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dashboard-nvim's Issues

Session Load/Save Hooks

Greetings @glepnir,

Thank you for work on this amazing plugin. It modernizes the neovim setup quite much. Is it possible to embed in session load/save's like pre and post commands?

I want to close out empty buffers whenever I open a session because I sometimes have leftover directory buffer or some random empty buffers on the session. Is this something possible or am I missing something that is already implemented in?

Example showing how to add loaded plugins

This might seems sort of obscure but in the examples in the wiki the default has a footer of "neovim loaded 63 plugins". It's not in the README but skimming through the code it looks like this information is obtained by using the dein plugin manager.

Maybe have a section in the wiki for code snippets for getting the same the in the footer. For example if the user has fd installed and is using packer to install plugins.

" we ignore the directories 'start' and 'opt'
let g:total_plugins = trim(system("fd -d 2 . $HOME'/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer' | head -n -2 | wc -l"))
let g:dashboard_custom_footer = ['                               loaded '. g:total_plugins .' plugins     ']

Note ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/*/opt and ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/*/start are the default runtime for plugins in neovim. Any plugin manager that installs to this directory can use this could if they change packer to whatever their package manager uses.

run autocmd on dashboard?


I just installed dashboard-vim to replace Startify (or to see whether it can do that, because I just realized how much I rely on startify now that it is gone :D). I have not made up my mind yet, but it does seem really awesome; I just kinda miss seeing the recently edited files and opening them by number, but perhaps I can change my workflow. Anyway, that is not what this is about.

Actual Question

Is it possible to run autocmnds on the dashboard? I use Yggdroot/indentline, which is configured to display tabs. This makes the dashboard look ugly, as there are "random" vertical lines where there should be noting at all. While I can manually run IndentLineToggle, I'd prefer to automatically run this when dashboard-vim is started (and ideally when it's closed again so I got my indentation visible in regular text files again).

I tried :echo @% to determine what the buffer is titled (will usually return something like /home/me/.config/nvim/init.vim), but it will return nothing / empty string for the dashboard when opening vim.

Btw., I just tested, and the very same happens when running :Startify, so this doesn't seem to be a bug per se, but it'd still be nice if there was a way to fix this.

Thank you for your help :)

Error detected while processing /home/kino/.cache/dein/.cache/init.vim/.dein/autoload/dashboard/section.vim: line 37:

Error detected while processing /home/kino/.cache/dein/.cache/init.vim/.dein/autoload/dashboard/section.vim:
line 37:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: new_file
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Error detected while processing /home/kino/.cache/dein/.cache/init.vim/.dein/autoload/dashboard/section.vim:
line 37:
E15: Invalid expression: { 'last_session' :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['last_session'].'Recently last session
'.s:dashboard_shortcut['last_session']], 'find_history' :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['find_history'].'Recently opened files
'.s:dashboard_shortcut['find_history']], 'find_file' :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['find_file'].'Find File
'.s:dashboard_shortcut['find_file']], 'new_file' :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['new_file'].'New F
ile '.s:dashboard_shortcut['new_file']], 'change_colorscheme' :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['change_color
scheme'].'Change Colorscheme '.s:dashboard_shortcut['change_colorscheme']], 'find_word' :[s:dashboard_s
hortcut_icon['find_word'].'Find word '.s:dashboard_shortcut['find_word']], 'book_marks' :[s:das
hboard_shortcut_icon['book_marks'].'Jump to book marks '.s:dashboard_short

Sessions don't work

I run SessionSave can get confirmation that 'is now persistent'. However when I try to load it will say the session loaded, but it will just be a blank page



处理 /home/kyle/.config/nvim/plugged/dashboard-nvim/autoload/dashboard/section.vim 时发生错误:
第   45 行:
E716: Dictionary 中不存在键: new_file
请按 ENTER 或其它命令继续
处理 /home/kyle/.config/nvim/plugged/dashboard-nvim/autoload/dashboard/section.vim 时发生错误:
第   45 行:
E15: 无效的表达式: { 'last_session'         :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['last_session'].'Recently last session                 '.s:dashboard_shortcut['last_session']], 'fi
nd_history'         :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['find_history'].'Recently opened files                 '.s:dashboard_shortcut['find_history']], 'find_file'            :[s:
dashboard_shortcut_icon['find_file'].'Find  File                            '.s:dashboard_shortcut['find_file']], 'new_file'             :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['new_f
ile'].'New  File                             '.s:dashboard_shortcut['new_file']], 'change_colorscheme'   :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['change_colorscheme'].'Change Colorsch
eme                    '.s:dashboard_shortcut['change_colorscheme']], 'find_word'            :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['find_word'].'Find  word
  '.s:dashboard_shortcut['find_word']], 'book_marks'           :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['book_marks'].'Jump to book marks                    '.s:dashboard_short
请按 ENTER 或其它命令继续


Add an example of mapping commands with Lua?

