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www's Issues

Add package deprecation warnings to package page

Currently, does not show if a package is deprecated. A red banner just above the readme would be fitting. Some sort of indication in search results would be nice too. A warning is shown in the command line after you have chosen to install a package but not while you are choosing/viewing it online.


Unpublishing problems

I have two repositories out there with different capitalizations. Everytime I try to unpublish one of them I am getting a 400. (Registry returned 400 for delete).

The one I want to delete is Leaf.js not leaf.js

Feature Request: Name access tokens

Hey npm folk ๐Ÿ‘‹. Thanks for all the hard work you do ๐Ÿ‘.

It would be really handy to be able to add notes/names to access tokens on the tokens page. Some tokens are kept around for things like Travis CI - it'd be nice to add a little note/name to those so when we go back to the page we can see which is for what (kind of like github does with personal access tokens) ๐Ÿ˜„.

Please make the old issues available

There were over 700 issues in the old repo, including various relevant historical information about the growth and decision-making of npm. It's a shame to have all that historical data made inaccessible. I strongly encourage you to export a copy of it (there are many scripts floating around, I can provide specifics if wanted), and make that available somewhere (either on the npm website, or simply upload it to the Internet Archive as an item).

GitLab Support

The npm website does not integrate with GitLab to provide GitLab metadata information on a per-package basis.

For example, I cannot view the number of stars, and open issues and merge requests, for my semantic-release-gitlab project, which is hosted on GitLab

Incorrect README displayed when GitHub repository linked as homepage

My package has 2 readme files - one for npm called, and another for my GitHub repository, called When I package my app and publish it, I have a script that renames these readme files, so becomes and the original becomes npm should display the in my package, as opposed to displaying the from my GitHub repo, since they're different in this case. This was working correctly until about 6 months ago. My packages where I see this issue are: not updating across publishes.

I've been trying to publish updates to the for package react-pub-sub. It is part of a lerna repo at the moment and therefore some of the links to its git repo do not actually exist yet (my understanding is that README is not pulled from git so shouldn't be a problem). I have published a few patch / minor versions now and the README has not reflected.

git --version:

npm --version: 3.10.6 (linked)


  "name": "react-pub-sub",
  "version": "0.7.0",
  "description": "Factory for creating prop and state propagation between 1:N React components.",
  "main": "lib/index.js",
  "files": [
  "keywords": [
  "scripts": {
    "start": "run-p build-watch",
    "clean": "run-p clean-lib clean-doc",
    "clean-lib": "rimraf lib",
    "clean-doc": "rimraf doc",
    "prebuild": "npm run clean",
    "build": "babel src/lib -d lib",
    "build-watch": "npm run build -- --watch",
    "release": "npm version patch && npm publish",
    "postrelease": "npm run release-gh-pages",
    "prerelease-gh-pages": "npm run doc",
    "release-gh-pages": "run-s gh-pages-subtree gh-pages-push gh-pages-delete",
    "postrelease-gh-pages": "npm run clean-doc && npm run git-save -- clean && git push -u origin master --follow-tags",
    "predoc": "rimraf doc",
    "doc": "esdoc -c ./esdoc.json && ncp CNAME doc/CNAME",
    "postdoc": "npm run git-save -- doc",
    "gh-pages-subtree": "git subtree split --prefix doc -b gh-pages",
    "gh-pages-push": "git push -f origin gh-pages:gh-pages",
    "gh-pages-delete": "git branch -D gh-pages",
    "git-save": "git add -A && git commit -am ",
    "upgrade": "ncu -a && npm update"
  "dependencies": {
    "babel-runtime": "^6.9.0",
    "chai": "^3.5.0",
    "eventemitter3": "latest",
    "ncp": "^2.0.0",
    "react-stamp": "latest",
    "solvent": "^0.7.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-cli": "^6.9.0",
    "babel-core": "^6.9.0",
    "babel-eslint": "^6.0.4",
    "babel-loader": "^6.2.4",
    "babel-plugin-react-transform": "^2.0.2",
    "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.9.0",
    "babel-polyfill": "*",
    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.9.0",
    "babel-preset-react": "^6.5.0",
    "babel-preset-stage-0": "^6.5.0",
    "babel-register": "^6.9.0",
    "esdoc": "^0.4.7",
    "esdoc-es7-plugin": "0.0.3",
    "eslint": "^2.12.0",
    "eslint-plugin-babel": "*",
    "eslint-plugin-react": "*",
    "faker": "^3.1.0",
    "mocha": "^2.5.3",
    "npm-run-all": "^2.1.1",
    "react": "^15.1.0",
    "react-addons-test-utils": "^15.1.0",
    "react-dom": "^15.1.0",
    "react-tools": "^0.13.3",
    "rimraf": "^2.5.2"
  "author": "Cole Chamberlain <[email protected]> (",
  "bugs": {
    "url": ""
  "homepage": "",
  "license": "MIT",
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git+"


