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nr1-top's Issues

App not visible in New Relic ONE when locally served or published

I followed the steps provided for installation and am able to get the app built, published, deployed and subscribed to.

I have followed the same method for other apps and they do display from local server and when published. (e.g. nr1-groundskeeper, nr1-container-explorer, nr1-neon)

I have experienced the same issues with: nr1-browser-analyzer

OUTPUT: nr1 nerdpack:info --verbose

init version: @oclif/[email protected] argv: [ '--verbose', [length]: 1 ]
Fetching info from registry...
Request: POST
Data: 'query {\n package(uuid: ' +
'"f4147f2d-7c86-47d6-98df-b7a15cf00a85") {\n ' +
' uuid\n accountId\n ' +
' publications {\n createdAt\n ' +
' createdByUser\n ' +
'version\n }\n }\n ' +
' packageDeployments(uuid: ' +
'"f4147f2d-7c86-47d6-98df-b7a15cf00a85") {\n ' +
' channel\n deployedPublication {\n ' +
' version\n }\n ' +
' }\n }'
Headers: {
'API-Key': '',
'Content-Type': 'application/graphql'

Registry: Present
Id: f4147f2d-7c86-47d6-98df-b7a15cf00a85
Region: us
Account ID: 1847652
Local version: 0.1.5

Version Date Deployed to channel
0.1.5 14 minutes ago DEV

STEP: Install
npm install

STEP: Run locally
npm start

STEP: Test

RESULT: App Not Displayed


STEP: Create a new UUID
nr1 nerdpack:uuid -gf
Generated id is f4147f2d-7c86-47d6-98df-b7a15cf00a85

STEP: Force publish, override version if exists
nr1 nerdpack:publish -f

STEP: Deploy to DEV
nr1 nerdpack:deploy --channel=DEV

STEP: Subscribe to DEV
nr1 nerdpack:subscribe --channel=DEV

STEP: Check info
nr1 nerdpack:info --verbose

Version Date Deployed to channel
0.1.5 4 minutes ago DEV

RESULT: App Not Displayed

What additional information should I provide to help with troubleshooting?

View Full Command Output


Would it be possible to show the full commands that are listed in the "Command" column?

Additional context

We use a lot of different parameters in our environment, and it would help if we could view the full command the process is using.

Update project to utilize @newrelic/eslint-plugin-newrelic


Top is currently configured to use old eslint and prettier standards defined in package.json. This needs to be updated to utilize @newrelic/eslint-plugin-newrelic, which will also require reformatting all existing code. This should all be completed as a single effort.

Additional context

Should remove these existing devDependencies:

"babel-eslint": "^10.0.3",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^6.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.14.3",

And add this one:

"@newrelic/eslint-plugin-newrelic": "^0.3.0"

Should also update .eslintrc.js to comply with:

[Repolinter] Open Source Policy Issues

Repolinter Report

πŸ€–This issue was automatically generated by repolinter-action, developed by the Open Source and Developer Advocacy team at New Relic. This issue will be automatically updated or closed when changes are pushed. If you have any problems with this tool, please feel free to open a GitHub issue or give us a ping in #help-opensource.

This Repolinter run generated the following results:

❗ Error ❌ Fail ⚠️ Warn βœ… Pass Ignored Total
0 1 0 12 0 13

Fail #

❌ code-of-conduct-should-not-exist-here #

New Relic has moved the CODE_OF_CONDUCT file to a centralized location where it is referenced automatically by every repository in the New Relic organization. Because of this change, any other CODE_OF_CONDUCT file in a repository is now redundant and should be removed. For more information please visit Found files. Below is a list of files or patterns that failed:

    • πŸ”¨ Suggested Fix: Remove file

Passed #

Click to see rules

βœ… license-file-exists #

Found file (LICENSE). New Relic requires that all open source projects have an associated license contained within the project. This license must be permissive (e.g. non-viral or copyleft), and we recommend Apache 2.0 for most use cases. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-file-exists #

