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ferrisetw's Issues


This repository doesn't have a license file. I see that the Cargo.toml says "MIT or Apache 2.0".

Recommend adding files to more clearly indicate the license.

Enable doctests

Example code in doctests are not checked by the compiler.

We should enable them, e.g. by having cargo test --doc in the GitHub Actions config.

Note that this requires fixing them, because none of them is currently passing (mainly because they are missing use ...)

Support indirect property length (and maybe more, from a fork)

Hi, let me first thank you for making this crate, it allowed me to do what I needed to do. And it has mostly "just worked", which is always a pleasure!

But I hit some limitations as well, for example with the variable length "Address" properties of some events from the Microsoft.Windows.Winsock.AFD provider, because their length is stored indirectly in another property. And this is just a TODO in the code so far...

Luckily for me, I found there was a fork of ferrisetw (jxy-s) that already had this feature implemented, together with some extra serialization support and whatnot. So I just changed my Cargo.toml to reference that repo/branch instead of the published crate and carried on. Great.

But now I'd like to go further with my project and referencing dependencies from random Git repos is not really feasible, so I have a basic question for you, @n4r1b: How much time do you have for this project, would you be willing to work on adding/integrating this feature, release a new version at some point etc.?

Of course, usually it would be rather the author of the fork going back to the upstream with a PR. So a similar question to @jxy-s here, would you be interested in making some PRs to get your improvements merged upstream maybe?

And I know everybody's time is limited, so I could help with rebasing/cleaning/testing/publishing PRs too. I'd just like to discuss first before stepping on anybody's toes 🙂

Thank you

Style: replace Box<Arc<T>> with Arc<T>

That's what is suggested by Clippy

warning: usage of `Box<Arc<CallbackData>>`
   --> src\
173 |     callback_data: Box<Arc<CallbackData>>,
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::redundant_allocation)]` on by default
    = note: `Arc<CallbackData>` is already on the heap, `Box<Arc<CallbackData>>` makes an extra allocation
    = help: consider using just `Box<CallbackData>` or `Arc<CallbackData>`
    = help: for further information visit

In our case, we do not only want the CallbackData to be on the heap, but the ref counter as well. suggests the ref counters (both atomic::usizes) really live on the heap, so this change should be sensible.

That's to avoid an allocation, on a struct that's only created a handful of times, this currently properly works that way, and it's a private implementation detail of the crate (so it can be changed at anytime without any trouble for the users), so I'm leaving this for later.

Ideas for the next major release

Hello n4r1b,

Here are a few ideas that could improve the crate, but that would likely break the compatibility, so they would probably need bumping to a new major version.
(note: I have more or less planned to work on them, and I already have a few draft branches locally, I'll probably make MRs soon, but I'm currently focusing on non-breaking changes first)
Feel free to comment or discuss them, maybe there are better solutions to these issues I haven't thought about yet


  • Implement event filters (that's the // TODO: Add Filters option). As a kind of side-effect in my draft branch, this slightly modified a public API, and thus should be left for a major bump


  • Use a bitfield for TraceFlags instead of a u32
  • (to check) have a cleaner distinction between open, start and process. One of them is probably not required.
  • I'd personally rename some structs such as PropertyInfo or Schema. This issue comes from krabsetw names, but I feel they're unfortunate because they do not really convey their actual meaning (could be respectively PropertyWithBuffer and EventAndSchema for instance)
  • a consequence, since the Parser contains the Schema, which contains the EventRecord, the Parser owns the Event data, and that feels weird. If I read correctly, this even prevents an ideal caching of such structs.
  • I think we could improve the Builder pattern for the Provider (e.g. some methods should be mutually exclusive and called only once, such as by_guid and by_name)
  • Provider and Trace have setters for fields that are pub. We could probably have only one of them

Safety considerations

  • Be able to move a UserTrace (or KernelTrace). We cannot do this currently, as we feeding OpenTraceA with pointers to UserTrace::data that must not be moved during the lifetime of the trace.
    For the same reason, we could consider introducing lifetime bounds for EventTraceLogfile
  • EventRecord should be a read-only safe wrapper, instead of a simple newtype
    Because it does not make sense to modify e.g. record.ExtendedDataCount


Ideas from #25 most likely require an API change, and hence a major version bump as well

Enable non-threaded or blocking trace session

I really like the work you've done here, good job!

