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langoustine's Introduction

Langoustine - write Language Servers in Scala 3

... and use them with Javascript, JVM, or even native libraries

Status as of August 3rd, 2022: active, but very unstable, use (don't) at your own risk

langoustine-lsp Scala version support

  • API documentation
  • SBT: libraryDependencies += "tech.neander" %% "langoustine-app" % "0.0.21"
  • Mill: ivy"tech.neander::langoustine-app::0.0.21"
  • Scala CLI //> using lib "tech.neander::langoustine-app::0.0.21"

What is it?

It's a clean room implementation of the LSP protocol definitions.

By "clean room" we mean

  1. Using only Scala libraries
  2. Idiomatic Scala code
  3. Using Scala 3 features

Most of the code is generated directly from the recently published LSP specification in JSON format.

Is there a simple example?

Introducing Quickmaffs, a primitive language with a LSP, REPL, and an interpreter, designed specifically to demonstrate how easy it is to build Language Servers with Langoustine.

GIF demonstrating operations in the editor with the made up Quickmaffs language

What can I use it for?

Writing a language server for:

  1. your own toy language

  2. already existing language but with specific requirements

    For example, see Grammar.js LSP - written specifically for the grammar.js files in the Tree Sitter grammars.

    It uses the Scala.js artifact of this project, because it's easier to parse JavaScript using a JavaScript library and package the whole server as a Node.js application.

  3. markup languages and protocol files, think

    1. Certain YAML files (LSP with verification for Github Actions YAML files!)
    2. Avro files
    3. Protobuf files
    4. Smithy files (jk a great one already exists)
    5. LLVM IR text files (for all those compiler engineers!)
    6. Scala Native's NIR files
    7. loads and loads more

Even basic Go To Definition implementation for the files you work with for hours on a daily basis can have an immeasurable impact on your productivity.

Do I need to write a custom extension for my editor to talk to my LSP server ?

Depends on how amazing you want the UX to be really, but if you're a lazy sloth like we are, head over the following list :

  • neovim, if you hate rodents
  • vscode, if you like rodents (provided by yours truly)
  • intellij (no commits in a few years, will need a brave soul to step-up)
  • emacs, if you have 20 fingers on each of your 8 hands
  • sublime, if you're a decent person who pays for software

Should I use it?

Please refer to this helpful diagram:

│  YAS KWEEEN  │                                                     
│     area     │                           .───────────.             
└──────────────┘                       _.─'             `──.         
        │                           ,─'                     '─.      
        │                          ╱                           ╲     
        │                        ,'      People who enjoy       `.   
        │                       ╱          using Scala 3          ╲  
        │       .───────────.  ;                                   : 
        │   _.─'             `─;.                                  : 
        └────────────────────────────┐                              :
        ╱                     │     ╲│     .───────────.            │
      ,'                      │      │._.─'             `──.        │
     ╱                        :     ,┼'╲                    '─.     ;
    ;                          :   ╱ │  :                      ╲   ; 
    ;                          : ,'  │  :                       `. ; 
   ;                            ╱    │   :                        ╲  
   │                           ; ╲   ▼   │                       ╱ : 
   │     People who enjoy      ;  `.     │                     ,'  : 
   :     creating Language    ;     ╲    ;                    ╱     :
    :         Servers         │      '─.;                  ,─'      │
    :                         │         `──.           _.─'         │
     ╲                        :        ╱    `─────────'             ;
      ╲                        :      ╱                            ; 
       `.                      :    ,'      People who are         ; 
         ╲                      ╲  ╱           ready for          ╱  
          '─.                   ,╲'         disappointment       ╱   
             `──.           _.─'  `.                           ,'    
                 `─────────'        ╲                         ╱      
                                     '─.                   ,─'       
                                        `──.           _.─'          

If you are in the YAS KWEEN area - welcome and let's have some fun!

langoustine's People


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langoustine's Issues

Idea: client API

Langoustine provides an easy way to build servers, but AFAIK there's no such thing for clients. If you were to implement a language client with Langoustine, what could that look like?

