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treetop's Issues

make polyglot optional, as documented

the docs indicate that polyglot is optional. from

In order to use Polyglot dynamic loading of .treetop or .tt files though, you need to require the Polyglot gem before you require the Treetop gem as Treetop will only create hooks into Polyglot for the treetop files if Polyglot is already loaded. So you need to use:

require 'polyglot'
require 'treetop'

in order to use Polyglot auto loading with Treetop in Ruby.

I for one would prefer the documented behavior. However, I can see that in the treetop gem on my system, Polyglot is required by default. Messing with Kernel#require by default smells like bad practice.

In my case, I need treetop as a dependency for json_select. I have no need for treetop otherwise, or dynamic loading of .tt files. But now when I'm debugging require issues in my project, I've got to consider if polyglot's require is behaving differently from Kernel's require.

In any case, at the very least, the docs should be updated to match the actual behavior.

Feature request: better module support in the .treetop file

Instead of:

grammar QueryGrammar
  rule attribute
    [a-zA-Z0-9_.]+ <Search::Parser::QueryGrammar::Attribute>

It'd be nice if I could write:

grammar Search::Parser::QueryGrammar
  rule attribute
    [a-zA-Z0-9_.]+ <Attribute>

Apologies if there is a way to do this, but just adding the colons in the grammar name gave me an error: RuntimeError: Expected one of [A-Za-z_], [0-9], [ \t\n\r], '#' at line 1, column 15 (byte 15) after grammar Search

bin/tt -o option does not work

Line 17 checks for the existence of all the files, and File.exist?("-o") fails.

I can throw together a patch tonight.

Documentation Bug?

In developing a parser, I came across this example at the bottom of the "Semantics" page in the rubyforge documentation:

rule labels
  first_letter:[a-z] rest_letters:(', ' letter:[a-z])* {
    def letters
      [first_letter] + rest_letters

    def rest_letters { |comma_and_letter| comma_and_letter.letter }

I was trying to get this to work, with a + node, but the call to "" always failed. I believe it is supposed to be, as this is how it is done in the previous example on the page, and how I got it to work in my case.

Problem with rules order

I have my rules defined like this:

grammar Language

  rule integer

  rule identifier


And when I try to parse any number, it's fine. But, when I try to parse any identifier, it don't work. Then, I inverted the rules and tried again, guess what? I was able do parse identifiers and not integers. Somebody know what's happening here?

Allow require statements in treetop files

Wish you could require files within treetop files and it would just pass them through.

Something like:

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/attributes/class_id"

module RedCloth
  module Parser
    grammar Attributes
      include ClassId

grammar parsing raises for unbalanced left curly brace in a block

Thank you for the excellent parser generator library. It makes it straightforward to handle complex grammars in ruby.

I ran into a problem where a regular expression looking for a left curly brace was causing Treetop parsing to fail. Here is a patch with a test case that will trigger the issue:

diff --git a/spec/compiler/grammar_spec.rb b/spec/compiler/grammar_spec.rb
index 7b8e515..f16935d 100644
--- a/spec/compiler/grammar_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/compiler/grammar_spec.rb
@@ -38,4 +38,21 @@ module GrammarSpec
       self.class.const_get(:Foo).ancestors.should include(GrammarSpec::Bar)
+  describe "handling of curly braces" do
+    before do
+      @grammar = %{
+        grammar Test
+          rule foo
+            'foo' { def foo_method(str); str =~ /\{/ end }
+          end
+        end
+      }
+    end
+    it "does not raise for an unbalanced left curly brace within a block" do
+      expect { parse_with_metagrammar(@grammar.strip, :grammar) }.to_not raise_error
+    end
+  end

The rule in metagrammar.treetop that is leading to the exception appears to be this one:

  rule inline_module
    '{' (inline_module / ![{}] .)* '}' <InlineModule>

I think the logic needs to be a little more complex here. I would have attempted a fix, but I'm having difficulty getting the existing specs to pass.


Parser trying to extend with a SyntaxNode subclass weirdness.


