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client's Issues

Windows 11 Errore

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.UpdateStatusAfterSocketErrorAndThrowException(SocketError , String ) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Accept() at System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.AcceptTcpClient() at li.qubic.trainer.Comm.ComConnector.<StartServer>b__11_0() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread , ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at li.qubic.trainer.Comm.ComConnector.StartServer() at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.UpdateStatusAfterSocketErrorAndThrowException(SocketError , String ) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Accept() at System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.AcceptTcpClient() at li.qubic.trainer.Comm.ComConnector.<StartServer>b__11_0() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread , ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at li.qubic.trainer.Comm.ComConnector.StartServer() 2023-11-23 12:47:47 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config.

this is my conf

"Settings": {
"baseUrl": "",
"amountOfThreads": 32,
"payoutId": null,
"accessToken": "",
"alias": ""

I have 4 servers, on two it works correctly, while on the others it doesn't. What could it be?

General error: An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory

Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :(
2024-03-06 01:05:20 ERROR We try to restart. If it keeps like that consider using another trainer or setting.
2024-03-06 01:05:21 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-03-06 01:05:21 ERROR General error: An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'D:\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. 系统找不到指定的文件。(An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'D:\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. 系统找不到指定的文件。)


2024-03-06 00:43:37 ERROR Execution stopped(FATAL: Please do not use accessToken AND payoutID)

System.Exception: FATAL: Please do not use accessToken AND payoutID
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.VerifyStartup()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer..ctor(String token)
at Program.Main(String[] args)
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.VerifyStartup()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer..ctor(String token)
at Program.Main(String[] args)
2024-03-06 00:46:27 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-03-06 00:46:27 ERROR General error: An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.(An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.)

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo)
at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetLibcVersion()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.CheckLocalTrainer()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo)
at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetLibcVersion()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.CheckLocalTrainer()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.Start()
2024-03-06 00:47:28 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-03-06 00:47:28 ERROR General error: An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.(An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.)

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo)
at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetLibcVersion()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.CheckLocalTrainer()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo)
at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetLibcVersion()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.CheckLocalTrainer()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.Start()
2024-03-06 00:48:29 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-03-06 00:48:29 ERROR General error: An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.(An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.)

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'ldd' with working directory 'C:\Users\rosar\Downloads\qli-Client-1.8.5-Windows-x64'. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo)
at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetLibcVersion()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.CheckLocalTrainer()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo)
at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetLibcVersion()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.CheckLocalTrainer()
at li.qubic.trainer.Trainer.Start()

GPU mode does not work

Weixin Image_20240224110909

Error Info:
0 CUDA devices are used

GPU Devices: 6 pieces of Nvidia 3070
GPU Driver Version: 551.61
CUDA Version: 12.4
Operation System: Windows 10 -> WSL Ubuntu
Environment Variables: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5

"allowHwInfoCollect": true,
"overwrites": {"CUDA": "12"}

Is it possible to mine on GPU mode?

2xAMD EPYC 7742 Not Working Properly

I have 128C/256T, 256GB RAM and 4 NUMA but my performance is extremely low:
"amountOfThreads": 32 = 500 it/s
"amountOfThreads": 64 = 300 it/s
"amountOfThreads": 128/256 = 200 it/s and system stutter

Do you have any ideas on this?

connection error

2023-10-27 09:37:40 INFO Waiting for task
2023-10-27 09:38:42 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config.
2023-10-27 09:38:43 INFO Waiting for task

The type initializer for 'System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper' threw an exception when trying to use CUDA

Windows, CUDA 12.3 installed, RTX 3060 - when trying to run with GPU, it throws this exception and start training using CPU.

2024-03-14 11:50:32     INFO    Starting Client
2024-03-14 11:50:32     INFO    Check for updates
2024-03-14 11:50:32     INFO    Your Client is up to date
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper' threw an exception.
 ---> System.TypeLoadException
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointerInternal(IntPtr, Type)
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer[TDelegate](IntPtr)
   at System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper.LoadDelegate[TDelegate](TDelegate&, IntPtr, String)
   at System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Management.MTAHelper.IsNoContextMTA()
   at System.Management.MTAHelper.CreateInMTA(Type)
   at System.Management.ManagementPath.CreateWbemPath(String)
   at System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher..ctor(String, String)
   at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetCpuModelWindows()
   at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetCPUModel()
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper' threw an exception.
 ---> System.TypeLoadException
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointerInternal(IntPtr, Type)
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer[TDelegate](IntPtr)
   at System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper.LoadDelegate[TDelegate](TDelegate&, IntPtr, String)
   at System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Management.MTAHelper.IsNoContextMTA()
   at System.Management.MTAHelper.CreateInMTA(Type)
   at System.Management.ManagementPath.CreateWbemPath(String)
   at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetCPUCacheWindows()
   at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetCPUCache()

