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magnifier's Issues

Add Pull Requests Reviewed column to statistics


This is an epic that will track the work required to add Pull Requests Reviewed. Originally from this conversation

  • Add column to statistic for reviewers
    • Identical structure and implementation as the assignees column
  • Git hub service endpoint
  • Git hub persist class and updateorcreate class to save to the db
    • Exclude the author
  • BE graphql
    • Add an ownership type of "reviewer"
      □ StatisticOwnershipEnumType
    • Update the statistics query rb resolver and specs
  • Have to query it from the FE
    • Add a Statistics collection in statistics js
    • Graphql Query in statistics queries js
  • This new feature will need to be added to the "Week in Review submittal" page and process, as well (this work needs to be broken out into individual tickets)

Submittal page for Week in Review


When the user is ready, they'll need a page to submit their week's accomplishments.

Definition of Done

  • 'submit' button from WIR page bringing them into a page to begin the submittal process
  • entering the page creates a WeekInReview db record and associated Accomplishment records
  • new page displays all of their current stats/accomplishments for the selected week
  • all the stats have a 'remove' icon
  • clicking remove removes the stat for their week
  • page carves out a comments section (to be completed in an upcoming issue)
  • page carves out an 'add stat' section (to be completed in an upcoming issue)

Discovery - Authentication plan for accessing private GitHub repos


In order to pull data from private GitHub repos, we will need to authenticate the given user. This can be done through:

  1. a user's personal access token
  2. An OAuth access token

We favor option 2.

Definition of done

  • Outline the implementation
  • Create the atomic GitHub issues that represent what is required to implement this work
  • One of the issues should be a spike involving testing an OAuth token on a deployed server (testing locally can return false positives)

Compare and contrast Apollo with Relay 2.0


In order to pick a front end graqphql client of choice, we need to discuss pros and cons of both

Definition of Done

  • Document attached to this ticket, and discussed at next group meeting

Discovery around secrets management

Out of the available solutions, research different options and identify a recommended solution for a small project. Both financial and administrative costs are a factor here with a preference for simplicity, very low cost and little ongoing maintenance.


  • Vault
  • AWS Parameter Store
  • AWS Secret Manager
  • Synthetic options like credstash
  • JSON in S3

Ability to export a user's week in review


Managers will need to export a given user's week in review. For this first iteration, this will be a CSV file.

Definition of Done

  • Ability to export a user's week in review as a CSV file

User can add existing, available stats to their week in review


Once #81 is completed, we will need the ability for a user to be able to select one or many of these new available stats, and add them to their Week in Review.

Definition of Done

  • From the column of available statistics, a user can select one or many statistics to be added to the currently displayed WIR
  • Confirm dialogue pops up before they are added
  • Once added the stats no longer appear in the "available" column
  • Once added the stats appear in their Week in Review

Prevent accidental push's to master


Per human error, someone might mistakenly push changes directly to master.

Definition of Done

  • Research and implement a protection that prohibit's user's from accidentally pushing directly to master

Build out the base database design


The vision is to have daily cron jobs that pull data from GitHub and JIRA, and we compile that data into our database smartly. The resulting db tables should align between the two, meet all of the MVP criteria, and be scalable for the Post-MVP goals.

Definition of done

  • Research JIRA's API for compatibility and common overlap with GitHub issues
  • Propose a database schema
  • Build out the initial database design, based on the proposal

Setup continuous integration tools


We should have some CI/CD tooling in place to run automated tests/linters etc. as well as for ease of deployment.

All the following options have free tiers for open source:


We could also just use builtin Heroku CI if that's where we're launching

Definition of done

  • A successful test deployment
  • A successful CI run
  • Create documentation for the group capturing the details of the deployment process

Discovery - determine deployment platform and budget for project


We need to determine what our budget and deployment platform will be for this tool.

Heroku is a potential platform that could suit our needs (also includes built-in CI). 1x dyno at $25/mo would be sufficient, as this platform will only be used by Oddballers, and thus will have a limited volume of traffic/resource usage.

The focus should be on simplicity and cost-effectiveness. We don't want to wrestle with too much manual configuration or maintenance if we can avoid it.

cc: @RobAWilkinson

Definition of Done

  • Budgetary concerns are addressed and codified
  • Deployment platform is decided upon

Set up prettier to autoformat js files on save


Rather than deal with the hassles of manually linting, set up prettier w/ eslint and provide instructions on how to autoformat on save.

Include in the same PR running it across all JS files

Definition of Done

  • Prettier set up w/ eslint
  • Clean report from running eslint

Profile form to gather a user's GitHub username, org, and PAT


In order for user to gather data from GitHub's API on a given user, we need their GitHub:

  • personal access token
  • username
  • organization where the issues and pull requests reside

Definition of Done

  • Profile page with form
  • Form to set/update a user's GitHub personal access token, username, and organization

Watcher for running tests


In order to make it easier to have tests running automatically would be nice to have an automatic test runner.

