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Cookies is a node.js module for getting and setting HTTP(S) cookies. Cookies can be signed to prevent tampering, using Keygrip. It can be used with the built-in node.js HTTP library, or as Connect/Express middleware.


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install cookies


  • Lazy: Since cookie verification against multiple keys could be expensive, cookies are only verified lazily when accessed, not eagerly on each request.

  • Secure: All cookies are httponly by default, and cookies sent over SSL are secure by default. An error will be thrown if you try to send secure cookies over an insecure socket.

  • Unobtrusive: Signed cookies are stored the same way as unsigned cookies, instead of in an obfuscated signing format. An additional signature cookie is stored for each signed cookie, using a standard naming convention (cookie-name.sig). This allows other libraries to access the original cookies without having to know the signing mechanism.

  • Agnostic: This library is optimized for use with Keygrip, but does not require it; you can implement your own signing scheme instead if you like and use this library only to read/write cookies. Factoring the signing into a separate library encourages code reuse and allows you to use the same signing library for other areas where signing is needed, such as in URLs.


new Cookies(request, response [, options])

Create a new cookie jar for a given request and response pair. The request argument is a Node.js HTTP incoming request object and the response argument is a Node.js HTTP server response object.

A Keygrip object or an array of keys can optionally be passed as options.keys to enable cryptographic signing based on SHA1 HMAC, using rotated credentials.

A Boolean can optionally be passed as to explicitally specify if the connection is secure, rather than this module examining request.

Note that since this only saves parameters without any other processing, it is very lightweight. Cookies are only parsed on demand when they are accessed.

This adds cookie support as a Connect middleware layer for use in Express apps, allowing inbound cookies to be read using req.cookies.get and outbound cookies to be set using res.cookies.set.

cookies.get(name [, options])

This extracts the cookie with the given name from the Cookie header in the request. If such a cookie exists, its value is returned. Otherwise, nothing is returned.

{ signed: true } can optionally be passed as the second parameter options. In this case, a signature cookie (a cookie of same name ending with the .sig suffix appended) is fetched. If no such cookie exists, nothing is returned.

If the signature cookie does exist, the provided Keygrip object is used to check whether the hash of cookie-name=cookie-value matches that of any registered key:

  • If the signature cookie hash matches the first key, the original cookie value is returned.
  • If the signature cookie hash matches any other key, the original cookie value is returned AND an outbound header is set to update the signature cookie's value to the hash of the first key. This enables automatic freshening of signature cookies that have become stale due to key rotation.
  • If the signature cookie hash does not match any key, nothing is returned, and an outbound header with an expired date is used to delete the cookie.

cookies.set(name [, values [, options]])

This sets the given cookie in the response and returns the current context to allow chaining.

If the value is omitted, an outbound header with an expired date is used to delete the cookie.

If the options object is provided, it will be used to generate the outbound cookie header as follows:

  • maxAge: a number representing the milliseconds from for expiry
  • expires: a Date object indicating the cookie's expiration date (expires at the end of session by default).
  • path: a string indicating the path of the cookie (/ by default).
  • domain: a string indicating the domain of the cookie (no default).
  • secure: a boolean indicating whether the cookie is only to be sent over HTTPS (false by default for HTTP, true by default for HTTPS). Read more about this option below.
  • httpOnly: a boolean indicating whether the cookie is only to be sent over HTTP(S), and not made available to client JavaScript (true by default).
  • partitioned: a boolean indicating whether to partition the cookie in Chrome for the CHIPS Update (false by default). If this is true, Cookies from embedded sites will be partitioned and only readable from the same top level site from which it was created.
  • priority: a string indicating the cookie priority. This can be set to 'low', 'medium', or 'high'.
  • sameSite: a boolean or string indicating whether the cookie is a "same site" cookie (false by default). This can be set to 'strict', 'lax', 'none', or true (which maps to 'strict').
  • signed: a boolean indicating whether the cookie is to be signed (false by default). If this is true, another cookie of the same name with the .sig suffix appended will also be sent, with a 27-byte url-safe base64 SHA1 value representing the hash of cookie-name=cookie-value against the first Keygrip key. This signature key is used to detect tampering the next time a cookie is received.
  • overwrite: a boolean indicating whether to overwrite previously set cookies of the same name (false by default). If this is true, all cookies set during the same request with the same name (regardless of path or domain) are filtered out of the Set-Cookie header when setting this cookie.

