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snk's Issues

Feature Request: Count of Block Eaten By the Snake

Can you add the count of blocks eaten by a snake as a display on the top right of the GIF which will make the final GIF more informative in terms of the total number of contributions done in an aggregate by the user?
For Example:
Total Contributions: x

[feature] changing colors on snek

so yes currently snek is purple on white squares. i want snek to be blue-yellow on dark-grey squares. when it'll be possible? (wanna do that cause i oftenly code in python and didnt wanted to make language cards ;p)

  • i wanna save green contrib squares β€’wβ€’ this yes is cool

Suggestion: Add user to push

Allow us to add an option like: USER which where we put a PAT token and instead of the default GitHub Actions bot pushing the svg, the other user will.

WilliamDavidHarrison pushed github-contribution-grid-snake.svg to output branch

Instead of:
github-actions[bot] pushed github-contribution-grid-snake.svg to output branch

Sorry if this isn't well explained.

Github Action build fail


name: generate animation

  # run automatically every 6 hours
    - cron: "0 */8 * * *" 
  # allows to manually run the job at any time
  # run on every push on the master branch
    - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 10
      # generates a snake game from a github user (<github_user_name>) contributions graph, output a svg animation at <svg_out_path>
      - name: generate github-contribution-grid-snake.svg
        uses: Platane/snk/svg-only@v2
          github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
          outputs: |

      # push the content of <build_dir> to a branch
      # the content will be available at<github_user>/<repository>/<target_branch>/<file> , or as github page
      - name: push github-contribution-grid-snake.svg to the output branch
        uses: crazy-max/[email protected]
          target_branch: output
          build_dir: dist
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Action log:

2022-07-02T11:52:54.5622356Z Job defined at: xunfeng1980/xunfeng1980/.github/workflows/snake.yml@refs/heads/main
2022-07-02T11:52:54.5622379Z Waiting for a runner to pick up this job...
2022-07-02T11:52:54.8570548Z Job is waiting for a hosted runner to come online.
2022-07-02T11:52:58.9342876Z Job is about to start running on the hosted runner: Hosted Agent (hosted)
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1930525Z Current runner version: '2.294.0'
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1955607Z ##[group]Operating System
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1956113Z Ubuntu
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1956682Z 20.04.4
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1956968Z LTS
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1957256Z ##[endgroup]
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1957586Z ##[group]Virtual Environment
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1958107Z Environment: ubuntu-20.04
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1958430Z Version: 20220626.1
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1958867Z Included Software:
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1959489Z Image Release:
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1960281Z ##[endgroup]
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1960587Z ##[group]Virtual Environment Provisioner
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1961163Z ##[endgroup]
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1961980Z ##[group]GITHUB_TOKEN Permissions
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1962572Z Actions: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1963031Z Checks: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1963400Z Contents: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1963820Z Deployments: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1964132Z Discussions: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1964419Z Issues: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1964654Z Metadata: read
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1964974Z Packages: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1965273Z Pages: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1965518Z PullRequests: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1965834Z RepositoryProjects: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1966163Z SecurityEvents: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1966494Z Statuses: write
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1966754Z ##[endgroup]
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1971405Z Secret source: Actions
2022-07-02T11:53:01.1972205Z Prepare workflow directory
2022-07-02T11:53:01.2872012Z Prepare all required actions
2022-07-02T11:53:01.3066675Z Getting action download info
2022-07-02T11:53:01.5824624Z Download action repository 'Platane/snk@v2' (SHA:d078b2d231ad307c3e5efe7a3e0d630141ce54a8)
2022-07-02T11:53:02.4029924Z Download action repository 'crazy-max/[email protected]' (SHA:a117e4aa1fb4854d021546d2abdfac95be568a3a)
2022-07-02T11:53:03.2905177Z ##[group]Run Platane/snk/svg-only@v2
2022-07-02T11:53:03.2905518Z with:
2022-07-02T11:53:03.2906039Z   github_user_name: xunfeng1980
2022-07-02T11:53:03.2906520Z   outputs: dist/github-contribution-grid-snake.svg

2022-07-02T11:53:03.2906921Z ##[endgroup]
2022-07-02T11:53:03.5628815Z 🎣 fetching github user contribution
2022-07-02T11:53:03.8860629Z ##[error]Action failed with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')"
2022-07-02T11:53:03.9257400Z Cleaning up orphan processes```

Action failed

Generate Action failed with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')"

Select year

Can you update the action so it's possible to select the year or another date range?

Dark mode

The dark mode only works while using Firefox. I'd appreciate if it worked on Chrome...

Make snake grow with food

In the classic snake game from old b&w LCD screen phones, I remember that the snake used to grow in length as it ate food and so the game would become harder and harder as you tried to avoid biting your own tail...
It'd be nice if this could be included.