(feature request) allow filtering responses by the corresponding request's info

When you filter for, e.g. "completion", and the log is full of textDocument/completion calls from the client, you'll only see the client side of a request in the result of the filter:


It would be great if server "spans" were also tagged with that request name, so that they would also show up in that filter.

Related/alternative: #36

(feature request) more clickable areas in timeline

Sort of nitpicking at this point, but I think having a larger clickable area would be nice here:


Currently clicks are only registered when you click one of the colorful thingies - I'm suggesting to make it so that the entire selected div (as per screenshot) triggers the action.

Formalise tracing snapshot protocol

See scalameta/metals#4924 (comment)

No matter which direction it goes, it would be great to specify exactly the format of supported messages.

To move things along we can publish mini-libraries pre-configured with codecs for major JSON libraries.

The goal is for other LSPs written in other languages to be able to produce snapshots replayable with tracer.

Tracer: Collect and render `windows/logMessage` notifications in the Logs panel

I've finally realised why Metals has nice output in VS code and not in the logs - because VS Code just renders the windows/logMessage stuff as normal logs!

We can make it much nicer in the Logs panel.

This is also a good opportunity to set up machinery for reading the server's information as well - for example to capture server name

Tracer: weird flickering when new interactions show up

A video is worth a thousand screenshots, and a screenshot is worth a thousand words:

I suppose there's some sort of redundant re-rendering of the old interactions when new ones are added.

Sort out the awful imports experience

This is just too much:

import langoustine.lsp.requests.*
import langoustine.lsp.structures.*
import langoustine.lsp.json.*
import langoustine.lsp.enumerations.*

import langoustine.lsp.RuntimeBase.uinteger
import langoustine.lsp.RuntimeBase.DocumentUri

We should aim to somehow bring all of them into the same all object.

I thought of using export clause which seems designed for this exact purpose, but I worry about the IDE experience

Sort out the rare cases of ambiguous runtime unions

There's quite a dangerous issue currently in textDocument.documenSymbol (my favourite, which makes it hurt even more):

  object documentSymbol extends LSPRequest("textDocument/documentSymbol"):
    type In = structures.DocumentSymbolParams
    type Out = Opt[(Vector[structures.SymbolInformation] | Vector[structures.DocumentSymbol])]
    given inputReader: Reader[In] = 
    given inputWriter: Writer[In] = 
    given outputWriter: Writer[Out] =
      upickle.default.writer[ujson.Value].comap[Out] { _v => 
        (_v: @unchecked) match 
          case v: Vector[?] => writeJs[Vector[structures.SymbolInformation]](v.asInstanceOf[Vector[structures.SymbolInformation]])
          case v: Vector[?] => writeJs[Vector[structures.DocumentSymbol]](v.asInstanceOf[Vector[structures.DocumentSymbol]])
          case a if a == Opt.empty => ujson.Null

The particular offender is

        (_v: @unchecked) match 
          case v: Vector[?] => writeJs[Vector[structures.SymbolInformation]](v.asInstanceOf[Vector[structures.SymbolInformation]])
          case v: Vector[?] => writeJs[Vector[structures.DocumentSymbol]](v.asInstanceOf[Vector[structures.DocumentSymbol]])
          case a if a == Opt.empty => ujson.Null

We cannot generically match on two vectors because they are erased.

A quick solution might be to identify this case and attempt to serialise the vector as one type, catch the casting exception and serialise as another.

A more involved solution is to generate special code which goes like this:

  1. If the vector is empty, pick whatever type and serialise
  2. If the vector is non empty, use the first element to distinguish the two vectors

Question is whether this solution is overkill (I don't think so, because trapping class cast exceptions seems like a bad idea in general)

LSP Toolkit datastructures

There exists perhaps a million reimplementation of the same basic data structures for LSP servers, used both for implementation and testing.

  1. Going from offset to a (line, character)
  2. Going from (line, character) to offset in the document
  3. Getting contents of a line
  4. Finding the (line, character) positions of a given offset range
  5. Cutout text based on a position range
  6. Apply a text edit to given range
  7. etc.

It would be good to provide efficient implementations (may be even special cased for platforms!) of these operations, implemented in terms of the LSP structures like Position and Range, so that LSP authors don't reimplement the wheel unnecessarily.