Secure cookies

To send a secure cookie, you set a cookie with the secure: true option.

HTTPS is necessary for secure cookies. When cookies.set is called with secure: true and a secure connection is not detected, the cookie will not be set and an error will be thrown.

This module will test each request to see if it's secure by checking:

  • if the protocol property of the request is set to https, or
  • if the connection.encrypted property of the request is set to true.

If your server is running behind a proxy and you are using secure: true, you need to configure your server to read the request headers added by your proxy to determine whether the request is using a secure connection.

For more information about working behind proxies, consult the framework you are using:

If your Koa or Express server is properly configured, the protocol property of the request will be set to match the protocol reported by the proxy in the X-Forwarded-Proto header.


var http = require('http')
var Cookies = require('cookies')

// Optionally define keys to sign cookie values
// to prevent client tampering
var keys = ['keyboard cat']

var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  // Create a cookies object
  var cookies = new Cookies(req, res, { keys: keys })

  // Get a cookie
  var lastVisit = cookies.get('LastVisit', { signed: true })

  // Set the cookie to a value
  cookies.set('LastVisit', new Date().toISOString(), { signed: true })

  if (!lastVisit) {
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
    res.end('Welcome, first time visitor!')
  } else {
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
    res.end('Welcome back! Nothing much changed since your last visit at ' + lastVisit + '.')

server.listen(3000, function () {
  console.log('Visit us at !')



cookies's People


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cookies's Issues


Couldn't you help those who don't use npm? keygrip as submodule, plus Makefile to perform installation, e.g. to generate defaultKeys?


How to use secure cookies behind an SSL load balancer

In the past I had used the secureProxy setting to allow the cookies module to write secure cookies when running behind a load balancer that was handling SSL. Now that the option is removed I am getting an error indicating that I can't set secure cookies on an insecure connection.

Is there some way to work around that now?

Connect Session compatibility

Right now, the 'session' connect middleware uses a cookie to idenfity the session, and it expects the cookies to be accessible via a plain dictionary on req.cookies, as parsed by it's the connect cookieParser middleware.

Since this libarary is also using 'cookies' to store the dictionary, we end up with an incompatibility between the two middlewares. Thoughts on changing the name of the attribute on which the middleware stores itself?

Usable with http.request()?

Is this class for node servers only? I attempted to use it in conjunction with http.request() and got an error reading from an undefined value.

    header = this.request.headers[ "cookie" ]

TypeError: Cannot read property 'cookie' of undefined
    at Object.get (/Apache/www/api_unit_tests/node_modules/cookies/lib/cookies.js:14:34)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Apache/www/api_unit_tests/tests/00007 auth-get-session.js:30:23)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:67:17)
    at HTTPParser.onBody (http.js:113:42)
    at Socket.ondata (http.js:1124:24)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:336:27)

If not, is there another node library that does work for requests?

base64 cookies

to avoid issues with cookie strings with ; and stuff.

Client Feasibility


It would be great if you could restructure the functions to be used in a client. Currently, the assumption is that you're the one setting the cookies at the server end, and reading them from the client.

What would be desirable, is if you could use the get/set methods so that you could get any cookies which originate from the server, and set them when sending a request to the server. (Basically the opposite of what is currently occurring).


base64 cookies

apparently semicolons, commas, and whitespace are not allowed in cookies... but JSON has been working for me so i don't know if this is necessary.

How can I read cookies on client side ?