I’m new to using neovim/vim and I wanted to try this plugin.

I tried translating the mappings for the built in functionality of the dashboard to lua, but I couldn’t get my mappings to work.

could you create an example of how to map the default commands of the dashboard using Lua?

For more context, I’m using telescope with this dashboard plugin.

What is the logo's font?

Maybe it is not an issue, but could I know how can I created the logo like this? Is it output by figlet? If so, what's the figlet's font?

Disabling a few options in the dashboard

These are the defaults of dashboard, personally I don't use change_colorscheme, book_marks, etc.

eg : "SPC mean the leaderkey
let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut={
\ 'last_session'       : 'SPC s l',
\ 'find_history'       : 'SPC f h',
\ 'find_file'          : 'SPC f f',
\ 'new_file'           : 'SPC c n',
\ 'change_colorscheme' : 'SPC t c',
\ 'find_word'          : 'SPC f a',
\ 'book_marks'         : 'SPC f b',
\ }

When I only include the ones that I use, dashboard gives an error. For example if I remove the change_colorscheme line, it gives an error saying Key not present in Dictionary: "change_colorscheme"

Is there a way for me to not include everything?

many error when open file

firstly I use the vimplug to manage my vim plugs.
and i add
Plug 'hardcoreplayers/dashboard-nvim'
then i open the file via vim , i meet these error, do you know system is ubuntu-20.04

Error detected while processing /home/meison/.vim/plugged/dashboard-nvim/plugin/dashboard.vim:
line 16:
E117: Unknown function: getenv
E15: Invalid expression: getenv('HOME')
line 17:
E121: Undefined variable: s:home_dir
E116: Invalid arguments for function expand(($XDG_CACHE_HOME ? $XDG_CACHE_HOME : s:home_dir.'/.cache') . '/vim')
E15: Invalid expression: expand(($XDG_CACHE_HOME ? $XDG_CACHE_HOME : s:home_dir.'/.cache') . '/vim')
line 24:
E121: Undefined variable: s:session_path
E116: Invalid arguments for function get(g:, 'dashboard_session_directory', s:session_path.'/session')
E15: Invalid expression: get(g:, 'dashboard_session_directory', s:session_path.'/session')

Dashboard disappear after exiting telescope

When opening neovim, the dashboard appears like it should. If using a command like find word, or find recently opened files from telescope, the dashboard disappears when exiting telescope. The weird thing is that this only happens if the terminal window size is smaller than a certain size. If the terminal window is taking up the entire screen, this does not happen, but with the default size when opening a new window, this bug happens.

If it's helping, I am using macOS with iTerm2, and here is my minimal init.vim

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
    Plug 'glepnir/dashboard-nvim'
    Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
    Plug 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim'
    Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
call plug#end()

set termguicolors

lua require'config/telescope'
lua require'config/dashboard'


local utils = require'utils'
local map =

map('', '<C-p>', ':update <bar> :Telescope find_files<CR>', {noremap = false})
map('n', '<leader>a', ':Telescope live_grep<CR>', {noremap = false})
map('n', '<C-t>', ':tabedit <bar> :Telescope find_files<CR>', {noremap = false})



local g = vim.g

g.dashboard_default_executive = 'telescope'
g.dashboard_custom_footer = {''}
g.dashboard_custom_section = {
    find_history = {
        description = {'  Recently opened files'},
        command = 'DashboardFindHistory'
    find_word = {
        description = {'  Find word            '},
        command = 'DashboardFindWord'
    last_session = {
        description = {'  New file             '},
        command = 'DashboardNewFile'}

g.dashboard_custom_header = {
    "                    'c.        ",
    "                 ,xNMM.        ",
    "               .OMMMMo         ",
    "               OMMM0,          ",
    "     .;loddo:' loolloddol;.    ",
    "     ;KMMMMMMMWXXWMMMMMMMk.    ",
    "       .cooc,.    .,coo:.      ",





call luaeval("require('dashboard.preview').open_preview")()



