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oasis-core's Issues

Contract registration / discovery

Currently, compute nodes pass in a signed enclave program as an argument.

Instead, contract developers should be able to register their contracts with our coordinator.
When the developer builds and deploys their contract, the signed enclave program should be hosted in storage.

Discovery can happen out-of-band or through another contract that acts as a registry [or something else]. Compute nodes could then subscribe to the registry and pull down any new contracts which they wish to run.

Compute nodes should automatically download any contract enclaves programs that it is assigned to.

  • Interface
  • Dummy implementation
  • Ethereum smart contract implementation

Generic worker

All workers should register with the registry and be assigned work from the scheduler. We should no longer have a dedicated notion of a compute node running a specific contract.

Reduce enclave entry/exits

"After all the above, one of the biggest overheads that will remain is going to be the entry and exits to and from the enclave for each ecall and ocall. You can check Scone, Eleos and HotCalls papers for the mechanism details. For a faster turn around, you should directly check the code samples in project repositories for Eleos and HotCalls. Both of these projects have faster ocall libraries. "

High-level idea: Have a enclave thread that doesn't exit and a untrusted thread that doesn't enter. Then share memory between them.

I've checked out HotCalls, it seems to use a very simple shared memory approach to ECALLs. There is a simple shared data structure and one thread which is constantly in the enclave waiting for requests and processing them. So there is only one ECALL for starting the request processor.

We could implement something similar (probably in ekiden-enclave) and instead of using EDLs to define the interfaces we would do this ourselves.

How do we coordinate between trusted/untrusted portions when reading/writing shared memory? Are we going to have a lock? What if the untrusted portion is malicious?

Use proper logging

We should use a proper Rust logging library everywhere instead of manually printing stuff.

how about log+fern?

Using log is an easy choice since it's going to be part of rust core. Of the options listed in the README, fern seemed to be the most actively maintained.

Does prometheus do logging? Might be good to use this since we already use it for tracing

Handle ABCI `commit` events

in consensus/src/, Tendermint expects that we respond to commit events with the Merkle tree root hash of the application state.

We should track this in storage/src/ and respond.

tendermint testnet: skip tendermint installation

if we know tendermint is already installed, it would be nice to have a way to skip that step in the Makefile. maybe something like touch install-tendermint.stamp could work.

rider: sha256sum isn't present on mac. an uncited source suggests shasum -a 256 as an alternative

Client wallet management

Currently using Ethereum wallets for compatibility. In the future when we have our own smart contract language/runtime we'll need to think through this.


From undergrad experience's, we seem to be missing some details in the README.
Can someone debug these issues and update accordingly? We want any new developer to be able to get started easily.

  1. Missing instruction on how to use -x in consensus node for development (no Tendermint)
  2. README should include instructions for using the dummy keys/SPID in keys/ when developing, as an option.
  3. According to @nhynes we shouldn't specify path dependencies in Cargo.toml with a ./ (e.g. "./api", which causes cargo make to fail when copying docs. Instead it should be "api/".
    We should either fix, or add instruction for contract developers to know to avoid this weird hiccup. This only happens when the top-level Cargo.toml contains a [workspace] declaration.
  4. Incremental builds pro tip:
  • Don't run cargo make in ekiden submodule, that will prevent a incremental build in the contract repo.
  • Don't use cargo run for anything in the ekiden repo. Use binary directly.
  1. Every command should run inside docker, except the

Support network I/O

For the TLSNotary application, we'll need to define an interface for supporting network I/O to and from the contract. One proposal is to specify certain methods to act as a callback function for network data, treating the network data as an input to the method call.

Because Ekiden contracts must be deterministic / RSM model, we want to treat these as inputs.
One potential reference is how we'll handle randomness:

Dynamic Scheduler: Committee formations

Randomly sample members to be committees.

  • Interface
  • Dummy implementation
  • Ethereum smart contract implementation

We should consider when we need to dynamically schedule. (e.g. based on load?)

Expose `randomness` in SGX-RPC contract metadata

If a particular contract function/method requires randomness from SGX,
libcontract should pass that in as an input parameter, similar to how we pass in state right now.

