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redis-mgr's Introduction


this script will deploy a redis cluster in 10 minutes, with:

  • redis
  • redis-sentinel
  • twemproxy

you can deploy/auto-failover/monitor/migrate and perform rolling-upgrades.

with all best practice from our experience (we use 1TB of cache on production environment)

try it

  1. prepare:

    sudo apt-get install git python python-pip
    pip install redis
    pip install -e git://
    pip install -e git://
    git clone
  2. compile redis and twemproxy and put them under _binaries/ dir:

    $ ll _binaries/
    total 19M
    1735820 -rwxr-xr-x 1 ning ning 705K 2014-03-24 19:26 nutcracker
    1735818 -rwxr-xr-x 1 ning ning 5.1M 2014-03-24 19:26 redis-sentinel
    1735819 -rwxr-xr-x 1 ning ning 5.1M 2014-03-24 19:26 redis-server
    1735815 -rwxr-xr-x 1 ning ning 3.8M 2014-03-24 19:26 redis-cli
    1735809 -rwxr-xr-x 1 ning ning  28K 2014-03-24 19:26 redis-check-aof
    1735801 -rwxr-xr-x 1 ning ning 3.7M 2014-03-24 19:26 redis-benchmark
  3. choose your config filename:

    export REDIS_DEPLOY_CONFIG=conf && . bin/active

    you can use a private config file and do export REDIS_DEPLOY_CONFIG=conf_private

  4. edit conf/
  5. make sure you can ssh to target machine without having to input a password (use ssh-copy-id)
  6. run:

    $ ./bin/ cluster0 -h

monitor pages




cluster0 = {
    'cluster_name': 'cluster0',
    'user': 'ning',
        ('', '/tmp/r/sentinel-29001'),
        ('', '/tmp/r/sentinel-29002'),
        ('', '/tmp/r/sentinel-29003'),
    'redis': [
        # master(host:port, install path)       ,  slave(host:port, install path)
        ('', '/tmp/r/redis-20000'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-21000'),
        ('', '/tmp/r/redis-20001'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-21001'),
        ('', '/tmp/r/redis-20002'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-21002'),
        ('', '/tmp/r/redis-20003'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-21003'),
    'nutcracker': [
        ('', '/tmp/r/nutcracker-22000'),
        ('', '/tmp/r/nutcracker-22001'),
        ('', '/tmp/r/nutcracker-22002'),

this will gen sentinel config:

sentinel monitor cluster0-20000 20000 2
sentinel down-after-milliseconds  cluster0-20000 60000
sentinel failover-timeout cluster0-20000 180000
sentinel parallel-syncs cluster0-20000 1

sentinel monitor cluster0-20001 20001 2
sentinel down-after-milliseconds  cluster0-20001 60000
sentinel failover-timeout cluster0-20001 180000
sentinel parallel-syncs cluster0-20001 1

and twemproxy config:

  hash: fnv1a_64
  distribution: modula
  preconnect: true
  auto_eject_hosts: false
  redis: true
  backlog: 512
  client_connections: 0
  server_connections: 1
  server_retry_timeout: 2000
  server_failure_limit: 2
    - cluster0-20000
    - cluster0-20001

the name cluster0-20000 is named by the orig master, if slave uses a different port, the server host:port of cluster0-20000 can be or


choose your config filename:

export REDIS_DEPLOY_CONFIG=conf && . bin/active
ning@ning-laptop:~/idning-github/redis-mgr$ ./bin/ cluster0 -h
usage: [-h] [-v] [-o LOGFILE] clustername op [cmd [cmd ...]]

