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OrbisProcess trouble

@ebocher @SPalominos
I have started to code indicators using the OrbisProcess syntax and I am currently facing several problems (you can find the entire code at the end of the message):

  1. I code in the Groovy console within the OrbisGIS plat-form and when I run my code, the script is executed but nothing is actually performed. I have tried to print random words at the beginning of the script and they appear only if I remove the following lines:
    import org.orbisgis.datamanager.h2gis.H2GIS

  2. I do not know what is the expected method to use SQL queries within the OrbisProcess. I have tried two different versions (in "process1" I recover the database from the input ITable whereas in "process2" I pass the database and the Table name as inputs. What do you think would be the best solution ?

// The OrbisData library is imported
@GrabResolver(name='orbisgis', root='')
@Grab(group='org.orbisgis', module='data-manager', version='1.0-SNAPSHOT')

// The H2Gis module is also imported
import org.orbisgis.datamanager.h2gis.H2GIS

// Create the tables needed to test the functions
def h2GIS =[databaseName: './target/loadH2GIS'])
     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS building_test;
     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rsu_test;
     CREATE TABLE building_test (id_build int, the_geom geometry, height_wall float, height_roof float);
     CREATE TABLE rsu_test (id_rsu int, the_geom geometry);
     INSERT INTO building_test VALUES (1, 'POLYGON((4 4, 10 4, 10 30, 4 30, 4 4))'::GEOMETRY, 8), (2, 'POLYGON((12 4, 20 4, 20 9, 12 9, 12 4))'::GEOMETRY, 10), (3, 'POLYGON((25 4, 45 4, 45 9, 25 9, 25 4))'::GEOMETRY, 8), (4, 'POLYGON((25 25, 40 25, 40 37, 25 37, 25 25))'::GEOMETRY, 5), (5, 'POLYGON((12 25, 25 25, 25 35, 12 35, 12 25))'::GEOMETRY, 12), (6, 'POLYGON((52 2, 54 2, 54 10, 52 10, 52 2))'::GEOMETRY, 15);
     INSERT INTO rsu_test VALUES (1, 'POLYGON((0 0, 50 0, 50 40, 0 40, 0 0))'::GEOMETRY), (2, 'POLYGON((50 0, 55 0, 55 30, 50 30, 50 0))'::GEOMETRY);

def process1 = processFactory.create(
      "Building area without SQL passed",
      [inputA: ITable, inputB: String, inputC: String, inputD: String],
      [outputA : ITable],
      { inputA, inputB, inputC, inputD -> 
      // Recover the DataBase where is located the inputA Table
      sql = inputA.getDataBase()
      // Recover the name of the input Table in order to be used in the SQL queries
      inputA_name = inputA.getTableName()    // Note that I have not found any function to get the Table name...
      // Calculate the value of the indicator and store it in a new Table
      sql.execute("create table $inputB as select $inputD, st_area($inputD) as $inputC from $inputA_name")
      [outputA : sql.getSpatialTable("$inputA_name")] }

process1.execute([inputA: h2GIS.getSpatialTable("building_test"), inputB: "building_area", inputC: "building_area", inputD: "the_geom"])

def process2 = processFactory.create(
      "Building area with SQL passed",
      [inputA: String, inputB: String, inputC: String, inputD: String, inputE: Database],
      [outputA : ITable],
      { inputA, inputB, inputC, inputD, inputE -> 
      // Calculate the value of the indicator and store it in a new Table
      inputE.execute("create table $inputB as select $inputD, st_area($inputD) as $inputC from $inputA")
      [outputA : inputE.getSpatialTable("$inputB")] }

process2.execute([inputA: "building_test", inputB: "building_area", inputC: "building_area", inputD: "the_geom", inputE: h2GIS])

The method expression

This method is recursive on the type Function. It separate the different type of expression : Function, ValueReference, Literal and Object.

For the type object, there are problems because there aren't any solution to know the structure of the type.
The only solution was that we add a condition for each type that we can find. Example: the GML.

Usefull methods

  • SpatialTable.extend() -> Return the full extend of the spatial table
  • SpatialTable.estimatedExtend() -> Return the estimated extend
  • SpatialTable.srid() -> Return the srid code of the spatial table
  • SpatialTable.columns() -> Returns all column informations

Seee in H2GIS

Add check before/after process execution on mappers.

