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contracts's Issues

[INF] Unify modifiers


The codebase makes extensive use of modifiers. There is room for consolidation and simplification to improve the readability of the codebase.


  • Remove modifiers from getter functions. The clients that pull the data should be informed when the data returned by these getter functions makes or doesn't make sense. Functions: minimumBid(), lastSettlementTime, holderSolvent, price(), foreclosureTime, cooldownRemaining
  • Remove modifiers that offer UX guardrails but no real protocol value: hasFunds
  • #30

[INFO] onlyHolder and onlyHolderSolvent can be unified


The modifiers onlyHolderSolvent and onlyHolder are always used together in the codebase. That indicates that they should not be different modifiers.


Simplify the codebase, remove the modifiers, and introduce onlySolventHolder modifier that checks for both a) solvency and b) that msg.sender is the holder.

[INF] use weth instead of Ether


The codebase uses native ether. It's considered a bad practice for the following reasons:

  • Different logic between handling ERC20 and Ether. That leads to more codepaths and thus potential attack surface
  • Potential reentrancy shenanigans from sending ether (if the recipient is a contract, it can trigger fallback/receive functions
  • Potential loss of precision from doing complex math without a math library (e.g PRBMath


  • Use weth instead and make it easy for users to wrap their ether via the front-end. WETH unifies the handling of tokens, be it ERC20 or wrapped ether

[LOW] `flagResponse` can be issued for a prior invocation of the Orb


A holder can flag the response to the question of a previous holder.

  • Alice is a holder of the Orb and triggers it. She receives an answer A, and she is happy about it. That happens on day 0.
  • Bob purchases the Orb from Alice on the following day, day 1. He can call flagResponse, and give the triggerId of Alice's invocation.

This is because all the following checks will pass:

  • A response exists for the triggerId
  • The flagging period has not expired (7 days)
  • The response has not been flagged
if (!_responseExists(triggerId)) {
    revert ResponseNotFound(triggerId);

if (block.timestamp - responses[triggerId].timestamp > RESPONSE_FLAGGING_PERIOD) {
    revert FlaggingPeriodExpired(
        triggerId, block.timestamp - responses[triggerId].timestamp, RESPONSE_FLAGGING_PERIOD

if (responseFlagged[triggerId] == true) {
    revert ResponseAlreadyFlagged(triggerId);


  • Introduce a storage variable flaggingEnd
  • In trigger(), add the following: flaggingEnd = block.timestamp + RESPONSE_FLAGGING_PERIOD;
  • In flagResponse check that: block.timestamp < flaggingEnd
  • In purchase() and foreclose() add: flaggingEnd = block.timestamp

[INF] lastSettlementTime() can be removed


The function serves only as a getter. It's simpler to make the storage variable public, thus removing the need of the function and simplifying the codebase.


  • Make the storage variable public
  • Remove the function

[INF] Remove `onlyHolderHeld`


The modifier is mainly used in external functions, which by definition, can not be called by the contract. The only public function that uses the modifier is lastSettlementTime, where the modifier is used as a UX guardrail since the returned variable only makes sense if a user holds it. The orb. Removing the modifier would not affect the protocol in any way (as long as that function is concerned).


The modifier should be removed in an effort to simplify the codebase, as no real benefit rises from it's use.

[GAS OPTIMIZATION] setPrice doesn't need to check that newPrice is non-zero


Currently purchase(uint256 currentPrice, uint256 newPrice) checks that newPrice != 0. This is not required, as the protocol can function as expected if newPrice = 0, since the user can purchase the orb with a non zero new price and then set it to zero via setPrice(uint256 newPrice).


Remove the check

[GAS OPTIMIZATION] No need to check for underflow in `_withdraw`


In _withdraw(), we first check for sufficient funds before subtracting the amount to be withdrawn. This is not required as Solidity 0.8.X ships with underflow/overflow assurances. Thus, when removing from the mapping of the amount is larger than the available funds of the user, the subtraction will cause an underflow and will revert.

The check incurs gas costs without the need for it.


Remove the if clause at the start of the function

[INF] Use msg.sender instead of _msgSender()


The use of _msgSender() helper function by OpenZeppelin is not required, as the contract is not intended to be used with meta-transactions. It's more gas efficient to use msg.sender.


Replace _msgSender() with msg.sender throughout the contract.

