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Remove unused error message

To Remove:
ODataMessageReader_EntityReferenceLinksInRequestNotAllowed // It is not used any more.

To Modify:
Context_ExecuteExpectsGetOrPost // Now delete is also supported.

Support hex values in enum member values when parsing an EDM file.


It looks like ODATAv4 does not support specifying values of enum members as hex values.
For flag-enums, being able to specify them using hex is usually more intuitive,

For example:

<Member Name="All" Value="0xFFFFFFFF" />

Instead of:

<Member Name="All" Value="4294967295" /> 

Reading odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt I see these rules, indicating that hex values are not permitted:

enumMemberValue = int64Value
int64Value = [ sign ] 1*19DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

Looking further at the implementation of the EdmValueParser.TryParseLong, we land in XmlConvert.ToInt64 which, consistent with the rule above, does not parse hex values.

Any plans to support hex values in the future?

Handling of preference header 'continue-on-error' in user request by Web Api

We are getting problems with preference header “continue-on-error” in batch handling. As per OData specs, “if this is not specified, then upon encountering an error the service MUST return the error within the batch and stop processing additional requests within the batch”. But we have observed that this is not happening by default.

The WebAPI’s DefaultODataBatchHandler class returns the request collection after parsing, but if we look into individual request then we find that these headers are missing. We could only see it on the top level http request messages’ header, but not on individual batch request item’s header. As of now we have overloaded this class and manually handling this scenario.

Client do not materialize the derived complex value to correct type.

With following payload, the HomeAddress is serialized into "Address" type, instead of "HomeAddress" type.

"@odata.context": "http://bixu-odata-3:9090/OperationService635520379911784964/$metadata#Customers",
"value": [
"": "http://bixu-odata-3:9090/OperationService635520379911784964/Customers(1)",
"@odata.editLink": "http://bixu-odata-3:9090/OperationService635520379911784964/Customers(1)",
"ID": 1,
"FirstName": "Bob",
"LastName": "Cat",
"Address": {
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Test.OData.Services.ODataOperationService.HomeAddress",
"Street": "1 Microsoft Way",
"City": "Tokyo",
"PostalCode": "98052",
"FamilyName": "Cats"
"Emails": [
"[email protected]"
"Level": "Common"

Tests appear to be missing from


Tests, such as unit tests, are an important part of the development process. It's hard to imagine how a contributor could safely contribute to this project without automated tests to run for validation.

Minimal repro steps

  1. git clone
  2. Browse cloned code and look for tests to read
  3. Attempt to run tests in visual studio

Expected result

Open source code bases should include both product code and relevant test code.

Actual result does not contain any test code.

Support custom payload format

ODataLib used to supports JSON format for payload only,, we can allow read or write payloads with custom format.

• Support resolving custom media types for request and response messages
• Support reading and writing following kinds of payload in custom payload format:
o Feed
o Entry
o Property
o Collection
o Parameter
o Error

T4 cannot correctly generate code when EntityType name and one of their property name are same


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="4.0" xmlns:edmx="">
    <Schema Namespace="NS" xmlns="">
      <ComplexType Name="Name">
        <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" />

The generated file is like

public partial class Name : global::System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
        /// <summary>
        /// There are no comments for Property Name in the schema.
        /// </summary>
        [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.OData.Client.Design.T4", "2.0.0")]
        public string Name
                return this._Name;
                this._Name = value;
        [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.OData.Client.Design.T4", "2.0.0")]
        private string _Name;

It will report Error : 'Name': member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type

TripPin - InternalServerError when trying to sort People/Trips/PlanItems

When trying to sort by some of the properties in the People/Trips/PlanItems collection (for example ConfirmationCode, StartsAt, EndsAt, or Duration), it returns an InternalServerError:'russellwhyte')/Trips(0)/PlanItems?$orderby=ConfirmationCode%20asc

