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hyprdots's Introduction

// design by t2



The installation script is designed for a minimal Arch Linux install, but may work on some Arch-based distros. While installing HyDE alongside another DE/WM should work, due to it being a heavily customized setup, it will conflict with your GTK/Qt theming, Shell, SDDM, GRUB, etc. and is at your own risk.


The install script will auto-detect an NVIDIA card and install nvidia-dkms drivers for your kernel. Please ensure that your NVIDIA card supports dkms drivers in the list provided here.


The script modifies your grub or systemd-boot config to enable NVIDIA DRM.

To install, execute the following commands:

pacman -Sy git
git clone --depth 1 ~/HyDE
cd ~/HyDE/Scripts


You can also add any other apps you wish to install alongside HyDE to Scripts/custom_apps.lst and pass the file as a parameter to install it like so:

./ custom_apps.lst

As a second install option, you can also use Hyde-install, which might be easier for some. View installation instructions for HyDE in Hyde-cli - Usage.

Please reboot after the install script completes and takes you to the SDDM login screen (or black screen) for the first time. For more details, please refer to the installation wiki.


To update HyDE, you will need to pull the latest changes from GitHub and restore the configs by running the following commands:

cd ~/HyDE/Scripts
git pull
./ -r


Please note that any configurations you made will be overwritten if listed to be done so as listed by Scripts/restore_cfg.lst. However, all replaced configs are backed up and may be recovered from in ~/.config/cfg_backups.

As a second update option, you can use Hyde restore ..., which does have a better way of managing restore and backup options. For more details, you can refer to Hyde-cli - dots management wiki.


All our official themes are stored in a separate repository, allowing users to install them using themepatcher. For more information, visit prasanthrangan/hyde-themes.

Catppuccin-Latte Catppuccin-Mocha Decay-Green Edge-Runner Frosted-Glass Graphite-Mono Gruvbox-Retro Material-Sakura Nordic-Blue Rosé-Pine Synth-Wave Tokyo-Night


Everyone, including you can create, maintain, and share additional themes, all of which can be installed using themepatcher! To create your own custom theme, please refer to the theming wiki. If you wish to have your hyde theme showcased, or you want to find some non-official themes, visit kRHYME7/hyde-gallery!


Theme Select
Wallpaper SelectLauncher Select
Wallbash ModesNotification Action
Rofi Launcher
Wlogout Menu
Game Launcher


Keys Action
Super + Q
Alt + F4
Close focused window
Super + Del Kill Hyprland session
Super + W Toggle the window between focus and float
Super + G Toggle the window between focus and group
Alt + Enter Toggle the window between focus and fullscreen
Super + L Launch lock screen
Super + Shift + F Toggle pin on focused window
Super + Backspace Launch logout menu
Ctrl + Esc Toggle waybar
Super + T Launch terminal emulator (kitty)
Super + E Launch file manager (dolphin)
Super + C Launch text editor (vscode)
Super + F Launch web browser (firefox)
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Launch system monitor (htop/btop or fallback to top)
Super + A Launch application launcher (rofi)
Super + Tab Launch window switcher (rofi)
Super + Shift + E Launch file explorer (rofi)
F10 Toggle audio mute
F11 Decrease volume
F12 Increase volume
Super + P Partial screenshot capture
Super + Ctrl + P Partial screenshot capture (frozen screen)
Super + Alt + P Monitor screenshot capture
PrtScn All monitors screenshot capture
Super + Alt + G Disable hypr effects for gamemode
Super + Alt + Cycle wallpaper
Super + Alt + Cycle waybar mode
Super + Shift + R Launch wallbash mode select menu (rofi)
Super + Shift + T Launch theme select menu (rofi)
Super + Shift + A Launch style select menu (rofi)
Super + Shift + W Launch wallpaper select menu (rofi)
Super + V Launch clipboard (rofi)
Super + K Switch keyboard layout
Super + Move window focus
Alt + Tab Change window focus
Super + [0-9] Switch workspaces
Super + Ctrl + Switch workspaces to a relative workspace
Super + Ctrl + Move to the first empty workspace
Super + Shift + Resize windows
Super + Shift + [0-9] Move focused window to a relative workspace
Super + Shift + Ctrl + Move focused window around the current workspace
Super + MouseScroll Scroll through existing workspaces
Super + LeftClick
Super + Z
Move focused window
Super + RightClick
Super + X
Resize focused window
Super + Alt + S Move/Switch to special workspace (scratchpad)
Super + S Toggle to special workspace
Super + J Toggle focused window split
Super + Alt + [0-9] Move focused window to a workspace silently
Super + Ctrl + H Move between grouped windows backward
Super + Ctrl + L Move between grouped windows forward

