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flexbox-react's Introduction

This project sunsetting

I created this a relatively long time ago, gave it visibility on the internet and used it in multiple projects, in production, like many of you. Time passed and I can no longer devote time to flexbox-react, so I'm not longer maintaining this repo.

I'm glad for the appearances of other libraries iterating in this concept I created (and I take pride on this) —From material-ui to chakra-ui and even google's native android flexbox layout library.

Thanks to all contributors along the way!


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Unopinionated, standard compliant flexbox components.


You should not learn any proprietary syntax, classnames or API's for this. If you know how to use flexbox, you know how to use flexbox-react components.

No more <Container>, <SpacedBox>, <Column>, <View>, <Section> or any other arbitrarily named and spec ed components to layout your apps.

No more first={true}, ternary={true}, spaced={true},grouped={true} or any other arbitrarily named and spec ed props to layout your apps.

flexbox-react is agnostic of which post/pre css build flow you have, it works out of the box. It's agnostic to it. You could have all your styling on css files. Or all inlined. This sits just in the middle. It might be a good idea to see your components and know how they are laid out without jumping between css files or arbitrary, layout-exclusive components specifications.


No hardcoded, bloated, unnecessary vendor prefixes, by caniuse. Just those your browser needs, based on your userAgent.

No need to import any new stylesheet or to add any styles to your existing stylesheets. It works out of the box, just by using the component.


yarn add flexbox-react
# or
npm install --save flexbox-react


import Flexbox from 'flexbox-react';

// ...
<Flexbox flexDirection="column" minHeight="100vh">
  <Flexbox element="header" height="60px">

  <Flexbox flexGrow={1}>

  <Flexbox element="footer" height="60px">

Sticky footer!

As you can see, there're some extra props as layout ing helpers. Those are height, minHeight, maxHeight, width, minWidth, maxWidth, padding, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft, margin, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, and marginLeft. The idea of flexbox-react is to be a complete solution to build layouts. Since, well, flexbox is a complete solution to build layouts. It's all about the sugar. Feel free to create an issue or submit a PR if you think there's room for improvement here!

Semantic HTML tags

If you need to use a tag other than <div> for the layout, like <header> or <section>, you can pass an extra element prop to the <Flexbox /> component:

<Flexbox element="header" height="80px">

which will render to this:

<header style="display: flex; height: 80px;">


Take a look at Flexbox PropTypes. No mysteries. As said, you just need to know actual flexbox properties not any proprietary syntax for them. If you're not familiar with flexbox, this is a good starting point.

If TypeScript is your cup of tea, check the type definitions, we support them too.


MIT © Ignacio Álvarez

flexbox-react's People


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flexbox-react's Issues

key prop?

I'm curious if the key prop was left out for a reason? If you're nesting flexboxes and your parent element is a flexbox it seems like a key would be necessary.

Can't specificy flexShrink 0


Setting set flexShrink={0} doesn't set the css, I'm guessing it's evaluating to false.


  • Change to flexShrink="0" I think works as intended but gives a warning the propType is not a number.
  • Set style={{ flexShrink: 0 }} but then I think we'll have to add browser-specific tags manually


Using withProps from recompose though example code above in jsx.

Sometimes we need to set flexbox-shrink to 0

CSS shorthand properties not working

CSS shorthand properties like margin or flex are being overridden by their related properties, which are undefined as a result of the destructuring of props. Therefore, shorthand properties are not included in the final style property.

<Flexbox margin="10px">

incorrectly renders to:

<div style="display: flex;">

ref implementation is not working

Seems I found small issue. I can't use

<Flexbox ref={(instance) => { debugger; this.flexboxInstance= instance; }} />

When call this set null to flexboxInstance. And probably this component required to implement getPublicInstance() method properly.

Failed to build 2.0.0

ERROR in ./node_modules/flexbox-react/dist/Flexbox.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react' in '/Users/walkersmith/Repositories/workspace/node_modules/flexbox-react/dist'
 @ ./node_modules/flexbox-react/dist/Flexbox.js 13:13-29
 @ ./node_modules/flexbox-react/dist/index.js
 @ ./component-library/src/index.js

ERROR in ./node_modules/styled-components/dist/
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react' in '/Users/walkersmith/Repositories/workspace/node_modules/styled-components/dist'
 @ ./node_modules/styled-components/dist/ 3:0-56
 @ ./node_modules/flexbox-react/dist/Flexbox.js
 @ ./node_modules/flexbox-react/dist/index.js
 @ ./component-library/src/index.js

I get the following error when building with webpack. My webpack config contains

 loaders: [
                test: /\.jsx?/,
                loader: 'babel-loader',
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                query: {
                    presets: ['es2015', 'react']

I have react in my package.json under dependencies and see it in my node_modules directory.
Any ideas of what to look out for?

