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odbc-api's Introduction


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Rust ODBC bindings. ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is an open standard to connect to a variaty of data sources. Most data sources offer ODBC drivers. There are two typical usage scenarios for ODBC:

  • Your appliciation is designed to work with a wide range of Databases without the need of redeploying it.
  • There is no native Rust driver in suitable quality available for your Database so you want to use the ODBC driver instead.

See also: Is ODBC the Answer?

This crate is currently tested against:

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MariaDB
  • SQLite

Current ODBC Version is 3.80.

This crate is build on top of the odbc-sys ffi bindings, which provide definitions of the ODBC C Interface, but do not build any kind of abstraction on top of it.


Check the guide for code examples and a tour of the features.


To build this library you need to link against the odbc library of your systems ODBC driver manager. It should be automatically detected by the build. On Windows systems it is preinstalled. On Linux and OS-X unix-odbc must be installed. To create a Connections to a data source, its ODBC driver must also be installed.


Nothing to do. ODBC driver manager is preinstalled.


sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev

OS-X (intel)

You can use homebrew to install UnixODBC

brew install unixodbc


cargo build is not going to pick up installed via homebrew due to the fact that homebrew on ARM Mac installs into /opt/homebrew/Cellar as opposed to /usr/local/opt/.

You find documentation on what directories are searched during build here:

You can also install unixODBC from source:

  1. copy the unixODBC-2.3.9.tar.gz file somewhere you can create files and directories
  2. gunzip unixODBC*.tar.gz
  3. tar xvf unixODBC*.tar
  4. ./configure
  5. make
  6. make install

Linux / OS-X via Nix Flakes

Alternatively, if you're familiar with the Nix ecosystem or want to try it out, our wiki has a user contributed example on setting up a dev environment with Nix flakes.


  • Connect using Data Source names (DSN)
  • Connect using ODBC connection strings
  • Connect using prompts (windows)
  • Log ODBC diagnostics and warnings (via log crate).
  • Columnar bulk inserts.
  • Columnar bulk queries.
  • Rowise bulk inserts.
  • Rowise bulk queries.
  • Output parameters of stored procedures.
  • prepared and 'one shot' queries.
  • Transactions
  • Pass parameters to queries
  • Asynchronous execution of one shot queries
  • Asynchronous execution of prepared queries
  • Asynchronous connecting to database
  • Asynchronous fetching of Metainformation
  • Multithreading
  • Inserting large binary / text data in stream
  • Fetching arbitrary large text / binary data in stream
  • Connection pooling
  • List tables of data sources
  • Retrieve multiple result sets

odbc-api's People


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odbc-api's Issues

Consider adding helper `ResultSetMetadata -> ColumnarBuffer<AnyColumnBuffer>`?

for users that do not need custom buffers, it could make sense to offer the following helper:

pub fn buffer_from_result_set(
    resut_set_metadata: &impl ResultSetMetadata,
    max_batch_size: usize,
) -> Result<ColumnarBuffer<AnyColumnBuffer>> {
    let num_cols: u16 = resut_set_metadata.num_result_cols()? as u16;

    let descs = (0..num_cols).map(|index| {
        let mut column_description = ColumnDescription::default();

            .describe_col(index + 1, &mut column_description)?;

        Ok(BufferDescription {
            nullable: column_description.could_be_nullable(),
            kind: BufferKind::from_data_type(column_description.data_type)?,

    Ok(buffer_from_description(max_batch_size, descs))

to be used with prepared statements as follows:

let max_batch_size = 100;

let query = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id");
let mut prepared = connection.prepare(&query)?;

let buffer = buffer_from_result_set(&prepated, max_batch_size);

let cursor = prepared.execute(()).unwrap().unwrap();
let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer)?;

Many APIs are not unsafe

In the context of this crate, a potential source of unsoundness is reading from uninitialized values. However, most structs in this crate do initialize the data before presenting it to driver via Cdata's pointers. Therefore, there is no need for these interfaces to be marked as unsafe.

The ODBC may not write any data to the pointer, but because it can't re-allocate them, the regions are always initialized.

