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plentymarkets-shopware-connector's Issues

Bestellung wird nicht übertragen

issue or Enhancement issue
Version Specific version or SHA of a commit

Actual Behavior

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to ShopwareAdapter\ResponseParser\Customer\CustomerResponseParser::parse() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 140 and defined in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 61

Expected Behavior

Send the order from Shopware to Plentymarkets

Steps to Reproduce

All Customer Data are correct.

Possible Solutions

check the code.

Support Shopware Bundle's

Bug? no
New Feature? yes

Actual Behavior

Bundles are ignored

Expected Behavior

The Shopware Bundle plugin is supported

Error in synchronization of orders

[2017-04-02 20:20:13] plentyconnector.DEBUG: Command received: HandleOrderCommand {"adapterName":"ShopwareAdapter","transferObject":"47e0a984-db0b-46e3-8097-39c3216e1f50"}
[2017-04-02 20:20:13] plentyconnector.ERROR: Command failed: HandleOrderCommand {"adapterName":"ShopwareAdapter","transferObject":"47e0a984-db0b-46e3-8097-39c3216e1f50","exception":"[object] (PlentyConnector\\Connector\\ValidatorService\\Exception\\InvalidDataException(code: 0): PlentyConnector\\Connector\\TransferObject\\Order\\Order ObjectIdentifier: 47e0a984-db0b-46e3-8097-39c3216e1f50 Value \"1\" is not a float. Path: orderItem.quantity at /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/ValidatorService/Exception/InvalidDataException.php:45)"}
[2017-04-02 20:20:13] plentyconnector.ERROR: PlentyConnector\Connector\TransferObject\Order\Order ObjectIdentifier: 47e0a984-db0b-46e3-8097-39c3216e1f50 Value "1" is not a float. Path: orderItem.quantity
[2017-04-02 20:20:13] plentyconnector.ERROR: #0 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/ValidatorService/ValidatorService.php(74): PlentyConnector\Connector\ValidatorService\Exception\InvalidDataException::fromObject(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\TransferObject\Order\OrderItem\OrderItem), 'Value "1" is no...', 'orderItem.quant...', Array) #1 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/ValidatorService/ValidatorService.php(63): PlentyConnector\Connector\ValidatorService\ValidatorService->validate(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\TransferObject\Order\OrderItem\OrderItem), Array) #2 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/ServiceBus/ValidatorMiddleware/ValidatorMiddleware.php(43): PlentyConnector\Connector\ValidatorService\ValidatorService->validate(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\TransferObject\Order\Order)) #3 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/vendor/league/tactician/src/CommandBus.php(62): PlentyConnector\Connector\ServiceBus\ValidatorMiddleware\ValidatorMiddleware->execute(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\ServiceBus\Command\Order\HandleOrderCommand), Object(Closure)) #4 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/vendor/league/tactician-logger/src/LoggerMiddleware.php(43): League\Tactician\CommandBus->League\Tactician\{closure}(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\ServiceBus\Command\Order\HandleOrderCommand)) #5 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/vendor/league/tactician/src/CommandBus.php(62): League\Tactician\Logger\LoggerMiddleware->execute(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\ServiceBus\Command\Order\HandleOrderCommand), Object(Closure)) #6 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/vendor/league/tactician/src/CommandBus.php(42): League\Tactician\CommandBus->League\Tactician\{closure}(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\ServiceBus\Command\Order\HandleOrderCommand)) #7 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/Connector.php(176): League\Tactician\CommandBus->handle(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\ServiceBus\Command\Order\HandleOrderCommand)) #8 [internal function]: PlentyConnector\Connector\Connector->PlentyConnector\Connector\{closure}(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\TransferObject\Order\Order), '47e0a984-db0b-4...') #9 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/Connector.php(179): array_walk(Array, Object(Closure)) #10 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/Connector.php(106): PlentyConnector\Connector\Connector->handleDefinition(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\ValueObject\Definition\Definition), 'changed', NULL) #11 [internal function]: PlentyConnector\Connector\Connector->PlentyConnector\Connector\{closure}(Object(PlentyConnector\Connector\ValueObject\Definition\Definition), 5) #12 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/Connector.php(107): array_walk(Array, Object(Closure)) #13 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Console/Command/ProcessCommand.php(99): PlentyConnector\Connector\Connector->handle('changed', 'Order', NULL) #14 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(264): PlentyConnector\Console\Command\ProcessCommand->execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput)) #15 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(846): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput)) #16 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Components/Console/Application.php(140): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand(Object(PlentyConnector\Console\Command\ProcessCommand), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput)) #17 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(191): Shopware\Components\Console\Application->doRunCommand(Object(PlentyConnector\Console\Command\ProcessCommand), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput)) #18 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Components/Console/Application.php(132): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput)) #19 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(122): Shopware\Components\Console\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput)) #20 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/bin/console(38): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput)) #21 {main}

