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bib-dp-ml's Introduction

Privacy Preserving Distributed Machine Learning

We consider a randomized algorithm (\mathcal{A}: \mathcal{D} \to \mathcal{R}) with domain (\mathcal{D}) and range (\mathcal{R}).
We consider input datasets (D), (D' \in \mathcal{D}) and call them adjacent, written (D \sim D') if they differ by one individual example.

Differential Privacy

A randomized algorithm (\mathcal{A}) satisfies ((\epsilon, \delta))-differential privacy (DP) if for any two adjacent inputs (D, D' \in \mathcal{D}) and for any outcome (\omega \in \mathcal{R}): [ \Pr( \mathcal{A}(D) = \omega ) \leq e^{\epsilon} \Pr( \mathcal{A}(D') = \omega ) + \delta, ] where (\epsilon) is the privacy budget and (\delta) is the failure probability.

Privacy Loss

The privacy loss (L_{\mathcal{A}}) of (\mathcal{A}) for outcome (\omega \in \mathcal{R}) and inputs ( x, x' \in \mathcal{X}) is: [ L_{\mathcal{A}}(\omega, x, x') = \log \frac{\Pr(\mathcal{A}(x) = \omega)} {\Pr(\mathcal{A}(x') = \omega)}. ]

Standard Composition

The composition of an ((\epsilon_1, \delta_1))-differentially private algorithms with an ((\epsilon_2, \delta_2))-differentially private satisfies ((\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2, \delta_1 + \delta_2))-differential privacy.

Advanced Composition

For (\epsilon, \delta, \delta' \geq 0 ), composing k ((\epsilon, \delta))-differentially private algorithms satisfies ((\epsilon', k\delta + \delta'))-differential privacy under k-fold adaptive composition for [ \epsilon' = \sqrt{2k\ln(1/\delta')\epsilon} + k\epsilon(e^\epsilon - 1). ]

Secrecy of the Sample

Let (\mathcal{A}) be an ((\epsilon,\delta))-DP algorithm for datasets of size (n). Consider (\mathcal{A}') a randomized algorithm that takes in input a dataset D of size (m \geq n), and runs (\mathcal{A}) on D' obtained by uniformly subsampling D n times. Then (\mathcal{A'}) is ((\epsilon', \delta'))-differentially private for [ \epsilon' = (e^\epsilon-1) (n/m) \qquad \delta' = \delta (n/m). ]

Global Sensitivity

The sensitivity of a query (Q) is its the maximal change in the output over all possible adjacent datasets (D), (D'): [ \Delta_{Q} = | Q(D) - Q(D')| ] where (|\cdot|) is a norm, and we consider here it to be the (\ell)-2 norm.

Local Sensitivity

Given a dataset (D), the local sensitivity of a query (Q) is defined as [ \Delta^L_{Q}(D) = \max_{D' : D \sim D'} | Q(D) - Q(D')| ] where (D') are the possible neighbors of (D). Publishing an answer using local sensitivity may leak information. For instance, if (D) has small while (D') has large local sensitivity w.r.t. some query, the answer of the algorithm on (D) would be very close to the original answer.

Smooth sensitivity overcomes this limitation by smoothing the scale of noise across neighboring datasets.

Given a dataset (D), and value (\beta), the (\beta) smooth sensitivity of (Q) is defined as [ \Delta^\beta_{Q}(D) = \max_{\text{any dataset } \hat{D}} \left( e^{-\beta | D - \hat{D}|} \Delta^L_{Q}(\hat{D}) \right) ] Smooth sensitivity reduces the amount of noise to inject to a query answer by avoiding the worst-case sensitivity. It allows publishing an ((\epsilon, \delta))-DP query with noise that is determined not only by the query but also by the dataset itself.

Smooth Sensitivity Framework

Given a query (Q), let d be the dimension of the sample space, and Gaussian noise (Z \sim N(0,1)) the output [ \tilde{Q}(D) = Q(D) + \frac{\Delta^\beta_{Q}(D)}{\alpha} ] is ((\epsilon, \delta))-DP, for (\alpha = \frac{\epsilon}{\sqrt{ln(1/\delta)}}) and (\beta = \Omega(\frac{\epsilon}{\sqrt{d ln(1/\delta)}})).

