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json's Introduction

Java JSON IO Library

This project implements a JSON parser and serializer which operates around immutable data structures for the JSON elements, that is: text to JSON and JSON to text.

The library contains some standard conversion functions that support JSON to Record, JSON to array or Collection, and JSON to primitive conversions as well as some JSON to Object conversions whenever the target class supports a conversion from a String. It does not provide generalized Object-to-JSON or JSON-to-Object (de-)serialization nor are there any plans to do so in the future.


Having read a number of articles around data oriented programming (cf. Brian Goetz, Data-Oriented Programming, note the section "Example: JSON" in particular) where the JSON format has been of special interest, and being quite dissatisfied with the usage experience of popular JSON libraries like GSON or Jackson the motivation to implement an alternative library was high enough to start the project.

The JSON type hierarchy is very simple and strict enough to apply the algebraic data types introduced through sealed classes and interfaces (union types) and records (product types) efficiently. These ideas struck with me, so I started to look around for a parser which returns an immutable JsonElement from a stream of characters.

I then found JEP 198: Light-Weight JSON API which names immutable data types and a builder-style API as part if its goals. The immutable type hierarchy, the builder-style API plus the implicitly required parser which returns immutable instances of the JSON type hierarchy finally lead to this experiment.

Learning a tiny little bit of Clojure taught me another series of important things, the most striking being Rich Hickey's keynote about The Value of Values at the Jaxconf 2012 in San Francisco. Treating values as immutable things changes the mental model of programming at least if you're coming from the object-oriented world.

Yet reading a potentially large file of JSON text and returning a single immutable instance of some type is an interesting tasks which requires some intermediate mutable objects hopefully hidden beneath the facade of the parser. We finally managed to use mutable builders throughout the parsing phase and to return immutable instances in the end.

Getting Started

Importing The Library

Maven Coordinates

Group ID: io.github.ralfspoeth
Artifact ID: json

In your pom.xml add


or, when using Gradle (Groovy)

implementation 'io.github.ralfspoeth:json:1.0.9'

or, with Gradle (Kotlin), put


in your build file.

If you are using JPMS modules with a file, add

module your.module {
    requires io.github.ralfspoeth.json;
    // more

Basic Usage

The module io.github.ralfspoeth.json exports two packages that you may use in your application:

import io.github.ralfspoeth.json.*;
import io.github.ralfspoeth.json.conv.*;

The first package contains the data types (Element and its descendants) and the second contains the JsonReader and JsonWriter classes. The last package contains the StandardConversions class with static conversion functions.

The package io.github.ralfspoeth.json.query is immature and not exported. It is nevertheless available when you don't define a module-info with your application; note that the package may be changed or even deleted.

In your code you'll typically write something like this when your want to start with

Reader r = ...;
try(var rdr = new JsonReader(r)) { // auto-closeable
    Element elem = rdr.readElement(); 
    // use it, e.g. by converting it...
    MyRecord rcd = StandardConversions.asInstance(MyRecord.class, elem); 
    // or easily switch over elem
    double dbl = switch(elem) {
        case JsonNumber(double d) -> d;
        null, default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("...");

Writing data into a JSON stream works either through the builders

Writer out = ...;
JsonObject jo = Aggregate.objectBuilder()
    .named("x", JsonBoolean.TRUE)
    .named("y", new JsonNumber(5d))
try(var w = JsonWriter.createDefaultWriter(out)) {

or through standard conversions from an object of a Record subclass

Writer out = ...;
record Rec(boolean x, double y) {}
Rec r = new Rec(true, 5d);
JsonObject jo = StandardConversions.asJsonObject(r);
try(var w = JsonWriter.createDefaultWriter(out)) {


RFC 7159 specifies the JSON data interchange format which has become the lingua franca for RESTful webservices. JSON serializes structured data in a human-readable text format. It supports four primitive types (strings, double numbers, booleans and null) and two aggregates types (arrays of primitive or aggregate types and objects which are basically maps of names (strings) and values of primitive or aggregate types).


    "name": "Gaius",
    "age": 41,
    "pro": false,
    "publications": ["De bello gallico"],
}, {
    "name": "Cicero",
    "senator": true,
    "children": null

This text represents an array of two objects; the outer form reads [a, b] where a and b are the objects. Braces { and } enclose these two objects with name-value-pairs separated by commas, like { nvp1, nvp2, ...}. Each name-value-pair consists of a name of type string and a value of any other data type mentioned above. The name-value-pairs make the properties or attributes of an object. The name property of the first object is associated with the string "Gaius", the pro attribute with the value false. The value of the publications attribute is an array of a single string valued "De bello gallico".

Wikipedia has more on JSON here.