Properties are not deleted

Bug? yes
Version 2.0

Actual Behavior

When removing a property (Merkmal) of an article in plenty, it remains in Shopware

Expected Behavior

When removing a property (Merkmal) of an article in plenty, it should also be removed in Shopware.

Steps to Reproduce

This can be seen in our shop e.g. for article with ID 11. In plenty, the property "Amazon product_subtype" has been removed. In Shopware, it is still remaining (even after forcing a sync on that ID).

PayPal Plus wrong parameter names

Bug? no
New Feature? yes
Version 2.0

Actual Behavior

paypal plus payment data parameters have the wrong name

Expected Behavior

'paymentDueDate' => 'paymentDue'
'reference' => 'referenceNumber'

Steps to Reproduce

create a paypal plus invoice order

Possible Solutions

rename parameters

Category sync: Some fields are missing

The sync of categories seems to ignore many fields. I did a small test and at least the following fields in plenty are not transferred to any field in Shopware:

  • Kurzbeschreibung
  • Meta-Titel
  • Meta-Beschreibung
  • Meta-Keywords
  • Beschreibung 1
  • Beschreibung 2

Support of order properties (Bestellattributen)

Bug? no
New Feature? yes

For me, the direction Shopware => Plenty is important.

The deluxe option would be a mapping between article order properties in Shopware and plenty.

For me fully sufficient would be to append all order properties somewhere to the order.

DHL Integration Shopware - Übergabe Postnummer funktioniert nicht

Bei der Arbeit mit DHL Packstationen kommt man nicht um die Nutzung der DHL Integration von Shopware herum. Nutzt man diese, wird aber nicht das feld "Postnummer" der Lieferanschrift übergeben. In plentymarkets wird auch nicht automatisch die Adressversion "Packstation" aktiviert. So landen die Packstation und die Nummer im Feld "Straße" und nicht im Feld Packstation in Plentymarkets. Das wiederum produziert Reihenweise "nicht DHL konforme" Versandadressen und führt zu entsprechend vielen Rückläufern.

Für eine optimale Integration müsste das Feld "Postnummer" an Plenty ins Feld "Postnummer" übertragen werden. Wenn das der Fall ist, müsste die Packstationsnummer automatisch nicht in das Feld "Straße" sondern in das Feld "Packstationsnummer" in Plenty übertragen werden.

Ohne eine Lösung für dieses Problem, ist der Connector in Kombination mit dem Angebot des Versandes an Packstationen oder Postfilialen nicht nutzbar.

Artikel werden ohne Freigabe übertragen

Actual Behavior

Artikel werden nach SW übertragen, obwohl diese nicht für den Shop freigegeben wurden.

Expected Behavior

Der Artikel darf nicht übertragen werden.

Steps to Reproduce

Wir nutzen einen extra Mandanten, auch ohne Freigabe wird der Artikel übertragen.

Possible Solutions

Ich würde es gut finden, wenn man es so lösen könnte wie bei allen anderen Marktplätzen. Z.B. die Freigabe für den Shop über den Marktplatz "WEB-API" nutzen.