For my purposes, I usually want to start a trace, and run it until I quit the program. In the current implementation Ferris spawns a new anonymous thread to do the processing, which means I need to either do a 'sleep forever' or 'wait for user input' hack.

Would it be possible to either:

  • Run a trace in the same thread (e.g. 'blocking' mode); or
  • Expose the spawned thread in the Trace struct, so I could do a .join on it

Configure kernel traces with TraceSetInformation

I've hit a roadblock when using this library to gather stack walking information on sampled profiles. Even when wrangling the control handle from the trace with transmutes after calling start(), it's too late to set what I need, and it ends up not working.

I noticed there was this comment:
// TODO: For kernel traces, implement enable_provider function for providers that require call to TraceSetInformation with extended PERFINFO_GROUPMASK

If either a simple callback with the control handle, or a full solution for managing kernel trace information could be added, that would save a lot of headaches.

Schema::properties() isn't public

Schema::properties() is currently pub(crate), but is there any reason it shouldn't be just pub? It's very useful for being able to inspect the properties in a schema; I couldn't find any other way of getting this list.

Use the W versions of the Windows APIs

We're currently feeding String::as_ptr() to A versions of the Windows API.
This means we'll have unexpected results and/or UB when using non-ASCII traces names for instance.

Possible race conditions

Race 1

There is no specific synchronization mechanism in trace_callback_thunk().
Which means a thread could be closing the trace session and destroying the TraceData, just at the same time the last callback was triggered. And the event_record.user_context dereferenced in another thread, supposed to point to a TraceData could be dangling here

Race 2

If a thread closes the trace session and destroys the TraceData, the associated Provider, hence the associated callbacks, which are closures, are dropped. That's a problem in case a callback is still in progress (e.g. a callback is stuck in a blocking function call), because the closure may contain state (e.g. in a move || closure).


krabsetw may have the same issues. See the issue in krabsetw

Ideas to improve performance of Ferrisetw

Here are a few ideas I had when reading the code before profiling it.
Feel free to add any remarks and comment :)

How important and efficient are all these ideas?
TODO: use a profiler to benchmark the few places that look time-consuming.

When a callback is called (how is the Schema built?)

EVENT_RECORD is Copy. Depending on how the compiler optimizes it, it is possibly copied at every function call:

  • ctx.on_event(*event_record);
  • prov.on_event(record, locator);, once for each provider
  • callbacks.iter_mut().for_each(|cb| cb(record, locator)), once for each callback of each provider
    Even in cases where there is a single provider with a single callback, that may be quite a lot of copies (especially as EVENT_RECORD is quite large).


  • To be sure we avoid copies (regardless of how the compiler might happen to optimize it), we could change this to a &EVENT_RECORD.
    This would require Schema to not own it

That's for the event payload part.
Considering the ETW schema, it is properly cached in the SchemaLocator and is retrieved quickly.

When a Parser is created

One of the first steps in the callback is to call Parser::create(&schema). This

  • copies the user_buffer (i.e. the actual event payload). This might be avoided (only take a reference to it?)
  • calls PropertyIter::enum_properties() for every event record, although this only depends on the schema, not on the record itself!
    • that's costly (because enum_properties() builds a Vec<Property>)
    • (BTW that's not what Rust usally calls an "Iterator", as this does not implement Iterator. Change its name?)
    • Solutions:
      • either build it one per actual schema (not per RecordAndSchema) (not possible, see next comment)
        Here as well, splitting Schema from the EventRecord would be a good thing
      • do this lazily only when/if we require a property to be parsed (maybe too much work for little benefit, there should not be tons of different SchemaKeys for a given trace, having a little work done at the first item of every kind should be kinda OK)

When a Property is accessed

parser.try_parse(...) does many things. But most work is done in find_property()

  • Hopefully, it is cached in the Parser...which depends on the event record
  • Could it be cached (or most of its event-independant work) in the ETW schema instead?
    This would require reviewing the code, and split it into two parts: the record-dependant and record-independant code

Note: API changes

Currently, the callbacks are passed an EVENT_RECORD and a SchemaLocator.
As stated in a TODO in the code, this is not straighforward. We could/should:

