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svgbobrus's Introduction


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SvgBobRus is an ascii to svg converter.


The SVG image is generated from the ascii text below.

 +10-15V           ___0,047R
         |      |       |  |         |    |       |
        ---     |       | .-.        |    |       |
  470uF ###     |       | | | 2k2    |    |       |
         | +    |       | | |        |    |       |
  X------o      '--.    | '-'       .-.   |       |
         |         |6   |7 |8    1k | |   |       |
        GND      .------------.     | |   |       |
                 |            |     '-'   |       |
                 |            |1     |  |/  BC    |
                 |            |------o--|   547   |
                 |            |      |  |`>       |
                 |            |     .-.   |       |
                 |            | 220R| |   o----||-+  IRF9Z34
                 |            |     | |   |    ||->
                 |  MC34063   |     '-'   |    ||-+
                 |            |      |    |       |  BYV29     -12V6
                 |            |      '----'       o--|<-o----o--X OUT
                 |            |2                  |     |    |
                 |            |--|                C|    |    |
                 |            | GND         30uH  C|    |   --- 470
                 |            |3      1nF         C|    |   ###  uF
                 |            |-------||--.       |     |    | +
                 '------------'           |      GND    |   GND
                      5|   4|             |             |
                       |    '-------------o-------------o
                       |                           ___  |
                                               |       1k0
                                              | | 5k6 + 3k3
                                              | | in Serie

          |                    .--> D
           \                  /
A -> B -> C -----------------*---> .
            \         ^  ^ ^  \
             B -> C _/  / /    '--> D
 *----->           \   / /

                         180 ohms    .47uH
from inverter output----\/\/\/--+---(((((----- xtal --+-- to input
                                |             series  |
                               _|_                   _|_
                               ___ 120pF             ___ 100pF
                                |                     |
                               _|_       _|_         _|_      .       .
                               \ /       \ /         \ /     / \     /_\
                                '         .           '     '-|-'      

      |   |  | |     / \   /  \
       \ /   \ /     | |  |    |

        .                          .
      .' `.                      ,' `.       .'.
    .'     `.  tilted square   .'     `,   .'   `,
     `.   .'                    `.   ,'     `. ,'
       `.'                        `.'         `