JSON is schema-less, that is, you cannot prescribe the structure of a JSON document using some kind of schema. This sets JSON apart from XML which allows for the specification of document type definitions DTDs or XML schema definitions (XSD). XML, once hyped as the next big thing and with numerous applications still widely in use, has been surpassed by JSON according to Google trends (try Google Trends: JSON vs. XML);img.png


The objects do not expose some notation of a type or class. Two objects are considered equal if their attributes are equal. Arrays may contain any combination of instances, including both primitive and structured types as in [null, true, false, 1, {"x":5}, [2, 3, 4]]

Modelling the data in Java

First Attempt

The first attempt can be easily copied from the sources cited above. Let's define a sealed interface

package json;
sealed interface Element permits ...;

and provide implementations very much like

package json;
final class Boolean implements Element{...}
final class Number implements Element{...}
final class Null implements Element{...}
final class String implements Element{...}
final class Array implements Element{...}
final class Object implements Element{...}

The problem is that while possible almost all the names collide with class names in the core package java.lang; once we consider modelling the String class as record with single component of class java.lang.String things start to get clumsy. We therefore decided to prefix the class names with Json or JSON.

While JSON is clearly closer to the JSON specification, it's more difficult to read than Json; since following the spec was not so much a goal as the ease of use we decided to go with Json instead of JSON as the prefix for the concrete types; we left the Element interface unchanged.

At the top of the hierarchy we then had

public sealed interface Element {}

All implementations must be final or non-sealed in order to comply with the contract for sealed interfaces; since we don't design for further inheritance we will implement final classes only.

Modelling Boolean as Enum

The two only instance of type Boolean are true and false in JSON notation; we model them as an enum because it is implicitly final and the behaviour of its equals and hashCode methods comes without any surprises.

public enum JsonBoolean implements Element {

Modelling null as Singleton

As with booleans we decided to implement the null as a singleton class. The singleton pattern goes like

final class Singleton {
    static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
    private Singleton(){}

and translates into

public final class JsonNull implements Element {
    private JsonNull() {} // prevent instantiation
    public static final JsonNull INSTANCE = new JsonNull(); 

Modelling String as Record of String

There is strictly speaking no need to wrap JSON strings into records with a single component of type string. But in order to make JSON strings part of the sealed hierarchy we have to do so:

public record JsonString(String value) implements Element {

This comes in handy once we deal with aggregate types like arrays of Element rather than arrays of Element UNION String which we cannot express in Java.

Modelling Number as Record of double

With the same reasoning we model numbers like this:

public record JsonNumber(double value) implements Element {

Note that JavaScript doesn't cater for differences between numerical data types -- which is enormously limiting, and that we use the primitive Java type because null values or not acceptable either way.

Modelling Array as Record of an Immutable List

As with strings we need to wrap the array in some container - a final class or a record - plus we want to make sure the contents is immutable:

public record JsonArray(List<Element> elements) implements Element {
    public JsonArray {
        elements = List.copyOf(elements); // defensive copy

The canonical constructor is overridden such that it uses a copy of the list provided; that method is clever enough NOT to copy the list parameter if it can be sure that that parameter is already an immutable instance -- most notably if it has been instantiated using List.of(...). This method also makes sure no actual null instance is passed in within the list of elements. (JsonNulls are acceptable of course.)

Modelling Object as Record of an Immutable Map

The same is true for JsonObjects. We model the properties or attributes or members as a map of Strings (not JsonStrings since this wouldn't add any value and is much easier to use by clients) to Elements:

public record JsonObject(Map<String, Element> members) implements Element {
    public JsonObject {
        members = Map.copyOf(members); // defensive copy

Map.copyOf provides a copy but returns the original map when that is already immutable, especially when instantiated using Map.of(...).

Since both aggregate types JsonObject and JsonArray are shallowly immutable (or unmodifiable) and all basic types
are immutable, the aggregate types are effectively immutable as well. This makes instance of the entire hierarchy immutable.

Differentiating between Aggregate and Basic Types

In lieu with the JSON specification which differentiates between primitive and structured types, we differentiate between basic and aggregate types like so:

public sealed interface Element permits Basic, Aggregate {...}
public sealed interface Basic extends Element permits
    JsonBoolean, JsonNull, JsonNumber, JsonString {}
public sealed interace Aggregate extends Element permits
    JsonArray, JsonObject {...}

Naming primitive types basic and structured types aggregates has been a deliberate decision since the term primitive collides with the notion of primitive types in the Java language.

Aggregates are Functions

Both aggregate types serve as functions: JsonObjects are functions of Strings and JsonArrays are functions of an int index:

Map<String, Element> members; // given
var obj = new JsonObject(members);
Function<String, Element> fun = obj; // legal

List<Element> lst; // given
var arr = new JsonArray(lst);
IntFunction<Element> ifun = arr; // legal


The Builder pattern allows for a piecemeal construction of immutable data and works like this:

var immutable = new Builder(...).add(...).add(...).build();

It does not make much sense to provide builders for the basic data types; yet very much so for the aggregate types. This is another reason why we introduced the distinction between the two.

