14 Chilean 44 Jordanian 74 Slovenian
15 Chinese 45 Kuwaiti 75 South Korean
16 Colombian 46 Latvian 76 South African
17 Costa Rican 47 Lebanese 77 Spanish
18 Croatian 48 Lithuanian 78 Swedish
19 Cypriot 49 Luxembourger 79 Swiss
20 Czech 50 Malaysian 80 Thai
21 Danish 51 Maltese 81 Turkish
22 Dutch 52 Mexican 82 Uruguayan
23 Ecuadorian 53 Monegasque 83 Ukrainian
24 English 54 New Zealander 84 Venezuelan
25 Emirian 55 Nicaraguan 85 Barbadian
26 Estonian 56 Northern Irish 86 Welsh
27 Finnish 57 Norwegian 87 Vietnamese
28 French 58 Omani
29 German 59 Pakistani
30 Ghanaian 60 Panamanian

Surface types

These types are from physics data and show what type of contact each wheel is experiencing.

ID Surface
0 Tarmac
1 Rumble strip
2 Concrete
3 Rock
4 Gravel
5 Mud
6 Sand
7 Grass
8 Water
9 Cobblestone
10 Metal
11 Ridged

Button flags

These flags are used in the telemetry packet to determine if any buttons are being held on the controlling device. If the value below logical ANDed with the button status is set then the corresponding button is being held.

Bit Flag Button
0x00000001 Cross or A
0x00000002 Triangle or Y
0x00000004 Circle or B
0x00000008 Square or X
0x00000010 D-pad Left
0x00000020 D-pad Right
0x00000040 D-pad Up
0x00000080 D-pad Down
0x00000100 Options or Menu
0x00000200 L1 or LB
0x00000400 R1 or RB
0x00000800 L2 or LT
0x00001000 R2 or RT
0x00002000 Left Stick Click
0x00004000 Right Stick Click
0x00008000 Right Stick Left
0x00010000 Right Stick Right
0x00020000 Right Stick Up
0x00040000 Right Stick Down
0x00080000 Special

Penalty types

ID Penalty meaning
0 Drive through
1 Stop Go
2 Grid penalty
3 Penalty reminder
4 Time penalty
5 Warning
6 Disqualified
7 Removed from formation lap
8 Parked too long timer
9 Tyre regulations
10 This lap invalidated
11 This and next lap invalidated
12 This lap invalidated without reason
13 This and next lap invalidated without reason
14 This and previous lap invalidated
15 This and previous lap invalidated without reason
16 Retired
17 Black flag timer

Infringement types

ID Infringement meaning
0 Blocking by slow driving
1 Blocking by wrong way driving
2 Reversing off the start line
3 Big Collision
4 Small Collision
5 Collision failed to hand back position single
6 Collision failed to hand back position multiple
7 Corner cutting gained time
8 Corner cutting overtake single
9 Corner cutting overtake multiple
10 Crossed pit exit lane
11 Ignoring blue flags
12 Ignoring yellow flags
13 Ignoring drive through
14 Too many drive throughs
15 Drive through reminder serve within n laps
16 Drive through reminder serve this lap
17 Pit lane speeding
18 Parked for too long
19 Ignoring tyre regulations
20 Too many penalties
21 Multiple warnings
22 Approaching disqualification
23 Tyre regulations select single
24 Tyre regulations select multiple
25 Lap invalidated corner cutting
26 Lap invalidated running wide
27 Corner cutting ran wide gained time minor
28 Corner cutting ran wide gained time significant
29 Corner cutting ran wide gained time extreme
30 Lap invalidated wall riding
31 Lap invalidated flashback used
32 Lap invalidated reset to track
33 Blocking the pitlane
34 Jump start
35 Safety car to car collision
36 Safety car illegal overtake
37 Safety car exceeding allowed pace
38 Virtual safety car exceeding allowed pace
39 Formation lap below allowed speed
40 Retired mechanical failure
41 Retired terminally damaged
42 Safety car falling too far back
43 Black flag timer
44 Unserved stop go penalty
45 Unserved drive through penalty
46 Engine component change
47 Gearbox change
48 League grid penalty
49 Retry penalty
50 Illegal time gain
51 Mandatory pitstop

f1-2021-udp's People


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f1-2021-udp's Issues

Participants Package - Human drivers always "Player" instead of SteamId

Unfortunately I always get the name "player" for human drivers instead of the SteamId as mentioned in the codemaster UDP documentation
please let me know if I just had some wrong settings

some extracted examples:


JSON stringify:


Question: Next Tyre Compound

Getting the ideal and latest lap for the pit window is easy, but is there a way to get the tyre compound that's supposed to be put on?

