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nats-streaming-operator's Introduction

NATS Streaming Operator

WARNING: Product reached end of life ⚠️

NATS Streaming reached its end of life.

It is no longer supported and has been replaced by Jetstream

JetStream is build into the NATS Server and supported by all major clients. Check examples here

nats-streaming-operator's People


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nats-streaming-operator's Issues

Run on Open Shift?

Could anybody share their experience with installing a NATS Streaming cluster on Open Shift or OKD?

Thank you

example NatsStreamingCluster with all available options

It would be helpful to have a NatsStreamingCluster example with all possible options just to see everything that is available.

For example in one of the examples it shows setting spec.config.storeDir. what other options are available here other than storeDir?

Support for config reloading

Similar to the NATS Operator, could look into whether feasible to have a sidecar for reloading the streaming server (though currently the NATS Streaming Server does not support reloading).

not stable

kubernets: v1.9.5
nats operator: latest
nats streaming operator: latest

after started nats cluster as the readme, everything seems fine, but when starting 3 stan pods using below command:

echo '
apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsStreamingCluster"
  name: "example-stan"
  size: 3
  natsSvc: "example-nats"
' | kubectl -n nats-io apply -f -

none of the 3 pods can connect to nats cluster, error message is like:

[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:48.194822 [INF] STREAM: Starting nats-streaming-server[example-stan] version 0.10.2
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:48.194920 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: 5bQLEaI0IxgiQ8GbWYkIzr
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:48.194927 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.10.3
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:50.195774 [INF] STREAM: Shutting down.
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:50.195843 [FTL] STREAM: Failed to start: nats: no servers available for connection

sometimes one pod has errors:

[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:55.956946 [INF] STREAM: Starting nats-streaming-server[example-stan] version 0.10.2
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:55.956982 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: qwzK7kMOw6Dxz91FiutahR
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:55.956988 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.10.3
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:55.974620 [INF] STREAM: Recovering the state...
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:55.974827 [INF] STREAM: No recovered state
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:55.974921 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Node ID : qwzK7kMOw6Dxz91Fiutald
[1] 2018/08/02 06:52:55.974928 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Log Path: example-stan/qwzK7kMOw6Dxz91Fiutald
[1] 2018/08/02 06:53:01.082008 [INF] STREAM: Shutting down.
[1] 2018/08/02 06:53:01.082246 [FTL] STREAM: Failed to start: failed to join Raft group example-stan

if I start stan pods one by one, sometimes the first can connect, sometimes two.

Nats streaming cluster failing on kubernetes

I'm trying settup a Nats Streaming cluster with three nodes on local kubernetes following the operator docs and I'm getting continuos connection fail from same pods.

As you can see, stan-cluster-poc-1 became cluster leader.

[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:28.972786 [INF] STREAM: Starting nats-streaming-server[stan-cluster-poc] version 0.18.0
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:28.972914 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: S2CN7Xkm9RPjaSmk17QhUu
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:28.972921 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.14.4
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:28.972924 [INF] STREAM: Git commit: [026e3a6]
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.076044 [INF] STREAM: Recovering the state...
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.086609 [INF] STREAM: No recovered state
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.092785 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Node ID : "stan-cluster-poc-1"
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.092886 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Log Path: /persistence/stan/raft/stan-cluster-poc-1
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.152058 [INF] STREAM: raft: initial configuration: index=0 servers=[]
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.153059 [INF] STREAM: raft: entering follower state: follower="Node at stan-cluster-poc."stan-cluster-poc-1".stan-cluster-poc [Follower]" leader=
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.158236 [DBG] STREAM: Bootstrapping Raft group stan-cluster-poc as seed node
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.166935 [DBG] STREAM: Discover subject: 
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.166977 [DBG] STREAM: Publish subject:  >
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.166982 [DBG] STREAM: Subscribe subject:          _STAN.sub.stan-cluster-poc
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.166985 [DBG] STREAM: Subscription Close subject: _STAN.subclose.stan-cluster-poc
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.166988 [DBG] STREAM: Unsubscribe subject:        _STAN.unsub.stan-cluster-poc
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.166991 [DBG] STREAM: Close subject:              _STAN.close.stan-cluster-poc
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.170852 [INF] STREAM: Message store is RAFT_FILE
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.171036 [INF] STREAM: Store location: /persistence/stan/stan-cluster-poc-1
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.171376 [INF] STREAM: ---------- Store Limits ----------
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.171513 [INF] STREAM: Channels:                  100 *
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.171580 [INF] STREAM: --------- Channels Limits --------
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.172067 [INF] STREAM:   Subscriptions:          1000 *
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.172346 [INF] STREAM:   Messages     :       1000000 *
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.172706 [INF] STREAM:   Bytes        :     976.56 MB *
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.172915 [INF] STREAM:   Age          :     unlimited *
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.173035 [INF] STREAM:   Inactivity   :     unlimited *
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:29.173215 [INF] STREAM: ----------------------------------
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.103290 [WRN] STREAM: raft: heartbeat timeout reached, starting election: last-leader=
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.103356 [INF] STREAM: raft: entering candidate state: node="Node at stan-cluster-poc."stan-cluster-poc-1".stan-cluster-poc [Candidate]" term=2
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.121018 [DBG] STREAM: raft: votes: needed=1
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.121087 [DBG] STREAM: raft: vote granted: from="stan-cluster-poc-1" term=2 tally=1
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.121244 [INF] STREAM: raft: election won: tally=1
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.121276 [INF] STREAM: raft: entering leader state: leader="Node at stan-cluster-poc."stan-cluster-poc-1".stan-cluster-poc [Leader]"
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.121463 [INF] STREAM: server became leader, performing leader promotion actions
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.147520 [INF] STREAM: finished leader promotion actions
[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.147612 [INF] STREAM: Streaming Server is ready

