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platform_frameworks_base's Issues

PrivacyManagerService change

The move to 'final' in the smali broke the recompile of the framework.jar with this message

 tmp/system/framework/framework.jar.out/smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettingsManagerService.smali[0,-1] mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting END_METHOD_DIRECTIVE

I reverted the commit here: mateor/auto-patcher@1fd613e

You can close this issue whenever you read this as it has been rectified (although I guess the original bug is back in the PDroid code. Up to you if you want to play with it.)

Syntax Error in PrivacyLocationManager?

I think that there is an error regarding the placement of brackets in the PrivacyLocationManager. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, because I have been fixing up the code for hours.

But it looks like the requestLocationUpdates method has a closing bracket out of place. I am trying to get the long lines gone and there is an overabundance of nesting in this class, I was thinking about refactoring it while I was just getting rid of the tabs.

Look at the top of that method, there are two opening braces at the top, for PendingIntent and synchronized (lock). I think that one of the related closing brackets is in front of the } catch (PrivacyServiceException e) { line. I do not see where that goes anyhow.

I will push some commits tonight. They are only clean up and style commits for right now, since I am adding the merge feature by feature. I am almost done with a commit adding the PrivacyDebugger, which I will push for review afterwards. But I will present what i think is the fix then.

Anyway, if someone could look over either my clean up or the original (maybe in the straight PDroid2.0 branch, which is jb-mr1-release-pdroid2.0 branch.

we have a long standing bug in Cell Tower Location as well, which makes this doubly suspicious. But maybe I am playing tricks with myself and ten hours of managing indents has me unneccessarily paranoid.

Cache incorrectly returns objects with all permissions allowed

In the development branch, the caching code misidentifies the item being restored from cache as a 'stub', rather than a true PrivacySettings object. The effect of this is that when settings are being restored from cache, all activity is permitted.

Privacy Imports

CollegeDev handles this a little differently, but all privacy imports (for ease of patching) should go right at the top of the file, under package.


 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.telephony;


I have seen too many patch failures at dumb places like this. This is what broke our patches between 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, they imported a new class and it fudged our patches. If we standardize like the above, that goes away. I have seen it many times, it is not infrequent. And it should not be at the end, because that code changes often as well. At the top, the only time it will break is if they move the location, which will break them anyway.

Boot loops in CM10

Still having problems with the FM radio addition of 0209. FInally got a logcat, since I don't have any devices that run that OS.

Looks like we have a casting problem with the new package. Here's the money shot: cannot be cast to android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManager

There are multiple potential points of failure here, because it now takes a simply unbelievable amount of jiggering to port to 4.1. In this case I have to...

1)Copy over ContentResolver.smali, GSMServiceStateTracker.smali (both used to work...the ContentResolver has been updated to include the FM radio portions)
2) Delete all RILs except for the one used (method cap issue)
3) Copy over Mms.apk instead of patch

Merge + rename WatchDog

I am working on the merge. This is mostly a note to Stefan letting you know that I intend to rename the to PrivacyWatchdog, to be internally consistent with the AOSP naming. As is, an inadvertant style bug is likely.

I have not decided how best to do the merge, you can see a test run of how I intend to keep at it in the libcore project

I should probably have branched off to another merge branch, I just did not want to overwrite wsot's work and didn't see a need for us to carry a branch with only your PDroid2.0 patches. It is under consideration.

extraneous branches

We have a bunch of branches which don't involve the project. They are confusing and make the project a pain to deal with for users browsing.

I am not speaking so much about the upstream trees as I am the old versions of Android. Unless I see you object, I am going to clean out some of those branches. If you are considering back-porting (gingerbread I can understand, of course) we can add those branches later.

how to rebuilt the framework and run it on phone

Thanks for u do many job for OpenPDroid,now i have add some new feature into framework,but i don't have to rebuilt the framework,would u please tell my how to do ?

What i have done?
1.I have using ApG to patch the original rom,and PDroid Manager can work;
2.I have add a feature to control mac address feature into framework

What i want?
I want to rebuilt the framework,and test it,and run it on the phone.


