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merchantapiclient-java's Introduction

Table of Contents





Cash Deposit

Mass Payment

Recurring Mass Payment



Response Types

Integrating Papara into your software requires following;

  1. Obtain your API Key. So Papara can authenticate integration’s API requests. To obtain your API Key, follow URL. After sucessfully logged in, API Key can be viewed on
  2. Install client library. So your integration can interact with the Papara API. Install operations are like following.





In build.gradle file you should define jcenter as your repositories beside others.

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.papara:java-sdk:1.0.0'


Java Setup

Before connecting to API, java developers should configure client settings. You could define environment variable for your API Key and Environment you want to request. Beside that also any alternative solution could be used. In Spring Framework we could define variables in and read it in the code via@Value annotation.

In the properties file;

papara-api-key = YOUR_API_KEY_HERE        // Papara Registered API KEY
papara-env = sandbox                      // Target environment. sandbox or live

In the code;

private String apiKey;

private String env;

After these we can create a client;

APIContext context = new APIContext(apiKey, null, env);  // env also could be Constants.SANDBOX or Constants.LIVE
PaparaClient client = new PaparaClient(context);

Java Test Request

After everything is set, use code block below to test everything works perfectly.

public class PaparaController {

    private String apiKey;

    private String env;

    public ServiceResult<Account> getAccount() throws PaparaRESTException {
        APIContext context = new APIContext(apiKey, null, env);
        PaparaClient client = new PaparaClient(context);
        return client.getAccountService().getAccount();


When a cash deposit request was made, following statuses will return and display the status of provision.

Key Value Description
Pending 0 Cash deposit is pending provision.
Complete 1 Cash Deposit is completed
Cancel 2 Cash Deposit is cancelled
ReadyToComplete 3 Cash Deposit is ready for completion


All currencies on the API are listed below.

Key Value Description
TRY 0 Turkish Lira
USD 1 U.S Dollar
EUR 2 Euro


Entry types are used in ledgers and cash deposits in order to track the money in the operation. Possible entry types are listed below.

Key Value Description
BankTransfer 1 Bank Transfer: Cash deposit or withdrawal
CorporateCardTransaction 2 Papara Corporate Card Transaction: Transaction which was operated by corporation card assigned to merchant
LoadingMoneyFromPhysicalPoint 6 Loading Money From Physical Point: Cash deposit operation from contracted location
MerchantPayment 8 Merchant Payment: Checkout via Papara
PaymentDistribution 9 Payment Distribution: Masspayment via papara
EduPos 11 Offline payment. EDU POS via Papara


Three types of payment is accepted in the system. Possible payment methods are listed below.

Key Value Description
PaparaAccount 0 Papara Account Balance
Card 1 Registered Credit Card
Mobile 2 Mobile Payment


After a payment was done, API returns the payment status which are shown below.

Key Value Description
Pending 0 Payment waiting
Completed 1 User completed the payment
Refunded 2 Order refunded

This part contains the technical integration information prepared for the use of the account and balance information of the merchant. Account and balance information on Papara account can be retrieved by Account service. Developers can also retrieve the balance history, which contains a list of transactions that contributed to the balance.

Get Account Information

Returns the merchant account and balance information. Balance information contains current balance, available funds and unavailable funds, whilst account information contains brand name and full title of the merchant. To perform this operation use getAccount method on Account service.

Account Model

Account class is used by account service to match returning account value from API and contains account information.

Variable Name Type Description
legalName string Gets or sets merchant’s company title.
brandName string Gets or sets brand name.
allowedPaymentTypes List Gets or sets allowed payment types.
merchantBalanceModelList List Gets or sets account balances

AccountPaymentType Model

AccountPaymentType class is used by account service to match returning account value from API. allowedPaymentType displays allowed payment types.

Variable Name Type Description
paymentMethod Integer Gets or sets payment method.
0 - Papara Account Balance
1 – Credit/Debit Card
2- Mobile - Mobile Payment.

AccountBalance Model

AccountBalance class is used by account service to match returning account balance value from API. Account balance shows current balance figures and lists three types of balances and general currency.

Variable Name Type Description
currency Integer Gets or sets currency
totalBalance BigDecimal Gets or sets total balance
lockedBalance BigDecimal Gets or sets locked balance
availableBalance BigDecimal Gets or sets available balance

Service Method


Return account information and current balance for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
getAccount None ServiceResult


     * Returns account information and current balance for authorized merchant.
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Account
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<Account> getAccount() throws PaparaRESTException {
        ServiceResult<Account> result = accountService.getAccount();
        return result;

List Ledgers

Returns the merchant account history (list of transactions) in paged format. This method is used for listing all transactions made for a merchant including resulting balance for each transaction. To perform this operation use getAccountLedgerss method on Account service. startDate and endDate should be provided.

AccountLedger Model

AccountLedger class is used by account service to match returning ledger values from API. Represents a transaction itself.

Variable Name Type Description
id Integer Gets or sets merchant ID
createdAt DateTime Gets or sets created date of a ledger
entryType Integer Gets or sets entry type
entryTypeName String Gets or sets entry type name
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount
fee BigDecimal Gets or sets fee
currency Integer Gets or sets currency
currencyInfo CurrencyInfo Gets or sets currency information
resultingBalance BigDecimal Gets or sets resulting balance
description String Gets or sets description
massPaymentId String Gets or sets mass payment Id. It is the unique value sent by the merchant to prevent duplicate repetition in payment transactions. It is displayed in transaction records of masspayment type in account transactions to ensure control of the transaction. It will be null in other payment types.
checkoutPaymentId String Gets or sets checkout payment ID. It is the ID field in the data object in the payment record transaction. It is the unique identifier of the payment transaction. It is displayed in transaction records of checkout type in account transactions. It will be null in other payment types.
checkoutPaymentReferenceId String Gets or sets checkout reference ID. This is the referenceId field sent when creating the payment transaction record. It is the reference information of the payment transaction in the merchant system. It is displayed in transaction records of checkout type in account transactions. It will be null in other payment types

CurrencyInfo Model

CurrencyInfo class is used by account ledger model to get or set returning currency values from API. Represents the currency information available in a ledger.

Variable Name Type Description
currencyEnum Integer Gets or sets currency type.
symbol String Gets or sets currency symbol
code String Gets or sets currency code
preferredDisplayCode String Gets or sets currency's preferred display code
name String Gets or sets currency name
isCryptocurrency boolean Gets or sets if it is a cryptocurrency or not
precision Integer Gets or sets currency precision
iconUrl String Gets or sets currency icon URL

AccountLedgerOptions Model

AccountLedgerOptions is used by account service for providing request parameters for ledger listing operation.