Also Freigabe für Mandanten --> + WEB-API = Freigabe Shopware

Error when syncing variation with '/' in variation id

issue or Enhancement issue
Version 2.2

When syncing articles having a variation with an id that contains a '/' (in our case "20173_Beige/Braun"), an exception is raised:

[2017-08-22 21:02:12] plentyconnector.ERROR: Command failed: HandleProductCommand {"adapterName":"ShopwareAdapter","transferObject":"96f892fd-73f0-4ecc-ad41-80911950fe70","exception":"[object] (PlentyConnector\\Connector\\ValidatorService\\Exception\\InvalidDataException(code: 0): PlentyConnector\\Connector\\TransferObject\\Product\\Product ObjectIdentifier: 96f892fd-73f0-4ecc-ad41-80911950fe70 Value \"20173_Beige/Braun\" does not match expression. Path: product.variation.number at /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Connector/ValidatorService/Exception/InvalidDataException.php:45)"}

Replacing the '/' with an '_', the sync works.

Anderssprachige Freitextfelder werden bei Sync überschrieben bzw. gelöscht.

Actual Behavior

What is the actual behavior?

Bei der Sync eines Artikels werden die in Shopware hinterlegten englischen Freitextfelder gelöscht.

Expected Behavior

Wenn ich das richtig sehe, hat Plentymarkets nur einsprachige Freitextfelder. Daher nutzen wir sie auf Plenty-Seite nicht. Die Felder sollten zumindest nicht überschrieben/geleert werden, wenn die Freitextfelder im Plenty leer sind.

Steps to Reproduce

Artikel in Shopware eine Übersetzung für ein Freitextfeld hinzufügen. Anschließend einfach den Artikel per Connector syncen. Die Übersetzung des Freitextfelds wird direkt überschrieben.

Possible Solutions

Am sinnvollsten wäre es dann sicherlich eine Checkbox einzubauen, um abzufragen, ob die Freitextfelder überhaupt gesynct werden sollen.

Transfer Modelnumber from PM to Shopware

Bug? no
New Feature? yes
Version 2.0

Actual Behavior

What is the actual behavior?
Value not transfered

Expected Behavior

What is the behavior you expect?
Value should be transfered to field 'supplierNumber' in Shopware

support multiple currencies

Bug? no
New Feature? yes

Actual Behavior

only EUR is supported currently

Expected Behavior

support all currencies of plentymarkets

php bin/console sw:cache:clear needed after "./var/cache/"

issue or Enhancement issue
Version Specific version or SHA of a commit

Actual Behavior

What is the actual behavior?
Install Plugin

Expected Behavior

What is the behavior you expect?
add pls "php bin/console sw:cache:clear" after "./var/cache/" in the Installation Guide

Steps to Reproduce

What are the steps to reproduce this bug? Please add code examples,
screenshots or links to GitHub repositories that reproduce the problem.

Possible Solutions

If you have already ideas how to solve the issue, add them here.
(remove this section if not needed)

onOrderModelPostPersist event registration behaviour


when working on an issue for one of our customers, i found out that the following event is not registered persistently on all our installations. I would suspect that some had older Versions installed as the Event is registered inside the update function but commented out inside the install function.

If the subscribeEvent was commented out by mistake, i can provide a PR.

Best regards,

Manche Artikel werden nur bei seelktiver Synchronisation übernommen

Bug? yes
Version 2.0 RC

Wenn ich bei mir z. B. Artikel mit ID 115 lösche und die Synchronisation mit bin/console plentyconnector:process Product -vvv --all starte, dann wird dieser Artikel nicht wieder hergestellt. Rufe ich jedoch bin/console plentyconnector:process Product [UUID] -vvv auf oder benutze im Backend die Funktion "Artikel abgleichen" > ID 115, so taucht der Artikel wieder auf.

Hier der Auszug aus dem Log-File für die Option --all: plentyconnector_production-2017-03-24.txt

Die einzige Erklärung, die ich habe, ist dass der Vorgang bei --all durch einen Fehler abgebrochen wird, bevor der Artikel 115 eingetragen wird. Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine Hinweise im Logfile. Selttsam finde ich jedoch, dass die REST API Abfrage nach dem Call [2017-03-24 09:11:10] plentyconnector.DEBUG: HTTP request: status: 200 method: GET path: /rest/items/150/variations [] {"uid":"fec99c4"} aufhört, obwohl es Artikel mit höhrer IDs gibt.

