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License: Apache License 2.0

Go 76.23% Python 8.53% JavaScript 2.40% Lua 0.69% Java 1.38% HTML 9.64% Shell 0.21% C 0.91%
proof-of-concept poc-library security-vulnerability security-testing

kunpeng's Issues




➜  kunpeng git:(master) uname -a
Darwin localhost 16.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Thu Jun 15 17:36:27 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3789.70.16~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64


➜  kunpeng git:(master) git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
➜  kunpeng git:(master) go install ./vendor/
➜  kunpeng git:(master) esc -include='\.json$' -o plugin/json/JSONPlugin.go -pkg jsonplugin plugin/json/
➜  kunpeng git:(master) go build -buildmode=c-shared --ldflags="-w -s" -o
➜  kunpeng git:(master) python example/
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: ActiveMQ 任意文件写入漏洞]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Apache solr XXE漏洞]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Axis2控制台 弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: web目录浏览]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Discuz! 6.x/7.x 代码执行]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: FTP 弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: grafana 控制台弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: IIS 物理路径泄露]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: IIS 短文件名]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: JBoss 控制台弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Memcache 未授权访问]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: MongoDB 未授权访问/弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: SQLServer 弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: MySQL 弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: PostgreSQL 弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Redis 未授权访问/弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: shellshock 破壳漏洞]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: SMB 匿名共享/弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: SSH 弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Struts2 远程代码执行]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: ThinkPHP5 SQL Injection Vulnerability]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Apache Tomcat 弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: UcServer 创始人弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: WebDav Put开启]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: WebDav PROPFIND RCE(理论检测)]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: WebServer 任意文件读取]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: WebLogic WLS RCE ]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Weblogic 控制台弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: WordPress Mailpress Plugin 远程代码执行漏洞]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: WordPress 后台弱口令]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Zabbix jsrpc.php SQL注入漏洞]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: Zabbix latest.php SQL注入漏洞]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init plugin: zookeeper 未授权访问]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:26: [init json plugin]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [{"type": "web", "netloc": "", "target": "web", "meta": {"system": "", "pathlist": [], "filelist": [], "passlist": []}}]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [{web web { [] [] []}}]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [new task: {web web { [] [] []}}]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [go plugin total: 24]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [run go plugins: web]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 200 len: -1]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1565]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1564]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1565]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1568]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1568]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1565]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1571]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1571]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [request do]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [response code: 404 len: 1571]
[info] 15:28:21 log.go:31: [JSON Plugin total:  0]

从最后的[JSON Plugin total: 0]可以看到未能加载内置JSON插件,使用release版本也是同样的情况。在Linux(Ubuntu 16.04)下测试Linux版本可正常加载。

关于go调用并发时出现goroutine leak

问题有点类似: distribution/distribution#473

出现在net/http.(*persistConn).writeLoop,并发数量大概1000,但是出现了goroutine 2w+...



使用DisableKeepAlives: true关闭一下

transport := &http.Transport{
		TLSClientConfig:   &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
		DisableKeepAlives: true,

注意的是每次都会调用setProxy, 里面的逻辑会翻盖init()设置的client.Transport

func RequestDo(request *http.Request, hasRaw bool) (Resp, error) {



go install ./vendor/ [failed]

vendor/ cannot find package "" in any of:
/Users/jrd/.go/src/ (vendor tree)
/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/Users/jrd/.go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
vendor/ cannot find package "" in any of:
/Users/jrd/.go/src/ (vendor tree)
/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/Users/jrd/.go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

go version go1.11.5 darwin/amd64

[误报] MongoDB 未授权访问插件


使用 session.Ping() == nil 来判断未授权访问是不正确的,即使 mongodb 加了认证,ping 也会返回正常。

下面是 log:

root@83dd9fca0b15:/# mongo
MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("b67c65b0-fd06-4eb8-bc34-3917a0e99bb4") }
MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
> db.runCommand({"ping":1})
{ "ok" : 1 }
> db.runCommand({"serverStatus":1})
	"ok" : 0,
	"errmsg" : "command serverStatus requires authentication",
	"code" : 13,
	"codeName" : "Unauthorized"


if err == nil && session.Run("serverStatus", nil) == nil {
 // ...

