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Nacos-sdk-go for Go client allows you to access Nacos service,it supports service discovery and dynamic configuration.


Supported Go version over 1.15

Supported Nacos version over 2.x


Use go get to install SDK:

$ go get -u

Quick Examples

  • ClientConfig
constant.ClientConfig {
	TimeoutMs   uint64 // timeout for requesting Nacos server, default value is 10000ms
	NamespaceId string // the namespaceId of Nacos
	Endpoint    string // the endpoint for ACM.
	RegionId    string // the regionId for ACM & KMS
	AccessKey   string // the AccessKey for ACM & KMS
	SecretKey   string // the SecretKey for ACM & KMS
	OpenKMS     bool   // it's to open KMS, default is false.
	// , to enable encrypt/decrypt, DataId should be start with "cipher-"
	CacheDir             string // the directory for persist nacos service info,default value is current path
	UpdateThreadNum      int    // the number of goroutine for update nacos service info,default value is 20
	NotLoadCacheAtStart  bool   // not to load persistent nacos service info in CacheDir at start time
	UpdateCacheWhenEmpty bool   // update cache when get empty service instance from server
	Username             string // the username for nacos auth
	Password             string // the password for nacos auth
	LogDir               string // the directory for log, default is current path
	RotateTime           string // the rotate time for log, eg: 30m, 1h, 24h, default is 24h
	MaxAge               int64  // the max age of a log file, default value is 3
	LogLevel             string // the level of log, it's must be debug,info,warn,error, default value is info
  • ServerConfig
    Scheme      string // the nacos server scheme,defaut=http,this is not required in 2.0 
    ContextPath string // the nacos server contextpath,defaut=/nacos,this is not required in 2.0 
    IpAddr      string // the nacos server address 
    Port        uint64 // nacos server port
    GrpcPort    uint64 // nacos server grpc port, default=server port + 1000, this is not required

Note:We can config multiple ServerConfig,the client will rotate request the servers

Create client

	//create clientConfig
	clientConfig := constant.ClientConfig{
		NamespaceId:         "e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468", //we can create multiple clients with different namespaceId to support multiple namespace.When namespace is public, fill in the blank string here.
		TimeoutMs:           5000,
		NotLoadCacheAtStart: true,
		LogDir:              "/tmp/nacos/log",
		CacheDir:            "/tmp/nacos/cache",
		LogLevel:            "debug",
	//Another way of create clientConfig
	clientConfig := *constant.NewClientConfig(
		constant.WithNamespaceId("e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468"), //When namespace is public, fill in the blank string here.
   // At least one ServerConfig
	serverConfigs := []constant.ServerConfig{
			IpAddr:      "",
			ContextPath: "/nacos",
			Port:        80,
			Scheme:      "http",
			IpAddr:      "",
			ContextPath: "/nacos",
			Port:        80,
			Scheme:      "http",
	//Another way of create serverConfigs
	serverConfigs := []constant.ServerConfig{

	// Create naming client for service discovery
	_, _ := clients.CreateNamingClient(map[string]interface{}{
		"serverConfigs": serverConfigs,
		"clientConfig":  clientConfig,

	// Create config client for dynamic configuration
	_, _ := clients.CreateConfigClient(map[string]interface{}{
		"serverConfigs": serverConfigs,
		"clientConfig":  clientConfig,

	// Another way of create naming client for service discovery (recommend)
	namingClient, err := clients.NewNamingClient(
			ClientConfig:  &clientConfig,
			ServerConfigs: serverConfigs,

	// Another way of create config client for dynamic configuration (recommend)
	configClient, err := clients.NewConfigClient(
			ClientConfig:  &clientConfig,
			ServerConfigs: serverConfigs,

Create client for ACM

cc := constant.ClientConfig{
		Endpoint:    "",
		NamespaceId: "e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468",
		RegionId:    "cn-shanghai",
		AccessKey:   "LTAI4G8KxxxxxxxxxxxxxbwZLBr",
		SecretKey:   "n5jTL9YxxxxxxxxxxxxaxmPLZV9",
		OpenKMS:     true,
		TimeoutMs:   5000,
		LogLevel:    "debug",

