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nr1-status-widgets's Issues

[Repolinter] Open Source Policy Issues

Repolinter Report

๐Ÿค–This issue was automatically generated by repolinter-action, developed by the Open Source and Developer Advocacy team at New Relic. This issue will be automatically updated or closed when changes are pushed. If you have any problems with this tool, please feel free to open a GitHub issue or give us a ping in #help-opensource.

This Repolinter run generated the following results:

โ— Error โŒ Fail โš ๏ธ Warn โœ… Pass Ignored Total
0 2 0 11 0 13

Fail #

โŒ readme-starts-with-nr1-catalog-header #

The README of a community plus project should have a NR1 Catalog header at the start of the README. If you already have a NR1 Catalog header and this rule is failing, your header may be out of date, and you should update your header with the suggested one below. For more information please visit Below is a list of files or patterns that failed:

  • The first 1 lines do not contain the pattern(s): Open source NR1 Catalog header (see
    • ๐Ÿ”จ Suggested Fix: prepend the latest code snippet found at to file

โŒ readme-contains-forum-topic #

Doesn't contain a link to the appropriate topic ( New Relic recommends directly linking the your appropriate topic in the README, allowing developer an alternate method of getting support. For more information please visit

Passed #

Click to see rules

โœ… license-file-exists #

Found file (LICENSE). New Relic requires that all open source projects have an associated license contained within the project. This license must be permissive (e.g. non-viral or copyleft), and we recommend Apache 2.0 for most use cases. For more information please visit

โœ… readme-file-exists #

Found file ( New Relic requires a README file in all projects. This README should give a general overview of the project, and should point to additional resources (security, contributing, etc.) where developers and users can learn further. For more information please visit

โœ… readme-contains-security-section #

Contains a security section ( New Relic recommends having a Security section in your README to address concerns such as vulnerability reporting. This security section should also contain a link to the security policy (found under the "Security" tab of the repository). For an example of this section, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

โœ… readme-contains-link-to-security-policy #

Contains a link to the security policy for this repository ( New Relic recommends referencing the open source security policy (<repo-name>/security/policy or ../../security/policy) in a Security section in the README. For an example of this, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

โœ… third-party-notices-file-exists #

Found file ( A file must be present to grant attribution to all dependencies being used by this project. For JavaScript projects, you can generate this file using the oss-cli. For more information please visit

โœ… code-of-conduct-should-not-exist-here #

New Relic has moved the CODE_OF_CONDUCT file to a centralized location where it is referenced automatically by every repository in the New Relic organization. Because of this change, any other CODE_OF_CONDUCT file in a repository is now redundant and should be removed. For more information please visit Did not find a file matching the specified patterns. All files passed this test.

โœ… github-actions-workflow-file-exists #

Found file (.github/workflows/catalog.yml). Any Community Plus project must integrate with GitHub actions. For more information please visit

โœ… nr1-catalog-config-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/config.json).

โœ… nr1-catalog-screenshots-directory-exists #

Found file (catalog/screenshots).

โœ… nr1-catalog-documentation-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/

โœ… package-scripts-present #

An eslint-check and eslint-fix npm script found in file (package.json). NPM scripts for ESLint (eslint-check and eslint-fix) are required to properly integrate with the nerdpack system.

NRQL results NULL in "NRQL Status Widget" when querying from metrics

NRQL querying metrics returns null / Oops Error in the widget.
NRQL itself works fine fine in other dashboard widgets and returns a value.

eg.1 FROM Metric SELECT clamp_max(count(newrelic.sli.good) / count(newrelic.sli.valid) * 100, 100) as 'SLI attainment' WHERE sli.guid = 'GUID'
eg.2 FROM Metric SELECT apm.service.apdex

Steps to Reproduce

  • Add Status Widget Pack to an account.
  • Launch and select "NRQL Status Widget" to configure
  • Configure and add Query retrieving data from Metric

Expected Behaviour

Show and process Metrics in the widget.

[Repolinter] Open Source Policy Issues

Repolinter Report

๐Ÿค–This issue was automatically generated by repolinter-action, developed by the Open Source and Developer Advocacy team at New Relic. This issue will be automatically updated or closed when changes are pushed. If you have any problems with this tool, please feel free to open a GitHub issue or give us a ping in #help-opensource.