Is guard still the defacto standard?

Definition of Done

  • test watcher configured and running, instructions in readme

Integrate react router


Need to integrate react router for client side routing

Definition of Done

  • React router is in package and configured

Upgrade Rails and Ruby


Let's use the most current, stable versions of Rails and Ruby.

Definition of done

  • Upgrade to Rails 5.2
  • Upgrade to Ruby 2.5

User can add in a GitHub issue or PR to their WIR by pasting its URL into a form


There will be times when a user needs to manually add in an issue or pull request into their week in review, that is not showing up already.


  • GitHub service objects to find an issue/PR based on its HTML URL (#92)
    • one for issues, and one for PRs
  • Persist new issue/PR as a Statistic (#94)
    • Must figure out the appropriate attributes (i.e. merged, assignees, etc.)
    • Create associated Organization record if not in our db
      • can be derived from the passed HTML URL
  • Service class that takes in a Statistic record and creates the appropriate Accomplishment records for the associated WeekInReview record (#96)
    • Even if the user is not a creator or assignee of the statistic
  • BE mutation that takes in the FE mutation request (#98)
    • first checks if the Statistic issue/PR already exists in our db
    • else, fetch from GitHub and persist to db
    • create appropriate Accomplishment records
  • When user pastes URL into FE form, it sends mutation to BE to smartly add it to their WeekInReview (#102)
    • create FE mutation request
    • leverage loading from mutation to display something in the UI during processing
    • refetchQueries to update the page with the new Statistic in the appropriate categories
    • SweetAlert showing success/failure

Refactor GitHub API service objects to respect potential pagination


Background is the TODO here:

TODO: Maxing the page size at 100 is standing in place for implementing
a pagination solution. At this point, as we will have daily cron jobs
for these endpoints, it is unrealistic to think that any user would have
more than 100 items returned in any of these endpoints, in a given day.
As such, pagination is not yet required.

Definition of Done

Closed PRs are accounted for


The current logic is excluding closed PRs, and only tracking open and merged PRs. Keifer and I are now thinking that the developer puts in (sometimes significant) time on a PR, and sometimes they do not get merged. The dev should not get penalized for that, as it reflective of work that was done during the course of the week.

Definition of Done

  • Includes closed PRs when pulling data from GitHub, and presenting data in our views

Migrate details from design documentation into Github wiki


We should keep as much information as possible within the built-in Github wiki, so that developers have quicker access to frequented information. Currently we have a large design document living on

This information should be parceled and added to the wiki.

Note: remember to add links to new pages into the sidebar so we can edit the order, add nesting as needed, etc. (Builtin "pages" widget is dumb and doesn't support ordering.)

Definition of Done

User can remove an item from their week in review


The week in review page, by default, builds the user's current week in review based on the data we get from GitHub's API.

The user needs the ability to remove a given issue or PR, should it be incorrect.

Definition of Done

  • Button/icon the user can click on to remove a given issue/PR from the given week's 'week in review'
  • confirmation prompt before removing
  • confirmation that the issue/pr was removed (and no longer showing on the page, or on refresh)

Implement deployment pipeline to AWS


We've determined that we will deploy to our existing AWS cloud resources. This ticket will track the devops work required to implement this deployment pipeline.

Definition of Done

  • Developer can deploy changes to infrastructure and view changes at
  • very user friendly for developers to access: prods rails console, run rake tasks in prod, tail the production logs

Add initial set of rails related developer gems for DX


In getting started with the base Rails project, add in any best practice gems to enhance developer experience, and code quality.

Definition of done

  • Adds and configures testing related gems (e.g. RSpec, FactoryBot)
  • Adds and configures code quality gem, namely RuboCop

Dockerize application for DX


As a developer, I want to not fuss with development dependencies. I should be able to run the application (with all dependencies) in a docker container. This will also allow us to more easily deploy to AWS via our container registry.

Definition of Done

  • Application can be run immediately after clone via docker-compose up command
  • Wiki + readme updated with local development instructions

Week in review stats by week for current use


For the current user, the Week In Review page should now display:

  • one week’s worth of statistics
  • statistics dynamically, meaning it updates itself as the week progress, pulling in any new updates in the database
  • the statistics for the selected week only
  • the week’s start and end dates, that the statistics fall within
  • the associated employee, meaning the current user

It does not create a WeekInReview db record, and the associated Accomplishment db records, as it used to.

This will now happen as part of a workflow where the user decided to “begin the week in review submittal process”, in upcoming stories.

Issue Resolved

Issue #

Definition of Done

  • when user visits WIR page, it presents the stats that fall within the week of the selected date
  • dynamically updates with stats that are present in the database
  • displays the start and end dates of the selected week
  • displays the employee (current user)
  • displays one week's worth of stats

Google Authentication


In order to allow oddballs to login with their email address, need to set up oauth2 with google.