	// a more graceful way to create config client
	client, err := clients.NewConfigClient(
			ClientConfig: &cc,

Service Discovery

  • Register instance:RegisterInstance
success, err := namingClient.RegisterInstance(vo.RegisterInstanceParam{
		Ip:          "",
		Port:        8848,
		ServiceName: "demo.go",
		Weight:      10,
		Enable:      true,
		Healthy:     true,
		Ephemeral:   true,
		Metadata:    map[string]string{"idc":"shanghai"},
		ClusterName: "cluster-a", // default value is DEFAULT
		GroupName:   "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
  • Deregister instance:DeregisterInstance
success, err := namingClient.DeregisterInstance(vo.DeregisterInstanceParam{
		Ip:          "",
		Port:        8848,
		ServiceName: "demo.go",
		Ephemeral:   true,
		Cluster:     "cluster-a", // default value is DEFAULT
		GroupName:   "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
  • Get service:GetService
services, err := namingClient.GetService(vo.GetServiceParam{
		ServiceName: "demo.go",
		Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
		GroupName:   "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
  • Get all instances:SelectAllInstances
// SelectAllInstance return all instances,include healthy=false,enable=false,weight<=0
	instances, err := namingClient.SelectAllInstances(vo.SelectAllInstancesParam{
		ServiceName: "demo.go",
		GroupName:   "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
		Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
  • Get instances :SelectInstances
// SelectInstances only return the instances of healthy=${HealthyOnly},enable=true and weight>0
	instances, err := namingClient.SelectInstances(vo.SelectInstancesParam{
		ServiceName: "demo.go",
		GroupName:   "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
		Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
		HealthyOnly: true,
  • Get one healthy instance(WRR):SelectOneHealthyInstance
// SelectOneHealthyInstance return one instance by WRR strategy for load balance
	// And the instance should be health=true,enable=true and weight>0
	instance, err := namingClient.SelectOneHealthyInstance(vo.SelectOneHealthInstanceParam{
		ServiceName: "demo.go",
		GroupName:   "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
		Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
  • Listen service change event:Subscribe
// Subscribe key = serviceName+groupName+cluster
	// Note: We call add multiple SubscribeCallback with the same key.
	err := namingClient.Subscribe(vo.SubscribeParam{
		ServiceName: "demo.go",
		GroupName:   "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
		Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
		SubscribeCallback: func (services []model.Instance, err error) {
			log.Printf("\n\n callback return services:%s \n\n", utils.ToJsonString(services))
  • Cancel listen of service change event:Unsubscribe
err := namingClient.Unsubscribe(vo.SubscribeParam{
		ServiceName: "demo.go",
		GroupName:   "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
		Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
		SubscribeCallback: func (services []model.Instance, err error) {
			log.Printf("\n\n callback return services:%s \n\n", utils.ToJsonString(services))
  • Get all services name:GetAllServicesInfo
serviceInfos, err := namingClient.GetAllServicesInfo(vo.GetAllServiceInfoParam{
		NameSpace: "0e83cc81-9d8c-4bb8-a28a-ff703187543f",
		PageNo:   1,
		PageSize: 10,

Dynamic configuration

  • publish config:PublishConfig
success, err := configClient.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId:  "dataId",
		Group:   "group",
		Content: "hello world!222222"})
  • delete config:DeleteConfig
success, err = configClient.DeleteConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId: "dataId",
		Group:  "group"})
  • get config info:GetConfig
content, err := configClient.GetConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId: "dataId",
		Group:  "group"})
  • Listen config change event:ListenConfig
err := configClient.ListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId: "dataId",
		Group:  "group",
		OnChange: func (namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
			fmt.Println("group:" + group + ", dataId:" + dataId + ", data:" + data)
  • Cancel the listening of config change event:CancelListenConfig
err := configClient.CancelListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId: "dataId",
		Group:  "group",
  • Search config: SearchConfig
configPage, err := configClient.SearchConfig(vo.SearchConfigParam{
		Search:   "blur",
		DataId:   "",
		Group:    "",
		PageNo:   1,
		PageSize: 10,


We can run example to learn how to use nacos go client.