# Logs

# Runtime data

# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover

# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul

# Grunt intermediate storage (

# Dependency directory
# Commenting this out is preferred by some people, see

# Users Environment Variables


website rendering escapes single backslash in inline code block (`\`)

NPM appears to use a parser that follows the common mark spec and it differs from github in a few ways. My issue is writing a single backslash in an inline code block.

The Github way is


But that trips up the NPM parser, since common mark treats that as an escaped backtick. The right way to do it for NPM is


But that messes up github, which interprets it as 2 backslashes.

I'd guess that most modules use the github markdown style, so I guess I would consider this a npm website bug

Package pages are out-of-date

Some pages on the don't reflect the latest version of the package.

For example: convict.
According to the page: "types published 4 weeks ago" and "0.6.32 is the latest of 13 releases".
But according to npm info @types/convict, version 0.6.33 was published 3 days ago (Sep 19).

This may be because of our publish script: we are directly using the publish method from npm-registry-client.
Currently we use a very simple technique to get the metadata: we read in the contents of and attach it to the package.json.

Similar to #11, I suspect that we are still not providing all of the metadata needed. Is there something else we need to be doing there?

Here is the list of packages with outdated pages (produced by a script):

  • @types/convict
  • @types/escodegen
  • @types/eventemitter3
  • @types/express
  • @types/jdataview
  • @types/js-cookie
  • @types/js-yaml
  • @types/parse5
  • @types/passport
  • @types/pathwatcher
  • @types/pg
  • @types/tape
  • @types/temp
  • @types/thrift

Provide node.js version usage along with download counts

Package maintainers currently have to guess on which node.js versions (engine versions) their packages are installed. So their decision to keep supporting e.g. node v0.10 or move up to a newer version is also based on guesswork. Likely, many packages are moving towards node >= 4 in order to make use of the new ES6 features and at the same time enterprise apps in particular loose support. As you can see in this article old node.js versions are still heavily used.

It would be great if npm would track the node.js versions a package gets installed into. Then showing these statistics on the npm website along with the download counts would be really helpful.

engine downloads last day downloads last week downloads last month
node v0.10 20 140 600
node v0.11 1 14 56
node v0.12 40 280 1200
io.js v3 4 10 42
node v4 120 801 3109
node v5 23 150 712
node v6 102 725 3005

IMHO this would be a feature that will contribute to the healthy package ecosystem.

Allow search ordering

Allow search ordering based on common criteria such as:

  • Number of starts
  • Number of downloads
  • Recently updated
  • ?

Support for more README formats

It would be nice if supported other markup formats than markdown.

Our project uses AsciiDoc and the entry is ugly: (as of October 3rd 2016).

We are going to work around it by using the packages.json "readme" field so this is not a high priority thing for us.

I understand why you supported markdown first for npm (most bang for the buck). That said, leaving all the others (including plaintext) behind might hurt you in the end. As an inspiration you can look at GitHub's README parser supports several markups. AsciiDoc, Textile, ReStructured Text, RDoc, Mediawiki, etc. Full list here:

See npm/npm#14159


Package description is parsed as Markdown text

I use some special characters (backticks for example) in published package description. npm site parses it as Markdown text. But they display as escaped HTML in package page like below:


It should not be parsed as Markdown.