You can see one such implementation here:

Special case apply method on Position

The companion for Position should inherit from a private trait PositionExtensions to define a few handy method:

def apply(line: Int, char: Int): Position
def documentBeginning: Position = Position(0, 0)

may be others?

the trait itself doesn't have to be part of generated code, we just reference it.


                  start = Position(line = uinteger(idx), uinteger(0)),
                  end = Position(line = uinteger(idx), uinteger(line.length))

it's jsut too much typing

Idea: support DAP

I know next to nothing about it, so I hope to get some info - would it be feasible to extend Langoustine with support for the Debug Adapter Protocol? Would this be mostly an addition of new codegen, or are there changes in more areas?

Custom endpoints

Can you do custom endpoints with Langoustine?

First of all, the LSPRequest type is sealed, so I don't think so. However, assuming if it wasn't:

The way I'd attempt it would be to basically copy-paste one of the existing request objects and the traits it implements, and try to adapt to my own model.

object diagnostic extends LSPRequest("textDocument/diagnostic") with codecs.requests_textDocument_diagnostic:
      type In = structures.DocumentDiagnosticParams
      type Out = aliases.DocumentDiagnosticReport


private[lsp] trait requests_textDocument_diagnostic:
  import textDocument.diagnostic.{In, Out}
  given inputReader: Reader[In] = 
  given inputWriter: Writer[In] = 
  given outputWriter: Writer[Out] =
  given outputReader: Reader[Out] =

Can we make this possible in a convenient way?

No response is made to initializeRequest

Version Info

Scala 3.2.1
SBT 1.7.3
Scala.js 1.11.0
Langoustine 0.0.17


Despite defining handleRequest, the server receives the request but does not return a response to it.
Sorry if there is something wrong with the way I write.

Reproduction frequency




name := "IMPDocUtil"
ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "3.2.1"


Compile / fastLinkJS / scalaJSLinkerOutputDirectory := baseDirectory.value / "dist"
Compile / fullLinkJS / scalaJSLinkerOutputDirectory := baseDirectory.value / "dist"

scalaJSLinkerConfig ~= { _.withModuleKind(ModuleKind.CommonJSModule) }

scalaJSUseMainModuleInitializer := true

javaOptions ++= Seq(

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % "2.8.0",
  "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "3.3.14",
  "tech.neander" %%% "langoustine-app" % "0.0.17",
  "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.14" % Test

main program

package com.github.chencmd.impdocutil

import scala.util.chaining.*

import jsonrpclib.fs2.catsMonadic

import langoustine.lsp.{requests as R, structures as S, enumerations as E, *}
import langoustine.lsp.runtime.*

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits.given

import{Path, Files}
import fs2.text.*

object IMPDocUtilityLanguageServer extends LangoustineApp.Simple {

  def server: IO[LSPBuilder[IO]] = IO(create)

  def create: LSPBuilder[IO] = {
      .handleRequest(R.initialize) { in =>
          "server activated"
        ) as S.InitializeResult(
            // documentFormattingProvider = Opt(true)
              name = "IMPDoc Utility",
              version = Opt("0.0.1")

  def sendMessage(
      back: Communicate[IO],
      messageType: E.MessageType,
      msg: String
  ): IO[Unit] = {
      S.ShowMessageParams(messageType, msg))

The complete code, including other files, is in ChenCMD/IMPDocUtil.

LSP Testkit module

To assist with testing LSPs, we can provide certain features.

Specifically, end-to-end testing of payloads.

Tracer: reproduce document state at given point in time


As a language server developer, I sometimes would like to look at language client and server interaction and be able to see for what kind of document a certain response was sent. For example, if I see an error response for a completion request, I would like to see for what state of the document this response was sent. I am thinking of a feature in the tracer that can go from textDocument/didOpen to the current request of interest, applying all content change notifications, to reproduce the document state.

Would such a feature be welcome? Do you also experience such need?

Another feature that could be built based on this one is ability to see the code surrounding a position mentioned in a request.

[JVM only] server hangs indefinitely until stdin input

LangoustineApp-created server processes appear not to when they get a SIGTERM.


