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keepasshttp's Introduction


is a plugin for KeePass 2.x and provides a secure means of exposing KeePass entries via HTTP for clients to consume.

This plugin is primarily intended for use with PassIFox for Mozilla Firefox and chromeIPass for Google Chrome.


  • returns all matching entries for a given URL
  • updates entries
  • secure exchange of entries
  • notifies user if entries are delivered
  • user can allow or deny access to single entries
  • works only if the database is unlocked
  • request for unlocking the database if it is locked while connecting
  • searches in all opened databases (if user activates this feature)
  • Whenever events occur, the user is prompted either by tray notification or requesting interaction (allow/deny/remember).

System requirements

  • KeePass 2.17 or higher
  • For Windows: Windows XP SP3 or higher
  • For Linux: installed mono
  • For Mac: installed mono | it seems to fully support KeePassHttp, but we cannot test it

Windows installation using Chocolatey

  1. Install using Chocolatey with choco install keepass-keepasshttp
  2. Restart KeePass if it is currently running to load the plugin

Non-Windows / Manual Windows installation

  1. Download KeePassHttp
  2. Copy it into the KeePass directory
    • default directory in Ubuntu14.04: /usr/lib/keepass2/
    • default directory in Arch: /usr/share/keepass
  3. Set chmod 644 on file KeePassHttp.plgx
  4. On linux systems you maybe need to install mono-complete: $ apt-get install mono-complete (in Debian it should be enough to install the packages libmono-system-runtime-serialization4.0-cil and libmono-posix2.0-cil)
  • Tips to run KeePassHttp on lastest KeePass 2.31: install packages sudo apt-get install libmono-system-xml-linq4.0-cil libmono-system-data-datasetextensions4.0-cil libmono-system-runtime-serialization4.0-cil mono-mcs
  1. Restart KeePass

KeePassHttp on Linux and Mac

KeePass needs Mono. You can find detailed installation instructions on the official page of KeePass.

Perry has tested KeePassHttp with Mono 2.6.7 and it appears to work well. With Mono 2.6.7 and a version of KeePass lower than 2.20 he could not get the plgx file to work on linux. If the plgx file does also not work for you, you can try the two DLL files KeePassHttp.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll from directory mono which should work for you.

With newer versions of Mono and KeePass it seems that the plgx file works pretty fine. More information about it are contained in the following experience report.

Experience report by dunkelfuerst

Just wanted to let you know, I'm running Fedora 18, which currently uses mono v2.10.8:

> mono-core.x86_64                       2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora
> mono-data.x86_64                       2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora
> mono-data-sqlite.x86_64                2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora
> mono-extras.x86_64                     2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora
> mono-mvc.x86_64                        2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora
> mono-wcf.x86_64                        2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora
> mono-web.x86_64                        2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora
> mono-winforms.x86_64                   2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora
> mono-winfx.x86_64                      2.10.8-3.fc18                     @fedora

I have no problems using "KeePassHttp.plgx". I simply dropped the .plgx-file in my KeePass folder, and it works.

I'm currently using KeePass v2.22.
Nevertheless, until KeePass v2.21 I used the 2 suggested .dll's and it worked fine too.

Usually I only use chromeIPass, but I did a short test with PassIFox and seems to be working just fine.

Configuration and Options

KeePassHttp works out-of-the-box. You don't have to explicitely configure it.

  • KeePassHttp stores shared AES encryption keys in "KeePassHttp Settings" in the root group of a password database.
  • Password entries saved by KeePassHttp are stored in a new group named "KeePassHttp Passwords" within the password database.
  • Remembered Allow/Deny settings are stored as JSON in custom string fields within the individual password entry in the database.

Settings in KeePassHttp options.

You can open the options dialog with menu: Tools > KeePassHttp Options


The options dialog will appear:


General tab

  1. show a notification balloon whenever entries are delivered to the inquirer.
  2. returns only the best matching entries for the given url, otherwise all entries for a domain are send.
  1. if the active database in KeePass is locked, KeePassHttp sends a request to unlock the database. Now KeePass opens and the user has to enter the master password to unlock the database. Otherwise KeePassHttp tells the inquirer that the database is closed.
  2. KeePassHttp returns only these entries which match the scheme of the given URL.
  • given URL: --> scheme: https:// --> only entries whose URL starts with https://
  1. sort found entries by username or title.
  2. removes all shared encryption-keys which are stored in the currently selected database. Every inquirer has to reauthenticate.
  3. removes all stored permissions in the entries of the currently selected database.


Advanced tab

  1. KeePassHttp no longer asks for permissions to retrieve entries, it always allows access.
  2. KeePassHttp no longer asks for permission to update an entry, it always allows updating them.
  3. Searching for entries is no longer restricted to the current active database in KeePass but is extended to all opened databases!
  • Important: Even if another database is not connected with the inquirer, KeePassHttp will search and retrieve entries of all opened databases if the active one is connected to KeePassHttp!
  1. if activated KeePassHttp also search for string fields which are defined in the found entries and start with "KPH: " (note the space after colon). The string fields will be transfered to the client in alphabetical order. You can set string fields in the tab Advanced of an entry.
    advanced tab of an entry

Tips and Tricks

Support multiple URLs for one username + password

This is already implemented directly in KeePass.

