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jmeter-ec2's Issues

Enhance networking by using S3 buckets

Right now code and files are sent up and down between the computer running the script and each instance. This can create a lot of traffic when the volume of instances increases and doesn't scale well because upload speeds tend to be slow from people's PCs.

A better solution would be to use an S3 bucket. Files could be uploaded there once and then the instances told to read from that location.

In the same way results could be written to this location and the client given a url to the file but this would mean it would not be possible to concatenate and sort the files.

Minor: key pairs with spaces make call to ec2-run-instances wait for stdin


Using keypairs with spaces in their name makes the hang on the ec2-run-instances call, with a message "waiting for stdin".

I tried a number of escaping/quoting hacks ("${AMAZON_KEYPAIR_NAME}", "${AMAZON_KEYPAIR_NAME}" etc) and they worked fine in bash but I unable to get them to work inside the script.

When I generated a new keypair without spaces in the name it worked like a charm.


  • Jan

REMOTE_HOSTS with ssh not running on port 22

Hello! Love the script.

I'm getting jmeter-ec2 to work in vagant so I can debug my jmx files and such before I spend the $$ on ec2 instances, it's working but I had to do a few things.

The version of ssh (at least on Mac OS 10.8 (OpenSSH_5.9p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8r 8 Feb 2011)) doesn't like the syntax host:port

$ ssh -i $HOME/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key [email protected]:2222
ssh: Could not resolve hostname nodename nor servname provided, or not known

But does like host -p port

$ ssh -i $HOME/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key [email protected] -p2222
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.10 (GNU/Linux 3.5.0-17-generic x86_64)

I have a patch for this (and its silly ssh uses -p and scp uses -P!) but it's not flexible if you have multiple remote machines with multiple ports (i just added a $REMOTE_PORT var)

I haven't attached the code as I'm still playing and wanted to chat about the right approach.

More than one Instance now causing Client.InvalidInstanceID.Malformed: Invalid id:

When I request one Instance all works really well. When I request more than one instance I have recently been receiving the following error: Client.InvalidInstanceID.Malformed: Invalid id: (instance id's)
This appears to be an issue with the following line of code:
count_passed=$(ec2-describe-instance-status --region $REGION ${attempted_instanceids[@]} | awk '/INSTANCESTATUS/ {print $3}' | grep -c passed)

The instances are actually initiated. However the script fails due to the error above. I am trying to debug but without too much success at present.- any ideas?

Supporting the 'Include Controller' in jmx files

I have a meta jmx file that uses the Include Controller that includes all scripts for individual projects. This a useful layout for when you have many projects going through a single gateway. I use the individual jmx files for testing individual APIs, then include them in the meta jmx file for the biblical, full load tests.

jmeter-ec2 doesn't recognize the Include Controller for things like thread management/etc, and thats probably ok as it may add a lot of complexity. Also since it copies the jmx file from the $project/jmx/meta.jmx to /tmp/execute.jmx on the remote host, the include controller gets confused as the layout locally is different than the layout remotely. (../data/ vs data/)

Work around is to copy the included jmx files into the data/ dir and as that layout matches the layout on the remote server. I have a simple bash script to copy the jmx files and the csv files into the data dir.


 - meta.jmx
  - foo.jmx
  - bar.jmx
  - foo.csv
  - bar.csv
  - meta.jmx # Same as above

Not really a feature request but more a work around if anyone has the same issue and to show how i worked around the issue.

Running Totals always 0


During test runs, the running totals on the load controller are always 0. If I SSH into one of the load generators, and tail the jmeter.log file, I do see the correct running totals. @oliverlloyd, any idea what would be causing this?

Load Controller:

> 19:13:04: [RUNNING TOTALS] total count: 0, current avg: 0 (ms), average tps: 0 (p/sec), recent tps: 0 (p/sec), total errors: 0

jmeter.log on load generator:

2014/07/14 19:15:00 INFO  - jmeter.reporters.Summariser: summary +     13 in    14s =    0.9/s Avg:   136 Min:   117 Max:   188 Err:     0 (0.00%) Active: 1 Started: 1 Finished: 0
2014/07/14 19:15:00 INFO  - jmeter.reporters.Summariser: summary =    154 in   190s =    0.8/s Avg:   148 Min:    44 Max:   766 Err:     0 (0.00%)

Issue with importing jtl results into MySQL (5.5.37-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) database

Note: The results and tests tables were created successfully, and a new test was inserted into the tests table, however I got the following error when the results were being imported:

processing results...(standard_in) 2: syntax error
copying to database...done....uploading jtl file to database..done....importing jtl file....ERROR 1148 (42000) at line 1: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

MySQL Version
Server version: 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Test don't start with default amazon Ubuntu instance

I use Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-5189a661 .

It starting correctly and being active during test, but all the time I see only

waiting for the test to stop the test while it is running, press CTRL-C. This message doesn't disappear, and it can hang there one hour.