//> using scala "3.3.0-RC4"
//> using lib "tech.neander::langoustine-app::0.0.19"
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import jsonrpclib.fs2.given
import langoustine.lsp.LSPBuilder

object Main extends LangoustineApp.Simple {

  val writePid =

  override def server: IO[LSPBuilder[cats.effect.IO]] = writePid *> LSPBuilder.create[IO].pure[IO]

  1. scala-cli --power package . -f -o server
  2. ./server
  3. in another tab, kill $(cat PID)
  4. The server is still running, and needs a newline in stdin or a ctrl+C to shut down

Tracer: embedding into vscode


I think vscode has quite nice facilities that allow embedding the tracer into vscode. Some of the advantages, for example, include

  • debugging your language server without switching from editor to browser
  • platform for working with documents:
    • clickable url's that open documents with code highlighting (if we add #108, we can open locked documents with code highlighting and selected text)

Would you guys be interested in collaborating on something like this?

Don't render `@since` in Scaladoc

@since exists in both Scaladoc and the documentation for LSP spec, but it means different things - in Scaladoc it refers to the version of langoustine, in LSP spec it's the version of protocol.

We should not render @since from LSP spec in Scaladoc (replace it with since)

Switch to Upickle 3.x

It might be a fun exercise because I have a modified macro to work around upickle 2 weirdness, and I have no idea what sort of wonders upickle 3 will bring..

Tracer: server-sent requests not showing?

I think server-sent requests (such as workspace/configuration) aren't showing up in the tracer.

For example, my formatter asks the client for some config, but it's not shown here:


Also, I'm seeing some weird mismatches (e.g. a request showing up with another one's body), especially around non-standard requests... I'll try to report that separately sometime.

Generate builders for structures

Perhaps it will make IDE experience better if structures exposed builder-style pattern.

I.e. if you have a SymbolInformation structure:

case class SymbolInformation(
  deprecated: Opt[Boolean] = Opt.empty,
  location: structures.Location,
  name: String,
  kind: enumerations.SymbolKind,
  tags: Opt[Vector[enumerations.SymbolTag]] = Opt.empty,
  containerName: Opt[String] = Opt.empty

It has 3 required fields (location, name, kind) and several optional fields. All the fields become withCamelCase methods on the generated builder, but to create the builder you need to pass the required fields:

  .builder(name, location, kind)
  .withTags(v: Vector[SymbolTag])
  .withContainerName(s: String)
  .withName(s: String) // overwrites the value passed to the builder method
  .build // : SymbolInformation

Move structure codecs out of generated companions

... and move them to traits that those companions should extend.

Say you have a currently generated companion like this:

object WorkspaceSymbol:
  private given rd0: Reader[(structures.Location | WorkspaceSymbol.S0)] = 
    badMerge[(structures.Location | WorkspaceSymbol.S0)](structures.Location.reader, WorkspaceSymbol.S0.reader)
  private given wt0: Writer[(structures.Location | WorkspaceSymbol.S0)] = 
    upickle.default.writer[ujson.Value].comap[(structures.Location | WorkspaceSymbol.S0)] { _v => 
      (_v: @unchecked) match 
        case v: structures.Location => writeJs[structures.Location](v)
        case v: WorkspaceSymbol.S0 => writeJs[WorkspaceSymbol.S0](v)
  given reader: Reader[structures.WorkspaceSymbol] = Pickle.macroR
  given writer: Writer[structures.WorkspaceSymbol] = upickle.default.macroW
  case class S0(
    uri: RuntimeBase.DocumentUri
  object S0:
    given reader: Reader[structures.WorkspaceSymbol.S0] = Pickle.macroR
    given writer: Writer[structures.WorkspaceSymbol.S0] = upickle.default.macroW

