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oc-bootstrapper's Introduction

Bootstrapper for October CMS

oc-bootstrapper is a command line tool that enables you to reconstruct an October CMS installation from a single configuration file.

It can be used to quickly bootstrap a local development environment for a project or to build and update a production installation during a deployment.


  • Installs and updates private and public plugins (via Git or Marketplace)
  • Makes sure only necessary files are in your git repo by intelligently managing your .gitignore file
  • Built in support for GitLab CI deployments
  • Built in support for shared configuration file templates
  • Sets sensible configuration defaults using .env files for production and development environments


  • Zip PHP extension (sudo apt-get install php-zip)
  • Composer (via global binary or composer.phar in your working directory)

Tested on

  • Ubuntu 15.10
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • OSX 10.11 (El Capitan)

Works on Windows via Ubuntu Bash or Git Bash.

Example project

While using oc-bootstrapper it is a good idea to keep october.yaml, project's theme and project's plugins (those that are not shared among other projects) in project's repo.

Take a look at the OFFLINE-GmbH/ repo to see an example setup of oc-bootstrapper.


composer global require offline/oc-bootstrapper

You can now run october from your command line.

$ october -v
October CMS Bootstrapper version 0.5.0

Docker image

An official Docker image that bundles oc-bootstrapper, composer and Envoy is available on as offlinegmbh/oc-bootstrapper.

docker run offlinegmbh/oc-bootstrapper october -v
docker run offlinegmbh/oc-bootstrapper envoy -v
docker run offlinegmbh/oc-bootstrapper composer -v

It is intended to be used with CI pipelines but can also make getting started with an October project even easier as you don't need to install PHP and Composer locally.

You can execute any command in the context of the current working directory by using this docker command:

# alias this to "october" for easier access
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/app offlinegmbh/oc-bootstrapper october

Be aware, that this will work great for commands like october init as it does not depend on any external services. To run october install some more plumbing is required so the container can connect to your database.


Initialize your project

Use the october init command to create a new empty project with a config file:

october init

Change your configuration

In your newly created project directory you'll find an october.yaml file. Edit its contents to suite your needs.

    name: my-new-project       # Give the project a unique name
    locale: en
    debug: true

    theme: name ([email protected])
    edgeUpdates: false
    disableCoreUpdates: false
    enableSafeMode: false
    # project: XXXX            # Marketplace project ID

    connection: mysql
    username: root
    database: bootstrapper
    host: localhost

    deployment: gitlab
    keepRepo: false       # Keep .git in plugins

# deployment:            # Automatically configure the Envoy file for GitLab deployments      
#     user: hostinguser  
#     server: servername                    

    - Rainlab.Pages
    - Rainlab.Builder
    - Indikator.Backend
    - OFFLINE.SiteSearch
    - OFFLINE.ResponsiveImages
    - ^OFFLINE.Mall (
    # - Vendor.Private ([email protected])
    # - Vendor.PrivateCustomBranch ([email protected]#branch)

    name: User Name
    address: [email protected]
    driver: log

Theme and Plugin syntax

oc-bootstrapper enables you to install plugins and themes from your own git repo. Simply append your repo's address in () to tell oc-bootstrapper to check it out for you. If no repo is defined the plugins are loaded from the October Marketplace.

# Install a plugin from the official October Marketplace

# Install a plugin from a git repository. The plugin will be cloned
# into your local repository and become part of it. You can change the
# plugin and modify it to your needs. It won't be checked out again (no updates).
- OFFLINE.Mall (

# The ^ marks this plugin as updateable. It will be removed and checked out again
# during each call to `october install`. Local changes will be overwritten.
# This plugin will stay up to date with the changes of your original plugin repo.
- ^OFFLINE.Mall (

# Install a specific branch of a plugin. Keep it up-to-date.
- ^OFFLINE.Mall (

Install October CMS

When you are done editing your configuration file, simply run october install to install October. oc-bootstrapper will take care of setting everything up for you. You can run this command locally after checking out a project repository or during deployment.

