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angular-websql's Introduction

Angular WebSql Service

Helps you generate websql simple queries and run them without writing any sql code.


  1. bower install angular-websql
  2. Include the angular-websql.min.js and angular itself.
  3. Add angular-websql as a module dependency to your app.
angular.module('yourModule', ['angular-websql']);


1- Add $webSql provider to a controller.

angular.module('yourModule', ['angular-websql'])
  .controller('yourController', ['$scope','$webSql', function($scope, $webSql){
        . . .

2- Open a database. See method.
3- Use returned database object's methods.


Open Database

$webSql.openDatabase(dbName, version, desc, size)


$scope.db = $webSql.openDatabase('mydb', '1.0', 'Test DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024); 

1- Database name
2- Version number
3- Text description
4- Size of database


An object, containing database operation methods, is returned with openDatabase method. All methods return a promise which takes query result object as parameter. These methods are:

Database Methods

Create Table

createTable(string tableName, object fields)


createTable('user', {
    "type": "INTEGER",
    "null": "NOT NULL", // default is "NULL" (if not defined)
    "primary": true, // primary
    "auto_increment": true // auto increment
    "type": "TIMESTAMP",
    "null": "NOT NULL",
    "default": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" // default value
    "type": "TEXT",
    "null": "NOT NULL"
  "password": {
    "type": "TEXT",
    "null": "NOT NULL"
  "age": {
    "type": "INTEGER"

Create or Alter Table

createOrAlterTable(string tableName, object fields)


createTable('user', {
    "type": "INTEGER",
    "null": "NOT NULL", // default is "NULL" (if not defined)
    "primary": true, // primary
    "auto_increment": true // auto increment
    "type": "TIMESTAMP",
    "null": "NOT NULL",
    "default": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" // default value
    "type": "TEXT",
    "null": "NOT NULL"
  "password": {
    "type": "TEXT",
    "null": "NOT NULL"
  "age": {
    "type": "INTEGER"
  "newAddedField": {
    "type": "TEXT"

Drop Table

dropTable(string tableName)


insert(string tableName, object fields, boolean replace)


$scope.db.insert('user', {"username": 'pc', "password": '1234', 'age': 22}).then(function(results) {
INSERT INTO user (username, password, age) VALUES('pc', '1234', 22)

Bulk insert

bulkInsert(string tableName, [object fields], boolean replace)


$scope.db.insert('user', [
	{"username": 'pc1', "password": '1234', 'age': 22},
	{"username": 'pc2', "password": '5678', 'age': 23},
	{"username": 'pc3', "password": '9101', 'age': 24},
	{"username": 'pc4', "password": '1213', 'age': 25},
]).then(function(results) {
INSERT INTO user (username, password, age) VALUES('pc1', '1234', 22)
INSERT INTO user (username, password, age) VALUES('pc2', '5678', 23)
INSERT INTO user (username, password, age) VALUES('pc3', '9101', 24)
INSERT INTO user (username, password, age) VALUES('pc4', '1213', 25)


update(string tableName, object fields)


$scope.db.update("user", {"username": 'paulo.caldeira'}, {
  'id': 1
UPDATE user SET username='paulo.caldeira' WHERE id=1
$scope.db.update("user", {"age": 23}, {
  "username": {
    "union":'AND' // condition suffix
  "age": 22
UPDATE user SET age=23 WHERE username LIKE 'paulo.*' AND age=22


del(string tableName, [object where])

$scope.db.del("user", {"id": 1})
DELETE user WHERE id=1


select(string tableName, object where)

$"user", {
  "age": {
    "value":'IS NULL',
  "username":'IS NOT NULL'
}).then(function(results) {
  $scope.users = [];
  for(i=0; i < results.rows.length; i++){

Select limit

selectLimit(string table, object where, int limit)

$scope.db.selectLimit("user", {
  "age": {
    "value":'IS NULL',
  "username":'IS NOT NULL'
}, 10).then(function(results) {
  $scope.users = [];
  for(i=0; i < results.rows.length; i++){

Select All

selectAll(string tableName, [{operator:"string",postOperator:"string optionnal",columns["string column","string column"]}] Array/Object)

$scope.db.selectAll("user").then(function(results) {
  $scope.users = [];
  for(var i=0; i < results.rows.length; i++){
$scope.db.selectAll("user", [{operator:"GROUP BY",columns:['age','username']}]).then(function(results) {
  $scope.users = [];
  for(var i=0; i < results.rows.length; i++){
SELECT * FROM user GROUP BY age, username
$scope.db.selectAll("user", [
				{operator:"GROUP BY",columns:['age']},
				{operator:"ORDER BY",postOperator:'DESC',columns:['username']},
.then(function(results) {
  $scope.users = [];
  for(var i=0; i < results.rows.length; i++){

Select All limit

selectAllLimit(string tableName, int limit)

$scope.db.selectAllLimit("user", 10).then(function(results) {
  $scope.users = [];
  for(var i=0; i < results.rows.length; i++){

Select One

selectOne(string tableName)



Your can use common operators like =, >=, <= and LIKE. You can use also IS NULL and NOT NULL as condition values.