Use split size to scale the dashboard instead of the window size

How hard would it be to scale the dashboard based on the split size instead of the whole terminal window size? For example, right now this is what happens when I try to open the dashboard in two different vertical splits:
Screenshot 2020-11-17 at 13 46 32.
I'm not sure but I think this happens because it's trying to adapt to the size of the terminal, not to the size of its current vim split.
Would also be great to automatically adjust to window or split resize. In my .vimrc I have autocmd VimResized * wincmd =, this automatically balances the splits when I resize the terminal window, the dashboard may be refreshed in this scenario and also in the "split changed size" scenario (I think there's already an autocmd event option for that).

Thank you for this amazing dashboard plugin by the way :)

Dashboard use fzf error


  1. macOS Catalina 10.15.6
  2. VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2


I use shortcut keys for Dashboard functions, but when I select an icon and press Enter, an error will be reported;Using clap to use the shortcut key function is fine, but if you press Enter in the second way, it will not report an error, but there will be no query results.






My Dashboard config

Plug 'glepnir/dashboard-nvim'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'

" ===
" === FZF
" ===
set rtp+=/usr/local/opt/fzf
noremap <C-p> :Leaderf file<CR>
noremap <C-f> :Ag<CR>
noremap <C-h> :MRU<CR>
noremap <C-t> :BTags<CR>
noremap <C-l> :LinesWithPreview<CR>
noremap <C-w> :Buffers<CR>
"noremap ; :History:<CR>

autocmd! FileType fzf
autocmd  FileType fzf set laststatus=0 noruler
  \| autocmd BufLeave <buffer> set laststatus=2 ruler

command! -bang -nargs=* Buffers
  \ call fzf#vim#buffers(
  \   '',
  \   <bang>0 ? fzf#vim#with_preview('up:60%')
  \           : fzf#vim#with_preview('right:0%', '?'),
  \   <bang>0)

command! -bang -nargs=* LinesWithPreview
    \ call fzf#vim#grep(
    \   'rg --with-filename --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case . '.fnameescape(expand('%')), 1,
    \   fzf#vim#with_preview({}, 'up:50%', '?'),
    \   1)

command! -bang -nargs=* Ag
  \ call fzf#vim#ag(
  \   '',
  \   <bang>0 ? fzf#vim#with_preview('up:60%')
  \           : fzf#vim#with_preview('right:50%', '?'),
  \   <bang>0)

command! -bang -nargs=* MRU call fzf#vim#history(fzf#vim#with_preview())

command! -bang BTags
  \ call fzf#vim#buffer_tags('', {
  \     'down': '40%',
  \     'options': '--with-nth 1 
  \                 --reverse 
  \                 --prompt "> " 
  \                 --preview-window="70%" 
  \                 --preview "
  \                     tail -n +\$(echo {3} | tr -d \";\\\"\") {2} |
  \                     head -n 16"'
  \ })

" ===
" === Dashboard
" ===
let g:dashboard_default_executive ='fzf'
let g:mapleader="\<Space>"
let g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude = ['dashboard']
nmap <Leader>ss :<C-u>SessionSave<CR>
nmap <Leader>sl :<C-u>SessionLoad<CR>
nmap <Leader>cn :<C-u>DashboardNewFile<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>fh :History<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>ff :Files<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>tc :Colors<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>fa :Rg<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>fb :Marks<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>cn :<C-u>DashboardNewFile<CR>

let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut={
  \ 'last_session'       : 'SPC s l',
  \ 'find_history'       : 'SPC f h',
  \ 'find_file'          : 'SPC f f',
  \ 'new_file'           : 'SPC c n',
  \ 'change_colorscheme' : 'SPC t c',
  \ 'find_word'          : 'SPC f a',
  \ 'book_marks'         : 'SPC f b',
  \ }

Custom shortcut icon not working as expected

Hey, there is an issue with the custom shortcut icon

if I set the following in my init.vim

let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon = {}
let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['last_session'] = '> '
let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_history'] = '> '
let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_file'] = '> '
let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['new_file'] = '> '
let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['change_colorscheme'] = '> '
let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_word'] = '> '
let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['book_marks'] = '> '

it throws the following error

line   23:
E121: Undefined variable: g:dashboard_custom_shortcut

because we are not extending the correct variable in section.vim
I've linked a PR if you want to have a look: #16


win10 save/open session error

win10 error ouput:

处理  function sessions#session#session_save 时发生错误

无法打开并写入 “D:/Neovim/session/D:\Neovim\bin\.vim”

session `D:/Ndovim/session/D:\Neovim\bin\.vim` is now persistent

It seems to be caused by the variable file_path in file autoload/sessions/session.vim .

let file_path = g:session_directory.'/'.file_name.'.vim'

I try to reprocess file_name as follow, it looks working.

let file_path = g:session_directory.'/'.split(file_name, '')[-1].'.vim'

How to list session rather autoload latest session?