This Repolinter run generated the following results:

โ— Error โŒ Fail โš ๏ธ Warn โœ… Pass Ignored Total
0 3 0 10 0 13

Fail #

โŒ readme-starts-with-nr1-catalog-header #

The README of a community plus project should have a NR1 Catalog header at the start of the README. If you already have a NR1 Catalog header and this rule is failing, your header may be out of date, and you should update your header with the suggested one below. For more information please visit Below is a list of files or patterns that failed:

  • The first 1 lines do not contain the pattern(s): Open source NR1 Catalog header (see
    • ๐Ÿ”จ Suggested Fix: prepend [![New Relic One Catalog Project header](]( to file

โŒ code-of-conduct-should-not-exist-here #

New Relic has moved the CODE_OF_CONDUCT file to a centralized location where it is referenced automatically by every repository in the New Relic organization. Because of this change, any other CODE_OF_CONDUCT file in a repository is now redundant and should be removed. For more information please visit Found files. Below is a list of files or patterns that failed:

    • ๐Ÿ”จ Suggested Fix: Remove file

โŒ package-scripts-present #

An eslint-check and eslint-fix npm script not found in file (package.json). NPM scripts for ESLint (eslint-check and eslint-fix) are required to properly integrate with the nerdpack system.

Passed #

Click to see rules

โœ… license-file-exists #

Found file (LICENSE). New Relic requires that all open source projects have an associated license contained within the project. This license must be permissive (e.g. non-viral or copyleft), and we recommend Apache 2.0 for most use cases. For more information please visit

โœ… readme-file-exists #

Found file ( New Relic requires a README file in all projects. This README should give a general overview of the project, and should point to additional resources (security, contributing, etc.) where developers and users can learn further. For more information please visit

โœ… readme-contains-security-section #

Contains a security section ( New Relic recommends having a Security section in your README to address concerns such as vulnerability reporting. This security section should also contain a link to the security policy (found under the "Security" tab of the repository). For an example of this section, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

โœ… readme-contains-link-to-security-policy #

Contains a link to the security policy for this repository ( New Relic recommends referencing the open source security policy (<repo-name>/security/policy or ../../security/policy) in a Security section in the README. For an example of this, please see the NR1 Catalog Template. For more information please visit

โœ… readme-contains-discuss-topic #

Contains a link to the appropriate topic ( New Relic recommends directly linking the your appropriate topic in the README, allowing developer an alternate method of getting support. For more information please visit

โœ… third-party-notices-file-exists #

Found file ( A file must be present to grant attribution to all dependencies being used by this project. For JavaScript projects, you can generate this file using the oss-cli. For more information please visit

โœ… github-actions-workflow-file-exists #

Found file (.github/workflows/catalog.yml). Any Community Plus project must integrate with GitHub actions. For more information please visit

โœ… nr1-catalog-config-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/config.json).

โœ… nr1-catalog-screenshots-directory-exists #

Found file (catalog/screenshots).

โœ… nr1-catalog-documentation-file-exists #

Found file (catalog/

Status Table Widget - 0s show as nulls


Status Table Widget - 0s show as nulls. Example:


Steps to Reproduce

Deploy Status Table widget - Run query with 0 result returned

Expected Behaviour

Literal 0 displayed, not null.

[NRQL Status Widget] Provide Data Format options when `Display Metric` is selected


In the NRQL Status Widget (and possibly others), when choosing the Display Metric option, the metric value is unformatted, with the exception of the Decimal Places selection. I would like to be able to format the metric value just like any other value in a built-in NR widget.

Desired Behaviour

I would like to see the same Data Format options available for the built-in NR widgets, specifically, the Number type's Autoformat option that will convert 3456 to 3.45 k, following the Decimal Places selection.

Additional context

I have a mix of built-in NR widgets and NRQL Status Widgets on my dashboard, and would like to see all of the values formatted the same way.

Query doesn't work


The following query:

select average(aws.rds.CPUUtilization) from Metric where aws.rds.DBInstanceIdentifier = 'data-db-prod' and tags.env = 'prod' 

Works perfectly in the platform's query builder, but doesn't seem to work in the status widget.
Maybe it's connected to the "Your Metric query has been transformed into a query that is compatible with the previous Infrastructure metric format." message?

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Screen Shot 2022-04-07 at 9 44 16

Optional Warning Threshold

Hi guys,

I'd like to have the warning threshold be optional. I want to use the NRQL status widget to determine if something is healthy or not based on the values 0 and 1. Therefore, I have no need for a warning threshold but this is not optional. Unless there is already a way to not have a warning threshold?

Values are not being re-render when default time is changed using time Picker option in the dashboard


I have created a widget using the NRQL status widget option, one of the configurations of this widget is to polling data every 5 seconds and everything is working if the time picker of the dashboard I have attached the widget to, stay with the default option but as long as I change the time picker option to any other value, the data stop the updating process and if you check the network tab under the inspector you will see that the request is happening but the value is not being re-render in the UI.