Add test before and after the process execution inside a mapper with a syntax like :

mapper.before(pA).with(pA.inA1).check({inA1 -> inA1 == "t"}).stopOnFail("Message")
mapper.after(pA).with(pA.outA1).check({outA1 -> outA1 == "tutu"}).continueOnFail("Message").stopOnSuccess(Message)

Custom ascii print

What do you think if we add a short syntax to print values, something as

datasource.getTable("sylvain") as out

will print

| gamer |
| one |
| two |
| three |

the same for

datasource.getTable("sylvain").columnNames as out

Remove deprecated

Remove deprecated annotation before release :

  • ProcessFactory.class


Write a cookbook/documentation for the usage of orbisdata.

Default value not taken into account

In IProcesses, how should we deal with default values ?
For example, in geoclimate, I have the following function :

 * This process is used to merge the geometries that touch each other
 * @param datasource A connexion to a database (H2GIS, PostGIS, ...) where are stored the input Table and in which
 * the resulting database will be stored
 * @param inputTableName The input table tos create the block (group of geometries)
 * @param distance A distance to group the geometries
 * @param prefixName A prefix used to name the output table
 * @param outputTableName The name of the output table
 * @return A database table name and the name of the column ID
static IProcess createBlocks(){
    return processFactory.create("Merge the geometries that touch each other",
            [inputTableName: String, distance : double, prefixName: String, datasource: JdbcDataSource],
            [outputTableName : String, outputIdBlock: String],
            { inputTableName,distance =0.0, prefixName="block", datasource ->
      "Merging the geometries...")

                def columnIdName = "id_block"

                // The name of the outputTableName is constructed
                String baseName = "created_blocks"
                String outputTableName = prefixName + "_" + baseName

                datasource.execute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $outputTableName".toString()
                datasource.execute "CREATE TABLE $outputTableName as select EXPLOD_ID as $columnIdName, the_geom ".toString()+
                        "from st_explode ('(select ST_UNION(ST_ACCUM(ST_BUFFER(THE_GEOM,$distance))) as the_geom".toString()+
                        " from $inputTableName)')".toString()
      "The geometries have been merged")
                [outputTableName: outputTableName, outputIdBlock: columnIdName]

When I call it, I would use the default value of distance. If I set it to null or if I do not declare it, it set the distance to null instead of my default value.

    void createBlocksTest() {
        def h2GIS =[databaseName: '/tmp/spatialunitsdb'])
        String sqlString = new File(this.class.getResource("data_for_tests.sql").toURI()).text
        h2GIS.execute("drop table if exists build_tempo; " +
                "create table build_tempo as select * from building_test where id_build <27")
        def  blockP =  Geoclimate.SpatialUnits.createBlocks()
        blockP.execute([inputTableName: "build_tempo",distance:null,
                     prefixName: "block", datasource: h2GIS])
        String outputTable = blockP.results.outputTableName
        def countRows =  h2GIS.firstRow("select count(*) as numberOfRows from $outputTable".toString())
        assertEquals 12 , countRows.numberOfRows

H2GIS and POSTGIS open signatures

To H2GIS add open(String path), open(String path, String user, String password)
To POSTGIS add open(String path, String user, String password)
And replace open(String fileName) by open(File fileName)

In/Output configuration

Add a new way to declare the process in/outputs in order to set additional information (WPS style) like the minOccurs, description, keywords ...

The syntax will look like :

.create("Process title",
    [inputA : String, 
        inputB : Literal.String.description("input description").minOccurs(0).maxOccurs(42)]
        inputB : Complex.JdbcTable.description("input description").minOccurs(0).maxOccurs(42)]

Column on empty table

void testColumnEmptyRow() {
def h2GIS =[databaseName: './target/loadH2GIS'])
h2GIS.execute(""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS h2gis;
CREATE TABLE h2gis (id int, the_geom geometry(point));""")

return MissingProperty No such property: THE_GEOM

must return a JDBCColumn

Access ResultSetMetaData [GROOVY]

Proposals :

h2gis.getSpatialTable("buildings").row{ meta ->
    meta.tableName == 'buildings'
   meta.srid //Return the SRID of the table
    //First one
    //Filtering names
    metaData.any{ it.columnName.contains('geom') }


//-> related to println sql.firstRow('select * from buildings').keySet()

GroovyObject methods and missingMethod constistance

Each class should have the same behaviour for the GroovyObject methods and missingMethod :

obj.value = "toto"

Import and Export methods

Add on IJdbcDataSource interface two methods import and export.


