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pagemenu's Introduction


Version License Platform Carthage compatible

Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes and I won't be able to maintain this library any longer and upgrade this library to where it needs to be.

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Latest Update

1.2.8 Release (06/22/2015)

  • Bug fixes
  • Obj-c more stable


A fully customizable and flexible paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view allowing the user to switch between any kind of view controller with an easy tap or swipe gesture similar to what Spotify, Windows Phone, and Instagram use

Similar to Spotify



Similar to Windows Phone



Similar to Instagram segmented control





PageMenu is available through CocoaPods. !! Swift only !!

To install add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'PageMenu'


PageMenu is also available through Carthage. Append this line to Cartfile and follow this instruction.

github "uacaps/PageMenu"

Manual Installation

The class file required for PageMenu is located in the Classes folder in the root of this repository as listed below:

  • CAPSPageMenu.swift

How to use PageMenu

First you will have to create a view controller that is supposed to serve as the base of the page menu. This can be a view controller with its xib file as a separate file as well as having its xib file in storyboard. Following this you will have to go through a few simple steps outlined below in order to get everything up and running.

1) Add the files listed in the installation section to your project

2) Add a property for CAPSPageMenu in your base view controller


var pageMenu : CAPSPageMenu?


@property (nonatomic) CAPSPageMenu *pagemenu;

3) Add the following code in the viewDidLoad function in your view controller


// Array to keep track of controllers in page menu
var controllerArray : [UIViewController] = []

// Create variables for all view controllers you want to put in the 
// page menu, initialize them, and add each to the controller array. 
// (Can be any UIViewController subclass)
// Make sure the title property of all view controllers is set
// Example:
var controller : UIViewController = UIViewController(nibName: "controllerNibName", bundle: nil)
controller.title = "SAMPLE TITLE"

// Customize page menu to your liking (optional) or use default settings by sending nil for 'options' in the init
// Example:
var parameters: [CAPSPageMenuOption] = [

// Initialize page menu with controller array, frame, and optional parameters
pageMenu = CAPSPageMenu(viewControllers: controllerArray, frame: CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, self.view.frame.width, self.view.frame.height), pageMenuOptions: parameters)

// Lastly add page menu as subview of base view controller view
// or use pageMenu controller in you view hierachy as desired


// Array to keep track of controllers in page menu
NSMutableArray *controllerArray = [NSMutableArray array];

// Create variables for all view controllers you want to put in the 
// page menu, initialize them, and add each to the controller array. 
// (Can be any UIViewController subclass)
// Make sure the title property of all view controllers is set
// Example:
UIViewController *controller = [UIViewController alloc] initWithNibname:@"controllerNibnName" bundle:nil];
controller.title = @"SAMPLE TITLE";
[controllerArray addObject:controller];

// Customize page menu to your liking (optional) or use default settings by sending nil for 'options' in the init
// Example:
NSDictionary *parameters = @{CAPSPageMenuOptionMenuItemSeparatorWidth: @(4.3),
                             CAPSPageMenuOptionUseMenuLikeSegmentedControl: @(YES),
                             CAPSPageMenuOptionMenuItemSeparatorPercentageHeight: @(0.1)

// Initialize page menu with controller array, frame, and optional parameters
_pageMenu = [[CAPSPageMenu alloc] initWithViewControllers:controllerArray frame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height) options:parameters];

// Lastly add page menu as subview of base view controller view
// or use pageMenu controller in you view hierachy as desired
[self.view addSubview:_pageMenu.view];

4) Optional - Delegate Methods

In order to use the delegate methods first set the delegate of page menu to the parent view controller when setting it up


// Optional delegate 
pageMenu!.delegate = self


// Optional delegate 
_pageMenu.delegate = self;

After that you will be able to set up the following delegate methods inside of your parent view controller


func willMoveToPage(controller: UIViewController, index: Int){}

func didMoveToPage(controller: UIViewController, index: Int){}


// Optional delegate 
- (void)willMoveToPage:(UIViewController *)controller index:(NSInteger)index {}