FinalClassification - m_bestLapTimeInMS is way to big

I just startet using your npm package and got multiple days as m_bestLapTimeInMS.
even if I look at your example output here, the values are not in ms.

For example:

  • first m_classificationData: m_bestLapTimeInMS: 1467744512 ≙ 16,98 days

Incorrect values on MC and GP Mode


I'm trying to use your package in a project, right now i have a playground and im only trying to extract the car speed, gear and RPM using the car telemetry;
These outputs only seem to be correct in TT Mode. MyCarreer and GP mode seem to always return 0 as speed, im using m_playerCarIndex to get the car telemetry index.

This is my playground:

const { F1TelemetryClient, constants } = require("f1-2021-udp");
const { PACKETS } = constants;

const client = new F1TelemetryClient({ address: "", port: 20777 });
client.on(PACKETS.carTelemetry, (info) => {
  const index = info.m_header.m_playerCarIndex;
  const speed = info.m_carTelemetryData[index].m_speed;
  const gear = info.m_carTelemetryData[index].m_gear;
  const rpm = info.m_carTelemetryData[index].m_engineRPM;

  console.log(`${index} : ${speed} KPH - ${gear} - ${rpm} RPM`);


setTimeout(() => {
}, 15000);

Output on TT:

UDP Client listening on 🏎
0 : 266 KPH - 7 - 10713 RPM
0 : 267 KPH - 7 - 10737 RPM
0 : 267 KPH - 7 - 10760 RPM
0 : 268 KPH - 7 - 10795 RPM
0 : 269 KPH - 7 - 10817 RPM
0 : 270 KPH - 7 - 10851 RPM
0 : 270 KPH - 7 - 10873 RPM
0 : 271 KPH - 7 - 10906 RPM
0 : 272 KPH - 7 - 10927 RPM
0 : 272 KPH - 7 - 10959 RPM
0 : 273 KPH - 7 - 10980 RPM
0 : 274 KPH - 7 - 11011 RPM
0 : 274 KPH - 7 - 11032 RPM
0 : 275 KPH - 7 - 11062 RPM
0 : 275 KPH - 7 - 11082 RPM
0 : 276 KPH - 7 - 11111 RPM
0 : 277 KPH - 7 - 11130 RPM
0 : 277 KPH - 7 - 11159 RPM
0 : 278 KPH - 7 - 11178 RPM
0 : 279 KPH - 7 - 11206 RPM
0 : 279 KPH - 7 - 11224 RPM
0 : 280 KPH - 7 - 11251 RPM
0 : 280 KPH - 7 - 11269 RPM
0 : 281 KPH - 7 - 11296 RPM
0 : 281 KPH - 7 - 11313 RPM
0 : 282 KPH - 7 - 11339 RPM
0 : 282 KPH - 7 - 11356 RPM
0 : 283 KPH - 7 - 11381 RPM
0 : 283 KPH - 7 - 11398 RPM
0 : 284 KPH - 7 - 11422 RPM
0 : 284 KPH - 7 - 11438 RPM
0 : 285 KPH - 7 - 11463 RPM
0 : 285 KPH - 7 - 11478 RPM
0 : 286 KPH - 7 - 11502 RPM
0 : 286 KPH - 7 - 11517 RPM
0 : 287 KPH - 7 - 11539 RPM
0 : 287 KPH - 7 - 11554 RPM
0 : 288 KPH - 7 - 11576 RPM
0 : 288 KPH - 7 - 11591 RPM
0 : 289 KPH - 7 - 11612 RPM
0 : 289 KPH - 7 - 11626 RPM
0 : 290 KPH - 7 - 11647 RPM
0 : 290 KPH - 7 - 11660 RPM
0 : 290 KPH - 7 - 11674 RPM
0 : 291 KPH - 7 - 11686 RPM
0 : 291 KPH - 7 - 11705 RPM
0 : 292 KPH - 7 - 11717 RPM
0 : 292 KPH - 7 - 11735 RPM
0 : 292 KPH - 7 - 11747 RPM
0 : 293 KPH - 7 - 11765 RPM
0 : 293 KPH - 7 - 11777 RPM