Contracts should not call sgx_rand directly

We want to do something using a common I/O interface

Revamp synchronized management of Rust- and non-Rust dependencies for contracts

Ekiden, as a library, doesn't fit neatly into Cargo, because it needs to provide some non-Rust resources to dependent contracts, and Cargo does not naturally manage non-Rust resources. These non-Rust dependencies include, for example Makefile.toml files, EDL files from the Rust SGX SDK, and miscellaneous enclave signing configuration files.

We have currently been delivering these non-Rust dependencies through a Git submodule. However, this solution of using both Cargo and Git submodules has some undesirable properties, compared to a hypothetical ideal build system (HIBS):

  • Initializing Git submodules and running Cargo make take up two steps in the process of getting started with contract development. HIBS would obtain both Cargo dependencies and Git submodule dependencies in a single step, which is fewer steps than two.
  • There are two locations where dependency versions are canonically stored: Rust dependencies' in Cargo.toml/Cargo.lock and non-Rust dependencies' in a submodule commit ID. HIBS would allow you to manage dependency versions in a single location.
  • Some dependencies, namely the Rust parts of the submodule, can be specified as Cargo dependencies in more than one way: (i) as a path in the submodule or (ii) from a repository (a Git repo or a Cargo repo). Some mixtures of these ways to specify the dependencies are incorrect, and importantly, the incorrect mixing may not immediately cause problems. In HIBS, it would be impossible to configure the dependencies incorrectly in this way.
  • Git submodules are wasteful when you are working on multiple contracts. You would have multiple checkouts of Ekiden and have to build them all separately, even if they are the same version. HIBS would re-use sources and compiled dependencies.

This issue identifies several ways our build system falls short of HIBS and asks that we bring our build system closer to HIBS. We have collected some proposals for achieving this, which for example involve getting rid of the submodules and further extending our Makefile.toml's and adding additional scripts to be run by Cargo.

(previous title and description below)

Remove need for git submodule from contract repos

Currently there's a possibility that the ekiden git submodule in the contract repo is out of sync with Cargo.toml.

The only reason we need this is to extend the Makefile, proposal is to replace the git submodule with a script that fetches the correct Makefile based on the ekiden version in cargo.toml

I acknowledge that our build system can pose issues to beginners and that it would be nice to minimize possible complications in onboarding and that doing so may involve changes to our build system. As we move forward with this revamp, I want us to keep in mind some things that our build system does well and that an ideal build system would do well too.

  • It is easy to make changes to Ekiden while working on a contract and test changes together. This is important when, in the course of developing a contract, you find a bug in Ekiden and want to fix it and verify that the fix resolves the problem.
  • It is possible to have CI build a contract with a modified version of Ekiden without having that modified version be approved and merged into master.
  • Within the build process, the point where reliance on network resources ends is composed of landmarks that are understood by the community outside of Ekiden: after cloning the repo and submodules and after Cargo downloads dependencies. This may come in handy in future work on offline builds and deterministic builds.
  • The build process is satisfactorily decoupled from the conceptually separate systems of version control and code repository hosting. It is reasonably easy to make a fork of Ekiden, even if that fork were never to be distributed publicly or never to be managed with Git or to be distributed as a source archive.

If everything could be provided in crates, I think Cargo can handle these use cases because it supports dependency overrides.

It is easy to make changes to Ekiden while working on a contract and test changes together. This is important when, in the course of developing a contract, you find a bug in Ekiden and want to fix it and verify that the fix resolves the problem.

The canonical way to handle these is the [patch] section. Also see documentation on overriding dependencies which specifically mentions this scenario (you find a bug in an upstream create or you even need to add a feature to the upstream crate).

It is possible to have CI build a contract with a modified version of Ekiden without having that modified version be approved and merged into master.

As long as the CI can fetch the modified version of Ekiden, this can also be achieved with the patch method above. You just need to specify the repository containing your patched version of Ekiden and it will be used.

The build process is satisfactorily decoupled from the conceptually separate systems of version control and code repository hosting. It is reasonably easy to make a fork of Ekiden, even if that fork were never to be distributed publicly or never to be managed with Git or to be distributed as a source archive.

The same applies to the patch method as you can specify local paths in case you are not using Git.

