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Terraform Provider for Prefect Cloud

GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Acceptance tests Provider Release

Prefect is a powerful tool for creating workflow applications. The Terraform Prefect provider is a plugin that allows Terraform to manage resources on Prefect Cloud. This provider is maintained by the engineering team at Prefect.

Supported objects

We're continuously adding more Prefect Cloud object support, striving for near-parity by the v1.x.x release.

Check back with us to see new additions and improvements - and please don't hesitate to peruse our Contributing section!

Prefect Cloud object Datasource support? Resource support? Import support?
Account Member
Account Role
Service Account
Work Pool
Workspace Access
Workspace Role


We appreciate your interest in the Prefect provider! If you find any issues or have ideas for improvement, you can always:

terraform-provider-prefect's People


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terraform-provider-prefect's Issues

Deploy flows

It would be great if you could deploy flows via this provider too.

We have a lot of AWS infrastructure that we deploy via a terraform module to match the needs of a flow. It would be awesome to add this provider in there to deploy the flow for us too - that way we could use the terraform module versioning as a way to version the flow and keep all our deployments in line.

Automated tests for Terraform provider

The Terraform Plugin Framework includes a test harness for writing integration tests:

Our automated tests would require an external endpoint and secrets, though we can optionally mock out the remote server or use Prefect server for some tests. The Terraform test framework does not support unit testing, so validating errors or warnings may be more difficult (it is not currently possible to check for warnings given a Terraform configuration/run; see: hashicorp/terraform-plugin-testing#69)

There is currently no test coverage for this provider and changes are tested manually on local development machines. It would be preferable to automate these tests, so that we can more easily review and accept pull request contributions.

Error when creating a `prefect_variable`, issue with `tags`

version = "0.0.0-alpha5"

When attempting to create a variable with the following config, i receive the below error:

resource "prefect_variable" "example" {
  name  = "my_variable"
  value = "variable value goes here"
│ Error: Provider produced inconsistent result after apply
│ When applying changes to prefect_variable.example, provider "provider[\"\"]" produced an unexpected new value:
│ .tags: was null, but now cty.ListValEmpty(cty.String).
│ This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own issue tracker.

The variable is created but when I run a subsequent plan/apply, I see this proposed change which results in the same error as listed above

  # prefect_variable.example is tainted, so must be replaced
-/+ resource "prefect_variable" "example" {
      ~ created = "2023-11-07T19:42:38Z" -> (known after apply)
      ~ id      = "afca6fee-8ff3-49e4-80bb-fd363902095f" -> (known after apply)
        name    = "my_variable"
      - tags    = [] -> null
      ~ updated = "2023-11-07T19:42:38Z" -> (known after apply)
        # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)

`prefect_account_membership` resource


  • we do not expose a create endpoint for account_memberships -- these are handled upon creation of the actors themselves (bots / users)
  • However, we could still create a Terraform resource, but this would require that practitioners always import the resource via terraform import prefect_account_membership
  • Another way to handle this could be that upon Create of the resource, we query for account_memberships based on the email attribute, and then hit the PATCH endpoint with the fetched membership ID. Update wouldn't be a problem, as we could just use the membership ID in state

This issue will be deprioritized for the initial provider launch

Allow overriding account_id and workspace_id

Each resource and data source currently inherits the provider-scoped account/workspace ID. We should allow these to be overridden at a per-resource or per-data source level, so that a provider can manage multiple workspaces in an account.

In most cases, we expect that users will have a single account and multiple workspaces, but it is possible to manage multiple workspaces and multiple accounts in a single Terraform module.

Service Accounts: enable updating Account Role via PATCH

Let's patch the PATCH /bots endpoint to allow modifying the account_role_id. We'll abstract this behavior in the Terraform code....or just do it directly on the existing resource

depends on #78

the PAT endpoint doesn't accept changing the account_role_id, meaning we can't actually update whatever we set upon create. rather than leave this door open, we can rely on the default value that is set when null is passed on create (which is Member), and then use the newly created prefect_account_membership or prefect_account_access resource from #78 and use that as the binder

When importing `prefect_workspace_role`, the scopes do not get imported properly

I've defined my resource as follows:

resource "prefect_workspace_role" "jamie_test" {
  name = "jamie-test"
  description = "hi"
  scopes = [

I then subsequently ran:

 terraform import prefect_workspace_role.jamie_test a94f185e-c416-4667-a60a-68109be63f53
prefect_workspace_role.jamie_test: Importing from ID "a94f185e-c416-4667-a60a-68109be63f53"...
prefect_workspace_role.jamie_test: Import prepared!
  Prepared prefect_workspace_role for import
prefect_workspace_role.jamie_test: Refreshing state... [id=a94f185e-c416-4667-a60a-68109be63f53]

Import successful!