positional arguments:
  clustername           cluster0
  op                    migrate src dst : migrate a redis instance to another machine
                        web_server [port]: None
                        deploy          : deploy the binarys and config file (redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster
                        start           : start all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster
                        stop            : stop all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster
                        printcmd        : print the start/stop cmd of instance
                        status          : get status of all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster
                        log             : show log of all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster
                        rediscmd cmd    : run redis command against all redis instance, like 'INFO, GET xxxx'
                        mastercmd cmd   : run redis command against all redis Master instance, like 'INFO, GET xxxx'
                        rdb             : do rdb in all redis instance,
                        aof_rewrite     : do aof_rewrite in all redis instance
                        randomkill      : random kill master every mintue (for test failover)
                        sshcmd cmd      : ssh to target machine and run cmd
                        reconfigproxy   : sync the masters list from sentinel to proxy
                        failover        : catch failover event and update the proxy configuration
                        nbench [cnt]    : run benchmark against nutcracker
                        mbench [cnt]    : run benchmark against redis master
                        stopbench       : you will need this for stop benchmark
                        live_master_mem : monitor used_memory_human:1.53M of master
                        live_master_qps : monitor instantaneous_ops_per_sec of master
                        live_nutcracker_request : monitor nutcracker requests/s
                        live_nutcracker_forward_error : monitor nutcracker forward_error/s
                        live_nutcracker_inqueue : monitor nutcracker forward_error/s
                        live_nutcracker_outqueue : monitor nutcracker forward_error/s
                        live_overview [cnt]: overview monitor info of the cluster (from statlog file)
                        history [cnt]   : history monitor info of the cluster
                        upgrade_nutcracker : None
                        log_rotate      : log_rotate for nutcracker.
                        scheduler       : start following threads:
  cmd                   the redis/ssh cmd like "INFO"

these commands will affect the online running cluster status:

  • start (only if master/slave connection is not running)
  • stop (will ask for confirmation)
  • reconfigproxy (only if proxy config is out of date)
  • randomkill (will start it later)
  • migrate

start cluster:

$ ./bin/ cluster0 deploy

$ ./bin/ cluster0 start
2013-12-26 14:47:47,385 [MainThread] [NOTICE] start redis
2013-12-26 14:47:47,622 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.23 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:47,848 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.22 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:48,099 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.24 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:48,369 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.27 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:50,788 [MainThread] [NOTICE] start sentinel
2013-12-26 14:47:51,186 [MainThread] [INFO] [sentinel:] start ok in 0.39 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:51,452 [MainThread] [INFO] [sentinel:] start ok in 0.26 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:51,820 [MainThread] [INFO] [sentinel:] start ok in 0.35 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:51,820 [MainThread] [NOTICE] start nutcracker
2013-12-26 14:47:52,082 [MainThread] [INFO] [nutcracker:] start ok in 0.26 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:52,364 [MainThread] [INFO] [nutcracker:] start ok in 0.28 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:52,573 [MainThread] [INFO] [nutcracker:] start ok in 0.21 seconds
2013-12-26 14:47:52,573 [MainThread] [NOTICE] setup master->slave
2013-12-26 14:47:52,580 [MainThread] [INFO] setup [redis:]->[redis:]
2013-12-26 14:47:52,580 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] /home/ning/idning-github/redis/src/redis-cli -h -p 21000 SLAVEOF 20000

run cmd on each master:

$ ./bin/ cluster0 mastercmd 'get "hello"'
2013-12-24 13:51:39,748 [MainThread] [INFO] [RedisServer:]: get "hello"
[RedisServer:] xxxxx
2013-12-24 13:51:39,752 [MainThread] [INFO] [RedisServer:]: get "hello"
2013-12-24 13:51:39,756 [MainThread] [INFO] [RedisServer:]: get "hello"
2013-12-24 13:51:39,760 [MainThread] [INFO] [RedisServer:]: get "hello"
[RedisServer:] world

dump rdb for every redis instance:

$ ./bin/ cluster0 rdb

monitor qps/memory:

$ ./bin/ cluster0 mq
2013-12-24 14:21:05,841 [MainThread] [INFO] start running: ./bin/ -v cluster0 mq
2013-12-24 14:21:05,842 [MainThread] [INFO] Namespace(cmd=None, logfile='log/deploy.log', op='mq', target='cluster0', verbose=1)
20000 20001 20002 20003
    6     5     5     6
    6     6     5     6
    6     6     5     6
 4741     6     6     6
33106     5     5     6
46639     8     7     7
42265     6     5     7

run benchmark:

$ ./bin/ cluster_offline0 bench
$ ./bin/ cluster_offline0 mbench

modify config:

$ ./bin/ cluster_offline0 mastercmd ' CONFIG GET save' -v
$ ./bin/ cluster_offline0 mastercmd 'CONFIG SET save "10000 1000000"' -v

enable auto-complete


pip install argcomplete
$ . ./bin/active

ning@ning-laptop ~/idning-github/redis-mgr$ ./bin/ cluster0 r<TAB>
randomkill     rdb            reconfigproxy  rediscmd


on bin/ use this :

BASEDIR = '/tmp/r'

it will gen the config like this:


migrate redis instance

if we have 32 masters in 16 machines

  1. expansion: move 2*32 instances on 16 machines to 32/64 machines (larger memory)
  2. maintenance: one of the machines is down, we have to move data to another machine.