Außerdem kommt es zu vielen Warnungen, die zar auf der Konsole ausgegeben werden, jedoch nicht im Log-File landen (Auszug, gleiche Warnungen kommen für viele weitere Artikel):

[2017-03-23 11:21:22] plentyconnector.DEBUG: HTTP request: status: 200 method: GET path: /rest/items/150/variations  
[2017-03-23 11:21:22] plentyconnector.DEBUG: Query succeeded: FetchAllProductsQuery {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter"} 
[2017-03-23 11:21:22] plentyconnector.DEBUG: Command received: HandleMediaCommand {"adapterName":"ShopwareAdapter","transferObject":"1a3e3a54-52d7-49d6-86db-d682a2ada982"} 
PHP Warning:  finfo::file(media/image/c3/74/67/Stirnband-mit-Namen_558c6d26417de8_200x200.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75

Warning: finfo::file(media/image/c3/74/67/Stirnband-mit-Namen_558c6d26417de8_200x200.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75
PHP Warning:  finfo::file(media/image/6a/7f/02/Stirnband-mit-Namen_558c6d26417de8_600x600.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75

Warning: finfo::file(media/image/6a/7f/02/Stirnband-mit-Namen_558c6d26417de8_600x600.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75
PHP Warning:  finfo::file(media/image/f3/8f/bd/Stirnband-mit-Namen_558c6d26417de8_1280x1280.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75

Warning: finfo::file(media/image/f3/8f/bd/Stirnband-mit-Namen_558c6d26417de8_1280x1280.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75
PHP Warning:  finfo::file(media/image/e4/9c/51/Stirnband-mit-Namen_558c6d26417de8_140x140.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75

Warning: finfo::file(media/image/e4/9c/51/Stirnband-mit-Namen_558c6d26417de8_140x140.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75
PHP Warning:  finfo::file(media/image/a7/70/a7/[email protected]): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75

Warning: finfo::file(media/image/a7/70/a7/[email protected]): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75
PHP Warning:  finfo::file(media/image/9e/0a/18/[email protected]): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75

Warning: finfo::file(media/image/9e/0a/18/[email protected]): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75
PHP Warning:  finfo::file(media/image/1c/4b/6d/[email protected]): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75

Warning: finfo::file(media/image/1c/4b/6d/[email protected]): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75
PHP Warning:  finfo::file(media/image/9c/02/fd/[email protected]): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75

Warning: finfo::file(media/image/9c/02/fd/[email protected]): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/engine/Shopware/Bundle/MediaBundle/OptimizerService.php on line 75
[2017-03-23 11:21:23] plentyconnector.DEBUG: Command succeeded: HandleMediaCommand {"adapterName":"ShopwareAdapter","transferObject":"1a3e3a54-52d7-49d6-86db-d682a2ada982"}

Die angeblich fehlenden Bilder existieren jedoch.

Document upgrade from version 1.9

Bug? no
New Feature? no
Version 2.0

Actual Behavior

currently no documentation exists for upgrading from the old version 1.9

Expected Behavior

documentation present inside the

Connector übernimmt falsche Sprache

Bug? yes
Version 2.0 RC

Ein Artikel (ID 340) hat bei mir Texte in zwei Sprachen, deutsch und französisch. Das Mapping in Shopware ist korrekt eingestellt. Bei der Synchronisation übernimmt der Connector jedoch die französische Sprache, statt der deutschen.