The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

but when I run a terraform plan without changing my defined resource, I receive this proposed change:

prefect_workspace_role.jamie_test: Refreshing state... [id=a94f185e-c416-4667-a60a-68109be63f53]

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  ~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # prefect_workspace_role.jamie_test will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "prefect_workspace_role" "jamie_test" {
      ~ account_id  = "9a67b081-4f14-4035-b000-1f715f46231b" -> (known after apply)
      ~ created     = "2023-11-07T20:06:48Z" -> (known after apply)
        id          = "a94f185e-c416-4667-a60a-68109be63f53"
        name        = "jamie-test"
      + scopes      = [
          + "manage_blocks",
      ~ updated     = "2023-11-07T20:15:45Z" -> (known after apply)
        # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

Support for Automations, Service Accounts

It would be convenient to be able to manage these resources like Automations and Service Accounts via the Terraform provider. Managing them via code as opposed to the UI (or even the API) would be nice because these kinds of resources are often:

  1. Relatively static
  2. Configured very similarly from one to the next, and so would lend themselves to being built out via custom Terraform modules

In the case of Service Accounts, these objects also generate sensitive output that needs to be pushed to other secrets stores like AWS Secrets Manager, for example. Making changes to these resources (e.g. refreshing API tokens) and having the changes instantly propagated to your secrets vault/manager of choice would remove some of the tedium of having to do this kind of stuff manually.

revisit provider configuration overrides

something in the configuration overrides is broken - it doesn't pick up on the api key from the env. looks like !config.APIKey.IsUnknown() is always true

	var apiKey string
	if !config.APIKey.IsUnknown() {
		apiKey = config.APIKey.ValueString()
	} else if key, ok := os.LookupEnv("PREFECT_API_KEY"); ok {
		apiKey = key

Resource and Data Source: prefect_account

Create a resource and data source for managing organizations (accounts).

resource "prefect_account" "foo" {
    name = "My test account"
    handle = "foo"

data "prefect_account" "foo" {
    id = "6afbd2d8-48c5-4adf-969b-f2b42dd6acc8"

403 error when running example


Im trying to run the terraform on the examples folder, but Im getting the following error message: "Could not create work pool, unexpected error: status code 403 Forbidden".

My provider initialization looks like this:

provider "prefect" {
endpoint = ""
api_key = "{{api-key}}"
account_id = "{{account-id}}"

And using prefect, I'm able to create a work pool resource by sending a post request to{{api-key}}/workspaces/{{workspace-id}}/work_pools/ with the {{api-key}} as a bearer token, so everything seems fine on the backend...

Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this?

Best regards,
Carlos Jourdan

Support configuring and overriding account and workspace

Users need a way to:

  • Define the account (organization) that we are operating on, at the provider level
  • Define the workspace that we are operating on, at the provider level

We expect that the most common use cases for this provider are:

  • To manage service account keys corresponding to an account
  • To manage resources in one or more workspaces (work pools, variables, etc)

It would also be convenient to allow people to override the provider-level defaults, so that we can support more comprehensive end-to-end scenarios, such as a configuration that creates a workspace and provisions other resources into that workspace (such as variables or work pools). We can also reuse this capability in automated tests, since we can set up and tear down a temporary workspace during our build.

`prefect_workspace_access` resource

will unify workspace access operations for users, service accounts, and eventually teams

no datasource or resource import needed, as the primary write endpoint is an Upsert -- so, if a practitioner pulls in an existing service account and wants to use its workspace access, they can just define it in TF and it will overwrite any existing access links

Support for Prefect Cloud v2


I'd love to include some Terraform code to create Infrastructure and Storage blocks in my Prefect v2 Cloud so both AWS cloud infrastructure and Prefect components remain tightly coupled.