First of all, thanks for this amazing VIM plugin. It is a simple but crazy useful idea, that brings VIM way closer to being a full IDE.

My only request/question: is there a way to list sessions rather autoload latest session? If I open another file not in session list, a error will return to me shows that can't load the session of this file.

Thanks a lot.

Regression : startup error

After updating to a1a2516, I get

Error detected while processing /home/p00f/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/dashboard-nvim/autoload/dashboard/section.vim:
line   37:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: new_file
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Error detected while processing /home/p00f/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/dashboard-nvim/autoload/dashboard/section.vim:
line   37:
E15: Invalid expression: { 'last_session'         :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['last_session'].'Recently last session                 '.s:dashboard_shortcut['last_session']], '
find_history'         :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['find_history'].'Recently opened files                 '.s:dashboard_shortcut['find_history']], 'find_file'            :[s:da
shboard_shortcut_icon['find_file'].'Find  File                            '.s:dashboard_shortcut['find_file']], 'new_file'             :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['new_file'].
'New  File                             '.s:dashboard_shortcut['new_file']], 'change_colorscheme'   :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['change_colorscheme'].'Change Colorscheme       
             '.s:dashboard_shortcut['change_colorscheme']], 'find_word'            :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['find_word'].'Find  word                            '.s:dashboar
d_shortcut['find_word']], 'book_marks'           :[s:dashboard_shortcut_icon['book_marks'].'Jump to book marks                    '.s:dashboard_short

on startup
Commit 38c1d6a is fine

sessionsave only saves one file

I use dein plugin manager. After I load the session, I will open a few files. But when I use the command sessionsave, only one file is saved by the session.


dashboard_preview_file not cleared with e.g. DashboardNewFile

I'm using let g:dashboard_preview_file = '~/.config/nvim/motd', which is a file that contains shell control chars. When I run the DashboardNewFile command, the contents from the dashboard_preview_file are still being displayed and not cleared off the screen. The writing in i mode then happens "behind" the contents.

Plugin loading time

Hey, thanks for making a nice replacement for vim-startify!

I noticed in the default footer you show the amount of plugins being loaded. Will you be able to extend the functionality by putting startup time of the plugins?

pwd is home

When opening recent files, pwd is home (/home/chinmay) instead of the directory of the current file

How to reproduce: Select any file from "recently opened" menu, then do :pwd
Expected: pwd is the directory of the opened file

How to stop the dashboard from setting laststatus = 2 ?

Hi! I do not use any status bar, how can I stop the dashboard from setting laststatus to 2 when leaving the dashboard buffer? I tried autocmd FileType dashboard autocmd WinLeave <buffer> set laststatus=0 but does not work.

Disable on startup?

I have a bash alias to start nvim in "scratchpad mode" (using Codi).
I'd like my alias to disable dashboard-nvim on startup (with e.g. using something like Startify's g:startify_disable_at_vimenter = 1). Is it currently possible?

Tabs don't get loaded when I restore a session

Hello. Thank you for your plugin.

I'm using the LunarVim configuration of neovim. It includes dashboard and barbar. Barbar provides tabs for file navigation. I've noticed that when I load a session the tabs do not show up correctly. This only occurs when loading a session from the Dashboard home screen. If I open up neovim with a new buffer and load a saved session, tabs work as expected. I'm not sure what's different about the home screen vs any other buffer.

My workaround is to

nvim i  #  The file name can be anything since it never gets saved and will be lost immediately when loading a session

Once I've opened neovim without the dashboard home screen, tabs appear correctly in a loaded session.

Removes line numbers after opening

It seems the line numbers are removed after opening (as well as other settings) depending on the text size relative to the terminal size.

numbers not working with fontsize 11

numbers working with fontsize 10

This is relative to you terminal window so it takes some adjusting.