  1. Open the context menu of an entry by clicking right on it and select Duplicate entry:

  2. Check the option to use references for username and password:
    mark checkbox references

  3. You can change the title, URL and evertything of the copied entry, but not the username and password. These fields contain a Reference Key which refers to the master entry you copied from.


First: If an error occures it will be shown as notification in system tray or as message box in KeePass.

Otherwise please check if it could be an error of the client you are using. For passIFox and chromeIPass you can report an error here.

If you are having problems with KeePassHttp, please tell us at least the following information:

  • version of KeePass
  • version of KeePassHttp
  • error message (if available)
  • used clients and their versions
  • URLs on which the problem occur (if available)

HTTP Listener error message

Maybe you get the following error message:
http listener error

In old versions the explaining first part of the message does not exist!

This error occurs because you have multiple copies of KeePassHttp in your KeePass directory! Please check all PLGX- and DLL-files in your KeePass directory and all sub-directories whether they are a copy of KeePassHttp.
Note: KeePass does not detect plugins by filename but by extension! If you rename KeePassHttp.plgx to HelloWorld.plgx it is still a valid copy of KeePassHttp.

If you really have only one copy of KeePassHttp in your KeePass directory another application seems to use port 19455 to wait for signals. In this case try to stop all applications and restart everyone again while checking if the error still occurs.

URL matching: How does it work?

KeePassHttp can receive 2 different URLs, called URL and SubmitURL.

CompareToUrl = SubmitURL if set, URL otherwise

For every entry, the Levenshtein Distance of his Entry-URL (or Title, if Entry-URL is not set) to the CompareToURL is calculated.

Only the Entries with the minimal distance are returned.

###Example: Submit-Url:

Entry-URL Distance 16 6 7

Result: second entry is returned


For security reasons KeePassHttp communicates only with the symmetric-key algorithm AES. The entries are crypted with a 256bit AES key.

There is one single point where someone else will be able to steal the encryption keys. If a new client has to connect to KeePassHttp, the encryption key is generated and send to KeyPassHttp via an unencrypted connection.

Compile at your own

If you want to develop new features or improve existing ones here is a way to build it at your own:

  1. copy the file Newtonsoft.Json.dll into the sourcecode folder
  2. delete the directory "bin" from sourcecode
  3. delete the directory "obj" from sourcecode
  4. delete the file "KeePassHttp.dll"

I use the following batch code to automatically do steps 2 - 4:

RD /S /Q C:\full-path-to-keepasshttp-source\bin
RD /S /Q C:\full-path-to-keepasshttp-source\obj
DEL C:\full-path-to-keepasshttp-source\KeePassHttp.dll
"C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\keepass.exe" --plgx-create C:\full-path-to-keepasshttp-source


A. New client or stale client (key not in database).

This is the only point at which an administrator snooping traffic will be able to steal encryption keys:

  1. client sends "test-associate" with payload to server
  2. server sends fail response to client (cannot decrypt)
  3. client sends "associate" with 256bit AES key and payload to server
  4. server decrypts payload with provided key and prompts user to save
  5. server saves key into "KeePassHttpSettings":"AES key: label"
  6. client saves label/key into local password storage

(1) can be skipped if client does not have a key configured

B. Client with key stored in server

  1. client sends "test-associate" with label+encrypted payload to server
  2. server verifies payload and responds with success to client
  3. client sends any of "get-logins-count", "get-logins", "set-login" using the previously negotiated key in (A)
  4. if any subsequent request fails, it is necessary to "test-associate" again

A little deeper into protocol

Generic HTTP request

(based on packet sniffing and code analyssis) Generic HTTP request is json sent in POST message. Cipher, by means of OpenSSL library is AES-256-CBC, so key is 32 byte long.

Host: localhost:19455
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 54
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br


Also, minimal JSON request (except that one without key set up) consists of four main parameters:

  • RequestType - test-associate, associate, get-logins, get-logins-count, set-login, ...
  • TriggerUnlock - TODO: what is this good for? seems always false
  • Nonce - 128 bit (16 bytes) long random vector, base64 encoded, used as IV for aes encryption
  • Verifier - verifier, base64 encoded AES encrypted data: encrypt(base64_encode($nonce), $key, $nonce);
  • Id - Key id entered into KeePass GUI while associate, not used during associate


Request, without key, seems like initialization of every key assignation session:


Response: (without success)


If you have key, you can test with request like this:

    "Nonce":"+bG+EpbCR4jSnjROKAAw4A==", // random 128bit vector, base64 encoded
    "Verifier":"2nVUxyddGpe62WGx5cm3hcb604Xn8AXrYxUK2WP9dU0=", // Nonce in base64 form, encoded with aes



    "Key":"CRyXRbH9vBkdPrkdm52S3bTG2rGtnYuyJttk/mlJ15g=", // Base64 encoded 256 bit key


