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chef-openresty's Issues

PCRE Binary currently failing from SourceForge

Looks like SourceForge is currently in "disaster recovery" mode and won't let the cookbook download the binaries, thus failing the checksum match.

This can be confirmed by running wget which pulls a HTML file instead of the correct binaries.

Maybe we should use a different host to grab PCRE from?

Consider loosening `ohai` version

In 00036f6, you tightened the ohai constraint and I don't understand why. Flipping through the issue mentioned in the commit message, there's talk of the Ohai gem, but nothing about the cookbook. I am using the openresty cookbook in Chef environments that have their ohai cookbook version pinned at >= 5.0.0 which doesn't seem to cause any issues with openresty at 0.5.5. Would you consider loosening it again?

Source recompiles on every chef run

Seems as if the source is being recompiled on every run, which is less than ideal. I don't see any way to prevent this via an attribute, but I may very well be missing something.

It seems that the commons_build recipe doesn't have a guard in the bash[compile_openresty_source] block, but I figured I'd run it by you before thinking about how best to go about fixing it.

Compile broken due to bad merge

Looks like a merge issue in #36 broke compile (I suspect this broke all of them...) -

cd ngx_openresty-#{node['openresty']['source']['version']} &&
mine before merge:
cd ngx_openresty-#{node['openresty']['source']['version']} &&
cd #{node['openresty']['source']['name']} &&

There's a knock-on issue related to the merge that broke this (making ['name'] dynamic - introduced a large number of delayed interpolation issues), too - I'll address that in another issue, though since it only impacts you if you change the version attribute from default - I suspect this breaks anyone who compiles.

Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20160520-16429-z5r8oj" ----
STDERR: /tmp/chef-script20160520-16429-z5r8oj: line 2: cd: openresty- No such file or directory
---- End output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20160520-16429-z5r8oj" ----
Ran "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20160520-16429-z5r8oj" returned 1

Resource Declaration:
# In /opt/chefprov/Provisioning/berkshelf-cookbooks/openresty/recipes/commons_build.rb

169: bash 'compile_openresty_source' do
170:   cwd ::File.dirname(src_filepath)
171:   code <<-EOH
172:     tar zxf #{::File.basename(src_filepath)} -C #{::File.dirname(src_filepath)} &&
173:     cd #{node['openresty']['source']['name']} &&
174:     #{subreq_opts}
175:     #{pcre_opts}
176:     ./configure #{node.run_state['openresty_configure_flags'].join(' ')} &&
177:     make -j#{node['cpu']['total']} && make install #{restart_on_update}
178:   EOH
180:   # OpenResty configure args massaging due to the configure script adding its own arguments along our custom ones
181:   if Chef::Config[:solo]
182:     not_if do
183:       openresty_force_recompile == false &&
184:         node.automatic_attrs['nginx'] &&
185:         node.automatic_attrs['nginx']['version'] == node['openresty']['source']['version'] &&
186:         (, 'openresty.configure-opts')) || '' rescue '') ==
187:         configure_flags.sort.uniq.join("\n")
188:     end
189:   else
190:     not_if do
191:       openresty_force_recompile == false &&
192:         node.automatic_attrs['nginx'] &&
193:         node.automatic_attrs['nginx']['version'] == node['openresty']['source']['version'] &&
194:         node['openresty']['persisted_configure_flags'] &&
195:         node['openresty']['persisted_configure_flags'] == configure_flags.sort.uniq
196:     end
197:   end

getting a "ChecksumMismatch" exception from pcre download

I can't install openresty due to this exception.