I have just tested this plugin and I have successfully set a cookie in my sails.js application with following code:

    Cookies = require("cookies"),
    Keygrip = require("keygrip"),
    keys = Keygrip(["SEKRIT2", "SEKRIT1"], 'sha256'),


    var cookies = new Cookies( req, res, keys );
    cookies.set("username", username, {signed: true});

and I can see this cookie using "Edit this cookie" chrome dev plugin but I cannot read it using jquery

console.log( JSON.stringify($.cookie()) );
var username = $.cookie("username"); 

$.cookie() is empty and $.cookie("username") is undefined.

StirFry support

Do you plan on adding support for StirFry? There are currently no cookie processors for it. I'm not completely sure how your code works, but you probably will be able to do it just by removing next().

Signed option throws exception

i wanted to make a signed cookie , but throws this exception

this.keys.sign is not a function  at Cookies.set  , \node_modules\cookies\lib\cookies.js:94:30)

The Used code :

  var co = new Cookies(request,response , {keys:"somekeys" });

cookies(req, res, [options])

i think setting the options every time you .get() or .set() the cookies is pretty annoying. we should able to use default options passed to the constructor.

move to expressjs

yo, some express collabs want encrypted cookies. i don't think it's too crazy of an idea. want to move this and keygrip to the expressjs org so we can get the entire express team collaborating on this? i'll add you as owner to the org so you can transfer it

Add a method to remove a cookie

A utility method to expire a cookie immediately and get rid of the signature cookie in the case of a signed cookie would be nice.

rewrite tests

currently tests aren't web scale

  • doesn't process.exit() correctly without control flow and either closing the server or manually exiting the process
  • can't use CI since it doesn't exit
  • difficult to add and edit tests

if anyone wants to add tests... i like mocha but i don't discriminate

Regression can only set one value

With last update I can only set one cookie at a time :

This :

                    var cookies = new Cookies( req, res, null );

                    cookies.set( "user", user, {  httpOnly: true } )
                    cookies.set( "session", session, {  httpOnly: true } );

                    res.json({status : "ok"});

work with previous version but not by the last one.

Only the last (session one) set works ...

Cookies.getPattern() testing

In the getPattern() method there is a call to String.replace that appears to be escaping the cookie name. The cookie names that are tested do not appear to exercise this code. e.g.

"signed".replace( /[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&" ) returns "signed"

Allow the developer to send secure cookies no matter what

Because my nodejs app behind an nginx.

Browser == https ==> nginx == http ==> nodejs app

So req.protocol always be http, then I cookies.set(name, value, {secure: true} it throw Cannot send secure cookie over unencrypted connection Error.

Improve tests

The current tests in this module leaves a lot to be desired. They really need to be refactored and all code paths in the module accounted for in tests.

ability to get cookie from response

currently .get is getting from request. It would be awesome if it can also take account of what has been set during the request on its response:

cookies = new Cookies(req, res);
cookies.set( "unsigned", "foo", { httpOnly: false } );
console.log cookies.get( "unsigned" );

this will log undefined

Example in the README is not working

Hello Sir

Thank you for taking the effort to create cookies (module).
I would like to point out that the example in the README is fine but it doesn't works if a user copy pastes them and tries to run the server.
These are the issues :

  1. keys is not defined
  2. assert is not defined
  3. exception handling is not done
  4. server is created but not listening on a port
  5. It is nowhere mentioned that the expected use of the server is to first send a request to '/set'

The solutions:

  1. Installing keygrip and creating keys
    npm install keygrip
    var keygrip = require("keygrip")
    var keys = keygrip(["SEKRIT2", "SEKRIT1"], 'sha256', 'hex')
  2. Including assert module
    var assert = require("assert")
  3. putting the assertion part in try catch
    <Copying pasting the code here will make this too long>
  4. Adding a .listen to server
  5. Adding some html to let the user click and set the cookies
    <Copying pasting the code here will make this too long>
    I have done all this and made a gist of

If you think that these changes are important, then please add them to the README or in a separate Example folder.
If you allow I will be more than happy to post a Pull Request for the same, with whatever you want (README changes, Example folder anything else).


aside from the other issues listed:

  • options default to Cookies([options]). this means that doing .set() without any options doesn't mean to signed: false, and .set() with an empty option doesn't default to signed: !!this.keys. this is super confusing.
  • overwrite defaults to true

Whether to support Chinese?

