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activestorage's Introduction

Welcome to Rails

What's Rails?

Rails is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.

Understanding the MVC pattern is key to understanding Rails. MVC divides your application into three layers: Model, View, and Controller, each with a specific responsibility.

Model layer

The Model layer represents the domain model (such as Account, Product, Person, Post, etc.) and encapsulates the business logic specific to your application. In Rails, database-backed model classes are derived from ActiveRecord::Base. Active Record allows you to present the data from database rows as objects and embellish these data objects with business logic methods. Although most Rails models are backed by a database, models can also be ordinary Ruby classes, or Ruby classes that implement a set of interfaces as provided by the Active Model module.

View layer

The View layer is composed of "templates" that are responsible for providing appropriate representations of your application's resources. Templates can come in a variety of formats, but most view templates are HTML with embedded Ruby code (ERB files). Views are typically rendered to generate a controller response or to generate the body of an email. In Rails, View generation is handled by Action View.

Controller layer

The Controller layer is responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and providing a suitable response. Usually, this means returning HTML, but Rails controllers can also generate XML, JSON, PDFs, mobile-specific views, and more. Controllers load and manipulate models, and render view templates in order to generate the appropriate HTTP response. In Rails, incoming requests are routed by Action Dispatch to an appropriate controller, and controller classes are derived from ActionController::Base. Action Dispatch and Action Controller are bundled together in Action Pack.

Frameworks and libraries

Active Record, Active Model, Action Pack, and Action View can each be used independently outside Rails.

In addition to that, Rails also comes with:

  • Action Mailer, a library to generate and send emails
  • Action Mailbox, a library to receive emails within a Rails application
  • Active Job, a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends
  • Action Cable, a framework to integrate WebSockets with a Rails application
  • Active Storage, a library to attach cloud and local files to Rails applications
  • Action Text, a library to handle rich text content
  • Active Support, a collection of utility classes and standard library extensions that are useful for Rails, and may also be used independently outside Rails

Getting Started

  1. Install Rails at the command prompt if you haven't yet:

    $ gem install rails
  2. At the command prompt, create a new Rails application:

    $ rails new myapp

    where "myapp" is the application name.

  3. Change directory to myapp and start the web server:

    $ cd myapp
    $ bin/rails server

    Run with --help or -h for options.

  4. Go to http://localhost:3000 and you'll see the Rails bootscreen with your Rails and Ruby versions.

  5. Follow the guidelines to start developing your application. You may find the following resources handy:


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Trying to report a possible security vulnerability in Rails? Please check out our security policy for guidelines about how to proceed.

Everyone interacting in Rails and its sub-projects' codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the Rails code of conduct.


Ruby on Rails is released under the MIT License.

activestorage's People


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activestorage's Issues

Supporting Additional Services

Rather than clog #36 with an off topic discussion I have started a separate issue regarding the usage of gems to add support for additional services.

Having used thoughtbot/administrate that uses a similar approach for adding extra functionality to the dashboards, I think this approach works well for adding features. The only struggle I had with the approach was when they broke out a feature into a gem that really should have been in core. In their case, the image thumbnail view.

As long as the services that cover the majority of cases (as is the Rails way), I think you're golden. Like ActiveRecord, I'd like to see support out of the box for the most "popular services" So it just works. Wanna do something weird, you'll need to write your own service.

I think supporting S3, AWS, Azure, and OpenStack give you great coverage. OpenStack can provide the bridge to ton of niche services. The fog gem can be used for this.

With this position, I think we should also try to write a guide on how to implement your own service. As would be first-time rails contributor, I can take a stab at this as I attempt the OpenStack service. My extra green eyes might help bring the right things to the surface.

Amend image_tag to resolve Blobs and Variants

These should just work:

  <%= image_tag Current.user.avatar %>
  <%= image_tag Current.user.avatar.variant(resize: "100x100") %>

Right now you have to manually call url_for to resolve ActiveStorage::Blob and ActiveStorage::Variant into strings that image_tag will take. Need to amend image_tag to take these classes.