Checksum on resource (b9e02d) does not match checksum on content (818a4b)

Cookbook Trace:
/var/chef/runs/855ccda3-34bf-4b73-98ce-cdc269a3f086/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/compat_resource/files/lib/chef_compat/monkeypatches/chef/runner.rb:41:in `run_action'

Resource Declaration:
# In /var/chef/runs/855ccda3-34bf-4b73-98ce-cdc269a3f086/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/openresty/recipes/commons_build.rb

 77:   remote_file "#{pcre_path}.tar.bz2" do
 78:     owner 'root'
 79:     group 'root'
 80:     mode 00644
 81:     source node['openresty']['pcre']['url']
 82:     checksum node['openresty']['pcre']['checksum']
 83:     action :create
 84:   end
 85:   execute 'openresty-extract-pcre' do

Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /var/chef/runs/855ccda3-34bf-4b73-98ce-cdc269a3f086/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/openresty/recipes/commons_build.rb:77:in `from_file'

remote_file("/var/chef/runs/855ccda3-34bf-4b73-98ce-cdc269a3f086/local-mode-cache/cache/pcre-8.38.tar.bz2") do
  provider Chef::Provider::RemoteFile
  action [:create]
  retries 0
  retry_delay 2
  default_guard_interpreter :default
  source [""]
  use_etag true
  use_last_modified true
  declared_type :remote_file
  cookbook_name "openresty"
  recipe_name "commons_build"
  checksum "b9e02d36e23024d6c02a2e5b25204b3a4fa6ade43e0a5f869f254f49535079df"
  path "/var/chef/runs/855ccda3-34bf-4b73-98ce-cdc269a3f086/local-mode-cache/cache/pcre-8.38.tar.bz2"
  owner "root"
  group "root"
  mode 420


openresty_luarock provider reinstalls luarocks with full version

We found out (because luarocks was down) that the openresty_luarock provider was trying to install a luarock even though it was already installed in the right version.

This line of code is responsible for this behavior:

cmd.stdout.strip.split("\n").fetch(0).split.fetch(1).split('-').first rescue nil
. It returns "2.1.0" when the current version is "2.1.0-1", and thus the provider will install the same luarock again.

Is this expected behavior? Are we supposed to pass versions without the revision number?


Recipe in failing on ohai-plugin

Reciepe is failing

Re-raising exception: NoMethodError - undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/openresty/recipes/ohai_plugin.rb:28:in from_file' /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/openresty/recipes/default.rb:23:infrom_file'

OpenResty cookbook failing

Fetching 'openresty' from [email protected]:priestjim/chef-openresty.git (at master)
Fetching cookbook index from
ERROR: Berkshelf::NoSolutionError: Unable to satisfy the following requirements:

- `yum (= 3.6.3)` required by `user-specified dependency`
- `yum (~> 3.2)` required by `yum-epel-0.6.2`
- `yum (~> 3.10.0)` required by `yum-epel-0.6.2`
- `yum (~> 3.2)` required by `yum-repoforge-0.5.3`
- `yum (~> 3.0)` required by `erlang-1.5.8`
- `yum (~> 3.0)` required by `yum-erlang_solutions-0.2.0`
- `yum (>= 0.0.0)` required by `grafana-2.1.3`
- `yum (>= 0.0.0)` required by `graphite-0.1.6`
- `yum (~> 3.0)` required by `jenkins-2.3.1`
- `yum (~> 3.0)` required by `percona-0.16.1`
- `yum (>= 0.0.0)` required by `sphinx-1.1.0`
- `yum (>= 0.0.0)` required by `td-agent-2.1.0`
- `yum (>= 3.0.0)` required by `yum-mysql-community-0.1.17`
- `yum (>= 0.0.0)` required by `openresty-0.4.1`

Include `lua_package_path` in nginx.conf by default

Since you are installing Nginx with luajit by default is it possible to add lua_package_path and lua_package_cpath to the default nginx.conf?

Example from docs:

html {
   # set search paths for pure Lua external libraries (';;' is the default path):
    lua_package_path '/foo/bar/?.lua;/blah/?.lua;;';

    # set search paths for Lua external libraries written in C (can also use ';;'):
    lua_package_cpath '/bar/baz/?.so;/blah/blah/?.so;;';

    server {

Getting an error on notifying nginx to reload

I'm sometimes getting the following error:

ERROR: resource template[/etc/nginx/sites-available/default1] is configured to notify resource service[nginx] with action reload, but service[nginx] cannot be found in the resource collection. template[/etc/nginx/sites-available/default1] is defined in /var/chef/runs/ac11fec0-b0fe-4697-9d43-950fea5b5e00/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/openresty/providers/site.rb:25:in `block in class_from_file'

site.rb line 25 is inside the enable action of the site lwrp.