Having gone through this code pretty thoroughly, even just for fixing style stuff, it is pretty obvious that a large portion of it was created by writing a method and then cut and paste. We can probably cut this down significantly if we wanted to. It works, but I think we could cut it down a lot.

And I think that we should want to. Even though the classes I am specifically thinking about are brand new Privacy classes (and therefore easily inserted) ones, I think we should do our absolute best to keep the amount of code we use to a minimum.

All of this style stuff isn't just being done for nit-picking. The reason that PDroid2.0 only works for CyanogenMod and OpenPDroid works for everything is that I went through it and fixed the style problems that were breaking the patches. That's it.

Plus, I have a bunch of different methods under consideration for how to port the patching process to the devices themselves. Some of you know that I have already been successful in patching a device in the Android terminal. But most of the real revolutionary stuff will only work if we are very very cheap about our invasion policy.

So yeah, this is here to inspire me to refactor a bunch of these cut and paste methods.

Edit: For example, we even have the same comments repeated in three sections about the exact same loop, one that has obviously just been copy-pasted three or four times into the class. That means we have the exact same 8-10 lines of comments repeated four times. That is unnecessary in and of itself, but I think we can try to factor out the copy/paste mentality that got us into that mess. See
This (x4):

if (!allowIntent) {
                    //  test if broadcasting works! 
                    //  SM: I don't know what 'test if broadcasting works' means.
                    //  Send the notification intent
                    final Context tmp = who;
                    //  SM: Why is all of this done? 
                    //  It seems like a weirdly unnecessary bit of code...
                    new Thread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            // SM: Not clear why there is this delay
                            try {
                                Thread.sleep(1000); //wait 1 Second
                            } catch(Exception e) {
                                //nothing here



I've rewritten the complete privacy telephony registry. At this stage a lot of will not work, because it is ported wrong (please have a look at it).
With the new registry you're able to port it in a easier way, because it will manage all with the super-class -> only add this file and have fun, nothing to change for port.
If you like you can copy the file if I check out in gith.
Please also leave comment how it works for you (tested now on gsm).
How can I declare this as an enhancement and issue?

IPrivacySettingsManager task killer

I currently do not ntend to add the

void killTask(in String[] packageName, int UID);

as I think we agreed to not add task killing to the core. Unless we use this elsewhere in the core I haven't seen yet?

If you need to add a task killing element to PDroid2.0 for the autopatcher, if it is easy and doesn't break between android versions, we can add it to autopatcher as a bit of a plugin, say, and automatically apply it to PDroid2.0 requesters. Although I would rather not, since I think that just one PDroid patch is best for everyone.

But we could, something like was discussed for default deny if you really need it.


WIth the new release, two reports slow GPS, one of which reports the cell tower is working(?). Here are the logs