                                             .---> |-----|------|
                                            /      |-----|------|
                                           /       +-----+------+
                                          /                 .--.
                                         /                  |  |
                                        /                   v  |
  .-------.                            /           .-. .-. .-. |
  | Table |-.                         /        .-->'-' '-' '-' |
  '-------'  \                       / .-----> |     \  |  /   |
              \                     / /        |      v | v    |
.------------. \                   / /         '_______/ \_____|
| Flowcharts |--.                 / /                  \ /
'------------'   \               / /                    |      ____    
                  v _______     / /                     '---> /___/ 
.--------.         /       \---' /                      
| Graphs |------->/ Sponge  \---'-.
'--------'     .->\  down   /----. \           ^  .  /\  .-.
              / .->\_______/-.    \ \          |_/ \/  \/   \
.--------.   / /              \    \ `-------> +------------->
| Comics |--' /                \    \
'--------'   /        .`.       \    \         +------------+
            /       .'   `,      \    \        |   .-----.  |
   .----------.      `. ,'        \    \       |  (       ) +------------+
   | Diagrams |        `           \    \      |   `-, .-'  |  .-----.   |
   '----------'                     \    `---> |    /,'     | (       )  |
                                     \         |   /'       |  `-. .-'   |
                                      \        |            |     `.\    |
                                       \       | ٩(̾●̮̮̃ ̾•̃̾)۶    |       `\   |
                                        \      |            |            |
                 .`.                     \     +------------|   (,⊙–⊙,)७ |
               .'   `,                    `--.              +------------+
                `. ,'                         \
                  `                            v           .-,(  ),-.    
                                            ___  _      .-(          )-.                                       
                                           [___]|=| -->(                )      __________ 
                                           /::/ |_|     '-(          ).-' --->[_...__...°]
                                                           '-.( ).-'                         
                                                                   \      ____   __ 
                                                                    '--->|    | |==|
                                                                         |____| |  | 
                                                                         /:::/  |__|
+------+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+
|      |   |     |   |     |   |     |
| Foo  +-->| Bar +---+ Baz |<--+ Moo |
|      |   |     |   |     |   |     |
+------+   +-----+   +--+--+   +-----+
              ^         |
              |         V
| Hello here and there and everywhere |
   .--------------.     \           \
  / a == b         \     \           \     __________
 (    &&            )     ) process   )    \         \
  \ 'string' ne '' /     /           /     / process /
   '--------------'     /___________/     /_________/
     \                 \
      . another process .
  User code  ^               ^ OS code
              \             /
               \        .--'
                \      /
  User code  <--- Mode ----> OS code
                /      \
            .--'        \___
           /                \
          v                  v 
       User code            OS code
             .---.  .---. .---.  .---.    .---.  .---.
    OS API   '---'  '---' '---'  '---'    '---'  '---'
               |      |     |      |        |      |
               v      v     |      v        |      v
             .------------. | .-----------. |  .-----.
             | Filesystem | | | Scheduler | |  | MMU |
             '------------' | '-----------' |  '-----'
                    |       |      |        |
                    v       |      |        v
                 .----.     |      |    .---------.
                 | IO |<----'      |    | Network |
                 '----'            |    '---------'
                    |              |         |
                    v              v         v
             |                  HAL                  |
  | ___ |
  ||   ||  device
  ||___||  loads
  | ooo |----------------------------------------------------------.
  | ooo |    |                          |                          |
  | ooo |    |                          |                          |
  '-----'    |                          |                          |
             |                          |                          |
             v                          v                          v
   .-------------------.  .---------------------------.  .-------------------.
   | Loadable module C |  |     Loadable module A     |  | Loadable module B |
   '-------------------'  |---------------------------|  |   (instrumented)  |
             |            |         .-----.           |  '-------------------'
             '------------+-------->| A.o |           |             |
                 calls    |         '-----'           |             |
                          |    .------------------.   |             |
                          |   / A.instrumented.o /<---+-------------'
                          |  '------------------'     |    calls
         \              \
                                        .--> Base::Class::Derived_A
                                      .----> Base::Class::Derived_B    
      Something -------.             /         \
                        \           /           .---> Base::Class::Derived
      Something::else    \         /             \
            \             \       /               '--> Base::Class::Derived
             \             \     /
              \             \   .-----------> Base::Class::Derived_C 
               \             \ /
                '------ Base::Class
                       /  \ \ \
                      '    \ \ \  
                      |     \ \ \
                      .      \ \ '--- The::Latest
                     /|       \ \      \
 With::Some::fantasy  '        \ \      '---- The::Latest::Greatest
                     /|         \ \
         More::Stuff  '          \ '- I::Am::Running::Out::Of::Ideas
                     /|           \
         More::Stuff  '            \
                     /              '--- Last::One
       More::Stuff  V 

 +10-15V          ___0,047R
         |      |       |  |         |    |       |
        ---     |       | .-.        |    |       |
  470uF ###     |       | | | 2k2    |    |       |
         | +    |       | | |        |    |       |
  X------o      '--.    | '-'       .-.   |       |
         |         |6   |7 |8    1k | |   |       |
        GND      .-+----+--+--.     | |   |       |
                 |            |     '-'   |       |
                 |            |1     |  |/  BC    |
                 |            |------o--|   547   |
                 |            |      |  |>        |
                 |            |     .-.   |       |
                 |            | 220R| |   o----||-+  IRF9Z34
                 |            |     | |   |    ||->
                 |  MC34063   |     '-'   |    ||-+
                 |            |      |    |       |  BYV29     -12V6
                 |            |      '----'       o--|<-o----o--X OUT
                 |            |2                  |     |    |
                 |            +--|                C|    |    |
                 |            | GND          30uH C|    |   --- 470
                 |            |3      1nF         C|    |   ###  uF
                 |            |-------||--.       |     |    | +
                 '-----+----+-'           |      GND    |   GND
                      5|   4|             |             |
                       |    '-------------o-------------o
                       |                           ___  |
                                               |       1k0
                                              | | 5k6 + 3k3
                                              | | in Serie