However, it fails on establish connection with one or more nodes depending of cluster nodes number (e.g.):

[1] 2020/07/06 19:34:45.125722 [WRN] STREAM: raft: failed to contact: server-id="stan-cluster-poc-3" time=1.000833233s
[1] 2020/07/06 19:34:46.071788 [WRN] STREAM: raft: failed to contact: server-id="stan-cluster-poc-3" time=1.946740647s
[1] 2020/07/06 19:34:46.413845 [ERR] STREAM: raft: failed to heartbeat to: peer=stan-cluster-poc."stan-cluster-poc-3".stan-cluster-poc error="nats: timeout"
[1] 2020/07/06 19:34:54.349017 [ERR] STREAM: raft: failed to appendEntries to: peer="{Voter "stan-cluster-poc-3" stan-cluster-poc."stan-cluster-poc-3".stan-cluster-poc}" error="natslog: read timeout"

On stan-cluster-poc-2 I received the warning bellow:

[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:33.240858 [WRN] STREAM: raft: failed to get previous log: previous-index=4 last-index=0 error="log not found"

On stan-cluster-poc-3 I received the warning bellow:

[1] 2020/07/06 19:25:34.340570 [WRN] STREAM: raft: failed to get previous log: previous-index=5 last-index=0 error="log not found"


OSX version 10.14.6

docker 19.03.8

kubernetes version 1.16.5

persistent volume with storageClassName “local-storage” and ReadWriteOnce mode
nats operator 0.7.2

nats-server version 2.1.7
nats streaming operator 0.3.0-v1alpha1

nats-streaming-server version 0.18.0

StatefullSet for NatStreaming Operator ?

Trying to create NatsStreaming(Stan) pod with replica set 3, Using a custom store dir for a Persistent Volume. But Getting Error
Unable to Mount Volumes for Pod Because “volume is already exclusively attached to one node and can’t be attached to another”
This is Because, NatsStreaming Operator doesn't have StateFullSet. Is there any way to solve it.

What's the current state of STAN clustered on GCP?

I'm currently trying to get NATS streaming (file based persistence) working clustered on K8s on GCP and was wondering what state this project is in for that particular use case.

Currently basic set up seems broken: #61

And replies to this issue seem to suggest using auto node updates isn't possible: #40

And this issue seems to suggest clustered, file based persistence isn't working: #23

Have I misunderstood any of these issues? And if not is there a project that meets these needs?

Restrict RBAC access

I don't think this operator needs all verbs on these Kubernetes objects. We should make sure to have less access.

# Allow actions on basic Kubernetes objects
- apiGroups: [""]
  - configmaps
  - secrets
  - pods
  - services
  - serviceaccounts
  - serviceaccounts/token
  - endpoints
  - events
  verbs: ["*"]

Use statefulset for cluster.

I got started with the nats-operator helm chart. Everything works well there. As far as the streaming operator:

  • it would probably be best to use statefulsets for the actual cluster itself, as this will support volume claims much better. Otherwise, seems like you can only use a single node when running with DB or volume persistence.
  • would be awesome to turn this into its own helm chart as well, as that would definitely help with parameterization and other such issues (which I believe are still in the in this repo).

Thanks for all the excellent work so far!!!