hyprdots's People


akashgagda avatar balssh avatar devckvargas avatar diebakterie avatar effibot avatar enigma1309 avatar firman-qs avatar hdm9527 avatar hyperupcall avatar joshrandall8478 avatar jpx40 avatar kemipso avatar kik4444 avatar krhyme7 avatar lol-lap avatar mahaveergurjar avatar mislah avatar mostafamohamed2002 avatar o-oualid avatar prasanthrangan avatar raprogramm avatar rubiin avatar skerse avatar stove-jeebs avatar t-crypt avatar t3l3sc0p3 avatar tuxtweaker avatar zeerayne avatar zephvr avatar zer0cha0s avatar


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hyprdots's Issues

Dolphin theme Issue


the theme gets weird when I open dolphin with other apps like obs as shown in the video

1920x1080 resolution issues (scale issues for single screens / laptops)

First of all, thank you @prasanthrangan for your hard work, generosity, and for this exquisite rice, its truly the best I found. Upon installing, i found some resolution/scale issues, which are just mostly UI issues (all functionality works!), so I decided to share the UI problems I found here in this issue.

I still have not yet resolved the issues, so I'm looking for some help here

NOTE: that this is for single screens / laptops that are 1920x1080 res, I don't know much about other resolutions (check other issue for 4K monitors, it seems like they have at least resolved most of the issues for 4K display

Monitor (single screens / for laptops)


  • I want the preferred 1920x1080@60 setting in my own hyprland config (~/.config/hypr/userprefs.conf):
    monitor = eDP-1, 1920x1080@60, 0x0, 1

  • but some launchers especially noticeable ones (wlogout, waybar, rofi, theme-switch) have problems

  • mostly about scaling issues

  • all about UI problems (all the functionality works as intended)

  • specific problems on monitor = eDP-1, 1920x1080@60, 0x0, 1:

    • some apps are very "far away" (tolerable, but for waybar it makes it unreadable)
    • waybar small size making it unreadable,
    • theme-switch UI (super shift t),
    • wlogout is not on center, overlapping text


  • most bearable config for 1920x1080 resolution (single screen):
    monitor = eDP-1, 1920x1080@60, 0x0, 1.2 (not preferred, since it causes blur issues on apps that can only be solved by setting the scale to 1)
  • preferred setting should be: monitor = eDP-1, 1920x1080@60, 0x0, 1

scale of 1.2 results to:

  • theme-switch (super shift t) pictures is not showing (its just a blank slate, but the functionality works)
  • waybar is small (but more readable than when scale is 1)
  • wlogout is not on the center like when scale is 1
    • overlapping text and icons (same as when scale is 1)
  • flatpak apps like discord is "blurry"

scale of 1 (classic 1920x1080 display, preferred) results to:

  • rofi text is not fully showing (not a big deal but a minor problem)

  • waybar is very small (little unreadable)

  • wlogout is not on the center

    • overlapping text and icons
    • doesn't look great for smaller resolution displays
  • theme-swtich is showing but the text is cut out (shows "...")