    "Id":"PHP", // You need to save this - to use in future



    "Url":"Gz+ZCSjHAGmeYdrtS78hSxH3yD5LiYidSq9n+8TdQXc=", // Encrypted URL
    "SubmitUrl":"<snip>" // Encrypted submit URL


            "Login":"{encrypted login base64}",
            "Name":"{encrypted item name}",
            "Password":"{encrypted Password}",
            "Uuid":"{encrypted UUID}"



    "Url":"Gz+ZCSjHAGmeYdrtS78hSxH3yD5LiYidSq9n+8TdQXc=", // Encrypted URL
    "SubmitUrl":"<snip>" // Encrypted submit URL





    "Login":"lm9qo5HcAYEIaHsCdSsYHQ==", // encrypted username
    "Password":"EZLtRxFgZVqIwv5xI9tfvA==", // encrypted password



keepasshttp's People


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keepasshttp's Issues

Ubuntu: Plugin is incompatible

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 with mono 2.4.4 loaded. I've just downloaded KeePass 2.16 and want to get ChromeIPass working. When I installed the plgx I got the message "The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version: KeePassHttp.plgx".
Since then I have tried:
Going back to KeePass 2.14 - no luck
Loading the source and using --plgx-create - no luck (same message)

This looks pretty much like issue 15 (closed).
The debug output is pretty similar except there's no "in :0" at the end.

Just loading the two dlls into the KeePass directory - gave no no message but no plug-in was shown as loaded in KeePass.

Any further ideas?

Not compatible with KeePass 2.18

I am running the (64-bit) beta of Ubuntu 12.04, Precise Pangolin. It ships with KeePass 2.18.

I downloaded KeePassHttp.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll and put them into /usr/lib/keepass2. My KeePassHttp version is

When I run KeePass, I get the error "The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version: /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePassHttp.dll"

I guess something needs to be updated for KeePass 2.18? I really used KeePass + KeePassHttp + ChromeIPass heavily in my old Ubuntu installation, so I'd really like to get this working!

Error "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value"

First, thanks for this plug-in, it is really helpful.

I am receiving the following error from KeePass each time I am launching Firefox:

"Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: a. Line 1, position 1.
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue(Char currentChar)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadInternal()
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read()
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize[T](JsonReader reader)
at KeePassHttp.KeePassHttpExt.GetEntryConfig(PwEntry e)
at KeePassHttp.KeePassHttpExt.<>c__DisplayClass2.b__0(PwEntry e)
at KeePassHttp.KeePassHttpExt.<>c__DisplayClass2.b__1(PwEntry e)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator1.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List1..ctor(IEnumerable1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)
at KeePassHttp.KeePassHttpExt.GetLoginsCountHandler (Request r, Response resp, Aes aes)
at KeePassHttp.KeePassHttpExt.ProcessRequest(Request r, HttpListenerResponse resp)"

This really only happen at the time the browser is started and doesn't reappear after. It doesn't seems to bother after that as I am able to use PassIFox without any issue, so this is more annoying than anything else.

To narrow the causes, I have tried the following things, unsuccessfully (meaning the error still appears):

  • Launching Firefox with no plug-ins or add-on, with the exception of PassIFox, in order to make sure that this is not one of them generating the problem.
  • Deactivating Firefox Sync as I thought it might be the credentials for connecting to it that might have generated the issue.

What questions me is the fact that I launch Firefox with a blank page, therefore there are not supposed to have any call to KeePassHTTP. In order to continue narrowing down the cause of the problem and because I also want to be sure that the call is done by a legitimate piece of code, is there a way to know what is calling it? I am not a developer or technical person, but I am comfortable with computers, so if this is not too complex, I should be able to follow instructions.

For your information, I am working with:

  • Windows 7, up to date
  • Firefox 11.0 Portable version
  • PassIFox 1.1.4
  • KeePassHTTP
  • KeePass 2.18

Let me know if you need further information.




hey Perry, i know you mentioned that the http messages are secure but the requests are being sent over clear text so it's possible to hi jack the request and at bare minimum give someone packet sniffing a clear api to my password database. wouldn't it be better to expose the database using ssl at atleast?



I'm on ubuntu 11.10 and I get this exception when ChromeIPass or PassIFox try to connect to Keepass2.


FYI I had problems to install the plugin, it said that the version was incompatible, so i removed the plgx and put only the two dlls in my keepass directory.

Am I missing something?


Plugin no longer seems to work

Hey, I am attempting to use this plugin for the ChromeIPass browser extension, and have downloaded the most up-to-date version of ChromeIPass, Keepass and the KeePassHttp.plgx file. However, when I try to run Keepass, it sends an error message saying that the plugin is not compatible with the latest version of Keepass. Could you update the plugin to fix this issue?


Can't use KeePassHttp with latest version of Keepass and Firefox 7.01 Latest Kubuntu


I've just installed Keepass2 with Kubuntu 11.10. I've put both files KeePassHttp.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll in /usr/lib/keepass2 and I receive this message : The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version: /usr/lib/KeePassHttp.dll

I tried the pglx version with the same result, I don't know what I could try now ...