Found file ( New Relic requires a README file in all projects. This README should give a general overview of the project, and should point to additional resources (security, contributing, etc.) where developers and users can learn further. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-starts-with-nr1-catalog-header #

The first 1 lines contain all of the requested patterns. ( The README of a community plus project should have a NR1 Catalog header at the start of the README. If you already have a NR1 Catalog header and this rule is failing, your header may be out of date, and you should update your header with the suggested one below. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-security-section #

Contains a security section ( New Relic recommends having a Security section in your README to address concerns such as vulnerability reporting. This security section should also contain a link to the security policy (found under the "Security" tab of the repository). For an example of this section, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-link-to-security-policy #

Contains a link to the security policy for this repository ( New Relic recommends referencing the open source security policy (<repo-name>/security/policy or ../../security/policy) in a Security section in the README. For an example of this, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-discuss-topic #

Contains a link to the appropriate topic ( New Relic recommends directly linking the your appropriate topic in the README, allowing developer an alternate method of getting support. For more information please visit

βœ… third-party-notices-file-exists #

Found file ( A file must be present to grant attribution to all dependencies being used by this project. For JavaScript projects, you can generate this file using the oss-cli. For more information please visit

βœ… github-actions-workflow-file-exists #

Found file (.github/workflows/catalog.yml). Any Community Plus project must integrate with GitHub actions. For more information please visit

βœ… nr1-catalog-config-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/config.json).

βœ… nr1-catalog-screenshots-directory-exists #

Found file (catalog/screenshots).

βœ… nr1-catalog-documentation-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/

βœ… package-scripts-present #

An eslint-check and eslint-fix npm script found in file (package.json). NPM scripts for ESLint (eslint-check and eslint-fix) are required to properly integrate with the nerdpack system.

[Repolinter] Open Source Policy Issues

Repolinter Report

πŸ€–This issue was automatically generated by repolinter-action, developed by the Open Source and Developer Advocacy team at New Relic. This issue will be automatically updated or closed when changes are pushed. If you have any problems with this tool, please feel free to open a GitHub issue or give us a ping in #help-opensource.

This Repolinter run generated the following results:

❗ Error ❌ Fail ⚠️ Warn βœ… Pass Ignored Total
0 2 0 11 0 13

Fail #

❌ readme-starts-with-nr1-catalog-header #

The README of a community plus project should have a NR1 Catalog header at the start of the README. If you already have a NR1 Catalog header and this rule is failing, your header may be out of date, and you should update your header with the suggested one below. For more information please visit Below is a list of files or patterns that failed:

  • The first 1 lines do not contain the pattern(s): Open source NR1 Catalog header (see
    • πŸ”¨ Suggested Fix: prepend the latest code snippet found at to file

❌ readme-contains-forum-topic #

Doesn't contain a link to the appropriate topic ( New Relic recommends directly linking the your appropriate topic in the README, allowing developer an alternate method of getting support. For more information please visit

Passed #

Click to see rules

βœ… license-file-exists #

Found file (LICENSE). New Relic requires that all open source projects have an associated license contained within the project. This license must be permissive (e.g. non-viral or copyleft), and we recommend Apache 2.0 for most use cases. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-file-exists #

Found file ( New Relic requires a README file in all projects. This README should give a general overview of the project, and should point to additional resources (security, contributing, etc.) where developers and users can learn further. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-security-section #

Contains a security section ( New Relic recommends having a Security section in your README to address concerns such as vulnerability reporting. This security section should also contain a link to the security policy (found under the "Security" tab of the repository). For an example of this section, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-link-to-security-policy #

Contains a link to the security policy for this repository ( New Relic recommends referencing the open source security policy (<repo-name>/security/policy or ../../security/policy) in a Security section in the README. For an example of this, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

βœ… third-party-notices-file-exists #

Found file ( A file must be present to grant attribution to all dependencies being used by this project. For JavaScript projects, you can generate this file using the oss-cli. For more information please visit

βœ… code-of-conduct-should-not-exist-here #

New Relic has moved the CODE_OF_CONDUCT file to a centralized location where it is referenced automatically by every repository in the New Relic organization. Because of this change, any other CODE_OF_CONDUCT file in a repository is now redundant and should be removed. For more information please visit Did not find a file matching the specified patterns. All files passed this test.