Variants not working with local storage

Using on-disk storage, variants are ending up at locations like:


But Rails is trying to reload them without the /va/ri when it uses url_for(...variant...)

Looks like the bug is somewhere in the interaction between the variant keys and the special case code in disk_service.rb to avoid dropping too many files in one directory, but I haven't sussed out the fix yet.

Fix variant-related tests

They fail consistently in CI and on my machine, presumably due to platform differences. (MiniMagick produces different images in CI, on my machine, and on David’s machine.) I’ve temporarily skipped them in master.

/cc @dhh

Add direct upload file_field using JavaScript

Through the DirectUploadsController we support generating blobs prior to direct upload, but we don't yet provide any convenience to complete the full story with the required JavaScript needed to actually perform the direct upload. We should.

Here's the broken JS I've been using to test that this approach actually works:

window.fileUpload = function(file) {
  // FIXME: Block the form from submitting while we are doing the direct upload

  let data = new FormData()
  data.append("blob[byte_size]", file.size)
  data.append("blob[content_type]", file.type)
  // FIXME: Compute proper md5 in base64
  data.append("blob[checksum]", "xxx23423")

  fetch("/rails/active_storage/direct_uploads", { method: "POST", body: data }).then(r => r.json()).then(function(directUploadDetails) {
    const reader = new FileReader()

    reader.onload = function(event) {
      fetch(directUploadDetails["url"], { method: "PUT", body: event.currentTarget.result}).then(function() {
        // FIXME: Set a hidden field on the form with the value of directUploadDetails["sgid"] 
        // to reference the uploaded file

  // FIXME: Release the form for submission now that the files are done uploading
  return true

What I'd like to see is something like this:

<%= form_with(model: do |form| %>
  <%= form.file_field :images, multiple: true, 'data-direct-upload': true %>
<% end %>

This should do the following:

  1. When one or more files are selected, we call /rails/active_storage/direct_uploads for each with the details ala the broken JS above. This gives us a set of details for each.
  2. We then disable the submit button on the form to prevent it from being sent before we're done upload.
  3. Once each file is done uploading, we add a hidden field that provides the sgids and we reenable the submit button.

When this form is submitted, we'll verified the sgids in #attach and just associate them as though they were finally uploaded blobs.

Problem with config.active_storage.service in environment files

Hello, could anyone help me with the following problem?

i configure a simple rails app:

Ruby 2.4.1
Rails 5.1.2

Added the gem "activestorage" in Gemfile:

gem 'activestorage', github: 'rails/activestorage'

Added require "active_storage" to config/application.rb, after require "rails/all" line.

Runned rails activestorage:install;

I tried Configure the storage service in config/environments/* with config.active_storage.service = :local. When i start the server, dont work.

/Users/rafaeldl/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/bin/ruby -e at_exit{sleep(1)};$stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /Users/rafaeldl/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.6.1.beta4/bin/rdebug-ide --disable-int-handler --evaluation-timeout 10 --rubymine-protocol-extensions --port 55802 --host --dispatcher-port 55803 -- /Users/rafaeldl/Projetos/babytube-web/bin/rails db:migrate Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.6.1.beta4, debase 0.2.2.beta10, file filtering is supported) listens on rails aborted! NoMethodError: undefined method[]' for nil:NilClass
(erb):12:in <main>' /Users/rafaeldl/Projetos/babytube-web/config/environment.rb:5:in <top (required)>'
/Users/rafaeldl/Projetos/babytube-web/bin/rails:9:in require' /Users/rafaeldl/Projetos/babytube-web/bin/rails:9:in <top (required)>'
-e:1:in load' -e:1:in

Tasks: TOP => db:migrate => environment
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Install error in new project (not migrated)

I create a new rails project to try Active Storage. Followed the install steps in README. But it gave error in step 2. Because the project was untouched , so there is not any migrations and db/migrate not exist.