Variable Name Type Description
startDate String Gets or sets start date for transactions
endDate String Gets or sets end date for transactions
entryType Integer Gets or sets entry types
accountNumber Integer Gets or sets merchant account number
page Integer Gets or sets the requested page number. If the requested date has more than 1 page of results for the requested PageSize, use this to iterate through pages
pageSize Integer Gets or sets number of elements you want to receive per request page. Min=1, Max=50

Service Method


Returns list of ledgers for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
getAccountLedgers accountLedgerOptions ServiceResult<PagingResult>


     * Returns list of ledgers for authorized merchant.
     * @param accountLedgerOptions Ledger Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of PagingResult of AccountLedger
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<PagingResult<AccountLedger>> getAccountLedgers() throws PaparaRESTException {
        AccountLedgerOptions accountLedgerOptions = new AccountLedgerOptions();

        ServiceResult<PagingResult<AccountLedger>> result = accountService.getAccountLedgers(accountLedgerOptions);
        return result;

Get Settlement

Calculates the count and volume of transactions within the given time period. To perform this operation use getAccountSettlement method on Account service. startDate and endDate should be provided.

AccountSettlement Model

AccountSettlement class is used by account service to match returning settlement values API.

Variable Name Type Description
count Integer Gets or sets transaction count
volume BigDecimal Gets or sets transaction volume

SettlementGetOptions Model

SettlementGetOptions is used by account service for providing settlement request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
startDate String Gets or sets start date for transactions
endDate String Gets or sets end date for transactions
entryType Integer Gets or sets entry types

Service Method


Returns settlement for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
getAccountSettlement accountSettlementOptions PaparaSingleResult


     * Returns settlement for authorized merchant.
     * @param accountSettlementOptions Settlement Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of AccountSettlement.
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<AccountSettlement> getAccountSettlement() throws PaparaRESTException {
        AccountSettlementOptions accountSettlementOptions = new AccountSettlementOptions();

        ServiceResult<AccountSettlement> result = accountService.getAccountSettlement(accountSettlementOptions);
        return result;

This part contains technical integration information prepared for merchants those who want to quickly and securely list their bank accounts with Papara and/or create a withdrawal request to their bank accounts.

Get Bank Accounts

Retrieves registered bank accounts of the merchant. To perform this operation use getBankAccounts method on Banking service.

BankAccount Model

BankAccount class is used by banking service to match returning bank accounts from API

Variable Name Type Description
bankAccountId Integer Gets or sets merchant's bank account ID
bankName string Gets or sets merchant bank name
branchCode string Gets or sets merchant branch code
iban string Gets or sets IBAN Number
accountCode string Gets or sets merchant account code
description string Gets or sets description
currency string Gets or sets currency

Service Method


Returns bank accounts for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
getBankAccounts ServiceResult<List>


     * Returns account information and current balance for authorized merchant.
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of List of BankAccount
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<List<BankAccount>> getBankAccounts() throws PaparaRESTException {
        ServiceResult<List<BankAccount>> result = bankService.getBankAccounts();
        return result;


Generates withdrawal requests for merchants. To perform this operation use withdrawal method on Banking service.


BankingWithdrawalOptions is used by banking service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
bankAccountId Integer Gets or sets target bank account id which money will be transferred to when withdrawal is completed.It will be obtained as a result of the request to list bank accounts.
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets withdrawal amount

Service Method


Creates a withdrawal request from given bank account for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
withdrawal BankingWithdrawalOptions PaparaServiceResult


     * Creates a withdrawal request from given bank account for authorized merchant.
     * @param BankingWithdrawalOptions Withdrawal Options
     * @return ServiceResult
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult withdrawal() throws PaparaRESTException {
        ServiceResult<List<BankAccount>> bankAccounts = bankService.getBankAccounts();
        BankAccount bankAccount = bankAccounts.getData().get(0);

        BankingWithdrawalOptions bankingWithdrawalOptions = new BankingWithdrawalOptions();
        bankingWithdrawalOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult result = bankService.withdrawal(bankingWithdrawalOptions);
        return result;

Possible Errors and Error Codes

Error Code Error Description
105 Insufficient funds.
115 Requested amount is lower then minimum limit.
120 Bank account not found.
247 Merchant's account is not active.

With the integration of Papara physical point, you can become a money loading point and earn money from which end users can load balance to their Papara accounts. Physical point integration methods should only be used in scenarios where users load cash to Papara accounts.

Get Cash Deposit Information

Returns cash deposit information. To perform this operation use getCashDeposit method on Cash Deposit service. id should be provided.

CashDeposit Model

CashDeposit class is used by cash deposit service to match returning cash deposit values from API

Variable Name Type Description
merchantReference String Gets or sets merchant reference code
id Integer Gets or sets cash deposit ID
createdAt String Gets or sets created date of cash deposit
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount of cash deposit
currency Integer Gets or sets currency of cash deposit
Fee BigDecimal Gets or sets fee of cash deposit
resultingBalance BigDecimal Gets or sets resulting balance in merchant's account
description String Gets or sets description


CashDepositGetOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters

Variable Name Type Description
id string Gets or sets cash deposit ID

Service Method


Returns a cash deposit information

Method Params Return Type
getCashDeposit CashDepositGetOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns a cash deposit information.
     * @param cashDepositGetOptions Cash Deposit Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDeposit
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDeposit> getCashDeposit() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositGetOptions cashDepositGetOptions = new CashDepositGetOptions();
        ServiceResult<CashDeposit> result = cashDepositService.getCashDeposit(cashDepositGetOptions);
        return result;

Get Cash Deposit By Reference

Returns the information of the money loading process from the physical point with the merchant reference information. To perform this operation use getCashDepositByReference method on Cash Deposit service. Reference should be provided.


CashDepositByReferenceOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
reference String Gets or sets cash deposit reference no. Reference no is required.

Service Method


Returns a cash deposit object using merchant's unique reference number.

Method Params Return Type
getCashDepositByReference CashDepositByReferenceOptions PaparaSingleResult


     * Returns a cash deposit object using merchant's unique reference number.
     * @param cashDepositByReferenceOptions Cash Deposit By Merchant Reference Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDeposit
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDeposit> getCashDepositByReference() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositByReferenceOptions cashDepositByReferenceOptions = new CashDepositByReferenceOptions();
        ServiceResult<CashDeposit> result = cashDepositService.getCashDepositByReference(cashDepositByReferenceOptions);
        return result;

Create Cash Deposit With Phone Number

It deposits money to the user from the physical point. using user’s phone number. To perform this operation use createWithPhoneNumber method on Cash Deposit service. phoneNumber, amount and merchantReference should be provided.


CashDepositToPhoneOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
phoneNumber String Gets or sets phone number. The mobile phone number registered in the Papara account of the user to be loaded with cash.
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the cash deposit. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. The amount to be deducted from the merchant account will be exactly this number.
merchantReference String Gets or sets merchant reference. The unique value sent by the merchant to prevent false repetitions in cash loading transactions. If a previously submitted and successful merchantReference is resubmitted with a new request, the request will fail. merchantReference sent with failed requests can be resubmitted.

Service Method


Creates a cash deposit request using end users' phone number.

Method Params Return Type
CreateWithPhoneNumber CashDepositToPhoneOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a cash deposit request using end users's phone number.
     * @param cashDepositToPhoneOptions Cash Deposit To Phone Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDeposit
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDeposit> createWithPhoneNumber() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositToPhoneOptions cashDepositToPhoneOptions = new CashDepositToPhoneOptions();
        cashDepositToPhoneOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult<CashDeposit> result = cashDepositService.createWithPhoneNumber(cashDepositToPhoneOptions);
        return result;

Create Cash Deposit With Account Number

Deposits money to the user with Papara number from the physical point. To perform this operation use createWithAccountNumber on Cash Deposit service. accountNumber, amount and merchantReference should be provided.


CashDepositToAccountNumberOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
accountNumber Integer Gets or sets account number. Papara account number of the user who will be loaded with cash.
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the cash deposit. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. The amount to be deducted from the merchant account will be exactly this number.
merchantReference String Gets or sets merchant reference. The unique value sent by the merchant to prevent false repetitions in cash loading transactions. If a previously submitted and successful merchantReference is resubmitted with a new request, the request will fail. MerchantReference sent with failed requests can be resubmitted.

Service Method


Creates a cash deposit request using end user's account number.

Method Params Return Type
createWithAccountNumber CashDepositToAccountNumberOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a cash deposit request using end user's account number.
     * @param cashDepositToAccountNumberOptions Cash Deposit To Account Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDeposit
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDeposit> createWithAccountNumber() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositToAccountNumberOptions cashDepositToAccountNumberOptions = new CashDepositToAccountNumberOptions();
        cashDepositToAccountNumberOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult<CashDeposit> result = cashDepositService.createWithAccountNumber(cashDepositToAccountNumberOptions);
        return result;

Create Cash Deposit With National Identity Number

Deposits money to the user with national identity number registered in Papara from the physical point. To perform this operation use createWithTckn on Cash Deposit service. phoneNumber, tckn, amount and merchantReference should be provided.


CashDepositToTcknOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
tckn String Gets or sets national identity number which is linked to user's Papara account
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the cash deposit. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. The amount to be deducted from the merchant account will be exactly this number
merchantReference String Gets or sets merchant reference. The unique value sent by the merchant to prevent false repetitions in cash loading transactions. If a previously submitted and successful merchantReference is resubmitted with a new request, the request will fail. merchantReference sent with failed requests can be resubmitted

Service Method


Creates a cash deposit request using end users's national identity number.

Method Params Return Type
createWithTckn CashDepositToTcknOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a cash deposit request using end users's national identity number.
     * @param cashDepositToTcknOptions Cash Deposit To National Identity Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDeposit
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDeposit> createWithTckn() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositToTcknOptions cashDepositToTcknOptions = new CashDepositToTcknOptions();
        cashDepositToTcknOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult<CashDeposit> result = cashDepositService.createWithTckn(cashDepositToTcknOptions);
        return result;

Create Cash Deposit Provision With National Identity Number

Creates a request to deposit money from the physical point using national identity number registered in Papara without provision. To perform this operation use createProvisionWithTckn on Cash Deposit service. phoneNumber, tckn, amount and merchantReference should be provided.

CashDepositToTcknOptions Model

CashDepositProvision class is used by cash deposit service to match returning cash deposit provision values from API.

Variable Name Type Description
tckn String Get national identity number which is linked to user's Papara account
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount
merchantReference String Gets or sets merchant reference code

Service Method


Creates a cash deposit request without upfront payment using end user's national identity number.

Method Params Return Type
createProvisionWithTckn CashDepositToTcknOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a cash deposit request without upfront payment using end user's national identity number.
     * @param cashDepositToTcknOptions Cash Deposit To National Identity Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDepositProvision
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> createProvisionWithTckn() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositToTcknOptions cashDepositToTcknOptions = new CashDepositToTcknOptions();
        cashDepositToTcknOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> result = cashDepositService.createProvisionWithTckn(cashDepositToTcknOptions);
        return result;

Create Cash Deposit Provision Control With National Identity Number

Deposits money to the user with national identity number registered in Papara from the physical point. To perform this operation use createProvisionWithTcknControl on Cash Deposit service. phoneNumber, tckn, amount and merchantReference should be provided.


CashDepositTcknControlOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
phoneNumber String Gets or sets phone number which is linked to user's Papara account
tckn String Gets or sets national identity number which is linked to user's Papara account
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the cash deposit. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. The amount to be deducted from the merchant account will be exactly this number
merchantReference String Gets or sets merchant reference. The unique value sent by the merchant to prevent false repetitions in cash loading transactions. If a previously submitted and successful merchantReference is resubmitted with a new request, the request will fail. merchantReference sent with failed requests can be resubmitted

Service Method


Creates a cash deposit request using end users's national identity number.

Method Params Return Type
createProvisionWithTcknControl CashDepositTcknControlOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a cash deposit request without upfront payment using end user's national identity number.
     * @param CashDepositControlOptions Cash Deposit Control Options
     * @return ServiceResult  with the generic type of CashDepositProvision
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> createProvisionWithTcknControl(CashDepositTcknControlOptions cashDepositTcknControlOptions) throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositTcknControlOptions cashDepositTcknControlOptions = new CashDepositTcknControlOptions();
        cashDepositTcknControlOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> result = cashDepositService.createProvisionWithTcknControl(cashDepositTcknControlOptions);
        return result;

Create Cash Deposit Provision With Phone Number

Creates a request to deposit money from the physical point using phone number registered in Papara without provision. To perform this operation use createProvisionWithPhoneNumber on Cash Deposit service. phoneNumber, amount and merchantReference should be provided.

Service Method


Creates a cash deposit request without upfront payment using end user's phone number.

Method Params Return Type
createProvisionWithPhoneNumber CashDepositToPhoneOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a cash deposit request without upfront payment using end users's phone number.
     * @param cashDepositToPhoneModel Cash Deposit To Phone Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDepositProvision
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> createProvisionWithPhoneNumber() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositToPhoneOptions cashDepositToPhoneOptions = new CashDepositToPhoneOptions();
        cashDepositToPhoneOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> result = cashDepositService.createProvisionWithPhoneNumber(cashDepositToPhoneOptions);
        return result;

Create Cash Deposit Provision With Account Number

Creates a request to deposit money from the physical point using Papara number without provision. To perform this operation use createProvisionWithAccountNumber on Cash Deposit service. accountNumber, amount and merchantReference should be provided.

Service Method


Creates a cash deposit request without upfront payment using end user's phone number.

Method Params Return Type
createProvisionWithAccountNumber CashDepositToAccountNumberOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a cash deposit request without upfront payment using merchant's account number.
     * @param cashDepositToAccountNumberOptions Cash Deposit To Account Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDepositProvision
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> createProvisionWithAccountNumber() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositToAccountNumberOptions cashDepositToAccountNumberOptions = new CashDepositToAccountNumberOptions();
        cashDepositToAccountNumberOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> result = cashDepositService.createProvisionWithAccountNumber(cashDepositToAccountNumberOptions);
        return result;

Cash Deposit Provision Control By Reference Code

With the reference code created by the user, it checks the deposit request without prepayment from the physical point and makes it ready to be approved. To perform this operation, use provisionByReferenceControl on Cash Deposit service. referenceCode and amount should be provided.

Service Method


Makes a cash deposit request ready to be completed without upfront payment.