- (void)didMoveToPage:(UIViewController *)controller index:(NSInteger)index {}

5) You should now be ready to use PageMenu!! 🎉


There are many ways you are able to customize page menu for your needs and there will be more customizations coming in the future to make sure page menu conforms to your app design. These will all be properties in CAPSPageMenu that can be changed from your base view controller. (Property names given with each item below)

1) Colors

  • Background color behind the page menu scroll view to blend in view controller backgrounds

    viewBackgroundColor (UIColor)
  • Scroll menu background color

    scrollMenuBackgroundColor (UIColor)
  • Selection indicator color

    selectionIndicatorColor (UIColor)
  • Selected menu item label color

    selectedMenuItemLabelColor (UIColor)
  • Unselected menu item label color

    unselectedMenuItemLabelColor (UIColor)
  • Menu item separator color (Used for segmented control style)

    menuItemSeparatorColor (UIColor)
  • Bottom menu hairline color

    bottomMenuHairlineColor (UIColor)

2) Dimensions

  • Scroll menu height

    menuHeight (CGFloat)
  • Scroll menu margin (leading space before first menu item and after last menu item as well as in between items)

    menuMargin (CGFloat)
  • Scroll menu item width

    menuItemWidth (CGFloat)
  • Selection indicator height

    selectionIndicatorHeight (CGFloat)

3) Segmented Control

  • Use PageMenu as segmented control

    useMenuLikeSegmentedControl (Bool)
  • Menu item separator width in pixels

    menuItemSeparatorWidth (CGFloat)
  • Menu item separator height in percentage of menu height

    menuItemSeparatorPercentageHeight (CGFloat)
  • Menu item separator has rounded edges

    menuItemSeparatorRoundEdges (Bool)

4) Others

  • Menu item title label font

    menuItemFont (UIFont)
  • Bottom menu hairline

    addBottomMenuHairline (Bool)
  • Menu item witdh based on title text width (see Demo 3)

    menuItemWidthBasedOnTitleTextWidth (Bool)
  • Disable/Enable horizontal bounce for controller scroll view

    enableHorizontalBounce (Bool)
  • Hide/Unhide top menu bar

    hideTopMenuBar (Bool)
  • Center menu items in menu if they don't span entire width (Not currently supported for menu item width based on title)

    centerMenuItems (Bool)
  • Scroll animation duration on menu item tap in milliseconds

    scrollAnimationDurationOnMenuItemTap (Int)

Apps using PageMenu

Please let me know if your app in the AppStore uses this library so I can add your app to the list of apps featuring PageMenu.

Future Work

  • Screen rotation support
  • Objective-C version
  • Infinite scroll option / Wrap items
  • Carthage support
  • More customization options


Niklas Fahl (fahlout) - iOS Developer (LinkedIn)

Thank you for your contributions:


  • Type-safe options

John C. Daub (hsoi)

  • iOS 7.1 fixes
  • Content size fixes on viewDidLayoutSubviews()

Gurpartap Singh (Gurpartap)

  • CocoaPods fixes
  • ScrollToTop fixes

Chao Ruan (rcgary)

  • Swift 1.2 Support

Update Log

1.2.7 Release (06/05/2015)

  • CocoaPods now has current version
  • Objective-C version in Beta
  • Demos updated

1.2.6 Release (05/26/2015)

1.2.5 Release (04/14/2015)

1.2.4 Release (03/24/2015)

  • Small improvements thanks to hsoi and kitasuke

1.2.3 Release (02/09/2015)

  • iOS 7.1 errors resolved - hsoi
  • Scroll to top now working for each page when tapping status bar - Gurpartap
  • Now fully working with CocoaPods - Gurpartap

1.2.2 Release (02/09/2015)

  • Now fully working with CocoaPods thanks to Gurpartap

1.2.1 Release (02/02/2015)

  • Added delegate methods to know when page menu will move and did move to a certain page index
  • Fixed bug where pages would disappear when tapping around on menu items
  • Added a few more customization options (enableHorizontalBounce, hideTopMenuBar, menuItemSeparatorColor)
  • Edited Demo 5 to show how to set up view controllers and page menu in order to be able to push from cells, etc.
  • Changed setup of PageMenu to eliminate some common issues (Please be aware that you will need to make a few changes in your project if you're already using PageMenu)

