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pressbooks-saml-sso's Issues

Handle usernames with fewer than 4 characters

One of our clients reports that their central authentication service allows for usernames with 3 characters. When a user with a 3 character attempts to log in to Pressbooks for the first time, the login fails because the UID doesn't have enough characters to constitute a valid WordPress user name.

Proposed fix: If/when we receive a username from SAML with fewer than four characters, add additional characters to the string to get it up to the minimum length requirement for WordPress usernames (4 characters). The user would continue to use their SAML-based credentials to login and need never know that their PB/WP username differs in any way from their university credential(s).

Allow redirection after SSO login

Currently when users login using the generic Pressbooks/WordPress login routine, the user can specify a post-login redirection location in the login URL by appending redirect_to=URL to the login address, e.g. https://mynetwork.url/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fmynetwork.url%2Fwp-signup.php (takes the user to the book registration page) or https://mynetwork.url/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fmynetwork.url%2Fwp-admin (takes the user to the Pressbooks dashboard). When a user attempts to use this URL pattern in combination with login via our SSO method, however, no redirection occurs after login (the login URL is sanitized as part of the SSO login routine).


$redirect_to = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'RelayState', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL );
function login_url() {
* Default behaviour: User is always redirected to the page they signed in from (network homepage or book homepage).
* To accomplish this we track home_url() in $_SESSION
* Dev should unset() on success.
* @param bool $overwrite
public function trackHomeUrl( $overwrite = false ) {
if ( empty( $_SESSION[ self::SIGN_IN_PAGE ] ) || $overwrite ) {
$_SESSION[ self::SIGN_IN_PAGE ] = home_url();

Improve incorrect configuration messages

We currently show the message 'The Pressbooks SAML Plugin is not configured correctly' when the plugin is active but not configured. This is the ideal message to show when configuration has been attempted, but with incorrect values such as an invalid URL.

Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 11 15 08 AM

On networks where the plugin is active but the fields for configuration haven't been filled out, the message about the plugin not being configured correctly has confused some network managers, who believe that something has gone wrong when in fact the configuration hasn't been attempted yet.

Proposed solution

Use conditional logic to treat empty configuration fields differently from filled-out-but-incorrect fields:

  • If the fields are empty, display this warning: 'The Pressbooks SAML Plugin has not been configured yet.'
  • If the fields are filled out, but aren't filled out correctly, display the current message: 'The Pressbooks SAML Plugin is not configured correctly.'

In each case, the word configured can link to the SAML configuration page at https://NETWORKURL.wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=pb_saml_admin

We also want to move the placement of this and other alerts/warnings that appear for network managers from their current location in the top of the new network manager dashboard to a dismissable block between the stats & Configure home page blocks.


current behaviour comes from:

// Verify the integrity of the configuration before passing to Auth to avoid things blowing up
if ( ! $this->verifyPluginSetup( $options ) ) {
if ( 'pb_saml_admin' !== @$_REQUEST['page'] ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
'network_admin_notices', function () {
echo '<div id="message" role="alert" class="error fade"><p>' . __( 'The Pressbooks SAML Plugin is not configured correctly.', 'pressbooks-saml-sso' ) . '</p></div>';
} else {
try {
$this->auth = new \OneLogin\Saml2\Auth( $this->getSamlSettings() );
$this->samlClientIsReady = true;
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
'network_admin_notices', function () use ( $e ) {
echo '<div id="message" role="alert" class="error fade"><p>' . __( 'The Pressbooks SAML Plugin failed to initialize. Error: ', 'pressbooks-saml-sso' ) . $e->getMessage() . '</p></div>';

and 'verifyPluginSetup':
public function verifyPluginSetup( $options ) {
if ( empty( $options['idp_entity_id'] ) || empty( $options['idp_sso_login_url'] ) || empty( $options['idp_x509_cert'] ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! filter_var( $options['idp_sso_login_url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) {
return false;
return true;

New users are being created with extra characters at end of username

On some networks, new users are being created with unexpected characters (a) appended to the end of their username.
This is not happening for all clients, but is happening for the values being provided by NUI Galway and KPU, at least. See sample screenshots of user accounts from integrations, NUI Galway, and KPU:

Screenshot from 2021-07-27 15-36-34

In one example, the client informs us that IdP is passing the following claim information:
info passed
and the resulting Pressbooks user looks like this:
Screenshot from 2021-07-27 15-42-08

[Feature] Store user's Name value as Display Name value if received

Allow institutions to send us user's preferred name as an (optional) standard value. Can use displayName, urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 (

If we receive it from the institution, save it as the user's Display Name in Pressbooks.