Running error, there are no issues with the settings. The same computer can run before

2023-12-27 03:18:18 INFO Starting Client
2023-12-27 03:18:19 INFO Check for updates
2023-12-27 03:18:20 ERROR Error Checking for updates: API CheckUpdate Error: NoContent
2023-12-27 03:18:22 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is 1477
2023-12-27 03:18:22 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:18:24 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:18:26 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:18:27 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:18:29 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:18:32 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:18:33 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:18:35 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:18:38 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:18:39 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:18:41 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:18:44 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:18:45 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:18:47 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:18:50 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:18:51 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:18:53 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:18:55 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:18:56 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:18:58 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:18:59 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:00 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:01 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:02 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:03 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:04 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:05 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:06 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:07 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:08 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:09 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:10 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:11 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:12 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:13 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:14 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:15 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:16 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:17 INFO Calculating Checksum (Trainer/16)
2023-12-27 03:19:20 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:19:21 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:19:23 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:19:25 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:19:26 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:19:29 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:19:31 ERROR Error Getting Worker BadRequest with {"type":"","title":"Bad Request","status":400,"traceId":"00-73c3ad6fb45a1aff60998d59f686dac1-becbbbe7f12743fc-00"}
2023-12-27 03:19:31 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:19:32 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:19:34 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:19:38 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:19:39 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:19:41 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:19:43 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:19:44 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:19:46 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:19:49 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:19:50 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:19:52 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:19:55 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:19:56 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-27 03:19:58 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-27 03:20:00 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-27 03:20:02 INFO Waiting for task

dual xeon hashrate issues

dual xeon e5 2696v3 it/s sometimes varies in each run and during mining from, from 15-25 it/s not more, to 79 i/s max,
i have to execute repeatedly to get that 79 it/s , and during mining it happens to

A GPU0 error occurred when multiple Gpus were working

Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4110 CPU @ 2.10GHz x1
Mem 16GB
GPUs 3080 10GiB X10

ubuntu20.04 LTS
qubic-li 1.8.6

{"Settings":{"baseUrl": "","amountOfThreads": 1,"alias": "test","allowHwInfoCollect": true,"overwrites": {"CUDA": "12"},"accessToken": "xxx", "autoupdateEnabled": true}}

Trainer: Failed to compute solutions on GPU#0: an illegal memory access was encountered
Trainer: Check your OC settings, physical connection between GPU#0 and mainboard
Trainer: TIPS: recommend PCIe x8 or x16 bandwidth on GPU#0, low OC setting on GPU#0

I tried to mask the video card one by one, but the error still appeared

Ubuntu server

Use Ubuntu server to appear:
ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config.

Is the project unable to use the multiway CPU

Why does my machine keep outputting this information:Trainer: cpu version 99.1 is starting.

2024-03-07 09:42:51 INFO Starting Client
2024-03-07 09:42:51 INFO Check for updates
2024-03-07 09:42:53 INFO Your Client is up to date
2024-03-07 09:42:54 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is yl-PowerEdge-R720
2024-03-07 09:42:54 INFO Waiting for task
2024-03-07 09:42:56 INFO Trainer: cpu version 99.1 is starting.
2024-03-07 09:42:56 INFO Trainer: Version: AVX2
2024-03-07 09:43:01 INFO Trainer: cpu version 99.1 is starting.
2024-03-07 09:43:01 INFO Trainer: Version: AVX2
2024-03-07 09:43:06 INFO Trainer: cpu version 99.1 is starting.
2024-03-07 09:43:06 INFO Trainer: Version: AVX2
2024-03-07 09:43:11 INFO Trainer: cpu version 99.1 is starting.
2024-03-07 09:43:11 INFO Trainer: Version: AVX2
2024-03-07 09:43:16 INFO Trainer: cpu version 99.1 is starting.
2024-03-07 09:43:16 INFO Trainer: Version: AVX2