  • flatpak apps like discord works as intended (not blurry, highres)

Package not found

After running it say queue... And the error package not found

How to not break theme selector when increading dpi?

Elements were too small for me, I increased the option in hypr conf monitor to 1.3, but then the theme selector doesn't show up :(

What would be the way to fix this? Or maybe not using the monitor conf, but something else to increase the size of everything.

Failed to install package

Failed to install hyprland-nvidia-git. Tried adding it manually, didn't work. I'm using a 3060ti, I did a it in a minimal style as the instructions said, if I force to start it it displays the login screen with no hyprland install.Exit status 4


how can i configure keybinds?

About the operation of the program

您好,我使用了最新的脚本搭建的系统但是我无法运行一些软件,例如Gparted...他们的报错如下Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified (gpartedbin:84261): Gtk-WARNING **: 23:44:34.329: cannot open display: :1,但是在上一个脚本中是可以运行的,,然后就是obs-studio依旧无法录屏

pirewire-jack and jack2 are in conflict

everytime i run the script it ask me to remove one of pipewire-jack and jack2 and if i agree on removing the script ends and the installation is never complete
i tried sudo pacman -R jack2 or pipewire-jack still same thing happens and i tried editing the pkg list removing all the pipewire after i run the script it automatically restores the items i removed from the list

Update the configuration

Firstly I really love the configuration, have been using it for a month or so as my Main setup.

Yesterday I saw that you made some pretty big changes since I last checked and I wanted to ask what would be the best way to update my 'old' config with your new one.

Logout menu all cluttered

If I click the logout icon on the waybar the following happens:
As with #86 I haven't had yet time to debug on my own.

HiDPI ; supports

Over the past few days, I have been experimenting with the configuration files in order to achieve a specific goal: using a 4k resolution with a scale of 1 that is easily readable.

When using one of the current beautiful themes in a 4k resolution, unfortunately the experience is not pleasant to the eyes. To address this, I started by cloning the Mocha theme and creating a version specifically designed for 4k displays called Mocha-4k. Following the theming guide, I have successfully made adjustments in various areas such as the top menu, kitty, rofi, kvantum, and more.


However, considering the repetitive nature of this process and my desire to not be limited to just one theme for 4k, I am seeking a more generic approach to configure this fantastic Hyprland setup for HiDPI displays.

What could be a suitable approach? Should I use a procedure involving multiple sed instructions to switch back and forth with HiDPI? Do you have any suggestions? Is it worth pursuing this route?

Issues with theming and wallpaper

Hey o/
I just tried installing your dots on a fresh arch install, but noticed some issues.

  • The wallpaper is stuck on the default Hyprland one. Doesn't appear to change when i hit the switch mode button. Speaking of,
  • Pressing the switch mode button in waybar does not appear to do anything.
  • One of the "pills" in waybar seems to be cut off from one side
  • The theming in general appears to be off. I'm not sure where exactly it's going wrong. Might have something to do with the mode switching thing. Here's dolphin as an example
  • The install script doesn't work if you don't use grub. I just removed the grub portion from one of the scripts and that solved it though.

If there are any logs that might help do let me know ^^

Display battery level?

First of all thanks a lot for the config. It's my first time on hyprland and I'm wondering how do I modify waybar so that it displays the battery level? (or is it somewhere and I didn't notice it?)

HDIPI scaling on xwayland applications is messed sometimes after restart

Hello so I like this script a lot and the hyprland.
So I first did a manual install of hyprland which failed miserably and then used this script. I turned out ok but I didnt like the look to much and I needed hdpi hyrpland and it worked okon there, same goes here. I stumbled upon this script and I liked the looks way more and I was setting it up trying to use my framework fingerprint, which works on my test hyprland with the other script and on kde. So no reason shouldnt work here, I did it the same as shown here and adding this line auth sufficient on my test hyprland worked but not here. So I de installed and reinstalled it sddm-git and did fix it.
I also encountered some problems with fprintd that once I enrolled it and use fprintd-verify I needed to do it in sudo privileges. I even changed the files like they look in my my test hyprland and did not help. I trying to figure out but I dont know the problem, if you have any Idea please help.

waybar doesnt start

I did super+up-arrow and now waybar doesnt even start, it was working before I used the shortcut
when I do waybar in terminal it gives the output
❯ waybar
waybar: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
other stuff is working fine, this is the only problem that is this waybar.
thanks for making these easy yet beautiful setups creator!