Requested by (for internal purposes only): (Boise State) & (UM System)

See: this function will match the SAML attributes for the PB username.

New user notification not being sent with registration through SSO

Users who register using SSO do not send a notification to the email address put in "Email Notifications" in Network Admin > Settings > Book & User Registration.
Screen Shot 2021-11-11 at 4 45 50 PM

This behaviour makes sense to an extent, in that, SSO provisions the account upon registration which is what the email notifications desires to do by alerting the administrator receiving the email.

This ticket was sent in by Western Sydney University.

Allow logins from IdP providers with MFA enabled

A client reports:

I am trying to set up our network to use SSO. It looks like the settings are correct on our side (Azure SSO) and on your side in the pressbooks app. But on our side, we use a multifactor authentication setup via a system called Duo. In my troubleshooting inside the Microsoft Azure portal, the system gave me this information. The portal asks us to copy/paste any errors we receive during troubleshooting so I did and here are the suggestions/resolutions suggested:

image001 (2)

I believe that both of these are largely handled by the php-saml library we rely on. See

What we should try first is to set the Authentication context to false. See

// Authentication context.
        // Set to false and no AuthContext will be sent in the AuthNRequest.
        // Set true or don't present this parameter and you will get an AuthContext 'exact' 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport'.
        // Set an array with the possible auth context values: array ('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:X509').
        'requestedAuthnContext' => false,

Improve user login experience by adding metadata which can be displayed in the IdP login flow

A user writes:

A Shibboleth IdP supports echoing data in the metadata onto its login screen. You may want to look into adding these data elements to your metadata generation process:

  1. If you add xmlns:mdui="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:ui" to the <md:EntityDescriptor entityID=...... line before the closing >
  2. Then add the following lines after the line starting with:
<md:SPSSODescriptor ...................>
            <mdui:DisplayName xml:lang="en">Pressbooks EDU</mdui:DisplayName>
            <mdui:InformationURL xml:lang="en">https://.....................................................</mdui:InformationURL>
            <mdui:PrivacyStatementURL xml:lang="en">https://.........................................................</mdui:PrivacyStatementURL>
            <mdui:Logo height="65" width="161" xml:lang="en"></mdui:Logo>

The mdui claim has other elements that can be added. The results make the login page look like:
Screenshot from 2022-01-14 14-02-54

Improve logging

We have a few problems with the logs:

  1. We're logging information a little too late:
    $this->logData( 'email from SAML attributes', [ $email ] );
    $this->logData( 'net_id from SAML attributes', [ $net_id ] );
    $this->logData( 'SAML Settings', [ $this->getSettingsWithoutCertificatesAndPrivateKey() ] );

    It would be good to log the contents of self::USER_DATA at the same time we store it to the $attributes variable so we can see what values we have from the claim even before we attempt to set the username and email address. We should have information in the log about the claim information received by Pressbooks in cases when login fails (maybe especially so in this cases). We should also switch the order of lines 369 and 368 so that we log net_id before we log email.
  2. We're unneccesarily duplicating some logging information
    Screenshot from 2021-09-23 22-00-06
    Each successful login sends the same information twice, except once with some "Auth SAML data" and once without it. See
    $this->logData( 'Auth SAML data', $log_auth_data, true );
  3. The post authentication log already includes all of the information in the two earlier log statements. Not sure why we're producing and recording all three of them.

It would be good to allow network managers to download and inspect these logs from the SSO config page, as we allow with the OIDC plugin's logs.

Finally, logs do not appear to be automatically configured the plugin is activated or used in our production network. Not sure what needs to be done so that necessary S3 buckets or CloudWatch groups are created, but if the plugin is active on one of our hosted networks, logs should automatically be kept.

Improve logout message

We should consider providing a more descriptive message for the user once they've logged out of Pressbooks after using SSO to let them know that they've been logged out of SSO but may need to close their browser entirely to complete the logout.