When I turn on "allowHwInfoCollect" : "true" I get an exception

I have a 4090. Any idea why? If I don't it runs with no exceptions. Thanks

2024-03-14 11:44:00     INFO    Starting Client
2024-03-14 11:44:00     INFO    Check for updates
2024-03-14 11:44:00     INFO    Your Client is up to date
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper' threw an exception.
 ---> System.TypeLoadException
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointerInternal(IntPtr, Type)
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer[TDelegate](IntPtr)
   at System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper.LoadDelegate[TDelegate](TDelegate&, IntPtr, String)
   at System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Management.MTAHelper.IsNoContextMTA()
   at System.Management.MTAHelper.CreateInMTA(Type)
   at System.Management.ManagementPath.CreateWbemPath(String)
   at System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher..ctor(String, String)
   at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetCpuModelWindows()
   at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetCPUModel()
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper' threw an exception.
 ---> System.TypeLoadException
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointerInternal(IntPtr, Type)
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer[TDelegate](IntPtr)
   at System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper.LoadDelegate[TDelegate](TDelegate&, IntPtr, String)
   at System.Management.WmiNetUtilsHelper..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Management.MTAHelper.IsNoContextMTA()
   at System.Management.MTAHelper.CreateInMTA(Type)
   at System.Management.ManagementPath.CreateWbemPath(String)
   at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetCPUCacheWindows()
   at li.qubic.trainer.Helper.HardwareHelper.GetCPUCache()


乌班图22.04服务器版本 rocky linux 在1.7下运行正常。现在1.7无法使用。
1.7.5 报错
2023-12-09 00:44:51 INFO Starting Client
2023-12-09 00:44:53 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is Client
2023-12-09 00:44:53 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-09 00:44:55 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-09 00:44:57 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-09 00:44:58 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-09 00:45:59 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config.

Error Checking for updates: API CheckU

2023-12-20 11:28:41 INFO Starting Client
2023-12-20 11:28:42 INFO Check for updates
2023-12-20 11:28:44 ERROR Error Checking for updates: API CheckU
pdate Error: NoContent

A few questions

Hi, I have a few questions here.

  1. My access token on changes every time I refresh the page, then which token should I put in the config file for qublic client?

  2. I tried to use the wallet id for the client, it has been running for 10 hours now but it still says SOL 0/0, and there are 0 qubic on my wallet, is that normal? My CPU is AMD Ryzen 9 7950X, what hash rate should I expect and for how long I get one solution?


1.7.5 error 1.7.5 error 1.7.5 error 1.7.5 error SOS SOS SOS

2023-12-09 00:44:51 INFO Starting Client
2023-12-09 00:44:53 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is Client
2023-12-09 00:44:53 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-09 00:44:55 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-09 00:44:57 INFO Error loading current trainer binary
2023-12-09 00:44:58 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-09 00:45:59 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config.

system:rocky linux 9.2/ ubuntu 22.04 server /centos 9 None of them can be used

ubuntu 23OK。。。。。Please fix the bug as soon as possible, as many machines are already unusable

1.7.7 error BUG

[root@localhost q]# ./qli-Client
2023-12-09 21:12:24 INFO Starting Client
2023-12-09 21:12:27 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is P2
2023-12-09 21:12:27 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-09 21:12:29 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-09 21:13:28 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2023-12-09 21:13:30 INFO Waiting for task

system:centos rocky linux

Client ERROR

win11 23h2 wls2 ubuntu 22.04.3lts(cpu:i7-13650hx)

"Settings": {
"baseUrl": "",
"amountOfThreads": 18,
"alias": "p15ta",
"payoutId": "xxx",
"accessToken": null

2024-02-29 14:10:17 INFO Starting Client
2024-02-29 14:10:22 INFO Check for updates
2024-02-29 14:10:29 INFO Your Client is up to date
2024-02-29 14:10:32 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is p15ta
2024-02-29 14:10:32 INFO Waiting for task
2024-02-29 14:10:34 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2024-02-29 14:10:42 INFO Trainer: cpu version 98.0 is starting.
2024-02-29 14:10:42 INFO Trainer: Version: AVX2
2024-02-29 14:10:42 INFO Trainer: Solution threshold: 694
2024-02-29 14:10:42 INFO Trainer: 18 threads are used.
2024-02-29 14:10:43 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 200 it/s | 200 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:44 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 284 it/s | 242 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:45 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 292 it/s | 259 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:46 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 276 it/s | 263 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:47 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 292 it/s | 269 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:48 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 219 it/s | 260 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:49 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 260 it/s | 260 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:50 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 300 it/s | 265 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:51 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 264 it/s | 265 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:52 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 304 it/s | 269 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:53 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 272 it/s | 269 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:54 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 288 it/s | 271 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:55 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 280 it/s | 272 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:56 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 340 it/s | 276 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:57 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 263 it/s | 276 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:58 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 244 it/s | 274 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:10:59 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 276 it/s | 274 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:11:00 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 272 it/s | 274 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:11:01 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 236 it/s | 272 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:11:02 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 260 it/s | 271 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:11:03 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 292 it/s | 272 avg it/s
2024-02-29 14:11:04 INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try HGTS...CUOF | 280 it/s | 272 avg it/s