 +12v  (sidelights)
   |    | Buzzer (12v)
     +-------|<|-------- To existing drivers interior light switch
     |       Diode
    ----|  Drivers door switch
    Car Chassis

        | 2 | ---<640k>---+
        | 3 | ---<320k>---|
        | 4 | ---<160k>---|
        | 5 | ---<80k>----|
        | 6 | ---<40k>----|
        | 7 | ---<20k>----+-----+---- 10 uF -------> Out
        | 8 | ---<10k>----|     |
        | 9 | ---<5k>-----+   <390>
        |   |                   |
        | 25| ------------------+------------------+
        +---+                                      |

+6V -o_|_o----+----------+----------->>--------+----------+----->>
              |          |                     |          |
            LAMP1        |                     |        LAMP2
              |          | SW1                 | SW2      |
              +--A>     |o              <A--   o|         |
              |       ==|    --B>          |    |==   <B--+
            -----       |o   |             |   o|       -----
      SCR1  \   /        |   |             |   |        \   /  SCR2
             \ /        R3   ^             ^   R4        \ /
            -----        |  CR1           CR2  |        -----
              |  \       |   |             |   |       /  |
              |   +--R2--+---+             +---+--R5--+   |
              |   |                                   |   |
              |   R1                                 R6   |
              |   |                                   |   |
GND ----------+---+----------------->>----------------+---+--->>
SW1,SW2         normally open momentary pushbuttons
SW3             normally closed momentary pushbutton
LAMP1, LAMP2    6V incandescent lamps
R1, R6          470 ohm
R2,R3,R4,R5     1 K
SCR1, SCR2      Small SCRs, not power type
CR1, CR2        1N914 diodes
+               connection
^               cathode of a diode
--A> <A--       are connected (jump)
--B> <B--       same deal

+5 ---+---------------+---+
      |               |   |
      R            +----------+
      |(see below) |  8   4   |
  +---+------+-----|7        3|------/\/\/\---+------- Vout
  :          |     |  LMC555  |               |
  C to test  +-----|6         |             -----
  :                |          |             -----
ground       +-----|2        5|----+          |
             |     |    1     |    |        ground
             |     +----------+  0.1 uF
             |          |          |
   Clock ----+        ground     ground
(see | next section - CMOS Oscillator)

                                             +-----------> Output
     |\            |\            |\          |     |\
     |  \          |  \          |  \        |     |  \
     |    \        |    \        |    \      |     |    \
  +--|     >O------|     >O------|     >O----+-----|     >O-----|
  |  |    /        |    /        |    /            |    /       |
  |  |  /          |  /          |  /              |  /         |
  |  |/            |/            |/                |/           |
  |                                                             |
  |                              +5.0V                          |
  |                                |                            |
  |                                \                            |
  |                                /  R1                        |
  |                      /|        \ 10K                        |
  |                    /  |        /                 L1         |
  |                  /    |        |                75 uH       |
  +----------------O<     |--------+---+----------)()()()(------+
                     \    |            |
                       \  |            /
                         \|            \  R2
                                       / 10K

                        _\_/_  LED
         ____             |
TTL ____|6k8 |__________|/
        |____|    |     |\e
                 _|_     _|_
                |4k7|   |270|
                |_ _|   |_ _|
                  |       |