βœ… github-actions-workflow-file-exists #

Found file (.github/workflows/catalog.yml). Any Community Plus project must integrate with GitHub actions. For more information please visit

βœ… nr1-catalog-config-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/config.json).

βœ… nr1-catalog-screenshots-directory-exists #

Found file (catalog/screenshots).

βœ… nr1-catalog-documentation-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/

βœ… package-scripts-present #

An eslint-check and eslint-fix npm script found in file (package.json). NPM scripts for ESLint (eslint-check and eslint-fix) are required to properly integrate with the nerdpack system.

Charts don't stay fixed on the right

It would be nice if the process list could scroll independent of the charts on the right pane. When a user scrolls down to the bottom of the process list, and clicks on a process towards the bottom of the list, they have to scroll back up to see the the charts on the top.

Upgrade the project meta data to support new catalog commands

Add metadata to the repository that matches the example laid out here.

  • Add a config.json file to a catalog directory in the repo root, matching this format.
  • Move the /screenshots directory into catalog:
    • Update the screenshot file names (to match this format)
    • Update the screenshot links in the
  • Add the new header image to the top of
  • Add a file to a catalog directory in the repo root, matching this format.
    • Update the relative paths in to be absolute paths
  • (Optional) If there's additional documentation referenced in the repo, add a file to a catalog directory in the repo root, matching this format.
  • Ensure the commands section matches Justin's snippet.
  • Run npm start and let the CLI move the nr1.json
    • Edit that file to make sure the name and description make sense.

Respecting the custom time range


When you select a custom time range, the interface crashes.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Navigate to the Nerdlet
  • Select a custom time range

Expected Behavior

Respecting the time range

Relevant Logs / Console output


Your Environment

  • NR1 CLI version used: 1.2.2
  • Browser name and version: Chrome
  • Operating System and version: MacOS

Additional context

chore: update package-lock.json

The version in the package.json should match up to what's in the package-lock.json

Might need to modify semantic-release-bot so it updates package-lock.json appropriately.

NR1 library deprecation issues

Repolinter Report

This report was generated automatically by the Repolinter.

This Repolinter run generated the following results:

❗ Error ❌ Fail ⚠️ Warn βœ… Pass Ignored Total
0 0 0 7 0 7

Passed #

Click to see rules

βœ… nr1-lib-deprecation-dropdown-label #

See the New Relic Developer docs for current API details For more information please visit newrelic/developer-website#1033. All files passed this test.

βœ… nr1-lib-deprecation-accountpicker-onchange #

See the New Relic Developer docs for current API details For more information please visit newrelic/developer-website#1033. All files passed this test.

βœ… nr1-lib-deprecation-icon-sizetype #

See the New Relic Developer docs for current API details For more information please visit newrelic/developer-website#1033. All files passed this test.

βœ… nr1-lib-deprecation-entity-title-table-row-cell-value-reporting #

See the New Relic Developer docs for current API details For more information please visit newrelic/developer-website#1033. All files passed this test.

βœ… nr1-lib-deprecation-tooltip-classname #

See the New Relic Developer docs for current API details For more information please visit newrelic/developer-website#1033. All files passed this test.

βœ… nr1-lib-deprecation-tooltip-style #

See the New Relic Developer docs for current API details For more information please visit newrelic/developer-website#1033. All files passed this test.

βœ… nr1-lib-deprecation-tablerow-actions-icontype #

See the New Relic Developer docs for current API details For more information please visit newrelic/developer-website#1033. All files passed this test.