1.2.0 Release (01/26/2015)

  • Added ability to center menu items if they don't span over entire width of the PageMenu view (currently only supported for fixed menu item width)
  • Added ability to use PageMenu in a similar way as segmented control
  • Added function to move to any page index in PageMenu

1.1.1 Release (01/16/2015)

  • Fixed bug that prevented user from tapping anything within a controller
  • Menu now fully scrollable

1.1.0 Release (01/15/2015)

  • Major performance improvements
  • Auto-rotation bug fixed
  • Customization option added for scroll animation duration on menu item tap


Copyright (c) 2014 The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of the contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


pagemenu's People


andres-cianio avatar andrewsb avatar dean151 avatar delebedev avatar fahlout avatar gurpartap avatar hsoi avatar jinsasaki avatar kitasuke avatar lexrus avatar lowki93 avatar masarusanjp avatar matthewyork avatar mitsuyoshi-yamazaki avatar nakailand avatar rcgary avatar takashisite avatar takeover avatar zjmdp avatar


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pagemenu's Issues

uiviewController transition bug


On Demo5, when you push a ui view controller below the didSelectRowAtIndexPath, and when you go back, it goes back to the default page of the tableview controller

but on Demo1 when i add the same code for the didSelectRowAtIndexPath, i get this
is there a way to stop it from going back to the first page of the caps menu and let go back to its own default page?
thank you

Minimum iOS Version

What's the min iOS version for this? Docs mention iOS 7.1 bugfixes, but podspec declares 8.0.

Fast scroll bug

Hi, I'm testing your project and I think is nice, really.

But there is a little bug: when I scroll faster (left/right is the same) background color is presented.

Please try this test to reproduce the problem:

  • tap down/up scrolling left
  • as soon you have pull up your finger, tap again and keep your finger on device
  • now try to scroll left, always keeping finger on device

So, if you fast scroll in each direction, background appear with a annoying flash effect

For the moment I fix with this workaround:

func willMoveToPage(controller: UIViewController, index: Int) {
    pageMenu?.view.userInteractionEnabled = false;

func didMoveToPage(controller: UIViewController, index: Int) {
    pageMenu?.view.userInteractionEnabled = true;

Add Reuse Queue

I think that it would be better to limit numbers of view added in the scrollview, keeping 3 view in the scrollview once, for better performance.

How to set default page

How can it set default page without use moveToPage? I want to set center page not leftmost page.

Hiding part of last Cell

The component is hiding the last cell when the table view content size is bigger than it's height.
captura de tela 2015-06-05 as 12 48 17

Carthage support


Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application.

and check the Supporting Carthage for your framework

Position within UINavigationController

Hello, sorry this might not be an issue per se, but i'm trying to make PageMenu work along with GuillotineMenu which requires a UINavigationController.

My problem is that the view controller implementing the PageMenu is overlapped by the UINavigationController navigation bar, so the PageMenu navigation is not shown.

Is there a configuration option to position the PageMenu tabs just below the navigation bar?


tableviews in pageMenu shakes a little bit when first loaded and interacted

the first tableview is just fine, but the later tableviews in second,third...controllers will move itself from right to left a little bit like shaking, or sometimes shrinks, and these strange things only happens one time when u scroll to the controller and interact with the tableview, like tapping or scrolling. I don't know why this happens, and the same bug happens in the Demo4 and Demo5

Possible bug? or maybe feature request...

Hi! It's me again, and once again congrats for PageMenu!

Lets say I have a tableviewcontroller as one of the pages, and I have a pop segue on the cell.

Then, on the view controller that has popped I have a dismiss button: self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)

When I dismiss the view controller I see the tableview and after a second PageMenu gets me back to the first view controller of the array.

Maybe some of the settings must be moved to ViewDidLoad instead of viewdidAppear?