Method Params Return Type
provisionByReferenceControl CashDepositControlOptions ServiceResult


     * Makes a cash deposit provision ready to be completed by cash deposit reference number
     * @param CashDepositControlOptions Cash Deposit Control Options
     * @return ServiceResult
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult provisionByReferenceControl() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositControlOptions cashDepositControlOptions = new CashDepositControlOptions();
        cashDepositControlOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult result = cashDepositService.provisionByReferenceControl(cashDepositControlOptions);
        return result;

Complete Cash Deposit Provision By Reference Code

With the reference code created by the user, it approves the deposit request without prepayment from the physical point and transfers the balance to the user. To perform this operation, use completeProvisionByReference on Cash Deposit service. referenceCode and amount should be provided.

Service Method


Completes a cash deposit request without upfront payment.

Method Params Return Type
completeProvisionByReference CashDepositControlOptions ServiceResult


     * Completes a cash deposit provision by cash deposit reference number
     * @param CashDepositControlOptions Cash Deposit Control Options
     * @return ServiceResult
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult completeProvisionByReference() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositControlOptions cashDepositControlOptions = new CashDepositControlOptions();
        cashDepositControlOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10));

        ServiceResult result = cashDepositService.completeProvisionByReference(cashDepositControlOptions);
        return result;

Cash Deposit Completion

Confirms the deposit request created from the physical point to the user without prepayment. To perform this operation, use completeCashDepositProvision on Cash Deposit service. id and transactionDate should be provided.


CashDepositCompleteOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
id Integer Gets or sets ID of cash deposit request
transactionDate String Gets or sets date of cash deposit transaction

Service Method


Completes a cash deposit request without upfront payment.

Method Params Return Type
completeCashDepositProvision CashDepositCompleteOptions ServiceResult


     * Completes a cash deposit request without upfront payment.
     * @param cashDepositCompleteOptions Cash Deposit Complete Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDeposit
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> completeCashDepositProvision() throws PaparaRESTException {     
        CashDepositCompleteOptions cashDepositCompleteOptions = new CashDepositCompleteOptions();

        ServiceResult<CashDepositProvision> cashDepositProvisionServiceResult = cashDepositService.completeCashDepositProvision(cashDepositCompleteOptions);
        return result;

Get Cash Deposit By Date

Retrieves information of money deposits from the physical point. To perform this operation, use getCashDepositByDate on Cash Deposit service. startDate, endDate, pageIndex and pageItemCount should be provided.


CashDepositByDateOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
startDate String Gets or sets start date of cash deposit
endDate String Gets or sets end date of cash deposit
pageIndex Integer Gets or sets page index. It is the index number of the page that is wanted to display from the pages calculated on the basis of the number of records (pageItemCount) desired to be displayed on a page. Note: the first page is always 1
pageItemCount Integer Gets or sets page item count. The number of records that are desired to be displayed on a page

Service Method


Returns a cash deposit information by given date.

Method Params Return Type
getCashDepositByDate CashDepositByDateOptions ServiceResult<ArrayList>


     * Returns a cash deposit information by given date.
     * @param cashDepositByDateOptions Cash Deposit By Date Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDeposit
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<ArrayList<CashDeposit>> getCashDepositByDate() throws PaparaRESTException {
        ServiceResult<ArrayList<CashDeposit>> result = cashDepositService.getCashDepositByDate(cashDepositByDateOptions);
        return result;

Provision Settlements

Returns the total number and volume of transactions performed within the given dates. Both start and end dates are included in the calculation. To perform this operation, use provisionSettlement on Cash Deposit service. startDate and endDate should be provided.


CashDepositSettlementOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
startDate String Gets or sets start date for settlement
endDate String Gets or sets end date for settlement
entryType Integer Gets or sets entry type for settlement

Service Method


Returns total transaction volume and count between given dates. Start and end dates are included.

Method Params Return Type
provisionSettlement CashDepositSettlementOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns total transaction volume and count between given dates. Start and end dates are included.
     * @param cashDepositSettlementOptions Cash Deposit Settlement Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDepositSettlement
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDepositSettlement> provisionSettlement() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositSettlementOptions cashDepositSettlementOptions = new CashDepositSettlementOptions();

        ServiceResult<CashDepositSettlement> result = cashDepositService.provisionSettlement(cashDepositSettlementOptions);
        return result;


Returns the total number and volume of transactions performed within the given dates. Both start and end dates are included in the calculation. To perform this operation, use settlement on Cash Deposit service. startDate and endDate should be provided.


CashDepositSettlementOptions is used by cash deposit service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
startDate String Gets or sets start date for settlement
endDate String Gets or sets end date for settlement
entryType Integer Gets or sets entry type for settlement

Service Method


Returns total transaction volume and count between given dates. Start and end dates are included.

Method Params Return Type
settlement CashDepositSettlementOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns total transaction volume and count between given dates. Start and end dates are included.
     * @param cashDepositSettlementOptions Cash Deposit Settlement Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of CashDepositSettlement
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<CashDepositSettlement> settlement() throws PaparaRESTException {
        CashDepositSettlementOptions cashDepositSettlementOptions = new CashDepositSettlementOptions();

        ServiceResult<CashDepositSettlement> result = cashDepositService.settlement(cashDepositSettlementOptions);
        return result;

Possible Errors and Error Codes

Error Code Error Description
100 User not found.
101 Merchant information could not found.
105 Insufficient funds.
107 The user exceeds the balance limit with this transaction.
111 The user exceeds the monthly transaction limit with this transaction
112 An amount has been sent below the minimum deposit limit.
203 The user account is blocked.
997 The authorization to make a cash deposit is not defined in your account. You should contact your customer representative.
998 The parameters you submitted are not in the expected format. Example: one of the mandatory fields is not provided.
999 An error occurred in the Papara system.

This part is the technical integration statement prepared for merchants those want to distribute payments to their users quickly, safely and widely through Papara.

Get Mass Payment

Returns information about the payment distribution process. To perform this operation use getMassPaymentById method on MassPayment service. id should be provided.

Mass Payment Model

MassPayment class is used by mass payment service to match returning mass payment values from API.

Variable Name Type Description
massPaymentId string Gets or sets mass payment ID
id Integer Gets or sets ID which is created after payment is done
createdAt String Gets or sets created date
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount of payment
currency Integer Gets or sets currency. Values are “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”
fee BigDecimal Gets or sets fee
resultingBalance BigDecimal Gets or sets resulting balance
description String Gets or sets description


MassPaymentByIdOptions is used by mass payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
id String Gets or sets mass payment ID

Service Method


Returns mass payment information for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
massPaymentById MassPaymentByIdOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns mass payment information for authorized merchant.
     * @param MassPaymentByIdOptions Mass Payment By Id Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of MassPayment
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<MassPayment> massPaymentById() throws PaparaRESTException {
        MassPaymentByIdOptions massPaymentByIdOptions = new MassPaymentByIdOptions();
        ServiceResult<MassPayment> result = massPaymentService.massPaymentById(massPaymentByIdOptions);
        return result;

Get Mass Payment By Reference

Returns information about the payment distribution process. To perform this operation use massPaymentByReference method on MassPayment service. reference should be provided.