      -----+--------+--------+--------+--> +9v (whatever)
           |        |        |        |
          R1       R2       R3       R4
           |        |        |        |
    +------+        |        |        +------+
    |      +---C1---+        +---C2---+      |
    D1    c|        |        |        |      D2
    |       \       |        |        |c     |
    |    Q1  |------|--------+     b /       |
    |       / b     +---------------|   Q2   |
    |     e|                         \       |
    |      |                          |e     |
Q1, Q2  ... anything NPN : BC108, 2N2222, etc
R1, R4  ... 1k0
R2, R3  ... 10k0
C1, C2  ... 10uF
D1, D2  ... Your LEDs

                     /  270 ohms
Control|\ 7407       |
-------| >-----------+
       |/            |
Control = 1 LED on   |
Control = 0 LED off  |
Part 1:
~~~~~~~                              C4-C10 - DISK CERAMICS
                       R3    100p       100p      100p      100p
    D3-D11:      |            C4    /\   C6   /\   C8   /\  C10   /  |
       high-     |  Diodes follow  /  \      /  \      /  \      /   |
       voltage   |  direction to  D5   D6   D7   D8   D9   D10  D11 ,-.
       3kV diodes|  D11 from D5  /      \  /      \  /      \  /    | |R4
  A              |              /   C5   \/   C7   \/   C9   \/     | |47K
  <--------------|------D3>|--------||--------||--------||-----     `-'
                 |             |                                     |
                 |             |                                    ,-.
              _  |             |   100p      100p      100p         | |R5
     Diode   /|\ D4            |                                    | |33K
     going    |  |          C2===0.1/1.6KV                          `-'
     up.....> |  |             |                                  ___|
  B              |             |                           +VE -_|_
  /_____________/|\____________|                               |   |
  \              |             |                               |   | LASER
                 |             |                               |   | TUBE
  <--To part 2   |          C3===0.1/1.6KV                     |___|
                 |             |                           GND - |
                 |             |                                 |
                 |             |                                 |

 CMOS or HCMOS inverter
           +--| >0---+----> OUT
           |  |/     |
           |         |
           | 1 Mohm  |
           |         |
           |         \
           |         / 2.7 kohms
           |         \
           |         /
           |         |
           |   1MHz  |   parallel resonant
          _|_       _|_
  55pf    ___       ___  60pf
          _|_       _|_
          \ /       \ /
           '         '

                         .47 uH    56 pF        180 ohms
from inverter output-----(((((------| |---------\/\/\/-+- to xtal
                                                      ___ 56 pF
                                                      \ /

A C-L-C pi filter and series resonant crystal is another solution:
                         180 ohms    .47uH
from inverter output----\/\/\/--+---(((((----- xtal --+-- to input
                                |             series  |
                               _|_                   _|_
                               ___ 120pF             ___ 100pF
                                |                     |
                               _|_                   _|_
                               \ /                   \ /
                                '                     '

    |   ^     ^  |           |        |      |    |     |
    C2  |    CR2 C8          R4     | c      R8 | c    C11
    +---+     |  |           |      |/       |  |/      |
        |  <G>+--+    +--C5--+---+--|        +--|      <G>
audio   R1            |      |   |  |\       |  |\
in      |             |      |   C6 | e      |  | e
O--C1---+--R2--+--C4--+      R3  |    |      |    |
        |      ^      |      |   +----+--C9--+    +--C10--O  RF out
        C3    CR1     L1     |   C7   R5     R7   R9
        |      |      |      |   |    |      |    |
                                    Q1          Q2
+               connection<G>             ground connection
^               cathode of a diode
C1, C2, C8, C11 .1 uF
C3, C4          .001 uF
C5, C6, C7      39 pF NPO or silver mica
C9              10 pF NPO or silver mica
C10             22 pF
CR1             ECG616 varactor (tuning) diode
CR2             9v Zener
L1              5T #20 wire, 1/8 inch I.D., adjust spacing for tuning range
Q1              2N3663
Q2              2N3904
R1, R2          47 K
R3              22 K
R4              15 K
R5              1 K
R6              390 ohm
R7, R8          4.7 K
R9              100 ohm
VR1             100 K, linear taper

          o +5v
         |   |
      1k R   |
         |   |c  BC108B
2Vpp     |   |e      75ohm