esc install 报错


➜  kunpeng uname -a
Darwin localhost 16.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Thu Jun 15 17:36:27 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3789.70.16~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
➜  kunpeng cd $GOPATH/src/
➜  kunpeng git:(master) git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
➜  kunpeng git:(master) go install ./vendor/
vendor/ cannot find package "" in any of:
	/Users/xx/Code/go/src/ (vendor tree)
	/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/Users/xx/Code/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
vendor/ cannot find package "" in any of:
	/Users/xx/Code/go/src/ (vendor tree)
	/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/Users/xx/Code/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)





通过python celery无法执行

尝试使用celery异步执行ssh weakpassword, 发现任务卡死,在对应服务器上查看secure日志,发现也没有尝试连接的日志。不使用celery一切正常。

wrong payload

select 0updatexml --> select updatexml

json 插件加载不出来

[info] 17:04:19 log.go:44: [json plugin total: 0]

新写的 json 插件一直加载不上

请问新写的 json 插件一直加载不上,也不报错,但是显示的 json 插件数一直不变,存在漏洞的请求访问也没有结果
[info] 17:05:11 log.go:44: [go plugin total: 34]
[info] 17:05:11 log.go:44: [json plugin total: 19]

执行编译操作也没有问题,也会生成新的 so 文件,但是使用 so 文件进行漏洞测试,显示的插件数也不变,测试存在漏洞的请求,也没有结果,这种情况该怎么处理呢?谢谢

示例代码跑不起来,报错 "unexpected type from module symbol"


macOS High Sierra 

Go 版本:

go version go1.11.4 darwin/amd64




[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Axis2控制台 弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: web目录浏览]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Discuz! 6.x/7.x 代码执行]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: FTP 弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: grafana 控制台弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: IIS 物理路径泄露]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: IIS 短文件名]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: JBoss 控制台弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Java调试线协议(JDWP)远程代码执行漏洞]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Memcache 未授权访问]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: MongoDB 未授权访问/弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: SQLServer 弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: MySQL 弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: PostgreSQL 弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Redis 未授权访问/弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: shellshock 破壳漏洞]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: SMB 匿名共享/弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: SSH 弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Struts2 远程代码执行]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: ThinkPHP5 SQL Injection Vulnerability]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Apache Tomcat 弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: UcServer 创始人弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: WebDav Put开启]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: WebDav PROPFIND RCE(理论检测)]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: WebServer 任意文件读取]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: WebLogic WLS RCE ]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Weblogic 控制台弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: WordPress 后台弱口令]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Zabbix jsrpc.php SQL注入漏洞]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: Zabbix latest.php SQL注入漏洞]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: zookeeper 未授权访问]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init json plugin]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_admincp_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_ajax_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_announcement_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_api_pathinfo.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_attachment_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_focus_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_jianghu_sqli.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_member_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_misc_sqli.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_mp3player_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_post_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_shop_sqli.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: discuz_viewthread_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: django_urljump.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: docker_api.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: drupal_geddon2_rce.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: elasticsearch_unauth.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: hadoop_yarn_resourcemanager_unauth_rce.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: joomla_3.7_sqli.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: joomla_contushdvideoshare_lfi.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: joomla_departments_sqli.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: thinkphp5_invokefunction_rce.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: weblogic_debug.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: wordpress_cmdownloads_rce.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: wordpress_dzs_videogallery_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: wordpress_jquery_domxss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: wordpress_mainwp_login.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: wordpress_sexy_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: wordpress_swfupload_xss.json]
[info] 19:07:04 log.go:26: [init plugin: wordpress_wpml_xss.json]
unexpected type from module symbol

MD5 ( = 183d8c4be12a0a733f55ff06d866e045



	plugins := plugin.GetPlugins()
	fmt.Println(plugins) // []

extra 目录 插件删除问题

在extra 目录添加对应的json文件后,会把json文件作为json plugin 加载到内存。

所以,当某个本地json 文件被删除以后,内存里的json plugin 依然存在。

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