MassPaymentByIdOptions is used by mass payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
reference String Gets or sets mass payment number

Service Method


Returns mass payment information for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
massPaymentByReference massPaymentByReferenceOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns mass payment information for authorized merchant.
     * @param MassPaymentByIdOptions Mass Payment By Id Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of MassPayment
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<MassPayment> massPaymentByReference() throws PaparaRESTException {
        MassPaymentByReferenceOptions massPaymentByReferenceOptions = new MassPaymentByReferenceOptions();
        ServiceResult<MassPayment> result = massPaymentService.massPaymentByReference(massPaymentByReferenceOptions);
        return result;

Create Mass Payment To Account Number

Send money to Papara number. To perform this operation use massPaymentByAccount method on MassPayment service. accountNumber, amount and massPaymentId should be provided.


MassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions is used by mass payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
accountNumber String Gets or sets Papara account number. The 10-digit Papara number of the user who will receive the payment. It can be in the format 1234567890 or PL1234567890. Before the Papara version transition, the Papara number was called the wallet number.Old wallet numbers have been changed to Papara number. Payment can be distributed to old wallet numbers.
parseAccountNumber Integer Gets or sets parse account number. Parses the account number to long type. In old papara integrations, account / wallet number was made by starting with PL. The service was written in such a way that it accepts numbers starting with PL, in order not to cause problems to the member merchants that receive the papara number from their users.
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the payment transaction. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. This figure plus transaction fee will be charged to the merchant account.
massPaymentId String ets or sets mass payment ID. Unique value sent by merchant to prevent erroneous repetition in payment transactions. If a massPaymentId that was sent previously and succeeded is sent again with a new request, the request will fail.
turkishNationalId Long Gets or sets national identity number.It provides the control of the identity information sent by the user who will receive the payment, in the Papara system. In case of a conflict of credentials, the transaction will not take place.
description String Gets or sets description. Description of the transaction provided by the merchant. It is not a required field. If sent, the customer sees in the transaction descriptions.
currency Integer Gets or sets currency. Values are “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”

Service Method


Creates a mass payment to given account number for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
massPaymentByAccount MassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a mass payment to given account number for authorized merchant.
     * @param MassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions Mass Payment To Papara Account Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of MassPayment
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<MassPayment> massPaymentByAccount() throws PaparaRESTException {
        MassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions massPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions = new MassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions();
        massPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(1));
        massPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions.setDescription("Unit Test: MassPaymentByAccount");
        ServiceResult<MassPayment> result = massPaymentService.massPaymentByAccount(massPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions);
        return result;

Create Mass Payment To E-Mail Address

Send money to e-mail address registered in Papara. To perform this operation use massPaymentByEmail method on MassPayment service. email, amount and massPaymentId should be provided.


MassPaymentToEmailOptions is used by mass payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
email String Gets or sets e-mail address. Registered email address of the user receiving the payment.
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the payment transaction. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. This figure plus transaction fee will be charged to the merchant account.
massPaymentId String Gets or sets mass payment ID. Unique value sent by merchant to prevent erroneous repetition in payment transactions. If a massPaymentId that was sent previously and succeeded is sent again with a new request, the request will fail.
turkishNationalId Long Gets or sets national identity number.It provides the control of the identity information sent by the user who will receive the payment, in the Papara system. In case of a conflict of credentials, the transaction will not take place.
description String Gets or sets description. Description of the transaction provided by the merchant. It is not a required field. If sent, the customer sees in the transaction descriptions.
currency Integer Gets or sets currency. Values are “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”

Service Method


Creates a mass payment to given e-mail address for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
massPaymentByEmail MassPaymentToEmailOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a mass payment to given e-mail address for authorized merchant.
     * @param MassPaymentToEmailOptions Mass Payment To E-Mail Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of MassPayment
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<MassPayment> massPaymentByEmail() throws PaparaRESTException {
        MassPaymentToEmailOptions massPaymentToEmailOptions = new MassPaymentToEmailOptions();
        massPaymentToEmailOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(1));
        massPaymentToEmailOptions.setDescription("Unit Test: MassPaymentByEmail");
        ServiceResult<MassPayment> result = massPaymentService.massPaymentByEmail(massPaymentToEmailOptions);
        return result;

Create Mass Payment To Phone Number

Send money to phone number registered in Papara. To perform this operation use massPaymentByPhone method on MassPayment service. phoneNumber, amount and massPaymentId should be provided.


MassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions is used by mass payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
phoneNumber string Gets or sets user's phone number. The mobile number of the user who will receive the payment, registered in Papara. It should contain a country code and start with +
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the payment transaction. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. This figure plus transaction fee will be charged to the merchant account
massPaymentId String Gets or sets mass payment ID. Unique value sent by merchant to prevent erroneous repetition in payment transactions. If a MassPaymentId that was sent previously and succeeded is sent again with a new request, the request will fail
turkishNationalId Long Gets or sets national identity number.It provides the control of the identity information sent by the user who will receive the payment, in the Papara system. In case of a conflict of credentials, the transaction will not take place
description String Gets or sets description. Description of the transaction provided by the merchant. It is not a required field. If sent, the customer sees in the transaction descriptions
currency Integer Gets or sets currency. Values are “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”

Service Method


Creates a mass payment to given phone number for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
massPaymentByPhone MassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a mass payment to given phone number for authorized merchant.
     * @param MassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions Mass Payment To Phone Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of MassPayment
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<MassPayment> massPaymentByPhone() throws PaparaRESTException {
        MassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions massPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions = new MassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions();
        massPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(1));
        massPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions.setDescription("Unit Test: MassPaymentByPhone");
        ServiceResult<MassPayment> result = massPaymentService.massPaymentByPhone(massPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions);
        return result;

Possible Errors and Error Codes

Error Code Error Description
100 User not found.
105 Insufficient funds
107 Receiver exceeds balance limit. The highest possible balance for simple accounts is 750 TL.
111 Receiver exceeds monthly transaction limit. Simple accounts can receive payments from a total of 2000 TL of defined resources per month.
133 MassPaymentID was used recently.
398 The transaction could not be performed because the user you want to send foreign currency to does not have a verified account.
997 You are not authorized to distribute payments. You can contact your customer representative and request a payment distribution definition to your merchant account.
998 The parameters you submitted are not in the expected format. Example: Customer number less than 10 digits. In this case, the error message contains details of the format error.
999 An error occurred in the Papara system.

This section is the technical integration document prepared for the merchants who want to distribute payments to their users in a fast, secure and widespread through Papara.

Recurring Mass Payment Model

RecurringMassPayment class is used by recurring mass payment service to match returning recurring mass payment values from API.

Variable Name Type Description
MerchantId string Gets or sets merchant id.
UserId string Gets or sets user id.
Period int Gets or sets period. Values are "0" (Monthly), "1" (Weekly), "2" (Daily).
ExecutionDay int Gets or sets day of period. (Weeks start with Monday).
AccountNumber int Gets or sets account number.
Message string Gets or sets message.
Amount decimal Gets or sets amount.
Currency Currency Gets or sets currency.Values are “0” (TRY), “1” (USD), “2” (EUR), “3” (GBP).