First step is obvious - we can move the direct codecs somewhere else (into huge object codecs with lots of traits)

object WorkspaceSymbol extends codecs.WorkspaceSymbol:
  case class S0(
    uri: RuntimeBase.DocumentUri
  object S0:
    given reader: Reader[structures.WorkspaceSymbol.S0] = Pickle.macroR
    given writer: Writer[structures.WorkspaceSymbol.S0] = upickle.default.macroW


object codecs:
  trait WorkspaceSymbol:
    private given rd0: Reader[(structures.Location | WorkspaceSymbol.S0)] = 
      badMerge[(structures.Location | WorkspaceSymbol.S0)](structures.Location.reader, WorkspaceSymbol.S0.reader)
    private given wt0: Writer[(structures.Location | WorkspaceSymbol.S0)] = 
      upickle.default.writer[ujson.Value].comap[(structures.Location | WorkspaceSymbol.S0)] { _v => 
        (_v: @unchecked) match 
          case v: structures.Location => writeJs[structures.Location](v)
          case v: WorkspaceSymbol.S0 => writeJs[WorkspaceSymbol.S0](v)
    given reader: Reader[structures.WorkspaceSymbol] = Pickle.macroR
    given writer: Writer[structures.WorkspaceSymbol] = upickle.default.macroW

This should declutter the main codebase. For the anonymous structure, we can generate a S0Codecs inner trait in codec.WorkspaceSymbol and use it like this:

object WorkspaceSymbol extends codecs.WorkspaceSymbol:
  case class S0(
    uri: RuntimeBase.DocumentUri
  object S0 extends S0Codecs

Isn't this nice.

Research Jsoniter for parsing

On the one hand, LSP spec has several places where raw JSON values are used - as data parameter to errors, for example, or in various LSPAny situations.

For those, I really like the super concise, unsafe ujson.Value that upickle provides, and I think it should stay.

Now, how that value is produced is another story:

  1. I struggle with upickle Scala 3 macros quite a bit
  2. Its handling of optional values is not exactly fitting for langoustine needs and requires invention of new types (Opt)
  3. A lot of manual construction of codecs takes place, which could be avoided

Additionally, jsonrpclib is already using jsoniter, so it would be good to align dependencies.

We need to see whether:

  1. Jsoniter macros require less maintenance
  2. We can output ujson's Value from jsoniter parsing
  3. It will be better

Codegen: Deprecated member's message shows up on the structure

e.g. in InitializeParams, the rootUri is deprecated. However, because of scaladoc magic, the deprecation is recognized on InitializeParams itself. This results in silly Scaladoc rendering:


At least it happens in metals (vscode) on hover of InitializePArams:


Open tracer browser automatically

As on some editors (looking at you, Neovim), it's sometimes impossible to click on the link that gets sent back

Also worth exploring augmenting the service info sent from the target LSP and adding to it

Tracer: save entire server history

Tracer already keeps the request-response interactions in memory, but we can render them to gzipped bytes and keep the compressed representation of entire sequence of requests up to a certain point.

The user should be able to select a point in the timeline and request a json file with all the requests/responses. User can select the format in which to receive the file:

  1. Requests only
  2. Responses only
  3. Requests and responses

For convenience, the tracer should also provide the exact curl command to run to get the same output.

Feature request: more convenient client calls?

Currently you can call clients like this:

      ShowMessageParams(MessageType.Info, "hello from badlang server!"),

it would be cool to do it this way:

      window.showMessage(ShowMessageParams(MessageType.Info, "hello from badlang server!")),

feels more DX-friendly because of the error messages:


vs the status quo:


I know this may be something that should be resolved in the language server / in dotty, but perhaps the single-parameter way will seem better for other reasons.

Provide a correctly configured logger in Langoustine app

Two things we want from a correctly configured Scribe logger:

  1. It only writes to stderr (on all platforms), because otherwise it screws up the jsonrpc protocol
  2. On Node.js, it uses ANSI colours where appropriate

Ideally we want to provide a def logger in LangoustineApp and all of its variants (so IO-based in LangoustineApp, unsafe in LangoustineApp.FromFuture) which is already pre-configured for the platform

"Keep alive" option

If you are investigating a server that is crashing (like I'm doing at this moment), it would be useful if Langoustine didn't shutdown with it.

Because we don't persist any data in memory on the client side, you immediately lose access to the logs/traces.

What I would like is

  1. A --keep-alive CLI option for the trace command, that will not shutdown the tracer if the child process is shut down
  2. A Keep alive toggle in the UI, which can enable the mode on an already running server (so you can enable it right before you perform an action that crashes your server)

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