Notes and Links:

The linear composition bound on (\epsilon) can be reduced at the cost of slightly increasing the failure probability (\delta). This relaxation considers the expected privacy loss, rather than the worst-case loss.
In turn, relaxation of differential privacy mechanisms can be defined to bound the expected privacy loss in order to achieve better utility.

The composition of multiple differentially private algorithms result in expected privacy loss which follows a subgaussian distribution. The, the expected privacy loss can be directly bounded by controlling the mean and the variance of the subgaussian distribution. This reduces the noise that should be added.

A randomized algorithm (\mathcal{A}) is ((\mu, \tau))-concentrated differentially-private if for all pairs of adjacent datasets (D, D'), [ D_{\text{subG}} (\mathcal{A}(D) | \mathcal{A}(D')) \leq (\mu, \tau) ] where the subgaussian divergence (D_{\text{subG}}), is defined such that the expected privacy loss is bounded bu (\mu) and the standard deviation of the centered subgaussian distribution is bounded by (\tau).

Any (\epsilon)-DP algorithm satisfies ((\epsilon \cdot (e^\epsilon -1) / 2, \epsilon))-CDP, however the converse is not true.

Is a variation on CDP that assumes the expected privacy loss to be tightly centered around zero mean.
A randomized algorithm (\mathcal{A}) is ((\xi, \rho))-zero-concentrated differentially private if, for all adjacent datasets (D, D') and all (\alpha \in (1, \infty)), [ D_{\alpha} (\mathcal{A}(D) | \mathcal{A}(D')) \leq \xi + \rho\alpha ] where (D_{\alpha} (\mathcal{A}(D) | \mathcal{A}(D'))) is the (\alpha)-Renyi divergence between the distribution of (\mathcal{A}(D)) and that of (\mathcal{A}(D')).

If (\mathcal{A}) satisfies (\epsilon)-DP, then it also satisfies ((\frac{1}{2}\epsilon^2))-zCDP. Additionally, if (\mathcal{A}) satisfies (\rho)-zCDP, then it is ((\rho, 2\sqrt{\rho \log(1/\delta)}, \delta))-DP, for any (\delta > 0).

A randomized algorithm (\mathcal{A}) is said to have (\epsilon)-Renyi differential privacy of order (\alpha)--said ((\epsilon, \alpha))-RDP, for short--, if for any adjacent dataset (D, D'): [ D_\alpha(\mathcal{A}(D) | \mathcal{A}(D')) \leq \epsilon. ] If (\mathcal{A}) is an ((\alpha,\epsilon))-RDP algorithm, then it also satisfies ((\epsilon + \log\frac{1}{\delta}, \delta))-DP for any (0<\delta<1).

The main difference among these relaxation is that CDP and zCDP require a linear bound on all positive moments of privacy loss, whereas RDP only requires bounding one moment at a time. This enables a more accurate numerical analysis of the privacy loss.
Notes and Links:

The moments accountant bounds the expected privacy loss of a differentially private algorithm. It does so by bounding the higher order moments of the privacy loss random variable. It is derived by the following work Bun:16, Dwork:16a, Mironov:17. This technique is recurrent in privacy preserving deep learning.

The moment of accountant is defined as [ \alpha_{\mathcal{A}}(\lambda) {\stackrel{\Delta}{=}} \max_{\text{aux}, D, D'} \alpha_{\mathcal{A}} (\lambda; \text{aux}, D, D'), ] where (\text{aux}) is just an auxiliary input to the mechanism and [ \alpha_{\mathcal{A}} (\lambda; \text{aux}, D, D') {\stackrel{\Delta}{=}} \log \mathbb{E}\left[ \exp( \lambda L(\mathcal{A}, \text{aux}, D, D')) \right] ] is the moment generating function of the privacy loss random variable (L(\mathcal{A}, \text{aux}, D, D') ). The latter is in turn defined as (L_{\mathcal{A}}(\mathcal{A}(D); D, D'), i.e., the random variable defiend by evaluating the privacy loss at an outcome sampled from (\mathcal{A}(D)).