The above pictures are in alacritty, I have also tested on iterm2

Error when trying to set custom icons


i am using:

    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut={
      \ 'last_session'       : 'SPC s l',
      \ 'find_history'       : 'SPC f h',
      \ 'find_file'          : 'SPC f f',
      \ 'new_file'           : 'SPC c n',
      \ 'change_colorscheme' : 'SPC t c',
      \ 'find_word'          : 'SPC f a',
      \ 'book_marks'         : 'SPC f b',
      \ }

 let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['last_session'] = ' '
 let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_history'] = 'ﭯ '
 let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_file'] = ' '
 let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['new_file'] = ' '
 let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['change_colorscheme'] = ' '
 let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_word'] = ' '
 let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['book_marks'] = ' '

As in the readme, but it returns me this error on the screenshot.

number and relativenumber sets are lost when opening a file after dashboard

When I use find file or new file, or otherwise start editing a file right after opening nvim into the dashboard, I no longer get line numbers on the left side. However, when I edit a file directly without opening the dashboard, I get line numbers. Expected behaviour: global line number setting is restored upon leaving the dashboard. What can be done to keep line numbers? Thanks in advance.

I made this because I missed vim-startify's quotes

Hey dashboard-nvim is really awesome! I missed vim-startify's random quote every time I opened vim. So I made this, it has 323 programmer quotes (vim-startify is around 146 I think). It's a binary, so it won't effect load time or performance, with releases for linux, mac, and windows.

In case anyone reads this all you have to do to use it is

  • Dowload a release and move the binary into path or build it from source
  • Add the this to either init.vim/.vimrc or after/plugin/dashboard.vim
let q= systemlist('pq')
let g:dashboard_custom_footer = q

[Bugs] Several Issues With Telescope...

Hello, I am experiencing several issues with telescope and I am not sure if the problem is from dashboard or telescope itself.

  1. number and sign column are not visible after using telescope:
    Steps to reproduce:

    1. set number and set signcolumn=yes in init.vim
    2. select a a recently opened file from dashboard-nvim
    3. to your horror, when the file is open, it does not have a number and sign column
  2. Pressing escape when telescope is on creates an empty buffer and closes dashboard-nvim
    Expected behavior: Pressing escape should return me to the dashboard-nvim and not creates an empty buffer...

  3. Pressing ctrl-j & ctrl-k does not bring my cursor up or down in telescope but instead write the ctrl character in the text box.

E15: Invalid expression: << trim END

I'm using neovim v0.4.4 and use dein.vim to install dashboard-nvim.
When I start neovim I will get output like this:
Error detected while processing /home/ds/.config/nvim/dein/.cache/init.vim/.dein/autoload/dashboard/header.vim: line 694: E15: Invalid expression: << trim END

[feat] add ascii art to wiki

Have a 'neovim' ascii header that I'd like to share!

let g:dashboard_custom_header = [
\ ' ███╗   ██╗ ███████╗ ██████╗  ██╗   ██╗ ██╗ ███╗   ███╗',
\ ' ████╗  ██║ ██╔════╝██╔═══██╗ ██║   ██║ ██║ ████╗ ████║',
\ ' ██╔██╗ ██║ █████╗  ██║   ██║ ██║   ██║ ██║ ██╔████╔██║',
\ ' ██║╚██╗██║ ██╔══╝  ██║   ██║ ╚██╗ ██╔╝ ██║ ██║╚██╔╝██║',
\ ' ██║ ╚████║ ███████╗╚██████╔╝  ╚████╔╝  ██║ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║',
\ ' ╚═╝  ╚═══╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝    ╚═══╝   ╚═╝ ╚═╝     ╚═╝',


when I load the seesion, the spaceline disappear. And the laststatus=0


Hi! First, thanks for the awesome plugin!

I noticed that there's no way to override the commands used for the different shortcuts (if there's I wasn't able to find it).

For example, in order to find a work I prefer to use Ag instead of Rg.

Another example could be customizing the popup that appears when using fzf.

Are there any plans on adding this possibilities?

Make the header to vertical center.

截屏2021-03-09 上午5 33 00

I remove the sessions and footer, so make the dashboard just for watch.

let g:dashboard_custom_footer = []
let g:dashboard_custom_section = {}

It's possible to make the header position to vertical center, then make the cursor invisible.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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