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cf-plot's Issues

Remove dead code (as an anti-pattern)

We should remove any commented-out 'dead' code in the codebase (and going over it lately I have found a significant amount peppered about), which will live forever in the version control system so doesn't need to clog up the line count of the present code, even if those lines are important for some contextual reason.

Replace `Warning` usage with appropriate specific warnings

There are ~20 cases where a Warning is raised in the code:

$ pwd
$ git grep "raise Warning" | wc -l

These should be made more specific to categorise them, notably in most cases it seems from a quick look that they should each be upgraded to a UserWarning to make it clear it isn't something dodgy about the environment or code, but rather a message to the user about the context of cf-plot and the underlying matplotlib usage, etc.

Docs: point to Issue Tracker as location to raise queries

The current documentation has an 'Issues' page which states that user support queries should be sent as a email, directed previously to Andy and now to me at our institutional addresses, but we should instead advise these be raised on this Issue Tracker instead as a more open and systematic means for issue reporting and management.

In practice, this means replacing the text there, namely this and anything similar:

If you find a problem with cf-plot please email Sadie Bartholomew ([email protected]) with the following:

with a link to the tracker here.

Create and add 'Cheat Sheet' to extend cf-python one

It would be nice to have a Cheat Sheet document to summarise important function calls and outputs and in general the utility of cf-plot.

We currently have a fantastic one for cf-python, and that has the benefit of working both in online format and as a printed document. I suggest we design our Cheat sheet' so that it extends the cf-python one to showcase the plotting capability with cf-plot after set up with cf-python as per the cf-python Cheat Sheet. If we can create an identical page format, then the cf-plot cheat sheet can also be printed out and sit alongside the cf-python one to form an overall cf* NCAS Data Tools Cheat Sheet that is twice the size but the individual documents can also work standalone.

Remove duplicate README

There are currently two files with the filename README in the root of the repository, one with .txt and one with .md as extensions. We should remove one, as having two in the repository root is confusing and only one gets rendered on the library homepage.

I prefer keeping the markdown file, since it means we can have rich text formatting unlike with pure text and also that file is older (9 years according to the commit history).

Problem plotting timeseries with large mean but small range

Hi Andy,

Just a minor issue I've had with plotting ocean salinity timeseries. These typically have a mean of ~34 but very small (<0.001) variations about that mean. lineplot fails when I attempt to plot this (see attached example).

[dlrhodso@sci1 monitoring]$ ./ 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 10, in <module>
  File "/apps/jasmin/jaspy/miniconda_envs/jaspy3.8/m3-4.9.2/envs/jaspy3.8-m3-4.9.2-r20211105/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cfplot/", line 6690, in lineplot
    yticks, ymult = gvals(dmin=miny, dmax=maxy, mod=mod)
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

The problem seems to be around line 3227 in cf_plot ie gvals()

    # Modify if requested or if out of range 0.001 to 2000000
    if data_range < 0.001:
        while dmax1 <= 3:
            dmin1 = dmin1 * 10.0
            dmax1 = dmax1 * 10.0
            data_range = dmax1 - dmin1
            mult = mult - 1

for the salinity data data_range is 0.0004 but the line while dmax1 <= 3: is skipped over, because dmax1 is ~34.

If I replace while dmax1 <= 3: with while data_range < 0.001: this bug is fixed!

It's a minor issue that will probably only affect a few ocean folk, but thought I'd mention it!

New minimum version of `matplotlib`

Hi @sadielbartholomew

It has been seen that sometimes cfplot seg faults for some versions of matplotlib when esmpy is also installed.

E.g., for me, esmpy==8.6.0 and matplotlib==3.8.0

I have found, however, that matplotlib==3.8.3 works with various versions of esmpy. So, could we make that the new minimum version requirement?


Apply code style standards systematically e.g. with `black`

Currently the codebase does not conform to PEP8 (and aligned) style conventions which are standard for Python code, for example it makes heavy use of old-style string formatting and has a large amount of trailing whitespace.

To avoid spending unnecessary time and effort to conform by such formatting, we should use a tool like black which will auto-format in a precise and absolute way as an extension of PEP8.

We can then use linters including pre-commit hooks to ensure that the style continues to abide by those standards (amongst other verifications).