Cryptic error message on publish when all servers are down

Reported error:

npm ERR! registry error parsing json

What's really happening:

npm http request PUT
npm http 503
npm verb bad json 
npm verb bad json <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
npm verb bad json <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
npm verb bad json  "">
npm verb bad json <html>
npm verb bad json   <head>
npm verb bad json     <title>503 No healthy backends</title>
npm verb bad json   </head>
npm verb bad json   <body>
npm verb bad json     <h1>Error 503 No healthy backends</h1>
npm verb bad json     <p>No healthy backends</p>
npm verb bad json     <h3>Guru Mediation:</h3>
npm verb bad json     <p>Details: cache-lhr6333-LHR 1477058331 3170619141</p>
npm verb bad json     <hr>
npm verb bad json     <p>Varnish cache server</p>
npm verb bad json   </body>
npm verb bad json </html>

It seems like your servers return HTML on certain errors but npm expects JSON as return.

EDIT: closed as duplicates of

Collaborators form style

Hi there,
the form to add collaborators to a package seems to be without style.

If I enter the name of an npmjs user and press "enter" it works, but it does not show anything else but the input box.

screenshot 2016-09-01 09 45 12

I'm using Chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 (64-bit)


No favicon in Firefox

There is no favicon in Firefox browser, I checked on two different machines, on Windows 10 and in Ubuntu 16.04, in Chrome it is available on both machines.

Feature request: analytics about node & OS version

What's the feature?

To provide analytics about what node version & what OS they are using. Both globally and for individual package.

What problem is the feature intended to solve?

It helps to judge whether to use ES6 features without Babel or work just with ES5. also helps you to know if you can drop obsolete code like polyfills
Could also help to know what platform they are running so you can write OS startup script for example

The npm profile picture only supports Gravatar

Would be nice to have the ability to change the npm profile picture without having to create an account on a third party service like Gravatar. Uploading directly to npm could be a possibility or maybe set it to use the profile picture that is used on GitHub?

504 Gateway Time-out error when adding new users

We keep getting below message when adding a new user:

504 Gateway Time-out
The server didn't respond in time.

The user is actually added, but we shouldn't be getting this error. It may be because your Fastly backend definition may need its timeout setting adjusted, to allow your origin backend to finish its response.

Varnish cache issue

Are you having issues with your varnish cache on the npm website?

I noticed a module showing the incorrect version.

The latest version of approvals-server at the time of writing is 0.2.0, however the version shown on is 0.1.2.

When installing 0.2.0 is installed so this seems only to be a problem with the website cache.

Feature request: support align attributes on images in markdown readme files

Hi all,
You probably noticed that GitHub let's you float images on the README markup documents using align="left|right", but does not. This is counter-intuitive since GitHub doesn't have the sidebar on the right, but does โ€” readme's are even more cramped on this website! Supporting the align= attribute on <img> tags would relieve this problem.

Stats of scoped modules?

Hey everyone, I noticed a while back that scoped modules do not show stats, can we get those added or is that not feasible right now?

Wrong npm version of gulp-html-autoprefixer


We use npm with shrinkwrap in our project, with gulp-html-autoprefixer as a dependency in package.json.

We fixed it at 0.1.0 some time ago, the same as the latest dependency in their github :

Unfortunately and apparently for some time now, the latest version reported by npm is 0.0.1

When we run npm install, it won't find the latest version (0.1.0), forcing us to use the previous one (0.0.1).

Would it be possible to update it to the latest versin? Is there a bug causing it take the previous one?


Why not cloaking email addresses on account pages?

Replica of (posted by @davidbourguignon)

Hi all,

On the signup page (, there is a clear warning: the email address provided will be public.

However, after checking some account pages source code, these addresses do not seem to be even "cloaked" or somehow protected from robot harvesting (

Why? Am I naively missing the point here? Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,


It doesn't look like it's been resolved yet.

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