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vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit's Introduction

=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: vektor-inc,kurudrive,nc30,SaoriMiyazaki,catherine8007,naoki0h
Donate link:
Tags: Google Analytics, New posts, Related Posts, sitemap, sns, twitter card, Facebook Page Plugin, OG tags,
Requires at least: 5.0.0
Tested up to: 5.3.2
Stable tag:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web site.

== Description ==

This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web site.

Many features can be stopped individually.

[ Powerful Widgets ]

* Recent Posts - display the link text and the date of the latest article title.
* Page content to widget - display the contents of the page to the widgets.
* Profile - display the profile entered in the widget.
* FB Page Plugin - display the Facebook Page Plugin.
* 3PR area - display the 3PR area.
* PR Blocks - display the PR Blocks.
* Categories/tags list - Displays a categories, tags or format list.
* Archive list - Displays a list of archives. You can choose the post type and also to display archives by month or by year.
* Facebook Page Plugin widget
* Image Banner widget
* Text Button widget
* Contact Button widget

[ Gutenberg Blocks ]

* Staff
* Alert
* Faq
* balloon
* Flow
* Button
* PR Blocks
* PR Content
* Title(with sub text)
* Responsive Spacer

[ Gutenberg core blocks extend ]

* Title
* Image
* List
* Group

[ Social media ]

* Print Social Bookmarks
* Print OG Tags
* Print Twitter Card Tags

[ Others ]

* Print Google Analytics tag
* Print meta keyword tag
* Print meta description tag
* Rewrite the title tag
* Insert Related Posts
* Insert Call to action
* Insert Child page List to page
* Insert Page list from ancestor
* Insert Auto HTML Site Map
* Automatic Eye Catch insert
* Custom post type and custom taxonomy manager

and more.

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


1. Upload `plugin-name.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Screenshots ==

1. Feature can be stopped individually.
2. This is an example of SNS cooperation setting screen.

== Changelog ==

= =
[ Specification change ] load ExUnit css and block css on header from footer

= =
[ Specification change ] load ExUnit css on footer from header

= =
[ Specification change ] load block css awesome on footer from header
[ Specification change ] load font awesome on footer from header

= =
[ Design Tuning ] Add margin bottom of Related Posts

= =
[ Design Tuning ] Add margin bottom to share button

= =
vk blocks 0.17.6 update

= =
Deploy setting

= =
vk blocks 0.17.2 update

= =
[ Bugfix ][ content widget ] Cope with title style from block.

= =
[ Add function ][ Block ] Core block style expand

= =
[ Bugfix ] Use with VK Post Author Display bug fix

= =
[ Specification change ] ファイル階層一部変更

= =
[ library update ] library update

= =
[ bug fix ][ vk blocks ] WP 5.3 column bug fix
[ bug fix ][ SNS ] Facebook OG size first load

= =
[ bug fix ][ New Posts Widget ] Term display
[ bug fix ][ Related Posts ] Lightning BS4 Layout

= =
[ bug fix ] Chrome metabox position fix

= =
[ Specification change ][ HTML SiteMap ] Change class name.

= =
[ Specification change ][ HTML SiteMap ] Add class name.
[ bug fix ][ HTML SiteMap ] PHP undefined error

= =
[ Add function ][ HTML SiteMap ] Exclude post type
[ Specification change ][ HTML SiteMap ] Abolished hidden page setting on ExUnit Main Setting Page.
[ bug fix ] metabox display

= =
[ Specification change ][ font awesome ] 5.6 -> 5.10.1
[ bug fix ] metabox display

= =
Chhhange requires at least: 5.1.0

= =
[ Bug fix ][ font awesome ] css and js path bug fix

= =
[ Specification change ][ Child Page list / Page list from ancestor / contact section ] CSS priority change

= =
Merely Version Change

= Beta ) =
[ Bug fix ][ admin information ] Bug fix of setting page on english version

= Beta ) =
[ Bug fix ][ VK Blocks ][ title ] no style bug fix

= Beta ) =
[ Bug fix ][ VK Blocks ][ baloon ] mobile layout bug fix

= Beta ) =
[ Add Function ][ VK Blocks ] Add marker

= Beta ) =
[ Bugfix ][ OG title ] When front-page that to be single page title, not blog name bug fixed.

