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etherscan-python's Issues

How to get transaction details in more human readable form

Hello am trying to get transaction details using a transaction hash from the module but the response I get in return is not readable at all. How do I decode the response to a human readable form.
Here is how am doing it

from etherscan import Etherscan
from pprint import pprint
eth = Etherscan(api_key=settings.API_KEY)

txn_hash = '0x1e2910a262b1008d0616a0beb24c1a491d78771baa54a33e66065e03b1f46bc1'
txn_details = eth.get_proxy_transaction_receipt(txn_hash)


{'blockHash': '0xf64a12502afc36db3d29931a2148e5d6ddaa883a2a3c968ca2fb293fa9258c68',
 'blockNumber': '0x70839',
 'contractAddress': None,
 'cumulativeGasUsed': '0x75d5',
 'from': '0xc80fb22930b303b55df9b89901889126400add38',
 'gasUsed': '0x75d5',
 'logs': [{'address': '0x03fca6077d38dd99d0ce14ba32078bd2cda72d74',
           'blockHash': '0xf64a12502afc36db3d29931a2148e5d6ddaa883a2a3c968ca2fb293fa9258c68',
           'blockNumber': '0x70839',
           'data': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a4861636b65726e65777300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
           'logIndex': '0x0',
           'removed': False,
           'topics': ['0x24bcf19562365f6510754002f8d7b818d275886315d29c7aa04785570b97a363'],
           'transactionHash': '0x1e2910a262b1008d0616a0beb24c1a491d78771baa54a33e66065e03b1f46bc1',
           'transactionIndex': '0x0'}],
 'logsBloom': '0x00000000000000000000000000000400000000020000000000000000400000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
 'root': '0xc659845f1ac4e899ff1b0666dbac5deeda33a4a5d85da71f617f352824146e40',
 'to': '0x03fca6077d38dd99d0ce14ba32078bd2cda72d74',
 'transactionHash': '0x1e2910a262b1008d0616a0beb24c1a491d78771baa54a33e66065e03b1f46bc1',
 'transactionIndex': '0x0'}

Any way to get cumulativeGasUsed, status etc in readable form say int, boolean respectively? Something like this...

var receipt = web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt('0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec597f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c445836d8b')

> {
  "status": true,
  "transactionHash": "0x9fc76417374aa880d4449a1f7f31ec597f00b1f6f3dd2d66f4c9c6c445836d8b",
  "transactionIndex": 0,
  "blockHash": "0xef95f2f1ed3ca60b048b4bf67cde2195961e0bba6f70bcbea9a2c4e133e34b46",
  "blockNumber": 3,
  "contractAddress": "0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe",
  "cumulativeGasUsed": 314159,
  "gasUsed": 30234,
  "logs": [{
         // logs as returned by getPastLogs, etc.
     }, ...]

Adopted here ?

Image of a transaction details page

Get Contract Addresses by Address

I would like to know if there is a way of returning all contract adresses from a given wallet address. I.e. to return all tokens and their contracts within a wallet.

Using package

Hi there!

I'm trying to use etherscan-python in my project. For that, I installed it through pip by using pip install etherscan-python.

Then when I try to import it

from etherscan import Etherscan
eth = Etherscan('mykey')

It throws:

FileNotFoundError: Package has no location <module 'etherscan.configs' (namespace)>

Any suggestion?

Thank you in advance!

ImportError: cannot import name 'resources'

I get the following error when using the library:

$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    from etherscan.accounts import Account
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/etherscan/", line 1, in <module>
    from .etherscan import Etherscan
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/etherscan/", line 2, in <module>
    from importlib import resources
ImportError: cannot import name 'resources'

I use python 3.6 and installed the library with pip3 install etherscan-python.

[QUESTION] How to know if a transaction incude mint action?

I'm trying to get the list of normal transactions, and then find transactions which include mint action in it. But I'm stuck on the second part.

for example, this transaction page include "Transaction Action" section which include "Mint" section.

seems that I can use method ID (4 bytes signature) to know what is the transaction about, but there are too many signatures. I don't think it's a reliable way to do this.

Is there any API call that I didn't notice include such info? Or I missed some point?

Sorry this is not an issue but just a question, I couldn't find other places to ask for help.

"AssertionError: None -- Query Timeout occured. Please select a smaller result dataset" when queuing a large number of calls

I am trying to call "get_erc721_token_transfer_events_by_address" on a rather large set of wallet addresses (roughly 1000) and iterating over a for loop to do so - I thought it might be an issue with the calls per second cap so I set the sleep time to .22 seconds then to 1 second after the calls - without any luck.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? I'm guessing this is on Etherscan's side but I'm hoping someone might have some insight?

Get all transactions by contract address

First of all, thanks a lot for your library ๐Ÿ‘Œ

I found nearly everything I needed but is it possible, that

isn't possible at the moment? I find this a very useful function, as I want to filter not by address, I want to filter by contract address. If this is already possible, can you let me know which function is used for it? If it isn't possible at the moment, I want to suggest this feature to keep your library complete.

Best and thanks in advance!