A client writes

Usually closing a browser is required to complete a log out session completely, as sometimes if you don't close the close the browser, refreshing or going back to the application in the same session will re-log a user in. Perhaps if a message such as the one you have when you log out of the library is applied on log out (which advises to close the browser to complete the log out) would help.

Logout failing

Improve SSO performance by preferring attribute name before FriendlyName

Our plugin attempts to assign the user a username (based on the uid value) and email address (based on the mail attribute):

$attributes = $_SESSION[ self::USER_DATA ];
$net_id = $attributes['uid'][0];
$email = isset( $attributes['mail'][0] ) ? $attributes['mail'][0] : "{$net_id}@";

When parsing the Attribute Statement, we attempt to getAttributesWithFriendlyName first and then fall back to getAttributes if we can't find a UID:

$attributes = $this->auth->getAttributesWithFriendlyName();
if ( ! isset( $attributes['uid'] ) ) {
$attributes = $this->auth->getAttributes();

This has caused some problems for clients who do not use the expected FriendlyName attributes for both values. In cases where an attribute with FriendlyName 'uid' is found but not one with 'mail', our flow doesn't failback to getAttributes, rather it just supplies the made up email value derived from the uid.

It would be better for us to use the SAML attribute name (i.e. urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 for samAccountName and urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 for email-address) instead of the FriendlyNames uid and mail. Justification below.

The NameFormat XML attribute in elements MUST be urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri ... the Name XML attribute is based on the OBJECT IDENTIFIER assigned to the directory attribute type. Example: urn:oid: Since X.500 procedures require that every attribute type be identified with a unique OBJECT IDENTIFIER, this naming scheme ensures that the derived SAML attribute names are unambiguous.

For purposes of human readability, there may also be a requirement for some applications to carry an optional string name together with the OID URN. The optional XML attribute FriendlyName (defined in [SAML2Core]) MAY be used for this purpose. If the definition of the directory attribute type includes one or more descriptors (short names) for the attribute type, the FriendlyName value, if present, SHOULD be one of the defined descriptors.

Two elements refer to the same SAML attribute if and only if their Name XML attribute values are equal in the sense of [RFC3061]. The FriendlyName attribute plays no role in the comparison.

A Stack Overflow user writes:

The formal name of the attribute is urn:oid: but it also has a human readable name which is 'givenName'. The FriendlyName is only for user interface things like showing the user what attributes have been released. The SP should use the formal name (urn:oid ...) to make authorisation decisions etc. ... You shouldn't rely on FriendlyName for authorisation but should use the SAML2 Name instead. FriendlyName is only to show to users if they want to know which attributes have been released by their IdP.


A client writes

You should be using the attribute name instead (in this case urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3), I would even recommend adding field in the plug-in configuration and allowing user to overwrite the attributes that are used for username or email. Or alternatively add condition to check for both name or friendly name. If the urn is not matching, you can fail to the FriendlyName. Friendly name is only supposed to make the entries in the metadata human readable and not for attribute mapping.

Shibboleth IdP v3 was using definition of attributes such as this:

<AttributeDefinition xsi:type="Simple" id="email">
  <InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="mail"/>
  <AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String" name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:mail" encodeType="false" />
  <AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String" name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3" friendlyName="mail" encodeType="false" />

you can see the last line of AttributeEncoder contains friendlyName="mail" but the id="email" this was resulting in SAML assertion using correct friendlyName="mail". in new version of IdP the definition was changed to something like this:

        <bean parent="shibboleth.TranscodingProperties">
            <property name="properties">
                <props merge="true">
                    <prop key="id">email</prop>
                    <prop key="transcoder">SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder</prop>
                    <prop key="">urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3</prop>
                    <prop key="">urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:mail</prop>
                    <prop key="displayName.en">E-mail</prop>

Basically there is no option available and the friendlyName is generated from the attribute id (in this case "email").
We cannot change the id=email as the ID is used in the attribute filter and the attribute filter comes from our portal. Changing the ID would require updating the value on our portal, and on all of 40+ idp servers of all of our clients.

The client also provided an example of configurable settings in a Drupal-based Islandora service provided by Discovery Garden (

Support an IdP metadata URL with many IDPSSODescriptor nodes

If you paste into the IdP metadata URL field, ie.