undefined method `chef_version'

ERROR: Berkshelf::InternalError: The following error occurred while reading the cookbook `openresty':
Ridley::Errors::FromFileParserError: Could not parse `/tmp/d20160408-31207-10d0e3x/metadata.rb': undefined method `chef_version' for #<Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::Metadata:0x007fecabc13aa0>

using chef 12.5 with latest berkshelf and ridley gem , still failing

PCRE using FTP failing during chef install behind proxy

default['openresty']['pcre']['url'] uses FTP and doesn't work behind a proxy. I'm using in AWS VPC.


* remote_file[/var/chef/cache/pcre-8.38.tar.bz2] action create

  Error executing action `create` on resource 'remote_file[/var/chef/cache/pcre-8.38.tar.bz2]'

  not connected

  Resource Declaration:
  # In /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/openresty/recipes/commons_build.rb

   74:   remote_file "#{pcre_path}.tar.bz2" do
   75:     owner 'root'
   76:     group 'root'
   77:     mode 00644
   78:     source node['openresty']['pcre']['url']
   79:     checksum node['openresty']['pcre']['checksum']
   80:     action :create
   81:   end
   82:   execute 'openresty-extract-pcre' do

  Compiled Resource:
  # Declared in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/openresty/recipes/commons_build.rb:74:in `from_file'

  remote_file("/var/chef/cache/pcre-8.38.tar.bz2") do
    provider Chef::Provider::RemoteFile
    action [:create]
    retries 0
    retry_delay 2
    default_guard_interpreter :default
    source [""]
    use_etag true
    use_last_modified true
    declared_type :remote_file
    cookbook_name "openresty"
    recipe_name "commons_build"
    checksum "b9e02d36e23024d6c02a2e5b25204b3a4fa6ade43e0a5f869f254f49535079df"
    path "/var/chef/cache/pcre-8.38.tar.bz2"
    owner "root"
    group "root"
    mode 420
    atomic_update true

Is there anyway to download it using HTTP or HTTPS?

Please update version when merging new changes

One of these changes broken our builds and we had the cookbook pinned to 0.3.5

Commits on Feb 22, 2016
Version bump for OpenResty
priestjim committed 17 hours ago
Merge pull request #39 from kuberkaul/master  …
priestjim committed 17 hours ago
update the nginx-upstream-fair github link from SSH to HTTPS  …
kuberkaul committed a day ago

luarocks requires package zip on ubuntu 12.04

Hi, I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why luarocks wouldn't install any of my rocks. By changing the LWRP to

Chef::Application.fatal!("Installation of OpenResty LUA rock [#{rock}] #{('version [' + version + ']') if version} failed" +
  "\nSTDOUT: #{cmd.stdout}" +
  "\nSTDERR: #{cmd.stderr}")

I was able to see luarocks was failing with a "Failed unpacking my.rock" message.

To solve this I had to install the package zip using apt-get install zip. Forgive my chef-fu but I cannot provide a PR to do so.

ohai >= 4.0.0 throws nillclass on node['ohai']['plugin_path']

ohai cookbook version 4.0.0 was released yesterday, which has breaking changes that are not compatible with this cookbook.

The main issue is that the ohai cookbook now uses a custom resource, and no longer defines attributes like node['ohai']['plugin_path'], which is used in this cookbook in recipes/ohai_plugin.rb.

The issue can be solve by pinning ohai to ~> 3.0.1 or < 4.0.0 or something similar.