Nats Streaming operator didn't update cluster size

I'm trying to install / update nats-streaming operator with postgresql attached as storage - and I've recently get a problem with not responding to changes in NatsStreamingCluster

$ k get NatsStreamingCluster -o yaml

apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: NatsStreamingCluster
    annotations: |
    clusterName: ""
    creationTimestamp: "2019-02-26T11:42:42Z"
    generation: 1
    name: nats-streaming
    namespace: default
    resourceVersion: "51146622"
    selfLink: /apis/
    uid: a0426fe2-39bb-11e9-b4aa-42010a9c00b8
    configFile: /etc/stan/config/secret.conf
    natsSvc: nats
    size: 2
    store: SQL
        - name: nats-streaming
          - mountPath: /etc/stan/config
            name: stan-secret
            readOnly: true
        - name: stan-secret
            secretName: stan-secret
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""
  selfLink: ""

But after installing there is only one pod of nats-streaming

namespace is set to 'default'
NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nats-1                                    1/1     Running   0          21m
nats-2                                    1/1     Running   0          21m
nats-3                                    1/1     Running   0          21m
nats-operator-56c4974b7f-wsp6j            1/1     Running   0          21m
nats-streaming-1                          1/1     Running   0          15m
nats-streaming-operator-d5cbd6665-8k6rt   1/1     Running   0          21m

After editing resource and setting size to different value (4)

 k edit NatsStreamingCluster

operator didn't responds to events.


!! There is only one instance when SQL config used - with default installation with file store there is valid number of instances !!

Env: GKE

There is no service for Nats-Streaming-Server after installation

After installation from readme (each scenario) there is no possibility to connect to Nats-Streaming-Server - there is no service added to Kubernetes cluster.

cluster installed with following commands

kubectl create namespace $NS
kubectl create secret generic stan-secret --from-file secret.conf

kubectl apply -f

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -n$NS -f nats-cluster.yaml
# kubectl apply -n$NS -f nats-streaming-cluster-sql.yaml
kubectl apply -n$NS -f nats-streaming-cluster.yaml

where nats-cluster.yaml:

apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsCluster"
  name: "nats"
  # namespace: "nats"
  size: 3

and nats-streaming-cluster.yaml:

apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsStreamingCluster"
  name: "stan"
  # Number of nodes in the cluster
  size: 3

  # NATS Streaming Server image to use, by default
  # the operator will use a stable version
  image: "nats-streaming:latest"

  # Service to which NATS Streaming Cluster nodes will connect.
  natsSvc: "nats"

    debug: true
    trace: true
    raftLogging: true

After getting service list there is only one which is pointing to nats cluster

❯ kgs        
namespace is set to 'default'
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
nats         ClusterIP   <none>        4222/TCP            39m
nats-mgmt    ClusterIP   None             <none>        6222/TCP,8222/TCP   39m

NatsStreamingCluster with size 0

Originally I create STAN cluster of size 3 with STAN Operator successfully. However if i change the size to 0, CRD still keep one replica up and running. Is it bug? If not, can i request a feature to allow us to update size to 0 in order scale down whole STAN cluster?

No servers available for connection

kubectl logs bmrg-dev-nats-streamer-2
[1] 2019/10/21 09:53:54.901940 [INF] STREAM: Starting nats-streaming-server[bmrg-dev-nats-streamer] version 0.16.2
[1] 2019/10/21 09:53:54.901996 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: h6KMqx3nUR7PZU62q3jKVZ
[1] 2019/10/21 09:53:54.902000 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.11.13
[1] 2019/10/21 09:53:54.902005 [INF] STREAM: Git commit: [910d6e1]
[1] 2019/10/21 09:53:56.910836 [INF] STREAM: Shutting down.
[1] 2019/10/21 09:53:56.911025 [FTL] STREAM: Failed to start: nats: no servers available for connection

10-deployments.yaml connecteverything/nats-operator:0.6.0
deployment.yaml synadia/nats-streaming-operator:v0.2.2-v1alpha1

Service Account Auth - authorization violation on stan-cluster-1 (NatsStreamingCluster)

I recently implemented service accounts and it works great for standard NATS communication on the nats-cluster, however, the NatsStreamingCluster isn't making use of the Service Accounts setup, do I have to manually define what credentials it uses? And if so, where would I put this in the Kubernetes YAML config?

apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsStreamingCluster"
  name: "stan-cluster"
  natsSvc: "nats-cluster"

..... (rest of config is irrelevant and relates to persistent storage)

Any ideas?

Does not handle spec updates other than size

The operator doesn't handle any updates to the NatsStreamingCluster spec other than the size setting. So if you update the server version, that won't get passed down to the managed pods. Same with annotations.