I'm throwing together a toy language at - so far it has only a simple description of nil and integer literals:

rule literal
   integer_literal / nil_literal <Literal>

rule integer_literal
  hex_integer_literal / octal_integer_literal / binary_integer_literal / decimal_integer_literal / zero_integer_literal <IntegerLiteral>

rule nil_literal
  "nil" <NilLiteral>

rule zero_integer_literal
  '-'? '0'

rule decimal_integer_literal
  '-'? [1-9] [0-9]*

rule binary_integer_literal
  '-'? '0b' [0-1]+

rule octal_integer_literal
  '-'? '0o' [0-7]+

rule hex_integer_literal
  '-'? '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+

However when I try and parse 0 I get:

1.9.3-p0 :001 > Crimson::Parser.parse('0')
TypeError: wrong argument type Class (expected Module)
    from (eval):72:in `extend'
    from (eval):72:in `_nt_integer_literal'
    from (eval):24:in `_nt_literal'
    from /Users/jnh/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0@crimsonscript/gems/treetop-1.4.10/lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:18:in `parse'
    from /Users/jnh/Dev/Toys/CrimsonScript/lib/crimson/parser.rb:11:in `parse'
    from (irb):1
    from /Users/jnh/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but when I compile the grammar to ruby I can see that it's calling #extend on the result of _nt_zero_integer_literal. I'm not sure why that's happening. Is this a bug?

Build AST based on tokens

Hi! Thanks for the nice tool.

I am trying to implement a parse for Toki Pona language. and I faced an issue. The parser can't distinguish between sin and sina. Semantically it's 2 different words, but if parser sees sina it detects its as sin. I can't change the order, because sin has higher priority.


Support module paths in module declaration

In Ruby, module A::B::C sets the scope to the module C inside A::B. Currently, treetop doesn’t support this syntax. It would be easy to add by changing alphanumeric_char* to (alphanumeric_char / '::')* in the module_declaration rule.

what ruby requirements? what gem requiremetns? can you add a gemfile?

Nowhere in the site or in the docs can i find any mention of whether this is expected to run on 1.9.2

i tried to run the test suite but there is no Gemfile and i don't know what version of rspec this requires and as of rspec (2.3.0), when doing rake -T
no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask

because this has changed to 'rspec/core/rake_task' at some point,

and when trying to run the test suite itself with "rspec ." i get similar results.

It's annoying that changes in rspec broke this, but this is of course what bundler is for. if you tell me the version on rspec i can probably make a Gemfile and give u a pull request.


Support grammar paths in grammar declaration

I’m sorry that I didn’t think of it when I suggested issue #15, but would it be possible to support

grammar A::B::C

to define grammar C under A::B?

Also, since this (and issue #15) adds to the public API, shouldn’t this be 1.5.0 so that one can use '~> 1.5.0' in one’s gemspec if one depends on this feature?

Please tag repository or release tests/specs with the gem

I'm a Gentoo Linux developer and I'm working on packaging of Ruby extensions. As it is the treetop gems released have no testsuite to speak of, which makes it very difficult to know whether the code is working correctly in our environment, in particular on Ruby 1.9 and JRuby.

We can use tarballs instead of gems, and GitHub tags in place of tarballs, but for treetop there seem to be no option for that. Could you please consider either releasing a new gem with the specs or tagging the previous releases?


Doc fix in the website


I believe the string parsing example in the website should be changed: the order of the 'escaped quote' and 'any character' choice should be swapped. In other words, the string parsing expression should be:

rule string
   '"' ('\"' / !'"' . )* '"'

The following test case illustrates this point:

assert @parser.parse('"He said, \"Hi!\""')

There is a easy way to ignore whitespace?


I'm writing my grammar using treetop, for a new programming language (prototype for while), but I cannot found a way to ignore whitespace/comments assertively.

There's an feature in tool, or will be implemented soon?

Generated parsers incorrectly redefine methods - causing ruby warnings.

Try this with Treetop 1.3.0 installed:

ruby -w -e "require 'rubygems';require 'treetop'"

As you can see, the metagrammar.rb file has a couple of methods that are redefined. Here is an extract:

module ModuleDeclaration0
  def space

  def space

This sort of duplicated methods also exist in the Cucumber parser

I'm not sure what causes this. In any case - I think Treetop should either avoid outputting methods that will be overwritten or issue an error if this is happening because the grammar is ambiguous or inconsistent in some way.