Request: Custom Error Pages

It would be nice to be able to declare (either by attribute or LWRP) custom error pages. Then all we would have to do is include the file in our cookbooks and specify the source. Openresty cookbook would then copy them where it wants and put the entries for it into the config.

bzip2 missing on CentOS minimal

Hi, i've got stuck on some interesting issue. It turned out that bzip2 (which should be one of the basic tools) is not included into the CentOS 7 minimal install. Since this package is needed for the source build, i think it might be a good idea to add it to the comins_build.rb:46 package list just to check if it's installed

delayed interpolation issues with attributes

the new default['openresty']['source']['name'] attribute introduced in 0.4.0, as well as the default['openresty']['source']['url'] attribute suffer from delayed interpolation problems (see for reference) -

specifically, if I specify just the ['version'] attribute, the ['url'] and ['name'] atrtributes don't change:

This results in cases like:

STDERR: /tmp/chef-script20160520-16429-z5r8oj: line 2: cd: openresty- No such file or directory ---- End output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20160520-16429-z5r8oj" ----

if you only set

#must set both due to lack of delayed interpolation

for example - we fetch, but ['name'] is still

Anyway - poor explaination but I'm going to try to effect a fix (using %{} - which effects all consumers of the attr..)

Cookbook failure on libatomic_ops on RHEL7

Got an error when using this cookbook.
It fails to install the package "libatomic_ops-devel" declared in openresty/recipes/commons_build.rb

Installed on ec2 with the AMI "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-e0c19f83"


No candidate version available for libatomic_ops-devel
yum_package("libatomic_ops-devel") do
action [:install]
retries 0
retry_delay 2
default_guard_interpreter :default
package_name "libatomic_ops-devel"
flush_cache {:before=>false, :after=>false}
declared_type :package
cookbook_name :openresty
recipe_name "commons_build"

FR: add default['openresty']['luarocks']['prefix'] as top-level installation prefix

While installing luasql-mysql, I faced this error:

Error: Could not find expected file mysql.h, or mysql.h for MYSQL -- you may have to install MYSQL in your system and/or pass MYSQL_DIR or MYSQL_INCDIR to the luarocks command. Example: luarocks install luasql-mysql MYSQL_DIR=/usr/local

In my case path is /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h, so this could be MYSQL_DIR=/usr/include

So installation command should be next:

luarocks install luasql-mysql MYSQL_DIR=/usr/include

Convert git url's to https for proxy installations

Looks like the fair module is failing when behind proxies. Please convert the URL to HTTPS so that they can work.


Recipe: openresty::fair_module
  * git[/var/chef/cache/nginx-upstream-fair] action checkout

    Error executing action `checkout` on resource 'git[/var/chef/cache/nginx-upstream-fair]'

    Expected process to exit with [0], but received '128'
    ---- Begin output of git ls-remote "git://" "master*" ----
    STDERR: fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Connection timed out
    ---- End output of git ls-remote "git://" "master*" ----
    Ran git ls-remote "git://" "master*" returned 128

    Resource Declaration:
    # In /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/openresty/recipes/fair_module.rb

     26: git module_path do
     27:   repository node['openresty']['fair']['url']
     28:   reference 'master'
     29:   action :checkout
     30:   not_if { ::File.exists?(module_path) }
     31: end

    Compiled Resource:
    # Declared in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/openresty/recipes/fair_module.rb:26:in `from_file'

    git("/var/chef/cache/nginx-upstream-fair") do
      action [:checkout]
      retries 0
      retry_delay 2
      default_guard_interpreter :default
      destination "/var/chef/cache/nginx-upstream-fair"
      enable_checkout true
      revision "master"
      remote "origin"
      checkout_branch "deploy"
      declared_type :git
      cookbook_name "openresty"
      recipe_name "fair_module"
      repository "git://"
      not_if { #code block }

The above would work if it had a url of:

chef_version in metadata.rb causes trouble on AWS OpsWorks

The adding of chef_version to metadata in tag 0.4.0 doesn't sit well with the Berkshelf used bij AWS OpsWorks when using Chef 11.04

The Chef run now fails.