The operator does seem to pass down these properties when creating new pods, but if the pods are already running, updates don't take effect. This is a serious lack since it prevents you from managing the streaming server version being run, but it is also important if you are providing the configuration file via a configmap like below, where you want to make sure that the pods are restarted if there are configmap changes upon deploy as recommended here:

apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsStreamingCluster"
  name: "stan-cluster"
  namespace: {{ .Values.namespace }}
  natsSvc: {{ }}
  version: "{{ .Values.stan_version }}"

  size: 3
  configFile: "/etc/stan/config/stan.conf"
    storeDir: "/pv/stan"
    ftGroup: "stan"

      annotations: "true" "{{ .Values.metrics_port }}"
        checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/configs.yaml") . | sha256sum }}

      - name: {{ .Values.config_name }}
          name: {{ .Values.config_name }}
      - name: stan-store-dir
          claimName: {{ .Values.pvc_name }}
      - name: nats-streaming
        - mountPath: /etc/stan/config
          name: {{ .Values.config_name }}
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /pv
          name: stan-store-dir

      - name: metrics
        image: synadia/prometheus-nats-exporter:0.2.0
        args: ["-connz", "-routez", "-subz", "-varz", "-channelz", "-serverz", "-DV", "http://localhost:8222/"]
        - name: metrics
          containerPort: {{ .Values.metrics_port }}
          protocol: TCP

In the case of the version, not even deleting the pods will get them restarted with the updated streaming server version. This works however with the nats operator.

Enable monitoring

Is there a way to enable http monitoring with the nats-streaming-operator?

/streaming/serverz and such.

I tried adding a container args to the k8s config.

kind: NatsStreamingCluster
  name: nats-streaming-cluster
  size: 3
  natsSvc: nats-cluster
        - args: ["--http_port=8222", "--stan_debug=true", "--stan_trace=true"]

But the default operator config doesn't create a service that would work for that.

Update about nats-operator version


Currently the points out in Getting Started section that you need to install nats-operator first and then it gives you a command about installing version v0.5.0 of it. ATM The latest version of nats-operator is 0.7.2.

PS.: this info tends to frequently get outdated. Should it actually point to a fixed version? If so a compatibility version between nats-operator versions and nats-streaming-operator versions should me maintained as well, right?

Unable to publish events to the service

I installed the nats-streaming-operator to my minikube cluster. It installed without any issue. Since nats service created by nats-operator is a ClusterIP one I unable to send data into that service externally. So I tried two approaches to send data.

Approach 1

Create a service like below of type LoadBalancer and try to send data.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nats-streaming
  namespace: default
    app: nats-streaming
    stan_cluster: siddhi-stan
  externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
  - name: natsservice
    port: 4222
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 4222
  - name: natsservice-proxy
    port: 8222
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8222
    app: nats-streaming
    stan_cluster: siddhi-stan
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: LoadBalancer
  loadBalancer: {}

Approach 2

Create a different kubernetes deployment of and use that deployment to send data.

I used the following command to send requests.

go run $GOPATH/src/ --server nats://nats-streaming.default.svc.cluster.local:4222 <SUBJECT> "{\"name\":\"data\"}"

But from both approaches, I got an error as

Can't connect: stan: connect request timeout.
Make sure a NATS Streaming Server is running at: nats://nats-streaming:4222
exit status 1

So I want to know that how can I external send data to nats-streaming-server in the kubernetes cluster?


  • minikube version: v0.33.1
  • kubernetes version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.11", GitCommit:"637c7e288581ee40ab4ca210618a89a555b6e7e9", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-11-26T14:38:32Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"13", GitVersion:"v1.13.2", GitCommit:"cff46ab41ff0bb44d8584413b598ad8360ec1def", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-01-10T23:28:14Z", GoVersion:"go1.11.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

`STREAM: Failed to start: failed to join Raft group` after updating kubernetes version

we're running nats streaming operator in gke, it was running fine. But after we updated kubernetes version. nats clients are not able to connect to nats server.

$ kubectl get nats-cluster -o yaml
kind: NatsCluster
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: "2019-05-09T05:56:01Z"
  generation: 4
  name: nats-cluster
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "34972339"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 1f98955b-721f-11e9-b8dc-42010a8001a9
  size: 3
  - reason: scaling cluster from 2 to 3 peers
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T11:04:40Z"
    type: ScalingUp
  - reason: current state matches desired state
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T11:05:53Z"
    type: Ready
  - reason: scaling cluster from 2 to 3 peers
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T11:05:54Z"
    type: ScalingUp
  - reason: current state matches desired state
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T11:06:06Z"
    type: Ready
  - reason: scaling cluster from 2 to 3 peers
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T19:47:43Z"
    type: ScalingUp
  - reason: current state matches desired state
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T19:48:12Z"
    type: Ready
  - reason: scaling cluster from 1 to 3 peers
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T19:51:14Z"
    type: ScalingUp
  - reason: current state matches desired state
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T19:52:07Z"
    type: Ready
  - reason: scaling cluster from 2 to 3 peers
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T19:57:13Z"
    type: ScalingUp
  - reason: current state matches desired state
    transitionTime: "2019-06-26T19:57:38Z"
    type: Ready
  currentVersion: 1.4.0
  size: 3
$ kubectl get pharmer-cluster -o yaml
kind: NatsStreamingCluster
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: "2019-05-09T05:58:23Z"
  generation: 1
  name: pharmer-cluster
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "19344769"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 747d5286-721f-11e9-b8dc-42010a8001a9
  natsSvc: nats-cluster
  size: 3
$ kubectl logs -f pharmer-cluster-1
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:47.580129 [INF] STREAM: Starting nats-streaming-server[pharmer-cluster] version 0.11.2
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:47.580191 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: ul5c5zg9XBBSq3PMBuRn4j
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:47.580196 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.11.1
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:47.604905 [INF] STREAM: Recovering the state...
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:47.605177 [INF] STREAM: No recovered state
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:47.605272 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Node ID : "pharmer-cluster-1"
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:47.605287 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Log Path: pharmer-cluster/"pharmer-cluster-1"
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:52.714067 [INF] STREAM: Shutting down.
[1] 2019/06/27 04:43:52.714455 [FTL] STREAM: Failed to start: failed to join Raft group pharmer-cluster