0 : 293 KPH - 7 - 11793 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 7 - 11804 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 7 - 11820 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 7 - 11831 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 7 - 11847 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 7 - 11857 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 7 - 11872 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 7 - 11881 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 7 - 11896 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 7 - 11905 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 7 - 11919 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 7 - 11928 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 7 - 11941 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 7 - 11950 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 7 - 11963 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 7 - 11971 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 7 - 11983 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 7 - 11991 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 7 - 12002 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 7 - 12009 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 7 - 12019 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 7 - 12027 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 7 - 12039 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 7 - 12046 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 7 - 12054 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 7 - 12056 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 7 - 12066 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 7 - 12073 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 7 - 12082 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 7 - 12088 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 7 - 12096 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 7 - 12099 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 6 - 13740 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 6 - 13654 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 6 - 13587 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 6 - 13564 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 6 - 13498 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 6 - 13455 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 7 - 11826 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 7 - 11818 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 7 - 11832 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 7 - 11843 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 7 - 11856 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 7 - 11865 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 7 - 11877 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 7 - 11886 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 7 - 11899 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 7 - 11907 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 7 - 11919 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 7 - 11927 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 7 - 11938 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 8 - 10346 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 8 - 10376 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 8 - 10383 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 8 - 10394 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 8 - 10401 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 8 - 10412 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 8 - 10419 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 8 - 10429 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 8 - 10435 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 8 - 10445 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 8 - 10452 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 8 - 10462 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 8 - 10468 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 8 - 10477 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 8 - 10483 RPM
0 : 300 KPH - 8 - 10493 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 8 - 10499 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 8 - 10507 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 8 - 10513 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 8 - 10522 RPM
0 : 301 KPH - 8 - 10527 RPM
0 : 302 KPH - 8 - 10536 RPM
0 : 302 KPH - 8 - 10541 RPM
0 : 302 KPH - 8 - 10550 RPM
0 : 302 KPH - 8 - 10556 RPM
0 : 302 KPH - 8 - 10562 RPM
0 : 303 KPH - 8 - 10567 RPM
0 : 303 KPH - 8 - 10575 RPM
0 : 303 KPH - 8 - 10580 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 8 - 10344 RPM
0 : 293 KPH - 8 - 10176 RPM
0 : 285 KPH - 8 - 10946 RPM
0 : 280 KPH - 7 - 11149 RPM
0 : 272 KPH - 7 - 10821 RPM
0 : 267 KPH - 7 - 10606 RPM
0 : 259 KPH - 7 - 10285 RPM
0 : 254 KPH - 7 - 10073 RPM
0 : 246 KPH - 7 - 9760 RPM
0 : 240 KPH - 6 - 11778 RPM
0 : 233 KPH - 6 - 10575 RPM
0 : 228 KPH - 6 - 10340 RPM
0 : 221 KPH - 6 - 9990 RPM
0 : 216 KPH - 6 - 9749 RPM
0 : 208 KPH - 6 - 9408 RPM
0 : 203 KPH - 6 - 9185 RPM
0 : 197 KPH - 5 - 10227 RPM
0 : 192 KPH - 5 - 9924 RPM
0 : 185 KPH - 5 - 9493 RPM
0 : 181 KPH - 5 - 9319 RPM
0 : 174 KPH - 5 - 8887 RPM
0 : 170 KPH - 5 - 8817 RPM
0 : 163 KPH - 4 - 10721 RPM
0 : 161 KPH - 4 - 9810 RPM
0 : 155 KPH - 4 - 9298 RPM
0 : 152 KPH - 4 - 9112 RPM
0 : 146 KPH - 4 - 8790 RPM
0 : 143 KPH - 4 - 8533 RPM
0 : 138 KPH - 4 - 8297 RPM
0 : 136 KPH - 4 - 8290 RPM
0 : 133 KPH - 4 - 7970 RPM
0 : 131 KPH - 4 - 7897 RPM
0 : 127 KPH - 3 - 9999 RPM
0 : 126 KPH - 3 - 9224 RPM
0 : 123 KPH - 3 - 9011 RPM
0 : 121 KPH - 3 - 8732 RPM