  • pre_check,
  • force_src_be_slave,
  • deploy_dst,
  • add_dst_as_slave,
  • cleanup,
  • sentinel_reset,
  • update_config,


$ ./bin/ cluster0 migrate cluster0-22000: cluster0-22000:
2014-02-27 19:21:58,667 [MainThread] [INFO] deploy [redis:]
2014-02-27 19:21:59,774 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.19 seconds
2014-02-27 19:21:59,775 [MainThread] [NOTICE] add_dst_as_slave
2014-02-27 19:21:59,790 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] /home/ning/idning-github/redis/src/redis-cli -h -p 50015 SLAVEOF 22000
2014-02-27 19:21:59,801 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:]: {'used_memory': '342432', 'master_link_status': 'down', 'slave_repl_offset': '-1'}
2014-02-27 19:22:00,811 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:]: {'used_memory': '342464', 'master_link_status': 'down', 'slave_repl_offset': '-1'}
2014-02-27 19:22:01,820 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:]: {'used_memory': '363456', 'master_link_status': 'up', 'slave_repl_offset': '5998625'}
2014-02-27 19:22:01,821 [MainThread] [NOTICE] cleanup
2014-02-27 19:22:02,156 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] stop ok in 0.11 seconds
2014-02-27 19:22:02,156 [MainThread] [NOTICE] sentinel_reset
2014-02-27 19:22:02,165 [MainThread] [NOTICE] update_config
2014-02-27 19:22:02,166 [MainThread] [INFO] AppendConfig:cluster0['migration'] = []
2014-02-27 19:22:02,166 [MainThread] [INFO] AppendConfig:cluster0['migration'].append('cluster0-22000:>cluster0-22000:')

this command will modify the

cluster0['migration'] = []

the "migration" section will auto load on next run:

$ ./bin/ cluster0 status
2014-02-27 19:24:24,815 [MainThread] [NOTICE] start running: ./bin/ -v cluster0 status
2014-02-27 19:24:24,820 [MainThread] [NOTICE] status redis
2014-02-27 19:24:24,825 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] uptime 29815 seconds
2014-02-27 19:24:24,831 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] uptime 145 seconds
2014-02-27 19:24:24,893 [MainThread] [NOTICE] status master-slave
cluster0-22000 [redis:] <-
cluster0-22001 [redis:] <-
cluster0-22002 [redis:] <-
cluster0-22003 [redis:] <-

mon as supervisor of twemproxy


this is optional for redis-mgr:

  1. compile mon and put it in _binaries/.
  2. add config:

    BINARYS['MON_BINS'] = '_binaries/mon';
  3. ./bin/ cluster0 upgrade_nutcracker



  • @idning
  • @cen-li


  1. scheduler for many clusters, we will need it! (we can use a shell script)
  2. monitor SLOW LOG
  3. #live monitor for nutcracker
  4. #nc to get nutcracker status will fail in background:

    nohup ./bin/ cluster0 scheduler  &

    we use telnetlib instead

  5. migrate of redis instance
  6. migrate data over cluster.
  7. #a live command for cluster overview info(qps, mem, hit-rate)
  8. make start cmd reentrant(slaveof cmd)
  9. add max-mem config. on migration, makesure the max-mem config the same.
  10. #upgrade nutcracker instance, support --filter
  11. #add check_proxy_cfg


  • redis
    • mlive_mem
    • mlive_qps
  • twemproxy
    • nlive_request
    • nlive_forward_error
    • nlive_inqueue
    • nlive_outqueue
  • for cluster and for each instance
  • support more than one cluster.
  • do not need database

redis-mgr's People


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