Add `` build to 'Older documentation' page

During #34, it was realised it would be useful and pertinent to add a link to Andy's built documentation (for v3.3.0) to the 'Older documentation' page, as a link to the final generated copy under his user space, for persistency and to preserve the history, now that we have moved the docs to live under the NCAS-CMS GitHub user/org space.

`gclose` shows no view when `gopen` is called with `file` set

The gclose parameter view fails to behave correctly, notably to produce a graphical display window showing the relevant plot when defaulting or set to True or equivalent, only in the case that a gopen call with a set file file name has been provided (a parameter-free gopen() exhibits correct view behaviour). As the below example shows, this affects future calls to gclose, even when another gopen is called between.

Minimal reproducer

Running the below short script shows no graphical window display with the plots, when it should produce two separately from both calls to gopen because the default is view=True and (to double check) when setting that manually nothing changes. Note though that when we remove the file="delme.png" specification to the first gopen call, both plots then are displayed. (Either way, the plots are still saved correctly, just not displayed to the user, as requested from the view parameter.)

PATH_TO_DATASETS = "~/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot_data"

# Use this import order to avoid seg fault RE ESMF/matplotlib interfacing
import cfplot as cfp
import cf

# Using docs 'Example 1 - basic cylindrical projection' to illustrate issue
cfp.gopen(file="delme.png")  # without file=<name> set, viewing works"{PATH_TO_DATASETS}/")[0]

cfp.gopen()  # even if file=<name> set is not set here, view fails still"{PATH_TO_DATASETS}/")[0]
cfp.gclose(view=True)  # try re-stating the default, still viewing won't work

colorbar_position not working in 3.2.0

colorbar_position is broken (for some use cases at least) in 3.2.0

Test case:

data file attached (<1MB, but in a zip file because GitHub doesn't allow attaching .nc directly):

Broken example (paths redacted in error message):

>>> import cf
>>> cf.__version__
>>> import cfplot as cfp
>>> cfp.__version__
>>> f
<CF Field: eastward_wind(time(1), pressure(1), latitude(160), longitude(320)) m s**-1>
>>> cfp.con(f, colorbar_position=[0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.02])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/path/to/cfplot/", line 1029, in con
    cbar(labels=cbar_labels, orientation=cb_orient, position=colorbar_position,
  File "/path/to/cfplot/", line 8256, in cbar
    colorbar = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=cmap,
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ax1' referenced before assignment

Working example (same code, earlier cfplot version - also a different cf version but guessing that this is unimportant):

>>> import cf
>>> cf.__version__
>>> import cfplot as cfp
>>> cfp.__version__
>>> f
<CF Field: eastward_wind(time(1), pressure(1), latitude(160), longitude(320)) m s**-1>
>>> cfp.con(f, colorbar_position=[0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.02])


Populate single top-level change log from 'Planned releases' pages

There are pages that document the per-release change history of cf-plot, namely from a landing page entitled 'Planned releases', but in my opinion they are too hidden away from anyone that might to see these from the repository homepage and also the title is misleading since these releases have already been made.

Therefore we should translate the information about changes on these pages onto one single stand-alone file which documents the full change history, with the standard name of 'change log'.

Note there is a file 'CHANGES.txt' in the root of the repository, which fits the requirements here, though it only has one entry with the last commit from over 12 years ago.

I propose we rename and update this as the location of the proposed lone change log, purely to preserve the timestamp of 12 years' worth of development (even if some early detail will be missing!).

Distribution-specific files: remove from repo & add to `.gitignore`

Some distribution-related files have been committed previously to the top level of the repository, but these aren't useful for anything and could quite actively confuse package managers if the repo is cloned. At present they just bloat the repo, so should be removed. These are:

  • the whole cf_plot.egg-info directory;
  • the MANIFEST file, but not the file which is important to identify what gets included in the distribution.

Support 3D plotting through interface to e.g. `GeoVista`

At present, cf-plot only supports two-dimensional plotting, by means of interfacing with the Cartopy and matplotlib libraries.

However, as a long-term goal, a feature that would be really useful to users would be to also support 3D plotting. This would be very time-consuming and complex to develop from scratch, but if we interface with libraries which support 3D cartographic plots, this can do the heavy lifting, and as with the 2D case we then provide an interface on top of that to handle metadata considerations and such and consolidate the set-up using our own API.

Such a library that looks very promising in this respect is GeoVista. It looks like it is still under-development (pre-v1.0 and placeholder docs) but once this looks more mature we should get in touch with the developers to investigate ways forward towards the goal of supporting 3D plotting. There may also be other libraries that would work, so we should explore the ecosystem for anything relevant.