For trying to copy a file to non-existent directory, ruby gave Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory error.

Full text of the error:

Made storage and tmp/storage directories for development and testing
Copied default configuration to config/storage_services.yml
rails aborted!
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/u/asd/db/migrate/20170721060652_active_storage_create_tables.rb
/home/u/asd/bin/rails:9:in 'require'
/home/u/asd/bin/rails:9:in '<top (required)>'
/home/u/asd/bin/spring:15:in '<top (required)>'
bin/rails:3:in 'load'
bin/rails:3:in '<main>'
Tasks: TOP => activestorage:install
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Invalid S3 Checksum

Using the etag of an object is not a valid checksum of an S3 object if the object was multipart uploaded.

If an object is created by either the Multipart Upload or Part Copy operation, the ETag is not an MD5 digest, regardless of the method of encryption.

This also raises another question in my mind. Should we be checking the checksum of a file before it gets uploaded to ensure that the file was not corrupted in transit? It is recommended and supported by S3 and GCS.

Add support for hosted S3 object storage

I currently do a lot of work with OpenStack and we run a Ceph cluster which can be accessed via an S3 compatibility layer using our own host name.

Since S3 is a published protocol, it doesn't necessarily follow that an Active Storage user will always want to use S3 storage against Amazon's cloud.

The Amazon SDK being used by Active Storage supports an additional endpoint parameter to enable support for hosted S3. This is the path that I take directly in my Rails apps at present - I would prefer to go via the ActiveStorage route in future since it'll simplify my code.

I'm going to be working on this change here: #48

If anyone on the Rails team has any thoughts on this change then please let me know 😄

Eager loading Attachments?

Since this library associates attachments to records without using ActiveRecord associations, eager loading with includes does not work:

  test "eager load attachments" do
    @second_user = User.create!(name: 'Jason')

    assert User.includes(:attachment).to_a


  1) Error:
ActiveRecord::AssociationNotFoundError: Association named 'attachment' was not found on User; perhaps you misspelled it?

A use case for this would be a Users#index page that lists all users in a table and shows their avatar next to the user. The current approach would result an "N + 1" query problem as the Attachment for each User would be queried individually from the database.

Shortcut for downsampling

I like what David have done with Variants, but I would like to still have a shortcut like

<%= image_tag magazine.cover_photo.url(size: '600x400') %>

Because downsampling is the most common use-case. More common than making no transformations at all.

But maybe you have something else planned? Like extending image_tag to accept a Variant instance?

<%= image_tag magazine.cover_photo.variant(resize: '600x400') %>

Direct upload checksums aren't verified

Tested using AWS:

>> blob
=> #<ActiveStorage::Blob id: 19, key: "jwh9haVATotjTm3pjyoL4io4", filename: "image.png", content_type: "image/png", metadata: {}, byte_size: 305132, checksum: "abc123", created_at: "2017-07-24 15:48:18">

>> blob.checksum
=> "abc123"

>> blob.url_for_direct_upload
  S3 Storage (1.1ms) Generated URL for file at key: jwh9haVATotjTm3pjyoL4io4 
=> "[SNIP]"
$ curl -s --data-binary @image.png -H "Content-Type: image/png" -X PUT "[DIRECT UPLOAD URL HERE]"

Upload succeeds

Support for S3 server_side_encryption

Thank you guys for the all work on this, it looks great so far!
It would be nice if we could set the server_side_encryption option on S3 uploads, ideally, on a per model basis.

object_for(key).put(body: io, content_md5: checksum, server_side_encryption: 'AES256')

I'm happy to open a PR but I want to get some feedback on the best way to implement this or maybe you guys already have thought about this? I can see others wanting to pass additional options to aws calls in the future, as well.


Get more informations on direct_uploads

Currently from the DirectUploadsController we return {:url, :sgid} which works fine with S3 and GCS since they sign all required fields in query_string.
But, Azure require some informations to be passed in headers, currently that header is
x-ms-blob-type: "BlockBlob".