This command is idempotent, it will only install what is missing on subsequent calls.

october install 

Use the --help flag to see all available options.

october install --help 

Install additional plugins

If at any point in time you need to install additional plugins, simply add them to your october.yaml and re-run october install. Missing plugins will be installed.

Use a custom php binary

Via the --php flag you can specify a custom php binary to be used for the installation commands:

october install --php=/usr/local/bin/php72

Update October CMS

If you want to update the installation you can run

october update

Push changes to remote git repo

To push local changes to the current git remote run

october push

This command can be run as cron job to keep your git repo up-to-date with changes on production.

SSH deployments

Set the deployment option to false if you don't want to setup deployments.


You can use oc-bootstrapper with any kind of deployment software. You need to setup the following steps:

  1. Connect to the target server (via SSH)
  2. Install composer and oc-bootstrapper
  3. Run october install

You can run this "script" for each push to your repository. The october install command will only install what is missing from the target server.

Example setup for GitLab CI

To initialize a project with GitLab CI support set the deployment option in your config file to gitlab.

This will setup a .gitlab-ci.yml and a Envoy.blade.php.

  1. Create a SSH key pair to log in to your deployment target server
  2. Create a SSH_PRIVATE_KEY variable in your GitLab CI settings that contains the created private key
  3. Edit the Envoy.blade.php script to fit your needs
  4. Push to your repository. GitLab will run the example .gitlab-ci.yml configuration

Cronjob to commit changes from prod into git

If a deployed website is edited by a customer directly on the prod server you might want to commit those changes back to your git repository.

To do this, simply create a cronjob that executes october push every X minutes. This command will commit all changes to your git repo automatically with message [ci skip] Added changes from $hostname.

File templates

You can overwrite all default file templates by creating a folder called october in your global composer directory. Usually it is located under ~/.config/composer.

Place the files you want to use as defaults in ~/.config/composer/october. All files from the templates directory can be overwritten.

On Windows you can store your files in %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Roaming/Composer/october/

Variable replacements

It is possible to use placeholders in your configuration files which will be replaced by values from your october.yaml configuration:

// Example Envoy.blade.php
$url = '%app.url%'; // Will be replaced by the app.url value from your october.yaml file

There is a special placeholder %app.hostname% available that will be replaced by the host part of your app.url:

%app.url%      =
%app.hostname% =

File templates from a git repository

If your templates folder is a git repository oc-bootstrapper will pull the latest changes for the repo every time you run october init.

This is a great feature if you want to share the template files with your team via a central git repository. Just make sure you are able to fetch the latest changes via git pull and you're all set!

cd ~/.config/composer/october
git clone your-central-templates-repo.git .
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
git pull # Make sure this works without any user interaction

Development environments

oc-bootstrapper can set up a development environment for you. Currently, only Lando is supported out of the box.

To enable the Lando integration, run october init and select lando as a dev environment. A .lando.yml file will be placed in your project.

You can now simply run lando start to get everything up and running inside a Docker environment created by Lando.

oc-bootstrapper's People


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oc-bootstrapper's Issues

Support for database behind SSL

I am certain this is a niche requirement, lately I am using a SSL protected mysql server remotely for dev/staging environments.

This kind of setup breaks hard oc-bootstrapper, because it does not support SSL config, and the database/migration part gets broken.

Any suggestions how to still use this handy tool?

To make it work (after the script has done it's job) I usually briefly edit database.php adding some custom SSL-related variables

Error in ManageDirectory.

Oc-bootstrapper 0.5.2 !! (damned, it was a so shine tools)

Getting error while creating project with october init on Windows OS :

$ october init test
Creating project directory...
Updating template files...
Creating default october.yaml...
PHP Warning:  copy(P:\_Sites\tests\C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Composer\october\october.yaml): failed to open stream: Invalid argument in C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\offline\oc-bootstrapper\src\Util\ManageDirectory.php on line 24

It's look like the two arguments are not separated !!

can't manage to make it work

after composer global require offline/oc-bootstrapper from the terminal, everything seems to be installed.

then when I try october -v

I have a -bash: october: command not found

Question: need some help with Docker


I thought this project would be a great start at using Docker. I have followed the guides on using bind mounts, multiple container applications etc and I understand the process. But I don't understand what's going on with this image. I just cannot find the created october.yaml file in the bound volume..