Support overflow

It would be useful to support overflow in order to create scrolling containers. I can send a PR if you'd like.

Non-flex children not supported for typescript

Currently, if I do something like:

    <Flexbox flexGrow={1} />
    <Flexbox flex="0 0 45%" />

The children Flexbox elements will have display: flex even though I want them to be flex children rather than containers. This isn't a problem for regular javascript, because the propTypes aren't actually enforced, so you could just do <Flexbox display="block" /> for the child element (though even that seems really cumbersome). However, for typescript, the types are actually enforced by the compiler, and display is restricted to flex and inline-flex, so you wouldn't be able to hack around it as I showed above without a compiler error.

An unideal solution would be to not use Flexbox for children, but rather just plain elements, and then to define the flex properties for them elsewhere. However, I'd really rather just be able to use the same API as the container.

4.3.0 will force children to be recreated - does not happen in 4.2.1

Today I updated to 4.3.0 and suddenly I noticed that children component inside the flexbox were being completely recreated (instead of updated) upon new renders.

When I went back to 4.2.1 the issue was fixed.

PS: not sure if it helps, but the root of the cause seems to be re-creations of styled.div children I think.

4.3.0 kills my app

I was successfully using 4.2.1 in a create-react-app based app. I just upgraded it to use 4.3.0, this brought in a number of upgraded dependencies.

We are using redux and every time a redux action gets sent it looks like the complete dom is reloaded, and in this case changed, by the addition of an ever increasing number of empty <style type="text/css"></style> blocks being loaded in my block, then the app becomes completely unresponsive and I have to kill it.

I'll keep digging.

TypeScript with render props

Thank you for good product.
I found TypeScript bug when use render props

This is OK

import * as React from "react"
// import Flexbox from "flexbox-react"

// mock
const Flexbox = ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>
class RenderPropsExample extends React.Component<{
  children: (props: any) => React.ReactNode
}> {
  render() {
    return this.props.children({ value: "hello" })

const App = () => {
  return (
      <RenderPropsExample>{(value) => <div>(value)</div>}</RenderPropsExample>

and when I import Flexbox

import * as React from "react"
import Flexbox from "flexbox-react"

class RenderPropsExample extends React.Component<{
  children: (props: any) => React.ReactNode
}> {
  render() {
    return this.props.children({ value: "hello" })

const App = () => {
  return (
      <RenderPropsExample>{(value) => <div>(value)</div>}</RenderPropsExample>

Got error.

JSX element type 'RenderPropsExample' is not a constructor function for JSX elements.
  Types of property 'render' are incompatible.
    Type '() => ReactNode' is not assignable to type '{ (): ReactNode; (): false | Element; }'.
      Type 'ReactNode' is not assignable to type 'false | Element'.
        Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'false | Element'.

Add justifyContent: 'space-evenly' to Flexbox.propTypes

Hi all, thanks for the great project!

nitpick: Suggesting to add 'space-evenly' as acceptable value for justifyContent prop:

 justifyContent: PropTypes.oneOf([


Thanks for the awesome library. I was trying to blend inline flexbox css declarations into my components and found your library to be a lot more intuitive and easy-to-read than other flexbox libraries out there that try to use Boostrappy namespaces (grid, rows, columns etc..).

I have one feature request. I am wondering if you can add media queries as potential prop inputs(by adding them into list of required PropTypes?) I am trying to make my flexbox layout respond to different screen size. I am experimenting with Radium where you can add custom media query declarations injected into inline style props.

I am thinking of potential use cases like this:
If the screen size is mobile, flex direction changes from column to row so layout does column-dropping.

const medaQueries = {
  "@media (max-Width: 960px)": {
    "flexDirection": "column"
    // other CSS
  // other break points//
<Flexbox style={mediaQueries} flexDirection="row" flexWrap="wrap" minHeight="100%" width="100%">
 // Flex items

Any other good solutions can you think of other than this? Let me know. Thanks

Exclude @types/react & @types/react-dom from dependencies

This is a very useful component and comes with Typescript definition included. But I think it'll be hard for users if you include @types/react & @types/react-dom as this package dependencies.