Rofi style/Theme selection bugs out

Hi, first of all I want to send @prasanthrangan many thanks and good wishes as this setup made me able to run Arch for the first time (I spend a lot of getting the installation right and didn't have the sanity to rice everything on my own).

Now, when I try to select a Rofi/theme style using SUPER SHIFT A or SUPER SHIFT T the following happens:

Only the dark rectangle is up and I can't select anything. Haven't had time to debug on my own yet.

Remove pokemon in kitty terminal

Hello, id like to being by saying i absolutely love this rice but im more of minimalist guy and the pokemon in kitty terminal just isnt right for me, but i cant figure out how to remove it.

Issue with dual screen layout.

I have a nvidia optimus laptop with external monitor. Laptop eDP-1. External HDMI-A-1. In config I have eDP-1 set to 1920x0 position and HDMI-A-1 set to 0x0 position. eDP-1 sets right but the HDMI-A-1 sets to 3840x0 and it should be 0x0. Anyway to fix override this?



Can't start KDE related apps.

I'm unable to launch any kde related apps currently. I could open it when I had run the script and configured it initially. The desktop my secondary PC, has no issues running them. But I'm receiving

dolphin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

While trying to launch Dolphin and

kf.windowsystem: Cannot use KWindowSystem without a QGuiApplication
[1] 42673 segmentation fault (core dumped) lanshare

this error for opening other QT apps.

konsole: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

kdeconnect-app: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

New Theme

Hey firstly, great work love seeing the progress everytime I lock at your page!

I'm currently trying to make a gruvbox theme config and wanted to ask for some tips, espacially with qt5ct as I can't get behind the other configs for qt5ct.

Switch Mode and wallpaper didn't work

After changing the resolution on hyprland.conf suddenly the wallpaper becomes the default hyperland and when I press the switch mode button everything gets messed up. is my way of changing the resolution wrong?

My kitty terminal is not working

warning: queue 0x5629d9d5bd50 destroyed while proxies still attached:
  zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@30 still attached
  zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@27 still attached
  zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1@28 still attached
[200 12:41:50.748149] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 531, in main
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 523, in _main
    run_app(opts, cli_opts, bad_lines)
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 275, in __call__
    _run_app(opts, args, bad_lines)
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 254, in _run_app
    boss.start(window_id, startup_sessions)
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 1075, in start
    self.startup_first_child(first_os_window_id, startup_sessions=startup_sessions)
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 386, in startup_first_child
    wid = self.add_os_window(startup_session, window_state=wstate, os_window_id=os_window_id)
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 423, in add_os_window
    tm = TabManager(os_window_id, self.args, wclass, wname, startup_session)
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 866, in __init__
    self._add_tab(Tab(self, session_tab=t))
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 162, in __init__
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 202, in startup
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 540, in new_special_window
    return self.new_window(
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 524, in new_window
    self._add_window(window, location=location, overlay_for=overlay_for, overlay_behind=overlay_behind)
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 492, in _add_window
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 284, in relayout
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/layout/", line 324, in __call__
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/layout/", line 189, in do_layout
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/layout/", line 337, in layout_single_window_group
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 114, in set_geometry
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/kitty/kitty/", line 852, in set_geometry
    self.screen.resize(new_geometry.ynum, new_geometry.xnum)

Login screen issue

First of all, thanks for this rice! It is wonderful and beautifully set up.
I have an issue, my login screen doesn't seem to know about my user.
Just to clarify some stuff:

  • My user's name is NOT "User"
  • I only have 1 user
  • If I do alt + f4 and try to run "Hyprland" it DOES work
    Here's what I see on the login screen:


The "Login!!" button and "username" field are not clickable. Any suggestions are very appreciated!
Thanks in advance ~Average stupid arch user

Keyboard layout issues

firstly thanks for the impressive design and script.
There's one issue that I seem to have, it's that the keyboardlayout seems to be stuck to the US layout. Tried changing it in the hyprland.conf but it doesn't seem to work.