What is the latest version of Keepass2 I should use in order to be able to use it under Linux please ?

Or maybe it should have worked ?

My KeePass2 version is 2.16
Kubuntu 11.10
Firefox 7.01
Passifox 1.1.2

I put those messages that I can see from the console :

SendMessage (113246238, 0x101f, (nil), (nil))
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, (nil), 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, (nil), 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x1, 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x1, 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x2, 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x2, 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x3, 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x3, 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x4, 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x4, 0x7fffae00b290)
SendMessage (113246238, 0x101f, (nil), (nil))
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, (nil), 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, (nil), 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x1, 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x1, 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x2, 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x2, 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x3, 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x3, 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1203, 0x4, 0x7fffae00c360)
SendMessage (0, 0x1204, 0x4, 0x7fffae00c360)

I don't know if it's useful ...

Incompatibility warning on mono

I downloaded the KeePassHttp.plgx file and copied it to the directory where KeePass.exe is located. When I start KeePass.exe, It scans the directory and gives me the warning:
"The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version"
(and then the plugin name)

I copied the supplied KeePassHttp.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll to the same directory.

I also tried the 'mono KeePass.exe --plgx-create' option, that gives me a plgx-file, but that one doesn't work either.

Installed KeePass version is 2.14
Mono version: Mono JIT compiler version 2.6.7 (Debian 2.6.7-3ubuntu1)

Don't overwrite the previous association for requests on other computers or browsers

I am trying to use the KeePassHttp plugin with multiple computers that all sync the keepass database though dropbox. Whenever I go to open it on another computer it no longer works because KeePassHttp has no way of setting a different key for each computer. It always overwrites the previous association when a new one, hence their is no way to associate multiple PCs.

BUG Notification: Exception "key is not a valid size"

I'm running on Win7. I have KeePass 2.17 installed and KeePassHttp plug-in working.
Running FireFox 8.0, I have current PassIFox and Hostname in Titlebar plug-ins installed.
Running Chrome , I have current ChromeIPass v1.0.6 plug-in installed.

All has been working great the last couple days since I installed. Then this morning I get a _BUG_ pop-up notification every time I open my browser to a login screen that I have a KeePass entry for.

Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.
Key(Byte[ ]value)
[ ]

I couldn't cut/paste so I took screen capture to a jpg. I don't know how to post here but can email. Instead I tried to type exactly above - hopefully w/out typos.

The only thing I can think of is that accessed my kdbx file using miniKeePass on my iPhone - no problem there. I added a test entry on the iPhone app and then forwarded a copy via DropBox which of course overwrites the kdbx file in the cloud.

This is the same DropBox resident kdbx file that KeePass running on my PC is accessing. Wondering if keys got messed up in the transfer from PC -> iPhone or iPhone -> DropBox.

In KeePass, I moved the 2 old keys into the Notes section. Each shows as an 80 character string. Does that seem okay?

In an attempt to fix I deleted the FF and Chrome keys. At first Chrome complained but after a little time, on the second try it let me establish a new connection. Then FF, too.

All is back to normal now logging in just fine with the new keys. Just wondering how to avoid this in the future.

Thank you

ChromeIPass will not connect to keepass

I have been trying to get my chromeIPass to connect to my Keepass I can't get the box to appear in Keepass

Chrome: 18.0.1025.162 m
Keepass: 1.21

Win 7 X64

please tell me what I can do to get it to work.


Plugins Not Connecting with Keepasshttp

For some time I had no problem, then all of a sudden within the past week or so I can't get it to work. I use Chrome+Chromeipass (see below) or Firefox+keefox and both worked fine, but now neither of them seem to connect with the plugin. I've tried redownloading the plugin, reinstalled keepass, deleted the entry in keepass for the associations but nothing seems to work.
Is there anything else I can try or a log somewhere that has some information?

The message Chromeipass gives me is:
"ChromeIPass has been disconnected from KeePassHttp.Is KeePassHttp installed and/or is KeePass running? Press the reconnect button to establish a new connection."
Of course, pressing reconnect doesn't help.


KeePassHttp/PassIfox "Bug"

Configuration: Windows 7 Home, Firefox 6.0.2 (also occurred with 6.0.1), KeePass 2.16 (also occurred with KeePass 2.15), KeePassHttp, PassIFox 1.1.4

Starting very recently (I think it was at the same time an extension updated) I getting an error any time I go to a page that has a password, and the passwords do not fill, neither automatically nor manually.

Also, PassIFox is enabled it puts the tabs below the orange Firefox menu button but if I disable it the tabs go back in line with the Firefox menu button.