Mostly users will have those dependencies included already in their project and so will create duplicate Typescript definitions if their versions are different than what's required in this package, causing compile errors.

Same as with react, it'll be safer to include them as peerDependencies. That way, if a user install this package without already having them, they will see a warning. Or, don't include them at all so non-typescript user won't have to forcibly include them if they don't need it.

What do you think?

Support for semantic elements

Sometimes I'm forced to define layout properties using actual CSS because I'm using semantic markup, like <header> or <section>, and I feel that breaks with flexbox-react philosophy. I would like to have all the layout defined only by <Flexbox /> components but without loosing the semantics.

I suggest adding an optional element property to the <Flexbox /> API, which defaults to 'div'. Then, I would be able to do something like this:

<Flexbox element="header" height="80px">

which would render to:

<header style="display: flex; height: 80px;">

<Flexbox /> as immedidate children of <Flexbox />

It's not currently possible to pass properties like flex or alignSelf to a <Flexbox /> component that is an immediate child of another <Flexbox />. The <Flexbox /> component API should allow those props... As a result, <FlexItem /> is no longer necessary.

Nesting and other props


This is pretty cool, but I did not find a way to have a flexbox inside a flexitem take 100% of its height :

      <Flexbox flexDirection='column' height='100%'>
        <FlexItem flexGrow={ 1 }>
          <Flexbox flexDirection='column' minHeight='100%'>

There is no way to make the nested Flexbox fill its parent.

Another thought: I see we can pass a "className" prop, but it would be really nice to be able to pass any arbitrary props (like "style") :

A better way would be to split props between those regarding flex and other props and apply all other props to the div so that we can have control over them :

  render() {
    const { alignSelf, flex, flexBasis, ...props } = this.props // skipping most props here for brievety

    return (
      <div style={this.styles()} { ...props }>

@types/react/index.d.ts compile failure

When I compile a project depending on the latest version of flexbox-react (4.4.0), the compile fails with a lot of error messages like this:

h1: React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>;

node_modules/flexbox-react/node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts(3452,13): error TS2403: Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type.  Variable 'h1'
must be of type 'DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>', but here has type 'DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingEleme
nt>, HTMLHeadingElement>'.

I'm using Typescript 2.4.2.

The react I have in my own application is 16.0.2, although I don't think that should be relevant.

I'm still relatively new to Typescript and npm, so it may be not a problem with flexbox-react but something I do wrong.

Npm dist does not seem to reflect latest version

Hey @nachoaIvarez

Was having some issues with flexShrink={0} props not appearing, but it seems it should be handled by the isTruthyOrZero() helper method. Looked at the installed build and that function is not there.

This is the code in the compiled lib

props.flexShrink ? 'flex-shrink: ' + props.flexShrink + ';' : '';

Do you think you can publish a fresh build to npm?

display instead of inline

From the README:

You should not learn any proprietary syntax, classnames or API's for this. If you know how to use flexbox, you know how to use flexbox-react components.

So wouldn't you consider changing the API to receive the display prop instead of the inline prop? display would default to 'flex' and could also be set to 'inline-flex' if desired.

SSR and prefix breaks layout

Hey @nachoaIvarez

Thanks for building this lib, works great, most of the time. However, in my SSR app the server rendered output does not validate so the layout is broken for a split second before the client JS kicks in.


Using Chrome 56. As you can see, the browser complains about Invalid property value. Seems to be a problem with how the prefix is generated for the display property. For the display prop, the rules should probably be rendered as individual rows like so:

display: -webkit-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;

Wrapping an input will cause the input to loose focus after onChange

Here is an example of a component that will break the input's onChange:

class NewSlideButton extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      title: ''
    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

  handleChange({ target: { value } }) {
    this.setState({ title: value });

  handleClick() {

  render() {
    return (
          placeholder="Enter slide title"
        >Add slide</Flexbox>

Question: @media attribute of style tag, not rendering as expected

@nachoaIvarez So,I'm wishing to wrap a menu list once the screen pixel width reaches a predetermined size, and have applied the following logic, without success. No errors/warnings are being generated. What am I overlooking?:

<Flexbox element="nav"
style={{ '@media all and (maxWidth: 1000px)': {flexWrap: 'wrap'} }}>

<navigation menu />


Many thanks in advance.

P.S. Is this project on Gitter, which would be a more apt place to submit general queries?

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