• error: {
• code: "InternalServerError",
• message: "GenericArguments[0], 'System.String', on 'System.Nullable1[T]' violates the constraint of type 'T'.", • innererror: { • message: "GenericArguments[0], 'System.String', on 'System.Nullable1[T]' violates the constraint of type 'T'.",
• type: "System.ArgumentException",
• stacktrace:
" at System.RuntimeType.ValidateGenericArguments(MemberInfo definition, RuntimeType[] genericArguments, Exception e)
at System.RuntimeType.MakeGenericType(Type[] instantiation)
at Microsoft.Test.OData.Services.ODataWCFService.QueryOptionExtensions.ApplyOrderBy(Expression rootExpression, Type entityInstanceType, ODataUriParser uriParser, OrderByClause orderByClause)
at Microsoft.Test.OData.Services.ODataWCFService.QueryContext.ResolveQuery(IODataDataSource dataSource, Int32 level)
at Microsoft.Test.OData.Services.ODataWCFService.Handlers.QueryHandler.Process(IODataRequestMessage requestMessage, IODataResponseMessage responseMessage)
at Microsoft.Test.OData.Services.ODataWCFService.Handlers.RequestHandler.Process(Stream requestStream)
at Microsoft.Test.OData.Services.ODataWCFService.Handlers.RootRequestHandler.Process(Stream requestStream)"
• internalexception: {
• message: "GenericArguments[0], 'System.String', on 'System.Nullable`1[T]' violates the constraint of type parameter 'T'.",
• type: "System.TypeLoadException",
• stacktrace:
" at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.Instantiate(RuntimeTypeHandle handle, IntPtr* pInst, Int32 numGenericArgs, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.Instantiate(Type[] inst)
at System.RuntimeType.MakeGenericType(Type[] instantiation)"


MicrosoftOData.Client - Allowance of container.Execute(requestUri, “DELETE”)

Within our service we would like to improve the efficiency of deleting an entity that, in addition to it's canonical entity set home, can be accessed by a singleton navigation elsewhere for the scenario where the client does not know (or need to know) the actual Key/s of the entity and hence can't delete it from it's canonical home, but does know the key of the entity that has the singleton navigation to it. In other words we want to delete via the navigation path instead of retrieving it just to determine it's key/s so can then delete from canonical home.

We have no trouble creating the URI with the OData.Client library via a linq expression for the singleton nav ...container.OtherEntities.Where(oe => oe.Id == "blah").Select(oe => oe.TheSingleNavigation) as DataServiceQuery).RequestUri...

But we can't easily send the URI as "container.Execute(requestUri, "DELETE") is explicitly blocked (restricts the verb to not be DELETE).

Can we remove this restriction in the OData.Client ?

Serialization issue while using function bound to an entityset which returns different entityset that is not associated with bounded entityset

We have two entities say Entity1 and Entity2 and these doesn't have any relationship between them. A function that is bound to Collection and it returns the Collection is giving serialization error as below.
"The related entity set could not be found from the OData path. The related entity set is required to serialize the payload."

As per investigation found that the NavigationSource property is set null in ODataPath in this scenario due to which we are getting the error.

Is there any workaround available for this issue?

actions to return entity with expanded navigation links

please consider the following scenarion

public class Parent
    int TotalKPI;
    ICollection<Child> Children;

public class Child
    int KPI;

action does some complex business processing (which is not possible to do on client) that results in creating or updating parent and related children. how to return created/updated parent with all related chidren? now I can either return parent with empty .Children or collection of children

Make API versioning support easy in client

There are three major types of API versioning recommendations in use today:

  1. Path, e.g. .../api/1.0/Customers
  2. QueryString, e.g., .../api/Customers?api-version=1.0
  3. Header, e.g., x-api-version: 1.0

The .NET client should allow enable a single place to assign a string representation of the API version that should be used, and enable the three strategies mentioned above. Possible client API:

 context.UseQueryStringApiVersioning("api-version", "1.0");
 context.UseHeaderApiVersioning("x-api-version", "1.0");
 context.UsePathApiVersioning("1.0"); // This may not be necessary since this versioning strategy yields different endpoints.

Cannot mark ComplexType as abstract


When I try to parse and validate a 4.0 schema that contains an abstract ComplexType I get the following validation error: The complex type 'SampleSchema.C1' is marked as abstract. Abstract complex types are only supported in version 1.1 EDM models.

[OData-Part3] section 9.1.3, Complex Type Attribute Abstract states that:

"A complex type MAY indicate that it cannot be instantiated by providing a Boolean value of true to the Abstract attribute."