The license mananger is not installed.

in dieser Datei plentymarkets-shopware-connector/Components/Utils/PlentymarketsStatus.php
setzt Ihr in Zeile 233 eine Variable die ihr dann auf true/false prüft

$ozymandias = isset($_ENV['ozymandias']) || (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'ozymandias');

wir haben den aktuellen Licence-manager installiert in einer Shopware 5.x Version, bei uns ist diese Variable immer false. ?

und wir bekommen dadurch die Meldung aus Zeile 255

Payment status PayPal Starter

issue or Enhancement issue
Version 2.0.3

I have the PayPal plugin installed in Shopware, the payment method 'paypal' is mapped to 'PayPal' in plenty. For some orders using PayPal, the payment method in plenty is set to "PayPal Starter". For these orders, the payment is not set (no payment is assigned), so in plenty, it says the order hasn't been paid (although in SW the payment status is completely paid).

For other orders using PayPal, the payment method in plenty is set to "PayPal Express". In these cases, the payment is correctly assigned.

Order and payment status is not sorted correctly

Bug? yes
New Feature? no
Version 2.0

Actual Behavior

when looking at the mapping, the payment and order status is sorted wrong:
e.g [1.1] is before [1].

Expected Behavior

[1] then [1.1] etc.

Steps to Reproduce

view order or payment status mapping

Possible Solutions

sort data individually instead globally inside the mapping service

Error synching the Products


I'm getting this error messages when I run my product synch. Please help me understand it and resolve it.


Split street and house number

issue or Enhancement issue
Version 2.0.1

A customer entered the following address:

Frau X Y
12345 Z

The street was entered in the street field, the number in the additional address line field.

Actual Behavior

[2017-06-02 09:09:16] plentyconnector.ERROR: Command failed: HandleOrderCommand {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter","transferObject":"da8808c2-ca85-4aea-9b4c-c26ab567fa92","exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Address 'Eliasstr' could not be splitted into street name and house number at /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/vendor/viison/address-splitter/src/AddressSplitter.php:48)"} 

Expected Behavior

Do not expect a number in the street field.

Errorneous Media Association to Attributes

issue or Enhancement issue
Version 2.0

In plenty, images of articles can be assigned to attribute values. The same holds true for Shopware and the connector tries to make use of this. For articles with only a single attribute (e.g. color), this works fine. For articles for more than one attribute (e.g. color and size), the behavior is not fully correct.

Assume an article with attributes color (red, green) and size (small, large). In plenty, an image is assigned to each color (Marktplatzattributverknüpfung). The connector now seems to map the images to attribute combinations in Shopware: An image that is assigned to "red" in plenty, is in Shopware assigned to "small > red" and "large > red" instead of simply "red". This leads for example to the issue, that when using the image configurator in the frontend, an image is shown for the size buttons, instead of the texts "small" and "large".

Shipping address is not present when looking at the customer record in plenty

Bug? yes
New Feature? no
Version 2.0

Actual Behavior

When a new order is exported, the customer shipping address is also exported. Unfortunately it is not present under the shipping address tab inside plentymarkets.

Expected Behavior

the shipping addresses are present under the shopping address tab of plentymarkets

Steps to Reproduce

create and export a new shopware order with shipping address

Connector ignores clients of Categories

Bug? yes
Version 2.0 latest

The plenty REST API for /categories?with=clients returns a list of clients, for which a category is active/assigned (the clients field of entries). This is currently ignored by the connector. This causes all existing and configured categories in plenty to be created in Shopware.

Category sync: Files cannot be transferred with HTTP

I'm not having a valid certificate for my plenty host, which I why we are not using HTTPS but HTTP.

For category files, the connector seems to try to use HTTPS anyway. At least I am getting the following error during sync of categories, when I add an image to a category:

[2017-04-04 06:30:28] plentyconnector.DEBUG: Query received: FetchAllCategoriesQuery {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter"} 
[2017-04-04 06:30:29] plentyconnector.DEBUG: HTTP request: status: 200 method: POST path: /rest/login  
[2017-04-04 06:30:29] plentyconnector.DEBUG: HTTP request: status: 200 method: GET path: /rest/categories  
PHP Warning:  sha1_file(): Peer certificate CN=`*' did not match expected CN=`' in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Adapter/PlentymarketsAdapter/ResponseParser/Media/MediaResponseParser.php on line 47