Running the commands below in Git Bash on Windows

$ winpty docker run -it --rm -v /c/projects/docker/oct1:/app offlinegmbh/oc-bootstrapper october init
# results in empty dir oct1;C

$ winpty docker run -it --rm -v //c/projects/docker/oct1://app offlinegmbh/oc-bootstrapper october init test
# nothing

$ winpty docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/app offlinegmbh/oc-bootstrapper october init
# results in empty dir october;C

In all cases I get the same prompt and output:

Please select a dev environment to set up
  [0] Do not set up an environment
  [1] development environment
 > 0
Creating project directory...
Updating template files...
Creating default october.yaml...
Done! Now edit your october.yaml and run october install.

Some help would be much appreciated!

Using oc-bootstrapper on existing dev-project


this plugin is a very good alternative to deploy and install private plugin.
So i'd like to do some question:

I have a dev machine tiith two projects is possibile to use oc-bootstrapper on existing project or it only works with project from scratch?

The part i love more is the private plugin install. So i have some dev-plugin on my gitlab and i want to create dependencies for my theme. Or i can create a octboer.yaml file only to update my exiting dev-website?

What do you think?


Disable Core Updates to .env

We should add the Setting 'cms.disableCoreUpdates' to the october.yaml and the .env file.

All of our deployments use composer to stay up to date, so disableCoreUpdates value should be true, but the default is false.

Composer 2 support


the bootstrapper unfortunately does not work with Composer 2, as it tries to install the 1.0 branch of october, which isn't compatible with this version.

Are there any plans to upgrade? maybe it even makes sense to let users chose which branch to install?

Error when updating, plugins extends missing ones

Hi all...

Funny behavior today, little brief:

  • plugin A (free plugin of the marketstore)
  • plugin B (site/project plugin, extend plugin A)

During the update the plugins are deleted to be reinstalled, but the plugin that extends one of them creates a bug because it uses classes (use \Acme\plugin\...) that are no longer present!

My only possible solution is to temporarily disable the project plugins that extend the others during the commit time and then reactivate them.

Have you ever encountered this kind of situation before?

Add Custom Plugin - Specific Branch or Tag

Do we have a way to specify a branch for a custom plugin ?

I don't want to keep versioning in plugin repo AND in the website that requires it. (BareRepo)

But the problem is that we can't clone a specific branch of a plugin on specific env.
We should be able to add a branch or a tag target in plugin.git url.

I tried urls like<user>/<project>.git#<branch>
or git clone options : <url> --branch <branch> --single-branch
neither worked.

I'll check how It can be done and make a PR :)

Git bash - windows - templates location

It look's like on windows with git bash,
the script don't look in ~/.config/composer/october/ but in ~/AppData/Roaming/Composer/october/ for overwriting templates.

Error with remote theme cloning with git bash on windows


Everything work well when command is ran from vagrant's environment (ssh connected to box).
If I run the october install in a git bash environment I get this error :

Installing Theme...
Exit code: 1 while executing: "LC_ALL=C git clone "[email protected]:acme/oc-acme-template.git" "C:\Users\...\mysite.local\themes\acme"" with reason: 'LC_ALL'  is not recognized as an internal or external command

Usage instruction for docker image


I tried to use the provided Docker image to run the october init and october install commands. I like the idea of having everything in Docker, however, the documentation on this topic is a bit lacking.

The first thing I realized is that to make practical use of the image you need to mount a volume to sync files between the container and the host machine. However, that is easier said than done, as the working directory of the container (/composer) is non-empty and thus cannot easily be mounted.

That beeing said, what I needed to do was modify the Dockerfile (and build a custom image) to include a separate working directory for the "application" files, namely the october.yaml in this case to successfully run the init command:

RUN mkdir /home/app
WORKDIR /home/app
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/home/app bootstrapper october init mytest
Please select a dev environment to set up
  [0] Do not set up an environment
  [1] development environment
 > Creating project directory...
Updating template files...
Creating default october.yaml...
Done! Now edit your october.yaml and run october install.