video    |e  +--------R-------> video out
in >---b     |                  1Vpp @ 75 ohm
         |c  R 1k          +-->
   BC178B|   |             |
         +---+            ---
             o -5v (yes, two-sided power supply, not ground)

                               o +5v
              |    |           |
          3k8 R    R 680R      R 56R
              |    |           |
              |    |           |e BC178B
Video in      |    +---------b
1Vpp/75R   +  |    |c          |c    100n plastic
>---+----||---+--b    BC108B   +-----||--------> to black level clamping
    |  47u    |    |e          |                  2Vp-p
    |         |    |           R 220R
    R 75R     R    +-----------+
    |         |1k8             R 150R
   ---       ---               |
                              --- (single power supply this time)

        D           R
                    |---------------> To anode terminal
 To                   |
 120 VAC              |    C
    <--------------------------|----> To selected cathode
D :  any rectifier diode of >= 250 PIV
R :  100 K or so variable resistor
C :  20 uf (or more) at at least 250 WVDC (observe polarity!)

                               capacitor (0.5 uf or so)

                                   | |
    +---------------------+--------| |--------------> to amplifier
    |                     |        | |
    | (positive lead)     |           _   _
    |                     +----------/ \_/ \_/----------+
   MIC                          (resistor 1-2K or so)   |
    |                                                   | +
    | (ground lead) (-)                              -------
    |                              (battery 9v or so)  ---
    |                                                   |
    |                                                   |
    +---------------------------------------------------+----> ground
                                                                to amp

        300 ohm              Charge
               5W             /  Switch
20-40 + O---/\/\/\----o------o  o------------o----------------o
VDC                   |                      |                |
                      |      Zap             |                |
                      |      Switch          |               +|
                      |      ___|___         |           -----------
                      o------o     o---------o              -----
                      |                      | +    Shorted   |
      6000 micro-     | +                 -------    Cell     |
      Farad, 40V  _________               |     |             |
      Capacitor   ---------               |_____| Volt        |
                      |                      |    meter       |
                      |                      |                |
      - O-------------o----------------------o----------------o

   R1=R2                      |---\/\/\/\/\\/\--|
                              |       R2        |
                              |                 |
                 R1           |     |\          |
                              | INV | \         |
INPUT --------\/\/\/\/\/\/----------|  \        |
          |                         |   \       |
          |                         |    \-------- OUTPUT
          |       R3                |    /
          |                 NON-INV |   /
          |---\/\/\/\/\/\/----------|  /
                              |     | /
                              |     |/
                           -------  C

              V+          |
               |          +---------+
              10K        /          |
     0.1 uF    |       |/           P   0.1 uF
IN>----||------+-------|  2N2222    O<--||---> High impedance output
               |       |\E          T            (should be buffered)
              10K        \          |
               |          +---------+
              GND         |
+V --o----------o--------------------o-------------o-------o
      |          |                    |             |       |
      |          |     R3            /              |       |
      |          |   +----+       /-C               |       |
      |          o---+ 15K+---o---B | TR1           |       |
      |          |   +----+   |   \-E              /        |
      |          |            |      \          /-C         | 47nF
     +++        +++           |       ----o-----B | TR2   =====
     | | 2M2    | | 10K       |        C1 |     \-E         | C2
     | | R1     | | R2        |  D1     =====      \        |
     +++        +++           |   | /|    | 10nF    |       |
      |          |        /---o---|< |----o---------o-------o
      |          |     /-C        | \|                      |
      |       /--o-----B | TR4     1N4148                   |  Earthy
      |    /-C         \-E                                -----  Side
      o----B | TR3        \                                XXX
      |    \-E             |                              -----