Thanks to github community, our libraries do not depend only from our work but also from work of contributors. I want to thank all those who in any way participated in the development of this library.

Special thanks to these contributors:

  • @gfauchart
  • @dbtek



  • prevent empty operator in where clause
  • insert method update with replace flag to "INSERT OR REPLACE" queries


  • escape single quote or double quote value(s)
  • changing callback to angular promise

angular-websql's People


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angular-websql's Issues

Suggestion: Order By on select


Here's my suggestion to implement order by.

I've made a simple and fast implementation, didn't send pull request cause I'm no sure if it's well formatted, or if it's better just implement another param in select, anyway, just keep the suggestion

selectOrder: function (b, c, o, od) {
                                od = "ASC";
                            var d = "SELECT * FROM `{tableName}` WHERE {where} ORDER BY {order} {direction};";
                            var a = this.whereClause(c);
                            return this.executeQuery(this.replace(d, {
                                "{tableName}": b,
                                "{where}": a.w,
                                "{order}": o,
                                "{direction}": od
                            }), a.p);


selectOrder(string tableName, object where, string field, string direction)
$scope.db.selectOrder("user", {
            "condition": 1
        }, "id",
        .then(function (results) { 
                  for (i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) { 


Could you provide an example of different types of oporators?

I've tried'categories', { "supcat_id": { "value": '<5' } }).then(function(results) { console.log(results.rows); })
but the query is always SELECT * FROM categories WHERE supcat_id = ?; with no results.

Feature proposal: table relationship automation

I would like to add a feature, and i'm interested in your opinion:

create table with reference to an other table
an orm mapping like

has many
createTable('article', {
   /* ...  */
  "comments" : {
     "type" : "HAS_MANY",
     "table": "comment"
      "field" : "ID_ARTICLE"

then you could optionally load comments objects as an array in the user object

$"article", {"id" : 5}, {"comments" : true}).then(function(){
belong to
createTable('comment', {
   /* ...  */
  "article" : {
     "type" : "BELONG_TO",
     "table": "article"
      "field" : "ID_ARTICLE"
$"comment", {"id" : 9}, {"article" : true})

createTable() does not work without "null" property

I came across this small issue today, when I tried to create a table containing columns without specifying the "null" property. Leaving out this property made the whole query fail silently.

e.g. for me this does not work at all:

$rootScope.db.createTable('events', {
    "uid": {
        "type": "INTEGER",
        "null": "NOT NULL",
        "primary": true
    "title": {
        "type": "TEXT",
        "null": "NOT NULL"
    // …
    "website": {
        "type": "TEXT"

If I add "null": "NULL" to the website column definition, it works.

This behaviour is unexpected as allowing NULL should be the default (if not specified) besides it is not documented.

Anyway thanks for this useful module!

Check for null values in the select function

I have to change all the funcions in my programs or simply to change the select function in angular-websql to check for null values in the select function to return selectAll instead.

Support NPM

Is it possible to add a package.json file for us who are sticking with NPM?

Sugestion: createOrUpdateTable


I just discovered your api, and it looks great !

I was just wondering if it could be possible for you to add a method "createOrUpdateTable", which will create a table, if the table does not exist or if the fields are similar, but in case some fields are added, just dingo instead an 'ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN'.

Do you think it could be possible to have something like this ?

Thanks a lot.

Check if table exists in DB


Thanks for the great library.

I needed to know if a table pre-exist in the database, couldn't see how to do it using your library so I added it in before createTable function:

tableExist: function(query){
var deferred = $q.defer();
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql("SELECT count(*) AS textist FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='"+query+"'", [], function(tx, results) {
var ex = results.rows.item(0).textist;
}, function(tx, e){
console.log("There has been an error: " + e.message);
return deferred.promise;

Use in code.

$scope.db.tableExist("tablename").then(function(result) {
if(result == 0){
console.log('No table found');
} else {
console.log('Table found');

Hope this helps someone :)

SelectAll Promise Rise Infinite Loop

I'm using angular 1.4.8 and using select all rising infinite loop digest on angular ng-repeat
$scope.loadData = function () { $scope.db.selectAll("model").then(function (results) { $ = results.rows; }); };

Getting more done in GitHub with ZenHub

Hola! @txukytruky has created a ZenHub account for the paulocaldeira17 organization. ZenHub is the only project management tool integrated natively in GitHub – created specifically for fast-moving, software-driven teams.

