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bolts-lib's Introduction


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Bolts is a front-end helper library, consisting of practical Sass mixins and functions, along with a collection of JavaScript functions, helping you deal with all the mundane website building and styling tasks, so that you can focus on creating something new. It aims to be a toolkit that takes care of the things you're tired of doing.

Bolts doesn't output any unnecessary styles, and all JavaScript functions can be loaded separately through ES6+ imports, making its footprint as tiny as possible.



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Including Bolts in your Sass files

@import '~bolts-lib/src/sass/bolts';

Configuration variables

Define any of the following variables before including Bolts to set default options for many of the mixins and functions.

Variable name Example value Description
$bolts-reset-focus-styles true Removes outline on :focus state
$bolts-reset-list-styles true Resets list-style on all <ul> and <ol> elements
$bolts-reset-legacy-element-styles true Resets styles on some deprecated elements (such as font, marquee, blink, nobr and more
$bolts-default-sticky-footer-wrapper-selector '> *:first-child' Selector for wrapper (content without footer) used by sticky-footer mixin
$bolts-default-sticky-footer-footer-selector '> footer' Selector for footer used by sticky-footer mixin
$bolts-default-pseudo before Pseudo selector used by aspect-ratio, clear and vertical-align mixins if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-font-path '../fonts' $path used by font mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-container-width 90% $width used by container mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-container-max-width 1080px $max-width used by container mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-container-align center '$align' used by container mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-inline-layout-align top $align used by inline-layout mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-inline-layout-gutters 20px $gutters used by inline-layout mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-flex-layout-align top $align used by flex-layout mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-flex-layout-gutters 20px $gutters used by flex-layout mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-background-image '../images/bg.jpg' $image used by background mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-background-size cover $size used by backgound mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-background-position 50% 50% $position used by backgound mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-background-repeat repeat $repeat used by backgound mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-background-attachment fixed $attachment used by backgound mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-background-color #ddd $color used by backgound mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-transition-property opacity $property used by transition mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-transition-duration 0.2s $duration used by transition mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-transition-easing ease-in-out $easing used by transition mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-transition-delay 0.1s $delay used by transition mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-transition-queue true Enables queue with default property on transition mixin unless overwritten
$bolts-default-transition-queue-property visibility $queue (property) used by transition mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-transition-queue-duration 0s $queue-duration used by transition mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-transition-queue-easing linear $queue-easing used by transition mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-auto-col-min 1 $min (minimum amount of columns) used by auto-col mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-auto-col-max 12 $max (maximum amount of columns) used by auto-col mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-default-responsive-font-size-ratio 1.6 $ratio used by responsive-font-size mixin if argument is not passed
$bolts-breakpoints (medium: 500px) Breakpoints that can be accessed by the width and height functions when writing media queries
$bolts-selectors (headings: 'h1, h2') Map containing element collections that can be accessed by the select mixin
$bolts-easings ( ease-in-quad: '0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53' ) Map containing element collections that can be accessed by the select mixin



  • width()
  • width-from()
  • width-to()
  • height()
  • height-from()
  • height-to()

Functions to run inside your @media queries that lets you access your defined breakpoints. It automatically compensates your pixel values to prevent duplicate properties being set.


.columns {
  @include inline-layout;

  .column {
    @media ( width-to(small) )      { width: 100%; }
    @media ( width(small, medium) ) { width: 50%; }
    @media ( width(medium, large) ) { width: 25%; }
    @media ( width-from(large) )    { width: 12.5%; }


Name Accepted values Description
$from CSS length unit or key name from the $bolts-breakpoints map Sets the min-width or min-height in the media query.
$to CSS length unit or key name from the $bolts-breakpoints map Sets the max-width or max-height in the media query.


  • retina()

Function to run in your @media queries to target retina screens.


.icon {
  @media ( retina() ) { background-image: url('[email protected]'); }


  • ease()

Returns a cubic-bezier with the specified easing. If a named easing if supplied, it looks for easings defined in $bolts-easings, otherwise the supplied value is used directly.

Name Accepted values Description
$easing CSS standard named easings, cubic-bezier, or key name from the $bolts-easings map Desired easing



  • reset

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Sticky footer

  • sticky-footer()

This mixin currently has no description


.page {
  @include sticky-footer(


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$wrapper-selector - - -
$footer-selector - - -


  • font()

Simpler declaration of @font-faces (include this before any output, including the reset and boilerplate).


@include font(
  $family:   FontAwesome,
  $filename: fontawesome-webfont,
  $formats:  ( eot, woff2, woff, ttf, svg ),
  $svg-id:   fontawesomeregular

@include font(
  $family: 'Lato',
  $formats: ( woff ),
  $variations: (
    ( filename: 'Lato-Regular' ),
    ( filename: 'Lato-Italic', style: italic ),
    ( filename: 'Lato-Bold', weight: 700 ),
    ( filename: 'Lato-BoldItalic', weight: 700, style: italic )


Name Example values Description
$family 'Lato' Font family name
$weight 400 font-weight
$style normal font-style
$filename Lato-Regular Font filename without extension
$formats (ttf, otf, woff, woff2, svg) List of the available formats of your font
$path '../fonts' Defaults to $bolts-font-path
$svg-id latoregular Defaults to filename
$variations ( (filename: Lato-Regular), (filename: Lato-Bold, weight: 700) ) List of maps with font variations. You only need to enter the properties that deviate from the defaults.

Responsive font size

  • responsive-font-size()

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$ratio - - -
$min - - -
$max - - -


  • container()

Sets basic container styling on element.