Expected: validation must accept abstract complex types as valid.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="4.0" xmlns:edmx="">
    <Schema xmlns="" Namespace="SampleSchema" Alias="Self">

      <ComplexType Name="C1" Abstract="true">
      <ComplexType Name="D1" BaseType="SampleSchema.C1">


Capabilities Vocabulary loaded in all EDM Models looks out of date / incomplete


There is a version of the OData.OData.Capabilities.V1 vocabulary hosted on Oasis which seems mostly complete:

The version used internally seems to be much smaller and incomplete.

Is there a standard capabilities vocabulary hosted somewhere? Which version should be loaded by EDM implicitly? In the status quo, the latter vocabulary is loaded, but this doesn't seem correct.

Minimal repro steps

  1. Instantiate a EDMModel
  2. Attempt to add InsertRestriction annotation to the model

Expected result

InsertRestriction can be added without loading additional vocabularies since capabilities are already implicitly referenced in all EDMModels

Actual result

Must explicitly load a copy of the capabilities vocabulary that is more complete. Preferably one similar in completeness to

Web API OData: Support heterogeneous navigations (i.e. NavigationPropertyBinding is optional in CSDL spec)

(Moved across from

Similar to #1884 (the issue asking for returning non set or even abstract entity types from Function), I would benefit from allowing types of non set, abstract, or even contained entity set types be returned from a given navigation.

This would allow having an abstract relationship that could then be identified to concrete set type upon response by the included data context and type fields as required. At the moment the only way to really return a relationship to something is to either:

a) Force all return types of given navigation to have same key scheme and be homed in one entity set from common base (that has the key defined) or

b) Workaround by having multiple navigations for same relationship to various possible set types and then provide meta property to indicate which one should be populated (to avoid client checking all of them to find the relationship);

c) assuming issue #1884 was fixed, then perhaps a bound function to abstract type (but this is not possible now either as formatter can't deduce from type not associated to entity set)

To support this we need a way to have navigation properties in the model that allow not having a navigationPropertyBinding (this is an optional element). Then we need a way to ensure formatter can deduce the set of type being returned (particularly if want to support contained set type, then this would be trickier than via RTTI)

Without support for this and issue #1884 we cannot get the the full benefit of abstract = true types that do not require key and corresponding set to be identified at design time from access point (function or navigation):

13.4 Element edm:NavigationPropertyBinding

If omitted, clients MUST assume that the target entity set or singleton can vary per related entity.

IEdmEntityContainer does not expose <EntityContainer>'s Extends attribute

When parsing an EDMX we get back an IEdmEntityContainer for the entity container.
However, the interface does not expose the Extends attribute, even thou the underlying CsdlSemanticsEntityContainer has the property available.

Ideally, IEdmEntityContainer would expose the base container as another IEdmEntityContainer, not just a string.

Issues about EdmLib/ODataLib annotation Support

1. Support Annotation for Schema
2. Support defaultvalue of term
3. EdmLib should support 
    ○ dynamic conditional expression "Comparison and Logical Operators"
    ○ NavigationPropertyPath
    ○ PropertyPath
    ○ AnnotationPath
4.Add Terms for Capabilities/Measure/Core
5.EdmLib doesn't report error When external targeting annotation and embedded annotation use same termName and qualifier.
5. ODataLib doesn't support instanceannotation when query a primtive/collection/enum property 
6. ODataLib doesn't support write instanceannotation on expandedFeed.
7. ODataLib doesn't support metadata annotation of external targeting on Function or on properties and navigation properties of singletons or entities in a particular entity set.
<Annotations Target=""OperationTestService.FunctionBoundToCollectionOfEntity"" Qualifier=""Q1"">

ODL should support property and dynamic property template.

So far, ODL supports key and function parameter template. for example:


However, ODL should support property and dynamic property template, for example:


EdmError/EdmLocation does not provide file name

When parsing an EDMX file using EdmxReader we can get a list of EdmError.
The CsdlLocation in these error objects do not have the name of the file where the error originated, although they contain line/column information.

This is not a problem for standalone files, but if the model references other models, it is hard to pinpoint which file contains the error.

Expected: for CsdlLocation to contain file name, in addition to line/column numbers.

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