Other extensions:
Avast Webrep
Realplayer Browser Record
Upromise Turbosaver

I suspect it has something to do with evernote or upromise since those are the only ones that request login info.
Here's the javascript console info.
Could not read chrome manifest file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}\chrome.manifest'.
Error: container is undefined
Source File: chrome://upromise/content/core/xul/XULEventsManager.js
Line: 23
Warning: XUL box for _moz_generated_content_after element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block.
Source File: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
Line: 0
Login Manager: onStateChange accepted: req = about:blank, flags = 0x30004
Login Manager: domEventListener: got event DOMContentLoaded : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555 : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555 : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555
Login Manager: onStateChange accepted: req = about:blank, flags = 0x30004
Login Manager: domEventListener: got event DOMContentLoaded
Login Manager: onStateChange accepted: req = about:blank, flags = 0x30004
Login Manager: domEventListener: got event DOMContentLoaded
Login Manager: onStateChange accepted: req = jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/omni.jar!/chrome/browser/content/browser/browser.xul, flags = 0x30004
Login Manager: domEventListener: got event DOMContentLoaded
Login Manager: domEventListener: got event DOMContentLoaded
Login Manager: Counting logins matching host:, formSubmitURL: , httpRealm: null
Login Manager: Found alternate nsILoginManagerStorage with contract ID:;1
LoginManagerStorage: Creating storage service
LoginManagerStorage: countLogins(,,null)
PwMgr mozStorage: Opening database at C:\Users*\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles*.default\signons.sqlite
PwMgr mozStorage: Initializing Database
PwMgr mozStorage: Creating new statement for query: SELECT * FROM moz_logins WHERE (hostname = :hostname) AND (formSubmitURL isnull) AND (httpRealm isnull)
PwMgr mozStorage: _searchLogins: returning 1 logins
PwMgr cryptoSDR: SDR slot status is 5
PwMgr cryptoSDR: SDR slot status is 5
PwMgr mozStorage: Reencrypting Base64 logins
PwMgr mozStorage: Creating new statement for query: SELECT * FROM moz_logins WHERE (encType = :encType)
PwMgr mozStorage: _searchLogins: returning 0 logins
PwMgr mozStorage: _findLogins: returning 1 logins
KeePassFox: REQUEST: {"RequestType":"test-associate","Id":"Firefox key","Nonce":"VaplvLWF2ZqHSVS3Hzp8gA==","Verifier":"hyBVhRNBbNu9INcCp6jW7GARZfieKshgqLODEu/n97I="}
KeePassFox: RESPONSE: 400 => {"RequestType":"test-associate","Error":"System.FormatException: Invalid character in a Base-64 string.\r\n at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)\r\n at KeePassHttp.KeePassHttpExt.TestRequestVerifier(Request r, Aes aes, String key)\r\n at KeePassHttp.KeePassHttpExt.TestAssociateHandler(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes)\r\n at KeePassHttp.KeePassHttpExt.ProcessRequest(Request r, HttpListenerResponse resp)","Success":false,"Count":0}

plugin incompatible

I have Windows Keepass version 2.18 installed on a Windows 2008 64bit server. I copy the keypasshttp.plgx to the install folder (I am logged in as an admin). Then start Keypass. I get an error message stating "The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version".

Let me know what info you need to help troubleshoot.


Unknown keepasshttp error 400


since today I'm getting an "unknown heepasshttp error: 400" when I first start KeePass and open then Firefox.
This error occures one or two times, but the plugin is still working.

Edit: Okay, now this error occured every time and the plugin stopped working... I only restarted KeePass completely and the error didn't occure since then.

KeePass: 2.16
Firefox: 7.0.1
OS: Windows 7 prof, x64

A screenshot of the more detailed information balloon:

Best Regards

Add the ability to allow access to all DB entries with one option

It would be nice if there is a configuration setting in KeePassHttp to allow ultimate access to all DB entries in one go. That means KeePassHttp Settings property should be treated as existing in all DB entries with "Allow":["*"].

I have 100+ entries in the DB, that means I will have to confirm access 100 times one by one which is inconvenient.

Extend SearchParameters() in KeePassHttp.cs

Usually the URLs of an entry aren't stored in the title of the entry but in the URL-Field.
Currently that field isn't search, which should be changed.

Line #62 of KeePassHttp.cs:
p.SearchInUrls = true;


PS: Currently I'm not able to compile the plugin myself with:
....\keepass.exe --plgx-create KeePassHttp --plgx-prereq-kp:2.13 --plgx-prereq-net:3.5

Anything wrong with that? Thanks.

KeePass asks for the master password when KeePassHttp is installed

In the KeePass options I have set to "Run KeePass at Windows startup (current user)" as well as to always start the application minimized and locked:

KeePass Advanced Options

This works just fine as long as I have not running the "KeePassHttp" plugin. However, when the plugin is installed, KeePass always asks for the KeePass master password when I restart the operating system. Furthermore, while the application is starting (and asking for the master password) the plugin tries to establish a connection to localhost.

Any ideas on this?

[KeePass 2.19 / KeePassHttp]

Multiple access data on a website


I've some sites with multiple access data which are all stored in KeePass.
When I call one of these sites I get an "confirm access" dialog from KeePassHTTP and it shows me all the access data for this specific site. But I cannot choose which of them I want to use for getting access.
I can only "allow" or "deny" the request.

Is it also possible to choose one of the access data?

Best regards

Caching Keepass Data

A big drawback of things based on this plugin is that it's necessary to leave the Keepass database unlocked for the entire time it's being used.