.env.production in .gitignore

I think .env.production should not be commit to the version control.

So adding it to .gitignore might be a good idea?

Why do we unignore plugins

When we add a custom plugin url in october.yaml withbareRepo: true
The .gitignore is edited to unignore these folders.

Each time I have to remove this lines. IMO when we add bareRepo we shouldn't keep anything from custom plugins in CVS.

What do you think ?

OSX Compatibility check-list

I work on OSX and oc-bootstrapper works fine.
But do you have a check-list I can test and say if it's fully compatible on OSX ?

PHP Fatal error - running composer update


Although I haven't made any changes ... I always have this mistake.

$ vendor/offline/oc-bootstrapper/october update
Installing new plugins
Removing private plugins
Cleared private plugins
Running artisan october:update
Reinstalling plugins:
Migrating all unmigrated versions
Running composer update
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function writeln() on null in /var/myproject/vendor/offline/oc-bootstrapper/src/Util/RunsProcess.php:57
Stack trace:
#0 /var/myproject/vendor/offline/oc-bootstrapper/src/Util/RunsProcess.php(29): OFFLINE\Bootstrapper\October\Util\Composer->checkProcessResult(2, 'Failed to run c...', '')
#1 /var/myproject/vendor/offline/oc-bootstrapper/src/Util/Composer.php(91): OFFLINE\Bootstrapper\October\Util\Composer->runProcess('"/usr/bin/php7....', 'Failed to run c...', 3600)
#2 /var/myproject/vendor/offline/oc-bootstrapper/src/Console/UpdateCommand.php(151): OFFLINE\Bootstrapper\October\Util\Composer->updateLock()
#3 /var/myproject/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(255): OFFLINE\Bootstrapper\October\Console\UpdateCommand->execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#4 /var/myproject/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(992): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\C in /var/myproject/vendor/offline/oc-bootstrapper/src/Util/RunsProcess.php on line 57

Any ideas ?

october : command not found


I try to install october with some plugins from github with your system.

I firstly ran the the following command :

composer global require offline/oc-bootstrapper

It seems to download all dependencies and install correctly.

But then, when I do the following command :

october init

It says :

october : command not found

Did I miss something ?



set correct chmod to files and folders


I'm switching from Wizard way to install october to oc-boostrapper cause the feature to install things from github is insane ^^

However, compared to the wizard, I have chmod problem with oc-bootstrapper. Once installed, when I go to my frontpage, I have some errors related to write permission in /storage or in /theme folders.

I know that the wizard installation ask you what is the CHMOD you want to put on folder and I never get write permission issue using the wizard, would it be possible to have the same logic using bootstrapper ?

Thank you

`mv` and `rm` commands don't work under Windows

I get the above error when running 'october install' using Windows 10. The files are downloaded but the folder october-master isn't removed and the files that are supposed to be moved to the root directory stay inside it. The problem seems to be at the following lines of Downloader\OctoberCMS.php:

(new Process(sprintf('mv %s %s', $source . '/*', $directory)))->run();
(new Process(sprintf('rm -rf %s', $source)))->run();

I have tried running the command in Power shell and Cmd, with and without administrator privileges and 2 different computers.

EDIT: turns out the 'mv' and 'rm' commands don't exist in Windows. Instead, I used 'move' and 'del'

Error using "php composer.phar install --no-interaction --no-dev --prefer-dist --ignore-platform-reqs"

When installing october command via composer as suggested in the Envoy.blade.php template.

Uses php composer.phar install --no-interaction --no-dev --prefer-dist --ignore-platform-reqs

I'm getting an error invoking the october command via ./vendor/bin/october -v

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'OFFLINE\Bootstrapper\October\Console\InitCommand' not found in <project_path>/vendor/offline/oc-bootstrapper/october:12
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in <project_path>/vendor/offline/oc-bootstrapper/october on line 12

when I skip the composer flags --no-dev --prefer-dist everything works.

Hostname %deployment.server%: Name does not resolve

Well ... It's all in the title!

Getting this error when trying to use variables replacments in my Envoy.blade.php file.