[2016-02-24T11:05:42+00:00] ERROR: Could not read /opt/aws/opsworks/current/merged-cookbooks/openresty into a Chef object: undefined method `chef_version' for #<Chef::Cookbook::Metadata:0x007f8287ddd7e8>

See also: berkshelf/berkshelf#1499

luarocks fail to install as symbolic links for luajit are absent

Working in tag 0.3.1, but on master, trying to install the md5 rock, fails with message:

luajit error Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /usr/share/luajit/bin/luarocks show md5

I suspect its because of missing symbolic link luajit:

$ ls -la /usr/share/luajit/bin/
total 2588
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Jan 11 09:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root    4096 Jan 11 09:26 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2633600 Jan 11 09:26 luajit-2.1.0-alpha
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      34 Jan 11 09:26 luarocks -> /usr/share/luajit/bin/luarocks-5.1
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    1031 Jan 11 09:26 luarocks-5.1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      40 Jan 11 09:26 luarocks-admin -> /usr/share/luajit/bin/luarocks-admin-5.1
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     570 Jan 11 09:26 luarocks-admin-5.1

$ /usr/share/luajit/bin/luarocks
-bash: /usr/share/luajit/bin/luarocks: /usr/share/luajit/bin/luajit: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

$ ln -s /usr/share/luajit/bin/luajit-2.1.0-alpha /usr/share/luajit/bin/luajit
$ /usr/share/luajit/bin/luarocks

LuaRocks 2.1.1, a module deployment system for Lua

undefined method `default_action'

Hello i got a problem on aws opsworks :

[Thu, 28 Mar 2013 08:49:53 +0000] ERROR: ruby_block[Load the custom cookbooks](/opt/aws/opsworks/releases/20130319123239_106/cookbooks/opsworks_custom_cookbooks/recipes/load.rb:3:in `from_file') had an error:

undefined method `default_action' for #Class:0xb5f8770c

Any ideas ?

installs openresty


I'm using the default.rb when running the cookbook but I see openresty installed and running on a new box from opsworks and also seen in vagrant.
This the version of the cookbook I'm using.

cookbook 'openresty', '~> 0.3.2'

When I tried to override the default value using a wrapper cookbook it would still download the version and give me an error

==> default: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed
==> default: ------------------------------------
==> default: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
==> default: ---- Begin output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20150112-1718-1sorznf" ----
==> default: STDOUT: 
==> default: STDERR: /tmp/chef-script20150112-1718-1sorznf: line 2: cd: ngx_openresty- No     such file or directory
==> default: ---- End output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20150112-1718-1sorznf" ----
==> default: Ran "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20150112-1718-1sorznf" returned 1
==> default: 
==> default: 
==> default: Resource Declaration: 

Am I missing something really obvious here?

Why not use the chef nginx cookbooks upstart script?

I am wondering what are the key differences between the upstart script supplied by by this cookbook, and the upstart script in the nginx chef recipe:

They look somewhat similar to me. Would it be beneficial to make chef-openresty dependent on nginx chef recipe?

I see that the nginx.conf is more comprehensive to support openresty lua in this repo: vs which is quite basic, perhaps thats the reason to not depend on the ngnix chef recipe?

New version with recent changes

@priestjim any chance that you'll be bumping the version to 0.5.3 to reflect the last PR and pushing it to the supermarket? Would be very appreciated so that way we don't have to fork the cookbook.

Attributes can't be overrided from a wrapper cookbook

I have created a cookbook that has this one as a dependency. Everything works fine but I can't seem to be able to override attributes following the approach described here:

In particular my problem is with the node['openresty']['source']['prefix'] attribute. In the attributes/default.rb of my cookbook I have:
default['openresty']['source']['prefix'] = '/etc'

But it is still deploying Nginx using the default value for that attribute, /usr/share. I even tried specified the attribute as:
override['openresty']['source']['prefix'] = '/etc'
but that didn't work either.

I was wondering if you had any idea of why that might be happening.
If I set the same attribute by passing it in my node.json description it works fine then.


CPU/IO intensive logrotation due to `copytruncate`

Nginx supports USR1 for reopening logs, here's what my (IO friendly) logrotate snippet looks like (postrotate is taken from Debian package):

logrotate_app 'openresty' do
  path "#{node['openresty']['log_dir']}/*.log"
  enable true
  frequency 'daily'
  rotate 7
  cookbook 'logrotate'
  create "0644 #{node['openresty']['user']} adm"
  options [ 'missingok', 'delaycompress', 'notifempty', 'compress', 'sharedscripts' ]
  postrotate "[ ! -f #{node['openresty']['pid']} ] || kill -USR1 `cat #{node['openresty']['pid']}`"

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