Optional query parameters work like required

When I am using the rest api, i can send request without using endblock parameter:

But the library doesn't allow to do this:

In [5]: eth.get_erc20_token_transfer_events_by_address(address='0x4e83362442b8d1bec281594cea3050c8eb01311c', startblock=12328953)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-e4416848c949> in <module>
----> 1 eth.get_erc20_token_transfer_events_by_address(address='0x4e83362442b8d1bec281594cea3050c8eb01311c', startblock=12328953)

/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/etherscan/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
     25         def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     26             url = (
---> 27                 f"{fields.PREFIX.format(net.lower()).replace('-main','')}"
     28                 f"{func(*args, **kwargs)}"
     29                 f"{fields.API_KEY}"

TypeError: get_erc20_token_transfer_events_by_address() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'endblock' and 'sort'

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

from etherscan.etherscan import Etherscan
api_key = 'xxxxxxx'

eth = Etherscan(api_key)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Python39-32/", line 4, in
eth = Etherscan(api_key)
File "C:\Python39-32\lib\site-packages\etherscan\", line 14, in new
with resources.path(configs, "stable.json") as path:
File "C:\Python39-32\lib\importlib\", line 165, in path
File "C:\Python39-32\lib\importlib\", line 147, in files
return _common.from_package(_get_package(package))
File "C:\Python39-32\lib\", line 14, in from_package
return fallback_resources(package.spec)
File "C:\Python39-32\lib\", line 18, in fallback_resources
package_directory = pathlib.Path(spec.origin).parent
File "C:\Python39-32\lib\", line 1071, in new
self = cls._from_parts(args, init=False)
File "C:\Python39-32\lib\", line 696, in _from_parts
drv, root, parts = self._parse_args(args)
File "C:\Python39-32\lib\", line 680, in _parse_args
a = os.fspath(a)
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

Add support for testnets

Hi, I'm working on a project that relies on etherscan-python for communicating with's API, and having support for querying stuff on the other testnets will come really handy for the end goal of it.

Luckily, I already added that feature on a fork I did from this project following the overall "minimalism" (as said on the description) and also adding the testnets to the module tests with their own working/stable test cases (randomly sampled - [*]) along with a minimalist usage example on the README.

[*] Unfortunately, I don't possess a PRO API key, so I couldn't find working test cases for the PRO endpoints nor I know if they are already passing with those parameters or not.

AssertionError: [] -- No transactions found


When i try to get last transfer events of my account like that :

eth_erc20_events = eth.get_erc20_token_transfer_events_by_address(address='0xa71ac2c62A1b477186f5CbF45d94fFcd5D7e5711', startblock=0, endblock=1000000, sort='des')

I got AssertionError: [] -- No transactions found

I'm not sure of what i should set on startblock & endblock, can you help please :) ?

My main goal is to find my pending and successfull transaction of last month.

bash My_api_key gives this kinda error

FAIL: test_methods (test.test_modules.TestPro)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/rk/Documents/etherscan-python/test/", line 33, in test_methods
res = getattr(etherscan, fun)(**v["kwargs"])
File "/home/rk/Documents/etherscan-python/etherscan/", line 33, in wrapper
return parser.parse(r)
File "/home/rk/Documents/etherscan-python/etherscan/utils/", line 12, in parse
assert status, f"{result} -- {message}"
AssertionError: Error! Missing Or invalid Action name -- NOTOK

Assert Behavior on scraping wallet without transactions

in commit fb697e1 the following behavior was introduced:

# etherscan/utils/ 
assert status, f"{result} -- {message}"

to replace the UserWarning behavior:

warnings.warn(f"{result} -- {message}")

This has made the event of scraping an empty address, "aggressive" and forces downstream applications to catch a generic AssertionError, for this---in my case common---scenario. imho, getting an empty list back in case no records exist, is completely valid behavior?

Could you elaborate on why this behavior was chosen, and this change was made?

USD values

When downloading transaction data as CSV from etherscan it includes "TxnFee(USD)" and "Historical $Price/Eth". Is there any way to get these values from the APIs?

Using get_erc721_token_transfer_events_by_address


I'm new to this package...

from etherscan import Etherscan
eth = Etherscan('MY API KEY') # key in quotation marks

block_number_start=eth.get_block_number_by_timestamp(timestamp="1609490044", closest="before")
block_number_end=eth.get_block_number_by_timestamp(timestamp="1637224444", closest="before")

erc_20_transactions = eth.get_erc20_token_transfer_events_by_address(address='0xd8Fa365f358729Af1D62206BdDaD84cBb2BEFB7d',startblock=block_number_start,endblock=block_number_end,sort='asc')
erc_721_transactions = eth.get_erc721_token_transfer_events_by_address(address='0xddbd2b932c763ba5b1b7ae3b362eac3e8d40121a',startblock=block_number_start,endblock=block_number_end,sort='asc')


This is a fragment of code I'm using by I keep getting errors....can anyone help me?

Constant error after few hours


I'm using this package to retrieve the eth gas price every 30 seconds and save it in a HDF5 file, but at a random time after a random times I'm getting an error related to the parsing function in the package:

File "/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/etherscan/utils/", line 12, in parse
    assert status, f"{result} -- {message}"
AssertionError: Error! -- NOTOK

This is my complete code:

import time
import h5py
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from etherscan import Etherscan

# my api from
eth = Etherscan("MY_API")

# Creating the HDF5 database
store = pd.HDFStore("eth_gas.h5")
while True:
        gas_db = pd.DataFrame() 
        gas = eth.get_gas_oracle()

        for key in gas:
            gas[key] = int(gas[key]) 

        gas_db = pd.DataFrame(gas, index = [pd.to_datetime(, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")])

        store.append("eth_gas", gas_db, format='table',  encoding = "UTF8", data_columns=True) 
        print("######### Last time read (30 seconds) #########\n", gas_db.iloc[-1], "\n") 
    except ValueError:
        print("Something was wrong... Trying again...")

And as I said, everything is running smoothly and without problems and randomly I got that error, my script dies and I can not build a consistent data base of historical price gas.

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