Flesh out optional metadata in ``

We have a working file with basic metadata covering the essentials, but I would like to add much more (optional) metadata to cover such important information as:

  • keywords and classifiers to tag the context of cf-plot;
  • constraints on the Python version required to run;
  • compatible OS platforms.

Docs: change (HTML) theme to one with light & dark mode toggle

Change the Sphinx docs browser-based (HTML-format build) theme from the 'classic' theme to a more modern one which allows the user to switch between light and dark modes.

This is for accessibility and readability purposes: for various reasons, some people will be able to engage much better with content on a dark(er) background. But this is also a personal feature request since I can get migraines and through experience know that lots of time spent looking at (dark text on) light backgrounds can in some cases trigger a migraine and since I'll be the (main) one developing the docs, it seems important to provide a means for me to view in a dark mode.

From the link above showcasing different themes, it looks like there are at least a few which support user configurability between light and dark modes, in this way.

Move (build infrastructure for) documentation to NCAS-CMS space

Transfer the full cf-plot documentation, as-is, and importantly wit the full capability to re-generate from source updates, from to a new home of, consistent with the other NCAS CF Data Tools libraries. This change is already promised under the current homepage:

Warning - these pages are static and will be removed at some stage in the future. The new location will be

Default colourbar `extend='max'` when minimum level or value is zero

cf-plot has an 'extend' keyword option to cbar, levs and to specific functions to enable or disable extension markers on each end of the displayed colour bar, which is set by default to be enabled at both ends:


Lines 8618 to 8619 in a325942

| extend = None - extensions for colorbar. The default is for extensions at
| both ends.

which produces colour bar ends like this (see red annotations):


However, in practice I have seen people show plots in presentations where the values plotted start at zero where the extension marker is still at the lower end. This made me think that we should update our default behaviour.

Namely, given very often when data values begin at 0(.0) that means the data in question doesn't make physical sense as a negative value, e.g. for a ratio or fraction such as albedo, for a vector magnitude such as wind magnitude, or for a scalar quantity such as mass which has no meaning in negative terms.

In these cases by default we still show the extension markers on the lower end, which is misleading data visualisation (and as much as the user should change this on the plot to correct it, often I have seen this hasn't been done - maybe they didn't have the time, or weren't aware that cf-plot allows one to configure this). In these cases, the colour bar should have extend='max' as the default behaviour, so that only the colour bar upper end gets the extension marker end:


(Note this would only be default behaviour, and can still be overridden by the user in case the range of possible values does extend below zero and they just happen to want to show the levels beginning with zero.)

Consolidate `setvars` setting of `plotvars` attributes

Similarly to #49, but more specifically, there is a long code block of logically-similar conditional setting which can and should be reduced down to three or so lines using setattr(), since the statements all have the same structure:


