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tagbar's Issues

Permanent "1 line less" Message

Whenever I have TagBar enabled, my status line will say "1 line less." This message always overrides whatever else updates the status line and causes an extra cursor flicker after movement commands.

tagbar jump to the error line

when the text is changed,example : insert some new line.
tagbar jump to the error line.
tagbar work depends line number,but taglist do not

Tagbar empty

I have a strange behaviour on my system and can't explain why:

when trying to start TagbarToggle, I see ctags running, but the Tagbar is not opened. When I force it to open, it is empty. The tags file is created and has tons of data in it.

My system configuration is MacVim+latest Janus . Ctags is Version 5.8 build with brew

Can you help me to debug this?

Comments parsed as code

I only use tagbar for PHP development (so I don't know if this bug affects other languages as well). In the list of classes and functions in tagbar, I'll often see comments in my docblock parsed as being actual code, and whenever the word "class" or "function" is used, the word following it will appear in the tagbar list.

The comments in question are interpreted as comments and colored by VIM. I use MacVim 61 (latest) and the latest version of tagbar.

Example code:
* This function is useful for unit tests
* @return Service_ObjectFactory
public function getObjectFactory()

Tagbar sidebar:


Tagbar returns to wrong window on toggle close

While editing a file, and with MiniBufExplorer window open, If I toggle the tagbar window open, then toggle it back shut, the cursor always ends up in the MiniBufExplorer window, rather than the last window I was editing.

Here are my tagbar settings:

let g:tagbar_singleClick=1
let g:tagbar_autoclose=1

cursor moves slowly in tagbar window

For a cpp or hpp file which has functions with many arguments, when I open the tagbar window, the cursor moves up or down slowly. If the functions has only a few arguments, the cursor moves fast. Different speed for different files annoys me.
Actually, even in the same file, the cursor in different area of the tagbar window moves in different speed, because different function has different number of arguments.
For taglist, the cursor moves in the same speed, because taglist does not show the arguments of functions.
Hope the cursor in tagbar can also move in the same speed like taglist.

tagbar doesn't play nice with NERDTree

With NERDTree open on the left and a file in the middle, I open tagbar on the right. If I leave tagbar open and then move the cursor back to the middle from tagbar, the screen is painted black and I need to use :redraw to fix the display.

I use a dark theme.

Error calling tagbar open - cannot find module underscore

Error detected while processing function <SNR>27_AutoUpdate..<SNR>27_ProcessFile..        <SNR>27_ExecuteCtagsOnFile:
line   43:
Tagbar: Could not execute ctags for file.js!
Executed command: "'jsctags'  -f -  'file.js'"
Command output:
        throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Cannot find module 'underscore'
    at Function._resolveFilename (module.js:322:11)
    at Function._load (module.js:267:25)
    at require (module.js:351:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/bin/jsctags:42:9)
    at Module._compile (module.js:407:26)
    at Object..js (module.js:413:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:339:31)
    at Function._load (module.js:298:12)
    at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:426:10)
    at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:126:26)

Note that running jsctags' -f - file.js from the command line works just fine

tagbar does a misjudgement in python code

python code is:

class A():
++def a(self):
++++Long_str=''' first line
second line
third line
++def b(self):

"+"is indent

and now the function b is not in class A in tagbar, but it is .

Why don't you have a "how to use Tagbar" anywhere?

I see screenshots with a sidebar open, but pretend like I don't know how to make that open (because I don't). Why don't you have instructions anywhere for usage? You have a github page, a vim page, and a separate homepage, and you didn't think that usage instructions would be good on any of those?

Can't jump-to-line via tagbar with DoctorJS

In tagbar, with DoctorJS installed, you can't select a certain function in a .js file function list.

Pressing 'enter' anywhere in tagbar's list always jumps to the top of the file.

jsctags / doctorjs compat

I thought this was supposed to work with doctorjs out of the box? I just installed fresh a tagbar and doctorjs, but when I open tagbar in vim I get:

Tagbar: Could not execute ctags for ~/web/js/app/views/user/User.js!
Executed command: "'jsctags'  -f -  '~/web/js/app/views/user/User.js'"
Command output:
Error: unknown option "-f"    

I even specified the let g:ctagsargs="" config so it'd quit putting that -f in there.

Support for user definied ctags options

Taglist supports adding user defined options for ctags. I would be great if tagbar would do that. Than it's not necessary anymore to update the .ctags file but new file types can be supported by vim plug-ins directly.