IJdbcDataSource.import('/tmp/file.shp', 'tableName');
IJdbcDataSource.import('/tmp/file.shp', 'tableName', 'encoding', 'delete');

IJdbcDataSource.export('/tmp/file.shp', 'tableName');
IJdbcDataSource.export('/tmp/file.shp', 'tableName', 'encoding');

Creation of an object JaxB Sort By from a Xml file

I created a class SqlToFes. This class has a public stactic method which takes a String and return an JaxB Object (Filter or Sort By).

But for the parameter String from the method, I don't know his structure at beginnig :
SELECT FROM WHERE ORDER BY (full request) or only the line of the WHERE (or the ORDER BY).

Array as input process

void testArrayInput(){
def process = processFactory.create(
[inputA : ['st_area', 'st_type', 'st_perimeter']],
[outputA : String],
{ inputA ->[outputA : inputA[0]+'the_geom) as area']}


getSpatialTable getTable extend get methods ?

In order to filter the columns (as for the SQL DSL builder), I propose to add two new methods on IJdbcDataSource interface

ISpatialTable getSpatialTable(String tableName, String... fields);

ITable getTable(String tableName, String... fields);

Default value trouble: order

The default value is now taken into account (#93). However, I got a problem in the following example:

public static IProcess computeRSUIndicators() {
    return processFactory.create("Compute the geoindicators at block scale",
            [datasource                 : JdbcDataSource, buildingTable              : String,
             rsuTable                   : String,         prefixName                 : "rsu_indicators"],
[output: String],
{datasource, buildingTable, prefixName, rsuTable}

The prefixName and rsuTable are inverted in the closure and the default prefixName value is assigned to rsuTable. Is it a normal behaviour ? Then I have to verify that the inputs are in the same order in the declaration and in the closure ?

Log process name

It would be nice if we could automatically log the name of the process that is executed

Index creation

I have tried the commands you have proposed to create indexes on spatial tables and I got the following error message:
'No such property: the_geom for class: org.orbisgis.datamanager.h2gis.H2gisSpatialTable'

Here is what I have executed:

H2gisSpatialTable rsuSpatialTable = datasource.getSpatialTable(rsuTable)

Note that it is the same problem if I write rsuSpatialTable.the_geom and that I have performed a mvn clean install in a new terminal outside IntelliJ.

Groovy console

Provide a customized groovy console that pre-load the OrbisData libraries.
It can be used to execute Geoclimate scripts.

Add a module which provides a Groovy console preloading the classes H2GIS, POSTGIS, ProcessFactory

Improve getColumnNames

-> Takes 2 s

println((h2GIS.getSpatialTable("parcelle").limit(0) as ITable).columnNames)

-> Takes 8 ms

So it could be nice to add a workaround to accelerate the getColumnNames


The idea is to add a process manager to manager several process factories, register, delete a process.

Use cases

ProcessManager pm = new ProcessManager()

ps.getFactory("idOfTheFactory") -> Return a factory
ps.getFactory() -> Return the default factory

a factory can be protected so it's not possible to remove or delete a process.

ps.factories() -> List the factory ids

Process result

In order to simplify the acces of process results, add the syntax simplification process.resultName like :

process.getResults().output -> process.output

Consistant syntax

The syntax in orbisdata is not always the same. Sometimes we use syntax like :

fct(A, B, C, D)

and other times we use :


We should be consistant.

H2Network dependency



as a dependency to OrbisData

Groovy console

Add a module which provides a Groovy console preloading the classes H2GIS, POSTGIS, ProcessFactory


I share here some examples about orbisprocess library. A library to write process based on orbiswps job and the famous geoscript library.

Process p = new Process([inputA: String],[outputA: String], { inputA ->
          [outputA: inputA.trim]
 p.execute([inputA : 'OrbisGIS is nice'])

Note that the input and output parameters must be controlled.

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