Today I use this module set a cookie to be found when the writing is Chinese,
it will error "TypeError: argument value is invalid".

Later I discovered that such a line of code,
var fieldContentRegExp = /^[\u0009\u0020-\u007e\u0080-\u00ff]+$/;

So I think that this module does not support the direct use of Chinese were cookies.set.
The Chinese need to escape to the corresponding unicode coding can write a cookie.

(先把中文转义为Unicode字符,然后再使用cookies写入cookie即可) just like

cookies.set("userName", encodeURI('中文名字'), {..});

make .connect() middleware an array of strings instead of a keygrip instance

as you may know, we are removing connect's cookie utilities and encouraging users to use this mighty module instead. however, i don't like how the user has to cookies.connect(new KeyGrip(['a', 'b'])). how do you feel about allowing:

app.use(cookies.connect(['secret 1', 'secret 2'])

you are probably avoiding using keygrip as a direct dependency, so i'm thinking to add keygrip as a peer dependency. this will require the end user to install keygrip themselves. we'll also throw a helpful message when keygrip is not installed and the user tries to set keys

Add dashes to dd-mmm-yyyy in cookie's expires UTC string

Had a user (Firefox 38 on Linux) point out that my "remember me?" function wasn't working for them upon logging into my website. Every once in a while, someone points out that it doesn't work on some device/OS/browser combination, but finally I decide to seriously look into the issue if there is one.

My server implements "remember me?" by setting the sessionId cookie's Expires header for 1 year in the future. However, this user was seeing an ephemeral session cookie in their browser, not this far-future cookie.

I curled my own login endpoint to examine the expires header in the response:

Set-Cookie: __cfduid=xxxx; expires=Wed, 06-Jul-16 02:19:47 GMT; ...
Set-Cookie: sessionId=xxxx; expires=Wed, 06 Jul 2016 02:19:47 GMT; ...

The user reports that the __cfduid (Cloudflare) cookie was correctly expiring in 1 year while my site's sessionId cookie wasn't. What's the obvious difference? It's that my cookie's expires doesn't have dashes.

And it's because this library simply calls this.expires.toUTCString() which returns a string without dashes. (Source)

So I steal a function off Stack Overflow that prints the UTC string with dashes:

exports.cookieDate = function(date) {
  var padNum = function(n) {
    return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;

  var days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
  var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
                'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];

  var outString = '' +
    ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'][date.getUTCDay()] + ', ' +
    padNum(date.getUTCDate()) + '-' +
    months[date.getUTCMonth()] + '-' +
    date.getUTCFullYear() + ' ' +
    padNum(date.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
    padNum(date.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
    padNum(date.getUTCSeconds()) + ' GMT';

  return outString;

and I pass an object { toUTCString: function() { return cookieDate(date); } into this cookie library so that it sets the cookie with my patched UTC string.

Now my curl looks like this:

Set-Cookie: __cfduid=xxxx; expires=Wed, 06-Jul-16 02:19:47 GMT; ...
Set-Cookie: sessionId=xxxx; expires=Wed, 06-Jul-2016 02:19:47 GMT; ...

Dashes, now.

User reports that all is good. Firefox 38 on Linux is now correctly parsing the Expires for my site's sessionId cookie and expiring it in a year.

I see that every big website I curl has dashes in its cookie expires header and says "the only legal time zone is GMT and the separators between the elements of the date must be dashes". (I couldn't actually make sense of the date grammar in the RFC itself)

What do yall think?

Security vulnerability: Use of multiple cookies will allow cookie forgery

Quoted from the documentation:

If the signature cookie hash matches any other key, the original cookie value is 
returned AND an outbound header is set to update the signature cookie's value to the 
hash of the first key. This enables automatic freshening of signature cookies that 
have become stale due to key rotation.