If I do ctrl+c, script exiting successfully, destroying temporary instance, and returns empty report.

Any suggestions what can cause this problem?

Test for later jmeter versions

Make sure we handle the autoflush feature in

# AutoFlush on each line written in XML or CSV output
# Setting this to true will result in less test results data loss in case of Crash
# but with impact on performances, particularly for intensive tests (low or no pauses)
# Since JMeter 2.10, this is false by default

EC2 + InfluxGrafana

Hi Oliver,

Congrats on creating an exceptional batch file which helps us a lot. I am trying to build a script which also incorporates the InfluxDB + Grafana Dashboard as well.

I have not tested this, but I would like to know if you have any insight if I had a GraphiteBackendListener into the script and make the test push the data into InfluxDB and I want to be able to view the dashboards in Grafana?

I am looking at tweaking your scripts, but meanwhile wanted to understand your views.

Can't get StringFromFile working?

Sorry, I am new to jmeter, so maybe this is a silly question. I have the files in the correct directory and they upload to the remote host, but I am getting ERR in my tests as it does not seem to be loading the files correctly. I am using: /${_StringFromFile()}, to pass in content dynamically. Any idea why this wouldn't be working? Am I missing a jar file or something?

Also: Thanks for this repo.. sure beats the distributed jmeter!

The install step is sometimes failing

Intermittently the install process for 1 or more AWS instances fails and the script hangs filling up the page with endless periods.

The problem is the location where jmeter is being downloaded from is becoming very slow. We need to identify a better location from which to download the jmeter bundle.

Allocate elastic ip's at start and release at end of test

This is a feature request rather than a bug. Currently when using this I'm allocating elastic ip's before a test run, then editing the file with the ip's, running the test, then releasing them after (so we're not charged by amazon for unused elastic ip's).

Was wondering if it could be built into this somehow, like take the number of instances parameter at the start and allocate that many elastic ip's automatically (and throw an error if you've tried to allocate more than your account is allowed), and then release them automatically after the test finishes/instances are terminated.

Handle when StopTestNow calls fail

If the jmeter process is out of memory then sending StopTestNow calls to it can fail. This hangs the script and prevents tidy up and termination.

Maybe send the calls to the background and then sleep a bit, and then continue with termination?

Errors on Java install?

First - thank you so much for such an impressive script. It has already saved me hours of work.

I was using this script successfully for days, but started seeing errors when running I updated all my scripts to the latest version and found an appropriate ubuntu image for the agents. I'm now getting the following and just wondering if anyone else is experiencing something similar. Thanks again and I'll update this issue as I find out more. Best regards, Hal

   jmeter-ec2 Automation Script - Running myproject.jmx over 2 AWS Instance(s)

requesting 2 instance(s)...success

waiting for instance status checks to pass (this can take several minutes).....
all hosts ready

assigning tags...
TAG instance i-8cd856f5 ProjectName myproject
TAG instance i-8ed856f7 ProjectName myproject

TAG instance i-8cd856f5 Name jmeter-ec2-myproject
TAG instance i-8ed856f7 Name jmeter-ec2-myproject
copying to 2 server(s)....complete

Extracting templates from packages: 100%
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
..........tar: This does not look like a tar archive

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
mv: cannot move /tmp/JMeterPlugins.jar' to/tmp/apache-jmeter-2.6/lib/ext/': No such file or directory
mv: cannot move /tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.16-bin.jar' to/tmp/apache-jmeter-2.6/lib/': No such file or directory
.....tar: This does not look like a tar archive

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
mv: cannot move /tmp/JMeterPlugins.jar' to/tmp/apache-jmeter-2.6/lib/ext/': No such file or directory
mv: cannot move /tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.16-bin.jar' to/tmp/apache-jmeter-2.6/lib/': No such file or directory

Ultimate Thread Group needs JMeterPlugins-Extras.jar


I am using the 'Ultimate Thread Group' plugin which should be available with the 'JMeterPlugins.jar' file. However, an error is thrown (see below) unless 'JMeterPlugins-Extras.jar' file is also added.

Uncaught Exception java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.apache.jmeter.threads.AbstractThreadGroup.start(ILorg/apache/jmeter/threads/ListenerNotifier;Lorg/apache/jorphan/collections/ListedHashTree;Lorg/apache/jmeter/engine/StandardJMeterEngine;)V. See log file for details.

Could the JMeterPlugins-Extras.jar file be added to the script as the same way as JMeterPlugins.jar?

Support JMeter v3.0

The summariser has a new time format and the results file has field names added by default now.

s3/jmeter-ec2/JMeterPlugins.jar - AllAccessDisabled - All access to this object has been disabled

Just tried running this script, was giving me errors, took me ages to debug but I think this is the issue:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Message>All access to this object has been disabled</Message>

Can we have a mirror to this link or have it fixed please? - I tried installing another plugins.jar but kept getting errors with missing dependancies and such.