Create Recurring Mass Payment To Account Number

To perform this operation use CreateRecurringMassPaymentWithAccountNumber method on MassPayment service. AccountNumber, Amount, ExecutionDay, Description and Period should be provided.


RecurringMassPaymentToAccountNumberOptions is used by mass payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
AccountNumber string Gets or sets Papara account number. The 10-digit Papara number of the user who will receive the payment. It can be in the format 1234567890 or PL1234567890. Before the Papara version transition, the Papara number was called the wallet number.Old wallet numbers have been changed to Papara number. Payment can be distributed to old wallet numbers.
Amount decimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the payment transaction. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. This figure plus transaction fee will be charged to the merchant account.
TurkishNationalId long? Gets or sets national identity number.It provides the control of the identity information sent by the user who will receive the payment, in the Papara system. In case of a conflict of credentials, the transaction will not take place.
Currency Currency? Gets or sets currency.Values are “0” (TRY), “1” (USD), “2” (EUR), “3” (GBP).
Period int Gets or sets period. Values are "0" (Monthly), "1" (Weekly), "2" (Daily).
ExecutionDay int Gets or sets day of period. (Weeks start with Monday).
Description string Gets or sets description. Description of the transaction provided by the merchant. It is not a required field. If sent, the customer sees in the transaction descriptions.

Service Method


Creates a recurring mass payment to given account number for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
recurringMassPaymentByAccount RecurringMassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions ServiceResult


    public ServiceResult<RecurringMassPayment> RecurringMassPaymentByAccount() throws PaparaRESTException {
        RecurringMassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions recurringMassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions = new RecurringMassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions();
        recurringMassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(1));
        recurringMassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions.setDescription("Unit Test: RecurringMassPaymentByAccount");
        ServiceResult<RecurringMassPayment> result = massPaymentService.recurringMassPaymentByAccount(recurringMassPaymentToPaparaNumberOptions);
        return result;

Create Recurring Mass Payment To Email

To perform this operation use CreateRecurringMassPaymentWithEmail method on MassPayment service. Email, Amount, TurkishNationalId, Period, Currency, ExecutionDay and Description should be provided.


RecurringMassPaymentToEmailOptions is used by mass payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
Email string Gets or sets e-mail address. Registered email address of the user receiving the payment.
Amount decimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the payment transaction. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. This figure plus transaction fee will be charged to the merchant account.
TurkishNationalId long? Gets or sets national identity number.It provides the control of the identity information sent by the user who will receive the payment, in the Papara system. In case of a conflict of credentials, the transaction will not take place.
Currency Currency Gets or sets currency.Values are “0” (TRY), “1” (USD), “2” (EUR), “3” (GBP).
Period int Gets or sets period. Values are "0" (Monthly), "1" (Weekly), "2" (Daily).
ExecutionDay int Gets or sets day of period. (Weeks start with Monday).
Description string Gets or sets description. Description of the transaction provided by the merchant. It is not a required field. If sent, the customer sees in the transaction descriptions.

Service Method


Creates a recurring mass payment to given email address for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
recurringMassPaymentByEmail RecurringMassPaymentToEmailOptions ServiceResult


    public ServiceResult<RecurringMassPayment> recurringMassPaymentByEmail() throws PaparaRESTException {
        RecurringMassPaymentToEmailOptions recurringMassPaymentToEmailOptions = new RecurringMassPaymentToEmailOptions();
        recurringMassPaymentToEmailOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(1));
        recurringMassPaymentToEmailOptions.setDescription("Unit Test: RecurringMassPaymentByEmail");
        ServiceResult<RecurringMassPayment> result = massPaymentService.recurringMassPaymentByEmail(recurringMassPaymentToEmailOptions);
        return result;

Create Recurring Mass Payment To Phone Number

To perform this operation use CreateRecurringMassPaymentWithPhoneNumber method on MassPayment service. PhoneNumber, Amount, TurkishNationalId, Period, Currency, ExecutionDay and Description should be provided.


RecurringMassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions is used by mass payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
PhoneNumber string Gets or sets user's phone number. The mobile number of the user who will receive the payment, registered in Papara. It should contain a country code and start with +
Amount decimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the payment transaction. This amount will be transferred to the account of the user who received the payment. This figure plus transaction fee will be charged to the merchant account.
TurkishNationalId long? Gets or sets national identity number.It provides the control of the identity information sent by the user who will receive the payment, in the Papara system. In case of a conflict of credentials, the transaction will not take place.
Currency Currency Gets or sets currency.Values are “0” (TRY), “1” (USD), “2” (EUR), “3” (GBP).
Period int Gets or sets period. Values are "0" (Monthly), "1" (Weekly), "2" (Daily).
ExecutionDay int Gets or sets day of period. (Weeks start with Monday).
Description string Gets or sets description. Description of the transaction provided by the merchant. It is not a required field. If sent, the customer sees in the transaction descriptions.

Service Method


Creates a recurring mass payment to given phone number for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
recurringMassPaymentByPhone RecurringMassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions ServiceResult


    public ServiceResult<RecurringMassPayment> recurringMassPaymentByPhone() throws PaparaRESTException {
        RecurringMassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions recurringMassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions = new RecurringMassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions();
        recurringMassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(1));
        recurringMassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions.setDescription("Unit Test: RecurringMassPaymentByPhone");
        ServiceResult<RecurringMassPayment> result = massPaymentService.recurringMassPaymentByPhone(recurringMassPaymentToPhoneNumberOptions);
        return result;

Possible Errors and Error Codes

Error Code Error Description
100 User not found.
105 Insufficient funds
107 Receiver exceeds balance limit. The highest possible balance for simple accounts is 750 TL.
111 Receiver exceeds monthly transaction limit. Simple accounts can receive payments from a total of 2000 TL of defined resources per month.
133 MassPaymentID was used recently.
398 The transaction could not be performed because the user you want to send foreign currency to does not have a verified account.
997 You are not authorized to distribute payments. You can contact your customer representative and request a payment distribution definition to your merchant account.
998 The parameters you submitted are not in the expected format. Example: Customer number less than 10 digits. In this case, the error message contains details of the format error.
999 An error occurred in the Papara system.

Payment service will be used for getting, creating or listing payments and refunding. Before showing the payment button to users, the merchant must create a payment transaction on Papara. Payment records are time dependent. Transaction records that are not completed and paid by the end user are deleted from Papara system after 1 hour. Completed payment records are never deleted and can always be queried with the API.

Get Payment

Returns payment information. To perform this operation use getPayment method on Payment service. id should be provided.

Payment Model

Payment class is used by payment service to match returning payment values from API.