CR stops jumping to tag

Tagbar sometimes enters a state where CR just moves down a line in the tagbar window instead of jumping to the tag. I'm not sure how to replicate it, but it has happened about three times.

jsctags unknown option "-f"

When jsctags installed an error occured for TagbarOpen:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>59_AutoUpdate..<SNR>59_ProcessFile:
line 67:
Tagbar: Could not execute ctags for ...js!
Executed command: "'jsctags' -f '...js'"
Command output:
Error: unknown option "-f"

unmap of <CR> tagbarToggle?

can I unman the default map tagbarToggle, I use ack plugin, I can't press enter on ack popup window, or I think the map should add a keyword

tagbar cursor jump

i found winline() cause tagbar cursor jump
such as:double click tagbar when highlight cursor isn't in current view

so i del all winline() and redrew() in tagbar.vim
Generally, it work well

Mouse commands doesn't work

Whenever I click on the tagbar window vim enters in visual mode and starts selecting everything on the window that was on focus before, from the original position of the cursor to the current mouse position (and the selection changes as if I was pressing the left mouse button).


  • NERDTree plugin is also installed and the mouse commands work just fine there.
  • I'm using mouse=a

tagbar opens for JS files, but can't jump to fn with ctrl-] ?

If I open tagbar I get all the sidebar with all of my functions all happy and nice, and I can see my function on the left:

functionName : void function(any, Object)

But when I put my cursor over a use of the function (in the main file, not in tagbar), and hit CTRL-], I get:

E433: No tags file
E426: tag not found: functionName

I have jsctags installed:

delv@~ $ jsctags
    usage: jsctags [options] path0 [.. pathN]

I'm not too familiar with how ctags work in general, is this a TagBar issue? Or is the ctags file not getting generated...?

Can't mousewheel in MacVim

Mousewheeling inside the Tagbar pane in MacVim doesn't work as the page always jumps back to the currently-highlighted function.

Can't show function signature for Python

when open tagbar, only show the function name, none (params).
but i guess this function should be there.
Did I missed something? or this function need python.dll ?



Closing tagbar in tagbar goes to wrong window

When tagbar is closed via :TagbarToggle while inside the tagbar window the previous window is not returned to. Instead the right most (or left most when opened on the left) window is switched to. This is the default Vim behavior, but it is annoying when toggling the tagbar. Adding the following command will jump to the previous window in this situation.

The code to add: exe winnr('#') . 'wincmd w'

Line 1476 of autoload/tagbar.vim inside the function s:CloseWindow():

if winnr() == tagbarwinnr
    if winbufnr(2) != -1
        " Other windows are open, only close the tagbar one
        " Return to the previous window.
        exe winnr('#') . 'wincmd w'

Single click feature

Any way we can configure it so we can navigate through the methods using a single click instead of double-clicking?

In Tlist, this was possible by throwing an option into vimrc: let Tlist_Use_SingleClick = 1

Any equivalent for tagbar?

Keep up the good work!

Errors in AutoUpdate method

I am getting a flood of errors when opening new .js files with Tagbar already open:

key not present in dictionary ('s', 'a', and 'o')

invalid expression: fileinfo.kindfolds

invalid expression: typeinfo.kinddict

-- the plugin does seem to function however. Some initial thoughts:

  1. I am not using JSCTags for .js because it now is erroring out with the newest node.js, instead
    I have fallen back to the older regex hacks for getting exuberant-ctags to recognize .js. Would these
    cause an issue?

well, that is my only initial thought...

Errors when parsing Ruby file (with Rails plugin)

I'm trying to use TagBar with Ruby on Rails project (with Rails plugin) and get the following errors:

Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile:
line   61:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope, v:val.fields.kind) || has_key(v:val.fields, scope)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile:
line   61:
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(typeinfo.kind2scope, v:val.fields.kind) || has_key(v:val.fields, scope)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile:
line   63:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope, v:val.fields.kind) || has_key(v:val.fields, scope))
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile:
line   63:
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(typeinfo.kind2scope, v:val.fields.kind) || has_key(v:val.fields, scope))
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags:
line   38:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope, tag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags:
line   38:
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, tag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags:
line   38:
E15: Invalid expression: !has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, tag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags:
line   46:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope[tag.fields.kind]
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags:
line   46:
E15: Invalid expression: a:typeinfo.kind2scope[tag.fields.kind]
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags:
line   47:
E121: Undefined variable: parentscope
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags:
line   47:
E116: Invalid arguments for function 29_AddScopedTags
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E15: Invalid expression: !has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   10:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope[childtag.fields.kind]
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   10:
E15: Invalid expression: a:typeinfo.kind2scope[childtag.fields.kind]
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   11:
E121: Undefined variable: parentscope
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   11:
E116: Invalid arguments for function 29_AddScopedTags
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E15: Invalid expression: !has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   10:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope[childtag.fields.kind]
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   10:
E15: Invalid expression: a:typeinfo.kind2scope[childtag.fields.kind]
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   11:
E121: Undefined variable: parentscope
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   11:
E116: Invalid arguments for function 29_AddScopedTags
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line    2:
E15: Invalid expression: !has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   10:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: kind2scope[childtag.fields.kind]
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   10:
E15: Invalid expression: a:typeinfo.kind2scope[childtag.fields.kind]
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   11:
E121: Undefined variable: parentscope
Error detected while processing function 29_AutoUpdate..29_ProcessFile..29_AddScopedTags..29_AddScopedTags..29_ProcessPseudoChildren:
line   11:
E116: Invalid arguments for function 29_AddScopedTags