= Beta ) =
[ Desing tuning ] customize panel design tuning

= 9.3.1( Beta ) =
[ Bug fix ][ title ] Save bug fix
[ Bug fix ][ smooth scroll ] wooCommerce error fix

= 9.3.0( Beta ) =
[ Add function ][ VK Blocks ] Add table of contents block ( pro version )

= Beta ) =
Restore version 9

= 9.1.3(8.3.1) =
add GitHub information

= 9.1.2(8.3.1) =
Back version to 8.3.1

= 9.1.1 =
[ Delete function ] test version update checker.

= 9.1.1 =
[ Delete function ] test version update checker.

= 9.1.0 =
[ Delete function ] test version update checker.

= 9.0.7 =
[ Specification change ][ New Posts Widget ] Change title escape wp_kses().

= 9.0.6 =
[ bug fix ] Can not access ExUnit admin page bug fix.

= 9.0.3 =
[ Admin ][ CSS Tuning ] metabox css tuning.

= 9.0.2 =
[ Specification change ][ SNS Button ] Change css priority.

= 9.0.1 =
[ bug fix ] Post Author Display Bug fix

= 8.9.4 =
[ Specification change ][ VK Blocks ][ Staff ] font style tuning.

= 8.9.3 =
[ Specification change ][ VK Blocks ][ Staff ] Change H tag and deal with Lightning 1 column template.

= 8.9.2 =
[ Bug fix ][ VK Blocks ] Load block failed.

= 8.9.1 =
[ Bug fix ][ Block ][ title ] When title margin set that Title align not work.

= 8.9.0 =
[ Add function ][VK Blocks][Add New Block] Staff Block

= 8.4.0 =
[ Specification change ] marge meta box & refactaring

= 8.4.0 =
[ Specification change ] marge meta box & refactaring
[ Add Function ] Add no index tag setting.

= 8.3.2 =
[ Add Function ] Add beta tester.

= 8.3.1 =
[ Design tuning ][ SNS Button ] Insert sns btns to before content

= 8.3.0 =
[ Add function ][ SNS Button ] Insert sns btns to before content

= 8.2.0 =
[ Child Page index ][ Add filter ] veu_childPage_list_read_more_txt
[ Specification change ][ textdomain ] step to GlotPress

= 8.1.3 =
[ bugfix ][ insert ads ] can't remove post type check box

= 8.1.2 =
[ bugfix ][ new-posts-widget ] Undefined variable error fixed

= 8.1.1 =
[ bug fix ] sns title custom value do not save bug fix

= 8.1.0 =
[ Specification change ][ OG title custom ] Add custom post type support.

= 8.0.7 =
[ Specification change ][ Auto Eye Catch ] Change hook name

= 8.0.6 =
[ Specification change ][ Auto Eye Catch ] AAdd post type filter hook

= 8.0.5 =
[ Bug fix ][ main setting page ] Admin page image uploader select button not transrated

= 8.0.4 =
[ Bug fix ][ main setting page ] media uploader bug fix ( Cope with main setting page suffix changed )

= 8.0.3 =
[ Bug fix ][ template-tags ][ vk get_post_type ] no post bug fix
[ Specification change ][ template-tags ][ meta description ] escape & add_filter

= 8.0.2 =
[ Other ][ dashboard ] Add Link banner

= 8.0.0 =
[ Bug fix ][ PR Blocks ] When link url not set that no print a Tags
[ Specification change ][ PR Blocks ] Change outer tag article to div
[ Specification change ][ PR Blocks ] Change h1 tag to h3 tag

= 7.9.1 =
[ Bug fix ][ CSS Customize ] encode bug fix

= 7.9.0 =
[ Add Function][ Add Insert ] Google Auto Ads
[ Bug fix ][ smooth scroll ] Anchor link header fix offset

= 7.8.0 =
[ Add New Block ][ VK Blocks ] Title
[ Add New Block ][ VK Blocks ] Responsive Spacer
[ Bug fix ][ VK Blocks ][ Outer ] FireFox and Eddge design fix
[ Add Function][ VK Blocks ][ Outer ] Add link id setting

= 7.7.4 =
* [ Specification change ][ Contact section ] Tel icon default setting.