Examples of APIs that do not need unsafe:

  • ColumnWithIndicator::iter
  • TextColumn::indicator_at and TextColumn::value_at

The situation where these APIs would need to be unsafe is if they would be initialized with Vec::with_capacity, filled with ODBC, and then a call of Vec::set_len would be made in order to avoid the initialization during allocation.

Even in that case, I do not think that they would be unsafe because we would still need to know if the ODBC wrote something to them in order to correctly set_len on them (or we would be exposed via a faulty ODBC implementation).

No errors but not inserting

Ah.... I was testing my batch insert and it didn't do anything.....
No errors.

Inserting one by one works.

Does odbc-api how to get column comments(Description)

E.g: how to get config table Description

                                                                      Table "public.basic_config"
   Column    |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                 Default                  | Storage  | Compression | Stats target |     Description
 id          | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('basic_config_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |             |              | The basic_config id
 center_name | character varying        |           | not null |                                          | extended |             |              |
 enable      | boolean                  |           | not null | false                                    | plain    |             |              |
 create_time | timestamp with time zone |           | not null | now()                                    | plain    |             |              |
    "basic_config_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Access method: heap

Share connection between threads?

I'm trying to share connection between threads for executing callbacks of different queries.
Although, scoped thread is used to prevent 'static lifetime requirement for spawning.
However, scoped thread is not able to be spawned, which capture the reference of the connection.
Because, neither Connection nor Cursor is not Send marked.

The problem is Can connection handle multi queries concurrently?

The following code works as expected.

let env = Envirnoment::new().unwrap();
let conn = env.connect_with_connection_string(&conn_str).unwrap();

let r1 = conn.execute(&query1).unwrap();
let r2 = conn.execute(&query2).unwrap();


My expected concurrent code as below, so that consuming results from different queries with the same connection can be executed concurrently.

    let env = Envirnoment::new().unwrap();
    let conn = env.connect_with_connection_string(&conn_str).unwrap();

        let conn = &conn;
        scope.spawn(move |_| {
            let r = conn.execute(&query1).unwrap();

        let conn = &conn;
        scope.spawn(move |_| {
            let r = conn.execute(&query2).unwrap();

Make the method provided by CursorRow more flexible

As so far, Cursor provides two methods to take the value of row :

I noticed that odbc-api recommends using the bind_buffer function, but I don't know how many rows there are in the execution result, how to set the parameters of this TextRowSet::for_cursor about: batch_size,max_str_len?

With the Cursor ::next_row function return CursorRow, but CursorRow provides very few methods, can you extend the method of getting the row, so that I don't need to care about the two parameters of bind_buffer with TextRowSet::for_cursor about: batch_size,max_str_len?:

Enabling multiple active result sets before connecting

I have a use case where it would be convenient to use multiple active result sets (MARS) for lazily loaded data (e..g. I'd like to avoid creating my own connection pool and opening result sets on separate connections).

An easy workaround for the moment is to append it to the end of the connection string, but I was wondering how to properly handle this. ODBC allows MARS to be enabled or disabled before connecting by using SQLSetConnectAttr with SQL_COPT_SS_MARS_ENABLED (see

For the existing connect calls, like


we could expose a way to toggle MARS on the environment (globally) for all future connections. We could have something like ENV.set_multiple_active_result_sets(true) which could be called before driver_connect.

Does that approach sound reasonable? Or should we have some kind of connection builder, or pass connection configuration like this an argument to all connection creation functions (e.g. driver_connect)?

Allow `set_num_rows` larger than initial capacity?

When writing data in batches (say that are coming from a channel or a futures::Stream), we may not know their exact size until we receive them.

This implies that when we initialize the buffers to bind to an INSERT statement, any capacity we declare when initializing the buffers upfront is either incorrect (it may error for some large batch), or must be very large (causing a large memory usage).

Given that the capacity is transmitted to the ODBC on every call (via RowSetBuffer::row_array_size), it seems that we could allow set_num_rows to be any number?