You can view the open-api documentation from the Nacos open-api wepsite.

You can view the full documentation from the Nacos website.


Contributors are welcomed to join Nacos-sdk-go project. Please check about how to contribute to this project.


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nacos-sdk-go's People


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nacos-sdk-go's Issues

User document update

What would you like to be added:
We need to update our user document and give an english document;
Why is this needed:

selectOneHealthyInstances 性能问题

naming_client/selectOneHealthyInstances/random func 性能问题,经过使用通过pprof分析出来 由于random func 频繁扩容slice 导致 消耗cpu 资源严重。后续我将推送代码 修复这个问题。




r, err := NewNacosRegistry(constant.ClientConfig{
	TimeoutMs:            10 * 1000,
	ListenInterval:       30 * 1000,
	NamespaceId:          "d70053b1-7daa-438a-ab03-4835fc57b747", //nacos命名空间
	UpdateThreadNum:      20, 
	NotLoadCacheAtStart:  true,
	UpdateCacheWhenEmpty: true,
}, []constant.ServerConfig{
		IpAddr:      "",
		ContextPath: "/nacos",
		Port:        8848,


func (r *NacosRegistry) Subscribe(
	info yunfan.ServiceInfo, callback yunfan.RegistryChangeFunc) error {
	r.subscribeParam = &vo.SubscribeParam{
		ServiceName: info.Name,
		Clusters:    []string{info.Cluster},
		SubscribeCallback: func(services []model.SubscribeService, err error) {
			log.Infof("\n\n callback return services:%s \n\n",
	return r.client.Subscribe(r.subscribeParam)

实际订阅应该是成功的,因为后续有服务注册的时候 callback 可以成功打印变动,但是Nacos面板中就是不能显示出对应记录,换过几个命名空间都一样。


example/service/main.go 修改serverconfig和时间后 注册的服务在Nacos都无法看到是为什么?

clients/client_factory.go 中 CreateNamingClient 参数的配置项可否换成引用类型?

在 setConfig 函数体中对配置实例对断言验证都是类型 constant.ClientConfig, 可否换成 *constant.ClientConfig?CI中过不了 gocritic 的 hugeParam lint。

func setConfig(properties map[string]interface{}) (iClient nacos_client.INacosClient, err error) {
	client := nacos_client.NacosClient{}
	if clientConfigTmp, exist := properties[constant.KEY_CLIENT_CONFIG]; exist {
		if clientConfig, ok := clientConfigTmp.(constant.ClientConfig); ok {
			err = client.SetClientConfig(clientConfig)
			if err != nil {
	} else {
		_ = client.SetClientConfig(constant.ClientConfig{
			TimeoutMs:      10 * 1000,
			ListenInterval: 30 * 1000,
			BeatInterval:   5 * 1000,
	// 设置 serverConfig
	if serverConfigTmp, exist := properties[constant.KEY_SERVER_CONFIGS]; exist {
		if serverConfigs, ok := serverConfigTmp.([]constant.ServerConfig); ok {
			err = client.SetServerConfig(serverConfigs)
			if err != nil {
	} else {
		clientConfig, _ := client.GetClientConfig()
		if len(clientConfig.Endpoint) <= 0 {
			err = errors.New("server configs not found in properties")

	iClient = &client


Listen mutiple config in a connection

What would you like to be added:
When we call ListenConfig(param vo.ConfigParam), put the listen task to cache, and other gorutine to get the tasks for listening change.
Why is this needed:
Now we only listen one config in a connect. This will cause waste of client resources and increase the nacos server load.