= 7.7.3 =
* [ Design tuning ][ Contact section ] Tel icon position tuning.

= 7.7.2 =
* [ Bug fix ][ VK Blocks ][ outer ] Lightning Pro theme(No child) no work bug fix

= 7.7.1 =
* [Bug fix][ VK Blocks ][ outer ] Child theme no work bug fix

= 7.7.0 =
* [ Add function ][ CTA ] Add content field free layout function
* [ Add function ][ New post widget ] Add default thumbnail function

= 7.6.0 =
* [ Add function ][ VK Blocks ][ Outer ] Add border setting function.

= 7.5.0 =
* [ Add function ][ VK Blocks ] Add Outer & PR Content block.

= 7.4.0 =
* [ Bug fix ][ Nav menu ] Default permalink bug fix
* [ Specification change ][ smooth scroll ] This function can be off by user.

= 7.3.1 =
* [ Bug fix ] Nav menu class custom.

= 7.3.0 =
* [ Add function ] Nav menu class custom.

= 7.2.0 =
* [ Add function ] Add body class.

= 7.1.0 =
* [ Add function ][ VK Blocks ] Add Button & PR Blocks block.

= 7.0.2 =
* [ bug fix ][ Site Map ] Excrude no show ui taxonomy.

= 7.0.1 =
* [ bug fix ][ Page Top Button ] js error fixed.

= 7.0.0 =
* [ Specification change ][ vk_get_page_description ] delete do_shortcode 6 movt escape point.
* [ Specification change ][ Page Top Button ] Change system.
* [ Specification change ][ Site Map ] Add Post type class to print html.
* [ Specification change ][ CTA ] Add id to outer tag.
* [ Add function ][ Insert Ads  ] Add function of add Ads to custom post types.

= 6.11.0 =
* [ Specification change ][ PostTypeManager ] Change add action point 'init' to 'after_setup_theme'

= 6.10.0 =
* [ FontAwesome ] Version up to 5.6

= 6.9.2 =
* [ bug fix ][ vk blocks ] Fixed bug that becomes unusable in WordPress 5.0

= 6.9.0 =
* [ Specification change ][ VK Blocks ] Gutenberg Blocks Change css class name

= 6.8.0 =
* [ Add function ][ VK Blocks ] Add Gutenberg Blocks!

= 6.7.1 =
* [ Main Setting Page ][ Bug fix ] Media Upload bug fix

= 6.6.6 =
* [ Button Widget ][ Add Function ] Reflect the widget label
* [ Banner Widget ][ Add Function ] Reflect the widget label

= 6.6.3 =
* [ Profile Widget ][ bug fix ] Font Awesome 5 RSS icon bug fix
* [ PAGETOP BTN ] Change init name
* [ Font Awesome ] Change default version to 5

= 6.6.0 =
* [ Custom CSS ][ Add Function ] Singlur page custom css
* [ SNS Btn ][ bug fix ] No background count color fix

= 6.5.4 =
* [ veu_flowBox ][ bug fix ] Allow image 404 fix

= 6.5.3 =
* [ Page Top ][ bug fix ] Hover Pointer

= 6.5.1 =
* [ Follow Me ][ bug fix ] feedly btn image url http to https.
* [ Page Top ][ Specification change ] Abolish Font Awesome and change to original image loading.
* [ FontAwesome ] delete old files

= 6.4.0 =
* [ Font Awesome ] Corresponding to Font Awesome 5.0

= 6.3.0 =
* [ GA ] add gtag.js setting

= 6.2.2 =
* [ GA ][ bug fix ] customize error fix

= 6.2.0 =
* [ SNS ][ Follow Me Section ] Change design
* [ SNS ][ Add function ] Add customizer setting

= 6.1.0 =
* [ Add Function ] Add Page Top Button
* [ Google Analytics ][ Add function ] Add customizer setting

= 6.0.0 =
* [ Add Widget ] Add Twitter Widget.
* [ Page Widget ][ Add function ] Improve the dropdown list order.