Trouble with version 1.8

2024-01-01 12:46:38     INFO    Starting Client
2024-01-01 12:46:38     INFO    Check for updates
2024-01-01 12:46:40     INFO    Your Client is up to date
2024-01-01 12:46:41     INFO    AI Training Starting. Your Alias is qli Client
2024-01-01 12:46:41     INFO    Waiting for task
2024-01-01 12:47:41     ERROR   Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-01-01 12:47:42     INFO    Waiting for task

repeatable error, can't find solution

my conf file:

  "Settings": {
    "baseUrl": "",
    "amountOfThreads": 4,
    "alias": "qli Client",
    "accessToken": "accessToken">
    "payoutId": null,
    "useAvx2": false,
    "allowHwInfoCollect": true,
    "threadsDaySchedule": "",
    "customRunner": false,
    "serviceLock": false,
    "overwrites": {},
    "autoupdateEnabled": true,
    "checkUpdateEnabled": true


Architecture:            x86_64
  CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
  Address sizes:         48 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
  Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                  16
  On-line CPU(s) list:   0-15
Vendor ID:               AuthenticAMD
  Model name:            AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 4284
    CPU family:          21
    Model:               1
    Thread(s) per core:  2
    Core(s) per socket:  4
    Socket(s):           2
    Stepping:            2

I tried switching between sockets, by core. I tried docker, strictly regulating the packages, but nothing worked.
Need your help

INFO E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try IFWM...FZIF | 0 it/s | 0 avg it/s

W11, VC Redistributable installed
CPU : Xeon W2123
App is stuck in a loop, continuously repeating :

2024-03-06 00:24:38     INFO    Trainer: cpu version 98.0 is starting.
2024-03-06 00:24:38     INFO    Trainer: Version: AVX512(Modern)
2024-03-06 00:24:38     INFO    Trainer: Solution threshold: 694
2024-03-06 00:24:38     INFO    Trainer: 7 threads are used.
2024-03-06 00:24:40     INFO    E:98 | SOL: 0/0 | Try AOUJ...TYCA  | 0 it/s | 0 avg it/s

May I ask what the problem is?

The system is Ubuntu 22.04, which was normal before this upgrade, but after the upgrade, there was a problem, and the re-installation did not boot


Client error

2023-12-12 22:03:00 INFO Starting Client
2023-12-12 22:03:01 ERROR Feature Registration Request Failed(API Register Error: Unauthorized)

Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.

root@t-Default-string:/q# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 158
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
stepping : 10
microcode : 0xf4
cpu MHz : 900.437
cache size : 12288 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 12
core id : 0
cpu cores : 6
apicid : 0
initial apicid : 0
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 22
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch cpuid_fault epb invpcid_single pti ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid ept_ad fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm mpx rdseed adx smap clflushopt intel_pt xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xsaves dtherm ida arat pln pts hwp hwp_notify hwp_act_window hwp_epp md_clear flush_l1d arch_capabilities
bugs : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 spec_store_bypass l1tf mds swapgs taa itlb_multihit srbds mmio_stale_data retbleed gds
bogomips : 6399.96
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor : 1
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 158
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
stepping : 10
microcode : 0xf4
cpu MHz : 900.465
cache size : 12288 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 12
core id : 1
cpu cores : 6
apicid : 2
initial apicid : 2
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 22
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch cpuid_fault epb invpcid_single pti ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid ept_ad fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm mpx rdseed adx smap clflushopt intel_pt xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xsaves dtherm ida arat pln pts hwp hwp_notify hwp_act_window hwp_epp md_clear flush_l1d arch_capabilities
bugs : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 spec_store_bypass l1tf mds swapgs taa itlb_multihit srbds mmio_stale_data retbleed gds
bogomips : 6399.96
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes : 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