It would be a massive improvement if it were possible to have the plugin cache in memory just the data it needs to determine if there is KeePass data available for a website, and then issue a database unlock request - so that KeePass can be used more like a "master password".

KeePassHttp Not requesting access to sites anymore, it just refuses

I am using it with ChromeIPass. It worked initially and I set up a few sites.

I have since restarted Chrome and KeePass, and added new site entries into KeePass, but KPHTTP never requests access to the new sites. As you can see below from the background.html log:

url + submiturl: [] => []
background.html:316Request: {"RequestType":"test-associate","Id":"ChromelPass","Nonce":"cwidvvEd6ST5v4FogRakQw==","Verifier":"b0fXeb4VbNB7b9Z+NSdcr3LVpzx8TJxJw2DECJJQ++E="}
background.html:320Response: 200 => {"RequestType":"test-associate","Success":true,"Id":"ChromelPass","Count":0,"Nonce":"Tdq8O/dAAT+pn3izOIdQdA==","Verifier":"imXzzRTGjv+8oA94g1ckcK3RTEx9kO+D/bLiVl0iTrQ="}
background.html:316Request: {"RequestType":"get-logins","Id":"ChromelPass","Nonce":"TXkbVztxEcL3BfQ3YUpcgw==","Verifier":"VpsWvn9pY7y/yglsgx0/+XoAXlHAGoYo9mRhfSkPK3M=","Url":"D6x0u/fkcOQOcXtw/lvFag==","SubmitUrl":"tucFK9xQRJGth0MWwaQOCSoWT7vx5sbuBlnEuz821xk="}
background.html:320Response: 200 => {"RequestType":"get-logins","Success":false,"Count":0,"Entries":[]}
background.html:112getPasswords for rejected

This happens on all new sites, including Facebook, etc. Any thoughts?

ChromeIPass will not connect

First, thank you very much for writing this code!

I read closed issue #20, and I likewise cannot connect to http://localhost:19455 in either Chrome or IE. Checked my proxy settings and am not using a proxy. I even followed msft directions to reset proxy settings. And yes, is in the hosts file. Keepass shows the plugin is installed, and I updated the plugin and keepass but still it won't connect.

I disabled Norton firewall, and that did not make a difference. Any ideas?


plugin not recognized by keepass (ubuntu/mono)


I am using
keepass 2.16
mono 2.6.7
ubuntu 11.04
KeePassHttp.dll (May 2011)
and Newtonsoft.Json.dll (Nov 2010)

keepass is installed in my home directory, the keepasshttp dll files are both in the same directory.
However the plugin window remains empty no matter how often I restart and clear the plugin cache.
I randomly installed another plugin (QR code generator, also consists of two dlls) and it works without any problems.
running with the --debug switch doesnt change anything (and I also have no idea what's it supposed to do)

help would be greatly appreciated as I am running out of ideas ...

Regards, Tilman

Enhancement: Set non-standard port

Please allow the setting of non-standard TCP ports to be used. I would like to be able to run 2 instances of keePass /w KeePassHTTP. I use 2 keepass db files (personal and work) on the same machine. I would like to have them to be able run simultaneously. This cannot happen now because the HTTP server binds to the same TCP port.

URL match does not seem to work

Despite the looked up URL and the URL in the KeePass URL-field are absolutely identical, keepasshttp does not return any matching logins to ChromeiPass.

url + submiturl: [] => []
Request: {"RequestType":"test-associate","Id":"Chrome","Nonce":"(removed)==","Verifier":"(removed)="}
Response: 200 => {"RequestType":"test-associate","Success":true,"Id":"Chrome","Count":0,"Nonce":"(removed)","Verifier":"(removed)"}
Request: {"RequestType":"get-logins","Id":"Chrome","Nonce":"(removed)","Verifier":"(removed)","Url":"EVWntmxHMzSOhKmL1qZPURW45Oi1PFwNo7XrOLICYB8=","SubmitUrl":"EVWntmxHMzSOhKmL1qZPUVV9nnnaKVSXkPH/fMItEkBsQEaMTvyKux9fUWzTXmfi"}
Response: 200 => {"RequestType":"get-logins","Success":false,"Count":0,"Entries":[]}
getPasswords for rejected

There is an entry in the KeePass-DB open and unlocked that contains in the URL field: ""

If I change the URL in the URL-field to just "", it is working.

keepasshttp version is ChromIPass version is 1.0.4

Yet another "ChromeIPass [...] has not yet connected to KeePassHttp"

As I'm relatively new to this I'm not exactly sure if this is really a bug -- but surely it doesn't work quite as I expected :)


  • Win7x64, Chrome 16.0.912.75
  • KeePass v2.18, KeePassHttp v1.0.4.0 (looks alright in the Plugins window in KeePass).

Issue is this: When I visit a new page that wants me to create a new user / password combo the KeePass icon in the URL bar it tells me to Right click field -> ChromeIPass -> Fill User + Pass (or Fill Pass only).

Now, in my mind I would expect that at that stage ChromeIPass would create that combo and store it in KeePass2. However, apparently it doesn't really do that and the pop-up just reports "No logins found" -- which would suggest it can only retrieve entries.

