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healthsciences's Introduction

Health Sciences Theme

An official theme for OJS 3.1.1+ designed for health science journals or any journal that wants a clean, modern appearance.

Current version: healthSciences v1.1.2-1

This theme was commissioned and is maintained by the Public Knowledge Project. For all non-technical questions, please visit the PKP Forum.


You can see a demonstration of this theme on the PKP website.


You can install the latest stable release by going to the Settings > Websites > Plugins > Plugin Gallery page in your Open Journal Systems website.

If you'd like to use unreleased packages, you can clone this repository or follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Unpack the .tar.gz file and move the healthSciences directory to your OJS installation at /plugins/themes/healthSciences.
  3. Login to the admin area of your OJS website. Browse to the Settings > Website > Plugins page and enable the Health Sciences theme.
  4. Browse to the Settings > Website > Appearance page and select Health Sciences from the theme option and save your change.


Theme Colour | This theme allows the personalisation of the theme’s main colour. The default colour is a bright turquoise. If you wish to select your own palette (in Settings > Website), and for optimal results, we recommend selecting bold and vivid tones.

Navigation Menu | For the best user experience, we recommend limiting the number of items in your navigation menus. Research shows that users struggle to find what they are looking for in long lists.

Logo Image | This is the image that contains the journal title. Simply using text is also an option here. Logo images should be:

  • JPG for photographs or PNG for design marks;
  • of a larger width than height;
  • transparent background.

Home Page Image | This is the large operating room image seen in the demonstration linked above:

  • should be 2000 x 1000 px in dimension;
  • should be a very high-quality photo with no stretching;
  • light text will be displayed on top of this image, so it should be dark enough to read text on top of the image. It is usually better to avoid images with high contrast (very light and very dark areas) since text may be visible on any part of the image.

Home Page Additional Content | Adding content here can often disrupt the clean design of this theme. Ask yourself if this content would be better placed in a custom page with a link from the primary navigation menu instead.

Page Footer | We recommend keeping the Page Footer short, limited to your journal identification details, such as journal title and mailing address, as well as any required copyright or affiliation statements.

Issue Cover Image | Issue cover images should be:

  • JPG for photographs or PNG for illustrations without photographs;
  • size: 210x315 pixels;
  • of a larger height than width;
  • used consistently - either give all issues an image or none.

Article cover images should be:

  • JPG for photographs or PNG for illustrations without photographs;
  • size: 210x315 pixels;
  • used consistently - either give all articles an image or none.

Custom Blocks | This theme places custom blocks in the footer. We recommend minimizing the use of custom blocks to present a cleaner, more professional look. Wherever possible, consider placing what might have gone into a custom block into a custom page, and link to it from the primary navigation menu.

Journal Thumbnail | Journal thumbnail images will only appear on a multi-journal OJS installation, on the list of all journals on the site. The image should be:

  • JPG for photographs or PNG for illustrations without photographs;
  • of a larger width than height;
  • 160px x 320px pixels in dimension.

Galleys | If there isn’t any CSS file attached to the HTML galley, the default theme’s style will be used

Version Compatibility

  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.0 is compatible with OJS 3.1.1.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.1 is compatible with OJS 3.1.1-1.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.2 is compatible with OJS 3.1.1-2.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.3 is compatible with OJS 3.1.1-4.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.4 is compatible with OJS 3.1.2.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.5 is compatible with OJS 3.1.2-1.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.6 is compatible with OJS 3.2.0.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.6-1 is compatible with OJS 3.2.0.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.0.7.0 is compatible with OJS 3.2.0 and 3.2.1.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.1.0.0 is compatible with OJS 3.3.0.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.1.1 is compatible with OJS 3.3.0.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.1.2 is compatible with OJS 3.4.0.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.1.2-1 is compatible with OJS 3.4.0.
  • Health Sciences theme v1.1.2-2 is compatible with OJS 3.4.0.


This theme was designed by Sophy Ouch (@sssoz) and built by Nate Wright (@NateWr) and Vitalii Bezsheiko (@Vitaliy-1) using Bootstrap4.


We welcome code contributions from the community at Non-technical questions should be directed to the community forum at


Suggestions for improving this guide can be made to [email protected].


This theme is released under the GPL license.