Remove 1 year requirement from bidding

After discussions with @lekevicius, we aligned on removing the requirement from the protocol side of transferring more funds than the bid amount and adding UI affordances to help the user calculate how much funds they have to transfer to support a bid for X amount of time.

[LOW] The repository does not have a CI/CD pipeline


The codebase does not have a CI/CD pipeline that runs the test suite against every new PR. That means that buggy code could be merged at some point and eventually be deployed.


Install a GitHub Action that runs the test suite against every new PR and every commit to main.

[INF] _price can be public and deprecate the getter function


The variable _price is not required to be internal/private and have a public getter function. The modifiers in the function are used to enforce when price should be called, as price doesn't make sense in all the states of the smart contract (e.g when owned by the contract itself).


I suggest we remove the getter function and make the variable public. Interfaces and smart contracts built on top of the orb should know when price makes sense and when it should not be read. This will remove unnecessary code from the smart cotnract.

[GAS OPTIMIZATION] trigger cleartext and hash is not required to be stored


When trigger() is invoked by the holder, they can submit cleartext and hash, with cleartext being optional. The cleartext and contentHash need not to be stored.

The reason is that the storage happens so that there is an immutable record of that trigger and its question. It's a social contract. That means that storage is not required, but rather just the fact that the hash and/or cleartext was submitted.

That means that even if the hash were submitted as a calldata argument without actually being used, the requirement for proof would be met with minimal gas implications. The calldata are part of the transaction and, thus, impossible to forge or alter.


Simply accept the data as calldata and emit the hash for ease of use by 3rd party apps and interfaces that build on top of the orb. The increment of the storage variable triggersCount can happen in the event definition. triggersCount++ will return triggersCount and then increment it.

function triggerText(string memory text) external onlyHolder onlyHolderSolvent {
    if (block.timestamp < lastTriggerTime + COOLDOWN) {
        revert CooldownIncomplete(lastTriggerTime + COOLDOWN - block.timestamp);
    lastTriggerTime = block.timestamp;
    emit Triggered(msg.sender, triggersCount++,  keccak256(bytes(text)), block.timestamp);

function triggerHash(bytes32 contentHash) external onlyHolder onlyHolderSolvent
    if (block.timestamp < lastTriggerTime + COOLDOWN) {
        revert CooldownIncomplete(lastTriggerTime + COOLDOWN - block.timestamp);
    lastTriggerTime = block.timestamp;
    emit Triggered(msg.sender, triggersCount++, contentHash, block.timestamp);

[MEDIUM] Orb can be made impossible to be bought in a grieving attack


A sophisticated user can perform the next attack after they become holders of the orb and render the orb impossible to be bought by another person, while also keeping the orb's price to a minimum (even zero).

The user would need to set a relatively simple front-running bot that does the following:

  • listen for invocations of purchase(oldPrice, newPrice)
  • frontrun these transactions with a transaction that sets the price to something other than the current price, e.g. setPrice(1).
  • bid high enough so that the transaction comes before the one that calls purchase()

Then, the purchase(oldPrice, newPrice) will always revert, as the oldPrice will have changed. By setting the price to something as small as 1*10e-18, the attacker can invalidate the purchase and, simultaneously, have a little economic cost ( in the context of the orb, the gas cost could be high). The attacked can do that and invalidate all purchase attempts while at the same time keeping themselves solvent (as the price is so low). Thus the issuer can never foreclose the orb and take back control.

It's worth noting that since the Orb has an essential element of a social contract, it doesn't mean that the attacked can reap the benefits of the Orb, as the issue can clearly see the attack and simply select to ignore any triggers. The orb is more or less bricked, and thus, the attack is more of a grieving attack.

Finally, a white-hat hacker could attempt to front-run the attacker's bot and, by winning a gas auction, get their purchase() transaction in front of the attacker's and thus unbrick the orb.


Add a cooldown to set the price, for example, once per day:

uint256 cooldown;
function _setPrice(uint256 newPrice_) internal {
	if(block.timestamp > cooldown){ 
	    cooldown = block.timestamp + 24 hours;
	    if (newPrice_ > MAX_PRICE) {
	        revert InvalidNewPrice(newPrice_);
	    uint256 oldPrice = _price;
	    _price = newPrice_;
	    emit NewPrice(oldPrice, newPrice_);
	    } else {
		revert SetPriceCooldown;

[LOW] CEI pattern is not followed in purchase


The CEI pattern is a well-documented best practices approach that safeguards against vulnerabilities like reentrancies. Although no such vulnerability exists in the purchase() function, it would be best to be changed, so the pattern is followed.