Steps to Reproduce

Add Data option -> Look into App & Visualisations -> enable the app Status Widget Pack -> select the option NRQL status Widget -> create a query like SELECT count(*) FROM Transaction -> set some critical and warning thresholds -> set polling to 5 seconds -> save the widget into a dashboard -> open the dashboard and see that the widget is being updating with the values every second in the default option of the time picker -> change dashboard's time picker to 5 minutes -> widget stop the re-render process of the value.

Expected Behaviour

Change the dashboard's time picker without affecting the re-render process of the widget's value since the polling should keeps happening every 5 seconds

Relevant Logs / Console output

Your Environment

  • Browser name and version: Google Chrome Version 121.0.6167.139 (Official Build) (arm64)
  • Operating System and version: macOS Sonoma 14.3

Entity Status Widget - Deprecated relationship query causing no entities to be returned


Entity Status Widget is returning no entities found I believe due to this graphql call throwing deprecated errors.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Input a valid custom entity search query
  2. See results

Possible Solution

Switch relationshipQuery to the following, using non-deprecated fields:

  actor {
    entities(guids: [${guids}]) {
      account {
      ... on AlertableEntity {
      relatedEntities {
        results {
          source {
            entity {
              ... on AlertableEntityOutline {
          target {
            entity {
              ... on AlertableEntityOutline {

Better control of modal page layout

It would be nice to have more control over the layout of charts in the modal page.
As a minimum, I'd like to be able to have a singe table chart maxed-out on the entire modal page.

NaN threshold

I'm using simple color thresholds green, yellow and red.
These are returned from the Elasticsearch integration via select latest(cluster.status) from ElasticsearchClusterSample where entityName = 'es-cluster:my_cluster'

Regardless of the value returned from the query, the widget stays green.
Interestingly, the time line is rendered as expected.
Screen Shot 2022-03-31 at 20 11 42

Facet in nested queries


Add support for nested queries with facet.
For example, the following query which measures the p99 time for some internal process within our system, is rejected by the widget because of the use of facet in the inner query, although the outer query is in fact valid for the widget.

  percentile(avg_processing_time_min, 99)
    average(totango.account_updater.total_process_time.percentiles)/60000 as 'avg_processing_time_min' 
    env = 'prod' and 
    percentile = '99' and 
    source != 'Pixel' 
  facet type)

Data shown in the cells are not arranged as per the Timestamp


Status Values are populated in the timeline without considering the timestamps. When the values are populated regularly for each hour then the widget works fine. But if there are no values for few hours then the status is shown in a wrong timestamp/hour.


We are using Status Timeline widget to show the result of Synthetic Monitors which are running once in 6 hours. Ideally, in the Status Timeline widget it should show the values for 0:00 timestamp and 06:00 timestamp, but we are seeing the values for 00:00 and 01:00. Without considering the timestamp, the status values are getting populated.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create some sample Synthetic monitors which run once in 6 hours.
  2. Use the following query in Status Timeline widget to fetch the result of the monitors.
    From SyntheticCheck select latest(result) facet monitorName,hourOf(timestamp) ORDER BY timestamp WITH TIMEZONE 'Australia/Brisbane' LIMIT MAX

Expected Behaviour

Ideally, the status timeline widget should show the values of status at the 0th hour and then at the 6th hour.

But it is showing the values at 0th hour and 1st hour. Without considering timestamp, status values are being filled in the cells.

Relevant Logs / Console output


On click URL doesn't appear to work in catalog version 2.12.1


Using version 2.12.1 from the catalog, adding an on click URL doesn't redirect to the URL when clicking.

Steps to Reproduce

I added a query, of Workload status (FROM WorkloadStatus SELECT latest(statusValueCode) WHERE = 'thename'), changed the bucket size to 5 mins, added above thresholds with labels, selected display timeline, and added an on click URL.

Clicking on the widget in the dashboard does not redirect. Otherwise the widget works as expected.

Expected Behaviour

Redirect to URL.

Relevant Logs / Console output

No noticeable console errors while clicking, network shows a call to the event API.

Your Environment

  • NR1 CLI version used: Catalog version of app.
  • Browser name and version: FF (Version 92.0 (64-bit)) and Chrome (Version 93.0.4577.82 (Official Build) (x86_64)) with same results
  • Operating System and version: Mac Big Sur 11.6

Additional context

Permalink, if that helps:

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