The alternative is to re-allocate new buffers if the batch increases. I noticed that set_num_rows just drops old vectors and allocates new ones, so maybe that is the solution here? re-create new buffers if a batch is too large?

upgrade from 0.34.1 to 0.45 make all query work very slow

Hello. Today i tried to swtich to 0.45 and found out that speed of odbc operations became very very slow.
the same test code run with 0.34.1:
cargo run 0,50s user 1,64s system 61% cpu 3,485 total
with 0.45:
cargo run 72,97s user 2,39s system 96% cpu 1:18,00 total

The test code:

use odbc_api::IntoParameter;
use odbc_api::{buffers::TextRowSet, Cursor, Environment};
use std::error::Error;
use std::io::{self, stdin, Read};

const BATCH_SIZE: usize = 6000;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let odbc_env = Environment::new().unwrap();
    let mut conn = odbc_env.connect("database", "user", "pass");
    match conn {
        Ok(c) => {
            println!("Connect success");
            let mut stmt = c.preallocate().unwrap();
            for i in 1..2000 {
                match stmt.execute(
                    "select * from dba.test_table where id = ?",
                ) {
                    Err(e) => eprintln!("Error execute quiery: {}", e),
                    Ok(None) => eprintln!("No result set"),
                    Ok(Some(mut cursor)) => {
                        let mut buf = TextRowSet::for_cursor(BATCH_SIZE, &mut cursor, Some(4096)).unwrap();
                        let mut rowset = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut buf).unwrap();
                        while let Some(batch) = rowset.fetch().unwrap() {
                            for row_index in 0..batch.num_rows() {
                                let _id = batch.at_as_str(0, row_index).unwrap();
                                let _name = batch.at_as_str(1, row_index).unwrap();
                                print!("{} -> {}", &_id.unwrap_or(""), &_name.unwrap_or(""));
        Err(e) => eprintln!("cant connect to ODBC, {}", e),

Is iodbc supported?

The driver I'm trying to use only works with libiodbc.

I was able to use iodbc with odbc-rs so I don't know if anything special is needed.


Is the lack of BufferKind::U64 just caused my unimplementation or is it an ODBC limitation?

Fetching diagnostic records with iodbc and HFSQL

Using the weird HFSQL database with iodbc.

The query seems to work when I'm using HFSQL's UI thing.


#0  0x00007ffff7dc6bc7 in __pthread_kill_implementation () from /nix/store/fz54faknl123dimzz6jsppw193lx2mip-glibc-2.35-163/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00007ffff7d79b46 in raise () from /nix/store/fz54faknl123dimzz6jsppw193lx2mip-glibc-2.35-163/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x00007ffff7d644b5 in abort () from /nix/store/fz54faknl123dimzz6jsppw193lx2mip-glibc-2.35-163/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x00007ffff7dbaa60 in __libc_message () from /nix/store/fz54faknl123dimzz6jsppw193lx2mip-glibc-2.35-163/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x00007ffff7dd0b9a in malloc_printerr () from /nix/store/fz54faknl123dimzz6jsppw193lx2mip-glibc-2.35-163/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x00007ffff7dd26ec in _int_free () from /nix/store/fz54faknl123dimzz6jsppw193lx2mip-glibc-2.35-163/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x00007ffff7dd5273 in free () from /nix/store/fz54faknl123dimzz6jsppw193lx2mip-glibc-2.35-163/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x00007ffff7f7f55a in SQLGetDiagRec_Internal () from /nix/store/1larqcdmwr5lyk38l7fvrakqa3lz14gr-libiodbc-3.52.15/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x00007ffff7f7ff1e in SQLGetDiagRec () from /nix/store/1larqcdmwr5lyk38l7fvrakqa3lz14gr-libiodbc-3.52.15/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#9  0x0000555555586e63 in odbc_api::handles::diagnostics::{impl#1}::diagnostic_record<odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementRef> (self=0x7fffffff3448, rec_number=1, message_text=&mut [u8](size=0))
    at src/handles/
        native_error = 0
        state = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        text_length = 1376
#10 0x0000555555586cdb in odbc_api::handles::diagnostics::Diagnostics::diagnostic_record_vec<odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementRef> (self=0x7fffffff3448, rec_number=1, message_text=0x7fffffff3280)
    at src/handles/
        cap = 0
#11 0x00005555555857bc in odbc_api::handles::diagnostics::Record::fill_from<odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementRef> (self=0x7fffffff3280, handle=0x7fffffff3448, record_number=1)
    at src/handles/
No locals.
#12 0x00005555555883d7 in odbc_api::handles::sql_result::SqlResult<bool>::into_result_with_trunaction_check<bool, odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementRef> (self=..., handle=0x7fffffff3448, 
    error_for_truncation=false) at src/
        record = odbc_api::handles::diagnostics::Record {state: odbc_api::handles::diagnostics::State ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), native_error: 0, message: Vec(size=0)}
        function = "SQLExecDirect"
#13 0x0000555555574a0d in odbc_api::handles::sql_result::SqlResult<bool>::into_result<bool, odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementRef> (self=..., handle=0x7fffffff3448)
    at /home/bbigras/.cargo/registry/src/
        error_for_truncation = false
#14 0x000055555556bd2b in odbc_api::execute::execute<odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementImpl> (statement=..., query=...)
    at /home/bbigras/.cargo/registry/src/
        sql = 0x7fffffff3e20
        stmt = odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementRef {parent: core::marker::PhantomData<&*mut odbc_sys::Dbc>, handle: 0x5555556201e0}
#15 0x000055555556baa7 in odbc_api::execute::execute_with_parameters<odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementImpl, odbc_api::connection::{impl#1}::execute::{closure_env#0}<()>, ()> (lazy_statement=..., query=..., 
    params=()) at /home/bbigras/.cargo/registry/src/
        statement = odbc_api::handles::statement::StatementImpl {parent: core::marker::PhantomData<&*mut odbc_sys::Dbc>, handle: 0x5555556201e0}
#16 0x0000555555567f4e in odbc_api::connection::Connection::execute<()> (self=0x7fffffff4788, query="SELECT 1;", params=())
    at /home/bbigras/.cargo/registry/src/
        lazy_statement = odbc_api::connection::{impl#1}::execute::{closure_env#0}<()> {self: 0x7fffffff4788}
        query = odbc_api::handles::sql_char::SqlText {text: "SELECT 1;"}