      |       \            |                                |  Transducer
      |        |           |                                |
      |        |           |
      |  | /|  |           |
      o--|< |--o-----------o-------  0V       All transistors 2N3707
         | \|                                 NPN, Emitter at bottom.
        D2  1N4148

            |        |
            |  7555  |
            |        |
       +----|2       |
       |    |       3|--+---> output
       +----|6       |  |
       |    +--------+  |
       |                |
       |       R
     ----- C

             ^ Vcc
             / R
            \ / LED   (glows when 555 ouput is high)
in -\/\/\--|  3904
      R    |\

             ^ Vcc
in -\/\/\--|  3906
      R    |\
             / R
            \ / LED   (glows when 555 output is low)

        |          |                 +5V
        | |\       |                 _|_
 +5     +-|-\      |                 \ / LED
  |       |  \     |     +----resist--+
 resist   |   >----+-----|
  |       |  /     |     +----resist--+
  +-------|+/      |                 _|_
  |       |/       |                 \ / LED
  |                |                  |
  +----resist------+                  0V

   *VCC     Q1   +-----------------C ||
     o           |                 C ||
     |       B |/ C                C ||
     |  +------|    2N3055         C ||
     |  |      |\ E            5T  C || C-------|>|----------o  +HV
     |  |        |                 C || C     HV Diode, usually
     |  |       -_-                C || C        built in
     |  |                          C || C
     +--|--------------------------C || C
     |  |   Q2  _-_                C || C
     |  |        |                 C || C Secondary (HV) winding,
     |  |    B |/ E            5T  C || C intact.
     |  |  ----|    2N3055         C || C
     |  |  |   |\ C                C || C
     |  |  |     |                 C || C
     |  |  |     +-----------------C || C
     |  |  |                         || C
     |  |  ------------------------C || C-------------------o  -HV
     |  |                      2T  C ||
     |  |               +----------C ||
     |  |               |      2T  C || T1 - Flyback transformer from BW
     |  +--------------------------C ||      or color TV or computer monitor.
     |                  |
     |            R1    |    R2
                  110        27    _|_
                  2W         5W     -

   |       |   |                  -V Output
  R1       |8  |4        +----+--->    
   |    7 -------        |    |            Parts List:
   +-----|       |      D2    |            IC1 = 555
   |  +--|       |  +    |    |             R1 = 1.5K
  R2  | 6|  IC1  |---C1--+    |             R2 = 10K
   |  |  |       |3      |    |             C1 = 10uF,16V
   +--+--|       |      D1   C2             C2 = 22uF,16V
   |    2|       |       |    |+            C3 = 1500pF
   |      -------        |    |          D1,D2 = 1N4001 diodes
  C3         |1          |    |
   |         |           |    |

         <-e                                   |------------|
       |----------                             |            |
       |         |  <<<<  physical            CURRENT     POWER FOR
  --REGULATOR   LOGIC    separation >>>>      DRIVER       DRIVERS
       |         |                              |           |
       |   e->   |      ground                  |   <-e     |
         ^ thick          ^ thin                 ^
           traces           traces              very thick
           from reg to                          traces from
           logic load                           drivers to supply

                            (hot side)
                    ==============================  <-- ceramic
 /|\                   __________    __________
  | majority          |   |  |   |  |   |  |   |
  | carrier           | N |  | P |  | N |  | P |
  | flow    (-)  _____|___|  |___|__|___|  |___|_____  (+)

                    ===============================  <-- ceramic
                            (cold side)

#Using in command line

cargo install svgbob_cli

svgbob normally operates on stdin and stdout:

$ svgbob < examples/long.bob > long.svg

produces an SVG in long.svg similar to the one produced by the old main binary. svgbob also allows passing arguments instead:

$ svgbob examples/long.bob -o long.svg

And you can mix and match:

$ svgbob -o long.svg < examples/long.bob
$ svgbob examples/long.bob > long.svg

This is also documented in the output of svgbob --help:

$ svgbob --help
svgbob 0.1.2
SvgBobRus is an ascii to svg converter

    svgbob [OPTIONS] [input]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -o, --output <output>    where to write svg output [default: STDOUT]

    <input>    svgbob text file to parse [default: STDIN]

Originally written in elm from the original project

Demo site

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