  • (Pass an &EVENT_RECORD, see above)
  • Do not pass the SchemaLocator, but the Schema directly (bad idea, some callbacks do not need the Schema. Let's keep giving them the ability to retrieve it or not)
  • This Schema would probably not own the event record (nor a ref to it).
  • Note: passing an already built Parser instead of a Schema is probably not a good idea. The end user may want to avoid its creation on most events, and create it only for e.g. event IDs that interest him

Trait bound error caused by diff windows-rs dependence version

windows-rs version in ferrisetw's Cargo.toml is 0.39, but windows-rs version in my project is 0.42. This will cause the following error when compiling:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Parser<'_>: TryParse<GUID>` is not satisfied
  --> src/
23 |                     let guid: GUID = TryParse::<GUID>::try_parse(&mut parser, "Guid").unwrap();
   |                                      --------------------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `TryParse<GUID>` is not implemented for `Parser<'_>`
   |                                      |
   |                                      required by a bound introduced by this call
   = help: the following other types implement trait `TryParse<T>`:

My project can only be compiled by using windows-rs with the same version as ferrisetw.

Is there any good solution?

Support filter per PID for system traces

EventFilter::ByPids are only effective on kernel mode logger session.


The PIDs based filter-blob is only valid for a kernel mode logger session because the private logger session runs inside a user-mode process

But this does not work for KernelTraces in ferrisetw. This would be good to support it.


  • Maybe there's a distinction between "a trace run in kernel-mode" and a "System trace"? But is a ferrisetw::KernelTrace one of them in the first place?
  • Maybe that's post-win10 build 20348 anyway? (see
  • Maybe that's not possible at all, and this should be documented in ferrisetw

If this eventually works, this should be added in an integration test

Support enabling/disabling a provider on a running trace

In ferrisetw 0.1, UserTrace::enable should be used to add a Provider to a trace. But, IIRC, this has no effect on a trace that has started already (the provider is pushed to a list, but EnableTraceEx2 is not called on this new trace).

To fix this problem, the next_major_version branch reworks this enable function and forces to define all Providers before the trace is started.

But the Windows API allows enabling/disabling providers when the trace is running (using EnableTraceEx2, so this could be worth supporting this in ferrisetw

Support more TDH property types

Property::new() can return PropertyError::UnimplementedType, depending on the TDH property flags.

This would be good to support more types (e.g. PropertyFlags::PROPERTY_STRUCT, or PropertyFlags::PROPERTY_PARAM_LENGTH)

Unable to process different events from the same TraceLogging provider

I have a provider binary that emits n number of different events over the same provider GUID using TraceLogging. Here's an example:

static const SID sid = { SID_REVISION, 1, 5, { 18 } };

// 3B9CAB28-762A-4740-A82B-B6829CC90ADF
    (0x3b9cab28, 0x762a, 0x4740, 0xa8, 0x2b, 0xb6, 0x82, 0x9c, 0xc9, 0xa, 0xdf));

int main() {


    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {


void EmitEID1() {
        TraceLoggingUInt8(1, "EventId"),
        TraceLoggingUInt32(44, "Pid"),
        TraceLoggingUInt32(400, "ParentPid"),
        TraceLoggingWideString(L"test-provider.exe", "ParentProcessName"),
        TraceLoggingUInt32(600, "CreatorPid"),
        TraceLoggingWideString(L"test-provider.exe", "CreatorProcessName"),
        TraceLoggingWideString(L"test-provider.exe", "FileName"),
        TraceLoggingBoolean(TRUE, "ExactFileName"),
        TraceLoggingWideString(L"testing", "CommandLine"),
        TraceLoggingSid(&sid, "Sid"),
        TraceLoggingBoolean(FALSE, "SubsystemProcess")

void EmitEID2() {
        TraceLoggingUInt8(2, "EventId"),
        TraceLoggingUInt32(6000, "CreatorPid"),
        TraceLoggingWideString(L"test-provider.exe", "CreatorProcessName"),
        TraceLoggingUInt32(444, "TargetPid"),
        TraceLoggingWideString(L"test-provider.exe", "TargetProcessName"),
        TraceLoggingUInt32(6464, "TargetThreadId"),
        TraceLoggingSid(&sid, "Sid")

I've written a basic consumer application that parses the events into a struct.