Variable Name Type Description
merchant Account Gets or sets merhcant
id String Gets or sets ID
createdAt String Gets or sets created date
merchantId String Gets or sets merchant ID
userId string Gets or sets user ID
paymentMethod Integer Gets or sets payment Method. 0 - User completed transaction with existing Papara balance 1 - User completed the transaction with a debit / credit card that was previously defined. 2 - User completed transaction via mobile payment.
paymentMethodDescription String Gets or sets payment method description
referenceId String Gets or sets referance ID
orderDescription String Gets or sets order description
status Integer Gets or sets status. 0 - Awaiting, payment is not done yet. 1 - Payment is done, transaction is completed. 2 - Transactions is refunded by merchant.
statusDescription String Gets or sets status description
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount
fee BigDecimal Gets or sets fee
currency Integer Gets or sets currency. Values are “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”
notificationUrl String Gets or sets notification URL
notificationDone Boolean Gets or sets if notification was made
redirectUrl String Gets or sets redirect URL
paymentUrl String Gets or sets payment URL
merchantSecretKey String Gets or sets merchant secret key
returningRedirectUrl String Gets or sets returning Redirect URL
turkishNationalId Long Gets or sets national identity number


PaymentGetOptions will be used as parameter while acquiring payment information.

Variable Name Type Description
id String Gets or sets unique payment ID

Service Method


Returns payment and balance information for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
getPayment PaymentGetOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns payment and balance information for authorized merchant.
     * @param PaymentGetOptions Payment Get Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Payment
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<Payment> getPayment() throws PaparaRESTException {
        PaymentGetOptions paymentGetOptions = new PaymentGetOptions();
        ServiceResult<Payment> result = paymentService.getPayment(paymentGetOptions);
        return result;

Get Payment By Payment Reference Number

Returns payment information. To perform this operation use getPayment method on getPaymentByReference service. referenceId should be provided.


PaymentGetByReferenceOptions will be used as parameter while acquiring payment information.

Variable Name Type Description
referenceId string Gets or sets unique payment reference number

Service Method


Returns payment and balance information for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
getPaymentByReference PaymentGetByReferenceOptions PaparaResult


   * Returns payment and balance information for authorized merchant.
   * @param PaymentGetOptions $options
   * @return PaparaResult
  public ServiceResult<Payment> getPaymentByReference() throws PaparaRESTException 
     PaymentReferenceGetOptions paymentReferenceGetOptions = new PaymentReferenceGetOptions();

     ServiceResult<Payment> result = paymentService.getPaymentByReference(paymentReferenceGetOptions);
     return result;

Create Payment

Creates a new payment record. To perform this operation use createPayment method on Payment service. amount, referenceId, orderDescription, notificationUrl and redirectUrl should be provided.


PaymentCreateOptions is used by payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount. The amount of the payment transaction. Exactly this amount will be taken from the account of the user who made the payment, and this amount will be displayed to the user on the payment screen. Amount field can be minimum 1.00 and maximum 500000.00
referenceId String Gets or sets reference ID. Reference information of the payment transaction in the merchant system. The transaction will be returned to the merchant without being changed in the result notifications as it was sent to Papara. Must be no more than 100 characters. This area does not have to be unique and Papara does not make such a check
orderDescription String Gets or sets order description. Description of the payment transaction. The sent value will be displayed to the user on the Papara checkout page. Having a description that accurately identifies the transaction initiated by the user, will increase the chance of successful payment
notificationUrl String Gets or sets notification URL. The URL to which payment notification requests (IPN) will be sent. With this field, the URL where the POST will be sent to the payment merchant must be sent. To the URL sent with "notificationUrl", Papara will send a payment object containing all information of the payment with an HTTP POST request immediately after the payment is completed. Make sure that the payment notification (IPN) coming to "NotificationURL" comes from Papara's IP addresses. You can check the payment by calling HTTP GET /payments API method with the "id" field in the submitted JSON. If the merchant returns 200 OK to this request, no notification will be made again. If the merchant does not return 200 OK to this notification, Papara will continue to make payment notification (IPN) requests for 24 hours until the merchant returns to 200 OK
redirectUrl String Gets or sets redirect URL. URL to which the user will be redirected at the end of the process
turkishNationalId Long Gets or sets national identity number.It provides the control of the identity information sent by the user who will receive the payment, in the Papara system. In case of a conflict of credentials, the transaction will not take place
currency Integer Gets or sets currency. Values are “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”

Important Warning

Make sure that the payment notification (IPN) coming to "NotificationURL" comes from Papara's IP addresses. You can check the payment by calling HTTP GET /payments API method with the "id" field in the submitted JSON.

Service Method


Creates a payment for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
createPayment PaymentCreateOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a payment for authorized merchant.
     * @param PaymentCreateOptions Payment Create Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Payment
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<Payment> createPayment() throws PaparaRESTException {
        PaymentCreateOptions paymentCreateOptions = new PaymentCreateOptions();
        paymentCreateOptions.setAmount(new BigDecimal(1));
        paymentCreateOptions.setOrderDescription("Payment Unit Test");
        ServiceResult<Payment> result = paymentService.createPayment(paymentCreateOptions);
        return result;

Validating Payment Result

Following the user's successful completion of the transaction before the user is directed to the merchant , Papara makes a HTTP POST request to the notificationUrl sent by the merchant with the payment request.

In the body part of the request, there will be a JSON object with the same structure as the data object of the return value creating a payment request. Sample:

    "merchantId": "123-4564-8484",
    "userId": "123-987-654",
    "paymentMethod": 1,
    "paymentMethodDescription": "Credit/Debit Card",
    "referenceId": "Merchant Reference",
    "orderDescription": "Description that will be displayed to user on payment page",
    "status": 1,
    "statusDescription": "Completed",    
    "amount": 99.99,
    "fee": 1.98,
    "currency": "TRY",
    "notificationUrl": "",
    "notificationDone": false,
    "redirectUrl": "",
    "merchantSecretKey": "Secret key on the merchant panel",
    "paymentUrl": "",
    "returningRedirectUrl": "",
    "id": "6666-5555-ABCD",
    "createdAt": "2017-06-09T06:26:15.100Z",
    "turkishNationalId": 12345678901,


Refunds a completed payment of the merchant with the provided payment ID .To perform this operation use refundPayment method on Payment service. id should be provided.


PaymentRefundOptions is used by payment service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
id String Gets or sets payment ID

Service Method


Creates a refund for a completed payment for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
refundPayment PaymentRefundOptions ServiceResult


     * Creates a refund for a completed payment for authorized merchant.
     * @param PaymentRefundOptions Payment refund Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Payment
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult refundPayment() throws PaparaRESTException {
        PaymentRefundOptions paymentRefundOptions = new PaymentRefundOptions();

        ServiceResult result = paymentService.refundPayment(paymentRefundOptions);
        return result;


List Payments

Lists the completed payments of the merchant in a sequential order. To perform this operation use paymentList method on Payment service. pageIndex and pageItemCount should be provided.


PaymentListItem class is used by payment service to match returning completed payment list values list API.