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  • Real-time, customizable task boards for GitHub issues;
  • Multi-Repository burndown charts, estimates, and velocity tracking based on GitHub Milestones;
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Still curious? See more ZenHub features or read user reviews. This issue was written by your friendly ZenHub bot, posted by request from @txukytruky.

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Getting more done in GitHub with ZenHub

Hola! @paulocaldeira17 has created a ZenHub account for the paulocaldeira17 organization. ZenHub is the only project management tool integrated natively in GitHub – created specifically for fast-moving, software-driven teams.

How do I use ZenHub?

To get set up with ZenHub, all you have to do is download the browser extension and log in with your GitHub account. Once you do, you’ll get access to ZenHub’s complete feature-set immediately.

What can ZenHub do?

ZenHub adds a series of enhancements directly inside the GitHub UI:

  • Real-time, customizable task boards for GitHub issues;
  • Multi-Repository burndown charts, estimates, and velocity tracking based on GitHub Milestones;
  • Personal to-do lists and task prioritization;
  • Time-saving shortcuts – like a quick repo switcher, a “Move issue” button, and much more.

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Still curious? See more ZenHub features or read user reviews. This issue was written by your friendly ZenHub bot, posted by request from @paulocaldeira17.

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select with sum


i would like to know if i can do complex select? like:
select name, sum(orders) from orders group by name;

thank for your help

Angular 1.3.x support


I wanted to try out the angular-websql but got an error with bower install:

ECONFLICT Unable to find suitable version for angular

I use Angular 1.3.13. Seems that the angular-websql runs only with Angular 1.2.x.
Is there an update planned to support newer versions of angular?


is angular-websql compatible with all browsers

I actually use angular-websql perfectly with Goole Chrome browser.But that's not working with firefox.

var db;
db = $webSql.openDatabase('_db', '1.0', 'mydb DB', 2 * 1024 * 1024);

i have TypeError: db is undefined error when i call db's functions.
So do you have any idea about this case?

update more fields


i have problem when i want update more fields.

            {   "firstName": $scope.firstName,
                "lastName": $scope.lastName
            "id": $

i have this error :

2014-07-31 11:43:48.293 23rc[49886:60b] UPDATE 'contacts' SET 'firstName'= ?'lastName'= ? WHERE 'id'=?; johne,doe,1

2014-07-31 11:43:48.296 23rc[49886:60b] There has been an error: could not prepare statement (1 near "'lastName'": syntax error)

Each field works when i update just one.

it's a bug or just it's impossible to update more fields ?

Insert Or Replace add

Hey man, first i want congratz you for share this!

I wanna ask if you could add Insert or replace in the source?

insertOrReplace: function(c, e) {
var f = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {tableName} ({fields}) VALUES({values});";
var a = "",
b = "",
v = [];
for (var d in e) {
a += (Object.keys(e)[Object.keys(e).length - 1] == d) ? "" + d + "" : "" + d + ", ";
b += (Object.keys(e)[Object.keys(e).length - 1] == d) ? "?" : "?, ";
return this.executeQuery(this.replace(f, {
"{tableName}": c,
"{fields}": a,
"{values}": b
}), v);

update with more condition

I have problem when i try to update field with more dynamic parameter as condition

db.update("Table", {"notok": '1'}, {"id_person": {'value':id_person_dynamic_parameter  ,'union':'AND'},'id_element': id_second_dynamic_parameter});

i get this error

UPDATE `Table` SET `notok`= ? WHERE `id_person` undefined ? AND `id_element`=?;  ["1", "4377C91AF07E430E949C6E277B072787", 1] angular-websql.min.js:6

There has been an error: could not prepare statement (1 near "undefined": syntax error) 

Each field works when i update just one condition .

it's a bug or just it's impossible to update like that ?

Not Equal operator

how can i call 'not equal' != or 'Different' <> operators with angular-websql ?
i want to put a dynamic parameter into my query condition like that:

db.del("Table", {"id_element":{'value':id ,'union':'AND'},'id_person' !=   id_parameter })

it's possible to do something like that using angular-websql?

Values should be parameterized

Values coming from variables should be passed as parameters to overcome escaping problems.

e.g. instead of using

db.execute('INSERT INTO `{tableName}` ({fields}) VALUES({values})');

the values for each field should be represented with a '?' character and passed as a parameter to the execute()-function (dummy code ahead):

db.execute('INSERT INTO `{tableName}` ({fields}) VALUES(?, ?)', {values}[0], {values}[1]);

See this question on Stack Overflow for more information.

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