Warning: sha1_file(): Peer certificate CN=`*' did not match expected CN=`' in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Adapter/PlentymarketsAdapter/ResponseParser/Media/MediaResponseParser.php on line 47
PHP Warning:  sha1_file(): Failed to enable crypto in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Adapter/PlentymarketsAdapter/ResponseParser/Media/MediaResponseParser.php on line 47

Warning: sha1_file(): Failed to enable crypto in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Adapter/PlentymarketsAdapter/ResponseParser/Media/MediaResponseParser.php on line 47
PHP Warning:  sha1_file( failed to open stream: operation failed in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Adapter/PlentymarketsAdapter/ResponseParser/Media/MediaResponseParser.php on line 47

Warning: sha1_file( failed to open stream: operation failed in /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/custom/plugins/PlentyConnector/Adapter/PlentymarketsAdapter/ResponseParser/Media/MediaResponseParser.php on line 47
[2017-04-04 06:30:30] plentyconnector.ERROR: Query failed: FetchAllCategoriesQuery {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter","exception":"[object] (Assert\\InvalidArgumentException(code: 27): Value \"\" is blank, but was expected to contain a value. at /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/vendor/beberlei/assert/lib/Assert/Assertion.php:212)"} 
[2017-04-04 06:30:30] plentyconnector.ERROR: Value "" is blank, but was expected to contain a value.  
[2017-04-04 06:30:30] plentyconnector.ERROR: #0 /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/vendor/beberlei/assert/lib/Assert/Assertion.php(945): Assert\Assertion::createException('', 'Value "" is bla...', 27, NULL)

[For me, this is nothing urgent, I stumbled upon it why trying something. Yet, it might be easy to fix.]

Orders not transferred to plenty: Uuid collision?

I have some orders, which were successfully synced to plenty. However, there are two orders that were not transfered.

I debugged the issue and found out the following: Both orders received an Uuid, which is identical to that of an order already transferred to plenty but after that removed from Shopware:


Order ID 68 is the order that is not transferred to plenty. Order ID 11167018 is the order in plenty, that has been transferred some weeks ago, for which the order in Shopware has already been deleted.

As Uuids of type 4 are according to Wikipedia randomly generated with a probability of basically 0 that there is a collision, I guess there is an error in the code (especially as this happened for two orders).

Customer newsletter is not transferred

Bug? yes
New Feature? no
Version 2.0

Actual Behavior

if a customer has accepted the newsletter checkbox during checkout, it is not transferred.

Expected Behavior

field is transferred

Cannot run connector for all types

Bug? yes
New Feature? no
Version 2.0 dev latest

I can run ./bin/console plentyconnector:process Product|Category|Order -vvvsucessfully, but when I leave out the entity type (./bin/console plentyconnector:process -vvv), the sync first stops after the call to /rest/login and then fails:

./bin/console plentyconnector:process -vvv
[2017-04-05 07:59:01] plentyconnector.DEBUG: Query received: FetchChangedMediaCategoriesQuery {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter"} 
[2017-04-05 07:59:01] plentyconnector.DEBUG: Query succeeded: FetchChangedMediaCategoriesQuery {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter"} 
[2017-04-05 07:59:01] plentyconnector.DEBUG: Query received: FetchChangedManufacturersQuery {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter"} 
[2017-04-05 07:59:01] plentyconnector.DEBUG: HTTP request: status: 200 method: POST path: /rest/login
[2017-04-05 07:59:33] plentyconnector.ERROR: Query failed: FetchChangedManufacturersQuery {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter","exception":"[object] (GuzzleHttp\\Exception\\ServerException(code: 503): Server error response [url] [status code] 503 [reason phrase] Service Unavailable at /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php:89)"} 
[2017-04-05 07:59:33] plentyconnector.ERROR: Server error response [url] [status code] 503 [reason phrase] Service Unavailable  

Is this again a problem of plenty?

Multiple order import with excetion

Bug? yes
New Feature? no
Version develpmentSync [somehwere...]