problem in latex file

I am having problems with tagbar when I open latex files.
If I open tagbar, it opens but doesn't show any tags.
When I try to close it I get

Error detected while processing function tagbar#ToggleWindow..21_ToggleWindow..21_CloseWindow:
line 10:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: fpath)
E116: Invalid arguments for function bufnr(s:known_files.getCurrent().fpath)
E15: Invalid expression: bufnr(s:known_files.getCurrent().fpath)
line 21:
E121: Undefined variable: filebufnr
E15: Invalid expression: bufnr('%') != filebufnr

this does not happen with other file types, and it also doesn't happen after I open a latex file
after opening a file of another type (in the same session).

Can't specify ctags location with space in path name

There appear to be several problems with g:tagbar_ctags_bin option. First, if the path to ctags executable contains a space, it is never recognized. Also, it appears shellslash option is not respected either.

Crash on buffer deletion.

To reproduce:
Start vim,
open a file for which tagbar can generate tags,
Switch the main window to a different buffer.

The tagbar remains active. If the different buffer is taggable, the TagBar will be updated, otherwise the TagBar will retain the tags of the previous buffer.

Now, delete the buffer you switched to, which is now the current buffer:

Vim will crash.

If you deactivate the TagBar before you delete the buffer, no crash.

if you can remove this?

:class and :function behind a python class and function,it is useless and taking much space.

tagbar highlight wrong place

when I add some new line to a file and do not save it

clicked the tagbar ,now it can goto the right line, but tagbar highlight is wrong

Error when toggelling TagBar in Python (.py) & Java (.java) files. Caused by DoctorJS?


I was trying to :TagbarToggle in Python (.py) and Java (.java) files, and Vim throws the same error, followed by an empty TagBar window.

Error detected while processing function <SNR>16_AutoUpdate..<SNR>16_ProcessFile:
line 48: Tagbar: Could not execute ctags for /home/me/!
Executed command: "'ctags' -f -  --format=2  --excmd=pattern  --fields=nksSa  --extra=  --sort=yes  --language-force=python --python-kinds=icfmv '/home/me/'"
Command output:
ctags: illegal option -- -
usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ... 

Note that I'm using DoctorJS, and toggelling TagBar in a JavaScript (.js) file works great and lists everything. Perhaps this is causing the error? I believe this error will be thrown for any filetype except JavaScript.

Add a way of specifying type nesting/hierarchy


I'm trying to make tagbar work with CoffeeScript. So far I got it working ok with classes which are contained in a single file


Configuration used:

(in .vimrc):

let g:tagbar_type_coffee = {
  \ 'ctagstype' : 'coffee',
  \ 'kinds' : [
  \   'n:namespace',
  \   'c:class',
  \   'o:object',
  \   'm:methods',
  \   'f:functions',
  \   'i:instance variables',
  \   'v:var:1',
  \ ],
  \ 'sro' : ".",
  \ 'scope2kind' : {
  \   'o' : 'object',
  \   'f' : 'function',
  \   'm' : 'method',
  \   'v' : 'var',
  \   'i' : 'ivar'
  \ },
  \ 'kind2scope' : {
  \  'function' : 'f',
  \  'method' : 'm',
  \  'var' : 'v',
  \  'ivar' : 'i',
  \ 'object' : 'o'
  \ 'deffile' : expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/.vim/coffee.ctags'
\ }

and coffee.ctags

--regex-coffee=/class ([A-Za-z.]+)/\1/c,class/
--regex-coffee=/^([A-Z][a-z].*)[ \t]*=/\1/n,namespace/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*((A-Z][a-zA-Z]*/\1/c,class/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*([A-Za-z]+)[ \t]*=.*->.*$/\1/f,function/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*([A-Za-z]+)[ \t]*:.*->.*$/\1/m,method/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*([ \t][a-z]+)[ \t]*=.*$/\1/v,var/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*(@[A-Za-z]+)[ \t]*=.*$/\1/i,ivar/

This doesn't work in a file which has multiple classes or object literals with methods.

Is there a way of saying that kind method (m) belongs to object (o)? Or am I asking for too much and such functionality would have to be added to ctags/jsctags (or whatever it is called nowadays)?