[Repolinter] Open Source Policy Issues

Repolinter Report

πŸ€–This issue was automatically generated by repolinter-action, developed by the Open Source and Developer Advocacy team at New Relic. This issue will be automatically updated or closed when changes are pushed. If you have any problems with this tool, please feel free to open a GitHub issue or give us a ping in #help-opensource.

This Repolinter run generated the following results:

❗ Error ❌ Fail ⚠️ Warn βœ… Pass Ignored Total
0 0 0 13 0 13

Passed #

Click to see rules

βœ… license-file-exists #

Found file (LICENSE). New Relic requires that all open source projects have an associated license contained within the project. This license must be permissive (e.g. non-viral or copyleft), and we recommend Apache 2.0 for most use cases. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-file-exists #

Found file ( New Relic requires a README file in all projects. This README should give a general overview of the project, and should point to additional resources (security, contributing, etc.) where developers and users can learn further. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-starts-with-nr1-catalog-header #

The first 1 lines contain all of the requested patterns. ( The README of a community plus project should have a NR1 Catalog header at the start of the README. If you already have a NR1 Catalog header and this rule is failing, your header may be out of date, and you should update your header with the suggested one below. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-security-section #

Contains a security section ( New Relic recommends having a Security section in your README to address concerns such as vulnerability reporting. This security section should also contain a link to the security policy (found under the "Security" tab of the repository). For an example of this section, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-link-to-security-policy #

Contains a link to the security policy for this repository ( New Relic recommends referencing the open source security policy (<repo-name>/security/policy or ../../security/policy) in a Security section in the README. For an example of this, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-discuss-topic #

Contains a link to the appropriate topic ( New Relic recommends directly linking the your appropriate topic in the README, allowing developer an alternate method of getting support. For more information please visit

βœ… third-party-notices-file-exists #

Found file ( A file must be present to grant attribution to all dependencies being used by this project. For JavaScript projects, you can generate this file using the oss-cli. For more information please visit

βœ… code-of-conduct-should-not-exist-here #

New Relic has moved the CODE_OF_CONDUCT file to a centralized location where it is referenced automatically by every repository in the New Relic organization. Because of this change, any other CODE_OF_CONDUCT file in a repository is now redundant and should be removed. For more information please visit Did not find a file matching the specified patterns. All files passed this test.

βœ… github-actions-workflow-file-exists #

Found file (.github/workflows/catalog.yml). Any Community Plus project must integrate with GitHub actions. For more information please visit

βœ… nr1-catalog-config-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/config.json).

βœ… nr1-catalog-screenshots-directory-exists #

Found file (catalog/screenshots).

βœ… nr1-catalog-documentation-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/

βœ… package-scripts-present #

An eslint-check and eslint-fix npm script found in file (package.json). NPM scripts for ESLint (eslint-check and eslint-fix) are required to properly integrate with the nerdpack system.

Not Showing in New Relic One

Regardless if I serve this up locally or publish/deploy/subscribe, this Nerdpack does not show up in New Relic One.

[Repolinter] Open Source Policy Issues

Repolinter Report

πŸ€–This issue was automatically generated by repolinter-action, developed by the Open Source and Developer Advocacy team at New Relic. This issue will be automatically updated or closed when changes are pushed. If you have any problems with this tool, please feel free to open a GitHub issue or give us a ping in #help-opensource.

This Repolinter run generated the following results:

❗ Error ❌ Fail ⚠️ Warn βœ… Pass Ignored Total
0 3 0 9 0 12

Fail #

❌ readme-starts-with-nr1-catalog-header #

The README of a community plus project should have a NR1 Catalog header at the start of the README. If you already have a NR1 Catalog header and this rule is failing, your header may be out of date. For more information please visit Below is a list of files or patterns that failed:

  • The first 1 lines do not contain the pattern(s): Open source NR1 Catalog header (see
    • πŸ”¨ Suggested Fix: prepend [![New Relic One Catalog Project header](]( to file