Lines 8275 to 8381 in efe94c7

if file is not None:
plotvars.file = file
# TODO SLB consolidate this long list of conditional setting!
if title_fontsize is not None:
plotvars.title_fontsize = title_fontsize
if axis_label_fontsize is not None:
plotvars.axis_label_fontsize = axis_label_fontsize
if continent_thickness is not None:
plotvars.continent_thickness = continent_thickness
if continent_color is not None:
plotvars.continent_color = continent_color
if continent_linestyle is not None:
plotvars.continent_linestyle = continent_linestyle
if text_fontsize is not None:
plotvars.text_fontsize = colorbar_fontsize
if colorbar_fontsize is not None:
plotvars.colorbar_fontsize = colorbar_fontsize
if text_fontweight is not None:
plotvars.text_fontweight = text_fontweight
if axis_label_fontweight is not None:
plotvars.axis_label_fontweight = axis_label_fontweight
if colorbar_fontweight is not None:
plotvars.colorbar_fontweight = colorbar_fontweight
if title_fontweight is not None:
plotvars.title_fontweight = title_fontweight
if viewer is not None:
plotvars.viewer = viewer
if tspace_year is not None:
plotvars.tspace_year = tspace_year
if tspace_month is not None:
plotvars.tspace_month = tspace_month
if tspace_day is not None:
plotvars.tspace_day = tspace_day
if tspace_hour is not None:
plotvars.tspace_hour = tspace_hour
if xtick_label_rotation is not None:
plotvars.xtick_label_rotation = xtick_label_rotation
if xtick_label_align is not None:
plotvars.xtick_label_align = xtick_label_align
if ytick_label_rotation is not None:
plotvars.ytick_label_rotation = ytick_label_rotation
if ytick_label_align is not None:
plotvars.ytick_label_align = ytick_label_align
if legend_text_size is not None:
plotvars.legend_text_size = legend_text_size
if legend_text_weight is not None:
plotvars.legend_text_weight = legend_text_weight
if cs_uniform is not None:
plotvars.cs_uniform = cs_uniform
if master_title is not None:
plotvars.master_title = master_title
if master_title_location is not None:
plotvars.master_title_location = master_title_location
if master_title_fontsize is not None:
plotvars.master_title_fontsize = master_title_fontsize
if master_title_fontweight is not None:
plotvars.master_title_fontweight = master_title_fontweight
if dpi is not None:
plotvars.dpi = dpi
if land_color is not None:
plotvars.land_color = land_color
if ocean_color is not None:
plotvars.ocean_color = ocean_color
if lake_color is not None:
plotvars.lake_color = lake_color
if feature_zorder is not None:
plotvars.feature_zorder = 999
if rotated_grid_spacing is not None:
plotvars.rotated_grid_spacing = rotated_grid_spacing
if rotated_deg_spacing is not None:
plotvars.rotated_deg_spacing = rotated_deg_spacing
if rotated_grid_thickness is not None:
plotvars.rotated_grid_thickness = rotated_grid_thickness
if rotated_continents is not None:
plotvars.rotated_continents = rotated_continents
if rotated_grid is not None:
plotvars.rotated_grid = rotated_grid
if rotated_labels is not None:
plotvars.rotated_labels = rotated_labels
if legend_frame is not None:
plotvars.legend_frame = legend_frame
if legend_frame_edge_color is not None:
plotvars.legend_frame_edge_color = legend_frame_edge_color
if legend_frame_face_color is not None:
plotvars.legend_frame_face_color = legend_frame_face_color
if degsym is not None:
plotvars.degsym = degsym
if axis_width is not None:
plotvars.axis_width = axis_width
if grid is not None:
plotvars.grid = grid
if grid_x_spacing is not None:
plotvars.grid_x_spacing = grid_x_spacing
if grid_y_spacing is not None:
plotvars.grid_y_spacing = grid_y_spacing
if grid_colour is not None:
plotvars.grid_colour = grid_colour
if grid_linestyle is not None:
plotvars.grid_linestyle = grid_linestyle
if grid_thickness is not None:
plotvars.grid_thickness = grid_thickness
if grid_zorder is not None:
plotvars.grid_zorder = grid_zorder
if tight is not None:
plotvars.tight = tight
if level_spacing is not None:
plotvars.level_spacing = level_spacing

Standalone (functional/non-visual) unit tests to cover full API

There are basic tests covering a limited subset of routines contained in a method regression_tests in the main module, at present, though I am told these haven't been run for many years:


Lines 7573 to 7578 in b0333d6

def regression_tests():
| Test for cf-plot regressions
| Run through some standard levs, gvals, lon and lat labelling
| Make all the gallery plots and use Imagemagick to display them
| alongside a reference plot

These should be moved out to a dedicated testing module and the coverage increasing greatly to ensure all functions are checked across the cf-plot API.

Naturally, many functions produce visual output, where image-comparison checks against correct intended outputs are the robust means to test the core functionality. This is slightly more complicated and different with respect to setup, and therefore will be covered in another issue, however in these cases under this scope we can at least test that relevant calls to functions run without error to produce some image which opens successfully in a matplotlib window.

Configure GitHub Actions for CI to run testsing and linting etc.

We should set up some form of Continuous integration to run tests and linting on different operating systems and with different Python versions, for example, to streamline and corroborate our workflows.

I advise we use GitHub Actions since it is free to use, very powerful and mature with great documentation, and I have plenty of experience in using it.

Docs: work through & fix Sphinx build warnings (& occasional error)

In #34 it was noticed the current docs source material contains numerous issues that throw warnings in the Sphinx build, which should be worked through and remedied. Some of these are indicative of issues in the code itself and not just documentation-related, which are the priority to fix, though it is probably simplest to aim to fix them all at once and if any emerge as more difficult to fix, raise a separate Issue to address later.