The following properties of the moment accountant hold:

  • Composability: Consider a mechanism (\mathcal{A}) that consists of a sequence of adaptive mechanisms (\mathcal{A}{1}, \ldots, \mathcal{A}{k}) where (\mathcal{A}{i} : \prod{j=1}^{i-1} \mathcal{R}{j} \times \mathcal{D} \to \mathcal{R}{i}). Then, for any output sequence (o_1, \ldots, p_{k-1}) and any (\lambda) [ \alpha_{\mathcal{A}}(\lambda; D, D') = \sum_{i=1}^k \alpha_{\mathcal{A}{i}} (\lambda; o_1, \ldots, o{i-1}, D, D'), ] where (\alpha_{\mathcal{A}}) is conditioned on (\mathcal{A}{i})' output being (o_i) for (i < k). This property is proved in Dwork:14.
  • Tail bound: For any (\epsilon >0), the mechanism (\mathcal{A}) is ((\epsilon, \delta))-differentially private for: [ \delta = \min_{\lambda} \exp( \alpha_{\mathcal{A}}(\lambda) - \lambda \epsilon ). ] The above is proven in Bun:16.

It has been noted that the moments accountant can be considered as an instance of Renyi differential privacy.

Notes and Links:


We review some important metrics to measure distance between distributions.


The KL-Divergence (or relative entropy) between two random variables Y and Z taking values from the same domain is: [ D(Y | Z) = \mathbb{E}_{y \sim Y} \left[ \ln \frac{\Pr(Y = y)}{\Pr(Z = y)} \right], ] We have that (D(Y | Z) \geq 0), with equality iff Y and Z are identically distributed. Note that D is not symmetric, and does not satisfy the triangle inequality.

Max Divergence

The Max Divergence between two random variables (Y) and (Z) taking values from the same domain is: [ D_{\infty}(Y | Z) = \max_{S \subseteq \text{Supp}(Y)} \left[ \ln \frac{Pr(Y \in S)}{Pr(Z \in S)} \right]. ]

The (\delta)-approximate Max Divergence between (Y) and (Z) is: [ D^{\delta}{\infty}(Y | Z) = \max{S \subseteq \text{Supp}(Y) : \Pr(Y\in S) \geq \delta} \left[ \ln \frac{Pr(Y \in S) - \delta}{Pr(Z \in S)} \right]. ]

Statistical Distance

The Statistical Distance between two random variables (Y) and (Z) is [ \Delta(Y, Z) = \max_S \left| \Pr(Y \in S) - \Pr(Z \in S) \right| ] Y and Z are (\delta)-close if (\Delta(Y, Z) \leq \delta).

Relation to Differential Privacy

Note that an algorithm (\mathcal{A}) is

  • (\epsilon)-differentially private if on every two neighboring databases (x) and (y), [ D_{\infty}(\mathcal{A}(x) | \mathcal{A}(y)) \leq \epsilon \qquad \text{and} \qquad D_{\infty}(\mathcal{A}(y) | \mathcal{A}(x)) \leq \epsilon. ]
  • (\epsilon, \delta)-differentially private if on every two neighboring databases (x) and (y), [ D_{\infty}^{\delta}(\mathcal{A}(x) | \mathcal{A}(y)) \leq \epsilon \qquad \text{and} \qquad D_{\infty}^{\delta}(\mathcal{A}(y) | \mathcal{A}(x)) \leq \epsilon. ]


  • Add Renyi divergence

Several general directions have been investigated to create differential privacy machine learning algorithms.

Input Perturbation

The most straightforward way to guarantee differential privacy is to perturb the input data. If (x) is a d-dimensional vector, then a differentially private version of (x) is constructed by adding noise to it from a random d-dimensional vector (Z) with density: [ p_Z(z) \propto \exp \left( -\frac{\epsilon}{2} | z| \right). ] This method can be used to construct a noisy histogram to estimate the density function of the data. The noisy, private, data can be used as input to the desired machine learning algorithm. (See [33, 26] of Ji:14).