0 : 118 KPH - 3 - 8671 RPM
0 : 117 KPH - 3 - 8722 RPM
0 : 117 KPH - 3 - 8684 RPM
0 : 116 KPH - 3 - 8654 RPM
0 : 116 KPH - 3 - 8611 RPM
0 : 115 KPH - 3 - 8583 RPM
0 : 115 KPH - 3 - 8541 RPM
0 : 114 KPH - 3 - 8514 RPM
0 : 114 KPH - 3 - 8475 RPM
0 : 114 KPH - 3 - 8449 RPM
0 : 113 KPH - 3 - 8410 RPM
0 : 113 KPH - 3 - 8385 RPM
0 : 112 KPH - 3 - 8348 RPM
0 : 112 KPH - 3 - 8322 RPM
0 : 112 KPH - 3 - 8382 RPM
0 : 113 KPH - 3 - 8858 RPM
0 : 115 KPH - 3 - 9145 RPM
0 : 116 KPH - 3 - 9290 RPM
0 : 117 KPH - 3 - 8954 RPM
0 : 118 KPH - 3 - 9100 RPM
0 : 120 KPH - 3 - 9398 RPM
0 : 121 KPH - 3 - 9630 RPM
0 : 123 KPH - 3 - 9793 RPM
0 : 125 KPH - 3 - 9875 RPM
0 : 127 KPH - 3 - 9885 RPM
0 : 128 KPH - 3 - 9696 RPM
0 : 129 KPH - 3 - 9915 RPM
0 : 130 KPH - 3 - 10053 RPM
0 : 132 KPH - 3 - 10279 RPM
0 : 133 KPH - 3 - 10112 RPM
0 : 134 KPH - 3 - 10298 RPM
0 : 135 KPH - 3 - 10395 RPM
0 : 137 KPH - 3 - 10725 RPM
0 : 139 KPH - 3 - 10947 RPM
0 : 141 KPH - 3 - 11052 RPM
0 : 143 KPH - 3 - 11180 RPM
0 : 145 KPH - 3 - 11330 RPM
0 : 147 KPH - 3 - 11446 RPM
0 : 150 KPH - 3 - 11622 RPM
0 : 152 KPH - 3 - 11755 RPM
0 : 154 KPH - 3 - 11935 RPM
0 : 156 KPH - 3 - 12060 RPM
0 : 158 KPH - 3 - 12252 RPM
0 : 159 KPH - 3 - 12363 RPM
0 : 161 KPH - 3 - 12508 RPM
0 : 163 KPH - 3 - 12603 RPM
0 : 165 KPH - 3 - 12703 RPM
0 : 167 KPH - 3 - 12746 RPM
0 : 169 KPH - 3 - 12760 RPM
0 : 171 KPH - 3 - 12803 RPM
0 : 173 KPH - 3 - 12942 RPM
0 : 174 KPH - 3 - 12993 RPM
0 : 174 KPH - 3 - 13010 RPM
0 : 174 KPH - 3 - 12996 RPM
0 : 174 KPH - 3 - 13021 RPM
0 : 174 KPH - 4 - 12993 RPM
0 : 177 KPH - 4 - 11111 RPM
0 : 178 KPH - 4 - 11290 RPM
0 : 180 KPH - 4 - 11455 RPM
0 : 181 KPH - 4 - 11554 RPM
0 : 183 KPH - 4 - 11683 RPM
0 : 185 KPH - 4 - 11767 RPM
0 : 187 KPH - 4 - 11856 RPM
0 : 188 KPH - 4 - 11930 RPM
0 : 190 KPH - 4 - 11957 RPM
0 : 191 KPH - 4 - 11978 RPM
0 : 194 KPH - 4 - 11989 RPM
0 : 195 KPH - 4 - 12049 RPM
0 : 197 KPH - 4 - 12155 RPM
0 : 198 KPH - 4 - 12232 RPM
0 : 200 KPH - 4 - 12344 RPM
0 : 201 KPH - 4 - 12417 RPM
0 : 203 KPH - 5 - 10817 RPM
0 : 204 KPH - 5 - 10790 RPM
0 : 206 KPH - 5 - 10899 RPM
0 : 207 KPH - 5 - 10963 RPM
0 : 209 KPH - 5 - 11065 RPM
0 : 210 KPH - 5 - 11128 RPM
0 : 212 KPH - 5 - 11223 RPM
0 : 213 KPH - 5 - 11285 RPM
0 : 215 KPH - 5 - 11377 RPM
0 : 216 KPH - 5 - 11435 RPM
0 : 218 KPH - 5 - 11527 RPM
0 : 219 KPH - 5 - 11583 RPM
0 : 221 KPH - 5 - 11671 RPM
0 : 222 KPH - 5 - 11728 RPM
0 : 224 KPH - 5 - 11812 RPM
0 : 225 KPH - 5 - 11862 RPM
0 : 226 KPH - 6 - 10342 RPM
0 : 227 KPH - 6 - 10408 RPM
0 : 228 KPH - 6 - 10480 RPM
0 : 229 KPH - 6 - 10527 RPM
0 : 231 KPH - 6 - 10598 RPM
0 : 232 KPH - 6 - 10644 RPM
0 : 233 KPH - 6 - 10712 RPM
0 : 234 KPH - 6 - 10756 RPM
0 : 235 KPH - 6 - 10821 RPM
0 : 236 KPH - 6 - 10862 RPM
0 : 238 KPH - 6 - 10923 RPM
0 : 239 KPH - 6 - 10962 RPM
0 : 240 KPH - 6 - 11021 RPM
0 : 241 KPH - 6 - 11059 RPM