The SW cronjob for our job is deactivated and I only synchronize the orders with a system cronjob:
cd /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware && /usr/bin/php bin/console plentyconnector:process Order
This now caused overnight a single order from SW to be imported to plenty every 10min, so the orders exists in plenty dozens of times.

This is the exception being printed:

[2017-04-08 09:48:14] plentyconnector.ERROR: Command failed: HandleOrderCommand {"adapterName":"PlentymarketsAdapter","transferObject":"79126adf-6254-4472-98d5-351754ed446f","exception":"[object] (GuzzleHttp\\Exception\\ServerException(code: 500): Server error response [url] [status code] 500 [reason phrase] Internal Server Error at /var/www/web1/htdocs/shopware/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php:89)"}
[2017-04-08 09:48:14] plentyconnector.ERROR: Server error response [url] [status code] 500 [reason phrase] Internal Server Error

Remove pre 2.0 tables on installation

Bug? no
New Feature? yes
Version 2.0

Actual Behavior

Old plentyconnctor tables are still present after installing the new one

Expected Behavior

old tables are removed automatically

Standard Sprache des Connector

Die Standard-Sprache die sich der Connector aus Plenty zieht, ist Hard-Coded hinterlegt.
Hat man z.B. einen französischen Shopware Shops und pflegt seine Daten in Plenty (Standard-Sprache: französisch), versucht er sich alle Basis-Informationen aus der deutschen Sprache zu ziehen.

Hier sollte man an den Stellen, an denen Hard-Coded Lang='de' hinterlegt ist evtl. die Sprache des Shopware Shops auslesen um hier ein wenig flexibler zu sein.

[Bug] eMail with special chars will not be accepted

Hi there,
in some special cases, customers will used special chars like "+" in their eMail adress.

So in this case, the customer tries so add a GMail feature to "sort into Folder" like this:
[email protected] > This mail will direct sorted to Folder "plenty" in inbox.

<Email xsi:type="xsd:string">[email protected]</Email>

<ResponseMessages xsi:type="ns1:ArrayOfPlentysoapresponsemessage">
<item xsi:type="ns1:PlentySoapResponseMessage">
<Code xsi:type="xsd:int">800</Code>
<IdentificationKey xsi:nil="true"/>
<IdentificationValue xsi:nil="true"/>
<SuccessMessages xsi:nil="true"/>
<ErrorMessages xsi:type="ns1:ArrayOfPlentysoapresponsesubmessage">
<item xsi:type="ns1:PlentySoapResponseSubMessage">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:string">Invalid parameter</Value>
<Key xsi:type="xsd:string">Email</Key>

Bilderurls werden nach 96 Zeichen abgeschnitten

issue or Enhancement issue
Version 4.5.0

Actual Behavior

Lange Urls zu Bildern (festgestellt bei Hersteller Logos) werden abgeschnitten und daher nicht heruntergeladen. Ich bin mir unsicher an welcher Stelle die Url gekürzt wird, ob Connector oder Shopware.

   7/200 [░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░]   3% 4 secs/1 min  26.0 MiBPHP Warning:  fopen(http://###########.############.##/images/Logos/Marken/G/WWC/5507/5507_Gartenland_Aschersleben.j): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
 in .../engine/Shopware/Components/Api/Resource/Media.php on line 334
[2018-07-24 09:52:34] plentyconnector.ERROR: Command failed: TransferObjectCommand {"adapterName":"ShopwareAdapter","objectType":"Media","commandType":"handle","payload":"2ab62bdd-6e8b-4f65-9d31-29ea8e9eaaa1","exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): Could not load image http://###########.############.##/images/Logos/Marken/G/WWC/5507/5507_Gartenland_Aschersleben.j at .../engine/Shopware/Components/Api/Resource/Media.php:481)"}

Expected Behavior

ShopwareConnector lädt Bilder von Urls >96 Zeichen herunter.

Steps to Reproduce

Eine lange Bildurl zum Hersteller Logo hinterlegen und über Connector importieren.

Possible Solutions

Länge der URls erweitern.

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