Specific issues, copied from console build process resulting in update from #34

$ make html                                                                   โ”€โ•ฏ
python3 -m sphinx -b html -d ../build/doctrees   . ../build
Running Sphinx v7.2.6
[autosummary] generating autosummary for: add_cyclic.rst, advanced.rst, axes.rst, axes_plot.rst, bfill.rst, calculate_levels.rst, cbar.rst, cf_data_assign.rst, cf_var_name.rst, check_data.rst, ..., version_2.2.rst, version_2.3.rst, version_2.4.rst, version_3.0.rst, version_3.1.rst, version_3.2.rst, version_3.3.rst, versions.rst, vloc.rst, wrf.rst
building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
writing output... 
building [html]: targets for 88 source files that are out of date
updating environment: [new config] 88 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%] wrf
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/advanced.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/cbar.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.cf_var_name:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.cf_var_name:17: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/colour_scales.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/con.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.con:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/cscale.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.cscale:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.cscale_get_map:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.cscale_get_map:8: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/cylindrical.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/download.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.find_pos_in_array:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.find_pos_in_array:13: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/gclose.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/gopen.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/gpos.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/graphs.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/gset.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/hovmuller.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/hovmuller.rst:6: WARNING: Title underline too short.

Example 10 - latitude-time
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/internal_routines.rst:4: WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document 'timeaxis'
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/levs.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/lineplot.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.mapaxis:11: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/mapset.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/multiple_plots.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.ndecs:7: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/polar.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.polar_regular_grid:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.polar_regular_grid:14: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/pressure.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.process_color_scales:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.process_color_scales:15: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/projections.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.regrid:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.regrid:12: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/reset.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.reset:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.reset:11: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.rgaxes:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.rgaxes:20: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/rotated_pole.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/rotated_pole.rst:32: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.set_map:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.set_map:12: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/setvars.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.setvars:32: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.setvars:67: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/stipple.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.stipple:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.stipple:21: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/stipple_plots.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/stipple_plots.rst:3: WARNING: duplicate label stipple, other instance in /home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/stipple.rst
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.stipple_points:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.stipple_points:16: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.supscr:8: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/training.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/traj.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/trajectories.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/trajectories.rst:140: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/unstructured.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/user_defined.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/user_guide.rst:476: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/user_guide.rst:485: WARNING: Inline substitution_reference start-string without end-string.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/user_guide.rst:1146: ERROR: Unknown target name: "colorbar".
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/user_guide.rst:585: WARNING: duplicate label trajectories, other instance in /home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/trajectories.rst
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/user_guide.rst:664: WARNING: duplicate label graphs, other instance in /home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/graphs.rst
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/vect.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.vect:2: WARNING: Line block ends without a blank line.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.vect:62: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/vectors.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.5.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.6.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.7.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.8.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.9.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.0.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.1.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.1.rst:49: ERROR: Error in "image" directive:
no content permitted.

.. image::  images/scale1_original.png
   :scale: 52%


/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.1.rst:94: ERROR: Error in "image" directive:
no content permitted.

.. image::  images/cm.png
   :scale: 52%


/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.1.rst:160: ERROR: Error in "image" directive:
no content permitted.

.. image::  images/colourscales/BrBG.png
   :scale: 52%


/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.2.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.3.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.4.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.0.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.1.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.1.rst:92: WARNING: Title underline too short.

10. cfp.gpos(1) causes stray box lines
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.1.rst:92: WARNING: Title underline too short.

10. cfp.gpos(1) causes stray box lines
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.1.rst:218: WARNING: Title underline too short.

19. cfp.con - improved Z axis detection
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.1.rst:218: WARNING: Title underline too short.

19. cfp.con - improved Z axis detection
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.2.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.2.rst:182: WARNING: Title underline too short.

14. cfp.con - ugrid keyword changed to irregular
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.2.rst:182: WARNING: Title underline too short.

