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obsidian-help's Issues

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The problem

As someone relatively new to Obsidian, I have really struggled with knowing how to name the different parts of the program, to ask for help.

Lots of explanations seem to come in terms of technical implementation details, rather than things visible to users.

The realisation

I recently discovered that the online Help does have quite good descriptions of the areas of the program.

But none of the sections has any images to show what they are talking about - which means people need to read the words to understand...

I really think these pages marked in red would be significantly more useful if there were small screenshots showing the relevant area of the UI...


Offer of help

Hi @ericaxu Would you like a hand with this? I would be happy to spend some time creating the images and tweaking the content, if I could be confident there was interest in it...

Italian translation

I started working on Italian translation. I'll keep track of progress here.
In case someone would like to help, let me know to avoid double work 😉

  • 📁 [Advanced topics] Argomenti avanzati
  • 📁 [Attachments] Allegati
  • 📁 [Customization] Personalizzazione
  • 📁 [How to] Guide
  • 📁 [Licenses & add-on services] Licenze e servizi aggiuntivi
  • 📁 [Panes] Pannelli
  • 📁 [Plugins] Plugin
  • [Accepted file] Formati di file
  • []
  • []
  • [Start] Inizia

Main Source of Help files

Hi, the English Help has difference between GitHub's files and current Obsidian's application folder files.
Justy for example, descriprion of URI's Actions new and hook-get-address were missed in v0.11.10, in Using obsidian file.
Which version of the Help is recommended for translation? GitHub's files or Obsidian's local Help files?


Online Doc for other language?

Hi, is there any online page for other languages? I've dug out some while in but found nothing. 🤔️
Or it just can read in this repo which would break obsidian's link.

Thanks for the works!

Editing on Version: 1.1.0 (38)

Changes to editing have recently changed. I noticed that after the installation of version: 1.1.0 (38), the following differences were found.

  1. If you select text, and then press the delete key, nothing happens. In the past when you select a text and hit the delete key, the text was deleted. The workaround for this is to select text and then cut it. But this is less efficient and different from most other programs. For example, using this webpage, I can select text and then press the delete key and the selected text is deleted.
  2. If you press and hold the delete key, characters are deleted one at a time. In the past when you press and held the delete key, the text was deleted word by word. If you knew that three words needed be deleted, you could press and hold and just count the number of haptic pulses that you would feel and then release the delete key. Now, I need to press the delete key and wait a long time before the words are eliminated. Again, on this webpage, when I press and hold the delete key, words are deleted one by one.
  3. Scrolling up (by swiping your finger down on the screen) shows large empty areas until all at once, the screen is filled once again with text. I suspect this is because that editing view has been improved to render the page WYSIWYG (which I love). The work around is to scroll up past where you want to view and then scroll down to the exact spot.

I consider the above 3 behaviors "bugs." However they may have been intended changes. But they are making me way less efficient. Not just because it's different. But because it takes a lot longer. Note I do all of my data entry using my phone. I have and Android Pixel 6 Pro running Windows 12. I'm using Microsoft SwiftKey. I'm hoping that the three above behaviors we're just oversights that were missed after a code rewrite. If these two behaviors could be regressed, I would greatly appreciate it.

Publish: Docs for size limits and media hosting

Seems like we are missing the size limit for publish sites (4GB)

Also, this section got lost in the refactor last year. It's somewhat related to the size limit, that I would recommend linking to this when mentioning the limit.

When line feed input, the input method will lose focus in ipados 14.8.

For Chinese users, when using the input method, there will be problems at the line feed. The window of the input method will pop up and run to the top, and then it will get stuck.
for example,text in obsidian:

你好你好你好,你好你好你好【a】 (Line Break)

if i type something at 【a】 position on top,Especially some long phrases in Pinyin input method,If the input phrase is relatively long and there is a cross line, then the input method will lose focus, the input box will disappear, and then get stuck. Sometimes it is necessary to restart the app.

This problem has plagued me for a long time. Updating the app can't solve it, so that I now paste it into the software after entering text in the memo.
I recorded a video at bottom.

Thx, I like Obsidian very much.




Add info about upgrading catalyst tiers


I wanted to buy a catalyst tier and was unsure which one to pick. I wondered, if I pick the lowest tier if I'd need to pay the full price of the middle tier again in case I want to upgrade. Discord came to my rescue and answered that question for me :)

I think it's worthwhile to note this information in the documentation as well, in case somebody has the same doubts. I'll open a PR with a proposal shortly.

help-ru site title fix

Thank you for published version! 😉
One thing needs to be fixed - the Title:

обсидиан русская помощь --> Obsidian Русская Справка

Thank you!

Help docs Usage Policy

Hi, Silver and other translators.