Output Perturbation

Suppose we want to compute a function (f) over a dataset D. Output perturbation algorithms first learn the model using the clean data, hence apply noise directly to the output of the function (f), generating a noisy estimate ( \hat{f}(D) = f(D) + Z ), where (Z) is a d-dimensional random vector with density [ p_Z(z) \propto \exp \left( -\frac{\epsilon}{\Delta_f} | z| \right). ] and (\Delta_f) is the sensitivity of the function (f).

Typical algorithms apply the Laplace or the Exponential mechanism on the output parameters of the model (e.g., [52, 40, 46, 28, 30, 7, 53] of Ji:14).

The methods that apply noise to the output parameters at each iteration during the training process (e.g., [21, 31, 24, 19, 25, 41, 55] of Ji:14) apply to this category as well.

Objective Perturbation

Objective perturbation methods introduce noise to the objective function of the optimization/learning process. These methods require bounding the sensitivity of the function to approximate (e.g., [56, 5, 6, 45] of Ji:14). This strategy was applied to regularized convex classification. In other words, given a non-private algorithm computing output f via a minimization of a (strongly) convex function (J(g, D)), we can produce a differentially private algorithm by adding noise prior to minimization: [ f = \arg\min_h \left( J(u, D) + g^T Z \right), ] where (Z) has the same shape as in that of the input perturbation but the coefficient in the exponent must be chosen as a function of the sensitivity of the optimization.


In objective perturbation, in general, the coefficient depend on the target function f that we want to approximate but not on the actual data D. The sample-and-aggregate method tries to relax this restriction by approximating the function value on subsets of the actual data. The general method works by partitioning the dataset into small subsets to estimate a model, then adding noise to an aggregation step [42,27,14] of Ji:14.

Most output and objective perturbation mechanisms require a bounded sample space to compute a bounded sensitivity. Mechanisms based on the sample-and-aggregate framework don’t have this limitation. However they guarantee (\epsilon, \delta)-differential privacy. When the sample space is unbounded one can guarantee (\epsilon)-differential privacy by truncating values in a pre-processing step. If the truncation mechanism is independent of the private data, then the truncation is privacy-safe.

Naive Bayes Model

We want to build a classifier that predicts a label Y given feature X. Given X and a model, one can compute the conditional probability (\Pr(Y|X)) for all labels Y and choose the label with the largest conditional probability value.

There are two main assumptions:

  1. The (X_{i}) are conditionally independent given (Y) , i.e., (\Pr(X_{i} |Y, X_{1}, \ldots, X_{i-1}, X_{i+1}, \ldots, X_{n}) = \Pr(X_{i}|Y) ). This enables us to compute the coefficient of each feature independently.
  2. Tor all numerical features in (x), (\Pr(X_{i} |Y)) is a normal distribution.

Based on (1) we have that: [ \Pr(Y | X_1, \ldots, X_n) \propto \Pr(Y) \prod_{i=1}^n P(X_i | Y) ] The model can be thus trained by estimating all the (\Pr(Y) and the (\Pr(X_i | Y). The former can be estimated by the frequencies of samples with label (Y) in the training set. For the latter, if (X_i) is categorical, then for values (x) and (y): [ \begin{align*} \Pr(X_i = x | Y = y) &= \frac{\Pr(X_i=x, Y=y)}{\Pr(Y=y)} \ &= \frac{\sum_j \text{ct}(x_{ij} = x) \text{ct}(y_i = y)} {\sum_j \text{ct}(y_i =y)}. \end{align*} ] where ct counts the number of elements (x_ij) taking on value (x). If (X_i) is numeric, then by (2), the Normal distribution (\Pr(X_i | Y)) is decided by (E[X_i | Y]) and (Var[X_i | Y]).

To guarantee (\epsilon)-differential privacy, Vaidya:13 assumes that the value of all features in the dataset can be bounded by some known value. This bound is used to compute the model sensitivity and add noise with Laplace mechanism with parameter (O(1/n\epsilon)).