Then the plugin will auto-fill the fields using the first found IDPSSODescriptor.

InCommon-metadata.xml contains thousands of entries. The first one might not be the one we want.

\OneLogin\Saml2\IdPMetadataParser::parseRemoteXML can take a 2nd parameter: $entityId

Entity Id of the desired IdP, if no entity Id is provided and the XML metadata contains more than one IDPSSODescriptor, the first is returned.

We should fix Automatic Configuration to use this parameter, as needed.

Change default login redirect behavior for SAML SSO plugin

When a user logins from the main Pressbooks landing page they are currently returned to that page as a logged in user. They can't do much except create a new book, however.

A better experience would be the following:

If the user does not have an existing book -- they are redirected to https://network.url/wp/wp-admin/user
If the user does have an existing book -- they are redirected to https://network.url/wp/wp-admin
See TK for current login-redirection behavior

Pseudo code with possible solution at

We can also control what appears to the user on the user dashboard page by looking at

Logout error message and issue with workaround


Two single institution clients, RMIT and Seneca, encountered an invalid_logout_response error message every time when testing logout during SSO configuration (RMIT in November 2023, Seneca in January 2024).


Logging out and all other aspects of SSO functionally worked for both clients, but this confusing error message appeared every time someone logged out after having logged in with SSO.

Both clients were able to use the same workaround to remove this error message, which was to change the SP Logout URL in their IdP from the SingleLogoutService value in our SP metadata to a generic or However, this workaround has the side effect of an additional, unwanted prompt upon logout:


More detailed notes from RMIT

See RMIT's explanation of the cause of the error message, the workaround, and the side effect of the workaround here (

Once the user hits “Log Out” from the Pressbooks application:

The logout URL sending the SAML Logout Request from the app was

But the SingleLogoutService value in the SP metadata file is

Since these two values mismatched, we see an error message "invalid_logout_response"

To fix this, the IDP changed the Single Logout URL returned in the SAML Response to so that it matched the URL sending the Logout request.

This worked (Error message didn’t appear again) but added the additional step to the logout process. See below:

  1. User hits “log Out” from the app.

  2. User gets redirected to the following prompt (additional step):


  1. Upon hitting ‘log out’ from the additional prompt, user gets sent to the login page:

This page now shows the correct message “You are now logged out”.


Refactor to be PSR compatible

As part of the standardization process we want to make PB PSR compatible, this effort was in the radar before (pressbooks/pressbooks#271).

This task should include

  • New directory structure PSR4 compilant
  • Rename classes
  • Adopt PSR12? coding standards ?
  • Refactor some codes to use the new namespaced classes

User logged in as someone else

One of our clients loaded his network and saw that he was logged in as someone else. Note that he did not log in explicitly -- he just launched the page. The person he was logged in as has never accessed their account on his computer. They do have LTI 1.1 enabled, but he has never logged in as her, nor does the book they both work on use LTI 1.1 to launch their content.

Here is where he emailed us:

Make encryption of claims optional by default

As a Pressbooks network manager, I want to set up my network to work smoothly with my enterprise IdP as quickly as possible. One of the biggest blockers to speedy SSO configuration with this plugin is the current requirement that incoming claims/Responses be both signed AND encrypted. Over the past few years, several IdP administrators have expressed confusion/frustration in setting up the additional encryption step. Apparently, it is unusual for other SPs they work with in higher education to require encrypted claims.

We can help address this problem by making claim/response encryption optional, rather than requiring it by default. Here's the line where that's set in our code:

'wantAssertionsEncrypted' => true,


Here's two people online describing what encryption means in this context: + Because the claims/Responses sent to us are always transmitted via SSL and don't generally contain sensitive information (Pressbooks only requires a unique identifier and an email address), I think the security concerns/risks involved here would be neglible. Concerned IdPs could of course still encrypt claims/Responses if they so desired, they just wouldn't be required to do so to complete the authentication flow.

Support AES128-GCM encryption

The default method of encryption for new Shibboleth IdP installations is now AES128-GCM (rather than the older AES128-CBC). We should ensure that we support this method of encryption in our plugin, to reduce problems for users which rely on this for encrypting their outgoing claims. See for details.

Appears to be supported in, though more investigation is needed

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