Another question is how to distribute binaries like the compute and consensus nodes? Should we just cargo install them?

Enclave identity rotation

  • rotation of long-term key
  • refresh of AVR (can keep same identity)
    and its integration into the enclave identity API

update psw in our development image

From @wh0 on March 29, 2018 23:49

blocks #340

our laptop: sgx_report_attestation_status: SGX_ERROR_UPDATE_NEEDED, update_info ucodeUpdate=1 csmeFwUpdate=0 pswUpdate=1

cc @kostko

I should update the ucode on our laptop too......

Copied from original issue: sunblaze-ucb/ekiden#341

Replace sodalite with Ring

Sodalite is slow

One proposal:

Random tip:
"The version of SDK did not support CPUID, so our applications using OpenSSL defaulted to using software implementation of crypto operations. I think using the IPP libraries will partially solve this issue, but if you are using any other custom crypto libraries, please check if there is a slow down there because of CPUID failure. "

backtrace command doesn't work anymore

cc @noahj

error[E0433]: failed to resolve. Could not find `backtrace` in `std`
   --> src/
173 |     std::backtrace::enable_backtrace("/contracts/evm/target/enclave/", std::backtrace::PrintFormat::Short).expect("Failed to enable backtrace");
    |          ^^^^^^^^^ Could not find `backtrace` in `std`

find out how, update

Support Ethereum as underlying root hash layer

Let's call it the StateRootHash contract. This contract should implement the consensus layer interface and handle the commit reveals from the leader of the execution group.
Thus, it'll commitments on Ethereum
See design doc for state contract

Verify correctness of next block

When compute nodes push next block to blockchain, must verify that:

  • Correctness of contract execution (attestation)
  • Based on a valid (recent) view of state
  • Validity of client requests
  • Transaction fees

Verify latest state from blockchain

Also, need proof-of-publication

The idea here is the the client needs to keep track of the current hashchain and check that the compute node is working on a state at least as new as that. From what I can tell from the PR, we're not yet verifying the state to know just how new it is. We're just assuming the storage node isn't lying

Replace gRPC / protobuf library

Our current gRPC library reimplement gRPC, so misses lots of features.
Our current protobuf library requires a lot of boiler plate.


  • Use a gRPC library that wraps gRPC core
  • Use a better protobuf library that goes between struct <=> Vec
    Potential option: serde-protobuf
    Not quite [yet]. "Serialization is not yet implemented in this version."

The current gRPC library is currently a blocker in making full use of futures during benchmarks. To summarize, the missing feature is stepancheg/grpc-rust#108 (without this, each gRPC client will process requests in its own event loop in its own thread).

Should include some best practices and code review guidelines, including but not limited to

  • In docs/, write a markdown file that describes your abstraction, high-level overview, interface
  • Integration test - at least 1 benchmark to see bottlenecks
  • - write in-line comments; CI should enforce comments
  • Unit tests - make sure you’re well unit tested (@see #223); CI should report code coverage (e.g. to Coveralls)

perf: multithreading within an enclave

Find ways to multi-thread in the compute node.
Currently, request decryption, request processing, and response/state encryption happens in a single thread. We should be able to multi-thread aspects of the core trusted Ekiden library to speed some of these parts up

Kubernetes is slow

Currently takes ~1hr to run an experiment. Warren says he sees these nodes being provisioned in series, each downloading the image remotely.

Portable misc. crypto library

Couple of things we need for enclave identity:

  • verifying IAS's AVR signatures. Decoding public keys and certs, doing all the verification for those. The higher level, the better, I think.
  • 256-bit digest for reducing a general public identity string into a space in the report data. Currently SHA-256 in the draft; SGX exposes an API for this on the trusted side. Could maybe use SHA-512/256, because sodalite has SHA-512.

just found out that SHA-512/256 uses different initialization values. it's not just a truncated SHA-512. we don't have a SHA-512/256 implementation.

Zero-copy protobuf

Actually, it seems that our Protocol Buffers implementation does support zero-copy using the bytes feature.

There is of course also the problem of security - when crossing enclave boundaries things should be copied at one point to avoid untrusted memory mutations while the enclave is executing, possibly violating security.

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