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okta-blog's Introduction

Okta Developer Blog

This is the source code repository for Okta's developer blog.

  • If you're having problems running one of the tutorials for a blog post, please open an issue in this project or leave a comment on the blog post.
  • If you have questions or need help with Okta's APIs or SDKs, please post to StackOverflow. If you think you've encountered a bug in one of our SDKs, please create a GitHub issue for that SDK.
  • If you are looking for Okta's developer documentation, that has moved to @okta/okta-developer-docs.


If you'd like to contribute to the blog, please send us a pull request.

This site is built using Jekyll. Blog post updates, bug fixes, and PRs are all welcome! You can create articles using Markdown (it's quite simple).


This blog depends on both Ruby and Node currently. It has a number of dependencies.

To begin, fork this repo to your personal GitHub, then clone it:

git clone [email protected]:<your-username>/okta-blog.git

Or, if you have access to push to this repo, you can clone it directly.

git clone [email protected]:oktadev/okta-blog.git

Then, install its dependencies.

gem install bundler
bundle install
npm i

If you have issues with this setup, see setting up your environment or use Docker.

Now you can build and start the site.

npm start

Visit http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

To simplify the running of the blog, you can also use Docker.

How to Create a Pull Request

First, you'll want to create a branch. The name of the branch should contain your post's keywords for readability. For example:

git checkout -b angular-spring-boot

Then, create the Markdown file and images directory for your post.

npm run post create angular-spring-boot

A page for your blog post will be created in _source/_posts. Modify this file to have your blog post's content.

Start and view in your browser.

npm start

Your browser will automatically refresh the page when you make changes.

Please review our Markdown standards for conventions we use in posts.

Docker Instructions

To begin, you should have Docker installed and working.

Then, clone this GitHub repo, or your fork:

git clone [email protected]:oktadev/okta-blog.git

Once you've cloned the repository, change into the okta-blog directory to get started:

cd okta-blog

Build the Docker Image

Next, you'll want to build the Docker image. To do this, run the following command:

docker build . -t okta-blog

There's also a make build command you can use.

What this command does is:

  1. Download a Linux system image
  2. Install Ruby, Node, and all of this project's dependencies

The resulting image will allow you to quickly and easily run the blog on your laptop without needing all of the blog dependencies installed. Nice, right?

NOTE: If you modify any of the blog software's dependencies (the Node or Ruby dependencies, specifically), you'll need to re-run that docker build . -t okta-blog command from before. This way you'll re-create the Docker image with all the updated dependencies installed!

Run the Blog

Now that you've got the Docker image setup, all you need to do is run the Docker image to start the blog locally.

Here's the command you'll want to run:

docker run -p 4000:4000 -v $PWD:/app -it okta-blog npm start

You can use make develop as a shortcut.

What this command does is:

  • -p 4000:4000 - This maps port 4000 from the Docker container to port 4000 on your computer's localhost. This way you can easily access the blog website.
  • -v $PWD:/app - This mounts the current directory (the okta-blog source code repo) as /app in the Docker container's filesystem. This way, if you change articles or mess with the blog locally, your changes will be picked up by the blog software.
  • -it - These CLI options just map the Docker container to your current terminal so that when you CTRL+c to exit the blog the Docker container will be killed.
  • okta-blog - This is telling Docker to run the okta-blog image you created earlier using that docker build command. The -t option you specified earlier when running docker build assigned a name tag to the image so you could easily reference it.
  • npm start - This is the actual command you're telling Docker to run to launch the blog sofware. Docker will start the container up and then run this command inside the container to launch the Jekyll blog.

After that, all you have to do is open your browser and visit http://localhost:4000 to visit the site!

Markdown Standards

This section describes Markdown standards we like to use in our blog posts. These conventions also pertain to AsciiDoc, if you choose to use it.

Use the Okta CLI to Register Your App

To describe how to setup a new application on Okta, please use the or includes.

These will render instructions using the Okta CLI (or Okta Maven Plugin) and link to instructions for the Admin Console. Screenshots are discouraged because they're hard to keep up-to-date.

The basic syntax for using the Okta CLI to set up an app is:

{% include setup/ type="spa" loginRedirectUri="http://localhost:8080/callback" %}

Supported values for type: spa, web, native, service, token, and jhipster

Other parameters you can pass in:

Parameter Possible values
framework Angular, React, Vue, Okta Spring Boot Starter, Spring Boot, Quarkus, ASP.NET Core
loginRedirectUri Prints whatever you set, can be comma-delimited, or use an array for multiple values [url1, url2]
logoutRedirectUri Prints whatever you set, or defaults if not set
signup false reduces opening paragraph to one sentence
note Prints whatever you set. See .NET example below
install false removes 'Install the Okta CLI' sentence

See How to Create an OIDC App on Okta for this feature's documentation.