root@t-Default-string:/q# ./qli-Client
2024-03-05 21:31:33 INFO Starting Client
2024-03-05 21:31:33 INFO Check for updates
2024-03-05 21:31:34 INFO Your Client is up to date
2024-03-05 21:31:35 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is ubuntu-
2024-03-05 21:31:35 INFO Waiting for task
2024-03-05 21:32:36 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-03-05 21:32:37 INFO Waiting for task
2024-03-05 21:33:38 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-03-05 21:33:39 INFO Waiting for task
2024-03-05 21:34:40 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-03-05 21:34:41 INFO Waiting for task
2024-03-05 21:35:42 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2024-03-05 21:35:43 INFO Waiting for task
^C2024-03-05 21:36:36 INFO Stopping...

1.7.7bug error[root@localhost q]# ./qli-Client 2023-12-09 21:12:24 INFO Starting Client 2023-12-09 21:12:27 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is P2 2023-12-09 21:12:27 INFO Waiting for task 2023-12-09 21:12:29 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker 2023-12-09 21:13:28 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements. 2023-12-09 21:13:30 INFO Waiting for task

[root@localhost q]# ./qli-Client
2023-12-09 21:12:24 INFO Starting Client
2023-12-09 21:12:27 INFO AI Training Starting. Your Alias is P2
2023-12-09 21:12:27 INFO Waiting for task
2023-12-09 21:12:29 INFO Please wait while we are preparing the worker
2023-12-09 21:13:28 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2023-12-09 21:13:30 INFO Waiting for task

Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.

  CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
  Address sizes:         39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
  Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                  6
  On-line CPU(s) list:   0-5
Vendor ID:               GenuineIntel
  Model name:            Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
    CPU family:          6
    Model:               158
    Thread(s) per core:  1
    Core(s) per socket:  6
    Socket(s):           1
    Stepping:            12
    CPU(s) scaling MHz:  17%
    CPU max MHz:         4600.0000
    CPU min MHz:         800.0000
    BogoMIPS:            7399.70
    Flags:               fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush d
                         ts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc
                         art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pn
                         i pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm p
                         cid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdran
                         d lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch cpuid_fault epb invpcid_single ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp t
                         pr_shadow flexpriority ept vpid ept_ad fsgsbase tsc_adjust sgx bmi1 avx2 smep bmi
                         2 erms invpcid mpx rdseed adx smap clflushopt intel_pt xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xs
                         aves dtherm ida arat pln pts hwp hwp_notify hwp_act_window hwp_epp vnmi sgx_lc md
                         _clear flush_l1d arch_capabilities
Virtualization features:
  Virtualization:        VT-x
Caches (sum of all):
  L1d:                   192 KiB (6 instances)
  L1i:                   192 KiB (6 instances)
  L2:                    1.5 MiB (6 instances)
  L3:                    9 MiB (1 instance)
  NUMA node(s):          1
  NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-5
  Gather data sampling:  Mitigation; Microcode (locked)
  Itlb multihit:         KVM: Mitigation: VMX disabled
  L1tf:                  Not affected
  Mds:                   Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled
  Meltdown:              Not affected
  Mmio stale data:       Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled
  Retbleed:              Mitigation; IBRS
  Spec rstack overflow:  Not affected
  Spec store bypass:     Mitigation; Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl
  Spectre v1:            Mitigation; usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization
  Spectre v2:            Mitigation; IBRS, IBPB conditional, STIBP disabled, RSB filling, PBRSB-eIBRS Not
  Srbds:                 Mitigation; Microcode
  Tsx async abort:       Mitigation; TSX disabled

  "Settings": {
    "baseUrl": "",
    "amountOfThreads": 3,
    "payoutId": null,
    "accessToken": "$TOKEN",
    "alias": "pc_cpu_intel1",
    "useAvx2": true,
    "overwrites": {
	    "SKYLAKE": true,
	    "AVX512": false



I have this error :

023-12-12 21:20:17 ERROR Looks like the trainer isn't working properly :( check your config and he requirements.
2023-12-12 21:20:17 ERROR GLIBC Version must by >= 2.34
2023-12-12 21:20:17 ERROR General error: FATAL: GLIBC Version must by >= 2.34. Trainer can't be started properly.(FATAL: GLIBC Version must by >= 2.34. Trainer can't be started properly.)

Perhaps my verison of glibc is 2.35
ufox@rig-pincab:~/qubic$ ldd --version
ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.35-0ubuntu3.5) 2.35


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