14. cfp.con - ugrid keyword changed to irregular
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.3.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/cfplot/ of cfplot.vloc:12: WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/wrf.rst:2: WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... /home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/advanced.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/colour_scales.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/cylindrical.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/download.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/gallery.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
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/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/hovmuller.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/internal_routines.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/issues.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/license.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/multiple_plots.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/older_documentation.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/polar.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/pressure.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/projections.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/rotated_pole.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/routines.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/stipple_plots.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/training.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/trajectories.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/unstructured.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/user_defined.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/user_guide.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/vectors.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version3_changes.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.3.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.5.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.6.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.7.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.8.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_1.9.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.0.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.1.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.2.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.3.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_2.4.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.0.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.1.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.2.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/version_3.3.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
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/home/slb93/git-repos/cf-plot/docs/source/wrf.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree

Leading underscores for objects intended only for internal use

There are numerous functions marked, in their docstring, with the statement "This is an internal routine and is not used by the user." e.g:


Lines 3891 to 3894 in b0333d6

def check_data(field=None, x=None, y=None):
| check_data - check user input contour data is correct.
| This is an internal routine and is not used by the user.

It would be ideal, for clarity to developers, to follow tradition and rename these all so they have leading underscores in their names.

Add logging to improve upon `if verbose: print(<msg>)` statments

Use the Python built-in logging module to manage messaging to the user, in particular to add finer configurable granularity of detail and/or severity of said messages, and consolidate the code so that it doesn't have to wrap anything to print with if verbose statements, like so:


Lines 1122 to 1128 in a325942

if verbose:
if ptype == 2:
print('con - making a latitude-pressure plot')
if ptype == 3:
print('con - making a longitude-pressure plot')
if ptype == 7:
print('con - making a time-pressure plot')

As with cf-python, I think it would be useful also here to add another level as a custom one to extend the five provided, which indicates extra detail as opposed to just increased severity (see

Stipple plot call failure with `AttributeError` due to `NoneType` `mymap`

A pair of users have reported, for the same dataset, that the stipple method is erroring as follows:

cfp.stipple(g, min=0.2, max=0.9, size=100, color='#00ff00')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/share/apps/NCAS/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cfplot/", line 4227, in stipple
    plotvars.mymap.scatter(xnew[valid_points], ynew[valid_points],
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'scatter'

I have asked for further details and will note anything significant on this thread; the specific case in which this emerges is still under investigation.

Convert docstrings into standard (propose Google) docstring format

Presently the docstrings in the codebase are in some format I do not recognise, so we should convert them into a standardised format that is recognised by the Sphinx docs builder.

Since cf-python uses a format closely aligned with the Google standard, it makes sense to be consistent with that and to use the same, so that is my choice unless anyone has any objections.

Apply systematic error checking with linter e.g. `flake8` or `ruff`

As well as linting to ensure proper agreed code style (see #16), we should also use some tool to lint for detectable errors such a syntax errors and undefined variables that may not be picked up by testing. Tools that do this include flake8 and ruff.

When this is included, we should run these linter(s) as (part of) regular CI jobs.

Consistent string formatting, esp. update long string creation via `+=`

After #45, where auto-formatting was applied to abide by PEP8, I notice we are still left with numerous cases of strings, often longer and/or inclusive of variable string-representation reporting, which are formatted in a mixture of ways:


Lines 742 to 745 in 7164605

errstr = "\n\ncfp.con error need a 1 or 2 dimensional field to contour\n"
errstr += (
"received " + str(np.squeeze( + " dimensions\n\n"

and/or using variable iterative appending, e.g:


Lines 1642 to 1655 in 7164605

errstr = "\ncf-plot - data error \n"
errstr += "data needs a vertical coordinate direction"
errstr += " as required in CF data conventions"
errstr += (
"\nMaking a contour plot assuming positive is down\n\n"
errstr += (
"If this is incorrect the data needs to be modified to \n"
errstr += (
"include a correct value for the direction attribute\n"
errstr += "such as in f.coord('Z').positive='down'"
errstr += "\n\n"

which can be replaced by wrapping in parentheses and stating each component on a new line, where they will automatically be merged into one.

We should convert these so they use a consistent formatting, for all but cases where there is a clear reason to use a different approach e.g. clarity when { is needed in the string. Since it is used throughout cf-python and is what am most familiar with, I will use f-string formatting, where we can prefer .format as a second choice if there's a reason f-string aren't clear for a given case. We should therefore remove all cases of old-style/% formatting.

Image comparison testing for all functions producing visual output

In addition to standard unit tests for functionality, we should set up testing which checks that images produced by routines with visual output are a precise match to a reference image known to be correct, for a wide coverage of applicable inputs.

In the codebase there are currently some limited tests of this description, which use ImageMagick to compare outputs with reference images. The coverage of these tests should be increased, but first I propose to change the means for image comparison.