Feature request - event callbacks

Hi there,

I have a suggestion for this awesome little git project. Event callbacks/delegates/closure calls (whatever you want to call it) for when the app displays a page.

So lets say we have page A, page B and page C. If A is active and user taps on page C, after the animation has finished, fire this 'callback' function to do any necessary updates (i.e. updating the colour of the navigation bar based on the active page in a different view controller file). Same would apply if the user simply scrolled left or right, fire/call the appropriate thing and make sure to pass back the reference of the active page that the user scrolled to.

Would be really useful, at least for me. :)

How to load view controller without xib

I am using storyboard and created some views, each with a controller.

They do not have any xib file. I am trying to load them as the following:

    var controller1 : FirstViewController = FirstViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)

    controller1.title = "Title 1"
    var controller2 : SecondViewController = SecondViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
    controller2.title = "Title 2"

I get the following error. Swift 1.2, xcode 6.3.2

Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. (Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints)
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7fef4bc5f6a0 V:[UIScrollView:0x7fef4bc1a000(34)]>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7fef4be4e030 V:[UIScrollView:0x7fef4bc1a000(40)]>"

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7fef4be4e030 V:[UIScrollView:0x7fef4bc1a000(40)]>

Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.


Hi, how can I change the title of the menu after the creation and display of the controller? In the beginning I created and displayed all PageMenu the controller, then one of the controller trying to change the title, but it does not change

Can't tap tab content, e.g table row..

I see that I can't tap anywhere, except menu.
My workaround solution:

  • Bring menuScrollView to front
  • Use menuScrollView.addGestureRecognizer(menuItemTapGestureRecognizer) instead of controllerScrollView.addGestureRecognizer(menuItemTapGestureRecognizer)

Please review and apply this patch if this solution is ok for you.

Wrap Items

Is there a way to wrap the items in the menu around to the other side? For example, if I have 3 items in my menu, one of them will always be in the center, while the remaining two will each be on one side of the one in the middle. So, when I swipe to the left, the one on the right will move to the center, and the one on the left will appear on the right side.

Bug: Views don't instantly appear on screen


I noticed in my app that I'm building, that when I tap on the view controller and slowly move left or right, then next screen sometimes takes time to load up (specifically until that 'tab' is highlighted and considered to be active).

I tried it on the Demo 1 project and was able to reproduce the issue. Tapped on the table view, started to really slowly move my mouse to the left and it happened. (Doesn't usually happen on the first try, so try moving it slowly a couple of times, you should eventually see the issue).

Issue: Not honouring the base views height consraint

I am using pagemenu as a subview of the existing ui view, its not fullscreen one like on in the samples. kind of like a android view pager control. Check out the image

Today i ran into a problem where pagemenu is not honouring the height of the parent view it resides. I need to manually set the height of the pageview.view to fix this

        var newFrame = self.pageMenu!.view.frame;
        newFrame.size.height = 300;
        pageMenu!.view?.frame = newFrame;


I am not sure whether this control is intended to use it like this.. but it solves my usecase.

Just wondering this is the expected behaviour??

Update Title ?

First of all thanx for the awesome library ... I just want to know that is it possible to update the Title. If user tap or swipe the page then the title should be change. For example in your demo PageMenu is your title then user select music then title should be Music, if user select friend then title should be Friend and so on ...


'interfaceOrientation' was deprecated in iOS version 8.0

if (currentOrientationIsPortrait && 
self.interfaceOrientation.isPortrait) || 
(!currentOrientationIsPortrait && 

The code above gets a warning in Xcode 6.3.2 and it's said 'interfaceOrientation' was deprecated in iOS version 8.0

ios 7 is not supported via Pod

I've installed this library via pod but I get this warning :

The platform of the target `Pods` (iOS 7.0) may not be compatible with `PageMenu (1.2.8)` which has a minimum requirement of iOS 8.0.

but in version history I've noticed it support ios 7.1


xib's default size is 600*600, the UI on Simulator won't be scaled by inferred, besides your demos... I'm weak in English, and hope u can understand my description...

Unable to push views (segue or programatically)


1st thing - loving this controller!