configClient.GetConfig return nothing

please help!!!
configClient.GetConfig return nothing

package main

import (


func main() {
	clientConfig := constant.ClientConfig{
		TimeoutMs:      10 * 1000,
		ListenInterval: 10 * 1000,
		BeatInterval:   5 * 1000,
		NamespaceId:    "test",
		// LogDir:         "/nacos/logs",
		// CacheDir:       "/nacos/cache",
		NotLoadCacheAtStart: true, //在启动时不读取本地缓存数据,true--不读取,false--读取
	serverConfigs := []constant.ServerConfig{
			IpAddr:      "localhost",
			ContextPath: "/nacos",
			Port:        8848,
	configClient, err := clients.CreateConfigClient(map[string]interface{}{
		"serverConfigs": serverConfigs,
		"clientConfig":  clientConfig,
	if err != nil {
	content, err := configClient.GetConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId: "test.yml",
		Group:  "testGroup",
	if err != nil {
	if content == "" {
		log.Printf("getConfig: nil")
	log.Printf("getConfig: %v:", content) // <=============== not output

	err = configClient.ListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{ // <=========== output in OnChange is normal
		DataId: "test.yml",
		Group:  "testGroup",

		OnChange: func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
			fmt.Println("namespace:" + namespace + ", group:" + group + ", dataId:" + dataId + ", data:" + data)
			serverViper := viper.New()

			fmt.Println("aaa", serverViper.Get("aaa"))

	if err != nil {

	// router := gin.Default()
	// router.Run()
	select {}


2020/07/31 14:24:00 [INFO] logDir:</Users/gattaca/git/mygo/go-server/log>   cacheDir:</Users/gattaca/git/mygo/go-server/cache>
namespace:test, group:testGroup, dataId:test.yml, data:aaa: 10
aaa 10


go 1.14

require ( v1.6.3 v10.3.0 // indirect v1.4.2 v1.1.10 // indirect v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect v1.0.1 // indirect v0.4.0 v1.7.0 v0.0.0-20200707034311-ab3426394381 // indirect v0.0.0-20200728102440-3e129f6d46b1 // indirect v0.0.0-20200729003335-053ba62fc06f // indirect v1.30.0 v1.25.0 v2.3.0 // indirect

Access to ci/cd tools

What would you like to be added:
we need to access to ci/cd tools like travis to ensure code quality
Why is this needed:

Listen mutiple config in a connection

What would you like to be added:
When we call ListenConfig(param vo.ConfigParam), put the listen task to cache, and other gorutine to get the tasks for listening change.
Why is this needed:
Now we only listen one config in a connect. This will cause waste of client resources and increase the nacos server load.

host_reator GetServiceInfo 并发情况下出错

服务启动时,并发获取实例。出现异常 Service Hosts instance list is empty!
经过分析在host_reator/GetServiceInfo func中 高并发下对Map操作的逻辑有问题。

  func (hr *HostReactor) GetServiceInfo(serviceName string, clusters string) model.Service {
	key := utils.GetServiceCacheKey(serviceName, clusters)
	cacheService, ok := hr.serviceInfoMap.Get(key)
 	if !ok {
 		cacheService = model.Service{Name: serviceName, Clusters: clusters}
 		hr.serviceInfoMap.Set(key, cacheService)
 		hr.updateServiceNow(serviceName, clusters)
 	newService, _ := hr.serviceInfoMap.Get(key)
 	return newService.(model.Service)

GetAllServicesInfo fail

GetAllServicesInfo interface changes. /getAll -> /service/list.

I would like to try my hand at the job.

After the configuration is removed, Listen continually returns the previous value

It might have something to do with this(
Listen for configurations
This API is used to listen for configurations in Nacos to capture configuration changes. In case of any configuration changes, you can use the Get Configurations API to obtain the latest value of the configuration and dynamically refresh the local cache.

A listener is registered using an asynchronous servlet. The nature of registering a listener is to compare the configuration value and the MD5 value of it with that of the backend. If the values differ, the inconsistent configuration is returned immediately. Otherwise, an empty string is returned after 30 seconds.
success, _ := client.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId:  "com.hello",
		Group:   "marx",
		Content: "hello world",
	fmt.Println("Publish Content: ", "hello world, result", success)
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

	success, _ = client.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId:  "com.hello",
		Group:   "marx",
		Content: "hello ma",
	fmt.Println("Publish Content: ", "hello ma, result", success)
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

	success, _ = client.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId:  "com.hello",
		Group:   "marx",
		Content: "hello max",
	fmt.Println("Publish Content: ", "hello marx, result", success)
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

	success, _ = client.DeleteConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId: "com.hello",
		Group:  "marx",
	fmt.Println("Delete Content: ", "hello marx, result", success)

	time.Sleep(2 * time.Minute)