The PT Serif and Fira Sans fonts are distributed under the terms of the Open Font License.


healthSciences v1.1.2-2 (2024-02-26)

  • Fix: issue archive layout misalignment addressed (#237)

healthSciences v1.1.2-1 (2023-08-09)

  • Fix: compatibility issues with Citation Style Language plugin

healthSciences v1.1.2 (2023-03-02)

  • Support of HTML text formatting in the article title (pkp/pkp-lib#2564)
  • Migration to Bootstrap 5
  • Removed: jQuery, jQueryUI and tag-it
  • Reduce calls to the database to improve performance (pkp/pkp-lib#7304)

healthSciences v1.1.1 (2022-10-28)

  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1

healthSciences v1.1.0.0 (2020-12-06)

  • Add: Compatibility with OJS 3.3.0, see changelog
  • Fix: Correct display of multilingual keywords
  • Add: Add section policy to the submissions page

healthSciences v1.0.7.0 (2020-06-19)

  • Fix: Page numbers are aligned right in TOC when author names are omitted (#149)
  • Fix: Text align for right-to-left scripts (#182)
  • Fix: Proper escaping for page header title
  • Add: Localization files are converted for Weblate
  • Fix: Typo in search author details template
  • Fix: Correct home URL in logo/title when logged in as author (#188)
  • Add: Use Smarty's mailto and javascript encoding for emails (#189)
  • Fix: Adapt author details and author index page to variables and method calls in OJS 3.2 (#186)
  • Fix: Show minus symbol on expanding author's details on article landing page when 2 or more authors (#187)
  • Add: Management of dependencies with npm and gulp (#190)

healthSciences v1.0.6-1 (2020-03-20)

  • Add: New localizations (pl_PL) and (it_IT); special thanks to contributors!
  • Fix: View HTML and PDF galleys of article's old versions
  • Fix: Escape raw citations on article page
  • Fix: Retain reviewer interests data from the registration form

healthSciences v1.0.6 (2020-02-27)

  • Compatibility with OJS 3.2

healthSciences v1.0.5 (2019-11-15)

  • Add: New localizations (fr_FR); special thanks to contributors!
  • Add: Announcements are added for the journal landing page
  • Add: Better contrast for colors
  • Fix: HTML galley scrolling for iOS devices
  • Fix: Show copyright holder on article lading page
  • Fix: Various minor styling changes
  • Fix: Enhance the check if journal list is empty (site index page)

healthSciences v1.0.4 (2019-03-05)

  • Add: New localizations (fr_CA); special thanks to contributors!
  • Add: Compliance with Smarty 3
  • Add: Update for the default HTML galley styling
  • Add: Update for the registration form to be compliant with OJS 3.1.2
  • Add: Support for the catalog category page
  • Add: Dependencies update: Bootstrap to v. 4.3.1 and Popper JS to 1.14.7
  • Fix: Changed alignment for the issue TOC and issue description
  • Fix: Security issues

healthSciences v1.0.3 (2018-12-31)

  • Add: New localizations (es_ES, cs_CZ, nb_NO, ar_IQ, uk_UA, pt_BR) and updates; special thanks to contributors!
  • Add: Alternative text for the journal thumbnail (#109)
  • Add: Updates for site-wide registration page (#110)
  • Add: Dependencies update: Fontawesome to v. 5.6.1
  • Add: Support for right to left scripts (#122)
  • Fix: Removing redundant code from PDF JS viewer's template (#111)
  • Fix: Modals with authors Biography are now working correctly (#115)
  • Fix: Issue links on the archive page are clickable in all possible cases of user inputs to issue form (#120)
  • Fix: Security issues

healthSciences v1.0.2 (2018-07-30)

  • Add: Styling for authors' list on article landing page (#76)
  • Add: Support for pages related to the subscription, authors' search, and several others (#80)
  • Add: Orcid image is shown if author has ORCID ID on article landing page (#73)
  • Add: Reordering of blocks on article landing page for mobiles according to their priorities (#74)
  • Add: Journal description is shown if no issue description is provided (#75)
  • Add: Dependencies update: JQuery, Popper, Bootstrap, Fontawesome (#97)
  • Add: DOI is shown for each article on issue TOC page if provided (#94)
  • Fix: Proper page header aligning for small screens (#87)
  • Fix: Unique ID for modal login forms
  • Fix: Minor theme-wide restyling

healthSciences v1.0.1 (2018-06-18)

  • Add: Support for OJS 3.1.1-1
  • Add: Support for reviewer interests input
  • Fix: Styling adjustments for article landing page

healthSciences v1.0.0 (2018-04-24)

  • Fix: Remove bullet points from feed block plugins
  • Fix: Implement information for X pages
  • Fix: Site-wide font-size modifications

Beta (2018-02-13)

  • Fix: Plugin can't be installed through plugin upload tool (#2)
  • Fix: Issue description box appears when no description exists (#3)
  • Fix: Language selector appears when no other languages exist (#4)
  • Fix: Login form in modal doesn't work (#6, #7)
  • Add: HTML/PDF galley views (#1)

Alpha1 (2018-01-18)

  • Initial release for testing

healthsciences's People


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healthsciences's Issues

URLs in references

If URL in reference is too long, it breaks the view, especially on mobile devices. Overflow should be managed here, consider using ellipsis.