odbc-api = { version = "0.49.0", features = [ "iodbc" ] }

Note that will the old odbc crate I get:

thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: FromBytesWithNulError { kind: InteriorNul(4) }', /home/bbigras/.cargo/registry/src/

How to dynamic control odbc-api BufferDescription Text max_str_len

When using odbc-api currently, the Text storage content of the database is dynamic. If a certain column of text stored in the database has a length of 1500, I set Text:: max_str_len length to 1280, and an error of content truncation will occur.
However, when I set the max_str_len length of 9999, the content of the stored column may be larger than 9999, resulting in an uncontrollable content length, and when the odbc-api reads, the text column will be truncated.

If I set the default value according to the maximum value of Text in the Pg database, there will be a problem of memory allocation failure.

So, please tell me how to dynamically control the Text::max_str_len of odbc-api.

different parameter types as array

Hello, I want to pass different types of InputParameters with Vec<Box<dyn InputParameter>> but ParameterCollection isn't implemented for it. Is it possible to do this?

Consider lifting `utf8_to_vec_char` to main crate

The functions currently defined in the integration tests could be lifted to the main crate, so that the user can create a ColumnDefinition (it contains a Vec<SqlChar> that needs some care in serializing to)

    #[cfg(feature = "narrow")]
    pub fn utf8_to_vec_char(text: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
    #[cfg(not(feature = "narrow"))]
    pub fn utf8_to_vec_char(text: &str) -> Vec<u16> {

From 0.37 `buffers::buffer_from_description` is extremely slow

Hello! Thanks for this amazing crate, such high quality and essential for accessing Snowflake using Rust.

When trying to upgrade from 0.36.1 to 0.39.0 I stumbled upon an issue starting from 0.37.0 where the buffer allocation is extremely slow. Wondering if I am using it wrong or there is some underlying issue.

The use case is querying JSON data in TEXT columns (VARIANT in Snowflake terms). Therefore a larger max_str_len to cope with the possible extremes. Given by the amazing guide the batch sizes shouldn't be something out of the ordinary, except maybe the mentioned max_str_len.

I'm running on Ubuntu 20.4.