The Builder interface has been implemented as an inner interface class of the Aggregate interface with two implementations:

public sealed interface Aggregate permits JsonArray, JsonObject {
    sealed interface Builder<T extends Aggregate> {
        T build();
        // ...
    final class ArrayBuilder implements Builder<JsonArray>{...}
    final class ObjectBuilder implements Builder<JsonObject>{...}
    // ...

Since the implementing classes reside within the same compilation unit as the Builder there is no need for the permits clause.


The array builder simply provides a method that adds an Element:

final class ArrayBuilder implements Builder<JsonArray> {
    item(Element e) {
        // add to mutable list
    JsonArray build() {
        return new JsonArray(List.of(mutableList));


The object builder is not so different:

final class ObjectBuilder implements Builder<JsonObject> {
    named(String name, Element e) {
        // put into mutable map
    JsonObject build() {
        return new JsonObject(Map.of(mutableMap));

Both builders are instantiable through static methods in the Element interface only:

JsonObjectBuilder objectBuilder();
JsonArrayBuilder arrayBuilder();

The implementing classes both need to be public because they provide different methods for adding intermediate data; JsonArray provides an item(Element) method and JsonObject a named(String, Element) method in order to add data their internal structures.

IO: Reading and Writing JSON Data


The parser implementation named JsonReader in package implements the AutoCloseable interface and is meant to be used in try-with-resources statements like so:

Reader src = ...
try(var rdr = new JsonReader(src)) {
    return rdr.readElement();

It uses a Lexer internally which tokenizes a character stream into tokens like braces, brackets, comma, colon, number literals, string literals, and null, true, and false. The parser uses a stack of nodes wich encapsulate builders, special tokens, or an element. It utilizes an inner sealed interface to cater for this limited set of stack elements.


The JsonWriter class is instantiated with its default behaviour of indenting the members of JSON objects by 4 characters and putting each member in a separate line. Arrays are printed interspersed by commas and a white space but in a single line.

The usage is similar to that of the JsonReader with the exception that it uses a single factory method currently but not constructor:

Element object = ... 
Writer w = ... 
try(var wrt = JsonWriter.createDefaultWriter(w)){

The JsonWriter provides the static method minimize which removes whitespace safely from a given input stream.

Querying (Experimental)

The package query provides simple utilities for querying data based on some root element.

The Path Utility

The Path class is inspired by the XPath specification yet lacks almost all of its features; it's currently just a toy.

Basic Usage

A Path instance is instantiated using the factory method Path::of like so:

var path = Path.of("a/b/c");

The path expression is split using the / character. Given the statement above, we obtain the equivalent of

var path = Path.of("c", Path.of("b", Path.of("a")));

where the second parameter is the parent path. We then use Path::evaluate which returns a stream of Elements. Consider this root object root

    "a": {
        "b": {
            "c": true


assert JsonBoolean.TRUE==path.evaluate(root).findFirst().get();

will not throw an AssertionError.


The syntax for the patterns is

  • a..b where a and b are integers; a range pattern applicable to arrays;
  • #regex where regex is a regular expression filtering attributes of objects;
  • name where name is just the member name of the root object.


Given [2, 3, 5, 7, 11] then Path.of("0..2") yields the stream of the first two array elements 2 and 3.

Given {"a0":true,"a1":false} then Path.of("#a.") yields the stream of true and false.

Given {"a":{"b":5}} then Path.of("a/b") yields the stream of 5d.

Use in Clojure

Clojure uses maps to aggregate data and prefers keywords as keys in these maps. Here is a link to a video from Rich Hickey: Just use maps

In order to use this Java library, include this in your deps.edn file:

{:deps {
    io.github.ralfspoeth/json {:mvn/version "1.0.9"}

Import the Element and IO classes into your namespace like this

    (:import (io.github.ralfspoeth.json Element Basic JsonNull JsonArray JsonObject)
    ( Reader)
    ( JsonReader))
    (:require [ :as io]))

Use this function in order to read JSON data from some

(defn read-elem [^Reader rdr]
    (with-open [jsrd (JsonReader. rdr)]
    (.readElement jsrd)))

and then, in order to turn the resulting Element into a clojure map

(defn map-json ([^Element elem]
      (instance? JsonNull elem) nil,
      (instance? Basic elem) (.value elem)
      (instance? JsonArray elem) (mapv map-json (.elements elem))
      (instance? JsonObject elem) (zipmap
                                    (map keyword (->> elem (.members) (.keySet))),
                                    (map map-json (->> elem (.members) (.values)))))))

Standard Conversions

The package io.github.ralfspoeth.json.conv contains the utility class StandardConversions which is meant to provide conversions for a number of standard use cases - where standard is certainly opinionated. It contains functions that turn an Element into a primitive like int or boolean or an instance of some given class, and another set of functions that turn a primitive or an object into an Element.

which converts Elements into primitive types int, long, double or boolean and to String or a given Enum type. All conversion methods take any Element type as an argument and may throw IllegalArgumentException for the sake of simplicity. The conversion methods in the StandardConversions class respects that many JSON authors put all values into double-quotes, even null, true, and false as well as numbers. These values are parsed into JsonString instance; their contains is converted into numbers, boolean values and null if possible as well.