Failure to run action.

I thought 4th time would be the charm 😭

As per the marketplace instructions, I clicked 'Use latest version'.
Next, I copied the text it told me to, and headed over to my profile repo.
I went to Github Actions and clicked "set up a workflow yourself".
I dumped the text into the "main.yml" file and committed the changes.
I head back to Actions and get this:
Screen Shot 2023-01-14 at 7 03 15 PM
Screen Shot 2023-01-14 at 7 03 04 PM

Please help! I do feel instructions could be more detailed/clearer, but maybe it's just me :P

Simply not working

snk doesn't seem to be working - Any GitHub profile that used to have a snake contribution grid now shows this:

Any GitHub Profile includes, unfortunately, yours. In fact, the screenshot is from your profile.

There are two explanations. Either snk stopped working, or this has something to do with my setup (browser, PC, etc). Since there are no recent commits, maybe an update to GitHub Actions broke the code. If you are able to see the animation though, the issue is at my end. I tried with a Mac, PC, and an Android phone, and none of them show the animation. Maybe it has something to with my ISP, but I doubt it. Kindly let me know if you have the same issue, or what you think could be the issue. Thanks!

Blue dots

This happens when I run the code, any ideas on how to fix this?


I don't understand the GITHUB_TOKEN part

Hello. Thank you for your work. I am trying to get the GIF to generate on my page. I keep on getting errors. I did not create the GitHub token because I did not see any instructions for it. I just created a token with this name MY_GITHUB_TOKEN_GH_PAGES with a random value in my profile ReadMe Settings --> Secrets. Is this what I am supposed to do for this part: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages?

Doesn't generate snake anymore

for a reason I can not explain my yml file does not generate the snake game properly.
Here is my code :

# GitHub Action for generating a contribution graph with a snake eating your contributions.

name: Generate Snake

# Controls when the action will run. This action runs every 6 hours.

      # every 6 hours
    - cron: "0 */6 * * *"

# This command allows us to run the Action automatically from the Actions tab.

# The sequence of runs in this workflow:
  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job

    # Checks repo under $GITHUB_WORKSHOP, so your job can access it
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    # Generates the snake  
      - uses: Platane/snk@master
        id: snake-gif
          github_user_name: mishmanners
          # these next 2 lines generate the files on a branch called "output". This keeps the main branch from cluttering up.
          gif_out_path: dist/github-contribution-grid-snake.gif
          svg_out_path: dist/github-contribution-grid-snake.svg

     # show the status of the build. Makes it easier for debugging (if there's any issues).
      - run: git status

      # Push the changes
      - name: Push changes
        uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          branch: master
          force: true

      - uses: crazy-max/[email protected]
          # the output branch we mentioned above
          target_branch: output
          build_dir: dist
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Here is an example of image generated :

Error: Action failed with "Cannot read properties of null (reading '1')"

The workflow I used in the beginning was like this:

name: github-contribution-grid-snake

        - cron: "0 */12 * * *"
        branches: [ main ]

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        timeout-minutes: 10
            - name: generate animation.svg
              uses: Platane/snk@master
                  github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
                  svg_out_path: dist/github-contribution-grid-snake.svg
            - name: push github-contribution-grid-snake.svg to the snake_branch branch
              uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v3
                  target_branch: snake_branch
                  build_dir: dist
                  GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

It works fine, there is only one problem...

I didn't like the warning, so I tried to fix it. I noticed that the version I was using was Platane/snk@master, so I came here to try to find a more recent (Release) version, and I saw that the most recent Release was v2.1.0, so I changed the workflow to that:

name: github-contribution-grid-snake

        - cron: "0 0 * * *"
        branches: [ main ]

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        timeout-minutes: 10
            - name: generate animation.svg
              uses: Platane/[email protected]
                  github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
                  # list of files to generate.
                  # one file per line. Each output can be customized with options as query string.
                  #  supported options:
                  #  - palette:     A preset of color, one of [github, github-dark, github-light]
                  #  - color_snake: Color of the snake
                  #  - color_dots:  Coma separated list of dots color.
                  #                 The first one is 0 contribution, then it goes from the low contribution to the highest.
                  #                 Exactly 5 colors are expected.
                  outputs: |
            - name: push github-contribution-grid-snake.svg to the snake_branch branch
              uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v3
                  target_branch: snake_branch
                  build_dir: dist
                  GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Then it doesn't work and generates an error.

I noticed that a similar question was raised earlier in #35, but that's obviously a different question from mine.

Snake is allowed to leave GitHub?

It appears that the snake is allowed to leave the seven-day width at times:
image image

Is this expected behavior? My expectation would be that the snake remains within the "arena" but I don't have particularly strong feelings about it :)

Fun tool! Thank you for sharing it!