Definition of done

  • Backend and front end are configured to allow for oddball to login

Save the returned statistics to the database as the default week in review


We are currently getting back a list of Statistics for a given time period (i.e. this week, last week, etc.), broken out into the 6 MVP categories (i.e. issues created, issues worked, etc.).

We need to be able to persist all of these statistics as a user's "week in review". For this first iteration, we'll work with "this week's" statistics.

Definition of Done

  • database tables for persisting the week in review

Integrate Apollo


Set up apollo client and integrate it with react on the front end

Definition of Done

  • apollo is working and can query the api

Smartly persist issue and PR data fetched from GitHub to the appropriate db tables


In our daily rake tasks, we will be fetching issue and PR data directly from GitHub's API through our Githhub::Service object calls. This data needs to be persisted to our database in our db tables respectively:

  • Statistic
  • GithubUser
  • Organization
  • Repository

Definition of Done

  • Logic that takes the responses from our Github::Service calls, and smartly persists them to the approriate db table
  • Spec coverage
  • Yard docs

Discovery: Jira Integration

Discover and documented a basic understanding of how a logged in user might be able to access tickets within a Jira workspace.

Feel free to create a free account on the Jenkins board in order to play around with things

This ticket is done when we have the ability to create other tickets for the work to be done

Rake task for cron job to call daily to fetch & save all GitHub data


We need a rake task that can be called one a day, to get the previous day's worth of GitHub user data. This will fetch all of our user's issues and pull request activity, for the previous day.

Definition of Done

  • Rake task that fetches and saves all user's GitHub data for the previous day

Saves the returned statistics to the database as the default week in review


We are currently getting back a list of Statistics for a given time period (i.e. this week, last week, etc.), broken out into the 6 MVP categories (i.e. issues created, issues worked, etc.).

We need to be able to persist all of these statistics as a user's "week in review".

The required database work was completed in #69

Definition of Done

  • a page that defaults to the current user's proposed week in review statistics
  • current proposed statistics are saved to the database as their initial week in review

Integrate React as the FE layer


Our goal is to use React as our dedicated FE layer, and to make GraphQL queries from it, to our Ruby GraphQL BE server.

Definition of done

  • Adds React and all associated dependencies
  • Creates a proof of concept 'Hello world' page to illustrate successful wiring
  • Document the process for passing data from Rails to React, and vice versa

Ability to add Comments to a Week In Review


In the new Week in Review submittal page, we need the ability to be able to add/update comments to it.

Definition of Done

  • Can add any of the four comment types
  • If comments are already present, they show up in the correct text area
  • If a comment does not exist, we create one
  • If a comment does exist and is updated, we update it

In their Week in Review page, a user can see items they have worked on since their last update


When a user visits their WIR page, if the WIR is already built, it returns it, and all of its already associated stats. If the WIR is not yet built, it builds it based of all that stats that are currently in our db (for the week in question).

In the former case, where the WIR already exists, we need a way for a user to see any new stats that have popped up, since their last visit. Here is an example:

  • The user logs into their WIR page for the first time this week, on Wednesday
  • Since this is their first time visiting the page this week, they do not yet have a WIR
  • So we create one for them, with all of their activity from Monday - Wednesday
  • Then they do more work during the week
  • Then they visit their WIR page again on Friday
  • Since they already have a WIR for this week, we return that; however, they have new work since Wednesday
  • We want to show them a diff of their new statistics that are:
    • not in their current WIR already
    • have occurred since Wednesday

In a follow up story, we will give the user the ability to select one/many of these "new" stats, and add them to their WIR.

In another follow up story we could also create a "Rebuild your WIR" type button that deletes their current WIR, and rebuilds it based on the current datetime.

Definition of Done

  • In the Week in Review page, the right hand column should contain a list of available stats that:
    • are not currently in the selected week's WIR
    • and have occurred since the most recent stat's source_udpated_at timestamp
    • occurred before the end date of the current selected week

GitHub::Service endpoint for consuming the GitHub API search-issues endpoint


The daily cron jobs that will be hitting GitHub's API will largely be hitting their Search Issues endpoint. We will need to create a new service object to support this.

This new service object will replace the GitHub::Service#spike method. We will want it to dynamically accept many query parameter combinations.

Definition of Done

Fix 204 no template error


In it's current state, running master fails to render the GET / route as there is no template given. This can be fixed by renaming app/views/pages/root.html.erb to app/views/pages/index.html.erb

Definition of Done

  • Replace app/views/pages/root.html.erb with app/views/pages/index.html.erb
  • Running the application and navigating to http://localhost:3000 renders the Hello component

Fix violations and remove .rubocop_todo.yml


As a developer I do not want to have extant rubocop violations in the code base.

Fix violations and remove the todo file.

Definition of Done

  • All violations in .rubocop_todo.yml are fixed
  • .rubocop_todo.yml is removed
  • Rubocop passes

Secure a domain


We will need to purchase a domain name for the app's deployment.

Definition of Done

  • Collaborate with the team on available domain names
  • Work with @RobAWilkinson to purchase a domain

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