Take the Clutter Away

The JSON structure done right as we think gives us the basis for further processing data utilizing the pattern matching features of Java. However, there are still situations where a JSON structure is replicated with each element mapped onto its natural counterpart, that is

  • null to nulls,
  • true and false to booleans,
  • JsonDouble to doubles,
  • JsonString to Strings,
  • JsonObject to immutable Map<String, ?>s, and
  • JsonArray to immutable List<?>s.

So, a nested JSON structure like

{"a": null, "b": true, "c": {
    "x": [1, 2, null, true], "y": false, "z": null

is converted by StandardConversions.asObject into

Map.of( // "a" to null binding is cut out
    "b", Boolean.TRUE, // note the primitive wrapper
    "c", Map.of(
        "x", List.of(1, 2, true), // null element is cut out 
        "y", Boolean.FALSE // "z" to null binding is left out

Things to note: maps and lists accept null values in principle, yet the newer factory methods List.of or Map.of do not accept null values or null bindings; so, JsonNull instances are filtered out of aggregates. That said, always consider the maps and lists regardless of the depth of the structure immutable.

Numerical Conversions

The methods intValue, longValue and doubleValue utilize the parse<Type> methods of the respective Integer, Long and Double classes for JsonStrings, and standard conversion from double to int and long for JsonNumbers. JsonBoolean are converted to 1 and 0 for TRUE and FALSE, respectively.

These functions are provided with and without a default value as their second parameter. intValue(Element elem, int def) accepts null elements and return the default instead; the method fails with IllegalArgumentException for Aggregates. The companion methods work likewise.

There is no direct support for byte, char, short and float which is very much in line with the choices of Java's functions and stream design.

String Conversion

The stringValue conversion uses natural conversions for all Basic types, and the toString methods applied on the contained lists and maps of the Aggregate types.

Boolean Conversion

The booleanValue conversion does the obvious conversions for JsonBoolean and JsonString.

Enum Conversion

The enumValue... methods takes two arguments: a class declared with the enum keyword, and the Element which must be of type JsonString. While enumValue uses the Enum::valueOf method, the enumValueIgnoreCase converts the value and all the constants' names defined in the enum class to uppercase strings before selecting the enum constant.

Conversions To Instances of Other Classes

The StandardConversions class provides the as(Class, Element) function which may be used to convert an Element into an instance of the given class.

The implementation provided is especially useful for records, arrays, and Collections and intends to return immutable objects whenever possible. It is not meant to be a deserialization facility.

JsonObject to Record

Let record Point(double x, double y){} be the target type. The conversion of a JSON source {"x": 5.1, "y": 7.2} has then a very natural representation as Point(5.1, 7.2), which can be easily implemented:

record Point(double x, double y) {}
var jo = Aggregate.objectBuilder()
    .named("x", 5.1)
    .named("y", 7.2)
Point p =, jo);
assert new Point(5.1, 7.2).equals(p);

The implementation is as tolerant as it can be with missing or redundant members. Missing primitives are initialized with their zero defaults, missing references with null. Redundant members are simply ignored. So

var xOnly = Aggregate.objectBuilder()
    .named("x", 5.1)
Point px =, xOnly);
assert new Point(5.1, 0).equals(px);


var xz = Aggregate.objectBuilder()
    .named("x", 5.1)
    .named("z", false) // or anything else
var pxz =, xz);
assert new Point(5.1, 0).equals(pxz);

Needless to say: the record components' names must match the member names of the JSON object. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown when the value of the member cannot be converted into the type of the record component.

String to Object

If the target type is a class with a static factory method that accepts a single string as parameter or a constructor which accepts a string as its sole parameter. Static factory methods take precedence. Examples for these kinds of classes are


and others from the JDK base module.

JsonArray to Array

A JsonArray can be converted into an array of Objects; all elements are converted using with the arrays component type as the target type.

JsonArray to Collection

This libray assume that the target collection type provides a copy constructor which takes another collection as its sole parameter. The JsonArray is first converted into an array of Objects which is then passed into the List.of factory method. The result is being passed to the constructor of the collection type.

json's People


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