Github Action deprecating `set-output` command

I received a warning when my action to generate snake

The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see:

Seem you need to upgrade actions/core version to 1.10.0 and change your set-output command usage

UnAuthorized on fetching github user..

Hi, Is this problem came from me? or did u added some authorization module to this process ?

🎣 fetching github user contribution
Error: Action failed with "Unauthorized"

Invalid type and bad indentation errors

I'm trying to do the svg-only version of this, so I put this in my file:

- uses: Platane/snk/svg-only@v2

That gives me the error "Invalid type found: object was expected but an array was found"

So then I fixed that by remove the - before uses:, making it this:

uses: Platane/snk/svg-only@v2

But then I get the error "bad indentation of a mapping entry"

Able to wipe git history for master/main branch

This needs to have a warning. The action should not destroy the commit history. Luckily GitHub support was able to recover my last commit.


name: Snake

  # run automatically every 6 hours
    - cron: "0 */6 * * *"

# This command allows us to run the Action automatically from the Actions tab.
    - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 10
      # generates a snake game from a github user (<github_user_name>) contributions graph, output a svg animation at <svg_out_path>
      - name: generate github-contribution-grid-snake.svg
        uses: Platane/snk/svg-only@v2
          github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
          outputs: |
      # push the content of <build_dir> to a branch
      # the content will be available at<github_user>/<repository>/<target_branch>/<file> , or as github page
      - name: push github-contribution-grid-snake.svg to the output branch
        uses: crazy-max/[email protected]
          target_branch: master
          build_dir: dist
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Error: Action failed with "Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined"

Hi @Platane , and thank you for developing and sharing this snake svg/gif repository πŸš€

I got this error since morning when executing the daily github actions workflow of my profile:

/usr/bin/docker run --name platanesnklatest_4dfa34 --label 442333 --workdir /github/workspace --rm -e INPUT_GITHUB_USER_NAME -e INPUT_SVG_OUT_PATH -e INPUT_GIF_OUT_PATH -e HOME -e GITHUB_JOB -e GITHUB_REF -e GITHUB_SHA -e GITHUB_REPOSITORY -e GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER -e GITHUB_RUN_ID -e GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER -e GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS -e GITHUB_ACTOR -e GITHUB_WORKFLOW -e GITHUB_HEAD_REF -e GITHUB_BASE_REF -e GITHUB_EVENT_NAME -e GITHUB_SERVER_URL -e GITHUB_API_URL -e GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL -e GITHUB_WORKSPACE -e GITHUB_ACTION -e GITHUB_EVENT_PATH -e GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY -e GITHUB_ACTION_REF -e GITHUB_PATH -e GITHUB_ENV -e RUNNER_OS -e RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE -e RUNNER_TEMP -e RUNNER_WORKSPACE -e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL -e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN -e ACTIONS_CACHE_URL -e GITHUB_ACTIONS=true -e CI=true -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_home":"/github/home" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_workflow":"/github/workflow" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_runner_file_commands":"/github/file_commands" -v "/home/runner/work/GuillaumeFalourd/GuillaumeFalourd":"/github/workspace" platane/snk:latest
🎣 fetching github user contribution
Error: Action failed with "Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined"

error snake workflow

Any idea about how to resolve it ? I can't say if it's something related to personal configurations or not. For what I checked online based on the error message, it seems to be related to an unchecked error. But as I'm not familiar with TypeScript, I prefer opening this ISSUE to get some insights.

When running workflow, generates following error

Generates following annotation
Action failed with "Cannot find module 'canvas' Require stack: - /home/runner/work/_actions/Platane/snk/v2/svg-only/dist/index.js"

Snapshot attached for reference


How do I adapt for Halloween?


Thanks for the amazing work and I've been using it for quite a long time. I wonder if can I somehow adapt the output for Halloween colors as shown below?

Screenshot 2022-10-31 at 01 38 45

Add supported query string options to README


Supported query string options that can be used in the script are listed in action.yml, but this is not noticed most of the time.
Instead it should be listed in the or a new doc dedicated to the usage and instructions.


Lines 21 to 25 in 8f14813

supported query string options:
- palette: a preset of color, one of [github, github-dark, github-light]
- color_snake: color of the snake
- color_dots: coma separated list of dots color. The first one is the empty cell color, the second one is the lightest shade, the third one is the second lightest shade ect ...

Actions + Interactive Website Not Working


The screenshot is from the Actions tab of your profile repo. A similar error shows up on my workflows too. The interactive website just says: "error :("

Kindly let me know what the issue is and how I can fix it (I'm assuming one of the libraries or frameworks you use changed). Thank you.

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