Envoy.blade.php :

    // Deployment configuration ----------
    $project      = '%app.hostname%';
    $user         = '%deployment.user%';
    $server       = '%deployment.server%';
    $directory    = '/home/%app.hostname%/public_html';
    $slackWebhook = '';
    // -----------------------------------

    $author = isset($author) ? $author : "someone";
    $branch = isset($branch) ? $branch : "unknown branch";
    $commit = isset($commit) ? $commit : "no message";

october.yaml :

# deployment: false
    user: my_cdci_user
    server: server_url

and finaly my error :

$ envoy run deploy \ # collapsed multi-line command
[%deployment.user%@%deployment.server%]:  ssh: Could not resolve hostname %deployment.server%: Name does not resolve

A question to remove a doubt ... the correct syntax for a server with a port is server: server_url -p 00000 or server: 'server_url -p 00000' ??

october update command


I am pretty new to the oc-bootstrapper, but I really like the concept and would like to contribute a little. Right now I am writing because I just want to ensure that I understand the basic concept.

I understand the typical workflow while using oc-boostrapper is (as you described in a different issue):

  1. Add new plugin to october.yml
  2. Push to Git repo
  3. Our CI system deploys the new code to the server and runs october install which picks up the new plugin from the configuration file and installs it.

This works great when we have an empty directory and want to install OctoberCMS there. I do understand .gitignoreing the private plugins but on the other hand I cannot get why you have decided to remove git repositories from plugins. To be honest I think that almost whole application should be .gitignored so that updates were controlled by composer and October's console commands or at least whole plugins directory.

I guess there is a reason but I just can't figure it out.

I would like to take some steps towards october update command so that whole October gets updated. I mean October core, all plugins from marketplace, private plugins and themes. And I think there's a great tool from October core php artisan october:util git pull which walks through all plugins and themes that has a .git directory and pulls them. With SSH key and SSH agent it is a very nice and painless way to pull all the private plugins and theme which I personally do quite often.

Let me know if I understand the concept right, is there any progress on october update command and if you like to see my help here.

Thanks in advance,

Tomasz Strojny

Error with hidden plugins from marketplace

Hidden plugins (from the market place) present in october.yaml file, result in an error.

Error while installing plugin Luketowers.Twigpcre via artisan:

  Error running "php artisan plugin:install Luketowers.Twigpcre" command:
  In UpdateManager.php line 867:

    The plugin is hidden and cannot be installed

Setting the plugin's repo in october.yaml solve issue.

    # - Luketowers.Twigpcre
    - ^Luketowers.Twigpcre ([email protected]:LukeTowers/oc-twigpcre-plugin.git)

Have to do the same for all @LukeTowers plugins. ๐Ÿ˜ข

Class auth does not exist Error on install

During install I get the following error for each plugin and later on in october:fresh command

Error running "php artisan plugin:install OFFLINE.Mall" command:
In Container.php line 752:
   Class auth does not exist

Am I missing a plugin or setting? I had a issue with Auth guard when October was updated to Laravel 6, could this be related?
This is my october.yaml

    name: october-webshop           # Give this project a unique name
    url: http://webshop.local
    locale: en
    debug: true

    theme: webshop
    edgeUpdates: false
    disableCoreUpdates: false
    enableSafeMode: false

    connection: mysql
    host: mysql
    port: 3306
    username: root
    password: secret
    database: october

    deployment: false       # Change to "gitlab" for a GitLab CI Setup
    bareRepo: true          # Exclude everything except themes and custom plugins in git
    excludePlugins: false   # Even exclude plugins from your repo. Private plugins will be
                            # checkout out again during each "install" run. Be careful!
                            # Manual changes to these plugins will be overwritten.

# deployment:
#     user: hostinguser
#     server: servername

    - Mohsin.OAuth2
    - Octobro.Api
    - OFFLINE.Mall
    - Vdomah.JWTAuth

    name: User Name
    address: [email protected]
    driver: log

Dev configuration should be more .env centric

I believe that the configuration should be more easy for collaboration development.
What I mean is that the values taken from october.yaml should be saved in the .env file and in the config files we should have calls to the env() function, the Laravel standard way. I've commited my work from another computer and cloned into another and I was surprised that I cannot find the files in config/dev/, because there's a .gitignore inside it.
A command for the october script that creates a new .env file from october.yml could be useful I think.
I might find a bit of time to try and write a pull request in the near future if you think it's a good idea.