--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/System.out(11204): tainted command part 0: logcat
I/System.out(11204): tainted command part 1: -v
I/System.out(11204): tainted command part 2: brief
I/System.out(11204): tainted command part 3: *:D
I/dalvikvm(12619): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 11...
W/ApplicationContext(12619): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
W/ApplicationContext(12619): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
W/ApplicationContext(12619): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
W/ApplicationContext(12619): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
W/ApplicationContext(12619): PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
D/dalvikvm(12619): GC_CONCURRENT freed 95K, 11% free 2690K/3008K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 16ms
D/dalvikvm(12619): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 14ms
I/dalvikvm-heap(12619): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.916MB for 1127536-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm(12619): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3K, 8% free 3787K/4112K, paused 13ms, total 13ms
D/dalvikvm(12619): GC_CONCURRENT freed 57K, 8% free 3873K/4176K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 15ms
I/System.out(12619): tainted command part 0: logcat
I/System.out(12619): tainted command part 1: -v
I/System.out(12619): tainted command part 2: brief
I/System.out(12619): tainted command part 3: *:D
D/dalvikvm(12619): GC_CONCURRENT freed 83K, 7% free 4197K/4500K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 18ms 
    13:56:50.921 Warning ApplicationContext 394  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:51.031 Warning Adreno200-ES20 1811  <qgl2DrvAPI_glStartTilingQCOM:179>: GL_INVALID_VALUE
13:56:51.031 Error OpenGLRenderer 1811    GL_INVALID_VALUE
13:56:51.031 Warning Adreno200-ES20 1811  <qgl2DrvAPI_glStartTilingQCOM:179>: GL_INVALID_VALUE
13:56:51.031 Error OpenGLRenderer 1811    GL_INVALID_VALUE
13:56:51.140 Warning ApplicationContext 19306  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:51.140 Warning ApplicationContext 19306  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:51.140 Warning ApplicationContext 19306  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:51.250 Warning GAV2 19306  Thread[main,5,main]: Connection to service failed 1
13:56:51.250 Warning ActivityManager 394  Unable to start service Intent { (has extras) } U=0: not found
13:56:51.250 Warning Ads 19306  No Google Analytics: Library Incompatible.
13:56:51.250 Warning Adreno200-ES20 1811  <qgl2DrvAPI_glStartTilingQCOM:179>: GL_INVALID_VALUE
13:56:51.250 Error OpenGLRenderer 1811    GL_INVALID_VALUE
13:56:51.250 Warning GAV2 19306  Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
13:56:51.359 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:56:51.484 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:56:51.484 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:56:51.703 Warning ApplicationContext 19306  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:51.703 Warning ApplicationContext 19306  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:52.031 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:56:52.031 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:56:52.140 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:56:52.359 Warning ApplicationContext 600  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:56.218 Warning GAV2 19306  Thread[Service Reconnect,5,main]: Connection to service failed 1
13:56:56.218 Warning ActivityManager 394  Unable to start service Intent { (has extras) } U=0: not found
13:56:56.453 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:56:59.203 Warning ApplicationContext 19348  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:59.859 Warning ApplicationContext 19348  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:56:59.859 Warning ApplicationContext 19348  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:01.500 Warning Resources 19348  Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x64 a=-1}
13:57:01.500 Warning Resources 19348  Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x64 a=-1}
13:57:01.500 Warning Resources 19348  Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3c a=-1}
13:57:01.500 Warning Resources 19348  Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3c a=-1}
13:57:01.500 Warning Resources 19348  Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x7 a=-1}
13:57:01.609 Warning Resources 19348  Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x7 a=-1}
13:57:01.609 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:01.828 Warning PreferenceObfuscator 19348  Validation error while reading preference: validityTimestamp
13:57:01.828 Warning PreferenceObfuscator 19348  Validation error while reading preference: retryUntil
13:57:01.828 Warning PreferenceObfuscator 19348  Validation error while reading preference: maxRetries
13:57:01.828 Warning PreferenceObfuscator 19348  Validation error while reading preference: responseData
13:57:01.828 Warning PreferenceObfuscator 19348  Validation error while reading preference: signature
13:57:01.937 Warning ApplicationContext 19348  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:01.937 Warning ApplicationContext 19348  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:03.171 Warning ApplicationContext 600  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:03.171 Warning ApplicationContext 1658  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:03.171 Warning ApplicationContext 1658  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:03.515 Warning BeWeather 19348  WidgetIconContentProvider created bitmap of size 714px * 224px
13:57:04.062 Warning BeWeather 19348  WidgetIconContentProvider.createBitmapFile took 1586ms for text (13:57)
13:57:04.062 Warning BeWeather 19348  WidgetIconContentProvider.createBitmapFile wrote file:///data/data/com.bellshare.beweather/files/17_2131493011_text%253D13%253A57%2526styleId%253D2131361818%2526textColor%253D-2%2526textScaling%253D100%2526typefacePath%253D%2526dropshadow%253D1%2526fitted%253D1.png
13:57:04.281 Warning ApplicationContext 1811  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:04.281 Warning ApplicationContext 1811  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:04.609 Warning BeWeather 19348  com.bellshare.beweather.Widget_4_3 widgets update took 2552ms
13:57:04.937 Warning ApplicationContext 1811  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:04.937 Warning ApplicationContext 1811  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:05.375 Warning ApplicationContext 1811  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:05.375 Warning ApplicationContext 1811  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:06.906 Warning ApplicationContext 600  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:06.906 Warning ApplicationContext 1658  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:06.906 Warning ApplicationContext 1658  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:09.765 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:09.875 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:09.875 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:09.984 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:09.984 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:09.984 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:09.984 Error PrivacySettingsManager 394  getSettings - PrivacySettingsManagerService is null