Blog Markdown Conventions

  • For directories and filenames, surround with back ticks (e.g. filename.txt or /src/component/dummy.file)
  • For code snippets that are only a few words. Inline back ticks (e.g. Run npm install from the command line)
  • For button or link names surround with two asterisks (e.g. Then click Done)
  • When adding function names inline, add the parentheses and back ticks (e.g. This calls the render() method)
  • http://localhost links should be wrapped in back ticks (e.g. http://localhost:3000)
  • Links that start with should be relative (e.g. instead of, just use /docs/whatever.html)
  • Code with {{ variable }} needs a "raw" wrapper. For example:
  • To hide the cover image on post set hide-cover-img: true on the front matter.
{% raw %}
<span>{{ title }} app is running!</span>
{% endraw %}

For Markdown images, the macro looks as follows:

{% img blog/<post-images-dir>/<image-file-name> alt:"<text for screen readers>" width:"800" %}{: .center-image }

For AsciiDoc:

image::{% asset_path 'blog/<post-images-dir>/<image-file-name>' %}[alt=text for screen readers,width=800,align=center]

To add a table of contents, use the following:

{% include %}

For AciiDoc, add the following just after the front matter:

:toc: macro

Then, add the following wherever you'd like the table of contents to appear:


Add a Changelog

If you update a post to fix a bug or upgrade dependencies, you should add a changelog. You can add this to the front matter with a changelog key.

Please be sure to link to the pull request that updates the post and the pull request that updates the example app on GitHub.

For example:

layout: blog_post
  - 2020-08-31: Updated GitHub repo to have proper starter files and fixed logout in Vue. You can see the changes in the [example app on GitHub]( Changes to this article can be viewed in [oktadev/okta-blog#392](

This will render a "last updated" date at the top, and a changelog at the bottom. The list should be ordered last to first. See this post (source) for an example.

Add a Canonical URL

If you're syndicating a post on this blog, you can add a canonical URL using the front matter.

For example:

layout: blog_post


There are a number of scripts available to assist with content creation.

NOTE: If you're using Docker, prefix the commands below with:

docker run -v $PWD:/app -it okta-blog

Create a New Post

npm run post create [post-name] [format] [date]

Creates a new post under _source/_posts with the given name and populates it the file with a blank front matter template. Also creates a folder with the same name for images under _source/_assets/img/blog. Format can be md (default), adoc, or any file extension. If date is not specified, it will default to today's date.


npm run post create build-crud-app-with-nodejs

Stamp a Post

npm run post stamp [date]

Finds the latest blog post and updates the post date to the date specified. Date should be in ISO format (e.g. 2019-08-31). If no date is specified, today's date is used.

Faster Rendering for Development

npm run dev
npm start

This command removes all posts from the local development environment except those dated within the last two weeks. If you pass in a file name (or comma-separated list of filenames), it'll keep those too.

Restoring Deleted Posts Before Pushing to GitHub

Deleted posts are restored automatically before the push occurs. However, you can manually restore all deleted posts using the following.

npm run dev-restore

Optimizing Images

The pre-push workflow will validate image size and fail if there are images bigger than 400kb in size. It will also warn you about using PNG images as they are lossless and occupy more space. For a blog post, JPEGs or WebP images are better suited. So do consider using those formats. And ideally, images should be under 1800px in width. The blog content is rendered in a 900px width container and retina images are 2x what's displayed.

You can use npm run optimize-images to optimize all images in the _source/_assets/img directory. This will resize and compress the images and write them to new files. So make sure to update the usage and delete the original file.

If a file has to be ignored for some reason, like pre-existing social images, it can be added to scripts/image-validation-ignore.json.

Social images should be 1600x900, which can be created with the "twitter ad" template on Canva.

Custom Jekyll tags

We have the following custom Jekyll plugins that can be used in a blog post


Use the tweet ID from the Tweets URL

{% twitter <TWEET-ID> %}

# example from
{% twitter 1460993714227236868 %}

GitHub Gist

# filename is optional
{% gist <full url | user/gist_id | gist_id> [filename?] %}

# examples
{% gist %}
{% gist deepu105/127b220d0c7a3bbf06386cef8128d2f5 %}
{% gist deepu105/127b220d0c7a3bbf06386cef8128d2f5 online-store.jdl %}
{% gist 127b220d0c7a3bbf06386cef8128d2f5 %}
{% gist 127b220d0c7a3bbf06386cef8128d2f5 online-store.jdl %}


# width and height are optional (in px)
{% youtube VIDEO-ID [width? height?]%}

# example from
{% youtube 8vY-9tXlCW4 %} # default width and height of 700 x 394
{% youtube 8vY-9tXlCW4 900 %} # height calculated based on width
{% youtube 8vY-9tXlCW4 900 600 %}

Speaker Deck

# width is optional, default is 700px
{% speakerdeck <DATA-ID> [width?]%}

# example from embedd code <script async class="speakerdeck-embed" data-id="ffe22480dbfd4c1f83f66c380bba2283" ...></script>
{% speakerdeck ffe22480dbfd4c1f83f66c380bba2283 %}
{% speakerdeck ffe22480dbfd4c1f83f66c380bba2283 900px %}


This tag supports pre-created StackBlitz and auto-creating a StackBlitz directly from GitHub.