I am trying to push a segue when a collectionviewcell is pressed, however I am getting the below error:

  • Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'Could not find a navigation controller for segue 'ViewController'. Push segues can only be used when the source controller is managed by an instance of UINavigationController.'

I am assuming this is due to the nav actually being a subview? Do you know of anyways around this? I have tried embedding my viewcontroller in a uinavigationcontroller but to no avail.


Set Initial Page

Very nice work you've done here.

Furthermore, it would be very nice to be able to choose the initial page in option, instead of using moveToPage() in viewDidLoad and getting rid of the initial animation. Maybe there is a method for that, but I haven't seen it.

Properties set after initialization are ignored

Hey @fahlout,

thanks for the new release. I changed the initialisation method of PageMenu to include frame: and options: parameters. I set options to nil. I kept the rest of my code that was setting various properties after instantiation but PageMenu seems to be ignoring them. It also appears to ignore the default values you've set? This is the output

Center selected menu item

Hey there!

Great class, just what I've been looking for.

Just wondered if there was a way to set the selected menu item to be centred on the screen?


Question: Tab bar position

I was wondering if it is possible to place the tab bar at the bottom of the screen.
Also is it possible to make it scroll out of the view when scrolling the view controller (like the collapsing tab bars in the Apple apps)

SlidingMenuView wrong Position after presenting imagePicker


I am using PageMenu in my project within a TabBar Controller and a Navigation Controller.
When I initialize the "Scrolling menu" I use this to display it under the statusBar and the navigation bar :

pageMenu = CAPSPageMenu(viewControllers: controllerArray, frame: CGRectMake(0, UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarFrame.size.height + self.navigationController!.navigationBar.frame.height, self.view.frame.width, self.view.frame.height), options: parameters)

This solution is working perfectly and display my menu exactly where I want !
Then I present an image picker view inside one of the scrolling view. After dismissing it, the menu goes back to the initial place (under the navigation bar)...

Any solution to avoid this issue ? (If you need more detail I can provide my code)

P.S. I'm not a native English speaker so I hope my question is understandable :)
Thank you for your work by the way !

Bug - Long text tabs are truncated

I set a tab name that was longer than 10 characters and the text gets truncated.
Is it possible for the tab to grow or for the label to be multiline?


Not showing pages after app is inactive for a while


really good job there! I have a small issue though. Everything works as it should until i leave the app inactive without locking the phone. Then the pages after the currently showing are not displaying. The buttons also do not work. Any ideas?


Hi there,

I was wondering, could I replace the

self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "->", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done, target: self, action: "didTapGoToRight")

with a button, that will reload the Controller? On the controller, I'm having UIWebView and loading content from URL.


Crash Issue

First of all, congratulations for the control... it is awesome!

Now... the issue:

If i tap anywhere after the menu items, let's say on demo 1 if i tap right after "favorites" on the black space, the app crashes.

Error screenshot:
screen shot 2015-01-23 at 5 37 10

Full Screenshot:
screen shot 2015-01-23 at 5 40 08

pagemenu with tabbar

In your demo4 PageMenuDemoTabbar, the last cell of tableview can not be showed completely. I meet this problem in my own project, how to resolve this issue? :)

Tapping menu item

Tapping menu item not always working properly when having a lot of menu items in the menu. Working on a fix.

Use with navigation controller without storyboard


I'm trying to use the control in an app which does not use a storyboard but which has a navigation controller as the root view controller of the window. When doing this, the control appears below the navigation bar. This also happens in demo five if the storyboard is not used but the window and the navigation controller is configured in the app delegate instead.

Does anyone know why this might happen?

Autorotate Bug

In a normal case rotating the device should rotate PageMenu appropriately. The issue is, though, if rotating from one landscape mode through portrait mode to the other landscape mode it won't update everything correctly. This is a fairly small issue that cannot be replicated using the simulator, but I am working on a fix as we speak. If anyone has an idea feel free to leave a comment. Thanks!

use pagemenu in tabbar

When i try to use some pagemenus in a viewcontroller within tabbar, the barItem won't show correctly...

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