_transfer(holder, msg.sender, ERIC_ORB_ID);
_lastSettlementTime = block.timestamp;


emit Purchase(holder, msg.sender);

should be:

_lastSettlementTime = block.timestamp;
emit Purchase(holder, msg.sender);
_transfer(holder, msg.sender, ERIC_ORB_ID);

[INF] Not required memory variable


In line 416, the mapping is read and then copied to a memory variable. This is not required, as the value is only read once, thus it's more gas efficient to directly read from the mapping without declaring a memory variable in the first place.


uint256 totalFunds = _funds[_msgSender()] + msg.value;

[GAS OPTIMIZATION] triggerExists can use triggerCount


triggerExists can be simplified by simply checking the triggerCount. In essence, the function can be removed altogether and be replaced by a simple check:

triggerId < triggerCount

If a triggerId is lower than the triggerCount, then the triggerId exists. Otherwise, it doesn't.

We can verify the fact by looking at trigger and seeing that the count is incremented with every new invocation of trigger. There is no other way for the counter to be incremented.


  • Remove function and replace it's invocation with triggerId < triggerCount

[INF] Use unchecked to improve gas efficiency


In line 373, an addition is made that we know will never overflow. By adding unchecked { .. } around it, we inform the compiler that it should not check for overflow, and thus, we save a tiny bit of gas.


unchecked { 
	return winning bid + MINIMUM_BID_STEP;

[INF] foreclosureTime does not need to be internal


foreclosureTime does not need to have an access modifier for the public getter and be internal. It's a UX guardrail that increases the codebase with no real protocol value.

Moreover, no need to check that _price != 0. If it's set to zero, it will simply revert.


  • Make function public, remove modifier
  • Remove check for zero that returns INFINITY

[INF] Private variables


Private variables make it very hard to inspect their state and thus test against them. It's best to use internal as there is no difference for the grand majority of use-cases.


Replace private variables with internal.

[GAS OPTIMIZATION] Don't check for address(0) in fundsOf


No need to check for address(0) in fundsOf(). The returned data don't have any meaning in the context of the Orb, but it doesn't pose any danger to the protocol. The imposed gas cost on every invocation of fundsOf, due to the check, can be avoided.


Remove the check

[INF] Duplicate codepath in _settle()


_settle() does mainly two things:

  • Computes the effectiveFunds of the holder and the owner
  • Assigns that effectiveFunds to the respective fields of the _funds mapping.

It replicates the calculations inside effectiveFunds, which can lead to a possible source of errors in the future if not handled carefully. Codepaths should be unique, especially in paths that do math calculations.


The codepaths should be unified. An example:

  1. effectiveFundsOf will be converted to public instead of external
  2. _settle() will change as follows:
  function _settle() internal {
    address holder = ERC721.ownerOf(ERIC_ORB_ID);

    if (owner() == holder) {

    // Should never be reached if this contract holds the orb.
    assert(address(this) != holder);

	uint256 ownerEffective = effectiveFundsOf(owner());
    uint256 transferableToOwner = _funds[owner()]  - ownerEffective;

    _funds[holder] = effectiveFundsOf(holder);
    _funds[owner()]  = ownerEffective;
    _lastSettlementTime = block.timestamp;

    emit Settlement(holder, owner(), transferableToOwner);

[GAS OPTIMIZATION] Override OZ default functions


OZ ERC721 contract is excellent but could be more gas optimized, as it prioritizes guardrails above all. Moreover, the orb has some assumptions that render OZ default implementation moot, for example, the existence of only a single NFT. That means that we can have many gas optimization by simply not using a mapping to retrieve the owner of the NFT, but rather a simple storage variable address holder.