Linear Regression

In linear regression one wants to express numerical values (Y) as weighted combination (\omega X) of the features in (X). The training solves: [ \min_\omega \sum_i (y_i - \omega^T x_i)^2. ]

The functional mechanism is a differential privacy model for linear regression that was proposed in Zhang:12. It expands the above expression using Taylor expansion, approximates it with a low degree polynomial, and add noise to its coefficients to guarantee privacy.

Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a model for binary classification. It predicts (\Pr(Y = 1 \ X) = \frac{1}{1 + e-{\omega^T X}}) given features X in a sample. The parameters (\omega) are trained by: [ \min_\omega \sum_i \log (1 + \exp(-y_i \omega^T x_i)). ] In Zhang:12, the functional mechanism, that uses Taylor expansion, is applied to achieve an (\epsilon)-differential private algorithm for logistic regression.
Two additional mechanisms that can ensure (\epsilon)-differentially private models are the output perturbation and the objective perturbation mechanisms, described in Chaudhuri:12a.

Kernel SVM


Functional Mechanism: Regression Analysis under Differential Privacy (VLDB 2012).

Differentially private empirical risk minimization (JMLR 2012).

Decision Tree Learning

Decision tree learning works by iteratively partitioning the dataset selecting a variable with an associated split value. The process creates a tree, by construction, where the path from the tree root to a node describes a partition of the data, containing values satisfying all the decision rules in the traversed nodes.

The work by Jagannathan:10 constructs an (\epsilon)-differential private decision trees by randomly constructing a tree (i.e., it randomly selects splitting rules until a given tree depth is reached) thus without looking at the data. Each decision tree induces a partition over the data and counts the number of elements in each partition that have a given label. The resulting counts are perturbed using a Laplace mechanism and used to estimate the probability of label y in each tree leaf.

Friedman:10 proposed an (\epsilon)-differential private mechanism for tree that relies on the use of the Exponential mechanism to select the variable with largest score (e.g., information Gain, Gini index) differentially privately. For each partition, induced by the process, it assigns a noisy count of samples with each label. These noisy counts are hence used to decide whether to remove those nodes without having to consider privacy. To avoid selecting a split value for a feature, the mechanism assumes that all features are categorical.


Online Convex Programming

Focuses on solving convex programming problems in an online manner, by analyzing examples one at a time. The input is a sequence of functions ((f_1, \ldots, f_T)) and the output is a sequence of points (w_1, \ldots, w_T) from a convex set (C). The algorithm starts at a random point (w_0) and at each step i it finds a new output (w_{i+1} \in C) using ((f_1, \ldots, f_i)) and ((w_1, \ldots, w_i)). The goal of online convex programming is to minimize regret: [ R = \sum_{i=1}^T f_i(w_i) - \min_{w\in C} \sum_{i=1}^T f_i(w). ]

The work of Jain:12 provides an ((\epsilon, \delta))-differentially private method for the Implicit Gradient Descent (IGD) and for the Generalized Infinitesimal Gradient Ascent (GIGA). It assumes that the (f_i) functions are L-Lipshitz continuous for some constant L and (\eta)-strongly convex.

IGD computes: [ \hat{w}{i+1} = \arg\min{w \in C} \left( \frac{1}{2} | w - w_i|^2 + \frac{1}{\eta i} f_i(w) \right), ] and projects (\hat{w}{i+1}) onto (C) to get the output (w{i+1}).

GIGA computes [ \hat{w}{i+1} = w_i - \frac{1}{\eta i} \nabla f_i(w_i), ] and then (\hat{w}{i+1}) onto (C) to get the output (w_{i+1}).
Both methods ensure bounded sensitivity of (w_{i+1}) given (w_i). To guarantee privacy, the mechanism adds Gaussian noise to every (\hat{w}i) before projection. Given T function (or samples), the expected regret attained by this (\epsilon, \delta)-differentially private mechanism is (O(\sqrt{\frac{t}{\epsilon}} \ln^2 \frac{T}{\delta} )).