Composer not found error with Gitlab CI jobs


I'm having problems with deployment from Gitlab CI.
I always get the same error: composer: command not found

Running with gitlab-runner 11.0.0 (5396d320)
  on docker-auto-scale ed2dce3a
Using Docker executor with image ruby:2.5 ...
Pulling docker image ruby:2.5 ...
Using docker image sha256:55fb4a37704e96ac8c6c930180e22cf986207d6d39ab03dedc41a608bbd30372 for ruby:2.5 ...
Running on runner-ed2dce3a-project-7222738-concurrent-0 via runner-ed2dce3a-srm-1530581463-a69e7b46...
Cloning repository...
Cloning into '/builds/xxxx/xxxx'...
Checking out xxxxxxx as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ composer global require --prefer-dist laravel/envoy=~1.0 --no-interaction --prefer-dist --quiet
/bin/bash: line 63: composer: command not found
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

anonymized data

I easily admit that the "Gitlab CI with Envoy" section of the readme leaves me perplexed at the reading.

  • Do I need a special setting for the runner it in Gitlab CI??
  • Do I need a Dockerfile file to configure image??

A little more information on the implementation would not be a refusal.


Running from the local vendor folder

I tried to install the oc-bootstrapper only in the local folder for a project and tried to use the vendor/bin/october binary which is automatically created by composer. However, when doing this, pathes seem incorrect to the autoload file:

ploi@zeus-temple:~/$ vendor/bin/october -v
PHP Warning:  require(/home/ploi/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ploi/ on line 8
PHP Fatal error:  require(): Failed opening required '/home/ploi/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /home/ploi/ on line 8

The issue seems to be here, as if the location of autoload.php is exactly one dir above (as in this case), it wont match...

Using the special theme syntax "^"

I wanted to have my theme in a separate repo and update it each time october install is run. I tried using the new ^themename (gitrepo) syntax, however, now the theme folder name also includes the special character ^. Is there something I am missing?

Regarding the functionality: Is it correct that this will always pull the latest changes from the specified git repo (overriding any changes in the local copy)?

Install plugins from projects


October CMS provide a nice feature add some plugins to a project and sync a website with a project ID.

Would it be possible to add this feature to your bootstraper ? I imagine something like this :

project: project_api_key

Where project_api_key is the api key found on october cms website.

Thanks !


install not working


I've tried to use your tool to start a new october cms project.

Used october init, replaced just the database connection info and the mail section.
I just get this output:

Downloading latest October CMS...
Installing composer dependencies...
Setting up config files...
Migrating Database...
Removing demo data...
Clearing cache...
Installing Theme...
Installing Plugins...
Setting up deployments...
Creating .gitignore...
Creating README...
Cleaning up...
Application ready! Build something amazing.

But I still have the demo theme and plugin and no other plugins.
Any hints what could go wrong?

installation failed on MacOS

here is the error after running the composer comand line

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - Installation request for offline/oc-bootstrapper ^0.1.0 -> satisfiable by offline/oc-bootstrapper[v0.1.0].
    - Conclusion: remove guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
    - Conclusion: don't install guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
    - offline/oc-bootstrapper v0.1.0 requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ~6.0 -> satisfiable by guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2.0].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.0.0, 5.3.0].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.0.1, 5.3.0].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.0.2, 5.3.0].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.1.0, 5.3.0].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.1.1, 5.3.0].
    - Can only install one of: guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.2.0, 5.3.0].
    - Installation request for guzzlehttp/guzzle (locked at 5.3.0) -> satisfiable by guzzlehttp/guzzle[5.3.0].

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.```

Error in Envoy.blade.php

Hi all,

I've got a new error using October CMS Bootstrapper v0.5.2.

bash: line 22: composer.phar: command not found

The line is :

$PHP composer.phar self-update

Changed to

php composer.phar self-update

and all is all right !

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