I'm planning to hold an online workshop with some Japanese users to warm up Japanese community. At the workshop or any other media such as Youtube video, I would like to use Japanese help docs to explain Obsidian usage and help docs itself, which is so huge. I don't know whether I can do it. I think I need a permission from you. So, please tell me about conditions or policies. I'll follow them. If this kind of thing is not allowed, I don't use.


Propose to update help sites for En/Ru


I propose to update Help sites for English and Russian, and maybe for other languages, if need.
As I can see, some published notes are outdated and don't match the latest GitHub versions.


Spanish Translation in Progress

This isn’t an issue directly but this felt like the most appropriate place to place this. I’m currently working on a full translation of the docs into Spanish. As I expect it to be something that takes a couple of weeks at my current pace I figured mentioning it here would be good just in case anyone else decided to do the same so we could work together instead of duplicating efforts.

Just to be clear I’m not asking for help as I’m fine to go through it all myself but I just want to avoid submitting a PR just to find out someone was doing the exact same thing and instead of working together we end up stepping on each other’s toes.

I am curious about the preferred way that I submit PR’s for this. I was planning on going through and doing a full translation and then submitting it in one PR all together. (The spanish branch on my fork will get updates as I go along) But if it is preferable to have multiple PRs with smaller chunks then I can do that.

I was also thinking it would be nice to have a section in the README to help track changes for languages that are fully translated. My thoughts on how this would work would be a section for each language that was completed and people could add that they have validated the language docs to be at parity with the English docs at a specific commit so I could periodically do a diff since that commit on the English doc changes folder and see what changes need to be ported to the language to keep the docs up to date. Git tags was another way I thought this might be able to work but I figured a section in plain text is a lot easier to manage with PRs and metadata like who verified the docs and maybe a date or something could be useful.
Is this a section that would be OK to add to the when I finish the translation or am I missing a complexity that would make this not work as well as I’m thinking?

Obsidian Sync documentation clarity on remote vaults

Low Priority:

Better documentation for the Sync function. It is not clear enough in the online materials that if you create two remote vaults and connect them to the same local database, that its just switching the same content between two remote vaults. The filtering features are referenced which is good, but it is not obvious how a user could apply them. Examples of scenarios a user may want to apply multiple sync vaults might be valuable for people to conceptualize the scenarios. Screen shots add to the narrative.

This helps the consumer understand the value of the product and conditions they may want to apply it.

Error in displaying content

The problem appered after using the embedded code (backwards quotes).
As you can see, some area has appeared that covers the content.


Document paragraph manipulation keyboard shortcuts

The following paragraph-manipulating shortcuts in Obsidian are quite handy but not documented, probably because they aren't editable, overlap with non-app-specific keyboard shortcuts, and are context-specific. It would be nice if they could be fit in the documentation somewhere, as they're very hard to discover otherwise (I found reference to them in a forum post):

  • When the cursor is anywhere in a paragraph and if no text is currently selected, Ctrl/Cmd-C or Ctrl/Cmd-X will copy or cut the paragraph, respectively.

These shortcuts function similarly to "Delete paragraph."


Another forum poster, malecjan, recommended putting the documentation of this shortcut in a new doc section like:

Reorganizing chapters, blocks, paragraphs, lines


Moving current line/paragraph:

... (add info about dragging)
To copy/cut the current paragraph, place the text cursor in the paragraph and press Ctrl/Cmd-C or Ctrl/Cmd-X while no text is selected.

Japanese translation

I'm trying to keep track of translation progress imitating Italian translation issue for my motivation😹
As of 2020-12-02, the current state of the translation process is up-to-date.