From nats client

$ kubectl logs -f pharmer-clsuter-868bd8d465-xwv77
stan: connect request timeout
$ kubectl logs -f nats-cluster-1                                                                                                                                                                             
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.159570 [INF] Starting nats-server version 1.4.0                                                                                                                                             
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.159628 [INF] Git commit [ce2df36]                                                                                                                                                           
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.159856 [INF] Starting http monitor on                                                                                                                                          
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.159907 [INF] Listening for client connections on                                                                                                                               
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.159915 [INF] Server is ready                                                                                                                                                                
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.160129 [INF] Listening for route connections on                                                                                                                                
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.169644 [INF] - rid:1 - Route connection created                                                                              
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.173249 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-1.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:55.173271 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:56.183583 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:56.183612 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-1.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:56.565355 [INF] - rid:2 - Route connection created
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:57.190034 [INF] - rid:4 - Route connection created
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:57.190107 [INF] - rid:3 - Route connection created
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:57.195326 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:58.207202 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:51:59.227256 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:00.240231 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:01.251089 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:02.262939 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:03.273854 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:03.409542 [INF] - rid:5 - Route connection created
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:04.291668 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:05.305117 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:06.348944 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-3.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:52:07.360903 [INF] - rid:10 - Route connection created
[1] 2019/06/26 19:55:57.369605 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:55:59.370067 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:01.370584 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:03.371988 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:05.372566 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:07.373118 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:09.373677 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:11.374126 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:13.374572 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:15.375083 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:17.375585 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:19.376117 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:21.376767 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:23.377261 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:25.377780 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp i/o timeout
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:26.384664 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:27.390153 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:28.397100 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:29.402200 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:30.407839 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:31.417194 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:32.423944 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:33.429647 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:34.436051 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:35.441762 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:36.452196 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host
[1] 2019/06/26 19:56:37.458081 [ERR] Error trying to connect to route: dial tcp: lookup nats-cluster-2.nats-cluster-mgmt.default.svc on no such host

Proper PV support - ReadWriteOnce


I tried your PV support with EFS RWX but it wasn't that good so I have a proposed implementation for PV support inside the operator.


# Default values for nats-streaming-cluster
  replicas: 3
  clusterId: "nats-cluster"

  replicas: 3
    size: 10Gi
    keepOnDelete: true
  clusterId: "nats-streaming-cluster"

where it actually creates the pvs with the pods themselves or mounts them if they exist? The only thing I am not sure about what happens when you delete the operator you could leave the volumes hanging around if you delete your cluster?

What do you guys think?

Version numbering inconsistency, please release again

For release v0.4.0, the deployment.yaml file attached to the release page contains a reference to a docker image called synadia/nats-streaming-operator:v0.4.0, which does not exist. Rather, an image called synadia/nats-streaming-operator:0.4.0 exists (the v is missing).

Also, the deployment.yaml file located in the repository at the commit which is tagged v0.4.0 contains a reference to a docker image synadia/nats-streaming-operator:v0.3.0-v1alpha1.

You could sort this out by updating the deploy directory before cutting a release, and releasing a v0.4.1 or 0.4.1 release on both github and docker hub once it's consistent.

All nats-streaming pods in CrashLoopBackOff state

Was't resilience supposed to be the great benefit of deploying NATS clusters? I came this morning to the office and found ALL nats-streaming-1-* pods in CrashLoopBackOff with around 500 restarts, meanwhile ALL messages have been obviously lost.