0 : 242 KPH - 6 - 11120 RPM
0 : 243 KPH - 6 - 11159 RPM
0 : 244 KPH - 6 - 11218 RPM
0 : 245 KPH - 6 - 11256 RPM
0 : 246 KPH - 6 - 11312 RPM
0 : 247 KPH - 7 - 11272 RPM
0 : 248 KPH - 7 - 9962 RPM
0 : 248 KPH - 7 - 9993 RPM
0 : 250 KPH - 7 - 10038 RPM
0 : 250 KPH - 7 - 10068 RPM
0 : 251 KPH - 7 - 10113 RPM
0 : 252 KPH - 7 - 10141 RPM
0 : 253 KPH - 7 - 10185 RPM
0 : 254 KPH - 7 - 10214 RPM
0 : 255 KPH - 7 - 10256 RPM
0 : 256 KPH - 7 - 10284 RPM
0 : 257 KPH - 7 - 10325 RPM
0 : 257 KPH - 7 - 10352 RPM
0 : 258 KPH - 7 - 10393 RPM
0 : 259 KPH - 7 - 10419 RPM
0 : 260 KPH - 7 - 10459 RPM
0 : 261 KPH - 7 - 10485 RPM
0 : 262 KPH - 7 - 10523 RPM
0 : 262 KPH - 7 - 10548 RPM
0 : 263 KPH - 7 - 10585 RPM
0 : 264 KPH - 7 - 10610 RPM
0 : 264 KPH - 8 - 9218 RPM
0 : 264 KPH - 8 - 9242 RPM
0 : 265 KPH - 8 - 9261 RPM
0 : 266 KPH - 8 - 9277 RPM
0 : 266 KPH - 8 - 9302 RPM
0 : 267 KPH - 8 - 9327 RPM
0 : 267 KPH - 8 - 9361 RPM
0 : 268 KPH - 8 - 9368 RPM
0 : 269 KPH - 8 - 9394 RPM
0 : 269 KPH - 8 - 9409 RPM
0 : 270 KPH - 8 - 9436 RPM
0 : 270 KPH - 8 - 9451 RPM
0 : 271 KPH - 8 - 9475 RPM
0 : 271 KPH - 8 - 9489 RPM
0 : 272 KPH - 8 - 9511 RPM
0 : 272 KPH - 8 - 9528 RPM
0 : 273 KPH - 8 - 9549 RPM
0 : 273 KPH - 8 - 9563 RPM
0 : 274 KPH - 8 - 9595 RPM
0 : 275 KPH - 8 - 9601 RPM
0 : 275 KPH - 8 - 9626 RPM
0 : 276 KPH - 8 - 9649 RPM
0 : 276 KPH - 8 - 9662 RPM
0 : 277 KPH - 8 - 9677 RPM
0 : 277 KPH - 8 - 9685 RPM
0 : 278 KPH - 8 - 9699 RPM
0 : 278 KPH - 8 - 9718 RPM
0 : 279 KPH - 8 - 9731 RPM
0 : 279 KPH - 8 - 9751 RPM
0 : 280 KPH - 8 - 9765 RPM
0 : 280 KPH - 8 - 9789 RPM
0 : 281 KPH - 8 - 9805 RPM
0 : 281 KPH - 8 - 9831 RPM
0 : 282 KPH - 8 - 9847 RPM
0 : 283 KPH - 8 - 9873 RPM
0 : 283 KPH - 8 - 9889 RPM
0 : 284 KPH - 8 - 9914 RPM
0 : 284 KPH - 8 - 9922 RPM
0 : 285 KPH - 8 - 9947 RPM
0 : 285 KPH - 8 - 9963 RPM
0 : 286 KPH - 8 - 9987 RPM
0 : 286 KPH - 8 - 10002 RPM
0 : 287 KPH - 8 - 10026 RPM
0 : 287 KPH - 8 - 10041 RPM
0 : 288 KPH - 8 - 10064 RPM
0 : 289 KPH - 8 - 10079 RPM
0 : 289 KPH - 8 - 10101 RPM
0 : 290 KPH - 8 - 10116 RPM
0 : 290 KPH - 8 - 10138 RPM
0 : 291 KPH - 8 - 10152 RPM
0 : 291 KPH - 8 - 10174 RPM
0 : 292 KPH - 8 - 10188 RPM
0 : 292 KPH - 8 - 10209 RPM
0 : 293 KPH - 8 - 10223 RPM
0 : 293 KPH - 8 - 10244 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 8 - 10257 RPM
0 : 294 KPH - 8 - 10277 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 8 - 10291 RPM
0 : 295 KPH - 8 - 10311 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 8 - 10324 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 8 - 10343 RPM
0 : 296 KPH - 8 - 10354 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 8 - 10373 RPM
0 : 297 KPH - 8 - 10386 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 8 - 10404 RPM
0 : 298 KPH - 8 - 10417 RPM
0 : 299 KPH - 8 - 10429 RPM
UDP Client closed 🏁