Can we return fatter response from the controller that contains url, sgid, headers and use him on the fontend somethig like this

  fetch("/rails/active_storage/direct_uploads", { method: "POST", body: data }).then(r => r.json()).then(function(directUploadDetails) {
    const reader = new FileReader()

    reader.onload = function(event) {
      fetch(directUploadDetails["url"], { 
        method: "PUT",
        headers: directUploadDetails.headers, // something like this
        body: event.currentTarget.result}).then(function() {



Also, I suppose there are other storage providers in the wild that are going to need something like this

VerifiedKeyWithExpiration.verifier is nil

Installed ActiveStorage, configured according to README, successfully uploaded a photo via MirrorService (local + amazon). Now,

2.3.4 :003 > ActiveStorage::VerifiedKeyWithExpiration.verifier
=> nil

even though

2.3.4 :004 > defined?(Rails) ? Rails.application.message_verifier("ActiveStorage") : nil
 => #<ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier:0x007f9ea69a3818 @secret="\x8C\eA>\x96\xC2\x91c\xBAP\xAB$%\xB5|\xBA\x9E\xD9\x8E\xB8=o\xB9\x8E\x88aI\x85g\"\xCE\x7FL+>l|\xF8S#?\xD2\xE8\xBE[g\xD8\xF7\"\x0FR\xEDBe\xE5\xE6\xB3\x9EF~\xB2\xEBJ\x14", @digest="SHA1", @serializer=Marshal>

As a result,

2.3.4 :005 >
  Disk Storage (9.5ms) Generated URL for file at key: TzDZEQAJdY1HBUg5Hym16oPd ()
NoMethodError: undefined method `generate' for nil:NilClass
        from (irb):5

Any help is welcome 🤔

Can we get a Backblaze adapter out of the box?

Not sure if this is the correct spot for this but I noticed you don't have an adapter for Backblaze.

They are a very attractive competitor to S3. For example they are 4x cheaper than S3 in storage and 2.5x cheaper for downloads. They've been around for a long time and are rock solid.

Pricing details on how they compare to S3 and Google Cloud:

General details on their S3-like service:

I know there's the whole "but if we support this, then where do we draw the line?" argument for supporting services but I really think these guys are popular enough to have it officially supported. It could also be a good excuse to write a really nice Backblaze connectivity gem because that's currently lacking.

File types / sizes / location

Thank you guys, for working on this thing. I'm really excited about it. I'm wondering how to put some control on the uploads:

  1. How to control which file extensions are allowed or not? I've just uploaded a pdf with this gem, and I don't want to allow this on my app.
  2. How to control allowed file sizes and image dimensions?
  3. Is there a way to upload the files to a folder in the AWS S3 bucket, and not to the root of the bucket?

Change blob URL?

Is there a way to change the URL of a blob beyond the default /rails/blobs/<encoded-key> pattern? It would make it less obvious that it is a Rails app. A config setting like url_pattern would be nice.

MirrorService needs work

There are two problems with ActiveStorage::Service::MirrorService in the current code:

  1. The generated sample config is wrong. Looking at the service code, it should be something like this instead:
  service: Mirror
  services: [ local, amazon, google ]
  1. Even with that change, the service still doesn't work, because the services attribute gets initialized to an array of strings, when it really needs to be an array of other Services. Quick and dirty fix is to edit the initializer:
  # def initialize(services:)
  #   @services = services
  # end
  def initialize(services:)
    service_array = []
    config_file   ="config/storage_services.yml"))
    configs = YAML.load(
    services.each do |service|
      if service_configuration = configs[service.to_s].symbolize_keys
        service_name = service_configuration.delete(:service)
        service_array << ActiveStorage::Service.configure(service_name, service_configuration)

    @services = service_array

I'm not putting in a PR at the moment because it's entirely possible the current code authors have a better fix in mind and just haven't gotten around to implementing it yet. Mostly just noting this for anyone else playing with early versions.

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