Now, is this the expected behavior i.e. I have to generate myself a username + password combo, copy the URL and then create it manually in KeePass and (hope that, fingers crossed) ChromeIPass would retrieve it at subsequent visits of that page ?

Would it be possible (feature request) that this step is automated i.e. password (or, alternatively, user+password) combo can be generated (and stored automatically) when visiting a new site ?

Let me know if you need more info.

Can't get KeePassHttp to work under mono

Tried on ubuntu 11.10
I'll describe the steps taken:

  • Install mono (version 2.10.5)
  • Download KeePass portable 2.18 (atm the latest version)
  • Download & copy KeePassHttp.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll into the KeePass dir
  • Download and copy KeePassHttp.plgx into the KeePass dir

When running
$ mono KeePass.exe
It loads fine, but going to the plugins section, the plugin doesn't show.
It's not hidden, since PassIFox can't connect.

Did I forget anything?

URL matching only matches hostname not full or partial URL

I greatly enjoy this keepass extension for use with firefox but I'm having some problems with multiple passwords on the same host. I have a few sites where I need to access different directories using different passwords. An example would be and

Based on documentation and previous issues it seems like this is a feature/issue that is not intended to be dealt with. I was looking at the source myself and it appears that matching of domain names is only done on line 44 of handlers.cs.
"parms.SearchString = @"^[A-Za-z0-9:/-]+.[A-Za-z0-9:/-]+$"; // match anything looking like a domain or url"

Is adding full or somewhat full (matching domain plus an additional directory) URL matching as simple as changing that regex string?
Does Passifox even submit a full URL to keepasshttp to look for?

Credential pop up notification

while log on keepasshttp plugin making pop up notification in tray: ##password### &&&site_name&&& is recieving credential for &&&site_name&&&.

Pop up password while logining site is kinda fail of all keepass security system. Anyone can see my passwords standing near my laptop.

Please fix it.

Option to turn off '... is receiving credentials for' popup


Thanks for this product!

Is it possible to please turn this tray notification off?

I don't care that my previously authorized access of my credentials is occurring again when I visit sites that load the credentials automatically. I find the popup distracting.


Plugin just won't load

OK, so I've got version 1.21 of KeePass installed.

Running on 64 Bit Windows 7 Ultimate.

The KeePassHTTP plugin will not load. I downloaded another plugin and it loads fine (just to see if it was all plugins).

I have tried the PLGX file as well as the DLL files (each of them separately making sure the other wasn't in the folder as well). In both cases when I then go into tools->plugins it does not show up. I downloaded the latest ZIP package and used the files from it.

Any thoughts? Anything I can do to debug what is going on?


URL empty error

Just started using keepasshttp for passifox plugin.

Everything works, but everytime I open Firefox (new process instance), keepasshttp gives an error that the URI is empty. The stack-trace points to code in FindMatchingEntries in KeePassHttpExt. I did not spent time to find out whether or not the decrypted URL is allowed to have zero length or not, but I patched the code to check for this condition. If the decrypted URL is empty, then the FindMatchingEntries returns an empty list.

Here's a code snippet of the fix:
private IEnumerable FindMatchingEntries(Request r, Aes aes)
Uri url;
string submithost = null;
string realm = null;
string decryptedURL = CryptoTransform(r.Url, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT);
var list = new PwObjectList();
if (decryptedURL.Length == 0)
return list;
url = new Uri(decryptedURL);
if (r.SubmitUrl != null)
submithost = new Uri(CryptoTransform(r.SubmitUrl, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT)).Host;
if (r.Realm != null)
realm = CryptoTransform(r.Realm, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT);
var formhost = url.Host;
var searchHost = url.Host;
var origSearchHost = searchHost;
var parms = MakeSearchParameters();

        var root = host.Database.RootGroup;

        while (list.UCount == 0 && (origSearchHost == searchHost || searchHost.IndexOf(".") != -1))

KeePassHTTP plugin not working on Debian


I have two systems running Linux Mint Debian Edition, which is essentially the 'testing' version of Debian.

I love KeePass, and absolutely love the Chrome KeePass plug-in. My life depends on these two utilities.

On one system, my notebook, KeePass 2 + HTTP plug-in worked perfectly from the start, no issues.

On second system, I have done nothing different - yet I get the "The following plugin is incompatible" error message.


cd /usr/lib/keepass2/

ls -lha

total 2.3M
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 145 Aug 24 01:13 .
drwxr-xr-x 205 root root 48K Aug 24 01:09 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 252 Sep 28 2007 KeePass.config.xml
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.7M Jul 24 08:00 KeePass.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 533 Jul 24 08:00 KeePass.exe.config
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 31K May 4 13:43 KeePassHttp.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 175K Aug 24 00:53 KeePassHttp.plgx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 312K May 4 13:43 Newtonsoft.Json.dll

aptitude show keepass2

Package: keepass2
New: yes
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 2.16+dfsg-1
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Maintainer: Debian CLI Applications Team [email protected]
Uncompressed Size: 1,999 k
Depends: mono-runtime (>=, libmono-corlib2.0-cil (>= 2.6.3), libmono-system2.0-cil (>= 2.6.3), libmono-winforms2.0-cil
(>= 2.4)
Suggests: xdotool, keepass2-doc
Description: Password manager
KeePass is a easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and mobile devices. You can store your passwords in
highly-encrypted databases, which can only be unlocked with one master password and/or a key file. A database consists of only
one file that can be transferred from one computer to another easily. KeePass can import data from various file formats. The
password list can be exported to various formats, including TXT, HTML, XML and CSV files.