13:57:09.984 Error PrivacySettingsManager 394  getSettings - PrivacySettingsManagerService is null
13:57:09.984 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:09.984 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:09.984 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:09.984 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:10.093 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:10.093 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:10.093 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:10.531 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:10.531 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:10.765 Warning GAV2 19175  Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Exception sending hit: HttpHostConnectException
13:57:10.765 Warning GAV2 19175  Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Connection to refused
13:57:11.671 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:11.671 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:11.781 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:11.781 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:11.781 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:11.781 Error PrivacySettingsManager 394  getSettings - PrivacySettingsManagerService is null
13:57:11.781 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:11.781 Error PrivacySettingsManager 394  getSettings - PrivacySettingsManagerService is null
13:57:11.890 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:11.890 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:11.890 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:11.890 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:11.890 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:11.890 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:12.000 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:15.515 Error NotificationService 394  Ignoring notification with icon==0: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x0 kind=[null])
13:57:15.734 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:15.734 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:15.734 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:15.843 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:15.843 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:16.937 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:16.937 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:16.937 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:16.937 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:17.265 Warning ApplicationContext 19376  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:17.500 Warning ApplicationContext 19389  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:17.734 Warning ApplicationContext 19376  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:17.734 Warning ApplicationContext 19376  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:18.171 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:18.171 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:18.171 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:18.171 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:18.281 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:18.281 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:18.531 Warning ActivityManager 394  Unable to start service Intent { (has extras) } U=0: not found
13:57:18.531 Warning GAV2 19376  Thread[main,5,main]: Connection to service failed 1
13:57:18.531 Warning ApplicationContext 19389  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:18.531 Warning ApplicationContext 19389  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:18.531 Warning ApplicationContext 19389  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:18.531 Warning ApplicationContext 19389  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:18.531 Warning GAV2 19376  Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
13:57:18.656 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:18.656 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:18.765 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:18.765 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:18.875 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:18.875 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:19.203 Warning ApplicationContext 19422  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:19.203 Warning ApplicationContext 19434  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:19.312 Warning ApplicationContext 19434  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:19.312 Warning ApplicationContext 19434  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:19.421 Warning ApplicationContext 19422  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:19.421 Warning ApplicationContext 19422  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:19.421 Warning ApplicationContext 19422  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:19.421 Warning ApplicationContext 19422  PDroid:ContextImpl: ContextImpl being created but already has sOuterContext
13:57:19.546 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:19.546 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:19.546 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:19.546 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:19.546 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:19.656 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package
13:57:19.656 Warning ApplicationContext 394  Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.privacy.PrivacySettingsManagerService.notification:-1 android.privacy.IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.onTransact:-1
13:57:19.984 Warning PrivacyPersistenceAdapter 394  Multiple privacy settings found for package


_EDIT_ (From OpenPDroid thread)
And a bonus, to keep them all in the same place: GPS crash, rom built from cm-openpdroid-devel branch, so it isn't autopatcher related:

Overhead due to disconnected Service

good to know that you recognized it that the service sometimes is disconnecting itself. First, the pSetMan won't be "null" at any time, so you don't have to check if it is available or not (i did it in the past, just to be sure :-D). Second, you've added so much code in ALL privacy related classes for checking these two things. Why you don't implemented an central "reconnector" which will solve this directly inside the privacySettingsManager? I've done it in this way and you need only 2 methods.
Tested with hammering and flooding and it works like a charm. In my opion, it is a better way because you now you get a stable connection whenever you want to interact with the service.
What do you think about? Less work and more central implementation or do you prefer your solution?

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