= 5.9.1 =
* [ bugfix ] php 7.2
* [ Design tuning ]

= 5.7.0 =
* [ SNS Button ][ Add function ] Add color setting & fill or outline
* [ Contact info widget ][ Add function ] New widget!!
* [ 3PR / PR Block ][ bug fix ] reload response improvement.
* [ Page Widget ][ Add function ] Can use child page index and ancestor page list display.

= 5.5.0 =
* [ Custom Post Type Manager ][ add Function ] Add taxonomy tag setting.

= 5.4.6 =
* [ CTA Widget ][ add function ] Random display

= 5.4.5 =
* [ 3PR Widget ][ add filter ] read more text

= 5.4.0 =
* [ Package Manager ][ Bug fix ] Image height fix
* [ Profile Widget ][ Add Function ] SNS Icon Color Change
* [ Profile Widget ][ Specification change ] Allow html tag
* [ Page Widget ][ Add Function ] Title text setting
* [ New Posts Widget ][ Add Function ] More Link Text setting
* [ CTA ][ Add Function ] Add Random display
* [ Taxonomy Widget ][ Add Function ] Select null post term hide

= 5.3.6 =
* [ Child Page List ][ Bug fix ] Image height fix

= 5.3.4 =
* [ Share Button ][ bug fix ] js error
* [ 3PR Area Widget ][ Bugfix ] Link open blank not work …
* [ Facebook Page Plugin ] Multilingual

= 5.2.4 =
* [ Bug fix ][ CTA Widget ] PHP notice

= 5.2.0 =
* [ Add Function ] PHP Version activate

= 5.1.0 =
* [ Add Function ][ Button Widget ] Button widget is now available!!
* [ Bug fix ][ Page Widget ] New Posts Widget PHP error fix

= 5.0.0 =
* [ Add Function ][ New Post Widget ] The display in the update date order is now available.
* [ Add Function ][ Banner Widget ] Banner widget is now available!!
* [ Add Function ][ Page Widget ] Allow Private post content display

= 4.7.0 =
* [ CTA ][ Add Function ]Add CTA Widget
* [ Contact info ][ Add Function ] Tel call link / html or image instead
* [ Main setting ][ bug fix ] image picker

= 4.6.0 =
* [ HTML Site Map ][ Bug fix ] Hidden no item taxonomy name.
* [ SNS Buttons ][ Add function ] Hide with specified post type
* [ Page List Ancestors ][ Design Tuning ]
* [ 3PR area ][ Design tuning ]
* [ Child Page Index ][ Specification change] Bootstrap dependence abolished.

= 4.5.0 =
* [ Add Function ][ PR Blocks Widget] Add PR Blocks Design type.

= 4.4.0 =
* [ Add Function ] Custom post type and custom taxonomy manager

= 4.3.9 =
* [ PR Block / 3PR Block ][ Design tuning ] Change summary line height.
* [ Contact section ][ Design tuning ] Fix break point of the text and btn.

= 4.3.8 =
* [ Bug fix ][ Page widget ] PHP notice

= 4.3.7 =
* [ Design Tuning ][ SNS Button ] Margin Tuning

= 4.3.3 =
* [ Design Tuning ] Related Posts / Profile widget

= 4.3.2 =
* [ Design Tuning ] Ancestor page list

= 4.3.1 =
* [ Other Tuning ] Improvement of RSS reading speed
* [ Specification change ] ! Change Admin RSS filter name

= 4.3.0 =
* [ Design Tuning ][ Ancester Page List ]
* [ Design Tuning ][ VK PR Blocks Widget ] Change break point
* [ Specification change ] Admin page common UI

= 4.2.2 =
* [ Bug fix ][ SNS button] Hide archive page

= 4.2.1 =
* [ Specification change ] Change the insert point(filter) of the content bottom item
* [ Specification change ] Change font awesome version
* [ Design bug fix ] page card size

= 4.1.0 =
* [ Add Function ][ Add Widget ] Child Page list
* [ Other ][ SNS Button ] Redesign

= 4.0.0 =

* [ Add Function ][ Insert Ads ] Add insert ads before contents
* [ Specification change ][ SNS Button ] Redesign

= 3.9.1 =
* [ bug fix ][ titile tag ]

= 3.9.0 =
* [ Add Function ][ title tag ] The ability to customize the title tag of homepage.