I have even tar'd my working (notebook) copy of /usr/lib/keepass2 and replaced it on the non-working system, with no change or improvement. They are identical versions of keepass2 and of the plgx plug-in file. One works, one does not.

I cannot find any additional information as to why this is happening, and am begging for some help please!


Allow conecting from a non local address

I'm trying to use a KeePassHttp server in my local network, but I can't connect to it because the server only accepts connections from localhost (I'm receiving "400:host do not allowed" when trying to connect from another host - editing the PassIFox xpi file).

Is there a way to overcome this limitation?


ChromeIPass loose Keepass connection when 2 databases are in use

I'm using 2 Keepass Databases (one private and an other shared at work). I have KeePassHttp Settings only in the private database I don't want to have in the shared one.

When ChromeIPass tries to recieve credencials when both databases are open it looks like ChromeIPass get confused and generates a new AES Key so I have to reconnect it to the database. The old key is not used anymore so the connection to the private database is lost permanently even when i restart Chrome or Keepass or both, doesn't matter in which order.

Could you please prevent ChromeIPass from generating new AES Key everytime it fails to authenticate to a Keepass. Thanks.

keepasshttp not showing in keepass>tools>plugins

I'm running Win7 64-bit. Installed KeePass 2.17. Seems to run fine.
In Firefox and Chrome and can do the ctrl-alt-A to fill in name/password okay.

I wanted to integrate using PassIFox so I grabbed latest KeePassHttp.plgx from github and placed into the folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2
where KeePass.exe and related files are found.

I restarted KeePass app and checked Tools>Plugins but NONE are listed.

Of course, PassIFox and Chrome plug-ins fail when I hit Connect button. FF says "KeePassHttp not running".

Checked permissions on the.plgx file - changed to allow Full Control by a Users - hit Unblock button; reboot; same problem.
(I do all my installs and everything else logged in to my Win7 account which is an Administrator but just making sure it's not a permissions problem.)

Read somewhere about using the KeePassHttp.dll directly (?) so I tried putting that in the KeePass.exe folder, too. No change.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

URL field vs. Title field behavior changed?

I have been using KeepPass keepasshttp and ChromeiPass for a while, but a recent change really stumped me.

For the longest time, I don't enter ANYTHING in the URL field. I only put the site URL in the title field, and it worked perfectly. The passwords do get filled in.

However, that behavior seem to have changed in a recent revision: if the URL field is left blank, even though the domain name is in the TITLE field (the way it HAD worked), I get "no login found".

I tried right-clicking the field and do "enter username/password", and I still get "no login found".

But Global AutoType (Ctrl-Alt-A) works, so is this a keepasshttp problem, ChromeIPass problem, or KeepPass problem?

There was ONE website where I entered the URL in the URL field, and the autologin worked. However, I can't duplicate this on other sites.

I am thinking this may be a keepasshttp / chromeipass problem, but I'm not sure.

Missing method KeePassLib.PwGroup

I have KeePass2 in Mono runing OK in the latest Kubuntu 10.11. I have installed ChromeIPass and the same plugin for Firefox. I have installed KeePassHTTP - two DLLs, OK, I see it in Plugins section of KeePass2. But...when I click with right mouse button in Firefox/Chrome to fill in name/pwd, it says 404 error and bye bye. In terminal, I run keepass2 --debug, again tried to fill something in and voila:

Missing method KeePassLib.PwGroup::SearchEntries(SearchParameters,PwObjectList`1) in assembly /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePass.exe, referenced in assembly /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePassHttp.dll

Keepass + KeepassHTTP under MacOS + Wine + Mono


What I'm trying to achieve may very well be suicidal but I thought I'd report it anyway.

Running Keepass with Mono directly on MacOS is pretty awful (well, to me, at least).
KeepassX isn't an option because I need the database to be 2.x.

So, I've gotten Keepass 2.16 working flawlessly under MacOSx 10.6.8, wine-1.2.3 and Mono 2.10.2.
To start keepass, I've made an alias that uses the following command:
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Mono-2.10.2/bin/mono.exe ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/KeePass\ Password\ Safe\ 2/KeePass.exe

Now, while this works perfectly, I am unable to get it to install and run KeepassHTTP. I've been bashing my head against this for a bit now. Keepass starts without any errors, lets me open my database and use it but when I go into the plugins menu, nothing.
I've tried using the two .dll files, the plgx file, using the --create-plgx method .. no go.

I don't get it. It may very well be a bug related to the suicidal setup I'm trying to achieve but I'm posting here in hope that you may have a clue.

Let me know,

Thanks !

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