2019/07/02 14:44:03 [INFO] logDir:<data/nacos/log> cacheDir:</private/var/folders/w4/d_d_m03523j12lnn4ypdq90m0000gp/T/cache>
Publish Content: hello world, result true
group:marx, dataId:com.hello, data:hello world
Publish Content: hello ma, result true
group:marx, dataId:com.hello, data:hello ma
Publish Content: hello marx, result true
group:marx, dataId:com.hello, data:hello max
Delete Content: hello marx, result true
group:marx, dataId:com.hello, data:hello max
group:marx, dataId:com.hello, data:hello max
group:marx, dataId:com.hello, data:hello max
group:marx, dataId:com.hello, data:hello max
... ...
group:marx, dataId:com.hello, data:hello max
... ...

remove uuid package dependencies

What would you like to be added:
remove dependencies,copy the dependent package to ourself project
Why is this needed:
this package is not compatible with v1.2.0 and v1.1.0. When other project import Nacos-sdk-go may cause conflict on

Who is using nacos-sdk-go

此 Issue 的目的

  • 收集在生产上使用nacos-sdk-go的用户

  • 聆听社区内一线开发和运维人员的声音,完善nacos-sdk-go

  • 吸引更多的人参与社区贡献


  • 您所在公司、学校或组织
  • 您所在的城市、国家
  • 您的联系方式:微博、邮箱、微信 (至少一个)
  • 您将nacos-sdk-go用于哪些业务场景,需要哪些功能特性


  • 专家服务(半天内响应,优先支持,落地方案和场景讨论),帮助大家更高效的落地Nacos
  • 企业技术影响力构建(如虎牙Nacos落地最佳实践,帮虎牙赢得技术影响力),我们可以协助企业输出这样的内容和宣传,以便形成丰富的Nacos案例库,方便了解彼此公司使用情况。
  • 个人影响力构建,Committer候选人 (登记用户可以获得1:1 Nacos committer培养的支持)


  • 组织:阿里巴巴
  • 地点:**杭州
  • 联系方式:[email protected]
  • 场景:服务发现和配置管理
  • 服务框架:SpringCloud / Dubbo / gRPC / K8S / ...
  • 使用规模:100个配置 + 100个服务



1.注册服务实例:RegisterInstance 中缺失MetaData导致 nacos服务中空指针异常,
异常为:Can not get hosts from nacos server. serviceId: **




2.注销服务实例:DeregisterInstance 传入的参数错误,应该为DeregisterInstanceParam

Code Copied Without Preservation of Copyright and License Notices

Hi guys,

It looks like the code for your concurrent map here is a direct copy/paste of our implementation (including stuff that we commented out and everything).

Do feel free to use the code (it's MIT-licensed) and I hope you find it useful, but it would be great if you could follow the license requirement, requiring preservation of copyright and license notices.




  • 收集用户使用nacos-sdk-go过程遇到的问题
  • 收集用户对nacos-sdk-go的建议,包括功能、代码架构等



The NamespaceId is configured incorrectly, but the operation can also succeed

There seems to be no filter limit

         "clientConfig": constant.ClientConfig{
			//NamespaceId:          "bf8ab528-e832-4ebc-ab94-dd7ec7c0e843", -- right
			NamespaceId:          "marx", // wrong

         success, err := client.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId:  "com.hello",
		Group:   "marx",
		Content: "hello world2",
	fmt.Println(success, err)

	content, err := client.GetConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId: "com.hello",
		Group:  "marx"})

	fmt.Println(content, err)

2019/07/02 11:41:54 [INFO] logDir:<data/nacos/log> cacheDir:</private/var/folders/w4/d_d_m03523j12lnn4ypdq90m0000gp/T/cache>
hello world2



nacos_server\nacos_server.go:102:44: multiple-value uuid .NewV4() in single-value context

Nacos 为什么注册服务老是失败?