nats-cluster-1-1                                1/1     Running            0          41h
nats-cluster-1-2                                1/1     Running            0          42h
nats-cluster-1-3                                1/1     Running            0          41h
nats-operator-5b47bc4f8-77glm                   1/1     Running            0          42h
nats-streaming-1-1                              0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   490        42h
nats-streaming-1-2                              0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   486        41h
nats-streaming-1-3                              0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   490        42h
nats-streaming-operator-59647b496-v4vv5         1/1     Running            0          42h
$ kubectl logs nats-streaming-1-1
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:45.406013 [INF] STREAM: Starting nats-streaming-server[nats-streaming-1] version 0.12.2
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:45.406058 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: PlHofW9bI3tXiJYkkRkQCQ
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:45.406061 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.11.6
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:45.406064 [INF] STREAM: Git commit: [4489c46]
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:45.422431 [INF] STREAM: Recovering the state...
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:45.422755 [INF] STREAM: No recovered state
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:45.422838 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Node ID : "nats-streaming-1-1"
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:45.422847 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Log Path: nats-streaming-1/"nats-streaming-1-1"
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:50.531934 [INF] STREAM: Shutting down.
[1] 2019/04/05 10:43:50.532450 [FTL] STREAM: Failed to start: failed to join Raft group nats-streaming-1

Even if I delete all pods it still doesn't recover. I have to delete the whole and recreate it to make it work.

Helm chart repo

Helm chart can be hosted via Github pages and chart releases can be automated via Github actions.
Finally the nats-streaming-operator can be added to helm hub for better reach.

I'm glad to help with this.

nats-operator automatically creating example-nats cluster

I've executed the Getting Started section to install the NATS Operator and the NATS Streaming operator by copying those four yaml files locally and running helm install in the project directory.

helm install --name my-app --namespace default helm/test

│   └───test
│       │   Chart.yaml
│       └───templates
               |   nats-operator-deployment.yaml
               |   nats-operator-prereqs.yaml
               |   nats-streaming-operator-deployment.yaml  
               |   nats-streaming-operator-rbac.yaml

The CRDs get created as expected. The operator pods get created which I believe is also expected but not 100% sure from the README.

What I'm not expecting is the example-nats pods getting created.

# kubectl get crd                             2019-09-19T18:52:58Z                         2019-09-19T18:52:58Z          2019-09-20T14:29:24Z

# kubectl get pods
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
example-nats-1                             1/1     Running   0          113s
example-nats-2                             1/1     Running   0          112s
example-nats-3                             1/1     Running   0          110s
nats-operator-dd7f4945f-l788t              1/1     Running   0          2m12s
nats-streaming-operator-6fbb6695ff-mkkzx   1/1     Running   0          2m12s

The example-nats pods should be created when content below is applied which I have not done.

apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsStreamingCluster"
  name: "example-stan"
  size: 3
  natsSvc: "example-nats"

In the nats-operator logs, I see that it is starting works and waiting for the example-nats pods to be running.

I don't see anything in, or the other three files, about creating "example-nats".

Is this supposed to be happening under the hood? How can I stop this example-nats cluster from being created when installing the operators?

level=info msg="started workers" pkg=controller
level=info msg="waiting for pod \"default/example-nats-1\" to become ready" cluster-name=example-nats namespace=default pkg=cluster
level=info msg="pod \"default/example-nats-1\" became ready" cluster-name=example-nats namespace=default pkg=cluster
level=info msg="waiting for pod \"default/example-nats-2\" to become ready" cluster-name=example-nats namespace=default pkg=cluster
level=info msg="pod \"default/example-nats-2\" became ready" cluster-name=example-nats namespace=default pkg=cluster
level=info msg="waiting for pod \"default/example-nats-3\" to become ready" cluster-name=example-nats namespace=default pkg=cluster
level=info msg="pod \"default/example-nats-3\" became ready" cluster-name=example-nats namespace=default pkg=cluster

operator not scaling cluster

I have a nat-streaming cluster that I've defined to be three pods, however it seems the operator is not able to find this property of the CRD or is ignoring it.

Operator Log

time="2019-01-23T21:01:52Z" level=info msg="Starting NATS Streaming Operator v0.2.0"
time="2019-01-23T21:01:52Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.11"
time="2019-01-23T21:01:53Z" level=info msg="Adding cluster 'logging/nats-streaming-logging-cluster' (uid=25707797-1f51-11e9-997b-166d38be4f4a)"
time="2019-01-23T21:05:30Z" level=info msg="Deleted 'logging/nats-streaming-logging-cluster' cluster (uid=25707797-1f51-11e9-997b-166d38be4f4a)"
time="2019-01-23T21:05:55Z" level=info msg="Adding cluster 'logging/nats-streaming-logging-cluster' (uid=ac99a498-1f52-11e9-997b-166d38be4f4a)"
time="2019-01-23T21:05:55Z" level=info msg="Missing pods for 'logging/nats-streaming-logging-cluster' cluster (size=0/1), creating 1 pods..."
time="2019-01-23T21:05:55Z" level=info msg="Creating pod 'logging/nats-streaming-logging-cluster-1'"