= 3.8.2 =
* [ bug fix ][ SNS Buttons ] ignore post id no work...

= 3.8.1 =
* [ bug fix ][ SNS Buttons ] ignore post id no work...

= 3.8.0 =
* [ Add Function ] Add TinyMCE Style Tags ( bootstrap buttons )
* [ Specification change ][ New post Widget ] add filter & action hooks.
* [ Specification change ][ PR Block Widget ] Change html markup.
* [ bug fix ] Corresponding to WordPress4.5.
* [ bug fix ][ Profile Widget ] markup bug fix.

= 3.7.10 =
* [ bug fix ] Archive Widget Link bug fix.

= 3.7.0 =
* [ Add function ] Insert Page list from ancestor.
* [ Specification change ][ Related post ] Change related logic.
* [ bug fix ][ Description ] Delete <br />
* [ bug fix ] php7

= 3.6.3 =
* [ bug fix( by twitter api Specification change) ] Stop display the tweet count.

= 3.6.2 =
* [ bug fix ] Child Page Index query

= 3.6.0 =
* [ Specification change ] Change home page title "site name → site name | side description"

= 3.5.3 =
* [ bug fix ] front page OGP

= 3.5.2 =
* [ bug fix ] SNS Button count SSL error
* [ bug fix ] Related post layout
* [ bug fix ] Function active setting

= 3.5.0 =
* [ Add function ] Add SNS Button count.

= 3.4.0 =
* [ Add function ] Add feedly button to Follow me section.

= 3.3.0 =
* [ Specification change ] Add classname "veu_" at Plugin output html.

= 3.2.0 =
* [ Specification change ] Change file name of css.

= 3.1.1 =
* [ bug fix ]

= 3.1.0 =
* [ Add functions ] Add new layout in the New posts widget.

= 3.0.0 =
* [ Add functions ] Add Contact Button Widget.
* [ Add functions ] Add Child Page List Widget.
* [ Specification change ] Change mark up of the widget.
* [ Specification change ] Change Setting Page UI.
* [ Specification change ] Change Related Post list logic.

= 2.3.0 =
* [ bug fix ] WordPress4.3 bug fix.
* [ Add functions ] Delete db options.

= 2.2.0 =
* [ Desgin tuning ] Change Child Page Index design.

= 2.1.0 =
* [ Add functions ] Insert CTA to contents.

= 2.0.0 =
* [ Add functions ] Insert Ads to contents.
* [ Add functions ] New PR Blocks Widget.
* [ Add functions ] Display contact infomation to contents of bottom.
* [ bug fix ] Translation leakage

= 1.0.0 =
* [ Add functions ] Insert ads to post contents.
* [ Add functions ] Heading of "Follow me box" can now be changed.
* [ Add functions ] Added the setting of share and OG page title.
* [ bug fix ] Translation leakage

= =
* Profile Widget bug fix.

= =
* Child Page Index page order bug fix.

= =
* Profile Widget & Child Page Index bug fix.

= =
* Add HTML auto sitemap.

= =
* bug fix

= =
* Add Archive widget.
* Add Category & Custom taxonomy widget.

= =
* Add page contents widget.
* Add favicon setting.
* Add Eyecatch image auto insert.
* Add Transration.

= =
* Some bug fix

= =
* Add Japanese transration

= =
* Setting page url bug fix

= =
* Hellow world

== Upgrade Notice ==


vk-all-in-one-expansion-unit's People


akari-doi avatar catherine87 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar goutetsuguma avatar hideokamoto avatar hinaloe avatar jim912 avatar kurudrive avatar naogify avatar nc30 avatar saorimiyazaki avatar shinichinishikawa avatar



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