This is a minimal example to trigger it (on my machine, and the CI I am using.)

use odbc_api::buffers::{BufferDescription, BufferKind};

const MAX_STR_LEN: usize = 65536;

const fn query_table_buffer_description() -> [BufferDescription; 1] {
    [BufferDescription {
        kind: BufferKind::Text {
            max_str_len: MAX_STR_LEN,
        nullable: false,

fn main() {
    for i in 1..8 {
        let max_buffer_size = 10_usize.pow(i);
        println!("Buffer size: {max_buffer_size}");

        let now = std::time::Instant::now();

        let buffer = odbc_api::buffers::buffer_from_description(
        .expect("Error"); // For 0.36.1 remove this line.

        println!("Got my buffer in {}s", now.elapsed().as_secs_f64());

For 0.36.1 this results in seeming like we only allocate a pointer which then grows to fit the use case? Or is the same allocation happening behind the scenes?

Buffer size: 10
Got my buffer in 0.0000336s
Buffer size: 100
Got my buffer in 0.0000057s
Buffer size: 1000
Got my buffer in 0.0000051s
Buffer size: 10000
Got my buffer in 0.0000049s
Buffer size: 100000
Got my buffer in 0.0000048s
Buffer size: 1000000
Got my buffer in 0.0000087s
Buffer size: 10000000
Got my buffer in 0.0000049s

Starting from 0.37.0 it results in

Buffer size: 10
Got my buffer in 0.0112486s
Buffer size: 100
Got my buffer in 0.1132033s
Buffer size: 1000
Got my buffer in 1.1229766s
Buffer size: 10000
Got my buffer in 11.4219948s
Buffer size: 100000
Got my buffer in 115.9940551s
Buffer size: 1000000
^C  // Based on the increase we could assume ~1 000 seconds here.

Thanks again for the amazing crate!


SQLAnywhere gives odbc driver error

Hello. I've tried example from guide to make simple query for SAP sqlanywhere db with odbc source.
but get error message from odbc driver

Hello, world!
row set1
Error: Diagnostics(State: HY024, Native error: 0, Message: [SAP][ODBC Driver]Invalid attribute value)



code example:

use odbc_api::{buffers::TextRowSet, Cursor, Environment};
use std::error::Error;
const BATCH_SIZE: u32 = 100_000;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    println!("Hello, world!");

    let environment = unsafe { Environment::new() }?;

    let conn = environment.connect("sybase", "***", "***")?;

    match conn.execute("select current date", ())? {
        Some(cursor) => {
            let mut buffers = TextRowSet::for_cursor(BATCH_SIZE, &cursor, Some(4096))?;
            println!("row set1");
            let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut buffers)?;
            println!("row set2");

            while let Some(batch) = row_set_cursor.fetch()? {
                for row_index in 0..batch.num_rows() {
                    let rec = (0..batch.num_cols())
                        .map(|col_index|, row_index).unwrap_or(&[]));
                    println!("{:#?}", rec);
        None => {
            eprintln!("Query is empty.");

crate odbc is working with this odbc driver, but it's seems to be abandoned.

Support for BLOB

Hi. First of all, thank you for your great work with both odbc-safe and odbc-api.

After having used odbc-rs for a while (which has not seen an update in some time), seeing this new approach is quite refreshing. I specially like the fact that now the bind_parameters is not as lifetime bound as in odbc-rs.

One thing that's preventing us from starting to experiment with odbc-api is the lack of support for BLOB types (Vec<u8>). I've read in the README that an expected feature is Support for streaming binary data, which is going to be very useful with some databases that require it.

However, will the support for BLOBs arrive with that feature, or is the implementation of InputParameter for Vec<u8> to be expected soon?

Thanks a lot!

smalldatetime/timestamp not supported?

It seems that there is no Implementation of OutputParameter


let mut buf = odbc_sys::Timestamp  {year:0, month:0, day:0, hour:0, minute:0, second:0, fraction:0 };
  match row.get_data(colNo, &mut buf) {

Is the a different way to exttract smalldatetime / timestamp and datetime2?

how to known exec update sql get SQLRowCount.

when I use odbc-api call conn.execute(sql, ()), but the function return cursor get None. Aactually, I expect row count result.

let sql =  r#"UPDATE "request" SET "id" = 1, "name" = 'hallo', "created_at" = '2022-08-25 00:14:05 +08:00', "updated_at" = '2022-08-25 00:14:05 +08:00' WHERE "request"."id" = 1"#;
> let res:Option<CursorImpl<StatementImpl<'_>>> = conn.execute(sql.as_str(), ())?;  

res return None.