Variable Name Type Description
id String Gets or sets payment ID
createdAt String Gets or sets created date
merchantId String Gets or sets merchant ID
userId String Gets or sets user ID
paymentMethod Integer Gets or sets payment Method. 0 - User completed transaction with existing Papara balance 1 - User completed the transaction with a debit / credit card that was previously defined. 2 - User completed transaction via mobile payment.
paymentMethodDescription String Gets or sets payment method description
referenceId String Gets or sets reference ID
orderDescription String Gets or sets order description
Status Integer Gets or sets status. 0 - Awaiting, payment is not done yet. 1 - Payment is done, transaction is completed. 2 - Transactions is refunded by merchant.
statusDescription String Gets or sets status description
amount BigDecimal Gets or sets amount
fee BigDecimal Gets or sets fee
currency Integer Gets or sets currency. Values are “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”
notificationUrl String Gets or sets notification URL
notificationDone Boolean Gets or sets if notification was made
redirectUrl String Gets or sets redirect URL
paymentUrl String Gets or sets payment URL
merchantSecretKey String Gets or sets merchant secret key
returningRedirectUrl String Gets or sets returning Redirect URL
turkishNationalId Long Gets or sets national identity number


PaymentListOptions is used by payment service for providing request parameters

Variable Name Type Description
pageIndex Integer Gets or sets page index. It is the index number of the page that is wanted to display from the pages calculated on the basis of the number of records (pageItemCount) desired to be displayed on a page. Note: the first page is always 1
pageItemCount Integer Gets or sets page item count. The number of records that are desired to be displayed on a page

Service Method


Returns a list of completed payments sorted by newest to oldest for authorized merchant.

Method Params Return Type
paymentList PaymentListOptions ServiceResult<PagingResult>


     * Returns a list of completed payments sorted by newest to oldest for authorized merchant.
     * @param PaymentListOptions Payment List Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Paging Result of Payment List Item
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<PagingResult<PaymentListItem>> paymentList() throws PaparaRESTException {
        PaymentListOptions paymentListOptions = new PaymentListOptions();
        ServiceResult<PagingResult<PaymentListItem>> paymentList = paymentService.paymentList(paymentListOptions);
        return result;

Possible Errors and Error Codes

Error Code Error Description
997 You are not authorized to accept payments. You should contact your customer representative.
998 The parameters you submitted are not in the expected format. Example: one of the mandatory fields is not provided.
999 An error occurred in the Papara system.

Validation service will be used for validating an end user. Validation can be performed by account number, e-mail address, phone number, national identity number.

Validate By Id

It is used to validate users with Papara UserId. To perform this operation use validationById method on Validation service. userId should be provided.

Validation Model

Validation class is used by validation service to match returning user value from API

Variable Name Type Description
userId String Gets or sets unique User ID
firstName String Gets or sets user first name
LastName String Gets or sets user last name
email String Gets or sets user e-mail address
phoneNumber String Gets or sets user phone number
tckn String Gets or sets user national identity number
accountNumber Integer Gets or sets user account number


ValidationByIdOptions is used by validation service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
userId string Gets or sets papara User ID

Service Method


Returns end user information for validation by given user ID.

Method Params Return Type
validationById ValidationByIdOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns end user information for validation by given user ID.
     * @param ValidationByIdOptions Validation By Id Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Validation
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<Validation> validationById() throws PaparaRESTException {
        ValidationByIdOptions validationByIdOptions = new ValidationByIdOptions();
        ServiceResult<Validation> result = validationService.validationById(validationByIdOptions);
        return result;

Validate By Account Number

It is used to validate users with Papara account number. To perform this operation use validationByAccountNumber method on Validation service. accountNumber should be provided.


ValidationByAccountNumberOptions is used by validation service for providing request parameters

Variable Name Type Description
accountNumber Long Gets or sets Papara account number

Service Method


Returns end user information for validation by given user account number.

Method Params Return Type
validationByAccountNumber ValidationByAccountNumberOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns end user information for validation by given user account number.
     * @param ValidationByAccountNumberOptions Validation By Account Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Validation
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<Validation> validationByAccountNumber() throws PaparaRESTException {
        ValidationByAccountNumberOptions validationByAccountNumberOptions = new ValidationByAccountNumberOptions();
        ServiceResult<Validation> result = validationService.validationByAccountNumber(validationByAccountNumberOptions);
        return result;

Validate By Phone Number

It is used to validate users with phone number registered in Papara. To perform this operation use validationByPhoneNumber method on Validation service. phoneNumber should be provided.


ValidationByPhoneNumberOptions is used by validation service for providing request parameters

Variable Name Type Description
phoneNumber String Gets or sets phone number registered to Papara

Service Method


Returns end user information for validation by given user phone number.

Method Params Return Type
validateByPhoneNumber ValidationByPhoneNumberOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns end user information for validation by given phone number.
     * @param ValidationByPhoneNumberOptions Validation By Phone Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Validation
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<Validation> validationByPhoneNumber() throws PaparaRESTException {
        ValidationByPhoneNumberOptions validationByPhoneNumberOptions = new ValidationByPhoneNumberOptions();
        ServiceResult<Validation> result = validationService.validationByPhoneNumber(validationByPhoneNumberOptions);
        return result;

Validate By E-Mail Address

It is used to validate users with e-mail address registered in Papara. To perform this operation use validationByEmail method on Validation service. email should be provided.


ValidationByEmailOptions is used by validation service for providing request parameters

Variable Name Type Description
email String Gets or sets e-mail address registered to Papara

Service Method


Returns end user information for validation by given user e-mail address

Method Params Return Type
validationByEmail ValidationByEmailOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns end user information for validation by given user e-mail address.
     * @param ValidationByEmailOptions Validation By E-Mail Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Validation
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<Validation> validationByEmail() throws PaparaRESTException {
        ValidationByEmailOptions validationByEmailOptions = new ValidationByEmailOptions();
        ServiceResult<Validation> result = validationService.validationByEmail(validationByEmailOptions);
        return result;

Validate By National Identity Number

It is used to validate users with national identity number registered in Papara. To perform this operation use validationByTckn method on Validation service. tckn should be provided.


ValidationByPhoneNumberOptions is used by validation service for providing request parameters.

Variable Name Type Description
tckn Long Gets or sets national identity number

Service Method


Returns end user information for validation by given user national identity number

Method Params Return Type
validationByTckn ValidationByTcknOptions ServiceResult


     * Returns end user information for validation by given user national identity number.
     * @param ValidationByTcknOptions Validation By National Identity Number Options
     * @return ServiceResult with the generic type of Validation
     * @throws PaparaRESTException
    public ServiceResult<Validation> validationByTckn(4) throws PaparaRESTException {
        ValidationByTcknOptions validationByTcknOptions = new ValidationByTcknOptions();
        ServiceResult<Validation> result = validationService.validationByTckn(validationByTcknOptions);
        return result;


This part contains technical information about return values from API.


Papara Service Result type. Handles object data types sending to and returning from API.

Variable Name Type Description
data T Generic object return type. Returns the value of the given object type
succeeded Boolean Returns success result
error ServiceError Returns error result
result ServiceSuccessResult Returns service success result


Papara Service Error Result type. Handles error responses returning from API.

Variable Name Type Description
message String Gets or sets error message
code Integer Gets or sets error code


Papara Service Success Result type. Handles success responses returning from API.

Variable Name Type Description
message String Gets or sets success message
code Integer Gets or sets success code


Papara Paging type. Handles paging data types sending to and returning from API.

Variable Name Type Description
items List Gets or sets list items
page Integer Gets or sets page number
pageItemCount Integer Gets or sets page item count
totalItemCount Integer Gets or sets total item count
totalPageCount Integer Gets or sets total page count
pageSkip Integer Gets or sets how many pages to be skipped

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