User messaging: remove (excessive) use of manual line breaking

Follow-on work noticed during #47:

there are lots of new-line characters peppered about the strings especially for user messages, which I will remove (they are not useful since users will be viewing these on terminals or IDEs or similar of variable width where standard line wrapping will apply for readability, and these custom new lines could cause weird gaps and wrapping issues)

Modularise cf-plot codebase

Currently the vast majority of the code is contained in one file,, which as a consequence is over 10,000 lines long and difficult to follow, manage and navigate. It would be much better to split this into separate files in a modular hierarchy based on functionality and natural groupings of objects, etc.

I will come up with a plan for what I see is the most appropriate modularisation for cf-plot shortly and post it here as a proposal, before undertaking the work.

Python 3 compatibility?

Are there any plans to support Python 3 in the near future?

And with the upcoming API changes in CF-Python 3, will these be supported as well?

At the moment, I've forked the CF-Plot repository and converted the code as good as possible to Python 3 and the new CF-Python API, but as I'm not familiar with the CF-Plot code base, this attempt is likely lacking, and just a poor-man's attempt at providing support for some colleagues that want to try and use CF-Plot with Python 3.

Consolidate `else`/`if` conditional logic

There are lots of locations in the code I have noticed where the conditional if/else logic can be streamlined or improved, so it flows more intuitively and reduces the need for extra levels of indentation, etc.

This is both in the sense of direct small-scale conversions, for example, there is a whole similar block that can be reduced with elif statements here:


Lines 8967 to 8990 in efe94c7

# Use accumulated plot limits if making a multiple line plot
if plotvars.graph_xmin is None:
plotvars.graph_xmin = minx
if minx < plotvars.graph_xmin:
plotvars.graph_xmin = minx
if plotvars.graph_xmax is None:
plotvars.graph_xmax = maxx
if maxx > plotvars.graph_xmax:
plotvars.graph_xmax = maxx
if plotvars.graph_ymin is None:
plotvars.graph_ymin = miny
if miny < plotvars.graph_ymin:
plotvars.graph_ymin = miny
if plotvars.graph_ymax is None:
plotvars.graph_ymax = maxy
if maxy > plotvars.graph_ymax:
plotvars.graph_ymax = maxy

as well as larger-scale changes to the conditional structure. All of which should not change the behaviour of the code in any way, only its implementation, to make it easier to work with and develop on top of.

Flesh out README with useful information and showcase of plots

The README is very bare at the moment. We should populate it with plenty of information, for example quoting from the GitHub documentation page on READMEs:

A README is often the first item a visitor will see when visiting your repository. README files typically include information on:

What the project does
Why the project is useful
How users can get started with the project
Where users can get help with your project
Who maintains and contributes to the project

In particular I would like to include some images and links, notably showcasing some nice plots that cf-plot can make, and linking and advertising cf-python as the underlying data analysis tool.

Populate `.gitignore` from Python template

As alluded to in #37, the .gitignore is presently very bare and many files need to be manually ignored when staging for a commit. The simplest way to get a more useful .gitignore without having to think much about what needs to be added, is to copy one from a pre-populated Python template, for example as provided by GitHub itself (now an option when you create a repo to add it, but it wasn't back in the day...) i.e. the file here.

Notably though, from looking at this template I would also like to customise it a little, e.g. to:

  • add Sphinx artefacts to be ignored, such as the .rst.txt under /build/_sources/*,
  • add data files (mostly netCDF), which we shouldn't generally touch, but might want to play around with for testing and end up writing over with edits, therefore would be good to include to ignore.

Upgrade some `Warning` cases to `Exception` cases

Further to #22, it appears to me that some warnings raised would be more appropriate as being fatal, hence should be upgraded to errors. Therefore, when we systematically go through all the Warning cases, we should also consider if an error is more appropriate and if so, convert to some specific Exception.

New `matplotlib.testing.decorators`-based approach to image tests

As well as extending the coverage of image comparison tests I propose to change the approach to doing these comparisons (see #13 for details and the current method), namely to instead use a framework for the underlying image comparison infrastructure already set up and utilised by Matplotlib for the comparison, namely the module with methods such as compare_images

Reasons this would be a useful change include that:

include example file

The example in the cf-plot docs assume that the user has access to the example file on the Reading systems. It might be worth producing a small example netCDF file (with some heavy subsetting, just big enough to produce a plot), and including it in the distribution, with the docs changed to refer to it. Thanks.

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