Feature Selection

The foal of feature selection is to produce a dimensionality reduction from a high-dimensional dataset in which only a subset of the original features from the original feature space is retained.

The work in Staal:12 proposes an (\epsilon)-differentially private method for feature selection. For any feature set S, it defines a function F(S) that tells how many pairs of samples from different classes can the features in S distinguish. The algorithm starts with an empty set S' of slected features. It hence greedily selects the feature leading to the largest increase of F(S') using the exponential mechanism. The above assumes that all features are categorical.

Smith:13 propose an ((\epsilon, \delta))-differentially private algorithm for stable target function. A stable function is one whose either (a) value does not change when it takes in input a dataset D or a dataset D' with some samples change, or (b) the function output stay the same, with high probability, on a random subset of the input dataset. For the first kind of functions, the mechanism uses the smooth sensitivity framework to select features. For the second kind of functions, the algorithm uses a similar framework to that of the sample-and-aggregate framework: It creates some bootstrap set from the private data, selects the features non-privately on each set, and counts the frequencies of feature set output by the algorithm. The mechanism can release the most frequently selected set of features.


Principal Component Analysis

Is a dimensionality reduction technique based on a matrix factorization. It learns a linear projection of the original dataset into a lower-dimensional one. The new representation explains as much of the variance in the original dataset as possible.

Differential private PCA algorithms include Chaudhuri:12b, Hardt:12, and Kapralov:13.


Robust Statistical Estimators

Point Estimator


Data Release Scheme for Learning

Data Release mechanisms can be categorized into:

  1. Those that partition the sample space using the Exponential mechanism and then add noise to the counts (e.g., by using Laplace).
  2. Those that generate noisy histograms using Laplace and then partition the space based on such counts.
  • Differentially private online learning. (COLT 2012) [Paper]

Private Stochastic Gradient Descent

Abadi et al. presented an approach to train neural networks based on a differentially private stochastic gradient descent and the use of the moments accountant.

The private SGD is illustrated in the algorithm on the right. It illustrates how to train a model with parameter \(\theta\) by minimizing the empirical loss function \(\mathcal{L}(\theta))\). At each step of the SGD, it computes the gradient \(\nabla_\theta \mathcal{L}(\theta, x_i\) for a sample batch, clip the \(\ell_2\) norm of each gradient, compute the average, add noise to guarantee privacy, and take a step in the opposite direction of this average noisy gradient.
  • Clipping: Guaranteeing DP requires to bound the influence of each individual example on the gradient. Since there is no a priori bound on the size of the gradients, the methods clips each gradient in (\ell_2) norm using a threshold (C).

  • Noise addition: Note that, in this algorithm (\theta) subsumes all the model parameters of the loss function (\mathcal{L}(\cdot)). For multi-layer Nets we need to consider each layer separately. This also allows one to select different clipping thresholds C and noise scales (\sigma) for each layer.

  • Accounting: Choosing (\sigma = \sqrt{2 \log \frac{1.25}{\delta}/ \epsilon}) will derive (\epsilon, \delta)-DP at each step. One could use advanced composition to derive a (O(q\epsilon), q\delta)-DP algorithm with respect to a dataset where (q = L/N) is the sampling ratio per lot (a batch) and (N) the dataset size, with (\epsilon < 1). The work, however, introduced a the moments accountant to derive a (O(q\epsilon \sqrt{T}), \delta) bound where T is the number of iterations of the algorithm. The paper show (Thm. 1) that, exists (c_1, c_2 \in \mathbb{R}) such that given the sampling probability (q=L/N) and the number of steps (T), for any (\epsilon < c_1 q^2 T), the algorithm above is (\epsilon, \delta)-differentially private for any (\delta > 0) with [ \sigma \geq c_2 \frac{q \sqrt{T \log(1/\delta)}}{\epsilon}. ] The saving are significant. For example, with (L = 0.01N, \sigma = 4, \delta = 10^{−5}) , and (T = 10000), moments accountant produces (\epsilon \sim 1.26 ), while strong composition produces (\epsilon = 9.34).