Are there plans to update this provider and cover your cloud v2 APIs?

bug: `prefect_work_pools` (list fetch) has a type mismatch


│ An unexpected error was encountered while verifying an attribute value matched its expected type to prevent unexpected behavior or panics. This is always an error in the provider. Please
│ report the following to the provider developer:
│ Expected framework type from provider logic: types.ListType[types.ObjectType["account_id":UUIDType, "base_job_template":basetypes.StringType, "concurrency_limit":basetypes.Int64Type,
│ "created":TimestampType, "default_queue_id":UUIDType, "description":basetypes.StringType, "id":UUIDType, "name":basetypes.StringType, "paused":basetypes.BoolType,
│ "type":basetypes.StringType, "updated":TimestampType, "workspace_id":UUIDType]] / underlying type: tftypes.List[tftypes.Object["account_id":tftypes.String,
│ "base_job_template":tftypes.String, "concurrency_limit":tftypes.Number, "created":tftypes.String, "default_queue_id":tftypes.String, "description":tftypes.String, "id":tftypes.String,
│ "name":tftypes.String, "paused":tftypes.Bool, "type":tftypes.String, "updated":tftypes.String, "workspace_id":tftypes.String]]
│ Received framework type from provider logic: types.ListType[types.ObjectType["base_job_template":basetypes.StringType, "concurrency_limit":basetypes.Int64Type, "created":TimestampType,
│ "default_queue_id":UUIDType, "description":basetypes.StringType, "id":UUIDType, "name":basetypes.StringType, "paused":basetypes.BoolType, "type":basetypes.StringType,
│ "updated":TimestampType]] / underlying type: tftypes.List[tftypes.Object["base_job_template":tftypes.String, "concurrency_limit":tftypes.Number, "created":tftypes.String,
│ "default_queue_id":tftypes.String, "description":tftypes.String, "id":tftypes.String, "name":tftypes.String, "paused":tftypes.Bool, "type":tftypes.String, "updated":tftypes.String]]
│ Path: work_pools


Error: Invalid Object Attribute Type
with data.prefect_work_pools.all
on line 57, in data "prefect_work_pools" "all":
data "prefect_work_pools" "all" {
While creating a Object value, an invalid attribute value was detected. A Object must use a matching attribute type for the value. This is always an issue with the provider and should be reported to the provider developers.

Object Attribute Name (default_queue_id) Expected Type: UUIDType
Object Attribute Name (default_queue_id) Given Type: basetypes.StringType

Data Source for default work pool infrastructure default base job template

When creating a new work pool, we can pull a default base job template from the collections/views/aggregate-worker-metadata endpoint. This needs to be exposed as a data source to simplify the creation of work pools, or we need to change our server API to apply this as a default when creating the pool, if the base job template is not specified.

Data Source: prefect_account_role

Create a resource and data source for managing account-scoped roles:

resource "prefect_account_role" "foo" {

data "prefect_account_role" "foo" {

Extract Go Client SDK into separate module

The Go Client SDK included in this provider is not Terraform-specific, and we can refactor it into a separate Go module for use in other applications. We could then also simplify much of this code by using code generation, related to #13

bug: can't import `prefect_workspace` by handle

cannot import by handle, as the Read() method only expects a workspace ID

$ PREFECT_API_KEY=<key> terraform import prefect_workspace.integration_tests name/integration-tests
│ Error: Error parsing Workspace ID
│ Could not parse workspace ID to UUID, unexpected error: invalid UUID length: 0

Implement custom Time type

Our timestamps are RFC3339 timestamps, and implementing a custom type would make these easier to work with. We should apply validation and return a time.Time

Error when attempting to create `prefect_workspace_role`, description is required

When attempting to create a workspace role with the following configuration, I receive an error indicating that a description is a required parameter for the request, but the documentation lists it as optional (also in the UI it is optional)

resource "prefect_workspace_role" "example" {
  name = "Custom Workspace Role"
  scopes = [
│ Error: Error creating Workspace Role
│   with prefect_workspace_role.example,
│   on line 18, in resource "prefect_workspace_role" "example":
│   18: resource "prefect_workspace_role" "example" {
│ Could not create Workspace Role, unexpected error: status code 422 Unprocessable Entity, error={"exception_message":"Invalid request
│ received.","exception_detail":[{"loc":["body","description"],"msg":"none is not an allowed
│ value","type":"type_error.none.not_allowed"}],"request_body":{"name":"Custom Workspace
│ Role","description":null,"scopes":["manage_blocks","see_flows"],"inherited_role_id":null}}

Resource and Data Source: prefect_workspace

Create a resource and data source for managing workspaces.

resource "prefect_workspace" "foo" {
    name = "My test workspace"

data "prefect_workspace" "foo" {
    id = "6afbd2d8-48c5-4adf-969b-f2b42dd6acc8"

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