use ferristetw::*;

fn main() {
    let test_provider = provider::Provider

    let test_trace = UserTrace::new()

    std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(60, 0));


fn test_callback(record: &EventRecord, schema_locator: &SchemaLocator) {
    match schema_locator.event_schema(record) {
        Err(err) => println!("Unable to get the ETW schema for event: {:?}", err),
        Ok(schema) => parse_event(&schema, record)

fn parse_event(schema: &schema::Schema, record: &EventRecord) {
    let parser = parser::Parser::create(record, schema);
    match parser.try_parse::<u8>("EventId").unwrap_or(0) {
        2 => {
            let event = ThreadCreatedEvent {
                id: 2,
                description: String::from("Thread created"),
                creator_pid: parser.try_parse::<u32>("CreatorPid").unwrap_or(0),
                creator_process_name: parser.try_parse::<String>("CreatorProcessName").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("")),
                target_pid: parser.try_parse::<u32>("TargetPid").unwrap_or(0),
                target_process_name: parser.try_parse::<String>("TargetProcessName").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("")),
                target_thread_id: parser.try_parse::<u32>("TargetThreadId").unwrap_or(0),
                sid: parser.try_parse::<String>("Sid").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from(""))
            println!("{:?}", event);
        _ => {}

In the example, I emit Event 1 once before emitting Event 2 five times. My problem is that all instances of Event 2 will fail to parse correctly (specifically with TdhNativeError(IoError(Os { code: 1168, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Element not found." })). If I remove the line containing EmitEID1() from the example, the events will parse properly. I'm not exactly sure why I'm unable to parse multiple events and any help would be much appreciated.

Memory usage improvements in EventTraceProperties

Currently, we have

EventTraceProperties {
    trace_name: [0; 1024],
    log_file_name: [0; 1024],

We could avoid using two arrays of 1024 bytes to store a string that's probably shorter than this. Maybe we could make EventTraceProperties generic on the name length, or really support dynamic allocation of the name

Panic on Kernel Trace close

Hi there,

I get a panic when I try to call .stop() on a Kernel Trace. Basic code:

let provider_io = Provider::kernel(&kernel_providers::FILE_IO_PROVIDER)

let mut trace = KernelTrace::new()

std::thread::sleep(Duration::new(3, 0));

Strack Trace:

thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', C:\Users\xxx\.cargo\registry\src\\ferrisetw-0.1.1\src\
stack backtrace:
   0:     0x7ff6de00a782 - std::backtrace_rs::backtrace::dbghelp::trace
                               at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library\std\src\..\..\backtrace\src\backtrace\
   1:     0x7ff6de00a782 - std::backtrace_rs::backtrace::trace_unsynchronized
                               at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library\std\src\..\..\backtrace\src\backtrace\
   2:     0x7ff6de00a782 - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print_fmt
                               at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library\std\src\sys_common\
   3:     0x7ff6de00a782 - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::impl$0::fmt
                               at /rustc/897e37553bba8b42751c67658967889d11ecd120/library\std\src\sys_common\

Windows version:

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
OS Version:                10.0.22621 N/A Build 22621

Invalid widestring pointer

hello, I have used the code of this commit(#42). An PropertyError("Invalid widestring pointer") error occurred when I used the following code:

TryParse::<String>::try_parse(&parser, "appname")

This problem will not occur if i switch to the previous commits.

De-duplicate code between user and kernel traces

In ferrisetw 0.x, there was a macro doing most of the work.

It has been removed in ferrisetw 1.0 because of the different UserTraceBuilder and KernelTraceBuilder.
I tried to de-duplicate them, using a TraceBuilder<T: TraceTrait>, but that is hard because I've ended up needing to make NativeEtw pub because they would otherwise be private types leaking to public interfaces. So I gave up.

But there should be a way, one just has to find the correct balance between traits, macros and dedicated impl ... for ....
Also, do we need to have separate types after all? There is only one Provider, we may be OK with a single Trace type

Do not ignore the very last events

Since (a PR to come, probably #63), we're ignoring the very last ETW events that were still in the buffers when we called CloseTrace

We may want to process them, and drop the memory structures when we're sure every event is processed.

/// TODO: it _might_ be possible to know whether we've processed the last buffered event, as
///       ControlTraceW(EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_QUERY) _might_ tell us if the buffers are empty or not.
///       In case the trace is in ERROR_CTX_CLOSE_PENDING state, we could call this after every
///       callback so that we know when to actually free memory used by the (now useless) callback.
///       Maybe also setting the BufferCallback in EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW may help us.

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