Can't change primary a:link color?

I've created a child theme of this theme, and I can't for the life of me get the main a { } color (line 13 of styles/typography.less) to change. It seems like it should be so simple. I duplicate the typography.less file into my own child theme, same path at styles/typography.less. Go in and change the color of @primary-text to something else in variables.less. Then, in my init() of the child theme, add the line

$this->modifyStyle('stylesheet', array('addLess' => array('styles/variables.less'))); $this->modifyStyle('stylesheet', array('addLess' => array('styles/typography.less')));

Clear every cache I can, no change. It's still #0a818a. I have @primary-text set to #0f0080 in variables.less. But it does nothing. What am I missing? The hover styles change, but not the main unhovered state.

Also is there a way to disable the cache entirely while developing a child theme? It's so annoying.

Not possible to upload the plugin through admin dashboard


This is the first thing that I have encountered. Had the same while uploading own plugins archived in tar.gz format.
Notification: The uploaded plugin archive does not contain a folder that corresponds to the plugin name.
Console log:

pkp.min.js:231 Uncaught TypeError: this.unbindPartial is not a function
    at c (pkp.min.js:231)
    at pkp.min.js:231

Nothing in the error log.

Authors' affiliation and ORCID

Only first author's affiliation is listed in the article's sidebar. Consider adding affiliations for first 4-5 authors. Also, Bio modal block position should be moved slightly lower.

Article landing page: abstract

Two issues here:

  1. An empty abstract is not looking good.
  2. Any plugin using Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter breaks the view.

How to cite block

On medium screens URL inside how-to-cite block can break the view because of its length.

Article title

The subtitle should be separated from the title with a colon without any differences in font size or color.

Problems with dropdown buttons

Sometimes when clicking on the dropdown menu button inside header, instead of showing dropdown menu I'm getting the redirect by the dropdown button's link.

Check HTML galley page rendering

New commit adds support for HTML page rendering and injects default CSS if galley hasn't got one. It requires an additional check on consistency (e.g., across browsers): 69949bb

Make submission block

The button should be more prominent. For example, changing the background color to white with left alignment.

Add ORCID image

ORCID image should be added near the authors' names on the article landing page

Index page: issue content margin

Issue TOC distance from description block must be set in accordance to presence of issue cover, description or journal home image (3 different situations).

Reordering of blocks on article landing page for mobiles

Correct order, based on block significance should be:

  1. Journal title
  2. Volume and section (should be close to pub date)
  3. Published date (should be close to volume info)
  4. Article title (must be close to authors)
  5. Authors (must be close to article title)
  6. Issue cover image (flexible, maybe not show on mobile at all)
  7. Galley links (could go above or below the abstract)
  8. Supplementary files (keep below galley links)
  9. Abstract
  10. DOI
  11. Keywords block
  12. Citation block
  13. References
  14. License logo (to add from setup) - always last

Font sizing on submission page

Submission checklist font on submission page is now different from that in author guidelines and privacy statement. It needs to be aligned with them.

Lists in the footer

Think it is better to set list-style-type to none for lists in the footer. But it is a matter of tastes actually.

Information page is not styled

For authors, for librarians, and for readers pages are not rendered with css (only header and footer).
As I remember, they are produced by information.tpl template file.

Styles issues on installation using zip files

Dear @Vitaliy-1
We installed the theme in this by downloading the zip files in Codes
However, some issues fixed in Closed Issues are not there, e.g. dropdown menu, the size of article title, no search menu etc.

We compared to
Is it the correct method to install using the zip file? or should have installed codes from the release?
We have tried clear template cache but nothing changes

Styling of issue description block

Issue description block is now conditional and relies on whether issue description and cover are present. But the issue/home page require special styling when it is not present.

Plugin can't be installed through plugin upload tool

I think the issue relates to the fact that the plugin installer currently looks for a lib subdirectory in the plugin area, and if one exists, it tries to put files there into lib/pkp/plugins/.... (This is an old mechanism that we're replacing gradually with plugins in their own repos.) I'd suggest using libs rather than lib for the moment to avoid the collision.

HowToCite dropdown is not working on article detail page

Dropdown on "More Citation Formats` Button is not working. No errors in the browser's console. But maybe it is due to my own modifications of the plugin (I'm testing on the clone of our journal). So needs additional check.

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