❌ readme-contains-security-section #

Doesn't contain a security section ( New Relic recommends having a Security section in your README to address concerns such as vulnerability reporting. This security section should also contain a link to the security policy (found under the "Security" tab of the repository). For an example of this section, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

❌ readme-contains-link-to-security-policy #

Doesn't contain a link to the security policy for this repository ( New Relic recommends referencing the open source security policy (<repo-name>/security/policy) in a Security section in the README. For an example of this, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

Passed #

Click to see rules

βœ… license-file-exists #

Found file (LICENSE). New Relic requires that all open source projects have an associated license contained within the project. This license must be permissive (e.g. non-viral or copyleft), and we recommend Apache 2.0 for most use cases. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-file-exists #

Found file ( New Relic requires a README file in all projects. This README should give a general overview of the project, and should point to additional resources (security, contributing, etc.) where developers and users can learn further. For more information please visit

βœ… readme-contains-discuss-topic #

Contains a link to the appropriate topic ( New Relic recommends directly linking the your appropriate topic in the README, allowing developer an alternate method of getting support. For more information please visit

βœ… third-party-notices-file-exists #

Found file ( A file must be present to grant attribution to all dependencies being used by this project. For JavaScript projects, you can generate this file using the oss-cli. For more information please visit

βœ… github-actions-workflow-file-exists #

Found file (.github/workflows/pr.yml). Any Community Plus project must integrate with GitHub actions. For more information please visit

βœ… nr1-catalog-config-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/config.json).

βœ… nr1-catalog-screenshots-directory-exists #

Found file (catalog/screenshots).

βœ… nr1-catalog-documentation-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/

βœ… package-scripts-present #

An eslint-check and eslint-fix npm script found in file (package.json). NPM scripts for ESLint (eslint-check and eslint-fix) are required to properly integrate with the nerdpack system.

Summary panel header disappears when window is resized


The content at the top of the right column <div class="summary-panel">...</div> disappears when you resize your browser window.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. In the Entity Explorer, select a host in the that has New Relic Infrastructure agent to be delployed on it (try host-tower-austin for example).
  2. Select "Top" from the left sidebar
  3. After Top has loaded it's content, watch the top of the right column and resize your browser window.
  4. <div class="summary-panel">...</div> will disappear

Expected Behaviour

I expect that the summary panel would remain visible when I resize my window.

Relevant Logs / Console output

No relevant console output :/

Your Environment

  • NR1 CLI version used: @datanerd/nr1/1.10.10
  • Browser name and version: Firefox 72.0.2 & Chrome 79.0.3945.130
  • Operating System and version: MacOS Catalina 10.15.2

Extra notes

May be related to #10, but I don't think it's the same. Likely a similar or the same cause, but different effect.

Unable to see application in NR One overview page


I just read the announcement about these NR1 apps and followed the instructions to successfully create a new app, start it, and see the placeholder for it in the New Relic One page.

I was also able to get this to work with the GraphQL sample app.

When I do the same for nr1-top, there are no problems with build or start, but there is no entry for "top" in New Relic One.

Grateful for any help, thanks.

summary-panel renders inconsistently

The summary-panel renders inconsistently, when switching between processes. To be more specific, the panel renders on initial load, but then may not render at all when switching between processes


The summary-panel (top-right, which includes the commandName, commandLine and parent/child process id's) will occasionally not render when selecting a new process, or after re-selecting a process which had been previously selected and for which the panel previously rendered.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. In NR1, locate a host, and load the Top nerdlet. Select a process other than the one currently selected at load, re-select the original process. The summary panel does not render.

  2. In NR1, locate a host, and load the Top nerdlet. Select a process other than the one currently selected at load, then select another. After several selections, the summary panel no longer renders. Note, navigating using the child/parent link yields the same result.

Expected Behaviour

The summary-panel should load consistently, for every process

Your Environment

  • Versions 0.1.5, 0.1.6
  • Browsers:
    Chrome Version 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit) (Mac)
    Firefox 69.0.3 (64-bit) (Mac)

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