Please keep in mind that I'm still pretty much a newbie in these topics.

Thanks! cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

OS: Arch Linux

After the latest Arch update, I got a few hours ago, waybar breaks and stops working, running waybar in the terminal gives the following output. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

reinstalling fmt or building fmt-git doesn't fix the issue. The workaround is to remove waybar-hyprland-git and install waybar instead.

How to remap the capslock key to anything useful and swap the alt key with the super (windows key).

How to remap the capslock key to anything useful, like when you press it, it's esc, and when you hold it, it's ctrl or even remap it to, like swap it only. I found in my research in Wayland that it's so hard to do this. I tried everything, basically, but it did not work. even tried the hyprland wiki to put in the hyprland.conf in the input section to remap it also didn't work, so any idea how to do it?

How to fix screen blank after entering password

I've installed this script 7 times, every installation was successful except when I logged in.
Screen blank and sometime freeze.
The solution is easy, delete hyprlan-git and replace it with hyprland.
If your screen froze hit super key + del.
Next hit ctrl+alt+F3.
Enter username and password.
On tty3 console type: yay hyprland.
Hit enter chose option non git, I think it's extra/hyprland.
Good luck.

Stuck in Login screen loop

First, thank you for sharing your rice and your install script!

Please see if you can help me...

Currently, I enter the login and password and within moments the system returns to the login screen again.

I was able to access the system through text mode login prompt via Ctrl+Alt+F4.
I tried to start Hyprland and got errors:


One error in particular caught my attention but I couldn't find much about it on the internet:
Error: "Socket file not found. Are you sure sww-daemon is running?"

System Information
Product Name: Acer Aspire ES1-572
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6006U CPU @ 2.00GHz
16GiB System memory
Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] (1920x1080)
RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet (enp1s0)
QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter (wlp2s0)

there is a problem with Decay-Green

Well, I think there is a problem with Decay-Green

I used the old config file without the error, I used the new one and it became like this, then I rm -rf ~/.config/waybar and reinstalled it, but it still did


Use paru if its available?

I noticed that yay is used for aur repos, would it be possible to integrate detection of paru as aur helper?

swaylock using 100% of CPU

My screen doesn't lock when i click on "lock" and the CPU usage shoots up to 90-100% usage. Anyone experience something similar?

Issue in resolution

Firstly, thanks you very much for the best rice !
I have an issue about monitor that can't edit to 1920x1080 mode, please help me!
And have issue when open pavucontrol )):

User preferences to survive updates (possible enhancement)

Perhaps there's a better way to do this but I submitted a proposed change to hyprland.conf so that people can easily-ish keep their user preferences-- probably should go in another folder like ~/hypruserpref.conf and just be sourced from a directory that remains static during updates

Just a thought

Thanks so much for the amazing config and the hard work, I am really really enjoying this setup!

Lock screen bug

When I enter the lock screen using super + L, there is a high chance that I will get a red screen after entering my password, and no matter what I do, there will be no response

padding issues on laptop

Hi, First of all this is an amazing rice I have seen so far but I am facing some padding issues and I am not sure what to do as I am new to hyprland. First the lock screen looks like this
I tried to make some changes but nothing changed monitor = DP-1, 1366x768@60, 0, 1
also wofi menu has also padding issues.


the icons on waybar were also close but I increased the padding from 3 to 5px as for the lock menu and wofi menu not sure what to do

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