How to get update sql get SQLRowCount with odbc-api?

With reference :

Async query execution in spawned task


I am trying to use the execute polling method on a connection, but the compiler keeps saying that the connection is not send, even though I promoted it to send.

This is the error

error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
   --> src/
17  |     let handle = tokio::task::spawn(async move {
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ future created by async block is not `Send`
    = help: within `odbc_api::Connection<'_>`, the trait `std::marker::Sync` is not implemented for `*mut odbc_api::odbc_sys::Dbc`
note: future is not `Send` as this value is used across an await
   --> /home/pierre/.cargo/registry/src/
142 |           &self,
    |           ----- has type `&odbc_api::Connection<'_>` which is not `Send`
146 |       ) -> Result<Option<CursorPolling<StatementImpl<'_>>>, Error> {
    |  __________________________________________________________________-
147 | |         let query = SqlText::new(query);
148 | |         let lazy_statement = move || self.allocate_statement();
149 | |         execute_with_parameters_polling(lazy_statement, Some(&query), params, sleep).await
    | |                                                                                     ^^^^^^ await occurs here, with `&self` maybe used later
150 | |     }
    | |_____- `&self` is later dropped here

Some testing code that produces it. I used the example for promote_to_send and made it async.

use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use odbc_api::Environment;
use std::{thread, time::Duration};
lazy_static! {
    static ref ENV: Environment = unsafe { Environment::new().unwrap() };

async fn main() {
    const MSSQL: &str = "Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};\
    let conn = ENV.connect_with_connection_string("MSSQL").unwrap();
    let conn = unsafe { conn.promote_to_send() };
    let handle = tokio::task::spawn(async move {
        let exec = conn.execute_polling("SELECT 1", (), || {
        if let Some(cursor) = exec.await.unwrap() {
            // dbg!(cursor);
        // if let Some(cursor) = conn.execute("SELECT 1", ()).unwrap() {
        //     // dbg!(cursor);
        // }

const CREATE: &str = r#"SELECT 1"#;


name = "spark-odbc"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at

lazy_static = "1.4.0"
# odbc="*"
# odbc-safe="*"
# threadpool = "1.8.1"
tokio = { version = "1.21.2", features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread", "time"] }

Rust info:

rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19)

Is there a way around this or should I go back to the sync API?

impl InputParameter for VarChar<Vec<u8>>

I want to pass a variable length input as parameter but I can't do it since InputParameter isn't implemented for VarChar<Vec<u8>>. Also VarChar512::copy_from_bytes() fails to compile because [u8; 512] doesn't implement std::default::Default.

Soundness issue inserting truncated values into MariaDB

Contrary to MSSQL, Maria DB does not check for truncation then binding parameters. This can be used to insert junk bytes beyond the valid buffer length to be inserted into Maria DB, if the value have been fetched from another ODBC data source, truncated and the same buffer is used to insert into Maria DB.

Should this wrapper check for truncation?

Cursor.bind_buffer with ColumnarAnyBuffer panic

the code:

let mut cursor = self
            .execute(sql, params)?
            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("query error"))?;

        let mut query_result = Self::get_cursor_columns(&mut cursor)?;

        let descs = query_result
            .map(|c| <&OdbcColumn as TryInto<BufferDescription>>::try_into(c).unwrap());

        let row_set_buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_description(self.max_batch_size, descs);

+        let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap();

        let mut total_row = vec![];
        while let Some(row_set) = row_set_cursor.fetch()? {
            for index in 0..query_result.columns.len() {
                let column_view: AnyColumnView = row_set.column(index);
                let column_types: Vec<_> = column_view.convert();
                if index == 0 {
                    for c in column_types.into_iter() {
                } else {
                    for (col_index, c) in column_types.into_iter().enumerate() {
                        let row = total_row.index_mut(col_index);

the exec result:

memory allocation of 21474836480 bytes failed
Aborted (core dumped)

SQL file for Queries?