GP Output

UDP Client listening on 🏎
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 25 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 25 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 26 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 27 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 28 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 28 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 29 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 30 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 31 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 32 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 34 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 35 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 37 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 39 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 41 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 42 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 44 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 46 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 48 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 49 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 51 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 52 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 55 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 56 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 58 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 59 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 62 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 63 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 65 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 67 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 69 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 71 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 73 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 74 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 77 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 78 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 80 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 82 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 84 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 86 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 88 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 89 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 91 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 92 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 95 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 96 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 99 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 100 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 103 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 105 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 107 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 109 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 112 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 114 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 117 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 119 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 122 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 122 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 125 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 126 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 129 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 131 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 134 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 136 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 139 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 141 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 144 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 145 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 148 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 150 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 153 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 155 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 157 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 159 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 161 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 163 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 166 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 168 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 171 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 173 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 176 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 178 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 180 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 182 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 184 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 186 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 189 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 190 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 192 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 192 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 195 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 196 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 199 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 200 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 202 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 204 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 206 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 207 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 209 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 211 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 213 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 214 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 216 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 217 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 219 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 220 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 222 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 223 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 224 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 226 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 227 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 228 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 230 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 231 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 233 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 234 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 236 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 237 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 238 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 239 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 241 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 242 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 243 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 244 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 245 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 246 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 248 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 249 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 250 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 251 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 252 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 253 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 254 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 255 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 256 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 257 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 257 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 258 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 259 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 260 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 261 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 262 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 263 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 264 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 265 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 266 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 267 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 267 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 268 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 269 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 270 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 271 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 272 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 272 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 273 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 274 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 275 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 275 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 276 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 277 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 277 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 278 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 279 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 279 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 280 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 280 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 281 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 282 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 282 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 283 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 281 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 276 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 274 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 273 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 271 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 266 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 264 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 264 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 259 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 255 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 253 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 253 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 248 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 244 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 241 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 241 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 239 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 235 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 228 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 228 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 228 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 224 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 218 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 213 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 214 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 214 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 207 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 203 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 204 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 204 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 197 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 193 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 187 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 185 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 186 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 187 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 181 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 177 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 175 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 176 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 173 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 171 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 164 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 161 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 159 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 157 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 152 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 149 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 144 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 142 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 137 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 134 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 130 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 127 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 123 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 121 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 119 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 116 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 113 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 111 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 107 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 105 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 102 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 100 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 98 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 96 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 93 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 92 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 88 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 86 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 85 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 84 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 82 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 81 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 79 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 78 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 76 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 76 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 74 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 74 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 73 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 73 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 72 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 72 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 72 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 72 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 71 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 69 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 67 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 65 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 63 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 62 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 60 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 60 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 59 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 59 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 58 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 58 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 58 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 58 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 57 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 57 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 58 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 58 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 59 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 60 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 61 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 62 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 64 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 64 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 66 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 67 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 68 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 69 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 71 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 72 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 73 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 74 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 76 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 77 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 79 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 80 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 81 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 83 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 84 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 85 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 87 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 88 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 90 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 91 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 93 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 94 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 96 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 97 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 99 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 100 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 102 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 103 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 105 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 107 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 109 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 110 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 113 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 114 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 116 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 118 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 120 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 121 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 124 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 125 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 126 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 128 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 130 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 131 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 132 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 133 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 134 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 135 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 137 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 138 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 140 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 141 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 143 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 144 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 1 - 146 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 1 - 147 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 1 - 149 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 1 - 150 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 123 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 124 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 125 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 127 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 128 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 129 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 131 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 132 RPM
19 : 0 KPH - 0 - 134 RPM
UDP Client closed 🏁

Both outputs are related to the same sector of the same circuit (Sector 3 - Bahrein)

Thanks for the help :)

Parser preventing from build

we are a team trying to work using you nice pkg.
The problem is that it is impossible to build for us.
Indeed, it looks like the Parser can't be used as it is in the package.
Here are the errors when we build our project after importing yours:

node_modules/f1-telemetry-client/build/src/index.d.ts:33:71 - error TS2702: 'Parser' only refers to a type, but is being used as a namespace here.
33     static parsePacketHeader(buffer: Buffer, bigintEnabled: boolean): Parser.Parsed<any>;
node_modules/f1-telemetry-client/build/src/parsers/F1Parser.d.ts:8:33 - error TS2702: 'Parser' only refers to a type, but is being used as a namespace here.
8     fromBuffer(buffer: Buffer): Parser.Parsed<any>;
Found 2 errors.

error Command failed with exit code 2.

Any idea on how to fix it?

Can't resolve 'dgram'

Hi, I have an empty react with typescript app
after doing the import and creating the client I get the error

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'dgram' in 'D:**\node_modules\f1-2021-udp\build\src'

Feature: Html or text log file

create a script that combines all available telemetry and logs everything to a file in human readable format.

  • script location: src/playground
  • output file: .txt data would be displayed line by line with timestamps , just like a log file.
  • output file .html data would be displayed line by line with some CSS formatting and filtering without JavaScript.

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