.page {
  .page-inner {
    @include container(90%, 1080px);


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$width CSS length unit Value of $bolts-default-container-width Width of container
$max-width CSS length unit Value of $bolts-default-container-max-width Max width of container
align left, center, right Value of $bolts-default-container-align Container alignment

Clearing whitespace

  • clear-whitespace()

Eliminates the space between inline-block elements using font-size: 0.


.header {
  @include clear-whitespace($font-size: 12px);

  .header-logo {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 120px;
    height: 60px;


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$font-size CSS length unit 1rem Font size to reset child elements to (can't use em)


  • overlay()

This mixin currently has no description


.hero {
    position relative;
    height: 100vh;

    &:before {
        content: '';
        @include overlay;
        background-color: rgba(black, 0.5);


Name Accepted values Description
$force-size Bool sets width and height to 100% (necessary when applied to iframes)


  • background()

This mixin currently has no description


.icon {
  @include background(
    $size: contain,
    $position: 50% 50%
  width: 40px;
  height: 40px;


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -


  • transition()

Sets transition with pre set vales for duration and easing. Second argument queues a second transition after the initial transition is done.


.button {
    background-color: black;
    @include transition(background-color);

    &:hover {
      background-color: red;

Usage with $queue:

.header-icon {
    visibility: hidden;
    opacity: 0;
    @include transition(opacity, $queue: visibility);

    @include state('menu-open') {
      visibility: visible;
      opacity: 1;
      @include transition(opacity);


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Transition height

  • transition-height()

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Element aspect ratio

  • aspect-ratio()

Set an aspect ratio for a block element.


.hero {
  @include background('../images/background.jpg');
  @include aspect-ratio(16, 9);


Name Accepted values Description
$x Number What width value to base the ratio calculation on
$y Number What height value to base the ratio calculation on

Classic clearfix

  • clear()

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Element centering

  • center()

Center an element inside it's closest relatively positioned parent in either, or both direction (vertical/horizontal)

Known issue: Some browsers positions the element "between pixels", making it appear blurred. Use transform-style: preserve-3d on the parent to avoid this.


.hero {
  position: relative;

  .hero-text {
    @include center(vertical);
    left: 0;
    right: 0;


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$direction both, vertical, horizontal both What axis to center the element on

Vertical alignment

  • vertical-align()

This mixin currently has no description


.hero {
  @include vertical-align(middle);
  min-height: 100vh;
  text-align: center;

  .hero-inner {
    width: 90%;
    max-width: 1080px;
    text-align: left;

    .hero-title {
      @extend %title-large;

    .hero-subtitle {
      @extend %title-medium;


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Line clamp

  • line-clamp()

Truncate text at the selected number of lines.


.excerpt {
  @include line-clamp(3);


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$rows integer 0 If no number is specified the text is not truncated

Visually hidden

  • visually-hidden()

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -


  • antialias()

This mixin currently has no description


.hero-text {
  color: white;
  @include antialias;


Name Accepted values Description
$method default, none, reset Sets font smoothing (webkit and moz-osx), defaults to antialiased/grayscale

Scrollable content

  • scroll()

This mixin currently has no description


.modal-inner {
  @include scroll;


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -


  • viewport()

This mixin currently has no description


.page {
  @include viewport;


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -


  • grayscale()

This mixin currently has no description


.photo {
  @include transition(filter -webkit-filter);

  &:hover {
    @include grayscale;

Layouting with inline blocks

  • inline-layout()
  • inline-row()
  • inline-column()

The inline-layout component is another take on layouts, where the columns are inline-block elements, which eliminates the need for rows, and makes them respond to text-align. This is especially useful for dynamic content.



<div class="items">
  <div class="item is-small"></div>
  <div class="item is-medium"></div>
  <div class="item is-small"></div>
  <div class="item is-large"></div>
  <div class="item is-small"></div>


.items {
  @include inline-layout;

  .item {
    @media ( width-to(medium) ) {
      &.is-small { width: 50%; }
      &.is-medium, &.is-large { width: 100%; }

    @media ( width-from(medium) ) {
      &.is-small  { width: 25%; }
      &.is-medium { width: 50%; }
      &.is-large  { width: 75%; }


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$gutters CSS length unit 0 Size of gutters
$col String '> *' Selector used to find a direct descendant column element

Layouting with flex

  • flex-layout()
  • flex-row()
  • flex-column()

Sets element to display: flex and set behaviour of child elements


.is-columns-4 {
  @include flex-layout(1 1 1 1, 20px);          


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$columns numbers false Set amount of columns per row and how much space they will take
$gutters px false Set gutters between child elements - ex 20px
$align string false Set the alignment of child elements

Auto columns

  • auto-col()

Sets widths to dynamically fit all columns in one row


.columns {
  @include inline-layout;

  .column {
    // 5 columns = width: 20%
    // 2 columns = width: 50%
    @include auto-col;


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Reversing columns

  • reverse()

Reverse the order of an element's children without the need for duplicate markup.


.items {
  @include inline-layout;

  .item { width: 25%; }

  @media ( width-to(medium) ) {
    @include reverse;


  • state()

Matches elements based on current state.


.menu {
  @include state('menu', false) { 
    display: none; 
  @include state('menu') { 
    display: block; 


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$key string false The state to match, ex menu
$value bool, string true State value to match
$local bool false If true, based on the state of the current element. If false, the global state

Selecting elements

  • select()

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Styling input placeholders

  • placeholder()

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Select elements of a given amount

  • count()

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// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Selector mathing a resizing window

  • resizing()

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -

Match image orientation

  • orientation()

Matches elements based on detected orientation state


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
$orientation portrait, landscape, square false Match the orientation of the element


  • hover
  • no-hover

This mixin currently has no description


// This mixin currently has no example


Name Accepted values Default value Description
- - - -



JavaScript setup currently has no documentation.


JavaScript functionality currently has no documentation

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