NATS Streaming Cluster Definition

$ k get stancluster/nats-streaming-logging-cluster -o yaml
kind: NatsStreamingCluster
  creationTimestamp: "2019-01-23T21:05:55Z"
  generation: 1
    app: nats-streaming-logging-cluster
    chart: nats-streaming-logging-cluster-0.1.0
    heritage: Tiller
    release: nats-streaming-logging-cluster
  name: nats-streaming-logging-cluster
  namespace: logging
  resourceVersion: "80341241"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: ac99a498-1f52-11e9-997b-166d38be4f4a
  configFile: /etc/stan/config/secret.conf
  natsSvc: nats-logging-cluster
  size: 3
  store: SQL
      - name: nats-streaming
        - mountPath: /etc/stan/config
          name: nats-streaming-logging-cluster
          readOnly: true
      - name: nats-streaming-logging-cluster
          secretName: nats-streaming-logging-cluster

Is there something obvious that I am missing that would prevent the operator from seeing that size is set to 3?

Add package in Dockerfile for bash

I noticed that the Dockerfile in docker/operator pulls from alpine:3.8.

It would be nice to add the ability to execute bash on the pod to verify that any configuration files are being deployed correctly.

Example command:
kubectl exec -ti /bin/bash

kubectl exec -ti /bin/bash
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "exec: "/bin/bash": stat /bin/bash: no such file or directory": unknown

Docker File Enhancement:
RUN apk add --no-cache bash

Can not deploy cluster in namespace other than default

Does this operator not support deploying streaming clusters in other name spaces like nats-operator does? I tried modifying the resource definition to be Cluster scoped instead of Namespace but start getting an error:

msg="Failed to create replica Pod: an empty namespace may not be set during creation"

Is there any way to do this? Or it's just not supported and all your clusters must be in default namespace?


Provide a way to deploy NATS Streaming as a StatefulSet


First of all thanks a lot for the great work you've been doing with NATS/NATS Streaming.

I'm currently looking for a proper way to deploy NATS Streaming next to our NATS cluster on Kubernetes and it seems that using a file persistence mechanism, in addition with an HA topology, is pretty complicated at the moment. As the Helm chart stored in this repository makes use of a Deployment, as well as the operator, it becomes very tricky to handle horizontal scaling as volumes won't be dynamically created.

I am already aware of this Helm chart but it is still an external repository.

Would you potentially be interested in:

  • Merging the aforementioned Helm chart into this repository to make it more accessible
  • Migrate the current Helm Chart to make use of a StatefulSet
  • Migrate the Operator to make use of a StatefulSet instead of a Deployment

In case the last two ones might be of interest to you, I could definitely take care of creating the PR. I only want to make sure this is something you might be looking for first.

This issue is more or less a duplicate/proposal to fix:

Thanks in advance for reading

Support for authenticated NATS cluster


we are using an authenticated NATS cluster and are big fans of this operator.
Since the operator is overriding the STAN pods' command, I see no chance to add --user/--pass.

Is there a way to authenticate NatsStreamingClusters?

Best regards

Helm chart deployment broken apps.DeploymentStrategy

helm install --name nats-steaming --namespace nats-io -f values.yaml .


Error: release nats-steaming-operator failed: Deployment.apps "nats-steaming-operator-nats-streaming-operator" is invalid: spec.strategy: Unsupported value: apps.DeploymentStrategy{Type:"OnDelete", RollingUpdate:(*apps.RollingUpdateDeployment)(nil)}: supported values: "Recreate", "RollingUpdate"

Cluster in permanent failure state if all pods crash

If all pods go down, the cluster will never go up (in this case I was testing on a single node: minikube, and the node crashed)

The log will look permanently like this:

[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:14.755467 [INF] STREAM: Starting nats-streaming-server[stan] version 0.11.2
[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:14.755701 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: hX4G9R76qCMRvR1HThDCd5
[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:14.755745 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.11.1
[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:14.762222 [INF] STREAM: Recovering the state...
[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:14.762387 [INF] STREAM: No recovered state
[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:14.762463 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Node ID : "stan-2"
[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:14.762494 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Log Path: stan/"stan-2"
[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:19.908446 [INF] STREAM: Shutting down.
[1] 2018/12/05 16:43:19.910918 [FTL] STREAM: Failed to start: failed to join Raft group stan

NATS Streaming with embedded NATS

Is there possibility to run nats-straeaming-server cluster which works without NATS cluster - NATS is started in embedded mode in nats-streaming-server?

nats streaming pod status as "Completed"