Labeling an expression appears to require another expression; why?

I'm test-driving my grammar, because I'm learning Treetop at the same time as designing my language. As an intermediate step, I try to write a grammar with a rule whose expression I want to label. When I do this, the grammar itself no longer parses correctly. It looks like what I've done somewhere else, so I can't figure out the problem. Finally, I conclude that labeling an expression requires having at least one more expression following it. I don't find that constraint helpful, so why have it? This spec describes the difference. Skip to the end, then read it backwards.

require 'treetop'

describe "Grammar with a simple rule that uses a label" do
  context "Labeled subexpression followed by another expression" do
    let(:subject) { Treetop.load_from_string(
grammar SimpleRuleWithLabel
  rule word
    letters:[A-Za-z]+ [A-Za-z]*

    let (:parser) { }

    context "matching many letters, the match result" do
      let(:result) { parser.parse("aBcDeF") }

      it { result.should respond_to(:letters) }
      it { result.letters.text_value.should == "aBcDeF" }

  context "Labeled subexpression without another expression" do
    it "does not represent a valid grammar, even though I think it should" do
      lambda {
grammar SimpleRuleWithLabel
  rule word
      )}.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Expected \#/)

Issue with indentation in rails

Some issue makes the rule

rule a
  [a-z] {
    def b

throw ArgumentError (Negative Argument) in Treetop.load.
while the same code indendated slightly altered is valid:

rule a
  [a-z] {
  def b

This problem occures in rspecs when I require 'rails_helper', but not when I only require 'treetop' on its own. I unfortunately do not have the time for more testing right now, but I will leave you my Gemfile.lock for information.

Release note for 1.6.8

Hello, I am currently considering updating the treetop version I am using, which is 1.6.3, to the new version of the project. However, I could not find any release note about the most recent version. Is there a place where I can read it ?

Also, if that place does exist, maybe that file should also be placed on the project root directory as well.

Support Forum / Mailing List

There doesn't seem to be any place to get help with TreeTop.

Where can I ask questions about usage?


Shorthand methods in grammar?


I have used both Treetop and Parslet. The most feature in Parslet that I miss so much is that I can define shorthand method in derived Parslet::Parser class as:

class Foo < Parslet::Parser
    def spaced(thing)
        if thing.class == String
            atoms = space.maybe >> str(thing)
        elsif is_atom(thing)
            atoms = space.maybe >> thing
        return atoms
    rule(:comma) {

Is there any way in Treetop to achieve that? That will definitely make grammar more readable.

treetop 1.4.12 specs fail with ruby 1.8

With ruby 1.8.7 (2012-10-12 patchlevel 371) [x86_64-linux] I get the following failures when trying to run the specs.

  1) a character class with a negated POSIX bracket expression matches a character outside the negated class
     Failure/Error: parse('a').should_not be_nil
       invalid regular expression; [:^space:] is not a character class: /\G[[:^space:]]/
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:97:in `initialize'
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:97:in `new'
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:97:in `has_terminal?'
     # (eval):19:in `_nt_expression_under_test'
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:18:in `send'
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:18:in `parse'
     # ./spec/compiler/character_class_spec.rb:91

  2) a character class with a negated POSIX bracket expression doesn't match a character within the negated class
     Failure/Error: parse(' ').should be_nil
       invalid regular expression; [:^space:] is not a character class: /\G[[:^space:]]/
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:97:in `initialize'
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:97:in `new'
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:97:in `has_terminal?'
     # (eval):19:in `_nt_expression_under_test'
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:18:in `send'
     # ./lib/treetop/runtime/compiled_parser.rb:18:in `parse'
     # ./spec/compiler/character_class_spec.rb:94

Positive Lookahead Assertion does not work


"foo" &"bar" matches "foobar" but only consumes up to the end "foo". It will not match "foobaz"

However, given simple.treetop with contents:

grammar Simple
  rule positive_lookahead
    "foo" &"bar"

I get the follwing results:

$ tt simple.treetop 
$ ruby -rubygems -e 'require "treetop"; require "simple"; puts"foobar").inspect'

Now, either I am crazy, or the simplest possible example in the documentation on positive lookahead doesn't work?

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