The PATE Framework

PATE is a framework that protects privacy of the training data during learning.

It uses an ensemble of teacher models, each trained on partitions of the data, and transfer their knowledge to a student model, that learns while guaranteeing differential privacy.

PATE has tree components, as illustrated in the Figure above:
  1. Teacher Models: Each teacher is trained independently on a subset of the data, forming a partition among all teachers. A teacher model can be any learning model. It does not have to be private either. At inference, teachers independently predict labels.

  2. Aggregation Mechanism: The aggregation mechanism assigns a labels to data points using the predictions from the teacher ensemble. To guarantee privacy, the mechanism uses Noisy Max and outputs the class with the highest noisy votes as the ensemble's prediction. This step assumes that the privacy loss of each aggregated prediction made by the teacher ensemble is known.

For sample (x) and classes (1,\ldots,m), let (f_j(x) \in [m]) denote the j-th model's prediction and let (n_i) denote the vote count for the i-th class. The mechanism outputs ( \arg\max_i n_i(x) + \text{Lap}(1/\lambda)).

While this model guarantee privacy it faces two limitations: First, each prediction made by the aggregation mechanism increases the total privacy budget. Second, the ensemble cannot be made public. To overcome these limitations, a student model is introduced.

  1. Student Model: The final step involves training a student model by knowledge transfer from the teacher ensemble using access to public--but unlabeled--data. The student selects inputs from a set of unlabeled public data and submits these inputs to the teacher ensemble to have them labeled. The noisy aggregation mechanism responds with private labels, which the student uses to train a model. PATE executes a limited number of queries during training and uses the moment accountant to asses tight privacy losses. The student sees exclusively public data and privacy-preserving labels.

The student model can be formulated as a Generative Adversarial Network, which learns the data

  • Stochastic gradient descent with differentially private updates (GlobalSIP 2013)

  • The sparse vector technique
  • SmallDB
  • Subsample and aggregate
  • Propose-test-Release
  • Private Multiplicative Weights
  • Boosting for Queries

Attacks on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Models

Collaborative Deep Learning]( (CCS 2017) [info]
Tags:: Federated Learning Risks | GAN | DP ineffectiveness

Study of Personalized Warfarin Dosing]( (USENIX 2014) [info]
Tags: Model inversion | medical | DP | LR | Histograms | Negative result for DP

Secure Multi-party Computation

Differential Privacy Deep Learning

Non-Differential Privacy Deep Learning

Federated Learning

Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning

  • Protection Against Reconstruction and Its Applications in Private Federated Learning [Paper]

    Abhishek Bhowmick, John Duchi, Julien Freudiger, Gaurav Kapoor, and Ryan Rogers (ArXiv 2018)

    Federated learning has become an exciting direction for both research and practical training of models with user data. Although data remains decentralized in federated learning, it is common to assume that the model updates are sent in the clear from the devices to the server. Differential privacy has been proposed as a way to ensure the model remains private, but this does not address the issue that model updates can be seen on the server, and lead to leakage of user data. Local differential privacy is one of the strongest forms of privacy protection so that each individual’s data is privatized. However, local differential privacy, as it is traditionally used, may prove to be too stringent of a privacy condition in many high dimensional problems, such as in distributed model fitting. We propose a new paradigm for local differential privacy by providing protections against certain adversaries. Specifically, we ensure that adversaries with limited prior information cannot reconstruct, with high probability, the original data within some prescribed tolerance. This interpretation allows us to consider larger privacy parameters. We then design (optimal) DP mechanisms in this large privacy parameter regime. In this work, we combine local privacy protections along with central differential privacy to present a prac- tical approach to do model training privately. Further, we show that these privacy restrictions maintain utility in image classification and language models that is comparable to federated learning without these privacy restrictions.