I'm running on my local minikube, it seem some how the pod gracefully shutdown:

kubectl get pods -n nats
NAME                                             READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nats-operator-5b9df7cbb7-vmxt7                   1/1     Running            1          25h
nats-streaming-operator-66479b8d84-qwb2s         1/1     Running            1          25h
wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nast-1             1/1     Running            0          8h
wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nast-2             1/1     Running            0          8h
wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nast-3             1/1     Running            0          8h
wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming-1   0/1     Completed          2          25h
wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming-2   0/1     Completed          1          25h
wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming-3   0/1     Completed          2          25h


kubectl logs wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming-2 -n nats
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:04.768787 [INF] STREAM: Starting nats-streaming-server[wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming] version 0.12.2
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:04.768858 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: sdR75tHu4vdSxVG7yOHCci
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:04.768861 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.11.6
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:04.768863 [INF] STREAM: Git commit: [4489c46]
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:04.786394 [INF] STREAM: Recovering the state...
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:04.788582 [INF] STREAM: No recovered state
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:04.788686 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Node ID : "wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming-2"
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:04.788690 [INF] STREAM: Cluster Log Path: wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming/"wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming-2"
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837362 [INF] STREAM: Message store is RAFT_FILE
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837449 [INF] STREAM: Store location: store
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837537 [INF] STREAM: ---------- Store Limits ----------
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837571 [INF] STREAM: Channels:                  100 *
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837588 [INF] STREAM: --------- Channels Limits --------
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837668 [INF] STREAM:   Subscriptions:          1000 *
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837707 [INF] STREAM:   Messages     :       1000000 *
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837741 [INF] STREAM:   Bytes        :     976.56 MB *
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837757 [INF] STREAM:   Age          :     unlimited *
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837848 [INF] STREAM:   Inactivity   :     unlimited *
[1] 2019/07/03 09:37:06.837887 [INF] STREAM: ----------------------------------
[1] 2019/07/03 12:36:23.901524 [INF] STREAM: connection "_NSS-wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming-acks" reconnected to NATS Server at "nats://"
[1] 2019/07/03 12:36:23.906155 [INF] STREAM: connection "_NSS-wistful-sponge-nast-streaming-nats-streaming-general" reconnected to NATS Server at "nats://"
[1] 2019/07/03 12:36:23.913372 [INF] STREAM: Shutting down.

Is this issue of nats streaming operator?

Can't install `natscluster` and `natsstreamingcluster` into namespace


apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsCluster"
  name: "nats-cluster"
  namespace: "nats"
  size: 3


apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsStreamingCluster"
  name: "nats-streaming-cluster"
  namespace: "nats"
  size: 3
  natsSvc: "nats-cluster"

After kubectl apply there is no pods spawned in given namespace. Is there any workaround for this?

Spread pods across nodes

I noticed after running the operator that sometimes the streaming pods would end up on the same node. I prefer spreading pods across multiple nodes in case of a rare node failure.

This is the yaml I usually add to either my deployment or pod yamls:

    - weight: 100
          - key: app
            operator: In
            - nats-streaming

Is this something that could be of use for the operator?

Store Limits Configuration

How do I configure the Store Limits of the NATS Streaming Server?

For example, I want to set the number of subscriptions to be unlimited as well as increase the message payload. When I was using NATS Streaming Server locally, I was able to pass in different parameters to change these settings.

Helm Chart

Currently the NATS Operator allows for Helm Chart installation. Would make the most since for this operator to support it as well and have the NATS Operator a dependency to it.

StatefullSet for NatStreaming Operator ?

Trying to create NatsStreaming(Stan) pod wutg replica set 3, Using a custom store dir for a Persistent Volume. But Getting Error
Unable to Mount Volumes for Pod Because “volume is already exclusively attached to one node and can’t be attached to another”
This is Because, NatsStreaming Operator doesn't have StateFullSet. Is there any way to solve it.

Add support for SQL store

Streaming Server SQL Store Options:
    --sql_driver <string>            Name of the SQL Driver ("mysql" or "postgres")
    --sql_source <string>            Datasource used when opening an SQL connection to the database
    --sql_no_caching <bool>          Enable/Disable caching for improved performance
    --sql_max_open_conns <int>       Maximum number of opened connections to the database

Failed to start: discovered another streaming server with cluster ID "example-stan"

I got error when I deploy NatsStreamingCluster

[1] 2019/12/26 07:16:45.762521 [FTL] STREAM: Failed to start: discovered another streaming server with cluster ID "example-stan"

I use GKE

full message

[1] 2019/12/26 07:16:45.747712 [INF] STREAM: ServerID: JTmPHIR4BFp2ZuAWkekcIl
[1] 2019/12/26 07:16:45.747715 [INF] STREAM: Go version: go1.11.13
[1] 2019/12/26 07:16:45.747717 [INF] STREAM: Git commit: [910d6e1]
[1] 2019/12/26 07:16:45.760913 [INF] STREAM: Recovering the state...
[1] 2019/12/26 07:16:45.761073 [INF] STREAM: No recovered state
[1] 2019/12/26 07:16:45.762399 [INF] STREAM: Shutting down.
[1] 2019/12/26 07:16:45.762521 [FTL] STREAM: Failed to start: discovered another streaming server with cluster ID "example-stan"

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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