Can you add g:tagbar_jsctags_bin


I installed jsctags installed on a win32 machine. (See my gist:

To get tagbar to work with jsctags on gvim win32, I had to hard code my path to jsctags.cmd in the autoload/tagbar.vim file.

ie: in the latest version on github, I changed these lines as follows.
line 404: if executable('d:\opt\node\jsctags.cmd')
line 417: let type_javascript.ctagsbin = 'd:\opt\node\jsctags.cmd'

Works nicely now on windows. But this of course is just a workaround.

It would be nice to have logic similar to if !exists('g:tagbar_ctags_bin') logic earlier in the file.


doctorjs option error

I get this error when calling TagbarOpen on a JavaScript file:

Tagbar: Could not execute ctags for /home/user/example.js!
Executed command: "'jsctags'  -f -  '/home/user/example.js'"
Command output:
Error: unknown option "-f"

Vim version - 7.3.1-206

Exuberant Ctags - 5.8

Doctorjs - git clone

Any ideas?

submit some code

function! s:CreateAutocommands()
    augroup TagbarAutoCmds
        autocmd BufEnter   __Tagbar__ nested call s:QuitIfOnlyWindow()
        autocmd BufUnload  __Tagbar__ call s:CleanUp()
        autocmd CursorHold __Tagbar__ call s:ShowPrototype()

        autocmd BufEnter,BufWritePost * call
                    \ s:AutoUpdate(fnamemodify(expand('<afile>'), ':p'))
        autocmd CursorHold * call
                    \ s:CursorHoldUpdate(fnamemodify(expand('<afile>'), ':p'))
        autocmd BufDelete * call
                    \ s:CleanupFileinfo(fnamemodify(expand('<afile>'), ':p'))
    augroup END

    let s:autocommands_done = 1

using CursorHold to read and process a file is unnecessary.

so we can use BufEnter and BufWritePost to process file.
and CursorHold only to locate the tagbar

do you think it is good?

Ruby methods not well folded

Hi Jan,

I have a simple ruby file(a class with four methods):

class Foo
  def a

  def b

  def Foo.c(item)

  def self.d

And tagbar panel show me:

Foo : Class

I think it should be showed as below:

Foo : Class
  singleton methods

Tags generated by hand(same command used by tagbar):

$ 'ctags-exuberant'  -f -  --format=2  --excmd=pattern  --fields=nksSa  --extra=  --sort=yes  --language-force=ruby --ruby-kinds=mcfF  '/home/foo/Workspace/tagbar.rb'
Foo /home/foo/Workspace/tagbar.rb   /^class Foo$/;" c   line:1
a   /home/foo/Workspace/tagbar.rb   /^  def a$/;"   f   line:3  class:Foo
b   /home/foo/Workspace/tagbar.rb   /^  def b$/;"   f   line:8  class:Foo
c   /home/foo/Workspace/tagbar.rb   /^  def Foo.c(item)$/;" F   line:13 class:Foo
d   /home/foo/Workspace/tagbar.rb   /^  def self.d$/;"  F   line:17 class:Foo


Custom tags cause errors

Hi, This is both a bug report and a feature request. I'm passing flags to ctags to generate custom tags for a custom object system in perl like so:

--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*class[ \t]+([[:alnum:]:]+)/\1/k,classes,UR classes/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*([[:alnum:]_]+)[ \t]*=>[ \t]*\{/\1/r,properties,UR properties/

This is causing Tagbar to go nuts when it gets to the custom tags. Here are some of the errors i get:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>58_AutoUpdate..<SNR>58_ProcessFile..<SNR>58_parseTagline..393:
line 12:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: k

Error detected while processing function <SNR>58_AutoUpdate..<SNR>58_ProcessFile..<SNR>58_parseTagline..393:
line 12:
E15: Invalid expression: fileinfo.kindfolds[self.fields.kind]

Error detected while processing function <SNR>58_AutoUpdate..<SNR>58_ProcessFile..419..<SNR>58_SortTags.. <SNR>58_CompareByKind:
line 3:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: k

With Taglist I am able to add new categories to the view like this:

let tlist_perl_settings='perl;c:constant;l:label;p:package;k:class;r:property;s:subroutine'

So at a minimum it would seem good to have Tagbar ignore these extra tags when defined (or give a useful error message instead of exploding). Ideally it would support adding categories like Taglist.

Thanks for your awesome work,

JS support?

I haven't been able to get this plugin to play nice with JavaScript files. Here's what the output looks like:

I have tried setting g:tagbar_ctags_bin to both my exuberant ctags install and jsctags, but the output remains the same. I would expect to see some kind of hierarchy & organization of functions? Is there something I'm missing here?

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