This is very ill advised. If an application uses more than one cookie, then I can forge an arbitrary cookie, because:

  • Let's say application uses cookies A and B, and I, the attacker, make an initial legitimate request to the application
  • I legitimately receive signed versions of cookies A and B
  • I want to forge the contents of cookie B
  • In my next request, I simply provide the new contents of cookie B, without updating the signature, while providing the original content of cookie A
  • Because I also provide a legitimately signed cookie A, the library will now sign the new contents of cookie B as if it were legit

Cannot use it with sessions

TypeError: Cannot read property 'connect.sid' of undefined at Object.session [as handle]
Add: i use it as middleware

Enforce Expiration

With sessions, actual expiration date is backed up in server and therefore clients can't change them to forever; but signed cookies have expiration dates exposed to clients.

To secure this, servers can sign a copy of the expiration date, and compare the dates prior to validation.

Have a way to get all cookie names

This library is wonderful for getting and setting individual cookies. I have a case where I need to get all cookies though.

It'd be nice to just re-use the get() function without specifying a key:

var cookies = new Cookies(req, res, keys);
var allCookies = cookies.get();

Thanks for your hard work!

this.keys but no opts means cookies don't get signed

In Cookie.prototype.set (, the signed variable is true if opts.signed or this.keys is truthy. However, the check for whether to sign keys or not also checks if opts exists.

This means that if this.keys is truthy, but opts is undefined, the signed variable will be true but the key still won't be signed. My expectation is they key should be signed if signed == true, and it shouldn't depend on the existence of opts.

Cookies sent with this library aren't retained by the browser.

So maybe you can help me. This has been driving me crazy for days. I've got a Node project I'm trying to use this library in. For some reason, the cookies this library sends out aren't being retained by the client's browser (Mac/Chrome and Firefox). Oh, I can see the Set-Cookie header come in -- but it isn't accessible to JavaScript (even though httpOnly is set to false) and the cookie isn't recognized by the library on the next request, even though by all rights it should be there.

I wrote up a test case. Here it is:

var http = require('http'),
    Cookies = require('cookies'),
    getIpAddress = require('ipware')().get_ip;

function getExpireDate(created) {
    var expired = new Date();
    expired.setTime(created.getTime() + 82800000);
    return expired;

function parseCookie(rawCookie) {
    var split = rawCookie.split("$");
    return {
        'ip': split[0],
        'time': split[1]

var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
    var cookieManager = new Cookies(request, response),
        cookie = cookieManager.get("token"),
        userIp = getIpAddress(request),
        currentTime = new Date();
    if (!cookie) {
        console.log("Cookie is null, creating a new one");
        cookie = encodeURIComponent(userIp.clientIp + "$" + currentTime.getTime());
        var expired = getExpireDate(currentTime);
        cookieManager.set("token", cookie, {
            'maxAge': 82800000,
            'expires': expired,
            'domain': '*',
            'path': '/',
            'httpOnly': false,
            'signed': false,
            'overwrite': false,
            'secure': false,
            'secureProxy': false
    } else {
        var cookieInfo = parseCookie(decodeURIComponent(cookie)),
            cookieCreated = new Date();
        console.log("Got cookie!");
        console.log("Created for %s at %s", cookieInfo.ip, cookieCreated.toString());
    // put together a json response
    var json = {'success': true, 'response': { 'message': "well, did this work?"} },
        data = JSON.stringify(json) + "\r\n";
    // send a response
    response.writeHead(200, {
        'Connection': 'Keep-Alive',
        'Keep-Alive': 'timeout=5, max=100',
        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
        'Pragma': 'no-cache',
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
        'Content-Type': "application/json",
        'Content-Length': data.length
    response.end(data, 'utf8');

When I start this server and hit it in my browser, "Cookie is null, creating a new one" comes up on the console screen. Every single time.

Any idea what's going on here? Is there anything I'm doing wrong that you can see? I would appreciate the help.