  • 📁 [Advanced topics] 高度なトピック 8/8
    • [Contributing to Obsidian] Obsidianへのコントリビュート.md
    • [Deleting files] ファイルの削除.md
    • [How Obsidian stores data] Obsidianにおけるデータの保存.md
    • [HTML sanitization] HTMLのサニタイズ.md
    • [Insider builds] インサイダービルド.md
    • [Third-party plugins]サードパーティプラグイン.md
    • [Using obsidian URI] Obsidian URIの利用.md
    • [YAML front matter] YAMLフロントマター.md
  • 📁 [Attachments] アタッチメント
    • [Slides demo] スライドのデモ.md
  • 📁 [Customization] カスタマイズ 2/2
    • [Appearance] 外観.md
    • [Custom hotkeys] カスタムホットキー.md
  • 📁 [How to] ガイド 17/17
    • [Basic note taking] 基本的なノートテイキング.md
    • [Create notes] ノートを作成する.md
    • [Embed files] ファイルを埋め込む.md
    • [Folding] テキストの折りたたみ.md
    • [Format your notes] ノートをフォーマットする.md
    • [Importing data] データのインポート.md
    • [Internal link] 内部リンク.md
    • [Keyboard shortcuts]キーボードショートカット.md
    • [Link to blocks] ブロックへのリンク.md
    • [Preview and edit modes] プレビューモードと編集モード.md
    • [Rename notes] ノートの名前を変更する
    • [Settings] 設定.md
    • [Working with backlinks] バックリンクの扱い
    • [Working with multiple cursors] 複数カーソルの操作
    • [Working with multiple notes] 複数のノートを使った作業.md
    • [Working with multiple vaults] 複数の保管庫での作業
    • [Working with tags] タグの操作
    • [Add aliases to note] ノートにエイリアスを追加する.md
  • 📁 [Licenses & add-on services]ライセンスとアドオンサービス 4/4
    • [Catalyst license] カタリストライセンス.md
    • [Commercial license] 商用ライセンス.md
    • Obsidian Publish
    • Obsidian Unlimited
  • 📁 [Panes] ペイン 2/2
    • [Linked pane] リンクされたペイン.md
    • [Pane layout] ペインのレイアウト.md
  • 📁 [Plugins] 22/22
    • [Audio recorder] オーディオレコーダー.md
    • [Backlinks] バックリンク.md
    • [Command palette] コマンドパレット.md
    • [Custom CSS] カスタム
    • [Daily notes] デイリーノート.md
    • [File explorer] ファイルエクスプローラー.md
    • [Graph view] グラフビュー.md
    • [List of plugins] プラグインリスト.md
    • [Markdown format converter]
    • [Open in default app] デフォルトのアプリで開く.md
    • [Outline] アウトライン.md
    • [Page preview] ページプレビュー.md
    • Publish
    • [Quick switcher]
    • [Random note] ランダムノート.md
    • [Search] 検索.md
    • [Slides] スライド.md
    • [Starred notes] スター付きノート.md
    • [Tag pane] タグペイン.md
    • [Templates ] テンプレート.md
    • [Word count] ワードカウント.md
    • [Workspaces] ワークスペース.md
    • [Zettelkasten prefixer] Zettelkastenプレフィクサー
  • [Accepted file] 利用可能なファイルフォーマット.md
  • [] クレジット.md
  • [] インデックス.md
  • [Start] ここからはじめる.md

Outline plugin missing

Seems like we forgot to document that you can drag headings to arrange in outline plugin

Fix blur effect on Safari

Hi Obsidian Devs, I think it is the closest repo for website bug reports.

Opening on Chrome and Safari, note that the "frosted glass" blur effect is missing in Safari.

Screen Shot 2021-08-06 at 10 00 43 AM

This is because the backdrop-filter: blur(5px) property is not supported in Webkit (MDN), but is available as

Implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-

When I edit the CSS on Safari to add -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(5px), it works as intended:

Screen Shot 2021-08-06 at 10 03 01 AM

Safari Version: macOS 15.0 Beta 1

Translated docs should be part of the release proces

Danish documentation is 100% translated and I keep the Danish docs updated as it gets updated in the obsidian-docs repository.

It would be nice if my work also got released from time to time. Ideally as part of all new releases including insider builds but at least as part of public releases.

Another effect will be that the users have the most current documentation available :)

/Henrik :)

Can the limitations of Templates variables be documented?

Porting a template from Jinja to the Obsidian Core Templates plugin, I got tripped up by Obsidian's more restrictive syntax.

In Jinja, template variables are conventional written with spaces, like {{ title }}, although they also work with {{title}}.

Obsidian does not recognise the variable unless the spaces are removed {{title}}.

I feel it would be helpful to document this Obsidian restriction/limitation, to help those migrating from other templating systems.

Sync: Specifically talk about auto-wiping third party sync conflicts

Sometimes people setup their vault in OneDrive before switching to Sync, and OneDrive (and also the other competitors) have this mode called "Files On-Demand" enabled by default. It causes the files to be deleted on disk and Sync to think they have been deleted.

Perhaps we should have a section in the third party sync page to talk about this scenario.

(And more broadly, maybe we need somewhere in the setup guide workflow to specifically instruct people to move their vault outside of their previous third party sync solution)

"Unique Note Creator" core plugin not listed in the help site

When updating from 0.14.15 to 0.15.6, I see a new core plugin called "Unique Note Creator". I assume this is a rename of the "Zettelkasten prefixer", since that has disappeared, but that is not going to be findable at all for new Obsidian users. Could the help site please be updated with the new core plugin name? Thanks!

Linux snap package is unsigned

When installing the snap package on Linux, error on install. Unsigned package.

sudo snap install obsidian_0.11.13_amd64.snap

error: cannot install "obsidian_0.11.13_amd64": invalid instance name: invalid instance key:


sudo snap install --dangerous obsidian_0.11.13_amd64.snap

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 focal
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.8.0-50-generic
Shell: bash 5.0.17
Resolution: 8768x2466
DE: GNOME 3.36.5
GTK Theme: Yaru-dark [GTK2/3]
Icon Theme: Yaru
CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K @ 12x 4.7GHz [50.0°C]
GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
RAM: 6978MiB / 64139MiB

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