  • Gossip Gradient Descent [Paper]

    Yang Liu,Ji Liu, Tamer Basar (AAMAS 2018 - extended abstract)

    We consider a problem of learning a linear regression model distributively with a network of N interconnected agents which receive private streaming data. Each agent can deploy an online learning algorithm, e.g. stochastic gradient descent, to learn adaptively the regression model using its receiving private data. The goal is to devise an algorithm for each agent, under the constraint that each of them can communicate only with its neighboring agents based on a communication graph, to enable each agent converge to the true model with a performance comparable to that of the traditional centralized solution. We propose an algorithm called gossip gradient descent, and establish O (√ log t over(1-λ 2 ) Nt ) convergence in expectation and mean square, where λ 2 is the second largest eigenvalue of the expected gossip matrix corresponding to the underlying communication graph. For the case when agents are privacy sensitive, we propose a differentially private variant of the algorithm, which achieves ε-differential privacy and O ł(√ over log 2 t ε(1-λ 2 ) Nt ) convergence.

  • Differentially-Private “Draw and Discard” Machine Learning

    Vasyl Pihur, Aleksandra Korolova, Frederick Liu, Subhash Sankuratripati, Moti Yung, Dachuan Huang, Ruogu Zeng (ArXiv 2018)

    In this work, we propose a novel framework for privacy-preserving client-distributed machine learning. It is motivated by the desire to achieve differential privacy guarantees in the local model of privacy in a way that satisfies all systems constraints using asynchronous client-server communication and provides attractive model learning properties. We call it "Draw and Discard" because it relies on random sampling of models for load distribution (scalability), which also provides additional server-side privacy protections and improved model quality through averaging. We present the mechanics of client and server components of "Draw and Discard" and demonstrate how the framework can be applied to learning Generalized Linear models. We then analyze the privacy guarantees provided by our approach against several types of adversaries and showcase experimental results that provide evidence for the framework's viability in practical deployments.

    [Comments] Talked at the Workshop on Privacy and Machine Learning at ICML '18. Interesting idea for large scale multi-agent deployment. Also, interesting that variance does not blow up!

  • A Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm for Multiparty Classification Paper

    Arun Rajkumar and Shivani Agarwal (AISTATS 2012)

    We consider the problem of developing privacy preserving machine learning algorithms in a distributed multiparty setting. Here different parties own different parts of a data set, and the goal is to learn a classifier from the entire data set without any party revealing any information about the individual data points it owns. Pathak et al [7] recently proposed a solution to this problem in which each party learns a local classifier from its own data, and a third party then aggregates these classifiers in a privacy-preserving manner using a cryptographic scheme. The generalization performance of their algorithm is sensitive to the number of parties and the relative fractions of data owned by the different parties. In this paper, we describe a new differentially private algorithm for the multiparty setting that uses a stochastic gradient descent based procedure to directly optimize the overall multiparty objective rather than combining classifiers learned from optimizing local objectives. The algorithm achieves a slightly weaker form of differential privacy than that of [7], but provides improved generalization guarantees that do not depend on the number of parties or the relative sizes of the individual data sets. Experimental results corroborate our theoretical findings.

  • Multiparty differential privacy via aggregation of locally trained classifiers.

    M. Pathak, S. Rane, and B. Raj. (NIPS 2010)


  • Differential Privacy and Machine Learning: a Survey and Review [Paper]

    Zhanglong Ji, Zachary C. Lipton, Charles Elkan

    The objective of machine learning is to extract useful information from data, while privacy is preserved by concealing information. Thus it seems hard to reconcile these competing interests. However, they frequently must be balanced when mining sensitive data. For example, medical research represents an important application where it is necessary both to extract useful information and protect patient privacy. One way to resolve the conflict is to extract general characteristics of whole populations without disclosing the private information of individuals. In this paper, we consider differential privacy, one of the most popular and powerful definitions of privacy. We explore the interplay between machine learning and differential privacy, namely privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms and learning-based data release mechanisms. We also describe some theoretical results that address what can be learned differentially privately and upper bounds of loss functions for differentially private algorithms. Finally, we present some open questions, including how to incorporate public data, how to deal with missing data in private datasets, and whether, as the number of observed samples grows arbitrarily large, differentially private machine learning algorithms can be achieved at no cost to utility as compared to corresponding non-differentially private algorithms.


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