By overriding ERC721 functions, we can create ERC721 compatible parts that are informed of these design characteristics of the Orb and thus make gas optimized informed decisions

Gas costs before

|                    Solc version: 0.8.17                    ยท  Optimizer enabled: true  ยท  Runs: 1000  ยท  Block limit: 30000000 gas  โ”‚
|  Methods                                                                                                                            โ”‚
|  Contract                       ยท  Method                  ยท  Min        ยท  Max        ยท  Avg         ยท  # calls      ยท  usd (avg)  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  bid                     ยท      41100  ยท      95093  ยท       67659  ยท           14  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  closeAuction            ยท      31728  ยท     154895  ยท      140405  ยท           17  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  deposit                 ยท      30221  ยท      47321  ยท       40607  ยท            8  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  exit                    ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       82306  ยท            3  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  flagResponse            ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       82130  ยท            2  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  foreclose               ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       73049  ยท            4  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  purchase                ยท      85135  ยท     109835  ยท       97018  ยท           12  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  recordTriggerCleartext  ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       59553  ยท            2  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  respond                 ยท      73092  ยท      73104  ยท       73098  ยท            4  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  setPrice                ยท      33565  ยท      52802  ยท       44766  ยท            6  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  settle                  ยท      26021  ยท      46417  ยท       39618  ยท            6  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  startAuction            ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       76160  ยท            8  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  trigger                 ยท     108439  ยท     131627  ยท      114294  ยท           10  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  withdraw                ยท      39992  ยท      58047  ยท       50309  ยท            7  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  withdrawAll             ยท      35126  ยท      53181  ยท       39138  ยท            9  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  Deployments                                               ยท                                          ยท  % of limit   ยท             โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb                             ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท     3265713  ยท       10.9 %  ยท          -  โ”‚

Gas costs after

|                    Solc version: 0.8.17                    ยท  Optimizer enabled: true  ยท  Runs: 1000  ยท  Block limit: 30000000 gas  โ”‚
|  Methods                                                                                                                            โ”‚
|  Contract                       ยท  Method                  ยท  Min        ยท  Max        ยท  Avg         ยท  # calls      ยท  usd (avg)  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  bid                     ยท      40859  ยท      94777  ยท       67386  ยท           14  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  closeAuction            ยท      31604  ยท     129218  ยท      117734  ยท           17  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  deposit                 ยท      30083  ยท      47183  ยท       40433  ยท            8  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  exit                    ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       56233  ยท            3  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  flagResponse            ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       81711  ยท            2  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  foreclose               ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       46986  ยท            4  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  purchase                ยท      59044  ยท      83744  ยท       70927  ยท           12  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  recordTriggerCleartext  ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       59112  ยท            2  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  respond                 ยท      73092  ยท      73104  ยท       73098  ยท            4  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  setPrice                ยท      32987  ยท      52224  ยท       44188  ยท            6  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  settle                  ยท      25737  ยท      46133  ยท       39334  ยท            6  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  startAuction            ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท       76004  ยท            8  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  trigger                 ยท     108020  ยท     131208  ยท      113875  ยท           10  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  withdraw                ยท      39854  ยท      57763  ยท       50088  ยท            7  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb  ยท  withdrawAll             ยท      34988  ยท      52897  ยท       38968  ยท            9  ยท          -  โ”‚
|  Deployments                                               ยท                                          ยท  % of limit   ยท             โ”‚
|  contracts/EricOrb.sol:EricOrb                             ยท          -  ยท          -  ยท     2950829  ยท        9.8 %  ยท          -  โ”‚


  • introduce a new storage variable: address public holder
  • in the constructor, replace _safeMint with holder = address(this)
  • Replace all ERC721.ownerOf(ERIC_ORB_ID) with holder
  • Override as follows:
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view override returns (string memory) {
    string memory baseURI = _baseURI();
    return bytes(baseURI).length > 0 ? string.concat(baseURI, "69") : "";

function _transfer(address, address to, uint256) internal override {
    holder = to;
    emit Transfer(from, to, ERIC_ORB_ID);

function ownerOf(uint256) public view virtual override returns (address) {
    return holder;

function balanceOf(address owner) public view override returns (uint256) {
    return owner == holder ? 1 : 0;

[GAS OPTIMIZATION] finalizeAuction doesn't need to check for contract ownership


finalizeAuction doesn't need to check for contract ownership via the onlyContractHeld modifier, since this is checked when the Auction starts. Thus, to get into the auction state, the contract needs to own the orb.

Moreover, it's not possible to exit the auction state without calling finalizeAuction(). Thus it's impossible to change owners of the Orb before calling finalizeAuction()


Remove the modifier

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