`type NacosClient struct {
Client config_client.IConfigClient
NamingClient naming_client.INamingClient

// New Nacos Client
func NewNacos(option *Options) *NacosClient {
clientConfig := constant.ClientConfig{
TimeoutMs: option.TimeoutMs,
ListenInterval: option.ListenInterval,
BeatInterval: option.BeatInterval,
serverConfigs := []constant.ServerConfig{
ContextPath: "/nacos",
IpAddr: option.Address,
Port: option.Port,
// Create Config Center
client, err := clients.CreateConfigClient(map[string]interface{}{
"serverConfigs": serverConfigs,
"clientConfig": clientConfig,
if err != nil {
// Create Register Center
if err!=nil{
return &NacosClient{Client: client,NamingClient: namingClient}


`// Register Service
func (c *NacosClient) Register(ip string,port uint64) bool {
Ip: ip,
Port: port,
ServiceName: "demo.go",
Weight: 10,
ClusterName: "a",
Enable: true,
Healthy: true,
Ephemeral: true,
if err!=nil{
return false
return ok

// Deregister Service
func (c *NacosClient) Deregister(ip string,port uint64) bool {
ok ,err:=c.NamingClient.DeregisterInstance(vo.DeregisterInstanceParam{
Ip: ip,
Port: port,
ServiceName: "demo.go",
Cluster: "a",
Ephemeral: true,
if err!=nil{
return false
return ok



		DataId: "xxx.json",
		Group:  "DEFAULT_GROUP",
		OnChange: func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
			fmt.Println("group:" + group + ", dataId:" + dataId + ", data:" + data)


		DataId: "xxx.json",
		Group:  "DEFAULT_GROUP",})

		DataId: "xxx.json",
		Group:  "DEFAULT_GROUP",
		OnChange: func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
			fmt.Println("group:" + group + ", dataId:" + dataId + ", data:" + data)

Nacos api configs interface tenant parameter problem

The tenant in the project's instructions should be the id corresponding to the namespace, not the namespace name.

Current nacos version 1.1.3

  1. request
  1. ruturn message
config data not exist



The corresponding location in the above image should pass in the parameter id of the namespace, not the namespace name. The comments in the code can be misleading.

nacos configClient使用监听方法监听无效

err = configClient.ListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{ DataId: dataId, Group: group, Content: content, OnChange: func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) { fmt.Println("group:" + group + ", dataId:" + dataId + ", data:" + data) }, })
var wg sync.WaitGroup
2020/04/16 17:43:25 [client.ListenConfig] request url: http://xxxxx/nacos/v1/cs/configs/listener ;params: map[Listening-Configs:yar�DEV�1088958d4d6bcf1947632b196ef07a54�f3004c58-3522-4e65-8a0a-5043721a51a6�] ;header: map[Content-Type:[application/x-www-form-urlencoded] Long-Pulling-Timeout:[30000]] 2020/04/16 17:43:25 [client.ListenConfig] no change

abstract log interface

What would you like to be added:
Give an abstract log interface, and a default log implementation which support log level,log rotate and log format。
Why is this needed:
Users may want to implement their own log libraries,so we need give an interface.


  1. 代码不太符合标准go的代码格式,好多感觉是java的风格, 少用interface{}断言。
  2. 很多地方,go都习惯于用*Object, 而不是直接使用实体。
  3. 配置创建使用 NewObject(...options ClientOption) 这种模式更通用 请参考 NewServer部分



Give some example

What would you like to be added:
We need to give some example to guide new users
Why is this needed:

Getting the deleted configuration is still readable

I think this is a design flaw that does not set whether to read cached data or specify the source of the returned data

	content, err := client.GetConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
		DataId: "com.hello",
		Group:  "marx"})

	fmt.Println(content, err)

2019/07/02 11:26:04 [INFO] logDir:<data/nacos/log> cacheDir:</private/var/folders/w4/d_d_m03523j12lnn4ypdq90m0000gp/T/cache>
hello world2

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