It might be nice to be able to use a SQL file for more complex queries, instead of trying to type or paste into the command line.


Does odbc-api support prepare statement with args context?

Currently, I just find prepare function

fn insert_birth_years(conn: &Connection, names: &[&str], years: &[i16]) -> Result<(), Error> {
// All columns must have equal length.
assert_eq!(names.len(), years.len());
let prepared = conn.prepare("INSERT INTO Birthdays (name, year) VALUES (?, ?)")?;
// Create a columnar buffer which fits the input parameters.
let buffer_description = [
BufferDescription {
kind: BufferKind::Text { max_str_len: 255 },
nullable: false,
BufferDescription {
kind: BufferKind::I16,
nullable: false,
// The capacity must be able to hold at least the largest batch. We do everything in one go, so
// we set it to the length of the input parameters.
let capacity = names.len();
// Allocate memory for the array column parameters and bind it to the statement.
let mut prebound = prepared.into_any_column_inserter(capacity, buffer_description)?;
// Length of this batch

If prepare can be executed, binding parameters are required,

Does support step-by-step execution now?

  • First execute prepare fooplan
> PREPARE fooplan (int, text, bool, numeric) AS  INSERT INTO foo VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4);
> EXECUTE fooplan(1, 'Hunter Valley', 't', 200.00);
  • then execute fooplan, because the parameters are obtained later, not immediately

ref link

Very large buffers allocated when using TextRowSet with varchar fields

I took the example code from the TextRowSet ( for a quick test drive with a query running against a Snowflake database. I was running into OOM issues with BATCH_SIZE set to the default 1000, but not at 100 or 10. My laptop has plenty of RAM (48GB) so I was a bit surprised a pre-allocation for 1000 rows of data could trigger an OOM.

memory allocation of 67108865000 bytes failed

Adding a bit of logging about the row types I narrowed the cause for the huge buffer allocation attempts to the behaviour of varchar columns, and wrote this to illustrate how that varchar field is presented to odbc-api:

    // [...] rest of the code example in

     match connection.execute("SELECT 'abc'::varchar", ())? {
         Some(cursor) => {
             println!("{:?}", cursor.col_data_type(1)?);
         None => {
             eprintln!("Query came back empty. No output has been created.");

The above code prints:

Varchar { length: 16777216 }

Varchars without a specified length are quite common in Snowflake databases, to quote the documentation (

A column only consumes storage for the amount of actual data stored. For example, a 1-character string in a VARCHAR(16777216) column only consumes a single character.

I'm not familiar enough with ODBC to understand whether this is a feasible suggestion but the first thing that pops to mind is that one could make a conservative initial allocation for variable length fields with very large max-lengths - so maybe allocate 1kb rather than the 64MB the field type suggests, and re-allocate when encountering data that's too large?

It looks like ODBC signals truncation of results due to undersized buffers (, could this be something to respond to by increasing the buffer size?

Exposing some more functionality from `SQLDriverConnectW`

I'm interested in exposing some more functionality from SQLDriverConnectW which we currently use in connect_with_connection_string:

pub fn connect_with_connection_string(
&mut self,
connection_string: &U16Str,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
unsafe {
let window_handle = null_mut();
let out_connection_string = null_mut();
let out_connection_string_len = null_mut();

Before I try to add anything I was wondering about how we could expose the following:

  • Accept driver connect options to prompt for details using DriverConnectOption::Complete or DriverConnectOption::Prompt when running with a window. Also still be able to fall back to NoPrompt if I don't have a window (e.g. running headless vs. in an application UI)
  • Accept a window handle, so the prompt window is attached to my application/can be displayed successfully. We could use raw pointers for this but it would be unsafe. Otherwise we could avoid accepting raw pointers in the API (but still working with them internally) if we use something like
  • Accept provide max string length for the output connection string (e.g. a minimum of 1024 as suggested is probably ok for most applications but it would be great to be able to increase it if it's truncated). It looks like we do something similar for varchar already, so maybe we could make this API consistent somehow.
  • Return the output connection string (built from the input connection string + anything provided from the prompt)

If we can figure out a good approach for this, I'd be happy to implement it in a PR.

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