Simplify tagging

Don't add so many tags and don't print out so much when we do add them

Speed up checks to see if instance is ready

Don't wait for instance checks, check for ssh access and use this to decide ready state.

    # E.g.
    for host in ${hosts[@]} ; do
      if [ ! "$(ssh -q \
        -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
        -o "BatchMode=yes" \
        -o "ConnectTimeout=15" \
        -i "$PEM_PATH/$PEM_FILE" \
        -p $REMOTE_PORT \
        $USER@$host echo up)" == "up" ] ; then
        echo "Host $host is not responding"

Connection closed error

Hi Oliver – Nice work on the script. I am experiencing the same issues with lost connection when copying over the

copying to 1 server(s)…lost connection
.grep: /Users/workspace/testing-ws/jmeter-ec2/sample-project/1364519238*scpinstall.out: No such file or directory

I have verified my security group is configured correctly and can ssh into the box by doing a telnet ping on 22

telnet 22 ⏎
 Connected to
 Escape character is ‘^]’.
 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1

However, the scp of fails and I can’t get past that point. I have even put a sleep 60s as suggested by Zack on (, to no avail.

Any ideas why this might be happening? Is there a work around?

Thanks in advance.

plugins directory is not getting copied over


The plugins directory does not appear to get copied over from the $project_home directory, even though the script does appear to have a conditional check for it

            # scp any project specific custom jar files
            if [ -d $project_home/plugins ] && [ -n $(ls $project_home/plugins/) ] ; then # don't try to upload any files if none present
                echo -n "project specific jar file(s)..."
                for host in ${hosts[@]} ; do
                    (scp -q -C -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
                                                  -i "$PEM_PATH/$PEM_FILE" -P $REMOTE_PORT \
                                                  $project_home/plugins/*.jar \
                                                  $USER@$host:$REMOTE_HOME/$JMETER_VERSION/lib/ext/) &
                echo -n "done...."

An error is returned

copying test files to 1 server(s)...jmx execution file...done..../home/ubuntu/projects/jmeter-ec2/ line 569: [: too many arguments
all files uploaded

Line 569 of

if [ -d $project_home/plugins ] && [ -n $(ls $project_home/plugins/) ] ; then # don't try to upload any files if none present

Note: I have about 10 jars I need to get into apache/lib/ext.

lost connection with EC2 Elastic IPs during

When trying to use Elastic IPs, I'm seeing the following:

assigning elastic ips...
ADDRESS xx.xx.xx.xx i-xxxxxxxxx             

checking elastic ips...complete

copying to 1 server(s)...lost connection
.grep: /home/ubuntu/tests/perftest/1404744761*scpinstall.out: No such file or directory
.grep: /home/ubuntu/tests/perftest/1404744761*scpinstall.out: No such file or directory
.grep: /home/ubuntu/tests/perftest/1404744761*scpinstall.out: No such file or directory

Load balancing in jmeter using master-slave technique

Hi, I want to perform load test using master-slave.

For Eg :

I have 1 master and 10 slaves running and 1000 threads which are specified in master jmx file which should run in such a manner so that thread can be distributed among 10 slaves equally.

Is there any way to modify jmx file in such a manner ? or any other alternatives ?

Thanks !!

No realtime aggregated results displayed


Everything is working fine but no real-time aggregated results is displayed on console.
Generate Summary Results listener is added to the test plan so it should not be this problem.

Still no output when using the provided 'myproject'

Incorrect user used by install script

I was trying to run from an amazon instance (which uses ec2-user by default), deploying an ubuntu base AMI (ami-018c9568). Although I specified "ubuntu" (the default ubuntu user) in the file, it fails at the script, and repeatedly outputs 'grep /home/ec2-user/...' It should be using /home/ubuntu.

To get around this, I setup an ubuntu instance instead, and am running from there.

Handle failures during install

Sometimes the install process can fail on an instance which currently stalls the entire test. We should time out the checks and let the test continue with the remaining hardware so that a failure on 1 instance does not waste the entire test run.

Amazon AMI not found

looks like the recommended amazon instance as per instructions is not available. Can you please provide a public instance which we can use

Tidy up the README file

Things have moved on a bit and there's been a few things patched onto the readme to reference various changes but now it's a little confusing.

Stuck at waiting for instance status checks to pass


Whenever i run the script it wont go past waiting for "instance status checks to pass", ive left it on for about an hour and it hasnt moved from there. i can confirm from my amazon panel that the instances are running and the checks are 2/2. Some help please?

Use pre-built AMIs, faster

Create a suite of recommended AMIs (over all regions) that already have Java, JMeter, etc. pre-installed. The script can still check and install things as required but like this the default path will be substantially faster.

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