Pass in either the pre-created StackBlitz id or your GitHub repo in the following format gh_username/repo_name. For GitHub repo import you can also specify directory path within the repo or the branch. You can read more about this on StackBlitz's documentation.

For example, you can use okta-samples/okta-vue-sample/tree/vue-3

Optionally, you can also pass in the file to default to.

{% stackblitz <stackblitz-id> %}
{% stackblitz <stackblitz-id> file=<path/filename.ext> %}
{% stackblitz <gh_username/repo_name> %}
{% stackblitz <gh_username/repo_name>|</tree/BRANCH> file=<path/filename.ext> %}


{% stackblitz angular %}
{% stackblitz angular file=src/app/hello.component.ts %}
{% stackblitz okta/samples-js-angular/tree/master/custom-login file=src/app/login/login.component.html %}

okta-blog's People


aaronpk avatar alisaduncan avatar bdemers avatar carlastabile-okta avatar deepu105 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dogeared avatar dr-phill-edwards avatar drhuanliu avatar edunham avatar gabidombrowski avatar hamzaessaoui-okta avatar havi avatar imgbotapp avatar indiepopart avatar isemona avatar jpf avatar leebrandt avatar moksamedia avatar mraible avatar nickgamb avatar nickolasfisher avatar nicotriballier avatar quorralyne avatar rdegges avatar reverentgeek avatar sudobinbash avatar tanay1337 avatar tennyx avatar tommycwu avatar


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okta-blog's Issues

okta-scim-flask-example - 403 Forbidden

I am working with the Flask SCIM Server and I am getting an error when attempting to enable the SCIM settings in Okta.
I have the python app setup and ngrok configured with a paid account.
I have tried the default access token and configured access token and still receive the same error.
GET /scim/v2/Users 403 Forbidden

Can you please help as I am using this as a troubleshooting step for our issue with SCIM provisioning in AWS.

Doc heading links to `H3`s will automatically update to the parent `H2` fragment

You can manually navigate and click on the header (or go directly to the page via the link):

After the browser address bar is automatically updated to the parent h2, in the case of the link above #flow-specifics.

I'm guessing this has to do with the right navigation ("On This Page"), trying to find the closest heading.

What should happen, is the right navigation is updated to show the parent H2 title, but the address bar is NOT changed.

NOTE: There is also a padding/margin related issue where the heading appears to be displayed under the page header

Add common partial/include to support the Okta CLIs `start` command

The current setup partial requires the use of okta apps create.

The start command is useful for boot strapping example repos with a .okta/sample-conf.yaml file.

NOTE: ๐Ÿค” An alternative way to look at this is to make the okta apps create command support the .okta/sample-conf.yaml file ๐Ÿค”

Create tag cloud on /blog/tags

Let's make this page into a tag cloud that has bigger words based on frequency. Then you can hover/touch on tags to view recent posts.

It'd also be cool to show tags on posts so users can click into them to see similar posts. I like how does it in they limit you to four tags. Since we allow more, maybe we should just show the first four?

Linking to external images in a post requires global CSP updates

I linked to externally hosted images (and should remain external, such as Giphy or xkcd) and had to amend the global CSP allowlist. Ideally, we shouldn't have to do so. Furthermore, the policy is already very long and continuing to add to this string will make it even more difficult to maintain.

@bdemers had a few ideas/suggestions and recorded them in my PR #1206 . Linking his comments here so we can evaluate options to improve this process.

#1206 (review)

Spring Boot 2.1 and previous posts will no longer work

We have a bunch of old blog posts that use bootVersion with curl. I noticed today these are no longer working. If I remove bootVersion as a parameter, it works.

curl \
  -d dependencies=web,security \
  -d type=gradle-project \
  -d bootVersion=2.1.5.RELEASE \
  -d groupId=com.okta.preauthorize \
  -d artifactId=application \

I asked the Spring Team about it. Their response:

Hello. 2.1.x is EOL so weโ€™ve stopped support indeed.

We should deprecate these posts, change them to pull from GitHub to begin or update them to use 2.2.x.

Use tags more consistently for Node, .NET, and Vue

Hi folks!

I'm currently updating our Languages and SDKs pages on dev.okta to point to your newest blog posts by way of tags (i.e. โ€” see my PR at okta/okta-developer-docs#3124.

Most of the languages seem fine, but there are a few where multiple tags seem to be used for the same thing, meaning that it is impossible to use the tag URLs to get a definitive list of all the posts for a subject in one place. The main problem ones as I see it are:

  • Node โ€” you've got node, node-dot-js, and nodejs
  • .NET Core โ€” you've got asp-dot-net-core, aspnet-core, aspnetcore, and others
  • .NET not Core (Framework?) โ€” you've got asp-dot-net, asp-net, aspnet, dot-net, dotnet, and others
  • Vue โ€” you've got vue, vue-dot-js, vue-js, and vuejs

Can you let me know which one I should link to in each case, and then update the tags so that there is one clear tag to use for each of these majot topics? I'll go ahead and choose one for each topic for now so as not to hold up my PR, then I can always change them later if needed.


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