Thank you for your time.

maxAge should translate to the max-age directive

the maxAge option is misleading. It should translate to the max-age cookie directive, not expires with base. causes issues when maxAge is low (a few hours), since it uses the server date, and the client date may be different due to timezones. Example


I think the example in the readme should include the require statement because it looks like it's not being used like the typical module, e,g; fs=require('fs'); fs.[useful function].

It be good for people first looking at it to see how all the pieces fall into place.

secure check


I have a problem with line 49 in lib/cookies.js:
if (!secure && opts && throw new Error("Cannot send secure cookie over unencrypted socket")

my node workers run in http mode because i handle SSL with stunnel before the requests enter haproxy where they are routed to my machines.

Are you happy with an option called secureProxy or something like this?

Sets two cookies per set?

I'm using Koajs, but I saw this is the middleware they use to handle cookies, so I'm posting the issue here. I tried tracing the issue, but to no avail. I'm not sure if this is intended, but it most likely seems like it shouldn't be creating 2 cookies.

This is the code I use to set a cookie.

this.cookies.set('auth', cookieValue, {
  signed: true,
  httpOnly: true,
  maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 3

But then when I check my browser's resource cache there are 2 cookies set - one of them is even unsigned.

Specify the type of license


Could you please specify whether the license is MIT, BSD or Apache in the license file?


-- Tito

Cookie signatures lose attributes upon re-signing, causing persistent cookie to become invalid

When the .sig cookie is set the first time, you have all the 'opts' from the base cookie, and they propagate into the .sig cookie. But when re-signing due to expired key, the 'opts' simply aren't available, because all you have is the name=value that the client browser sends back.

Specifically… starting at Line 54 – we push the base cookie, then update the same object to become a signature, and push it. This should make both cookies share all the same options:

   headers = pushCookie(headers, cookie)
   if (opts && signed) {
     cookie.value = this.keys.sign(cookie.toString()) += ".sig"
     headers = pushCookie(headers, cookie)

But up in the ‘get’ method, if we detect the signing key index was not zero on Line 34:

    index && this.set(sigName, this.keys.sign(data), { signed: false })

here all we have is name and value. The cookie we’re looking at could have been configured months ago, all the domain/path/expires/etc. settings are long gone from the server.

The largest impact I think is for persistent signed cookies. If the persistent cookie is re-signed due to a new key, the signature will always expire the next time the user closes their browser. since no ‘expire’ is set. Then next time we do a ‘get’ on the base cookie, the signature will be gone completely, and it will come back as having a invalid signature.

getPattern fails in some cases

I'm testing my node.js backend with superagent, and getPattern fails to parse a signed cookie, i.e. this one:

express:sess=eyJwYXNzcG9ydCI6eyJ1c2VyIjoiNTNjNjg4OWFiOTc0NjYyMTM2MGVmZTAyIn19; path=/; httponly, express:sess.sig=N-FXNwh7O7zoCJhfJ8pv-6RerH0; path=/; httponly

replacing line 119:

return cache[name] = new RegExp(
    "(?:^|;) *" +
    name.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&") +


return cache[name] = new RegExp(
    "(?:^|;)*" +
    name.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&") +

seems to solve, don't know why

Support ambiguous key presence

It'd be nice if cookies didn't try to sign things when no keygrip is supplied, or if {signed:true} were the default when keys are present.

That way, you could have code that just passes in {signed:true} all the time, or never, and if keys are there or are not there, it will work as good as it can.

Cookie version 1

I have a client that sends cookies in version 1 format, $Version: "1"

I noticed that all cookies sent with version 1 are quoted i.e. name: "value".

Does this module parse them correctly as well ? I had some problems using version 1 cookies with mozilla/node-client-sessions, specifically, the session cookie was not being parsed correctly because of the quotation marks

clearCookie for signed cookie

Right now has to manually do

This exposes the .sig convention. It is desirable to have a method clearCookie to hide the implementation. Thanks!

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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